Honest (2000)

Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.

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Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.
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Honest (2000)

Post by bunniefuu »

People, I got sunshine

On a cloudy day


I've got sunshine, sunshine

On a cloudy day

Have mercy

People, I'm groovin', groovin'

Me and myself

Dig it

Take a stroll through your mind


You'll be surprised what you might find


Take a stroll through your mind


You'll be surprised

at what you might find

Welcome to the circus

(female #1) Give us the keys!

Hurry up!

(female #2) Come on, then!

What are you lookin' at?

Come on!


There is no young

There is no old

Reach out and touch your soul

Tell me

Have you ever been underground?

Fancy her?

Hold on

Nice and slow

Having a quiet wank on the job, eh?

Here we go

Crawl back into its shell, did it?


(trader) Oi, Mandy!

Who's the lucky lad tonight?

- Not you, mate!

- Don't know what you're missing, doll.

- I'd rather use one of these.

- Charming as ever, your sister!

What's a mother to do?

(man) Weird. Give me f*cking weird.

Ah, beautiful. Far out! Look at... Sweet.

Come on.

Look to me.


But, erm...

- ...lose her shirt.

- Can you take your shirt off, darling?


Evening Standard!

Nice to see ya.


Let's have a look.

Oh, look!

"Masked g*ng Raid Warehouse"!

Blah, blah, blah... "Three men..."

Oh! "Raymond Purvis...

He said he was terrified"!

- Ha-ha-ha!

- "One threatened me with a crowbar."

- Load of bollocks! I never touched him!

- You're a nutter, Mandy.

Deprived childhood, Your Honour.

Look to me. Good stuff.

Yeah, that's it. Nice and...

Give me a bit more.

That's great, yeah.

Look to me.

Hey, whaddaya think of this?

(sighs) Oh, Daniel, you are

the only person I know...

..who can watch a film at 10am

and then write about it.

- I get free coffee. Shut up.

- Baz!


It's our satirical take

on superheroes, Andrew.

Buzzman doesn't save the world.

Buzzman doesn't save anything.

He's too cool for that.

- So what does he do?

- Smokes pot. Gets laid.

(posh voice) I thought we were

going for weird, Andrew.

At Zero,...

...we denigrate, decimate, debunk,...

..defile, demolish.


How did you hear about this place?

Terry Waring told me. He was gonna

do it himself, only he got nicked.

He'll be a bit pissed off

when he hears we blagged it!

- Is that it, then?

- Yeah.

Give us a couple of minutes.

Why don't you go

buy something nice for Rose?

(phone rings)

Can I help you?

I'll handle her.


..Venus in leather!

And what can I do for you?

I'm looking for a job, actually.

That's good.

Have you worked for a magazine before?


I used to work for this one.

- In Glasgow?

- Glasgow... Right.

Well, that's a very agitprop little rag.

Are you a Communist?

Used to be. Got sick of it.

- What does Zero stand for?

- Nothing. Or...

(kissing noise)


It's a kind of Zen thing, you see.

Nothing and... everything.

Why don't you, er...

come over here tomorrow night?

A couple of faces are dropping by

for drinks and sh*t.

I'm Andrew, by the way.

Andrew Pryce-Stevens.

What's a double-barreled nob

doing leading the revolution?

Feisty little tart!

- Hi.

- Hi.

- I was looking for the toilet.

- It's... right there.


Um... I'm Daniel, by the way.

- Do you work in there?

- Yeah. Yeah, I'm... I'm a writer. Freelance.

- Bit of a poser, your boss.

- I can't argue with that.

But, uh, you should come tomorrow night.

It could be a blast.

You never know. I'll check my diary.

Hey! The bathroom's right here!

I've gone off the idea.

I said "I ain't got...

I ain't got change for that."

- That was a 1964 Morris starting handle.

- I don't give a sh*t.

I'd never wear something like this

in a million years!

Wow! Far out, man! (giggles)

Mr Ord is here with some of the chaps...

...and he would like a word.


Hello, Happy.

- Have a good holiday, Duggie?

- How did you know I'd been on one?

A sun tan's a bit of a rarity

around these parts.

Majorca. With the family.

I learned to scuba dive.

How about yourself?

Southend with me sisters. A plate of

winkles and a knees-up on the bus back.


These... three lads

doing all these robberies.

- I'd like to know who they are.

- Why would I know?

You girls must have a lot of admirers.

Any lads come knocking around your

door recently, flashing a bit of extra cash?

Last bloke took me for a Chinese

and left me with the bill.

Friday night. Talk Of The Town.

Liza Minnelli. What do you say?

I'm always with my dad

Friday nights, Cedric.

Good boxer, her old man. In his day.

Haringey Arena. After the w*r.

I was there the night

he took out Tommy Bruce.

Give him my regards, Gerry. And here...

...tell him I said hello.

He don't need charity.

Christmas stocking, then.

Agh! Ow!

( "Stop! In The Name Of Love" on radio)

- Agh!

- Don't you tell your old man about this.

I don't prance around

in the nude in front of him!

- Everyone else, though, from what I hear.

- Vicious rumors, Uncle Sid.

Bleedin' hell!

Your idea, Mandy, not mine.

(TV) Matthew and Billy O'Reilly

have come to the studio...

...to demonstrate them.

This is Matthew.

He's got the glow coat on.

We're going to try an experiment.

Can we have the lights out, please?

I've got a spotlight over here. You can see

Matthew is standing well out there...

...with his glow coat on.

You can hardly see Billy at all,

except for just his white face.

Very generous of Mr Ord.

Hope you was polite.

I ain't afraid of that villain, Dad.

You ain't afraid of anything,

that's your problem.

I'm afraid of one thing.

Living and dying in this place.

We'll get out one day. Go somewhere

Mum would have liked us to live.

(TV) Well, I think these glow coats

are a very good idea.

- What do you think, Matthew?

- You'd look a right charlie in the street!

It's Rose.

(both) All right, Rose?

Bloody hell!

