Us or Them (2023)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.
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Us or Them (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

[Media SKN West Indies

introductory theme music]

[Highfield Grange Studios

introductory theme music]

[soft music playing]

[Dean grunting in pain]

[Dean breathing heavily]

[Josh grunting]

[tongue thuds]

-[cries in pain]

[spits blood]

-[coughing blood]


THE OFFICIATOR: The next round's

for ten million dollars.

-No. Please no more.

Please just stop.

THE OFFICIATOR: You're gonna

have to speak up, Josh.

It's really hard

to understand you.

Ah. Tell me.

[Josh mumbles]


Let's skip the discussion

stage, shall we?

See what your family members

have to say.


THE OFFICIATOR: So, you all know

the rules by now.

Everybody loses another eye,

or you save yourself

and your loved one

and k*ll your friend's

family member instead.

But if you both choose blue,

both your family members die.

Anything you'd like to add?

-It's okay, Josh.

Just choose red and

let's all walk out of here


THE OFFICIATOR: That's time.

How dull.

-Dean, fucker.

I'm your blood.

Press blue.

Don't [indistinct] me.

THE OFFICIATOR: Saving yourself;

a man after my own heart.

Gentleman, time to

make your decision.

[suspenseful music playing]

[birds chirping]

[Dean's family member panting]

[button alarm sounding]


[suspenseful music playing]

[button alarm sounding]


choices in three, two, one.

[light bulb buzzes]



No! [cries]

[Dean cries]

-[Josh cries]



-Oh, God. No.

No, you f*cking bitch!

You f*cking bitch.

[g*n fired]

-[waves crashing]

-[seagulls calling]

[gentle music playing]

[distant siren wailing]

[gentle music continues]

-Nine-hour flight

just so you lot can stare

at your phone some more.

You might as well have

stayed in England.

-I thought you said

no work?

-I'm not.

-So who are you messaging?

-Kate, come on.

I'm just trying to find some

decent places

for us to eat.

-You're just

like your mother.

She used to pre-plan ahead

whenever I took you boys

on holiday as kids.

Remember those itineraries

she used to print out?

HENRY: Could this hotel

be any further away

from the airport?

Feel like I've been

on this bus my entire life.

-All right, bruv.

I win us a holiday,

and you're still complaining.

Feel free to get off the bus.

-Even if

I was an afterthought.

-You know,

my mum always used to say

those games ruin your life.


Well, we're on our way

to a five-star villa

because of this game so

your mum can f*ck off.

-Oh, my god.

You're [indistinct].

[bus engine revving]

[birds chirping]

[somber music playing]


-"To our competition winner:

"We would like to invite you

"and a member of your party

of your choosing

"to attend a special meeting

tomorrow at 12.

"We do hope you can make it.

"Kind regards from everyone

at Devrow Games.

Enjoy your stay."

All right, then.

-So how long

till it comes in?

-The money? Not long.

Like two, three months maybe.

-But you already

have the other investor

on board, right?


Yeah, we just need to

sign off on the paperwork

and then they'll

release the money.


I look forward to

being spoilt

when that comes in.

KATE: You can't expect me

to just be okay

after what happened.

ANDY: We have to at least try.

KATE: I'm here, aren't I?

ANDY: But what good is that if

you're going to give me

the cold shoulder

all the time?

KATE: Maybe I should go

sleeping around

with someone at work?

Help me get over it!

ANDY: Hey.


Talk about a mood k*ller.



Before I forget, we need to

look at the spa menu.

They said

they get really busy

so we should

book something.

-Yeah. Fine.

[footsteps receding]

-How long was he cheating?

-Oh, I've got no idea.

-Did you know her?

-Uh, yeah. I met her

a couple of times.

-Did Kate know her?

-I don't know.

But I mean, he's sorry

and it's over now.

I don't know why we all

keep talking about it.


he got caught more like.

How long have they

been together?

-Him and Kate?

Long time.

Um, nine, ten years maybe.


Just proves you never

really know someone.

Did she want kids with him?

-I don't know.

-My mum

always used to say,

"You want to keep a man

on your side,

tell him you want

his babies."

-Is that right? Well...

HEATHER: [laughs] Uh...

[mouths] No.


[birds chirping]

[claps hands]

[birds chirping]

[door opens, closes]

[soft music playing]

ANDY: Don't you need those?

-I just...


-I just want to feel

something for a change.

-Tell me what I can do.

-I just don't trust

anything you say anymore.

-I deserve that....

Look at me.


I will never lie to you again.

[soft music continues]

[crickets chirping]

[distant bird calling]

[distant waves crashing]

-So, we heard

you guys arguing yesterday.

-Oh, wow.

Erm, sorry about that.

I guess we're going

through some stuff.

-They are all the same.

Well, except for Jude.

-Oh, yes.

Jude is definitely

one of a kind.


-How long have you

and him been together now?


coming up to

four months now I think.

JUDE: Look at it...


ANDY: Yeah. Something else.


You know what

the best part is?

It's all for f*cking free.


-ANDY[beers clink]hat.

-Mm. Oh, mate.

I really like Heather.

I know I say it every time but

she's so chill.

And, mate, the sex...

-Dude. f*cking disgusting.



I'm happy for you.

I mean it.

JUDE: Thanks, man.

Mm. Look, with you and Kate.

Just so you know, if you

want to talk, I'm here.

That's what I'm gonna say.

-Thanks, man.

But I get it

from her perspective.

-Yeah, I mean,

you did the crime.

-I'm definitely

doing the time.

-[Jude laughs]

Where's your dad, by the way?

-Uh, he's probably reading

in the shade somewhere,

knowing him.

