Easy Way, The (2008)

Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.

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Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.
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Easy Way, The (2008)

Post by bunniefuu »

-Good morning, sir.
-Good morning.

Officer, please bring in the accused.

Good morning, sir.

You can uncuff him.

Good morning, sir.

Sit down, Mr. Spaggiari.

This is our last meeting.

Sorry, just before we...

On the diagram...

Sit down, please!

Return to your seat!

Just a second...

No, please return to your seat!

Albert, no!

Nobody move!

Spaggiari's escaped!

He has escaped! Call the police!

He's getting away!

On a motorbike!





Hurry up Bastien,
we're going to be late.

-You chose that sweater in the end?
-Yeah, why?

No reason.

When are you back?

I told you,
I land tomorrow at noon.

Bastien, don't jump on the bed!

It won't close.

And you just let him.

Quick, we're going to be late.

It's too small here.

Can you imagine, four of us?

Come here.

What did I tell you?

If everything goes to plan,
and it will,

you've no idea
how our lives will change. OK?

Daddy, we'll be late.

Let's go, son.

Don't forget his birthday.

I'll be home by 1:30p.m. tomorrow.

-You'll be home tomorrow?
-Yes, don't worries.

It's my birthday, remember.

Your birthday! I completely forgot.

Go on!

See you tomorrow!

One, two, three... test.
One, two, three... test.


What are you?
Foreign correspondent?

No, celebrities.

I love Daniel Guichard.

And it's not even his best.

You gotta listen to the album.

I don't know his stuff.

Waiting for someone?

Alain Delon.

That's not what we agreed.

You want to meet him?

Of course.
But not like this.

Anyway, I haven't got a visa.

That could get me 15 years
in an army jail.

They're not big on human rights.

Are you a communist?

No sweat. They're on our side.

We're what you could call
one big family.

Señor Collet?

Señor Collet?

Looking for someone?

Alain Delon.

I'm Mireille Darc.

Vincent Goumard, Paris Match.

You don't do your photo justice.

20 hours in a plane.

Let's go.


Are you his wife?

I can't answer your questions.

Mireille Darc?
You must be Julia.

Spaggiari's Julia.

Good, you've done your research.

3,000. As we agreed.

We can move onto letters then.


Nothing. I'm wiped out.

Have you been with him long?

That's not your business.

Sorry to keep asking questions,
it's my job.

And it's my life.

The interviews, TV shows, all Albert.

You prefer to stay in the shadows.

It's better that way.

It's hot here.
Hotter than in Brussels.

-Mind if I open the window.
-I don't mind.

But the door minds.

-Are there often roadblocks?
-Since the coup, yes.

Which coup?

The last one.
There's a coup every two weeks here.

That probably makes it easier
for you.

It costs a fortune.
New palms to be greased.

Don't look so tense.


Your ID and vehicle documents please.


-Yes, a French friend.

He's here for the Carnival.

Go ahead.

Thank you.

I'll be 2 minutes. Look after it.

Give him your passport.

In half an hour, in the lobby.


Profession: journalist.


I'll try to hold out till then.

Alain Delon?

Do I look like Alain Delon?

No, sorry.

Don't mention it.

Can I buy you a drink?

I'm all alone and want some fun.

I'm fine, thanks.

Relax. It's Carnival.

You must be blind.

-Albert Spaggiari?

Pleased to meet you.

I thought you'd backed out.

What's that?

It's from your friend
at the airport.



-Is he well?
-He certainly seemed to be.

What can it be?

-The sweet smell of France!
-I guess.



I haven't had breakfast.

Two kir champagnes.

French champagne.
Not the local shit.

Si, señor

What's your name again?

Vincent Goumard, Paris Match.

Paris Match!

I know Hammessier and Lassin well.

Has Lassin quit smoking?

I don't really work for Paris Match.

You don't work for Match?

Sure... As a freelancer.
I'm what you call a freelancer.

Who are you?
What have you done?

I'll show you some of my work.
I've done lots of stuff.

That's an article I did for Actuel.

Actuel? Are you a pinko?

Not at all,
but I can't turn down work.

Like I said, you're a pinko.