- He's whacked you again, ain't he?

- Not really.

What was it, then?

You fell off your pony at the polo ring(?)

- Leave it out, Mandy.

- What's his excuse this time?

It was when he come home last night.

He gets depressed, you know?

Not finding work.

He ain't worked since he left school!

Idle tosser!

- (snores)

- He's turned this house into a garage!

f*cking oil's everywhere!

Why don't you just get rid of it?

- Useless piece of sh*t!

- (Rose) Keep your voice down, Mandy.

Why don't you just do him

while he's asleep?

Save yourself a lot of grief in the long run.

(nervous laugh) Mandy, please.

Why don't you just change the locks?

You're not married to the bastard!

( psychedelic music)

(whoops) All right!

Ah, come on, Andrew, you've never had

a conviction in your overprivileged life...

..you hypocritical old fart!

The only reason you're putting out

a "Legalize Pot" issue...

...is to pump up your bloody circulation!

(coughs) No one in this room...

- ...can doubt my commitment to the weed.

- And these pot rallies.

All these pathetic, painted people

thinking they're being daring!

I mean, what a load of horseshit!

Legalizing it wouldn't help

this magazine, Andrew.

If it were legal, it would just

neutralize your own basis for dissent.

Magazines like Zero exist on dissent.

Actually, it exists

because of my father's allowance.

Till the bastard cut me off.

- Anyway, to hell with it!

- I don't think we've met.

I'm Loretta.

Oh, I know who you are.

I mean, I'm very familiar with your work.

The study of the sexual psyche...

...and doom to the aesthetic quality

of human relationships. Fascinating.

You must come to

my retrospective next week.

Or I could give you a private view

in my studio tonight.

Well, uh... I actually have to

write a review tonight.

But, uh... I'd love to write

a piece on you sometime.

I'm not looking for a critic, sweetie.

I thought you might fancy a f*ck.

Oh, my God, Mandy,

what have you done now?!

Then, when he really gets to know me...

"In the name of lo..." Oh, yeah, right(!)

That is so 'orrible.

No, you know what? That's disgusting!

It's a work of art!

No one ain't gonna marry you

with that on your back.

Who wants to get

bloody married anyway?

( "See Saw" by Marvin Gaye

and Tammi Terrell)

"Yesterday, a raggle-taggle

bunch of radicals and hippies...

...occupied an empty house a stone's

throw from London's Hilton hotel."

"The gutter press called them

'hippy freeloaders'."

"I prefer to see them as

secret agents of a future society...

...free from the degradation of work."

( faint psychedelic music)

Might be a cleaner.

Keep an eye.


Belongs in a museum.

People like this deserve to get blagged.

(screams a note)


( "Stop! In The Name Of Love")


Come away from the window

and give me some light.

Oh! Yes!

Oh! sh*t!

- (Daniel wails tune)

- Shh!


I'm going back up.

- (screams)

- Mandy!

Come on, girl, we gotta leg it!

(alarm sounds)

f*ck me!

Fan-f*ckin'-tastic, man!


Oh, sh*t!

You're that girl!

- (Andrew) Come on, do it to me again.

- All right. (smack)

Come on!

Come on. Harder!

- Like that?

- No! Not in the face!

- (phone rings)

- Give it to me.

- Like this. Give me some...

- (phone continues ringing)

Good Samaritans' hot line.

Andrew! Andrew, listen to this.

Something freaky's happening

at the office!

Oh, Daniel.

- Like what?

- There's a girl...

There's a guy... No, a girl.

She's dressed like a guy.

She's got her breasts taped down and

she... she punched me in the face, man!

You're having a better time than I am.

No... No, there's been a break-in.

What?! What? Wha...?

- What's missing?

- Nothing.

- What's that noise?

- It's the alarm downstairs.

Daniel, listen to me.

Clean up, lock up

and do not f*ck up! OK?

- What?

- No boys in blue! Understand?


I don't want the law

snooping round the office, OK?

They'd just love to close down

the magazine! Just do it, Daniel!

For f*ck's sake!

Oh, sh*t!

What are you doing? Spring-cleaning(?)

- The cops are coming.

- I'm not thrilled about it!

I get arrested... I go to jail.

- (police siren)

- I'm gonna get you outta here. Come on.

Get up. Come on.


Get off me!

- I'm trying to help you.

- I don't need your help! Ow!

- Are you an hippy?

- I'm not a hippy.

I borrowed it from a hippy. He owed me

some money, so... Will you just get in?

What made you think the office

was worth robbing?

- What makes you think I'm a thief?

- Why else were you there?

- Your boss invited me. I was a bit late.

- So you came through the window?

- You didn't hear me knock.

- Sounds like a load of bullshit to me.

It makes perfect sense to me.

What brought you to England, then?

Wanna be a pop star?

No, I don't wanna be a pop star.

I'm doing post-grad law at Oxford.


So what are you doing

in that magazine place?

- Writing for them.

- What about?

The way it is.

Popular culture, social change...

Where are we, anyway?

East End. Won't find

much social change around 'ere.

More like fish and chips and bingo halls.

And women with bad feet pushing prams.



Keep driving!

Is she all right, love?

- What was that about?

- They must have collared my sisters.

My dad's gonna do his nut!

- Bollocks!

- Was that your mom talking to the fuzz?

- My mum's dead.

- Sorry.

- (sighs) So, where to now?

- Dunno. Let me think.

Could you get me a cigarette?

- I don't have any.

- In my inside pocket.

So what did your sisters do?

They were thieving with me, you berk!

OK, so there's three of you. And you steal.

That's cool. It's like, what, uh...

...an anti-Establishment movement against

the unfair distribution of wealth?

No... we steal to get money.

At least that's honest!

Do you have a place I could stay?

She'll never press charges, that Rose.

She'll be a punch bag all her life.

Silly cow.

That Chopper deserves a good hiding.

Have a word with your pal, Duggie Ord.

- He might send a couple of frighteners.

- He ain't my pal.