Listen, I didn't get a chance

to say thank you properly.

-JUDE: Mm.

-For inviting him, I mean.

Since Mum died, it's been,'s been tough.

-Yeah, I get it.

Look, man, no worries.

I was happy to do it.

They're like family to me.

Unfortunately, so is he.

ANDY: Oh, what the f*ck.

JUDE: Ugh...

what a d*ck.

-I'm surprised

you invited him.

-Yeah, well,

I kind of owed him.

He lent me money last year

and I'm still waiting for

everything to come through

with the business, so.

-But I thought

you had investors.

-Oh yeah.

No, no, that was nothing

to do with the company.

That's a whole other thing

in and of itself.

-You're not gambling

again, are you?


-How much do you owe him?

-Nine grand.

-[Andy scoffs]

-Hey, look.

Do me a favor.

Don't mention anything

to Heather.

We're not at that point

where I'm quite comfortable

letting her know

about my finances yet.


-I know everyone

thinks that I'm a gold digger.

-That's not true.


His brother literally

said it to me on the plane.

-Oh, wow. Ugh.

Well, Henry is...

-A d*ck.


I don't care.

I've never really felt like

this about a guy before.

And I know he is not perfect,


I kind of think he could be.

You know, like a fixer-upper.

-Well, I guess

it's true what they say.

There really is someone

out there for everyone.


[birds chirping]

-Look-- look.

I'm sorry, I can't help out.

If Kate decides to divorce me,

then I'm gonna--

JUDE: Mate, she's not

gonna divorce you.

-You think?


You've been together

since college.

She loves you.

You just need to give her time

to calm down.

Trust me.

-Love you, man.

[beer mugs clink]

-I love you too.

-[Andy laughs]

-All right, hurry up.

We've got a meeting to get to.

-ANDY: A meeting?


Company I won the holiday off

left a note in my room

to attend a secret meeting.

You're coming with.

-What do they want?

-Give me a prize

for awesomeness probably.

-[Andy laughs]

-That's what I reckon.

Come on.

-ANDY: Mm.

Then let's hit

that prize of awesomeness.

[breeze blowing]

[bus engine revving]

[birds calling]

[animal howling]

[intense music playing]

[birds chirping]

JUDE: Yeah. [indistinct].


-JUDE: Hi.

-Oh, please sit down.

Sit. [laughs]


Well, you're even more

handsome in person.

And you are?

-I'm Andy.

JUDE: Sorry, this is my mate.

-Andy, lovely to meet you.

Please, these are for you.

-Thank you.


Thank you for joining us today.

JUDE: No worries.

I mean, you paid for it.

-Well, you earned it.

-Mm. I'm sorry, you are?

-My apologies.

I'm an Officiator for the app

that Jude has been playing.

And I'd like to say

how impressed we are

with your performance, Jude.


Which is why

we've asked you here today.

We'd like to offer you

the opportunity to level up

in an exclusive game

played here in person

for the pleasure

of our top-tier patrons.

Except this time, you'll need

a partner to play with.

-Well, hold on.

There's a level up

from winning a holiday?

-You'll be in line

to take home 20 million dollars.

-[scoffs] I'm sorry,

did you just say 20--?


-Well, f*ck me. [laughs]

-She's messing with us.

You're messing with us, right?

-I mean,

well, we are a gaming company.

That's what we do.

We mess with people.

-[Jude laughs]

Uh, what do we have to do?

-It's basically the same

as the games on the app,

except this time,

it'd be live for our patrons.

-And we both play?

-You both play.


but what's the catch?

-Smart man.

Yes, there's always a catch,

isn't there?

Such is life.

We want to make sure

that once you start playing,

you finish the game.

So, we ask that you be

bound to the table.

-What does that mean?

Like handcuffed?

-Sort of.

It's just a technicality,


You know, our investors

put a lot on the line

to make all of this happen,

so we can't start the game

unless we're sure

you're gonna see it through.

-No, no, no, no, no.

f*ck that.

-Whoa, whoa, no, no.

Hold on. Hold on.

Hold on. Yeah, sorry.

We're-- we're interested.

We are.

Uh, yeah.

No, we just need to

iron out the details.


you're my manager?

-Mate, calm down.

It's fine.

THE OFFICIATOR: How about this?

We give you the first round

relatively risk-free.

And if after that,

you don't wish to continue,

you can leave the table

and walk away.

-When would we play?


Some of my crew members

would come pick you up at nine.

-Kate wants to do

a hike tomorrow.

-Mate, it's

20 million dollars.

Buy her a mountain.

She can hike whenever.

Come on.


-It's risk-free.



-ANDY: Yes.

-Yeah, big man. Yeah.


My producers will be so happy.


-[chuckles] [sighs]

We are so excited to see

what you bring to the table.


-Thank you.

-Kate is gonna k*ll me.

-No, she's not, mate,

'cause you're gonna be

a millionaire.

A millionaire!

[laughs] Mwah.

Yes, yes, yes.

[exhales] She was quite hot.

By the way,

I'm gonna drink yours.


[crickets chirping]

[bird calling]

[wind blowing wildly]

[tense music playing]

ANDY: Where'd you come from?



Sure you don't want a drink?

ANDY: I'm sure.

JUDE: Calm your nerves.

[tense music playing]

How'd you--?


Guess I wasn't

supposed to drink that then.

[suspenseful music]

[suspenseful drum beating]


Good morning, gentlemen.

JUDE: Morning.

-I'm glad

to see that neither of you

had a change of heart

during the night.

-No chance.

-And you?

-If he's happy,

I'm happy.


Spoken like a true friend.

Hold on to that.

Please, let me show you the set.

-You can show us the money.

