10x19 - k*lling Me Softly

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Heartbeat". Aired: 10 April 1992 – 12 September 2010.*
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British police procedural period drama series, based upon the "Constable" series of novels set within the North Riding of Yorkshire during the 1960s.
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10x19 - k*lling Me Softly

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why do you miss

♪ When my baby kisses me?

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why does a love kiss

♪ Stay in my memory? ♪

♪ The days have come and gone since you were here

♪ Nights are twice as long without you near

♪ Pictures in my mind stand out so clear

♪ No matter where I am or what I do

♪ My darling, all I see is you ♪

GARRICK: Why don't you get off home, boss?

It's not that busy. I can cope.

No sense in the two of us being in trouble with the missus.

Cheers. I could do an early night.

Any time.


Roger Moore.

Of course.

Roger Moore, that's it.

I was thinking Volvo.

But I couldn't put a name to him.

The Saint in Ivanhoe.

You fancy the saint's car then, do you, Oscar?

Well, not really. I was just saying it looks smart.

No, I've always had a soft spot for the MG. Classic car.

Leather belt over the bonnet, open top,

badges on the front, and a scarf...

blowing in the breeze.

I wonder if the scarf came with the car.

In the adverts, it was always this bloke on his own,

driving with one hand

with a scarf blowing over his shoulder,

and he was waving to someone.


Off another little tash.

Ex-RAF type. Blazer.

Yeah, that's it.


It's very sophisticated.

I always fancied a Yankee car myself.

They have such great names,

you know, Cadillac, El Dorado, Maverick.

I mean, what have we got?

Ford Anglia, Morris Oxford, Austin Cambridge.

Jaguar, Rolls Royce, Bentley,

Aston Martin. - VERNON: Now, there's a car.

Mini. Best in the world.

Didn't Kenneth Moore have an MG in Reach For The Sky,

before he lost his legs?

Are you all right, Bernard?

BERNIE: Douglas Bader's story.

I was just thinking MG. I'm sure he did.

MG. That would be my dream car.

- Hello! - Hello.

Hello. That's the idea.

I'm trying to get a drink.

Oh. Right.

What'll it be, then?

VERNON: The usual.

Oscar, about the service on your Morris.

Oh, aye. What have you found?

Big end's gone.

You said it was just a rattle!

VERNON: It was.

A death rattle. HE CHUCKLES

It's not gonna be cheap or quick.

Sorry, Oscar. A lot needs to be done on it.

Oh, no. Just when you think you're a few bob ahead.

I thought you were asleep.

You'd make a lovely mum.


No, you don't sound so sure.

No, I am. I...

There's just a lot to think about, that's all.

Like what?

My career.

Well, it doesn't have to stop.

You could take a couple of months off,

and, well, we'll get a nanny.

We haven't got enough room.

Anyway, it's not as simple as that.

Why not?

I don't know how I'd feel after having a baby.

I might not even want to go back to work.

Even better.

What, and live on a copper's wages?



This isn't the first time, is it?

You can't do a thing.

Not worth the paper it's printed on.

I'm on to your little game.

I keep making the odd visit.

My lips are sealed.

Yeah, they're sealed. But you're not coming back.

Who says?

I'm the manager. I give the orders here.

Now get out.


Thanks, Gina.

Where are you going this time of night?

- I've got a job on. - What sort of job?

Following a possible errant husband.

I hope it pays well, 'cause it's freezing out there.

Well, down those mean country lanes a man must go.

RENALTO: So what now?

We get the notes back, and fast.

Do you think he'll talk?

Well, if we've got the notes there'll be nothing to talk about.

I don't think I can fix this at a price he'll pay.

Ex-bobby running a boozer.

Must be loaded.

Happen he is, but he won't part with any of it.

Maybe he would for the car of his dreams.

I've been thinking. Look, I've got some money owing.

Why don't you and I buy a few classic sports cars and flog 'em?

Don't start, Vernon.

No, listen. I've given this some thought.

There's more landed gentry and toffs around here

than you can shake a stick at.

It's like Camelot.

Maybe. Well, they're not customers of mine.

That's because you've got nothing they want.

But if we had a few classic sports cars...

I mean, some fella passing through Aidensfield

sees a gleaming Aston Martin on the forecourt and he thinks,

"Ooh, that's a posh car for a little out of the way garage.

