01x32 - Field of Screams, Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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01x32 - Field of Screams, Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Last time on "yu-gi-oh! Gx"...

If you're that anxious to lose your key...

Then you may duel me, camula:

Vampire mistress of the shadow riders.

Your tricks don't scare me.

Well then, perhaps this will.

If you lose, I get your soul.

Now gear golemn attack vampire bat

With mechanized melee!


Did you forget

That vampire bat can't be destroyed?

But as infernalvania will demonstrate--your golemn can!

Vampire bat attack!


Doctor crowler!

Six to go.

And now, darling children, to take my

Second prize.

Syrus: she put crowler's soul...in a doll!

Now...i bid farewell...

We'll find you!

And duel!

Children, that's precisely what I'm hoping for!

Ha ha ha ha!

Captioning made possible by kids productions

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

Jaden: I'll play a trap and then I'll play a spell,

And then I'll attack!

Well, just as soon as I get better I will.

Camula's gonna get it sooner or later.

I mean, takin' that spirit key is one

Thing...but crowler's soul, too?!

Jay...you really ought to rest.

Sy's right, after all, if we're not at our best...

It's our souls... That will be sealed in those dolls and our

Bodies will be... Catatonic!


Banner: no, pharaoh, just because the word

Has "cat" in it doesn't mean it applies to you.

Though I'm not sure nine lives makes a difference

With vampires.

Aw, man...

The worst part is... Since camula was able to

Take crowler's key...she needs just six more to unleash

Those beast cards.

And then it won't just be our souls at stake...

But everyone's in the world!

That's it!

I'm dueling her--tonight!

You duel?! Think again!

You can't even win a fight with a sheet.

This duel is for the chazz.

Hold on...hold on...there!

I won.

You did not.

It's two outta three!

Syrus: come on, jaden! You can do it!

Look, jaden's not up to snuff.

One of us is gonna have to face camula.

Bastion: and by us you mean you, correct?

I'm sorry, chazz... But I'm not entirely convinced that

You're the man for the job.

I should go.


Almost got it!

Man, what thread count is this?!

Shut it!

Sure. I need the break...

Alexis: and what we need is to work together.

Protecting the keys and getting crowler's soul back

Is all that matters.

Hmm. Hmm. Hmm.

Alright, alright...i'll sit out...'Til I get better.

Hey, zane?

Syrus: wait up!

Hey...big bro...

Didn't we just decide to work together?

Where are you going, what gives?

If all that matters is protecting those keys

And rescuing crowler you know where I'm going.

The one I crave is coming...


And I'm ready...

Hey, long time, boss! How's things?


They were fine.

Until you showed up.

Oh, and now things are great, right?

Thanks, boss, you always know how to make me feel good.

So what are you doing? Arranging your deck?

Can I help?

Hey! Fragile here!!

What are you doing? Stop!

No, stop it....stop!

Boss! This doll's alive!!

Would you mind easing up on the grip a tad?

You're wrinkling my coat!

Oh, yeah...that's doctor crowler, alright.


It's starting again!

She's baa-ack...


Aw, running?

Actually, piggy-backing.

Whatever it is, let's get a move on!

Because I have a feeling

That vampire is about to bite again!

Chumley: explain to me again

Why we're going to this place...

Instead of running away from it...or walking away.

Aw, now we gotta do stairs?!

Can't I just drag jaden instead of carrying him?

It'd be easier on my back.

Zane: quiet. We're close.

Camula: ahhh... Right on time.

Looking for me?

[All gasp]

You bet we are! We want crowler back!

Got that right! So hand him over!

Yes...or else.

I have no interest in little schoolboys.

She must mean you.

No she means you!

Are you ready, darling?

Let's duel.


Good luck, bro...

Camula: let us review; if you win, you get

Crowler's soul back and I'll be on my way.

But if I win, I get your soul, your spirit key...

And I get to continue my quest to unleash the three

Sacred beasts!

Duel! Duel!

I like to lead!

I summon vampire lady in defense mode!

And I'll lay one card face down.

That's all.

Really? Shame.

Because it won't be enough

To protect you from what I

Have planned.

Oh! Oh!

Playing power bond?

It allows me to fuse machine-type monsters!

And I have the perfect three in mind--

My cyber dragons!

Now unite...and form the almighty cyber end dragon!


Zane's summoned his most powerful monster

On his very first turn!

Wow, that's not like zane.

He usually feels out an opponent before throwing

Power bond.

It's almost like he's just using it

Instead of playing it...

I hope he knows what he's doing...

My, I like your aggressiveness.

But power bond has its risks.

Are you certain you can handle all the consequences?

She's right. At the turn's end...

He'll take damage equal to cyber's

Original attack points...

And that adds up to big ones!

But that may be a risk he's willing to take

Cuz now power bond doubles cyber end

Dragon's attack points!


I don't think I'll have to worry about "consequences"

After this turn.

Now attack vampire lady!

Super strident blaze!


Forgetting my face down?

I play the trap red ghost moon!

Now, darling...

By discarding one zombie in my hand to the graveyard...