- Wotcha doin' with that Scotch?

- It's for Jo. She's got a cold coming on.

I thought they'd come for us.

They will do one day.

- Bollocks!

- Where's Gerry?

What's happened to her?

Well, she's not nicked,

or we'd have heard.

- I wish I didn't have to do this.

- Do what?

The thieving.

I wish there was another way.

Well, what do you wanna do?

Work in a shop? Or the dry-cleaner's?

Or that factory, like our cousins,

making poxy vacuum-cleaner bags?

Come on, Jo.

Do me a favour!

This is cosy.

Your mum pick out the cushions(?)

Listen, this place isn't me, OK?

I borrowed it from the same guy

who owns the van.

I went to school with him in the States.

He went to Kathmandu. To find himself.

What happens if he goes all that way

and finds he's not there?

He'll join his father's law practice.

Let me take that off you.




No, it's a bit chilly in here.

OK, I'll um... I'll put the heat on.

- You want a... a drink?

- Cup of tea?


(puts on record)

( psychedelic music)

Don't think much of your music.

- You don't like the psychedelic scene?

- No, I don't.

What about Moby Grape?

The Chocolate Watch? Vanilla Fudge?

Sound like puddings!

You're weird, you Yanks.

You come over here,

listen to The Beatles, Traffic and Cream...

And look what's on your own doorstep.

The Supremes.

Marvin Gaye. Sam and Dave.

Martha Reeves and the Vandellas.

Smokey Robinson and the Miracles.

OK. Maybe you'll like this.


(switches on light)

(needle scratches off record)

So, uh... what's your name, anyway?

- Gerry.

- Is that with an "ie" or a "y"?

( "Ain't Nothing Like The Real Thing")


Much better.

Are you worried about your sisters?

A bit. But there's no evidence.

- Where is it?

- Stashed.

- Where?

- You don't need to know.

Can you take these off?

My feet are k*lling me.

It's OK, I'm a girl!

What's that supposed to mean?

You don't look as if

you'd do it for a bloke.

I wouldn't.

(relieved sigh)

(kettle whistling)

The kettle's boiling.


(brakes screech)


You bitch!

Come on! Oh, thank God.

Thank God!

Mwah! Mwah!

Oh, Christ!

Oh, Christ.

Oh, Christ.

(relieved sigh)

- Morning.

- Morning.

(Daniel) "It's only a 2 cab ride

from Carnaby Street to Bethnal Green...

...but it's another world."

"The streets are still scarred

by the Blitz of 25 years ago,

filled with women with bad feet

pushing prams."

- I said that.

- Yeah, I know.

It was good. It stuck in my head.

I don't get this, Danny boy.

Why do you wanna be a writer

when you're studying law at Oxford?

It's a question of choice, really.

I mean, most of my life, choices

were made for me: school, college...

- ...career.

- Lawyers make big money.

Defending people like you?

I couldn't afford you!

Got any girlfriends?

In the building?

I'll never get home

with my arse hangin' out.

Uh, yeah.

Yeah, there's a girl

across the hall - Nadja.

She's a gypsy. Well, sort of a witch.

- What?

- A white witch: into ley lines, tarot cards.

Makes potions.

Hey, she fixed my flu!

All right, then.

I'll go ask her.

Thanks for last night. If it wasn't for you,

I'd have been banged up.

- Excuse me?!

- In the nick.

I'm sorry. Where I'm from,

that means something different.

Listen, uh... I wanna see you again.

I wanna meet your sisters.

- Why?

- I wanna write your story.

I mean, I'll change names, obviously.

Three girls who dress up like men

and rob from the rich?

That's pretty intense, man!

We don't give to the poor.

We're not Robin Hood

and his merry f*ckin' men, man.

- Can I call you?

- I don't have a phone.

Then call me at the magazine!

Maybe. If I need a lawyer.

- (Jo) God, what happened, Gerry?

- I came home, saw the cops and took off.

- I thought you two had been collared!

- It was just next door.

Where you been?

(Mandy) What are you

dressed like that for?

I stayed at this bloke's flat.

I borrowed it.

- That's a bloke's gear? Perv, is he?

- No.

- Shagged him, did you?

- No!

Jesus, man! He's an OK guy.

There are a few of 'em!

- And I stashed the jewels there.

- What?

I'll get 'em later.

- When later?

- Tomorrow.

- When tomorrow?!

- When he's not there!

Now get out of my face, Mandy!

I'm gonna check on Rose.


- Are you OK, love?

- (sobbing)


That bastard!

He thought I called the police.

I didn't.

It was the neighbours.

They're gonna ta-... (sobs)

He's gonna get it this time, Rose.

(engines rev)


I'm not sure about this.

sh**t are grown-up toys.

I am grown-up. Or you wouldn't

look at my legs the way you do.

I do no such thing!

On your knees, you sniveling Irish git!

I can see it's gonna be in safe hands(!)

It'll cost you fifty quid.



..I don't have fifty quid.

Go on, get outta here, you little bollocks.

How about I give you twenty quid?

And I go down on ya?

You're a dirty wee slut, Mandy Chase,

so you really are.

OK, then.

(undoes zip)

(engines rev)


Come on!


f*ck off!



(softly) Rose.

Rose ain't here.

She's gone. Away.

What the f*ck are you doing with that?

I might blow your balls off with it.

I ain't decided.

I'm mad enough to do it.

Everyone says I'm mad.

They said I was mad at school.

And I ain't done nothing

to prove 'em wrong.

Now turn around.


"She Came In Through

The Bathroom Window."

By Daniel... J... Wheaten.

(clears throat)

Well, to be strictly accurate,

it wasn't the bathroom window.

It was the window in my office.

The first moment I saw her,

she knocked me off my feet.


I won't be around tomorrow.

But you'll be all right - Jo's in and out.

You didn't come home at all last night.

I'm a big girl, Dad.

- What you up to?

- Why are you asking now?

You didn't ask when we got the 17" TV.

Or had the house painted.