An interview I did
with the PM's wife,

who's a wonderful woman.


And that's my biggest scoop.

3 years ago.
The first article I sold to Match.

Public enemy number one.

Who are they kidding?

He's a thug, a beast.

Nothing like Spaggiari.

No, nothing like you.
Anyway, he's dead.

And I'm in great form.
Let's begin.

You are on the run
in a Latin American country

that shall remain nameless,

after your escape 5 years ago.

My question is quite simple.

Albert Spaggiari, how are you?

As you can see, I'm fine.

I live in the sun, in luxury hotels.
Champagne flows like water.

From exile in paradise, fraternal
and friendly greetings

to your readers.

There have been rumors

that you weren't the real brains
behind the Nice heist.

What do you say to that?

I understand why.

I can hardly believe it myself.

You know who I am?
I'm just a photographer.

I had my store in Nice.
I did all the weddings,

communions, baptisms,
retirement homes...

So how did a smalltime photographer,
sorry for the term,

suddenly become the brains
behind the heist of the century?

I had an idea.

Not just any idea.
The idea!

With a capital I, D, E and A.

A perfectly capital idea!

You have to understand.

I had to get out of that tiny store.

The accounts, the taxes,

customer complaints...
It wasn't for me!

No, I wanted to be someone.

A hold-up? Barely three lines
in the local paper.

I needed something with class.

I wanted to be a hit.

In terms of security,
is it solid?

Never a problem, sir, in 50 years.

There's my life's savings in here.

The person who gets in here
without me

hasn't been born yet.

I'll be going.
Call me when you're done.

If there was an alarm,
I'd soon find out.

I knew then
I had a surefire hit.

I had it all in my mind.
Music and lyrics.

But it's hard
to produce your own debut.

You could go unnoticed.

You need the right backers,

the right record label.


I went to the best,
the Phil Specter of the Riviera.

-And that is?

I forget his name.

They tell me

you've got an idea.

A great idea.

The Société Générale bank vault.

Got the idea taking photos?

A flash of genius!

Go on, I'm listening.


According to my estimate,
there's 100 million in there.

100 million? Maybe more.

-How'd you get in?

You got the keys?

No need. We go in underneath,
through the sewers.

That's completely stupid.

I'm claustrophobic.

Let him talk.


We go in here.

The tunnel is wide enough
to drive 2km.

Then, 400m of sewers.

With shit and rats, I know.

That takes us to the bank.

And we dig for 8m.
That's nothing. It's limestone.

In a word, what do you need?

Two works department vans,
10 rubber boats,

500m of electric cable,
12 extinguishers,

jacks, flashlights,
walkie-talkies, carpet...

We only get one weekend

and there are
3,000 safety deposit boxes to open.

And the boxes? Solid?

Reinforced steel.

15cm thick.
Tough, but not unbeatable.

And g*ns? You didn't mention g*ns?

Yes, I forgot.

With me, there are no g*ns.

I won't compromise on that.

OK, we're in.
But if you mess up,

you'll be in deep shit.

Very deep shit.

Know why they said yes?

To blindside you.

Exactly. But I was the star.

The royalties were mine.

You get them in and they ice you.
No witnesses.

A hoodlum never keeps his word.
An adventurer does.

That's why I brought my pals in.

-Army veterans.
-You know your stuff.

It is my job.

Bueños dias, Albert.

Colonel, how are you?

Very well, thanks.

He's French. A journalist.

I'm well known in France.

I know. You're a star.

Don't forget dinner next week.

Have a good day!


Where were we?

Your reinforcements.
Army vets.

My pals.

We did summer solstices together.

Total loyalty. True comrades.

When I needed a hand,
they all came running.

Not for the money,
for little old me.

That's the bond of warriors.





Gracias, Pedro.

No problem, señor Romain.

Here, you call me Clément Romain,

the sock king
of all of South America.

"Clément Romain socks,
the feel-good, no-sweat factor."

-I dreamed that up.
-Not bad.

She's beautiful, huh?

Let me tell you,


You see, Mr. Goumard,

Looks aren't important.

What matters is what you do,
what you represent.

-Need a light?

Take me, for example.

I did the heist of the century.

