02x05 - Yalniz Degilsin

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Dirilis: Ertugrul". Aired: 10 December 2014 – 29 May 2019.*
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Show is set in the 13th century and is based on the life of Ertuğrul, the father of Osman I, the founder of the Ottoman Empire.
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02x05 - Yalniz Degilsin

Post by bunniefuu »

My heart tells me you did not die,

It tells me that you did not leave me
alone with our child in this world.

Please, be alive.

Please, do not leave me alone
with our child.

Cry, my daughter. Cry.

Mother, may Ertugrul be alive.

May he not have left us alone.

So, you still show resistance.

Let us see how persevering you are.

Ertuğrul wishes to have fun.
So let the fun begin.

The Kayi tribe without Ertugrul
is like a crippled person, Hatun.

I was the mind of this tribe.
And he was the heart.

He got into hot water.

However, he managed to overcome
all troubles.

I thought he would come back
this time, too.

I thought no trouble could come to him.

However, my brother is gone
for sure, this time.

For this reason,

his child is our child now, Hatun.

You shall take care of Halime.

Not to worry, Bey.

Bey Ertugrul has become a martyr.

He was bestowed the most
honorable of deaths.

The Kayi tribe should recover as soon as

Everyone is suffering in their tents.

If you do not exercise sovereignty,
everyone will be scattered.

We want two nomad tents to unite.

This way, we can find relief
for a few springs.

There is no other way for now.

However, being united has its
own problems.

Such as?

The Dudurga nomad group is without a Bey.

Bey Korkut is infatuated with Aytolun
in his old age.

Aytolun wants to reign the marquee.

Even if she's on bad terms with Tugtekin

she is sure to have him
under her spell soon, too.

God, Hatun while we are suffering,
how could you see all this?

I'm just saying, Bey.

You should know your allies well

so that they won't become your enemies
when it's time to break things off.

You are after the wrong man, Noyan.

You can never persuade him.

End this match!

Tie him up! I said tie him up!

Hayme Baci has been overwhelmed
by circumstances.

Moreover, the death of Ertugrul
has increased her pain.

Didn't you use to say that we

nomadic Turkmens carry
our pains on our horses

along with ourselves, Father?

I was ruined with the death of my mother.

And we still couldn't manage
to find her k*ller.

But if I do not k*ll her m*rder*r
a thousand times I will live in shame.


Come, Hatun, sit down.

I think you do not need to do these
things anymore.

-Find a helper for yourself.
-Thank you, Bey.

I have been thinking about it
for a long time.

Sewing workshop in the morning,
and marquee's work in the evening

I get exhausted.



Father, what will your decision be
at the headquarters tomorrow?

I am thinking that two nomad tents
should be united.

-How will things proceed?
-The Kayi tribe can rule the Alps.

The Alps even fought with the Mongols.

And our Beys can take care of the rest.


My deceased mother used to say that

if you need to make a decision always
consider the difficult days first.

It is not my business to
interfere with men's matters.

However, if there is unrest between
the two nomad tents

just keep in mind that
the one who holds the Alps' power,

will seize the power.

What do you mean?

I mean you should be the head of the Alps.

You should be the one ruling them.

So that when there is unrest,
we won't get into trouble.

I've brought you some milk, son.
Do drink it as you wish.

I am going to tell you
the story of Fil Surah, son.

It's the Surah that tells how little
birds defeated giant elephants.

Once upon a time, Abraha the Cruel

created an army made
of elephants to destroy Mecca.

When Abraha took to the road

all the people of Mecca ran
away for the mountains.

While Abraha was marching
towards Mecca with his huge troops

suddenly, swifts appeared in the sky.

It was actually a w*r
between birds and elephants.

It was a w*r between
heretics and believers.

The birds defeated Abraha's army
by dropping stones

from their beaks upon them.

Whenever you feel little and weak

like those birds remember this Surah.

It's not always
the big and the strong who win.

God's will decides who will be victorious.

May God be with you.

Thank God.

In which flames did they throw
my great-hearted man

and turn him to ashes?

Not even the sun was supposed to burn him.

Not even the wind
was supposed to make him cold.

He would go,
but he would always come back.

Did death do us part, Aktolgali?

Ertugrul became a martyr before
he could see his child.

It feels as if the blue sky has collapsed.

The brave earth is pierced.