Just don't get caught.

Things are gonna be all right soon.

I'm gonna get us out of this place.

I swear.

- (hammering)

- What's going on next door?

Dunno. It started

when you was in the kitchen.

- Urgh!

- That's for Rose!

No... No...

- No! What you doing?!

- And this is for me, you oily pig!


- What are you doing here?

- I brought the witch's clothes back.

Well, how did you get in?

(sighs) Stupid question.

You're a professional thief.

- That's why you wanted to see me again.

- Yeah. Sure. Next time, just knock.

(knocks) It's me! Can I come in?

The police said you stole

10,000-worth of jewels.

Ten thou?!

They bumped it up a bit for insurance!

- What did you tell the Old Bill?

- Old Bill?

- The police.

- Nothing.


(sighs) So how'd it work out

with your sisters?

OK. False alarm.

- So can I meet them?

- They're very shy.

I've withheld evidence

and harbored a fugitive!

Don't you think you can trust me?

I can't ever trust a man in a bath towel.

Make some coffee. I'll, uh...

...be right there.

Nadja. Right?

- Do I know you?

- No. I'm psychic.

- I'm psychic!

- Then you should know who I am.

You are the one

that borrowed my clothes!


I like you!

Do you like... women?

In that way?


Never mind. We can still be friends.

And you bring them back so soon.

How kind!

- Nadja!

- Mwah!

- I see you guys met.

- Yes. I love this girl!

Let me guess.

A Scorpio?

Very good.

I can read your future, too,

if you've got a minute.

If it's that short,

I'm not sure I wanna know.

(Andrew) Le party est arriv.

- Darling!

- Nadja, darling. How are you?

Hello, my...

Oh, it's you!

You didn't waste much time there,

did you?

Is she coming with us?

- Coming where?

- (Nadja) The Trippe Festival.

I've tarted up my old man's country pile.

The bastard's in Montevideo

with his manicurist. So come on.

Don't think so. Things to do.

We... we made other plans. Sorry.

Oh, yes, I keep forgetting, Wheaton.

You're a bourgeois little prick

from Harvard.

In point of fact, I'm a bourgeois

little prick from Princeton.

Oh, come on, you two!

The Trippe will... blow your mind.

Change your life.

Join the seekers... of mystic bliss.

I need a pee.


What's her name?

Gerry. She says.

Why would she lie?

Lotsa reasons.

(Andrew) Where's Venus?

Oh, Venus!


Your parents are in Paris, by the way.

- What?! How do you know?

- They rang the office. Next stop, London.

They are rich, aren't they? We can expect

some posh dinners, I hope?

Heh-heh! Andrew.

Look, uh... if my parents call the office...

- ...you don't know where I am, OK?

- Fine!


I'll tell 'em you took a trip.

( "Itchycoo Park" by The Small Faces)

Oh, Venus!

My special recipe.

Before we all go.



(Nadja giggles)

( psychedelic music)

That is the, er...

that's the bastard's pad.

The beauty is that one day

all this will be mine.


Marianne, darling...

..where are the tasty treats?

Have one.

Go on!

- What's in them?

- Oh, you know, just... it's just a little hash.

Don't give any to Gerry, OK?

I wouldn't dream of it, dear heart.

In my hallucination,

I saw my beloved's flower garden.

In my vertigo...

...in my dizziness, in my drunken haze...

- What's that smell?

- Patchouli.


Ha-ha! Patchouli!

There's this clarity,

this freaking hyper reality, man.

You understand. From space,

there's no countries, there's no borders.

Earth's just land and water.

And you're fenced in. I'm fenced in.

We're all fenced in.

( psychedelic music)


Look at that!

Thank you, ladies and gentlemen,

for dancing the quickstep.

Now please take your partners

for your next dance, the waltz.

You should come back tonight -

disco tonight.

- Are you a good dancer?

- Not bad.

- I might come, then.

- Another orange juice? On me.

You know how to treat a girl,

don't you? (snorts)

I knew I'd find you here!

It reminds me of when Mum and Dad

used to come here.

What dance is that, then? The foxtrot?

No. It's the waltz.

Looks easy enough. Come on.

(Mandy) Couple number seven,

Mandy and Josephine Chase.

The girls, former hairdressers,

hail from Poplar.

Their hobbies include

needlepoint and burglary.

(distorted) Daniel. Daniel.

(distorted whispers)

Got a job tonight. A club up west.

- Does Gerry know?

- Bollocks to Gerry!

She's probably with that bloke

and the rest of them f*cking trendies!

(distorted) Daniel!

( distorted guitar)

When I look in your eyes, lady

I can see the flames of burning desire

Of desire, baby


You better watch out, little girl

Cos I'm about to light up

The whole place caught fire


Ain't no stoppin', foxy girl


Ain't no stoppin' once you've started

Ain't no stoppin'

Take it steady, man!

Ain't no stoppin' once you've started


Come on, on, on, you freaks and hippies

Everybody just gather round

Gather round

Chill to what I say

Gotta live on the streets

Let the people know

Just what we're puttin' down

Puttin' down

Yeah, I'm lovin'

this maniac diversion right here

Mandy, this is too dodgy.

We're in the middle of Mayfair.

- It's full of toffs and nobs.

- That's the point. Places like this...

..they have their guard down.

- Where did you get that?!

- Woolworths!

Where do you think?

Don't move!

Fill that with money. Now!

You're making a big mistake, fellas.

Do you know who owns this place?

Duke of f*ckin' Edinburgh!

Who gives a toss?!

Hard men.

- (nervous panting)

- They'll track you down.

- Hurry up!

- It's not police you have to worry about.

Let go!

f*ck! Jo! Jo!


No! No! sh*t!



- You sh*t me!

- (screams) Oh, my God!

f*ck! Oh, God!

Come on.

- I can't make it, Mandy.

- You're doing fine.


Get away from the car! Move out the way!

- Get out the f*ckin' way! Move it!

- (woman) Roger!