Would I have a wife like that

if I was a smalltime snapper?


Because I allow women to dream.

-Any children?

-Yes, a son.
-Got a photo?

-A photo?
-Of your family,

your son, I don't know.
What's wrong?

Nothing, it's fine.

Everybody takes photos.
You must have one.

Everybody has a photo.

There it is!

Good one. Where's that?

Where I live.

-Near the airport?

Paris Match pays well, huh?

Thanks to you, I'll move.

Thanks to me?

You'll get a big article
and I'll get a big house.

I've upset you.

It's easy to mock
when you live on stolen cash.


Your son's cute.
What's his name?


-How old?
-He turns 5 today.

Today? It's his birthday
and you're not there for it?


That's because of me.

He's a Taurus.

Good! Taurus the bull!

-Can't be caught.
-Make good crooks.

Good cops, too.

I suppose.

Splendid! Magnifico!
Gracias, Pedro.

My pleasure, señor Romain.

-So you live the high life.

Let there be no misunderstanding.
You're not taping?

I'm going to say things

that'll interest you.


Hold on, it's always a bit...


One-two, one-two...

-Ask the question again.

So you live the high life?

Hold on,
let there be no misunderstanding.

It didn't fall into my lap.

Don't go thinking it was a cakewalk.

We dug for six whole months.

-6 months?
-Yes, and I promise you,

there are lots of rats.

Stacks of rats.
They're no problem if you smile.

Just keep a smile on your face
for the rats.


He's not breathing,
he's dead!

Stop squealing!

-Don't talk to me like that!
-I talk how I want.

Cut it out!

Take him down there.

And you, replace him. Come on!

Gotta get him to a hospital.
Move it!

Slow down. No worries.

We've planned for everything.

A good dose of camphor
will get him right as rain.

Hurry up!

Shut up.

There you go.

We'd worked every night
for 3 months.

We'd got organized.

Carpet, lights,
our own home sweet home.

Hear that?

What's wrong?


-Look at this.
-What is it now?

It's granite! f*ck it!

How are we gonna get through that?

I'm sick of this shit!

We should dynamite it.

No way. Too much noise.

By hand, it'll take a month.

Do you think
we're a f*cking chain g*ng?


It's cool, calm down.

Albert, are you sure
the bank's here?

You said it'd take a week.

Where the hell's the bank?

Is there a chance
you've got it wrong?

In the end, we got through
the damn granite.

By hand, if you don't mind.

Viva Nice!
Viva la Promenade des Anglais!

Viva picnics
on a Mediterranean beach!

Havanas all round!


Soon, we'll be rich.

Rothschild will eat
out of our hands!

Eat, you little bastard.

Big fella! Open the bottle!




Pedro, Dos cafeos.

Yes, señor Romain.

I see you're bilingual.

-You OK?

I confirmed your return.

Your flight's tomorrow
at 7:30a.m.

Tomorrow morning? But...

My article...
I thought I'd be staying longer.

We can't take any risks.
What if you were followed?

She takes good care of me.

Can't we push it back 24 hours?

We've hardly talked.

You know how long he'll get?

I have an idea.

Give me just one chance.

I gotta make a call. Two seconds.
It's nothing.

I'll be right back.

This is Goumard.
Let me talk to the boss.

-What's he saying?
-I don't know.

He wants me out of here.
I need to give him more.

That's great.


-What's going on?
-I don't know.

Just two seconds.

Clément Romain!

The cover of Paris Match...


Get off, go on.


Clément Romain
on the cover of Paris Match!

Eight pages with photos.

Exclusive interview
with the sock king!

Perfect, thank you.

No, I'll get back to you.

There you go!

Hold on.
What are you offering exactly?

A special edition, which is rare.
They don't give it to everybody.

-Did you tell them you were here?
-Of course not.

Give me the number you just called.

If you want.

Take it easy, Julia. Stop!

Right, I'll wait in the car.

-When can we meet again?

I'll call you.

Can't you leave me
a number or an address?

Paris Matcho!

The photographer
Albert Spaggiari

was very cooperative
with investigators.

Handcuffed and smiling broadly,

he said he was himself surprised
by his "performance".