[wind blowing gently]

[suspenseful drum beating]

-Here we are.



Have a seat.

All right.

So, I've been asked

to oversee a game

we're calling "Us or Them."

It's a variation of

the prisoner's dilemma.

A paradox in decision analysis

in which two individuals

are asked to make a decision

in their own self-interest

in order to produce

an optimal outcome.

Now, eventually,

you'll get the chance

to split a huge sum of money.

But until then, Andy,

we promised you yesterday

that you'll get the chance

to do one round

and if after that,

you don't wish to continue,

you can walk away.

Now this first free round

is worth 10,000 dollars.

-Ten grand

just for showing up, mate.

-The rules are pretty simple.

In front of you,

you have two buttons,

one red and one blue.

If both of you

pick the red button,

you get an equal share

of the 10,000 dollars.

If one of you picks red

and one of you picks blue,

then the blue player

gets the full sum of

money and the red player

is in debt to the company

for that same amount.

Now if you both pick the blue,

then you both get nothing

and you're both in debt

10,000 dollars.

You will be given

an allocated period of time

to discuss before

making your decision.

Do you both understand?

-I have a question,




-Well, I think obviously,

they make money

if we don't agree.

It's like casino rules.

It's us versus the house.

-Sure. But who's it for?

-For those who watch.

-Those who watch.

That's not really

much of an answer, is it?

-Look, I would love to answer

all your questions,

but we are on a bit of

a time crunch here.

So, if you don't mind,

let's begin.

ANDY: Um...

Well, obviously

we just press red.


It's straightforward.

-Simple enough.

JUDE: Yeah. I told you, mate.

These things

are all about strategy.

We play the game,

and the money is ours.

-I guess the idea is

as the money gets bigger,

we get greedy and try

and shaft each other?

-Exactly, which

we're not going to do.


-And now we wait.


Do we have to wait?

Can't we just press now?

-I'm afraid not.

There's a process

to the way things unravel

so we just have to be patient.

[time ticking]

-Easiest ten grand

I ever made.

-Five grand.

-Yes, mate.

Calm down.



-I just remembered.

You owe Henry nine thousand.


-That's a pretty good reason

for you to press blue

is all I was thinking.

-f*ck off, Andy. As if.


-Mate, are you serious?

-Yes, I am serious.

I can't afford to be

in ten grand's worth of debt

over a stupid game.

-Man, how long

have we known each other?


I know what you're like.

I'm just saying.

-What are you saying?

-Forget it.

-No, no.

Go on. Say it.

-Stop it.

-Ask me, mate.

-ANDY: No.

-Ask me.

-Are you going to press

the blue button or not?

-f*ck off, you dickhead.

I wouldn't do that to you.

You're a dickhead

for even suggesting it.


And to be fair,

you've got the track record

for that sort of thing.

-What sort of thing?

-[laughs] All right,

this is getting silly now.

Come on. We're both

gonna press red.

It's all good.

-Are you making a dig

at the fling I had?

-I mean, it was hardly

a fling, was it, bro?

-Like you've never

messed around.

-I haven't.

-That's a lie.

I'm not judging,

I'm just saying.


Maybe you don't know me

as well as you think you do.

-Don't I?

-[laughs] All right,

let's not be dicks about this.

You're gonna press red.

I'm gonna press red.

It's all good.

Sorry, mate.

I shouldn't brought up

the affair--fling.

Fling. That was

bang out of order.

-You better press red.

-I will.

How much longer

do we have to wait?

-Not much longer.

-Look, man.

I'm...I'm sorry.

-Good, because I'm

literally your only friend.

-[laughs] He's--

he's not my only friend.

He's-- he's not my only friend.

-I am. I really

am his only friend.

Trust me. Even his mum

prefers me. [laughs]


-Yeah. Sorry, man.

-It's all right, mate.


That should do it.

Gentlemen, make your decision.

[timer ticking]

[button alarm sounding]

[button alarm sounding]

[distant bird calling]

[suspenseful drum beating]

In three...



[light bulb buzzes]

Both chose red.

Congratulations, gentlemen.

Five thousand dollars has been

deposited into your account.

[Jude clears throat]

-Please go ahead and check.

JUDE: Yeah, I've been paid.

ANDY: Yeah. Me, too.

-I f*ckin' told you, mate!


-That is

the end of our free round.

So if you wish to continue


you will have your left hand

bound to the table,

and you'll have to stay

until the game is done.

ANDY: Oh, hang on.

I thought you were actually

joking about that.

JUDE: Yeah. [laughs]

That's a little bit kinky

even for my taste.

-It's creepy, more like.

Dude, we're 5,000 up.

Let's just get out of it.

-All right.

Look, look.

What if we just sign something

and no one gets strapped down

to the table

and then we promise

we won't leave.

-It's really not up to me.

It's just how it works.

I have producers to answer to.

-We both just won

a chunk of money.

Let's just go back,

grab a beer, and celebrate.

-How much

is the next round for?

-One hundred thousand dollars.

-[Jude blows out breath]

Andy. Come on, mate.

We can do it.

-Can we?

-Yeah. We just do

what we just did.

It'll be easy.

-Warm-up rounds always are.

-No, mate.

I think the game stays the same.

It's just the money goes up.

-Look, I'm happy

with the money I have.

Thank you but I'm out.

-Look, I'm

going to level with you, okay?

If you don't play the game,

I don't get paid,

so it is definitely

in my best interest

to try to convince you to stay.

Why don't we do this?

We'll give you some space.

You can go over there.

You can discuss in private.

Let me ask you this:

How many times in life

do you think

you're gonna get the chance

to win 20 million dollars?

-And what will it cost us?