- Get back!

- (man) OK. OK.

- OK, cool it.

- Stay there! Stay away from the car!


(tyres screech)

- Where did you learn to drive?

- Dodgems, Battersea funfair.

Oh, my God!

I've got blood all over the car!

(distorted) What you got in the bag,

Little Red Riding Hood?

(distorted) Jewels.

I'm a jewel thief.


(Daniel) A big mistake.


Looking out my bedroom window


I can see the tension on the street

Yeah, take it down

And if I fall down by tomorrow

Maybe I do land on my feet

I only hope so, baby

Like a cat with nine lives


Get yourself... into hospital.

- You need one yourself!

- No, I don't!

- I'll get rid of the car.

- You need to get rid of the bloody g*n!

That's the first time I heard you swear.

(Daniel) How do you feel?

(Gerry) Dunno yet.


Last night was amazing.

Was it?

You don't remember?

I remember a lot of stuff.

All of it strange.

Someone gave me something that

messed with my head. Was it you?


But I only remember good things.


You and me.

I don't know you, Daniel.

And I don't usually sleep

with people I don't know.

So we'll get to know each other.

Starting from now, OK?


..I'm not like you.


And I'm not like all your hippy friends

who believe in free love.

Nothing's free in this world.

Things have to be earned.


...last night, it was us.

There wasn't anybody else.

(knock on door)



- Oh, that's nice(!)

- Sorry. The door stuck, Mom.

What are you doing here?

I thought you were in Paris.

Oh, no. We left Paris.

There were these riots. It was terrifying.

- Look at the length of your hair!

- I said this wasn't a good idea.

We called your college.

They said you're working in London.

They gave us the address where they

forward your mail. What is this place?

- A friend's apartment.

- But you're at Oxford.

On a Rhodes scholarship.

What's the story here, son?

Uh... this is, uh...

- Gerry.


Gerry, these are my parents.

Does, um... Gerry live here, too?

No, I'm just passing through.

I'm sorry about that, OK?

I don't care what they think about us.

There is no "us", Daniel!

We were off our heads.

We can't remember what happened.

So let's pretend nothing did.

Look, uh... why don't I

make you guys some coffee?

I think we'd rather take you some place.

Do you wanna change?

(car horn beeps)

Duggie wants to see you, Gerry.

Bloody hell!

When we spoke to your roommate

at Oxford...

..that nice young man from Arkansas...

...he said he'd hardly seen you

this whole semester.

- Thanks, Bill(!)

- I'll take care of that.


Do you really think a job on a subversive

magazine will look good on your rsum?

Dad... writing is

what I wanna do right now.

I don't know if I can,

but that's what this year is about:

...me figuring out who I am, what I want.

I see! So it's not just you

avoiding the draft for another year?

If it was, it'd be

a pretty damn good reason, Dad!

I mean, not getting my leg sh*t off

is more important to me than a PhD.

- Or do you want me to go to Vietnam?

- Of course not.

It's not a question of what we want,

Birdie. It's a question...

...of him doing his duty for his country.

- Ah. Great!

- Mmm!

Thank you very much.

- Heh-heh! There's a good-looker!

- (distorted babbling)

This isn't the w*r you fought.

I mean, back then, the issues were clear.

The lobsters had to be defeated.

The... lobsters?!

The Nazis.

What are we doing in Southeast Asia

bombing rice farmers?

We are making a stand against

the spread of worldwide Communism.

How much of a stand are you

prepared to make, Daniel?

How much of a stand are you

prepared to make, Daniel?

Are you going to Canada

with the other draft dodgers?

(distorted) He couldn't possibly

live in Canada.

Are you all right, Daniel?


Whoa! Yeah.

Right, hop it.

What do you think of all this, then, hm?

- Very nice, Duggie.

- Yeah. That'll be the swimming pool.

And my wife June wants a Jacuzzi.

What's a Jacuzzi?

I dunno. But she wants one.

Know why you're here?

No idea.

Last night, two cowboys

robbed a club in the West End.

Only, one of 'em was called Mandy.

Cedric was there. Tell her why, Cedric.

- I get free drinks.

- Ask him why he gets free drinks.

Why do ya get free drinks, Cedric?

Duggie owns the club. (chuckles)

- (softly) f*ck!

- Yeah, well... major stake.

My partners pay me to make sure

things like this don't happen.

How do ya think

this makes me look, then?

- I didn't know about it.

- You should. You're the eldest.

You've been doing all these jobs, ain't ya?

Shows a bit of bottle

in this day and age of women's lib.

But... you do not piss on my turf.

I know, Duggie.

I'll square it.

- Honest.

- I'll have that money they took.

And just for sweeteners...

..I'll have them sparklers

from that job you did in Soho.

I like you, Gerry.

But if you don't sort this out...

..I'll f*cking hurt you!

By tomorrow.

People, I got sunshine

On a cloudy day


I've got sunshine, sunshine

On a cloudy day

Have mercy

People, I'm groovin', groovin'

f*ck! Come on, then. Come on.

Come on, then.


Welcome to the circus!


Clear the sideshow

You dig?

Cos you people look at us like freaks


Ahh! Yeah!

What the f*ck are you doing?!

Mandy! Get rid of him!

- Hello, Gerry.

- Come here!

- What happened?!

- I sh*t off the end of my thumb.

- They cleaned it up at the chemist's.

- You're d*sfigured for life!

- I used to bite that nail anyway.

- Where's Jo?

Same b*llet that did this

caught her on the leg. She's in hospital.

- What?!

- She's all right. I've seen her.

- Don't go cos the police are in and out.

- Christ, Mandy!

What a mess! And you don't know

the half of it. Duggie...

...owns the place you knocked off.

He wants the money back

and he wants the jewels as a bonus!

What? We went through all that

to end up with sod all?

- What was that for?

- Where's the money?

- It's safe!

- Well, get it!

- And get off the street. Go to Uncle Sid's.

- f*ck off!

I was kinda surprised that you called.