A haul of forty million francs.

The event was more like a ceremony
than a crime reenactment.

Spaggiari wore a smart suit
and highly inappropriate smile,

posing for photographers
and reporters.

The police considered his attitude

I'm gonna run!

Spaggiari mocks the law.

Great boxes! If I had any money,
I'd leave it here.

The whole case is dazzled
by his smile.

Spaggiari's a phony.

He's a fall guy.

Could be he wasn't even
in the sewers.

He talks, but knows nothing.

He's taking the fall.

He's a conman.

Some conmen go a long way.
Look at Jesus.

We waited all afternoon.
I thought you were in Brussels.

There was a slight change of plan.

I'm staying on here a few days.

It's nothing serious?

No, but I can't tell you more.

I can't talk for long.
Can you pass me Bastien, sweetheart?


Yes, honey, it's Daddy.

Daddy couldn't be there today.

My present doesn't work.

Don't worry, we'll go change it.

I'll be five minutes. Come in.

I already opened the box.
They won't change it.

I didn't hear that. Say it again.

Like the room!

It's OK, we'll buy another one.

Mommy, he'll buy me another!

I don't have time to talk now.

Hold on...




He doesn't suspect a thing.

-How are you?

Know who it is?

-Public enemy number one.

Two scoops for the price of one.

Mesrine and Spaggiari.
Like Delon and Belmondo.

That's wonderful.

-May I?
-With pleasure. Where?

-Just there'll be fine.

Here we go.

Hold on a second.

What's wrong?

I don't know. It doesn't work.

You haven't wound it on.

I'm so stupid.


That's better.

First time with this camera.

-How was that?
-Very good.

Interview Albert Spaggiari.

Delon, Belmondo, Spaggiari...
You're a star in fact?

Yes, but the difference is,

if I perform again, I'll get life.

-Do you miss your fans?
-Honestly, yes.

But don't worry, I'll be back.

Soon, you'll see Spaggiari
on the cover of every magazine.

-Tell us more.
-There's an actor,

a leading French actor,
who would love to play Spaggiari.

Really? Who?

Can't tell you before we sign.

-For the readers of Paris Match.
-No, he'd be mad at me.

-I understand.
-Alain Delon.

You know him?

Of course.

He greatly respects and admires me.

He often comes to see me.

He said,
"If you don't mind,

I'd like to be you in a movie."

I said, "Sure, Alain.

"Not only do you look like me,

but you're an international star."

Remember, Spaggiari is famous
all over the world.

Great! Our readers will love it.

I promised you a scoop.
When I trust someone,

I follow through.

So I see.

-Sure, if you want.

-What are you looking at?

The 1974 Cadillac that just went by.

V8 under the hood.
A magnificent car.

-You like cars?
-Passionately, yes.

-Funny, I don't give a damn.


Here, for your son.

It's his birthday, isn't it?

You gotta protect your savings.

Tell him it's from Uncle Spaggiari.

Thanks a lot.

It's very good of you.

I want to apologize for yesterday.

I didn't mean to upset you.

Upset me?

I'm not at all upset.

You know,

I have no problems.
Life's good.

A woman I love and who loves me.

A great little boy.
Another on the way.

And on top of all that,

I love my work.

Señor! Señor!

Can I polish your shoes?


Apparently, the man's a pro.

That's one hell of a shine.


You see,
at his age, I was like him.

I got by.

I remember,
I used to love Humphrey Bogart.

So I didn't have the raincoat,

but with my school coat, Dad's
old Fedora and some imagination,

I became a real gangster.

What are you doing here?

It's lunchtime.
Come back later.


I didn't like wine,

but I had a point to make.

I was saying,

"Look, I'm not scared.
I'm smooth."

Thanks, Bert.

-Glass of milk?

-There was a hold-up nearby.
-What do they say?

Not much.
A fishmonger's apparently.

The attacker
is around 20-25 years old.

A glass of red, instead.

How old are you?


-He didn't believe me.
-Despite the paper.

-Aren't you hot in a sweater?
-I'm not cold.

Hold on, I'll take you to a store.

The best cut suits in Latin America.