-Everyone has their price,

Andy. What's yours?

-Come on.

Let's go have a chat.

She said we can have a chat,

let's go have a chat.


We'll give you space.

[gentle music playing]

JUDE: Twenty million

split between us, mate.

Just think about that for a sec.

ANDY: If we win.

-We will win.

-Dude, anything

can go wrong.

We've already argued with

each other in the warm-up.

-Mate, that wasn't arguing.

That was brotherly [indistinct].

-Well, I don't want to

be strapped down

by the wrist either.

-Won't be the first time.

-See? You're not

taking it seriously.


Think what

our lives would be like

with that kind of money, man.

-What happens

if it goes wrong

and you're in debt

for that amount of money?

That's really what

they're after here.

It's like a casino.


The house always wins.

-Look, if we lose,

we declare bankruptcy

and we live with it.

They can't take

what we don't have.

Mate, think about Kate,

and your dad.

What would your mum have done?


We'll just do the same thing.

-We'll just do

the same thing.


Why do I feel

I'm going to regret this?

-[laughs] Yes!

Ah, you're about to be

a very rich man.

ANDY: Yeah, yeah.

Just don't f*ck around, Jude.

-JUDE: I won't.

-ANDY: I mean it.

-Scout's honor.

ANDY: When were you

in the Scouts?

[upbeat music playing]

-I'm quite excited.

-You're such a kid.


We're in.


You both want to do this?

-Oh, yeah.


-Yeah, sure.


Well then, we just ask

that you hand over

your watch and phones.

It's just to minimize

any distractions.

-Don't scratch it. [laughs]


[unsettling music playing]

[metal arches mechanically


-[gasps] Whoa.

That's pretty f*cking tight.

-Yeah, that's

what she said. [laughs]

-Jude, I mean it.

You better take this seriously.

-Yes, mate. Never been

more serious in my life.

-Okay, let's get

this thing rolling, shall we?

Now, at the start of each round,

I will explain what

there is to play for.

In this round, we're playing for

a hundred thousand dollars.

Now, just like before,

if both of you push

the red button,

you'll get an equal share

of the money.


-ANDY: [laughs] See.

There's always a but.

-In this round,

you will also lose a finger.

-Sorry, what did you say?

-Uh, [laughs] I think

she said we'll lose a finger.

-Now, if one of you presses

blue and the other pushes red,

then the blue player will

receive the full 100,000 dollars

and will keep their hand intact.

The red player will be in debt

for 100,000 dollars

and will also lose a finger.


Are you f*cking with us?

Mate, she's f*cking with us.

-I don't think she is.


if both of you press blue,

then you'll both be in debt

a 100,000 dollars,

and you will also lose

your entire hand

from the wrist down.


What the f*ck is this?

-It's just

a simple test of cooperation,

that's all.

Now you'll both be given

an allocated period of time

to discuss before making

your final decision.

So use it wisely.

For those who watch.

-For those who watch.

-Your time begins now.

-I want out of this now.

You hear me?

-No, no. Mate.

-I have rights.

-Andy, you knew the rules

and you chose to participate


You've agreed not to leave

until this is all over.


-A-all right.

Mate, mate.

I think I know

what's going on here.

They're filming us.

It's a reality TV show. Right?

This is like,

like a prank show.

It's good. It's funny.

I get it. [laughs]

-Does she look like

she's joking to you?

JUDE: Andy, don't buy into it.


Think about it, mate.

Who goes around chopping

people's fingers off?

-We're in the middle

of nowhere on an island.

They can chop off

whatever they want.

Who's going to stop them?

-Mate, they still have laws.

-I don't think

they give a shit.


-No one even knows where we are.

-Mate, calm down.

-Don't tell me

to calm down.

You got us into this.

What's your plan now? Huh?


time is ticking.

You really should be discussing

what you're going to do.

Red or blue.

-You're seriously f*cked up.

-I'm just

giving people what they want.

-Andy, let's just

play out the round, all right?

It's a joke. It has to be.

-What if I refuse? Huh?

If I just don't press anything.

-Then we'll have to

terminate you immediately.


-What is that

supposed to mean?

-It means who uses

a word like terminate?

It's fine. Chill out.

-I'm pretty far

from chill right now, Jude.

I can't believe

I agreed to this.

We could be drinking a beer

on the beach right now.

But no.

-I don't suppose

we could get a beer?

-Will you take this seriously,

for one f*cking second?!

-And what?

Get worked up like you?

-Yes, exactly that.

-Mate, you take things

too seriously.

-Maybe if you took

a leaf out of my book,

you wouldn't be

in so much debt.


Well, maybe if you took

a leaf out of mine,

you wouldn't have shagged

the office intern

and f*cked up your whole life.

-My life would be doing

fine if it wasn't for you.

I'd already ended it

when you opened

your big mouth to Kate.

-Yeah, how'd you

work that one out?

-You planted

the seed of doubt.

-"Seed of doubt"?

All right, Shakespeare.

No, you got caught red-handed.

I didn't plant shit.

It's not my fault your wife's

a neurotic pessimist

with trust issues.

-Thirty seconds, gentlemen.

-Come on.


Look, Jude, I don't think

this is a joke.


I promise you Kate's gonna

walk out of there any minute.

This whole thing's fine.

-Well, if it's a joke,

you'll press red.

-I don't know.

How do I know

you're gonna press red.

-Damn it! Press red.

I mean it.

-Oop! And that's time.

Gentlemen, make your decisions.

[button alarm sounding]

[button alarm sounding]

In three...



[light bulb buzzes]


Andy has chosen red

and Jude has chosen blue.

-All right.

Andy, it's bullshit, man.

You got to trust me

on this, all right?