The swords of the Kayi tribe
will rust in their sheaths.

Neither the hunting nor the headquarters
will have an owner.

He would not have left us, Aktolgali.

And it would not suit us to leave him.

From now on, breathing
is like living in hell to me.

Do not say that, Halime.

It's God's will.

We are mortal servants.

May God unite you in his heaven.

Will we unite in heaven, Selcan Hatun?

If God permits, Halime Sultan.

How is Halime?

Halime will never be able to find
happiness in her heart again, brother.

Hopefully, she will recover soon.

And how are you, Hayme?

Not a teardrop, nor a day of mourning.

Until my nomad tent finds peace,

I shall bury my sorrow in those mountains.

Fortunately, Yigit and Dundar
are not here to see our pain.

What do your Beys say?

I told them you invited them
to the headquarters.

-They said they will come gladly.
-Thank you.

What are you thinking, brother?

They att*cked my nomad tent
last summer, Hayme.

We had many casualties.

They took half of the herd, too.
They broke our wings.

They broke our wings, too.
To hell with them!

This winter will be difficult for
both of us, Hayme.

Is this why you invited us to the
headquarters as a guest?

Not just as a guest.

I'd like to unite the two nomad tents.

If the Mongols do not eradicate us,
it will be our last winter on these lands.

I want two nomad tents to be one

so that we can survive
this winter even if it will be difficult

You will be a cure for the Kayi tribe
with these words, brother.

However, what would the poor and
the injured in your nomad tent say?

Winter is coming.

And we do not have anything else
except our pain to share with you.

You have the best Alps of the Oghuz tribe.

That is enough to help us.

I will talk about it at the headquarters.
I wanted you to know that.

Thank you, brother. If it was meant to be.

Incompetent man!

My horse became crippled because of you!

I am not a blacksmith, Bey.

I did my best. Forgive me, Bey.


Poor man begged forgiveness.

And he was given
a task that is not his duty.

Know your place, Alp Dogan!

The ones who are in the wrong are
punished right away in this nomad group.

Otherwise problems will come
one after another.

We know our place from mores,
and get appreciation from our Bey.


What is it?

We are talking about Oghuz mores
with Bey Tugtekin.

Their deceased Bey Ertugrul
could not teach them manners.

We are in pain.

I don't want to be troubled with
your bickering.

You are right, Brother Gundogdu;
however, they do not know their place.

Anyway, we need to go
to get prepared for the headquarters.

You do not have your Bey now,
Brother Dogan.

Do not shit where you eat.
You will pay a heavy price.

We have no price left unpaid, Kocabash.

If the need arises,
we will pay for it, too.

Today I nailed the hand you swing
your sword with.

Tomorrow I will nail the other hand.
Then your feet.

Then finally, I will nail your eyes with
my own hands.

This t*rture will not end until you
decide to obey me.

What happened? What does Tugtekin
say about his father's speech?

He agrees with his father, mother.
He wants to be united.

-How about the other Beys?
-We will find out at the headquarters.

What do you think?

My words are not respected
in the Kayi tribe, mother.

Is that wrong?

I remember telling you not to go to
Aleppo, but you did not listen to me.

We got into hot water.

Right when we found peace,
we set off again. I did not approve it.

And we got into hot water again.

From now on, people
will learn to mind my words.

As for your question, I'd like the two
nomad groups to be united.

Otherwise we will fall prey to
our enemies this winter.

Also, we shall avenge
those infidel Mongols.

Or the pain of the people
will not be soothed.

And it is our duty to easy their pain.

Excuse me, mother.

Selcan, come, daughter.

Yes, mother?

Daughter, until the conditions
are clearer, our Hatuns who work

at the sewing workshop
will help Aytolun's women.

We've already placed a strain upon them.

It's best if we make ourselves useful.

Alright, mother. I will talk to our women
and do what is necessary.

Choose the best ones.

Leave whoever lost their beloved ones
at the battle alone.

Allow them to mourn.

We do not have
the right to do such a thing.

The best thing we can do is
let them mourn. Alright?

My condolences, Gokche Hatun.

May God give you a long life,
Bey Tugtekin.

I know well what it means to lose
a brother.

Two of my brothers died in my arms.


he was more than a brother to me.

I do not know if it consoles you,

but whoever did this to Ertuğrul,
will pay for it, Gokche Hatun.

You must discourage the Turkmens
before winter comes, Noyan.