I'm fine.
I'll buy something later.

No, you can't stay like that.

You'll give us away.

Imagine the headlines.
Spaggiari betrayed by a sweater.

What's wrong with it?

Here, try this one.

Is everything OK?

-Where are you from?

I knew it.

Yeah, but I...

Here, sir, try this one.

I knew your country very well
in the good old days.

But you went commie.
Pol Pot, serves you right.

Pol Pot's in Cambodia.

Try this one. It's linen.

What's your name?


Cute. Very cute.

I never saw you here.

This one's not bad.

I think...

I look pretty good in it.

I like it.

It suits you. Take it.

Take two.
I won't always be around.

Whatever they say, in Indochina,

France did a lot of good.

-Don't you agree, Nhi?
-I don't talk politics.

"I don't talk politics"

The slant-eyes never have
an opinion.

A big smile,
then they knife you in the back.

Isn't that a bit simplistic?

You know them? Were you out there?

The empire wasn't saved in Paris.

History tells us
peoples always win their freedom.

That's a pinko comment.

Why? Is freedom a leftwing idea?

It suits you. Your wife will like it.

One suit, three shirts. 500 dollars.

I can't let you...

It's my pleasure.

80 dollars short.

-Sir, we don't give credit.

I said I'll come back tomorrow.

I can't.

-Is there a problem?
-Just chatting.

I'm a friend of your boss.
Call him.

Fine, I trust you.

One shirt's enough.

My present.


What did you think of the salesgirl?

Not bad.

Very cute, you mean.
Did you see her dimple? Turns me on.

I started badly. I'll come back.

Can we do some photos?

With pleasure.

We need a new angle.

Something more personal.

-Your place maybe?
-No time.

I can come by later.

-Are you scared?
-What did you say?

I'm not scared of anything.
This is my home territory.

There's no extradition.

French cops can't ever arrest me.

Or they'd have to be very smart,

have to use some brainpower.

But that's not part
of their training.

Right, see you tonight.

-Cortez Club, around midnight.
-Cortez what?

It's easy.
Just opposite the barracks.

We need to find him a girl.

A bait to get him from the club
to your hotel.

Don't look at me.

We weren't.
You don't have a dimple.

I do actually.

You have an idea?

Yes, I have an idea.

Idea, with a capital I.

A D and an E and an A.

Paris Matcho!

I'm on the list with Clément Romain.

Open up!

How's it going?

I have a table over here.
Nhi! I don't believe it!

What a surprise!

The girls here are so tall,
it blows your mind. Come in.

There's three of us.

You're a brother.

It's just to say thanks.
Better than a box of chocolates.

Take a seat.

Beat it! I'll call you.

Sit down.

I didn't do it to end up in a cage.

The high life, I've earned it!

My hit was worth 50 million.

50! Are you listening?


It's Alain Delon!

Alain Delon? Hold on...

Interview Delon-Spaggiari,
how good is that?

No way!

He'd better not pretend
not to know me!

Wait, no!

Sorry. Excuse me.

I just want to...
I know him.

He's a friend!

-It's cool.
-It doesn't matter?

Sure, it matters.
We were in Indochina together.

You know who I am?
I'm Spaggiari.

The Nice Heist, that was me.

Stay out of it,
I'm talking to the n*gro.

Private Spaggiari!

Three mentions in dispatches!


Come back!

Sorry about that.

Albert, cut it out.


Yeah, champagne!

They're coming.

-Don't blindside me.
-Who do you think I am?

That's damn offensive.

I'm telling you now.
A three-way is 100 more.

What are you talking about?

Look at me. It's like we agreed.
10 minutes, no more.

Got that?

Come here! Take a photo.

When I see a manhole, I always check
if there's a bank down there.

That's good.

I want a photo, too.

Let's have a drink.

-Where are we?
-It's dark!

That's better.


Know what?
I'll never be caught again.

Right, who wants a drink?

This is what we're here for.

The mini-bar sucks.

I feel like champagne.
You want champagne?

Sure, and order me a cigar, too.

And one cigar.

That's so cute, your little dimple.

-You're much nicer now.
-It's because deep down I'm shy.