It's gonna be fine.

-Are you f*cking insane?!

[metal arch closing sharply]


[screams in pain]

f*ck! f*ck!

God! God!


-Congratulations, Jude.

One hundred thousand dollars

has just been deposited

into your account.

-What the f*ck

is wrong with you?

-Andy, you are

now in debt to the company

for the same sum of money.

-Jesus Christ.

Oh f*ck.

Huh, Andy. Huh.

Mate, we'll get some ice.

We'll get some ice.

We'll chill it and you can

get it stitched back on.

You're gonna be good.

-Stitch that on,

m*therf*cker! [cries]

-Next round

will be for 500,000 dollars.

-f*ck you.


-You too.

-Andy, I'm sorry, man.

I didn't know this would happen.

-Five hundred thousand?

Let's play.

-That's the spirit.

-What the f*ck

is the matter with you?

-I'm just doing my job.

-[panting shakily]

-[intense music playing]


The rules are the same.

If both of you press red,

you will get an equal share

of the 500,000 dollars,

but you will also lose a finger.

Now, if one of you presses blue

and one of you presses red,

then the blue player

will receive all the money

and keep their hand intact.

The red player will be in debt

for the same amount

and will also lose a finger.


-Just get your little speech

over with already.


If both players press blue,

then you'll be in debt

for 500,000 dollars,

and you will lose

your entire hand

from the wrist down.

Please, discuss.

For those who watch.

-For those who watch.

-Who the f*ck

are you even talking to?

-You've got me into some

messed-up situations before.

But this time, you've really

excelled yourself, Jude.

-All right. All right.

There's got to be something

we can do to

get ourselves out of this.

We can do something.

You just need to tell us.

-Jude, the only way out

of this is to finish.

You know the rules.

-Yeah, but who

made up the rules?

We don't know

why this is happening.

-[Andy chuckles]

-Why is this

funny to you now?

-[Andy laughing]

At least you might

learn your lesson for once.

-What f*cking lesson, Andy?


That I'm supposed to be

more like you, is that it?

Because from where I'm sitting,

your life doesn't look

too rosy, mate.

-And whose fault is that?


-Mate, I'm sorry.

All right?

But you and me

need to work together

if we're gonna get out of this.

-[Andy chuckles mockingly]

Now he wants to work together.

-I didn't know they were

going to do that to your finger.

-This is literally

what they said,

word for f*cking word.

-Andy, I would not

have pressed blue

if I thought this was real.

-That's what this is.

You're scared

I'm gonna press blue.


-Mate, neither of us

can press blue.

-I can press

whatever I want, actually.

-Andy, I'm going to press red.

I promise you.

-Your promise

means zero to me.

Surely you should be offering to

take the hit this time anyway.

You're going to lose a finger,

either way.

-Take the hit? Mate...

-You said we're brothers, right?

-Yeah, but...

-But what?

I lose a finger for you.

You lose a finger for me.


-Yeah. But, mate,

that's not all

they're asking though

exactly. Is it?

-What kind of person

doesn't offer to take one

for the team after what

you just put me through?

Unless it's about the money.

-Mate, the business.



You greedy f*ck!

You're unbelievable!

-Mate, that's not fair.


I've just had a f*cking finger

cut off because of you.


Well, this isn't exactly

a walk in the park

for me either.

-Oh, here we go.

It's always about you, isn't it?

Have you ever actually done

anything selfless in your life?


-Yes. Selfless.

Like for someone that's not you?

That you didn't benefit from?

-Oh, mate.

Don't go there.

ANDY: Why?

Well, have you?

Because I haven't quite

made up my mind

which button

I'm going to press yet.

So, it might sway my decision...

Exactly what I thought.

-I knew your mum

was going to die.


What is that supposed to mean?

We all knew my mum

was going to die.


But only because

I made her tell you.

-No. You-- you're

just being ridiculous now.

-Mate, she knew

she had cancer for months

before she told anyone.

She wasn't gonna say anything.

She thought it'd be better

if she just slipped away

in the night quietly.

I had to f*cking beg her

to tell you.

-[clears throat]

How long did you know?

-That doesn't matter.

What matters is the fact

that I got her to tell--

-[slams table]

How long did you know?!

-Six months.


Six months?!

We had three weeks to prepare

her things and say goodbye.

And you and her knew for--

for six months.

-She just wanted to

carry on as normal, mate.

-So let me

get this straight.

She told you and not me?

-Mate, it destroyed me

having to keep it from you,

but she made me swear

not to tell anyone.

-Why would she tell you?

-She needed someone

to drive her to the hospital

for appointments.

She wanted to protect you,

and so she asked me.

-And that's-- that's when

you two got really close.

-Mate, I wanted to

tell you, all right?

But I could see how messed up

you were at the time

with everything that was

going on with Kate.

But then at the same time,

I could see how unfair it was,

that your mum

wasn't telling anyone.

So, every day, I tried to

convince her to say something

until she did.

So there.


Now you know.

-Well, if you gave two shits,

you would have told me.

-Mate, that's not true,

and you know that.

-Ah. Time's up.

Please make your decisions.

[button alarm sounding]

[button alarm sounding]

Oh, this is exciting.

In, three, two, one...

[light bulb buzzes]


[metal arches closing sharply]

Very interesting.

-[grunting sharply]

-[screaming in pain]

Oh, my god. Oh, f*ck.

[screams in pain]

[panting shakily]

Oh, God!

[crying] Oh, God.


Oh, God.


Oh, God... oh, God...

[breathing deeply]

-[breathing heavily]

-Two hundred and fifty thousand


has just been deposited

into each of your accounts.


-How many more rounds

of this are left?

