Perpetrator (2023)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.
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Perpetrator (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

Oh... hey... what are

you doing out here?

Deep breaths now, Evelyn.

And stay very still.

This is very bad, but it

can always get worse.

Girls like you

just don't know what you've got

till it's all gone.

What do you got?

A signed first edition

of Wuthering Heights.

I'm more of a Jane

Eyre person myself.

Do you want it or not?

Let me see.

No, I'm... I'm gonna

need more than this.

I'm trying to get

out of this place.

What else you got?


Oh. No, you got somethin'.

No. No, not this time.

Jesus, Kit! I said no!

- [grunts] Oh!

Go on, Cherry Pop...

just try to get outta here.

You're late.

I got rent.


Cleaning houses.

You want it? Or you want

to go live in the van again?



I like what you've

done with your face.

She's a great girl.

Isn't she?

The moment she was born,

I knew she was special...

I looked at her little face,

all slimy and

speckled with blood,

and I told her,

"You are so special."

You feel me?



Dad. Dad.

So how was your day?

I left work early

so I could get lunch

with your mom.

How was your day?

My chemistry teacher got fired

for that thing that

happened last spring

which I didn't tell you about.

What did you and

Mom talk about at lunch?

We talked about

how your birthday

is coming up, and what

we're gonna get you.

Your mom's got

a great gift idea.

You're going to love it.

Can I get a hint?

Nope. Don't go

trying to find it.

You know how she

likes to hide things.

You know how she hides.

Who the f*ck are you talking to?


Get the f*ck out of here!

I counted that money.

It's all there!

There was extra,

so I thought I

might order a pizza.


[on TV] Is that my

dress you are wearing?

No. This is my dress.

Can I try it on?

Let me try on that dress!

Thanks for the ride, Mister...

[on TV] Who's

that girl back there?

Her name is Lejend with a J.

[on TV] You like her?

She dates someone older.

An out-of-towner.

[on TV] She's pretty.

She's all right.

You're pretty too.

Very pretty.

You know, I probably won't

see you again after tonight.

All of it.

I don't know what

to do with her.

Please, Hildie. Help me.

She'll be 18 next week.

You know what that means.

I can't. I... I can't

do this right now.

I'm not myself.

Does she know anything at all?

She's been asking about

her mother again lately.

What did you tell her

about her mother?

Girls go missing all the time.

Gone and never ever

found... especially new moms...

I ju... I just need some

time to sort myself out.

Put her on the train.

I'll meet her at the station.

You pull yourself together.

You're early. Or maybe I'm late.

Either way, I wanted to

meet you at the station.

You should not be walking

around here alone, Jonquil.

My friends call me Johnny.

We are not friends.

You look so much

like your mother.

I wouldn't know.

What did Gene tell you

about this arrangement?

Just that I had to come

here and stay with you

while he pulls himself

together or whatever.

He's such a fuckup.

You don't think

he's trying his best?

He's not trying.

He's not trying at all.

What about you?

I try.

I try really hard.

You'll be 18 soon.

Next week. I had plans.

What kind of plans?

I don't know. It was

going to be a surprise.

I have a surprise for you too.

And a cake.

I hate cake.

Well, you haven't had my cake.

Are you okay?

Yeah, yeah. I just...

I just bit my tongue.

Any allergies?


Any medications?


Any family history

of debilitating

or life-threatening

bodily ailments?

I think there might be something

very wrong with Gene.

Who is Gene?

My dad.

He's just never seemed

all that comfortable.

Comfort is overrated.

Where's your mother?

Not in the picture.

You wear glasses...


You need glasses.

No, I don't.

Read that.

Line 11, please.


How old are you?


You have the eyes of

someone much older.

You'll need a note

from a cardiologist

if you want to play sports.

- Why?

- Your heart condition.

I don't have a heart condition.

Murmurs aren't very serious,

but I've never

heard one like yours.

It's like you have two hearts,

at least, if not three.

When was the first day

of your last menstruation?

Um... yesterday.

Are you sexually active?

What do you mean

by that, exactly?

Are you currently

or consistently

engaged in

behavior that includes

any part of your body

coming into intimate contact

with another person's body?