"I might get that cheap."

He finishes his business, nips back, buys the car.

Suddenly, we're suppliers to the toffs!

Vernon, you're living in cloud-cuckoo-land.

Look, I told you, it'll be my money. I'm owed nearly quid.

This fella's been on the missing list for three years,

but I'm reliably informed that he's out.

Back. Look, I'll nip and see him,

get the cash off him and we'll look for a sports car.

What's he owe you quid for?

Half a plumbing business.

I didn't know you were a plumber.

I wasn't, but I made a very good living at it.

The secret is just doing emergency call-outs.

Anyway, what do you think? My money, your garage, our cars.

- Well, if it's your money... - It will be.

Just one thing. The bloke that owes me the cash lives in Middlesbrough,

and I don't fancy walking.

Will you lend us a fiver?

- VERONICA: You haven't explained. - I told you. I was at the club.

I rang. You weren't there.

I was on my way home.

It's a -minute drive, so how come you didn't get in until three?


Renalto, you've got to tell me what's going on.

Nothing. Nothing's going on.

If I find out you're in trouble again...

Of course not, Veronica.

I promise.

So you say.

Point taken, sir.

I'll get on to it straight away. Goodbye.

Right. Bradley!

The forged notes. What's being done?

Not a lot, Sarge. The problem is, we've no real lead.

Every note that's been reported has come from somewhere different.

Then I suggest you get back to the shops concerned

and start making some sort of progress.

I don't want a repeat of the conversation

I've just had with the Chief Constable. Understood?

Oh, Sarge. I almost forgot.

Mrs Ventress found this with her winnings at Bingo

last night.

She was very upset about it. Do you want me to question her?

Stop looking so worried. There's nothing wrong.

You're a fit, healthy woman.

So what's the problem?

You, worrying.

Anyway, it's only been a few months, right?

That's right.

Well, if after a year, there's still no joy

that's when I'd start looking into matters.

Mike so wants to become a dad.


And what about you?

There are other considerations.

There usually are for a woman.

Especially when there's a career involved.

Look, why don't I run a few tests?

Purely routine, just to check everything's OK.

SONG: 'Voice In The Wind' by Jimi Hendrix


I met a girl. Your double, I swear.

She was married to the godson of the king of Persia.

Sultan, you know, whatever.

She looked after me when I got wounded.

When I saw you across this bar, I couldn't believe me eyes.

- I thought... - The only time you got wounded

was when I hit you at Park Hill Juniors.

How are you, Dennis?

Good to see you. Good to see me?

How did you find me?

I asked your missus.

DENNIS: Why're you here?

I'm moving into the sports car business.

Where does Middlesbrough come in?

Pint, please, love.

DENNIS: I was going to get in touch with you.

You remember that money?

Money? Oh, yeah! That money!

Yeah, it's bad news, I'm afraid.

Oh, aye. In what way?

All our plumbing gear we had got nicked.

Dennis, the only plumbing gear we had

was a stop-cock key and a Transit van.

Well, it all adds up.

It wasn't worth £, including the Transit van.

I was letting you know the unimportant bit first.

The cash we earned but never divvied up

before I went off to give Her Majesty pleasure.

About quid, as I remember.

I don't think it was that much, but there's a bit of a problem.

Go on.

Leave it to Max.

Once we've got the notes back there's no evidence against us.

But Garrick could still talk.

Who to?

It doesn't matter. Word gets around.

Look, even if he goes to the police,

they've got nothing to go on. Safe's clean, isn't it?

Yeah, it is now.

Then trust me.

I've been delivering consignments all over the country.

It's going really well.

We've just got to be careful.


About that pint, love. Can I have a bag of nuts as well?

Sorry, Dennis. Do go on.

Well, benefit of hindsight and all that,

I realise I trusted the wrong people.

They had our money.

Well. what I've learned is that you can't moon.

You've got to learn and go forward.

We earned that cash in suspect circumstances, Vernon,

and we lost it in suspect circumstances.

For my money, you're the main suspect.

- I'm telling the truth. - Of course.

I didn't steal your money.

No, it was probably that one-armed man.

Like on the telly that fella looking for his wife's k*ller every week.

Your trouble is you don't trust people.

You don't think people can change.

You see me as a liar and a cheat.

There was a time that was true,

but being inside's changed me.

It's broken me. I've nothing left.