-What would be the fun

in you knowing that?

-Well, I'm running out

of fingers.


-What are you

getting out of this?


-So this is just a job to you.

-Ugh. I know you both think

I'm the villain here

but if there wasn't a market

for this type of thing,

we wouldn't be here, would we?

And as you both know

much too well, money talks.

If it didn't, you wouldn't

have come back to the table.

-So you putting us

through all of this

is just someone else's fault?

-See? You do get it.

Oh. How rude of me

to wave my finger around

in your current situations.

-You really are a bitch.

-Oh, you should be

excited, gentlemen.

We are making real art here.

And the best is yet to come.

-[breathing shakily] f*ck.

-The next round

is for one million dollars.

Now, obviously,

for that kind of money,

we can't just chop off

a finger or two,

so... it's time

to raise the stakes.

ANDY: Oh, God. No.

JUDE: What the f*ck is this?



-[Henry mumbles]

-Leave him out of this.

He's been through enough


-Unfortunately, our patrons

don't feel the same.

-Dad, it's okay.

Everything's gonna be all right.

-Well, now that you know

what there is to lose,

let me explain

what there is to gain.

If both players press red,

then you'll get an equal share

of one million dollars.

But your loved ones

will get their eyes burnt out,

leaving them completely blind.

-What the f*ck!

-Now, if one of you presses blue

and one of you presses red,

then the blue player

receives the full amount

and their loved one

walks away unharmed.

The red player

will then be in debt

for the same amount of money

and their loved one will be

terminated immediately.


-Henry, I'm so sorry.

I-I-I didn't know

what I was getting us into.

-Now, if both players

press blue,

then you'll both be in debt

for one million dollars,

and your loved ones will be

terminated immediately.

-What the f*ck is this?

You're some sort of

f*cking psychopath!

-No, no, no, no, no.

Take my hand instead.

Cut the whole thing off.

Take 'em both, for all I care.

Just leave my dad out of it

and let him go.

-Sweet, but no thanks.

Time to discuss before

making your final decision.

For those who watch.


For those who watch.

-Andy, Andy,

what are we going to do?

-I-I don't know.

-We'll pay the debt. Yeah?

You just name the price,

and we'll pay it

and then it's fine.

And you can let them go.

Please, please.

That's my little brother.

-It's red or blue, Jude.

There's no other choice.


-These are innocent people's

lives we're talking about.

Don't you have a family?

-This kind of thing

doesn't happen to my family.

-Then put yourself

in our positions, woman.

How would you feel?

-I don't have to.

That's why we're watching you

go through this.

-So you're just

going to sit back

and force us to watch

our family get hurt?

-I'm just the officiator.

-You're here right now.

No one else.

You're alone.

You can let them go.

-We're not alone.

-[scoffs angrily]

-Wait, are you afraid

of them?

Is that what it is?

-The patrons get

what the patrons want.


you are wasting time,

and we are on

a tight schedule here.

So, chop-chop.

-You--you play this game

all the time.

You know nothing

about the company?

-Mate, it's an app

I downloaded on my phone.

I don't know

what the f*ck this is.

-You must know something.

-Don't you think I would've

said something by now

if I knew anything

that could help us?

-You gotta do something, Jude.

-What, Andy?! What?

-I don't know. Okay?

-All right.

Let's just do the thing

that causes the least amount

of long-term damage. Yeah?

We'll press red.

-[Henry mumbling]

-They're gonna blind

my dad and Henry.

-You want to think

about the alternative?

Because I don't.

-Why don't we hear

what they have to say?

See if it helps

make your decision.

I'll give them both ten seconds

each to make their case.

-Plead their case?

What the f*ck is this?

-What is this?

Is it some sort of

practical joke?

Because this is not funny.

-You don't know, Dad.

No. I really wish it was.

-Well, call the police

or something then.

-Time's up.

-I love you, son.

Game on.

-Henry? Ten seconds.

-Well, you've really outdone

yourself this time, brother.

-I'm sorry. I didn't know

what this was, brother. I--

-I don't care.

I don't-- I don't care.

All right? I don't know

what is going on here,

but I cannot go blind.

I can't. I'm--

I'm getting married next year.

I've got my whole life to...

No offense, but Samuel

has lived a long life.


Please, please

don't do this to me.

How would I work?

Who's gonna bail you out?

Who's gonna bail you out?


-Don't do this, please! [cries]

-He's got a valid point.

-[Samuel cries]

-No, no, no, no. Dad. No.

-Andy, listen to what

he's saying, mate.

He's asking you to do

the right thing.

-f*ck you, Jude.

Don't even think about it.

We both press red.

You said so.

We're just gonna go red.

It's the only way.

Everyone gets to live then.


-Shut the f*ck up, Andy.

Just let me think

for a second, all right?

-I gotta be able

to trust you, man.

This is my dad's life.

If you press blue...

-I don't know that you won't

press blue, okay?

I mean, come on.

You don't even like Henry.

-I do like him.

-No, you don't.

You said he was a d*ck.

-Not enough

to m*rder him though.

-So, you do hate him?


-For f*ck's sake.

Can you just not let them go?

ANDY: Pressing that blue button

is m*rder, Jude.

And I could say

the same for you.

My-- my dad drives you insane.

-I brought him on holiday.

-After I practically

begged you.

-Mate, he doesn't even like me.

-He doesn't hate you.

He just thinks

you're a bad influence.

-There you go then.

-No, no, no.

Listen, listen.

My dad loves you. All right?

You-- you-- you're family.

-Okay. As much as I could

listen to this all day,

your time is up.

Make your decisions.

You have ten seconds.

-I'm sorry, Dad.