Skin on skin?

- Yes.

- Tongues?

- Yes.

- Fingers?

- Yes.

- Head?

Yes! Yes. All of that.

Everything private.

Are you doing any of that?

What if I am?

You would be

assigned a counselor.

Okay, then no.

Can you prove it?

For sure.

One last question.

Are you popular?

On a scale of "no one would

miss you if you disappeared"

to "everyone would do anything

just to be you even

for just one day."

No one would ever want to be me.


Gold star.

You must give what you get.

Mirror your partner exactly.

If they stop breathing,

you stop breathing.

I'm trying to talk to the one

with the long blonde hair.


But all the other

ones are available.


What's for lunch?

It's, uh... dead rabbit.

You gonna keep it?

How can I?

You need a coat hanger?

You got one?

I saw you this morning.

Second period AP Trig.

You're new.

That teacher got my name wrong.

Yeah, well, he does

that with all the girls.

You didn't have to wait for me.

Yes, I did. Why were you late?

I was with the school nurse.

She got kind of personal.

How did you do?

Gold star.

- Really?

- Yep.

Does cunnilingus still count?

- Yep.

- What a shame.

This f*cking

uniform doesn't fit.

I felt so stupid

at school today.

I stayed in the

bathroom most of the day.

I know. How did you

tolerate the smell?

I got used to it.

I got blood on the rug.

It's okay.

It's nothing.

It's tough to get

out but I can do it.

This is exactly where

you should be, you know.

Is it familiar?


Not at all?

Why should it be?

You've been here before.

I'll be right back.

Girls, girls, girls...

I could have a

daughter your age.

A young and vulnerable pet,

just like any one of you.

I wish I could protect you.

Hold you away from harm.

Such a cruel world.

You girls are so vibrant

and full of potential,

with not one real

care or concern.

You're not prepared for

what might happen next.

Danger lurks

around every corner.

Your survival depends

on you and only you.


Assume that you

are not ever safe.

Now for you

girls, in particular,

today will begin a

series of training sessions

which will include

basic self-defense

and other general

survival skills.

Now... Let's play prisoner, huh?

Code m*ssacre.

Level Bloodbath.

I repeat, Code m*ssacre.

Level Bloodbath.

Proceed as though this

is an actual emergency.


Evade! Engage!

You are being tested.

You are being timed.

You're going to

get us all k*lled!

You are not safe. Some

of you will not survive.

Stay calm and do not think about

friends or family

in other rooms;

they may already be dead.

Escape! Evade! Engage!

Most of you are

going to die today!

Whooh! You're dead.

All four of you are dead.

That's four dead in

Mrs. Danver's classroom!

Hi, Principal Burke.

Girls, girls, girls.

I have to put all four of

your names in my report.

This is the second

time you three

have been k*lled this semester.

Have you ever been shot

here at school before today?


Well, this news is going to be

very disappointing

for your parents.

Escape! Evade! Engage!


The last time I got gunned down,

my mom grounded me for a week.

Me too.

My parents are

gonna slaughter me

for getting k*lled again.

f*ck! This is all your fault.

I can fix it.

You can fix it?

I find that guy's

report, I take the report,

I change the report,

I return the report.

Why would you help us?

This is strictly business.

Be back here tomorrow with cash,

or else you're dead...


Stay out of my stuff.

This is not your stuff.

You want me to give it back?

I want you to eat it.

Eat what?

Pick something and eat it.


What you did was

stupid and selfish.

Trust me, a girl like you

cannot afford to be

stupid and selfish.

No one is going

to miss any of this!

Would you prefer that I

pick something for you?

Stay out of my stuff.

Not a chance.

Do I look normal to you?

Absolutely not.

I mean, do I look the

same as I did yesterday?

I feel weird...


I mean, yesterday,

you were the victim

of a fake mass m*rder...

but otherwise, you

look the same to me.


That's new.

Hm. My great-aunt gave it to me.

I live with her now.

What did you tell her

about your clothes

from yesterday?

She didn't notice.

Yeah. Mine didn't notice either.

Me neither.

f*ck me! My mom

noticed right away.

She was furious at first.