I got the impression

you didn't wanna see me any more.

Are you sure this is

where we were last night?

I thought it was.

I remember the lions. Why?

The jewels I nicked - I threw 'em away

in one of these fountains.

- I don't remember that.

- They must have gone down the drain!

- I was off my head, wasn't I?

- It was Andrew. He spiked both of us.

Maybe it's for the best. Now there's

no evidence. The insurance will pay up.

- It doesn't help.

- So let me help.

You're a nice bloke.

- That's why I want you to go away.

- That doesn't make sense!

I've got the police on my back,

villains after my arse...

...my sister in hospital

with a g*nsh*t wound...

This is serious, grown-up sh*t!

And I don't want you involved.

( "One Of Us Must Know" by Bob Dylan)

Sometimes I feel like

she sees right through me.

Past my pretenses.

My defenses.

(needle scratches across record)

- Jesus!

- How did you get in?

Baz let me in.

He was doing some layout work.

What?! Why are you here?

My parents are in town. I don't wanna

go home - they'll try and change my life.

- What are you doing here?

- What am I doing here?

Er... it's my f*cking office!

- I have business!

- It's Sunday.

Sunday you're usually

at some stately home, having an orgy.

Hi. I'm Daniel.

Go away. Now.

OK. OK, I'm gone.

Thank you.

A snatch full of dollars, dear boy!

Sorry, sorry.

- That's for you.

- Si.

And this is for you.

Both - one each nostril.

- All of it?

- One each nostril.

Come on, come on, come on, come on.

(man cackles)

That is f*cking satisfaction!

That is f*cking satisfaction!


Welcome to f*cking England, baby!

(Andrew) Oh, baby!

I love it.

This wasn't hash, man.

Coke's starting to come to London now.

Everything's getting heavier.

You know that girl I met?

You meet a lot of girls, Daniel.

You're passably good-looking.

You can afford Scotch, American teeth...

The one I took to the Trippe Festival.

- She's a thief.

- Stole your heart, did she?

She steals anything, man.

She's a criminal.

A member of the criminal fraternity.

I think I'm in love with her.

- Walk away.

- I can't.

She just...

She might just be the one thing

that makes sense to me right now.

Think about who she is.

Think about who you are.

I mean... you might see yourself as this

"hippy-trippy digger of the scene, man".

But basically...

when the party's over, Daniel...

...you'll go back home to a nice, safe life.

f*ck you. Maybe I don't want

a nice, safe life.

I do. I'll swap with you.

Maybe your parents'll adopt me.

They're at The Dorchester.

Room 318. Good luck.

I'll get a taxi.

(TV) On the left, their darts player,

who is Morris Barker.

In the centre is Richard Whitecross, and...

(TV off)

How bad is it?

As bad as it can be.

Jo's in hospital...

...and the police are looking for Mandy.

Well... if you square away Duggie Ord...

he'll get the police off your back.

I can't pay him, Dad.

We've gotta get out of here. All of us.

Out of here for keeps.

I wanna tell you...

about the night your mum d*ed.

- You remember Sammy Keane?

- Yeah.

He used to live next door in Rose's house.



...he crossed Duggie Ord once...

...and er... he sent his boys round...

...to firebomb his house.

Only, they came to the wrong place.

What are you sayin'?

It wasn't no gas expl*si*n, Gerry.

Your mum... was right behind the window.

Thank God you girls were upstairs.

You mean...

..our mum...

...was m*rder*d?!

Why didn't you ever tell me?

Why didn't you ever tell anyone?

Cos I thought... it would stand me

in good stead with Duggie Ord...

..if I didn't grass him up.

And the truth is...

..I was gutless.


We can't tell my sisters.

We can't tell my sisters.

It's not too late to shop 'em.

Get them off the street for a few hours.

You're not getting involved.

This is my mess.

No, I've sat in this f*ckin' chair

for ten years.

It's about time I got involved.

Lovely place you got here, June.

He's not up yet.

He had a late one last night.

- Oh.

- Whaddaya want?

We've got a warrant.

Wake him up.

What the f*ck's all this about, Cedric?

(lecturer) Non omne quod licet...

...honestum est.

"Not everything which is lawful...

...is honourable."

Paulus, ad Edictum LXII.

Law is a major instrument

of social control.

It is distinguished from mere custom...

...by the nature of its sanctions

and by the status...

...of the persons who may apply them.

( "4th Time Around" by Bob Dylan)

When she said "Don't waste your words,

they're just lies"

I cried she was deaf

Hey, she worked on my face

Until breaking my eyes

And said "What else you got left?"

It was then that I got up to leave

But she said "Don't forget"

"Everybody must give something back

For something they get"


- Are you all right?

- Yeah. Well, they said it missed the bone.

- What did you tell the law?

- sh*t came from a passing car.

- Did they buy it?

- They went.

- They'll be back.

- This is all down to you, Mandy.

From the moment you pulled that g*n

out of your bag. What's wrong with ya?

- What makes you so angry?

- Me?!

We are family. What gives you the right

to be more pissed off...

- ..than the rest of us?

- I don't know.

- Maybe they should look inside my head!

- Maybe someone should.

I wish I hadn't brought you these now.

- I know what I would like to do.

- What? Is that your bird over there?

Is that the one

you've been giving a seeing-to?

No, it ain't.

Excuse me.

Uh... I'm trying to find a girl.

- Aren't we all?

- (man chuckles)

No. No, she...

Her name is Gerry.

She lives in this neighbourhood.

I don't remember the street exactly, but

I recognise this pub. She has two sisters.

Three sisters - like the Chekhov play.

Well, maybe not.

Sounds like the Chase girls

from Deptford Street. (coughs)

Yeah. Yeah.

It could be her. She never told me

her last name. Do... Do you know them?

(coughs) Never f*ckin' heard of 'em!

If she comes in,

could you please give her my number?

It's important that I get in touch with her.

Do you... Do you have a pen?

Do you have... a pen?


A lot of people wanna know

about the Chase girls.