If Sultan Alaaddin takes this herd of
shepherds after him

and comes onto you before Ogeday
finishes his campaign to China,

you will be the ones crushed this time.

Not to worry, Karabek.

They will experience the most difficult
winter of their lives.

They will see that
they cannot take shelter in their tents

and live in peace as if
they were in their mothers' wombs.

When are you planning to set up a
meeting for me and Saadettin Kobek?

It depends on your generosity.

We Mongols are generous, Karabek.

Saadettin Kobek is ready to meet you.
The two of you will meet tomorrow.

-This quick?
-He's expecting you at the Sultan Inn.

So he's expecting me at the Sultan Inn?

Karabek, if you trick me
I will skin you alive.

Is that all? I was expecting more women.

Most of them lost their Beys or sons,
Aytolun, but they are the best.

Your work benches will be busy
night and day.

You can bring the goods to towns
and sell them before winter comes.

As long as they are not under
my women's feet...

I know that you are all suffering.
You have been through hard times.

However, we are all in a great w*r.

Our Beys are talking about
our future in the marquee.

And we need to satisfy
the needs of our nomad tent.

Before winter comes,
we must manufacture enough goods

for the markets
in Erzurum, Konya, Diyarbakir.

Our duty is as important as that of our
combating Alps.

We cannot stop.

We cannot regard it as a burden.
We will only do our duty.

Before winter comes,
we must complete our work.

Until your condition is clearer you will
help my women at the sewing workshop.

Am I right, Selcan Hatun?

You are right, Aytolun Hatun.

Our women will do their duty properly.
Not to worry.

If God permits.

Alright. Say "bismillah" and begin.

Go ahead, women.

Go there and help her.

Welcome, Hayme Baci. Welcome. Please.

In the 99 names of God

who created us with his one word
and who fills our heart with faith.


Have your say, Hayme.



Uncle asked you to be the first to talk

about the union of the two nomad groups.

First of all,

you opened your marquee
and your hearts to us.

May God bless you.

They say each day has a night.

Time flies. We know our enemy.

That is why being united is best.

I say, let us be one!

Be huge! Be strong!

Thank you, Hayme Baci.

If two nomad groups unite,

it will be easier for us
to stand against the Mogul invasions.

If God permits, Sultan Aladdin's army
will be here after this winter.

However, we need to survive
until that time.

Union is strength; however
how will this nomad group be governed?

How will we share the tasks?

What does the Kayi tribe promise us
provided that we are united?

Not to worry.

We do not intend to be
a burden on the Dodurga tribe.

As you know our sewing workshop
burned down.

But our dexterous women
will surely build new ones.

And as for the goods in our hands,
we intend to sell them to buy provisions.

The nomad group's governing
headquarters will gather at my marquee.

But both nomad groups will settle their
own matters at their own headquarters.

It is true, Bey. The alternative is
out of the question.

-It is true.
-Is that alright, Hayme?

It is, Bey.

I suggest that my son Tuğtekin takes
command of the Alps.

Is that alright?

It seems you've made all decisions
beforehand, Bey Korkut.

And we shall agree with them.

And it seems that Wild Demir
underestimates my Alp skills.

How can you command them if you
don't have any Alps amongst you?

Shall we start worrying about
the seigniory before we avenge

the blood shed for our brotherhood
to become stronger?

Let us not have a battle of words on the
first meeting at the headquarters.

Gundogdu is right.

Let us not squabble.

Let us not interpret
one another's intentions.

We approve of Tugtekin becoming
head of the Alps.

Gallant Gundogdu from the Kayi tribe

shall proceed with his duty for his nomad
group in our nomad group, too.

-Is that alright?
-It is.

Thank you.

Now, it is time to take our revenge.

It is time to show that herd of dogs
who we are.

Let us make the sun our spear,
and make the sky our tent

and attack the Mongols.

That will be the sign of our union.

Thank you, Bey.

-May God bless the Beys of Dodurga.
-Thank you.

If anyone of you has something to say,
speak now.

Because we are on a road of no return.
Keep that in mind.

-No, Bey.

-No, Bey.
-No, Mother Hayme.

-May God bless the holy w*r of our Alps.

-May our union be blessed.

-May all evils clear away.

-May God bless us with luck.

Now it is time to take revenge.

Tugtekin, your duty awaits.
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