So I had to lie to her

and told her I

fought off an attacker.

She's obsessed with

those missing girls.

She stayed in my bed

with me last night, sobbing.

That's f*cking disgusting.

Jesus! Girls go

missing all the time.

I mean, what's the big deal?

They're gonna ruin everything.

They're gonna ruin everything?!

If I start to cry now,

I might not stop.

I can't eat...

which normally would

be awesome, of course.

I imagine them lost, then found.

Living, then dead. Evelyn...

Darby, April P.

You're right.

Girls go missing all the time.

I'm sure they're fine.

And what about us?

Are we okay?

Did you fix that

thing from yesterday

like you said you would?

Did you bring the cash?

Is that my lipstick

you're wearing?

Hatchet Wound.

p*ssy Galore.

Happy birthday.

Aren't you gonna sing?

I only know one song by heart,

but I don't like

to sing it alone.

You can make a wish,

but you should know

I already made one for you.

It's a tradition.

That seems cruel.

You have no idea.


No. Thanks.

"You can make a wish,

but you should know

that I have already

made one for you."

What the f*ck?

You owe me a new toilet.

What was in that cake?

It's an old family recipe.

Tell me what happened.

I was in the

bathroom, of course.

I got dizzy.

Then I heard this

girl crying out for me

from like, miles away.

She was pulling

me closer and closer.

Help me.

I couldn't get to her though.

I couldn't help her.

We have to find that girl.

Maybe we should call somebody.

Don't call anyone, ever.

You're not going

to die from this.

What is this?

I call it Forevering.

It's profound spectral empathy.

You are one in a long line.

We are proxies,

surrogates, mimics,

mirrors. We turn, we fake,

we follow, we bend,

we shift, we shape,

we tune way in.

Am I contagious?

No. It's the other way around.

A kind of...

possession in reverse.

We are women

feeling all the feelings.

Why us?

It's not just us.

There are others.

Some we know.

Others we don't know.

And we can pass it along,

but that must be

done very judiciously.

It's a very powerful gift

handed down to the

women in this family

on their 18th birthday.

It would have happened

to you without the cake.

That's just fuel for the fury.

What can you do?

I'm quite something...

ferocious, repulsive,


I've been buried alive twice.

What about my mom?

What was she like?

Mm... a fiend's fiend.



Is this going to keep

happening to me?

Forever and ever.

"The neural basis

may be a cell that reacts

"both when a particular action

"is performed and

when it is observed.

"As for understanding

the functional significance

"of mirror neurons,

that journey has

only just begun."

Oh, hey.

What are you doing out here?

There you are.

You f*cking bitch!

You lied to us about

fixing that report.

We're all still dead. We

want our money back.

I had to give Hildie your money

to replace her toilet.

But I... I can pay you back.

In cash?

Not exactly. What

else do you want?

I can get you

anything else you want.

Booze, shoes, jewelry,

makeup, whatever.

What's that smell?

I don't know.

It's Evelyn. She

smells just like Evelyn.

Code Pink. Pale Pink.

All senior girls report

to the gym immediately.

What's new with you?

Mm. I didn't have any

lunch money today,

so I sold my underwear

to the student teacher

for Civic Engagement.

The blood-stained ones.

I charged double.

That's not what I meant.

It's weird.

It's only been a couple of days

and I've watched my

face turn into another face.

My voice was her voice too.

And I could feel her

blood leaving her body.

And she's alive.

I just don't know where she is.

I don't feel like

you're in any pain.

I'm not in pain, but I'm

not all that interested

in feeling all the feelings.

I don't mind being me.

You're still you.

All the feelings are

not your feelings.

Not yet.

I've inherited

turbo-charged empathy.

I'm like super sensitive now.

So it's kind of uncomfortable.

It's been different

for each of us.

Emotional basket-case is

a tremendous asset though,

and when harnessed can

be quite an efficient w*apon.

Show me how to use it.

You're going to have to

figure this out on your own.

You'll learn it.

You'll learn to work it.

You may or may

not learn to like it.

It's evolved and mutated

so you can surely do tricks

that no one else can do.

There are some

limitations, of course.

Like I said, that's for you

to figure out for yourself.