-Bridge over the River Kwai?
-With him?

OK. Go on.


That's right.
She's a good girl, huh?

Such a good girl.

Come in!

Come in!

They always have a key.

Go get it.

I'll go.

Open up!


-Where is he?

He went out there, huh?

I don't know what...

Yeah, sure.
Get dressed.

You smoke cigars now?

Occasionally, yes.

Get out of here!


Everything's fine, I said.

I have to go, I'm out of change.

Give Bastien a kiss from me.


I love you.

Can you turn that shit off
a moment? It...

Carnival in the rain. Cool.

Who gives a shit about Carnival?

Everybody's so happy.

I spoke to Paris.
We're going home.

-They fly us out tomorrow.
-It's stupid!

He'll call.
He's within our grasp.

I like it here.

He got wise to us and he ran.

I know him now.
I know him by heart.

He wants this article. He needs it.

He'll call.

"How I tricked the French police
again" by Albert Spaggiari.

-Good article.
-Shut the... Stop that.

When you're fired,
you'll get a job at Paris Match.

Well done.


they say you're the number one thief

-in the whole world?

Vincent, you here?

You haven't packed yet?
We are leaving in 1 hour.

Hold on...

See that building?

It's near here. I'm sure.

That's where he lives.

I'll tell the chief you're coming.

Who is Albert Spaggiari?

You don't know Albert Spaggiari?

He took 10 million dollars
from the Société Générale, I think.

He couldn't make it today.

Let's pretend I'm Spaggiari.


Would you like to meet
and have a chat with him?

Yes, I'm coming.

Maybe, if he's a good guy.

In that case, he deserves
divine protection like me.

You didn't fly back to Paris?

I'm freelance.
I can't go home without my article.

He likes you a lot.

He thought
everybody had forgotten him.

And you offer him
the cover of Paris Match.

It's the best gift
you could give him.

What's going on, Julia?

What are we doing here?

Has he had an accident?

Is that it?

First time I met Albert,
I had no idea who he was.

I'd just arrived in France.

My parents rented me
an apartment in Paris.

I did nothing all day.

A middle-class girl
ready to be married off.

-Beautiful, how you doing?
-Fine, and you?



The friend I told you about.
He can stay a few days?

Sure, no problem.

You can have the study.

Thanks for the hospitality.

Excuse me.

RTL. In less than half an hour,
today's quiz.

14,227 francs in the RTL suitcase...


Come for lunch with me.
You haven't been out for 4 days.

Sorry, I can't.
There's the RTL suitcase.

What if they call here?


-Everything OK?

Do you like it?

Yes, it's a very pretty dress.

Why don't you go out?
Are you in trouble?

I like to be alone.

Come up, I'm not ready.

-Do you mind?

It's your place.

How are you?

-Hurry. They're at Castel's.

-Come on!

"He escaped in broad daylight

"despite the increased
police presence.

"Once again, Spaggiari

"humiliates the French police
in spectacular fashion..."

I hate that photo.
My nose looks huge.

I think you look a bit like
Alain Delon.

True enough.
Especially when I'm ironing.

I've had enough.
I haven't stopped all day.

Do you mind
if I stay for dinner with you?

That's terrible timing.
I'm eating out tonight.


No problem.

Good evening.

Good evening.

The reservation's
in the name of...


-Like the...

This way, please.


This way.

I'll have the saddle of lamb with...

Can I have a sanlappaire?

-Sorry, sir?
-For the alassaire?

Some faffaire...

No, give me a salaffaire,
well cooked.

Is something wrong?

Well cooked, you said?

Thank you.

Thank you.

Two, OK?

What are you doing tomorrow?


You bring me good luck.

I want to take you to the sun.

What for?

Have fun.
Get a tan.

And sleep together.

That's very nice,

but I have my friends,
my parents, my own life...

Good reason to come with me.

I never regretted it for a moment.

I helped him survive,

forget the heist.

And now I'll help him die.


He has cancer.

It's terminal.

Does he know?

The doctor said he has compression
of the spine, like lots of paras.

That's why we'll never have kids.

In great form!

Thank you.

Stop it.


I hear you scored
with a Vietnamese chick.