- Especially after this morning.

- What happened this morning?

- They pulled Duggie.

- Duggie?

Mr... Ord... to you.

Mr Ord. Got it. Right.

If you find her, tell her...

...the whole f*ckin' family's gonna pay.

- Got it?

- I'll be sure to.

(glass smashes)

Thank you, Sister.

(whispers) Lunchtime -

when one of 'em goes for his grub.

Yeah. Got anything for my nerves?

We should have done this at night.

It's gotta be done now, Uncle Sid.

Duggie's lawyers will have him out soon.

(Sid sighs)

Hi. I'm looking for a Josephine Chase.

Josephine Chase.

Nightingale Ward, fourth floor.

Thank you.

- Are you Josephine?

- Jo.

Gerry's sister?

I'm... I'm a friend of hers.

- Are you, er... part of this?

- Part of what?

Getting me out.

Why? Is it not a good hospital?

Who's he?

Do you know him?

- (whispers) What are you doing here?

- You said Jo was sh*t.

- I checked the hospitals.

- Stay out of my life.

- I can't.

- Well, try.

- Who's this?

- I'm Daniel.

- Get her in the chair, for God's sake.

- Let me help.

Is he with us?

- Yes.

You'd better put this on, then.

Where are you taking her?

- X-ray.

- I thought she had an X-ray yesterday.

Smudge on the negative.

Have you any idea

what you've walked into?

I'd say you're trying to sneak your sister

out of here without the cops noticing.

This ain't a bloody college prank!

I've got other people after my arse.

- I met 'em. I have messages.

- Right here.

Don't take him back, Rose. Please?

- Take care.

- I will.

(Dad) Who's this?

- I'm Daniel, sir.

- (Mandy) Oh. Lover boy!

- (Gerry) Shut up, Mandy!

- I'm Mandy, Gerry's evil twin!

(girls gasp)

You three slags!

I should warn you,

I used to box for my school.



- You animal!

- Got that right, girl.

- Urgh!

- Dad!


(Jo) Dad!

I used to box for money.

- Thanks, son.

- Jo?

No, ta.

(Gerry) How much we got?

(Mandy) Should be enough

to get us to France.

(Gerry) Don't paint the headlight!

Bollocks to this!

I ain't doing it on my own.

That Daniel's walking away

from a lot for you.

- College. Career.

- I didn't ask him to.

I know you're a thief, Gerry, but... you've

always been straight with everyone.

- Are you being straight with him?

- How do ya mean?

I just don't think he should get hurt.

He don't deserve that.

(Gerry laughs)


- (laughter and chatter)

- (Daniel) What are you thinking?

- It's a privilege to be in a place like this.

- It's all right.

Dunno what you was

hoping to find in London.

I found you.

Yeah. And cos of that,

you might end up in jail.

Dostoevsky went to jail.

It's a good place to write.

Still gonna write about us?

Well... why not? It gets better all the time.

Is that why you hung in with us?

What other reason could there be?

I'm coming to France with you.

Get real, Daniel.

It's easy for us to starve.

You're used to rich.

No one will starve.

We'll have plenty of cash.

- How?

- Andrew's got cash in his office.

- What? Petty cash in a tin box?

- No. Dirty money.

Money he won't report.


- (Loretta) Mind her feet!

- (man) Easy!

Take it easy, Sidney!


Did you clear this with Andrew, Loretta?

- He's out of town and my show's tonight.

- (man) Drop down.

- Here we go.

- Careful, you bloody idiot!

It's a work of art, not bloody timber!

He's got nothing in the fridge!

I haven't eaten all day!

No, there's no sign they've been here.

No lipstick or... Tampax.

Chopper said they went off with him.

f*ckin' Chopper.

Hey, look at the state of that.

Needs watering!

Yeah, it needs something.



- Isn't this how we met?

- Tsk. Come on.

- sh*t. sh*t!

- What?

She's gone. The money -

it was in a statue - it's gone.

It must have went to the art gallery.

The opening is today.

- What are we gonna do?

- Break in. Isn't that what you guys do?


f*ckin' hell! Hendrix.

f*ckin' rubbish.


There. Now, that's more like it.

Cliff. Live at The Talk Of The Town.

I was there.

- Class.

- f*ckin' is, mate.

- What day is it?

- Tuesday, you bollock!

They might be at this.

Let's go.

I'm not going like this.

- It looks good.

- It looks great. Come on.

No, no, no, no, no, no...

Let's split up. Come on.

Mandy, go that way.

I'm Loretta. Welcome to my... work.

- Where did he stash it?

- It's in there.

- Where?

- It's in her...


What's a woo-woo?

Private part.

Some of Loretta's early works

remind me of RB Kitaj.

In her power of colour,

if not the coherence of ideas.


(brakes screech)

Give me some of that.

Now... where's that Australian cow?

There's a storeroom. I can hide in there...

- ...and let you in.

- Jesus Christ, Loretta!

- You might have bloody asked me!

- I was a couple of pieces short.

- Short?

- Oh, don't go spastic.

- You'll get it back at the end of the week.

- End of the week?!

Excuse me.

Do you have an invitation?


- You owe me for the two kilos, man!

- Look, man. Relax.

- The money's there. It's fine.

- Man!

(all) sh*t!

- What do you look like?

- It's all the latest fab gear, Cedric.

It's diabolical.

We're taking you to see Duggie.

They're not going anywhere.

Need another slap in the face, sonny Jim?

Have you seen these prices?

They want 500 quid for some of this crap!

On your knees, shorty.


I said on your f*ckin' knees!

(Gerry) Jesus! Where'd you get that?

I got one for each of us.

Everyone! Hit the f*ckin' floor!

Not you, Daniel.

You bloody Philistine.

Jo! Bag!

- Keep down!

- Get on the floor!

- Move it, Daniel.

- On the floor!

- (Mandy) Move!

- I told you to walk away.

- Get down!

- Get down!

(Gerry) Stay on the floor!