[button alarm sounding]

-I love you, Henry.

[button alarm sounding]

-What the f*ck!

-In three, two, one.

[light bulb buzzes]

-No. No, no, no, no,

no, no, no, no.

ANDY: No, no, no, no, no.

Please, don't. No! Don't.

[chaotic protesting]

[g*n fired]

-No, no, no, no.

-[g*n fired]

-[cries loudly] No!

[emotional music playing]

-You k*lled him.

You lied, and you

f*cking k*lled him.

[tense music playing]


that's enough dwelling on that.

There is money to be made.

Let's move on to

the next round, shall we?

-No, no, no, no.

Don't you f*cking dare.


-Six of us came out.

-We all knew where

this was heading, didn't we?

Bring 'em in.

JUDE: No, no, no, no, no.


JUDE: No, no, no, no.

You can't do this.

You can't do this.

Please, please, please.

Heather, it's all right, baby.


JUDE: It's all right.

Oh, for f*ck's sake.

Oh, God. No.

Please. I'm begging you.

I'm begging you.

-THE OFFICIATOR: The rules...

-ANDY: Stop. Stop.


Now, if both of you press red,

you'll get an equal share

of the five million dollars,

but your loved ones' tongues

will get cut out.

-[Heather groaning]

-Now, if one of...

-KATE: No! presses blue

and the other presses red,

then the blue player

receives all the money

and your loved one

walks away untouched.

-The red player--

-We know the rules.

You don't need to

repeat them, please.

-Fair enough.

Then feel free to discuss

amongst yourselves.

For those who watch.


For those who watch.

-I'm so sorry. This is

such a f*cked-up situation.

We didn't have a choice.

ANDY: Let's not lie to them.

We had a choice.

-Not about this.

How were we supposed to know

that this would happen?

-Because wherever you go,

bad shit follows.

That's how.

Kate, I'm so sorry

for everything. I was...

selfish and confused and--

and it's not fair.

None of it's fair on you.

I would give my life gladly

just to get you out of this.

I promise,

when we get out of here,

things are going to change,


Whatever you want.

[Heather and Kate mumbling]

-Why don't we hear if the ladies

have something to say?

I will give them each 15 seconds

to plead their case.

-You should be

ashamed of yourself.


-Kate, Kate. Don't panic.

-I'm panicking.

-No, no, no.

Everything's gonna be all right.

We're gonna get

through this, okay?

-If this is the last time

I'm gonna get to speak...

I love you. I always did.


I'll never be able to

forgive what happened,

but I will be able to

move past it.

I will.

-[cries] That's

more than enough for me.

-Okay, time's up.

[snaps fingers]

-No, no, no, no, please.

Kate, I love you.

KATE: Oh, oh!

-Heather, 15 seconds.

-[Heather spits]

-Baby, I swear,

it's gonna be okay, all right,

I'm gonna get us out of this.

-I'm pregnant.


-[cries] I'm pregnant.

-Are you serious?

Hey. Wh-- for how long?

How long have you known?

-Not long. I didn't know

how to tell you. I'm sorry.

-You don't--

you don't have to be sorry.

You don't have to be sorry.

Did you hear that?

Are you listening to this?

She's pregnant.

-Time's up.

-HEATHER: Please.

-No, no, no, no, no! She--

she-- she's pregnant.

For Christ's sake.

You can't do this to her.


-[Heather crying]

-Yes, that is unexpected.

-Heather, you serious

we're having a baby?

Andy, please tell me

you're listening to this?

-[cries] I heard her.

-Let her go.

Let her go right now.

I swear to God

I'll f*cking k*ll you myself.


That kind of behavior

isn't gonna get you anywhere.

I'm only doing it

for the people.

-Well then, tell them.

Tell them they can release her.

-I don't have that power.

I'm merely the facilitator.

-That's not true.

You k*lled my brother.

-You did that.

-I don't know what

I'm supposed to say anymore.

-Okay, I'll give you

a bit more time

to make your decisions.

-Jude, listen to me.


We can't let what happened

last time happen again.

HEATHER: Please.

-No. No.

-We need to do this

for each other, okay?

-Yeah. Yeah.



-Okay. Time's up.

Make your decisions.

-It's gonna be alright.

[button alarm sounding]

[button alarm sounding]


-In three, two, one.

[light bulb buzzes]

-[breathing heavily, cries]

-[cries loudly]

You f*cking liar.


-I swear to God,

I'm gonna k*ll you.

-Andy, I'm sorry, man.

I'm sorry.

I couldn't...I... [sobs]

-Andy, you have chosen red,

and Jude--

well, you chose blue.

Five million dollars

has just been deposited

into your account.


[breathes deeply]

-You murdering son of a bitch!

That's my wife.

-Kate, I'm sorry. [cries]

-No, no, no, no, no, no.

Don't. Don't. Please.

I'll do anyt--

-[g*n fired]

-[cries loudly]


-Heather's pregnant, man.

-But you only just met her.

-And you guys

were basically over.

-f*ck you!

[intense music playing]

-[Andy sobbing]

[intense music continues]

[birds chirping]


Well, no more guests.

-You already took

everyone I give a shit about.

-Well, that's not true.

What about Jude here?


-Oh! Okay.

Well, let's move on then.

The next round is for

ten million dollars.

If both of you press red,

you get an equal share

of the money,

but you both get

one eye burnt out.

Now, if one of you presses blue

and the other presses red,

the blue player receives

the full ten million dollars.

The red player is in debt

for the same amount

and gets both eyes burnt out.

If both of you press blue,

then you'll be terminated


Please discuss.

For those who watch.


For those who watch.

-Time is money, gentlemen.

-I don't need time.