That's right.
If you want, I'll introduce you.

What's he doing?

Your article?
I haven't seen anything.

It's coming on. But you forgot
the most important part...

-The heist.
-That's true!

You can tell me at yours.

No, nobody comes to my place.

That's nice. I'm not nobody.

I've waited a week in the rain
like a groupie.

You're right. I need to be
more generous to my fans.

You OK?

I'm in fine form.

We gotta get the car washed.

Come on, let's go.

Look at that!

The idiots going to Carnival.

-Get out the way!
-Stop it.

-Calm down.

Is there problem, sir?

No problem, sorry.

Nobody'll look for me here.
I blend in with the crowd.

Yeah, right.

You'll sleep here tonight?

We'll cook up a nice dinner.

Want a drink?

Yeah, that'd be good.


The suit I was wearing
on my last escape.

A museum piece. I'll put it on.

No, don't bother...

Stop! It's that one there!

Watch out, there are kids behind.

I don't get it.

Why do you live here?

The money from the heist in fact...

There wasn't much.


The gangsters had a very singular
definition of sharing.

And 5 years on the run is expensive.

Today, it's me who...

Good morning.

This man... Do you know him?

What do you want?

Who are you?

I'll leave you to talk,
if you don't mind?

-I'm going to bed.

-Don't stay up too late.
-I promise.

-Good night.
-Good night.

She's great.

She thinks I don't know.

I've known all along.

Know what I'm thinking?

If you hadn't escaped,

you'd be free now, no sweat.

You sound like my lawyer.

He said that with my medals,
I'd have got 5 years tops.

So why'd you escape?

Because freedom is right now.

That's well said.

-How about a brandy?
-Sure, with pleasure.

Let's have a brandy.

Hi. Do you know this man?

Thank you.

It's strong!

Tell me...

In all of this, no regrets?



-Your lifestyle and kids...
-You're wrong.

There's one on the way.


A little Spaggiari.

Not a word about it in the article.
I'm not Dalida.

My private life is sacred.

I don't like it.

After all, what did I do wrong?

I just took some cash.

Some cash? 50 million! Come on!

49,593,828 to be exact,

Right, that changes everything.



We worked for 50 hours
for a haul of 50 million.

I'll tell my grandchildren

that I used to earn
a million an hour.

Shit! This one's empty.

f*ck! Look at this, fellas!

Come on!

What are you doing?


Field Marshal, here we are!

I'm begging you.
Tell me you have something for me.

Good evening, ma'am.

What's the hell's that?

Thank you, Galeries Lafayette!

I'm going for a walk.

I'll leave you the keys.


Don't damage anything.

See you later. Be careful.



Drinks on me!

Champagne for everybody!

Remember my name.
I am Albert...

Albert Spaggiari!

Long live Albert!


To Albert!

-Good health!
-Cheers, Albert!

Good health, all of you!



Albert! Albert! Albert!

Goodbye, my friends!

See you, Albert. Long life!

-What's so funny?
-He's totally nuts!


I was sure my record would be a hit.

I just had to find a title.

Something catchy.

For the papers and radio stations
to sing in chorus.

NO g*ns, NO v*olence

You know the Arab proverb,

"Better to be betrayed by a friend,
than not to trust."

What time is it?


I can't rely on you.
He needed to get some sleep.

There he is!

-He's up there!

They're coming down.


How about a nice cup of coffee?

I'll make it if you want.

No, I need to get some fresh air.


For once, you decide.

I hope I won't regret it.

Regret what?

Let's say the coffee's disgusting?

I'll get dressed. 2 minutes.

Shall we go?


Are you coming?

We did a good interview, huh?

The best.

The best I've ever done.

-Do you feel OK?

-Why didn't you get some sleep?
-Drop it.

We can laze around all day.

Do nothing.

-We could go to the beach.
-If you want.

Know what?

We could go to that restaurant
you like. The Italian.

What are you doing today?

Got anything planned?

-What's going on?
-The elevator's broken again.

Stay here!

You, follow me!

Where is he?

-Where is he?

Are you OK?

-Which floor?
-11th. 11-04.

There's nobody here!

No one!

Damn it!




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