For me, it requires

reasonable proximity

and a clear path.

If you can see

me, I can feel you.

Does my dad know

anything about this?

I don't know exactly

what your dad knows.

Have you talked to him?

I call. He doesn't answer.

I'd fear me...

I'd f*ck me...

She's nothing like you.

I didn't expect that.

Have you talked to her?

I call. She doesn't answer.

What do I do?

Get real. You get really real.

She's here with me and

we're going through it.

You've got to pull

yourself together.

That was the deal.

Let's try it again,

from the top.

I wasn't paying attention.

Okay, do it again.

- So, it's up.


- Cross.

- Cross.

Hit and out.

You're late.

Where the f*ck is Aviva?

Kirk was supposed

to drop her off.

Who the f*ck is Kirk?

He's so cute.

He plays football and

basketball and baseball.

And he's a good kisser.

He uses his tongue. I heard.

Okay. Well, we're gonna

have to do this without Aviva.

The family just left. Are

you sure about the alarm?

Yeah. My dad's not

scheduled to fix it

till like next weekend.

Okay, I'm gonna go in.

You two stay out here.

If anything happens,

you know what to do.

- Mm-hm.

- Okay.

And I have the list

of shit that you want.

After tonight, we're even?



- Okay. Come on.

- Okay, let's go.


Right here...



What are you two doing out here?

There's a new curfew.

Earlier today, we found

one of the girls... dead.

We think it's Evelyn Tufts,

but her eyes and

teeth are missing

along with her scalp.

It wasn't my idea.

Wasn't my idea either.

Why don't you two

girls get in the car?

Come on, get in the car.

We've got spirit, yes, we do.

We've got spirit, how about you?

I've got spirit,

yes, I do.

- [mocks] I do.

I've got spirit...

how about you?!


The back door's still open.

You okay?

What do you mean by okay?

You see what happened out here?

What happened out there?

I apprehended a prowler.

A girl. A dangerous

one. She got away.

There's a dangerous

girl out there somewhere?

Stay inside tonight.

Hey, I'm Elektra.

I already know your

name. I asked around.

I thought you

might need a doctor,

but seems like you've

already stopped bleeding.

That's somethin'.

Would it be okay if

I stayed with you?


What'd your parents say?

I told my aunt that I

was having a sleepover

with a new friend.

Will your parents

care that I'm here?

If my mom even notices you,

she'll just ask where you live,

what your parents do.

Anyway, they'll

be out for a while.


They went to a party

for the Mensahs.

They just bought a new

house. It has an indoor pool.

Mrs. Mensah just got

this thing done to her face

that my mom really wants,

so she and my dad

went to get a closer look.

They aren't really

friends, though.

These grownups

just get shit-faced

and complain about their kids.

Who would complain about you?

Well, my mom will say

that I'm spoiled and bitchy.

My dad won't correct her.

You still need that coat hanger?


Are you gonna freak out again?

Oh, I am definitely

going to freak out again.

What is this?

What does it look like?

A mouthful of strawberry

bubblegum and Red Hots,

chewed down, spit

out, and drying up?

It's my miscarriage.

I was gonna bury it in

the backyard last night.

Take this from me,

that is not something

you should do alone.

Well, he doesn't

know anything about it.

Your boyfriend?

He's not my boyfriend.

He's just some guy that I tutor

in math and chemistry.

He's cute... for a boy.

He plays football and

basketball and baseball.

He's a good kisser.

Kirk with the tongue?

Do you know him?


Do you want to talk about it?

We usually meet at the library.

But this time, we

met at his house.

His parents were gone,

and so, we drank a couple beers.

I dunno, I think I just

wanted to get it over with,

you know, see what

all the fuss was about.

Like if d*ck only

happens for me once,

it might as well be with him.


It was not totally terrible,

but d*ck is not for me.

Afterwards, Kirk just

kind of passed out,

so I decided to walk home.

And as soon as I left his house,

a man started following me.

I couldn't really make

out the details of his face,

but he may have

been wearing a mask,

like a mask that

looks like a face.

And I could see at

the end of the street,

there was a cop car, so I

started walking toward it,

like faster and faster,

even though f*ck cops,

but the man started

walking faster too.