I'm used up. I'm a...


It's a very touching tale, Dennis.

Thank goodness they didn't get the watch.

DENNIS: Oh. Me brother lent it me.

Oh, you're talking to your Peter again, are you?

After years!

Well, like I say, people change.

Still a betting man though, aren't you?

Why? You got something good?

A dead cert.

A fiver says the back of that watch is engraved,

"To Dennis, with love, Marlene. September ."

OK, OK, I'm captured. You want the flamin' watch, have it.

- I want the money! - Like I said, I haven't got it!

- That's the truth. - Find it!

Hold it. We don't want a fuss, do we?

Tell you what, you're looking for sports cars, yeah?

I think we could come to a compromise.

Well, make it good, Dennis.

'Cause I still remember how to chuck bricks.

So, you think he's up to something?

Do you think he's in some kind of trouble?

Oh, Daddy, I don't know. I hope not.

Darling, I hate to see you unhappy.

I still love him. Stupid, isn't it?

Then, perhaps you should give him the benefit of the doubt.

The late nights?

He doesn't tell me where he's been, what he's been up to.

And it's not just me I worry for.

How do you mean?

Well, if he is in some kind of trouble,

it could rub off on you.

Daddy, it's your nightclub.

What if Renalto's playing games behind your back?

Darling, I would know.

- VERONICA: But would you? - Of course.

Sweetheart, I really think

you're worrying yourself unnecessarily.

It's just that... He's been in trouble before.

REGGIE: That was a long time ago, before you knew him.

OK, so he was young then. He got in with a bad crowd.

I'm sure he's learnt his lesson.

VERONICA: I just hope you're right.

Perhaps he's got another woman.


OK. But whatever you say,

something's going on.

Same again, love.

Don't you think you've had enough? I think you should pay your bill.

Who says I've had enough?

I say.

Now pay your bill.


What's up?

You know them dodgy notes we've been told to look out for?

Well, have a look at these.

Where did these come from?

Him, in there.

Right. Call Alf Ventress. I'll try and keep him here.


Will you let me know how you get on?

I certainly will. Have no fear.

If I sell her quick, I'll be back for more.

I look forward to business with you.

Just give me a bell and I'll line up some more beauties in no time.

You think your Bernie'll be on for it?

Bernard is a p*ssy cat.


You leave him to me.

You used this in the pub. It's a forgery.

Like the other notes in your pocket.

So, I didn't know, did I?

- Didn't you? - GARRICK: No, course not.

So where did you get them from then?

Can't remember.

You're not being terribly helpful, Mr Garrick. I wonder why.



What's your address, Mr Garrick?

Appledown Cottage, Mayfield. Why?

Apparently we've just had a call from a Mrs Sheila Garrick,

that's your wife I presume,

reporting a break-in at Appledown Cottage, Mayfield.



- RENALTO: You didn't find a thing? - MAX: Not a thing.

OK. Keep a tab on him.

Do what you have to do. Just get the money back.

And this time I want it fixed.

I've got yours stripped down, Oscar.

I can get you the loan of an Austin Seven.

- It is for sale. - How much?

They're quid in the shops. You can have this one for £.

£, eh? Not cheap.

No, but you can't beat the best, Oscar.

How much would mine cost to do up, Bernie?


Full service record with this?

Paperwork to follow.

But full mechanical backup, of course.

Anybody else interested?

Only four. A couple are coming back this afternoon to bid for it.

Bid for it?

Collectors. They see these as an investment, you know.

In a couple of years, this'll be worth quid.

Better than the building society.

I'm sure. It's a beautiful car.

- Great workmanship. - BOTH: They don't make 'em like...

I know.

Oh, well.


How much deposit do you want, to hold onto it?

£. Non-returnable.

I'll buy it. Subject to a test drive.

Be our guest, Oscar.

Thanks, Bernie.

Yes, Garrick did work here, but I'm afraid I had to let him go.

- Mind if we take a look around? - Be my guest.

RENALTO: So, Garrick, is he in some sort of trouble?

RAYMOND: He's been found with counterfeit notes.

I see.

We're trying to find out where he may have got them.

This all seems to be in order.

Sorry for the inconvenience, Mr Pisconi.

Not at all, Sergeant Craddock. Any time.

I've got the rest of that money, Bernie.

There's £ there.

£ deposit you've already had.