-What do you mean?

-I'm pressing blue.

-What? Andy?

No, no, no, no.

-My mind's made up.

-Mate, I know you're upset.


You m*rder*d the only two people

on this planet I cared about,

and you think

I'm a little upset?

-You think

I wanted any of this?

-I'm pressing blue.

-All right, Andy.

Listen to me.

They have nowhere to escalate to

from this point on.

This has to be the final round.

Let's just press red.

We lose an eye,

but we'll keep our vision

and we'll walk away.

-It's too late for that.

-Mate, we can walk

out of this together.

Why would you not want that?



You k*lled Kate.

There's nothing more to say

about it.

I'm pressing blue,

and you can press

whatever the hell you want.

-So, you're just gonna let them

blind me as punishment,

is that it?

-I'm choosing blue.

-And if I press blue?

-Then we both die. f*ck it.

-Andy, think about

what you're saying.

-There is no version of this

where we walk away anyway.

You're not stupid enough

to not realize that.

-Time's up.

Make your decisions.

-I'm ready.

-Me too.

-Oh, I love this.

[button alarm sounding]

[button alarm sounding]

In three, two, one.

[light bulb buzzes]

[Jude sighs in relief]

-Well played, Andy.


An equal amount of money

has been deposited

into each of your accounts.

Now brace yourself.

This may sting a little.

-Oh. Wait.

Hold on. Hold on. Hold on.

This doesn't need to happen.

Hold on. Please. Please.

No, no, no, no.

We can-- we can--

-[Andy grunting in pain]

-[eye sizzling]

-[Jude grunting in pain]

-[eye sizzling]

-[both crying out in pain]

[Officiator sighs]

[both grunting]

-Gentlemen, when we started,

I promised you both the chance

to play for 20 million dollars,

and I always keep my word.

I am curious, however,

how you're feeling

about the money

now that we've gotten this far?

-You can shove it

up your ass. [laughs]

-Yeah. I guess

it is a small amount

in the grand scheme of things,

isn't it?

Let's finish this, shall we?

-Where the f*ck

do we go from here?

[Jude grunting]

-Well, these things

would be nothing

without a little

last-minute twist.

You remember Heather.

JUDE: No, no, no.

That's-- that's not fair.

She was done.

You can't-- you can't

bring her back in.

You can't do that to her.

Don't point that thing at her.

Look, baby. You okay?

Did they do anything to you?

-Your eye.

-Oh. Don't worry, Heather,

they'll live... or not.

That's actually up to you.

-All right, Heather.

Listen to me. Listen to me.

Everything's gonna be

all right. Yeah?

You're gonna be okay.

I promise you.

-[Andy chortles]

[whispers] He's so funny.

He's been saying that all day.


-Gentlemen... this round,

you'll be playing together

as a team...

against Heather.

-Oh, my--

-Andy, you'll make the choice

on behalf of your team,

and Heather, you will hold up

the card of your choice,

when asked.

Now, if both teams choose red,

then you'll all get an equal

share of 20 million dollars,

but you'll also get

one eye burnt out.

If one team chooses blue

and the other chooses red,

then the blue team walks away

with 20 million dollars

and the red team

gets terminated immediately.

If both teams choose blue,

then you all get terminated.

I'll leave you

some time to discuss

before making

your final decision.

For those who watch.


For those who watch.

-It's fine.

-So... how does this work?

We all just choose red, right?

And then we all live? Yeah?


-And me and Jude

are blind for life.

-Come on, Andy. Just do

the right thing and choose red.

-[clears throat]

I don't know.

-She's pregnant, man.



I don't want any of us to die.

-What then,

and I'm supposed to believe

someone like you

isn't gonna press blue

and take all the money?

-Someone like me?

-You're such a gold digger.

-For f*ck's sake, Andy!

Press red!

-[laughs] No.

All right. Let's say

I was to do that.

Press... press red.

I'm supposed to trust her?

-Trust me, mate.

All right?

Look, we both made

mistakes today.

We both lied,

but at the end of the day,

you and me,

we're still family.

-[laughs] Oh.

Well, that's handy...

because I have no real

family left, thanks to you.

-Look, I don't know

what happened here today

and I am really sorry

about Kate.

But please don't do this.

I'll choose red.

I love Jude.

I don't want anything

to happen to him.

I don't wanna live without him.

We don't have to be

family or even friends.

But we can all walk

out of here together.

-[mouths] Please.

-[sighs] Fine.





Make your decisions.

Blue or red.

Us or them?

[suspenseful music playing]

-Reveal your choices

in three, two, one.

[light bulb buzzes]

-[Andy laughs]


-Congratulations, Heather.

You are now going to walk away

with 20 million dollars.

Anything you'd like to say?

-I don't understand.

-I'm sorry.

We've only been together

four months.

I don't think

I should have to...

You got yourself into this,

and I have my whole life.

I'm sorry.

-Okay. Thank you, Heather.

Time for you to leave.

-[Andy laughs]

-Are you even pregnant?

-Duh. [laughs]

-Well, that just about

wraps things up then,

and right on schedule.

Well done, team.


Gentlemen, anything you'd

like to say to one another?


-[loud single shot]

-[body thuds]

-[loud single shot]

-[body thuds]

-[Dean grunting in pain,

crying loudly]


Didn't quite catch that.


-No one gets to

just walk away in this game.

If the patrons like you,

producers will just keep

bringing you back,

one way or another.

We're watching you

go through this

so that we don't

have to again.

Everyone here

has played the game.

And if you don't play,

we don't get paid.

So, let's finish this.

Then we can all be done here.

All right?

[birds chirping]

[gentle music playing]

[music fades out]
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