When I finally

reached the cop car,

my whole body

just heaves forward.

The cop looks up, we

lock eyes and then...

it happened.

The man grabbed you

and knocked you out

and shoved you into the cop car?

I barfed.

It was an expl*si*n of barf.

That cop was the

same cop from last night.

Did he recognize you?

There was something

in the way he asked,

"Are you okay?"

Aviva was supposed

to show last night

but the other girls said

that she was with Kirk.

Kirk hooked up with

Darby and April P.

Before they disappeared, too.

Hey, did you hear

that they found Evelyn?

He was with her too.

She was really

hacked up, I guess.

Even her eyes were gone.

Like... everyone

wanted her eyes.

You and me, we

should talk to Kirk,

find out what he knows.

Evelyn, Darby, April

P. and now Aviva.


Where is she, pretty boy?

Where are all those girls?

I don't know!

Help me! Help me!

No. Ow.

Ow. Ow. Ow.

If you... I'm sorry.

I think... I think

if we... ow! Ow!

It's not... I think

I don't like that.


I told you already

to shut the f*ck up.

You're gonna ruin your face

and you are nothing

without that face.

I didn't speak for six weeks

after my last

procedure. This, hm?

No scarring.

Now, I need more of everything,

so put an order in,

and file it under

health and wellness.

What do you do

with all that stuff?

No more talking.

Remember, girls...

if you run, be

prepared to run forever.

And if you get knocked

down, stay down,

keep quiet, and don't cry.

Noise and movement can provoke

and incense the attacker.

What is bad can

always get worse.

Do you think this will help?

It can't hurt.

Watch what they do

with their mouths...

the biting and screaming

might be an issue.

All right now.

Concentrate on the fear

and pain you live with

every moment.

Let it... paralyze you.

The paralysis...

Who are you?

No one you know.

Are you so sure?

Okay, girls. Go, run... go, go.

Run for your lives. Run!

Okay, we've got like five hours

until my mom realizes

her car is missing.

She just passed out,

so that'll be two hours,

then she'll be groggy

for another hour.

And then she'll, I don't

know, take a shower,


leftovers or jack off.

Or all of those.

Oh, there he is. There he is.

I do not want to go in there.

Me neither.

It's too late

To change the consequence

You wouldn't understand

What I see in you


A light asylum

You wouldn't understand

What I see in you...

I'm a liar to myself

We wanted to run

Amok, all over

It's not fate

To lose what's obvious

How are we supposed

to find him out there?

They're all the same person.

Well, he's different. He's

not a total douchebag.

He's just kind of a dickhead.

I know those missing girls...

I was with them all

right before they disappeared.

But I don't know what

has happened to them...

and I don't know

where they are...

and I'm freaking out!

Oh, my god. Pull

your shit together.

If you didn't do anything,

you didn't do anything.

But someone's paying

attention to your playlist.

So what do I do?

You need to put

me on that playlist.

We are going to fake

like we are into this.

And if we do it

right, afterward,

I will be savagely

att*cked and abducted.

I really don't want to do this.

Trust me.

I don't know you like that.


Trust... me.

How do you do that?

Are you... What... what are you?

I am nobody like everyone else

except I know exactly how

you are feeling right now.

We have to keep it cool.

So... this is your secret spot?

One of them.

Well, where do you go?

I don't have dates.

Ugh. Because you're terrifying?

Dates are too much work.

I'd rather just get

to the good stuff.

Skip all the walking and talking

and whatever else

people do on dates.

I don't mind the talking

and walking, actually.

Why do you date so many girls?

Girls are just... so

f*cking awesome.


So you got any moves?

Let me see.

You want to see my moves?


Give me your hand.

I'm going to write

something on your palm,

and you have to try

to guess what it is.

Close your eyes.

I heard you're a good kisser.

You know what to

do with your tongue.

I am.

I do.

Prove it.

Are you trouble?

No. No trouble at all.

Then why are the cops here?


Hi, Dad.

Jesus, Kirk.

I've been driving around

for an hour looking for you,

and I called.

It went straight to voicemail.

This isn't your usual spot.