Has the log book turned up yet?

Vernon said he'd ask about it. He's back in Middlesbrough.

Are you really going into this line?

Vernon thinks it'd be a good idea.

He'll be here where I can keep an eye on him.

He's a lucky chap, having a brother like you.

He's not a bad lad when you get to know him.

Nice for you though, having your family around.

It takes a bit of getting used to.

Yeah, it is.

Nothing quite takes the place of that.

Do you not see your family these days, Oscar?

Ah, not for a long time.

Still, never mind.

Do you think I could have another drive?

Fine by me. Well, it's yours anyway.




Where on Earth are ya?

Oh, Sarge. A garage in Ashfordly

just reported selling a car to a John Garrick.

And he's landed them with a whole load of dodgy notes.

MICHAEL: I'll see if he's gone home.

RAYMOND: Right. Bellamy, you go and check the garage.


And Ventress,

I'd like this lot sorted out by the end of this afternoon.


Don't want you to feel you're missing out on the action.

He's taken half his stuff but left this outside.

And look at the mess in here.

Any idea where he might have gone?

Oh, yeah.

It's not the first time, you know, Constable.

Except, next time he comes crawling back here,

with his smiles and promises,

I'll swing for him.

Where could he be?

One of his dodgy mates.

When you find him, do us a favour.

Don't be too easy on him.

SONG: 'Leaving Here' by The Birds


Delta Alpha - to Control.

ALFRED: 'Go ahead, Mike.'

I'm going to need an ambulance.

SONG: 'Voice In The Wind' by Jimi Hendrix



There's no point holding anything back from us, Garrick.

It's not gonna help you now.

Just tell us where the forged notes came from.

From the club.

I stole them from the safe.

Then Renalto sacked me.

Renalto saw you do it?

And you think it was him that ran you off the road?

PHIL: Did you see the man's face?

It happened so fast.

He was a big bloke. He must work for Renalto.

I know too much.

MICHAEL: Garrick's told us he took the notes from your club.

Look, I sacked Garrick,

then he gets caught with these notes.

He put the blame on my club to get himself off the hook.

He's got it in for me. It's as simple as that.

Mr Pisconi, where were you between the hours of and this afternoon?

- RENALTO: I was with my wife. - Can she vouch for that?

Veronica, darling.

RENALTO: I was here this afternoon, wasn't I?


- Neither of you left the house? - No.

Right. Well, erm, thanks very much for your help.

We'll be in touch.

Are you going to tell me what's going on

or do I tell them I've just lied?

Darling, you've got to trust me.

I need a bit of time, that's all.

Try to calm down. I'm sure it's not that bad.

Renalto's in trouble. He more or less admitted it.

I had to lie to the police for him today.

What kind of trouble?

The police came to the house.

Something to do with the barman Garrick and counterfeit notes.

They're saying Renalto's involved!

Darling, I assure you,

if there's anything going on at the club, I'd know about it.

This chap Garrick, he could be lying.

That's what Renalto's saying.

Then perhaps, for once, you should listen to him.

There you go, Oscar. Logbook.

You are now the proud owner of an MGA.

Oh, thanks, Bernie. I've always wanted a sports car.

You know, this is only the second impetuous thing

I've done in my life.

What's the first?

Getting married. Can I buy you a drink?

Sorry. Can't stop. Got a slipping clutch to see to.

Oh, thanks, Bernie.



RENALTO: Veronica's suspicious. She knows something's up.

Stop panicking.

Garrick's already talked, so what are you going to do?

I'm the one who's in it up to my neck.

Maybe Renalto's right. We've had a good run.

Is that what you really want?

You know something?

I should never have let you marry my daughter.

You wanted a cut in the business and her too.

Now you tell me you can't handle it.

I mean it, Reggie. I've had enough. I want out.

Come on. Let's not be hasty here.

We just stop distribution for a while

until things have calmed down.

RENALTO: You haven't got the message, have you?

I've finished with this game!

You like the money too much.

No. It's not worth the risk.

Look, all I'm saying is

we cool operations, and, when we pick up,

you make the decision then.

And if you still feel the same way, that's fine by me.

Renalto? What do you think?

We stop for six months.

Oh, that's too long.

Start churning out those notes sooner,

the police will be on us.

So, we change location, start laundering foreign notes.

They'll never catch on.

Six months' break,

or you're on your own.