Hurry up, Daniel!

- (Mandy) Keep your hands on the floor!

- What's going on?

You wouldn't believe it.

(Mandy) Stay down!

- Don't move!

- He's gonna put my money in his bag!

(Jo) Come on.

Let's get out of here.

Don't f*ckin' move!

This is one of those "happenings",

isn't it? Are you from The Living Theatre?

- Piss off!

- No, you piss off!

They want to provoke us - to shock us

out of our bourgeois complacency.

- I've read about them.

- That's right.

I saw them at the Roundhouse

when they guillotined a chicken.

- Very good.

- Bravo!

Gimme the money!

They've got my f*cking money!

My f*cking money! Arrrgghh!

The money!

- Out of the way, bitch!

- I'm only doing my job!

Suck my cock, you f*cking lesbian!

Not the Jag as well, you bastard!

(distorted echoes) Keep going straight.

Get rid of the g*n!

Give me yours!

- Grrr!

- Argh!

(all scream)

My f*cking...

- Bet you wish you had a g*n now.

- Look out!


Hang on!

- Which way?

- Down there!

- No!

- Can't open the bloody door!

Out the back!






Where you go?


No! Stop!

(indistinct shouts)


(girls) Rule Britannia

(Dad) Last time I was in France,

I had a r*fle in my hand.

It was the w*r.

Rule Britannia

Marmalade and jam

Five Chinese crackers up your arsehole

Bang, bang, bang, bang



These bugs are everywhere!

( "J'aime Les Filles"

by Jacques Dutronc)

What's wrong?

We've never made love.

Yes, we have.

No, we haven't.

We didn't know where

or who we were that night.

I don't get this.

After all we've been through, after what

he's done, how can you run out on him?

Cos I love him, Dad.

Yeah, well, you lost me there, girl.

She thinks she'll mess up his life, Dad.

- What's up?

- (Mandy) It's a flat tyre.

Have a look, Gerry.


What're you doing?

Stop messing about!

Let him make up his own mind! You

don't have to look out for us any more.

Get your own life, girl!

Come on!


Calmte. Calmte.

- Where's my f*ckin' money?

- I don't know... I don't know.

Now listen, pretty boy.

Think I'm a Colombian peasant? I ain't.

Tell me where my money is or I'll k*ll you!

Look, man, I don't have it!

They... f*ck! They ripped me off, too,

man. What do you think I'm hitching for?!

One false move...

- Entiendes?

- Si.

Pull over. Stop.

f*cking stop!

Parate. Aqui, aqui, aqui.

Not a f*cking word!



Drive. Come on, come on.

Where are the others?

They rip you off too, huh?

No. I was looking for him.

Really? Then why did you

walk out on me in the first place?

Cos it's not too late for you

to rescue your life.

"Rescue my life"?!

Gerry, without you, I don't have a life.

Do I have to listen to this?

Where's my f*cking money?

They've long gone by now!

Pull over, man. Pull over.

I want my f*cking money.



Nice car, Gerry! Where'd you nick it?

- We've gotta give him the money.

- No way.

No, no! I think you should

listen to your sister, Mandy.

- Go get the money.

- No way!

Move it!

OK. Bring it over here! Now!

Move it! Put it on there.

Open it.

It's all there.

Except what we paid for the car.

(menacing whispers)

Monsieur. Coupez.

- Coupez.

- Go away, loco.

(chuckles) Plus grande, hein?

Go away, loco.

Non, non. Coupez. S'il vous plait, hein?








Ooh, baby

Ain't nothing like the real thing, baby

Ain't nothing like the real thing

No, no

Ain't nothing like the real thing, baby

Ain't nothing like the real thing

No, honey

I've got your picture hanging on the wall

But it can't see or come to me...

Oi, oi, oi, oi, oi, oi! Come back. Sit down.

I realise it's just a picture in a frame

Ooh! I read your letters

when you're not here

But they don't move me

and they don't groove me

Like when I hear your sweet voice

whispering in my ear

Don't you know?


Ain't nothing like the real thing

I played my game of fantasy

I pretend, but I know in reality

I need the shelter of your arms

to comfort me

No other sound

Is quite the same as your name

No touch can do half as much

To make me feel better

So let's stay together...

You're all I need to get by

Come on over here

And let me talk to you for a minute, baby

You're all I need...

Like a smooth morning dew

I took one look at you

And it was plain to see

You were my destiny

With arms opened wide

I threw away my pride

I'll sacrifice for you

Dedicate my life to you

I will go where you lead

Always there in time of need

And when I lose my will

You will be there to push me up the hill

And there's no looking back for us

Cos we've got love

And sure "nough that's enough

You're all...

You're all I need... to get by

You're all I need to get by

Come on, come on

Like an eagle protects his nest

For you I'll do my best

Stand by you just like a tree

And dare anybody to try and move me

Darling, in you I've found

Strength when! was torn down

Don't know what's in store

Together we can open any door

I trusted you

It's good for you

And inspired you a little higher

I know you can make me a man

Out of this soul that didn't have a goal

Cos we... we got the right foundation

Along with love and determination

You're all... You're all ...

Won't stop, no, we're doing it, no, no

All.. All the joys

I'll never stop

You're my one

Oh, you're all I need

And oh, you're all I need

And oh, you're all I need

You're all I need to get by

Hey, check it out now, man

This is what I've been saying

Before I met you, I didn't have a life

But now everything's

Gonna be all right, girl

I got so tired of playing around

Yeah, now all I gotta do

is just slow down, baby


I wanna make you feel it

You're all I need

Turn it up

Are you ready to shake your butt down?

You're all I need

Turn it up

Are you ready to shake your butt down?

You're all I need

Turn it up

Are you ready to shake your butt down?

You're all I need

Oh, just touch me all over

You're all I need, all I want

I need you so bad

Just walk that walk and talk that talk

You're all I need, all I want

The best that I've had

Thank you, girl

Life's too short to borrow time

Together we can blow some minds...
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