Who's your friend?

We go to school

together. She's new.

You look sort of

familiar to me, New Girl.

Let me give you a ride home.

- I can take her home.

- Nope.

You need to go pick

up your stepmom.

Clinic called. Her

eyes are swollen shut.

Said she's gonna

look like a teenager

but she can't drive.

Why can't you get her?

She's not talking

to me right now.

Come on. I'll take you home.

I'll call you later

for a do-over?

Sit up front.

The back seat smells like barf.

What happened to your face?

You should see the other guy.


Isn't that what people say

when the other guy won?

Well, this was some

kind of other guy...

and she didn't win.


More like an it.

What the f*ck just happened?

We gotta try again tomorrow.

Well, you just let her go?

I know that cop. We

should follow them.

She's fine. That's my dad.

He's gonna take her home.

Thanks for the ride.

I'll wait till you get inside.


You get a gold star.

You still owe me

from the last one.

Marcy doesn't like her neck

and she found a clinic that

will fix it as an outpatient.

But they only take cash.

Deep breaths...

and stay very still.

This is very bad, but it...

It can always get worse.

The first time is excruciating,

but I advise you not to cry.

There is nothing less

desirable in this ugly world

than a young girl in tears.


What the f*ck is this?

What the f*ck are

you gonna do to me?

No more talking!

I don't have any

money. I'm just some girl.

Shut the f*ck up!


f*ck you!

You act like you like it.

You act like you like me.

Now, try to relax...

I am about to take

advantage of you.

Get in here. Get in here.

Get in here.

Be quiet. Please.

You're safer under here.

He's watching and listening.


And Darby.

April P.

You're all here.

Except Evelyn.

They took her out

a few days ago.

She hasn't come back.

Evelyn is dead.

I heard she was

scalped and skinned.

He took everything

he could from her.

He's gonna do that to us too.

This is a chop shop.

We're being stripped for parts.

When he calls you

out of here, you just go.

When you're out there with him,

no matter what,

don't f*cking cry.

What happens if you cry?

He'll take your tongue.

I'd fear me...

I'd f*ck me...

How long has this

been going on for?

Too long.

April P. and Darby

need a doctor.

I think their

wounds are infected.

My f*cking god.

You two look terrible.

We have to get out of here.

How? There's only one

way in and one way out.

We're already as

good as gone forever.

I miss my mom.

I'd f*ck me...

Do you have one of these?

I have two, both at

the base of my spine.

What happens if...

If you pull it out?

Evelyn pulled hers out.

It was like a fountain of blood.

I'm not sure if she

knew that would happen

or if she was trying to die.

We are all going

to survive this.

But you have to help

me get this thing out.

How the f*ck is

that going to help?

Fountain of blood.

On three, yank this out.

Stay under here until I say,

"Code m*ssacre,

Level Bloodbath."


One, two, three.


Code m*ssacre...

Level Bloodbath!

Come on.

- Which way?

I don't know. I don't know.

Just f*cking go. Go!

Oh, my god. That's my dad.

That's my dad's van.

Get in the van. Get in the van.

That's my dad's van.

Who the f*ck are you?!

Girls, come on. Get in!

- Oh, my god.

- Come on. Come on. Come on.

Get in the van. Get in!

Is this all of you?

- Yes.


Oh, girls. What must

you have been through?

Oh. Oh, you smell so bad.

How did you find us?

I didn't. She did.

I have a very keen

sense of smell.

Who is she?

Your mother.

I owe you an explanation.

What happened back there?

Code m*ssacre...

Level Bloodbath.

I pulled this out of his chest.

I was aiming for his heart.

This used to be my room.

There is a big bloodstain

on the mattress.


Your birth was complicated.

I had a C-section.

My incision came

open on day five.

I came in here to

change my underwear

and stood up and came

apart like a bean burrito.

I bled all over everything.

Why are you wearing my clothes?

My other clothes don't fit.

I haven't been

myself for a long while.

What do I call you?

Jean. Same as

before, but with a J.

Or you can call me Mom.

We don't know

each other like that.

You were hit by a car

when you were five.

You were... you were

going after an ice cream truck

for a push-up.