OK. OK, we'll do it your way.

Get rid of Garrick.




MAN: Hey! Help!

SONG: 'Voice In The Wind' by Jimi Hendrix

Ah, Mrs Pisconi. The rest of the photos.

Thank you, Mr Blaketon.

I think you'll find you've got what you want.

He didn't want to sell it.

But he let 'em go as a favour to me.

Do a favour. Earn cash.

Tell him I could be in line for a few more in the next month or so.

I think I've found me niche, mate.

Couldn't have happened to a nicer bloke.

He'll get the money for these when I've sold the first one.

DENNIS: Er, I think he'd prefer upfront.

Dennis, tell him he can trust me.

Tell him I no longer earn money in suspect circumstances.

Tell him I'm a changed man.

Garrick's house gets broken into, he gets run off the road,

and now we're looking at attempted m*rder.

- Ventress. - Sorry, sir.

You had me followed by a private detective?


What were you thinking?

You made me lie to the police, and now I know why.


You think I'm having an affair?

She's just a business associate, that's all.

You meet your business associate at her house at two in the morning?




Look, what is it with you lot?

I've already told you where I was yesterday afternoon.

Yes, we know about that, sir, but what about last night?

Mrs Pisconi, you said your husband was with you yesterday.

I know what I said, but I lied. He wasn't here.


The truth is he wanted me to provide an alibi for him.

Foolishly, I went along with it.

Why should I lie for you any more?

MICHAEL: We're gonna have to ask you

to accompany us to the station, sir.

What for?

In connection with an attempted m*rder.

It's a serious charge, Mr Pisconi.

And unless you can come up with some answers quickly,

it could be aimed at you.

Look, it wasn't me.

RAYMOND: But you know who was responsible, don't you?

My advice to you is to come clean as quickly as possible.

OK. I know who tried to get Garrick out of the way,

but he would have covered his tracks by now.

And this mystery man is the main supplier of the forgeries, is he?

I can give you all the information you need.

And, believe me, he's worth catching.

He's got outlets for the notes in several parts of the country

and he intends to operate abroad. The deal is I get off lightly.

So there's nothing wrong.

Not according to these. Everything seems fine.

Thanks, Tricia.

You know...

Speaking as a friend, you and Mike would make great parents.

I'm sure it'll happen.

If that's what you really want.


I've just been on the phone to my superiors.


And they've given the go-ahead for the terms you're proposing.

How light a sentence are we talking about?

That depends on the information we're about to receive, isn't it?

I'm telling you, this'll be a big coup for you.

And I'm telling you, you don't have a lot of bargaining power here.

HE SIGHS How can I trust you?

How can I trust you? Whole thing could be an elaborate lie.

We were on to you already.

If you want to save your skin, I suggest you start talking.

I can lead you to the main supplier.

But if you want to catch him red-handed, well,

I could set it up for you.

- How? - RENALTO: I could arrange for you

to be there when he's handling the counterfeit plates.

But, to do that, you'd have to let me out.


RENALTO: Do you want this man or not?

What am I going to achieve by double-crossing you?

If you're leading us up the garden path, you will regret it.


The police are on to us.


I told you, as long as we don't say anything,

they've got nothing to go on.

It's not quite as simple as that any more.

Reggie tried to have Garrick k*lled.

Why on Earth did he do that?

He must have got scared. He did it without telling us.

He went behind our backs.

So, how does that affect us?

The police think I did it and they're going to pin it on me.

And I suppose Reggie knew it would backfire on you.

Yeah, if he's prepared to sacrifice me, how safe do you feel?

I'm not going down for this on my own.

What do you mean?

In order to get myself off, I've got to tell them everything.

The money, the last consignment, where is it now?

I've got it.

Somewhere safe.


You help me out with this, we'll split it and call it a day.

So what exactly do you want me to do?


- Oh, hello. - Hiya.

Can you give this to Jackie? She left it at the surgery.

Er, yeah, sure...

Oh, fancy a cup of tea?

No, I'm late already. I can't stop. See you later.



REGGIE: What happened?

DENISE: It's Renalto. He's angry.

You got someone to go and finish Garrick off, didn't you?

REGGIE: He was becoming a liability.

Renalto got scared.

Why? The police on to him?

No, not yet, but he's not prepared to hang around.

Well, go on. Tell me.

If I do, I want a - cut when you start the operation up again.


OK. It's a deal.

Renalto's intending to take the counterfeit plates and run.

He told you?

He wants me to start it up again with him somewhere else,

without you.

So, why are you telling me this?

Don't trust Renalto.

Six months' time, he'll do exactly the same to me.

Prefer working with you.

Know where I stand.


When's he plan to do it?


And can you believe he's expecting me

to meet him at the airport?

Right. Everyone clear about what we've got to do?

Bradley, you and I go now.

Ventress, follow on in about five minutes.

And, Bellamy, you can tie up our loose end.


SONG: 'All Or Nothing' by Small Faces


Renalto. I'll be there in five minutes.

I'll take those, if you don't mind.

So what are you going to do now, Reggie?

k*ll me, like you tried to k*ll Garrick?

I'm a reasonable man.

Just give me the plates and get out of here.

Why should I trust you after what you've done?

Wouldn't say you had much choice in the matter. Hand them over.

And now get out.

No. Not quite yet.

RAYMOND: Give us the g*n, please, sir.

Reginald Charles White,

I'm arresting you on suspicion of distributing counterfeit currency.

You're not obliged to say anything,

but anything you do say may be used in evidence.

Sorry, Reggie, old boy. Looks like the party's over.


RENALTO: I'm so sorry, Veronica.

I never wanted you to find out about your father.

HE SIGHS I had no choice.

I tried to protect you from the truth, but in the end I couldn't.

Your father promised me so much.

He realised I was weak. I couldn't say no.

Believe me, I tried to get out.

I knew I was losing you.

I really am sorry it had to end this way.

So am I.

Do you think I look stupid, Bernie?

Didn't you think I'd check on it? Do you think I'm that gullible?

- You of all people. - What have I done?

That car was nicked on the Isle of Man six months ago.

You sold me stolen property!

What? I'd no idea.

Well, that half-baked half-brother of yours certainly did.

I'm gonna have him nicked for this,

and if he has a record, he'll go to prison and he'll deserve it.

I had my heart set on this car, Bernie.

Oscar, he didn't know. He couldn't have done.

He's daft but not as daft as he'd do a crime on his own doorstep.

Not to you, of all people. Oscar, I swear, we didn't know.

Oh. They'll be coming for me. They're from Middlesbrough.

There's a team up there nicking cars wholesale from all over the country.

This is big-time stuff, Bernie.

We're not involved.

Vernon only got the idea of sports cars from you

that day in the pub when you were saying that you always wanted one.

If it hadn't been for you, none of this would've happened.

- Hey, hang on. - Vernon was doing you a favour.

He got carried away with all his grand ideas.

You know what he's like. He's just like a big kid.

Oscar, is it logical we'd try and do this to you?

Is this the first car you've tried to sell?


Two more. Triumphs. Need a bit of work, bu...

Something wrong?

OSCAR: You've got about seconds

to tell me who supplied you with those vehicles.

Why seconds?

They've been nicked.

- Dennis. - OSCAR: Dennis who?

Tell him!

Come on. Dennis who?

You owe him nothing. He's dropped you right in it.

Don't let them arrest him, Oscar. He's my brother.

Mr Blaketon.

Er, yeah, I'll be with you in a second.

Right, have you got that?

Through the village, left at the church,

carry straight on. You can't miss it.


Well, I'm very glad you're here. You see,

I believe that this gentleman here has been the unwitting victim

of a team of car thieves.

Tell them, Bernie.

JACKIE: So, turned out to be quite a night.

Yeah, certainly was.

This bloke, Reggie White, was churning out notes

and supplying them to clubs all around the country. Not to...

Not to mention outlets in Italy.

I'll see you later.

Wait a minute. Haven't you forgotten something?


Your coat. It's raining out there.

It doesn't seem to be here.

Yes, I know.

You left it at Dr Summerbee's when you went there, yesterday.

She dropped it by.

You didn't tell me you had an appointment.

I don't have to tell you everything.


I was just wondering if anything was wrong, that's all.

- Well, what did Tricia say? - Nothing. Just that she saw you.

Well, it was just a general check-up.

I've been feeling a bit tired lately, but everything's fine.

- You work too hard. - Probably.

Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to give you the third degree.

It's just I'm concerned.

- But everything's OK? - I'm fine. Honestly.

I love you, Jackie Bradley.
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