You were in a

body cast for months

and you missed

the part of first grade

where you learn

to tell the time.

Seventh grade, you

asked all the teachers

to call you Jennifer.

And you had two best

friends named Lana.

Onions irritate your stomach,

and peaches make

your tongue feel fat.

You like the smell of gasoline

and the way I sing,

but you never let me sing.

I've been right with

you your whole life.

I just looked like someone else.

How? Why?

Who were you?

Combination of a few guys I knew

around the time you were born.

When I turned 18, I

practiced constantly.

Not just tuning in other people

but actually becoming them...

passing entirely

as someone else.

You were hiding from

me for all of these years.

I'm sorry.

I just meant to hide

from your father.

Our relationship was...

was a cruel experiment to him.

I didn't think he could dislike

someone more than me

until you were born.

So then we vanished.

But I knew he'd come after us.

So I did what I could.

He was looking for

a single Black mom,

not a single white dad.

I didn't expect

to like it so much.

No lingering looks,

no come-ons, no...

no unwanted touching.

No unwanted anything.

But then I saw you

becoming a teenager.

And I watched it all

happening to you.

And I didn't just watch,

I-I-I could feel everything.

Over the past few years,

the only time I haven't

been in terrible pain

is when I've been knocked out.

And I was afraid

you'd go looking for me.

I was wrong to hide.

And I certainly haven't healed.

I wish I could say I

did the best I could.

It wasn't that awful.

You weren't that much worse

than the other dads I know.

And how's Hildie been?

A fiend's fiend.

You're gonna be okay.

You're all going to be okay.

Growing bodies are

highly regenerative,

especially yours.

The only thing adults really

appreciate about young people

is their ability to bounce back.

We still don't know who

he is, where he lives.

Once we got out, we

just started running

and didn't look back.

Thanks for coming to get me.

It's not easy for

me to be back here.

I have a feeling your

dad is here somewhere.

He's a monster.

So am I.

You're special. You're

so f*cking special.

Do you feel me?

I feel you.

Settle down.

Settle down!


As you know, we

are here this afternoon

to honor these

brave young women,

who recently survived

an unspeakable ordeal.

They were tortured

and brutalized,

and narrowly escaped.

We can only hope that with time,

they will be able to

put this all behind them,

pretend the whole

thing never happened,

and go on to live

long and decent lives.

My stepson, who

most of you know,

has asked if he

can read a letter

he wrote to you girls.


Thanks, Marcy.

"Dear Darby,

"April P.,


"and Jonny...

"we are all so glad

that you are back.

"None of us can imagine

how scared you must have been...

you must have been

so f*cking scared."

I'm going to find

whoever did this to you!

Who would k*ll Evelyn?

Poor Evelyn.

I should also mention here

that now my dad is missing.

Any information on

his disappearance

would be appreciated.

I thought it couldn't

get worse, but it did.



f*ck me.


f*ck me.

f*ck me! Ow. f*ck!

f*ck me!

f*ck me.

Oh, shit! Did I miss it?

f*ck me. f*ck me.

f*ck me. f*ck me.

f*ck me.

Oh, my god.

I knew you'd come back to me.

f*ck me.

f*ck me.

You missed it. He was there...

but he got away.

I know him.

I know him too.

You know him?

New face, new name...

same old spells.

I left him alive.

What the f*ck are

we gonna do now?!

I don't f*cking know,

and don't raise

your voice at me.

What a f*cking disaster.

I am truly sorry.

I know how sorry you are.

I can feel your heart racing.

That's not me.

Oh, baby. Come to Daddy.


What do we do with this?

[yelling] Surprise!

Who wants cake?

I made it myself.

All right, but you

have to be okay

with the pain and the blood.

Every single

moment You're away

I just wanna cry

Every single

moment I will pray

You don't say goodbye

For I would die

Every beat of my

heart Is just for you

And I will love you

Till my life is through

What more can I say?

What more can I say?

What more can I do?

I love you

What more can I say?

What more can I do?

I love you

Every beat of my

heart Is just for you

Every beat of my

heart Is just for you

I love you

Every beat of my

heart Is just for you

Every beat of my

heart Is just for you

I love you
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