Your monster's attack points are added directly to

My life points and our little battle ends right

Here and now.

Ha ha ha!

That's points, plus the I had...

Giving me a total of ,!


I activate the spell card de-fusion...

Disassembling cyber end dragon...

And leaving you...

With absolutely nothing!

Red ghost moon's target is gone--so its effect is cancelled!

My points!

Hey, know what else?

Now that power bond is gone...

He won't have to pay points for using it!

Now that's playin' a card! Huh, sy?!


I'll end with one facedown.

Ha ha ha!

Oh, my darling!

I see now why you're ranked the top duelist

At duel academy.

Actually, you haven't seen anything yet.

Well, I hope not.

Zane, dear...precious.

We've only just begun this duel.

And I expect to have a lot more fun with you!

Aw man...i don't think I'm gonna like

Her kind of fun...

Now then...shall we?

First, I'll sacrifice vampire lady...

To summon vampire lord!

Next I'll sacrifice him...

To summon...vampire genesis!




Darling zane.

I promised you some fun, didn't i?

And now we'll have it.

Are you excited?

Oh...you're such a bore.

Well maybe this will rouse you--

Vampire genesis attack!


As fun as this is....

I'm afraid that I'm going to have

To interrupt it with my facedown card...

The trap: attack reflector unit!

A trap?!

One that's evolutionary.

You see, attack reflector unit evolves

My cyber dragon into...

The cyber barrier dragon!

And when the cyber barrier dragon is in attack mode...

Once per turn, its special power allows me to negate

The attack of your monster!

So your vampire genesis's attack...can go right back to

Where it started.


How dare you!

Your bro's got game! No wonder he beat me!

Though it was close.


It's my turn!

And I play pot of greed!

This lets me draw two cards from my deck!

Next I activate...

The spell photon generator unit!

Now by sacrificing my dragons...i can summon

The cyber laser dragon!

And with cyber laser dragon...

Once every turn, I can destroy

One monster that has equal...

Or more attack or defense

Points than laser dragon's attack points!

I bet you talk to all the girls like that.

No, just ones I really don't like.

Now...laser dragon!

Let loose...blue lightning lash...


And now go ahead and attack her directly!

Blue lightning blast!


Oh, and...don't think I forgot cyber barrier dragon.


Sonic shriek!


All right!!!

That's exactly the move I would've made!

Sure, chum... Totally...in your dreams!

So...now you can see why my brother's never lost,

Huh, guys?!

Still, mom says I got the looks...

[Others groan]

I'll place one facedown and...end my turn.

Darling...you do realize...you're forcing me

To reveal my ugly side!

You see?

And it's only going to get uglier...

I play... Illusion gate!

Illusion gate?


I've never heard of it. You guys know what it does?

No. Not me.

Banner: I think we're about to find out.


First, this spell card destroys all monsters

On your field.


But that's not all.

It has twin functions.

Ha ha ha!

You see... This card also allows me

To summon any monster you've used

During this entire duel.


So, even though you de-fused cyber dragon

After only one turn,

You did use him during this duel.


No card is powerful enough

To let you make a move like that.

There must be some kind of catch.

Yes...but it's just a tiny one.

After using illusion gate,

Should I happen to still lose this duel,

I must sacrifice a soul to the sacred beasts.

That all?

Well, good!

It's whatcha get for taking crowler's!

Beg your pardon... I said a soul, not my soul.

You see, in the shadows,

It's all the same to the sacred beasts...

Syrus. Huh?

Oh, yes.

Those beasts would find your soul

To be a tasty treat, I'm sure.



Oh, no, you don't!




Aw...sorry, zane...

Ha ha! And now...

I summon the almighty cyber end dragon!





Whatever will you do?

I have your best monster and your little brother...

Actually, I suppose they're really one in the same now.

After all, if you manage to do in the cyber end dragon,

You'll also be doing in little syrus' soul.

So as I said... Whatever will you do?

[Thinking] the facedown card on my field

Is call of the haunted.

If I use it to resurrect cyber barrier dragon,

I can stop that cyber end dragon and win the duel.

Camula will be defeated.

We'll be that much closer to keeping the world safe

From those sacred beasts...

And in exchange, we just lose one soul--

My brother's.

The choice is clear.

So?! What is it going to be--

Save the world or save your brother's soul,

Which also means losing yours!

Go on, zane...do it.

You have to.


My soul is a small price to pay to stop camula.

After all, if she wins this duel, zane...

She'll get your spirit key,

And you know what that means.

The shadow riders...

They'll be that much closer to freeing those sacred beasts!

Besides, zane...

If one of us has to go down,

It might as well be me.

Sure, I may have gotten the looks,

But the truth is, you got just about everything else.

The skills, the smarts-- everything.

Anyway, big bro... It's all right.

I mean, at least this way...

I'll be remembered for something

Other than just being your little brother.

This way, zane... I'll be the one who's the hero.

The one who saves the day.

After all, we both know

I would've never been able to do it by dueling.

It's just like you said...

I never belonged here.

I did say that, syrus, but since then,

You proved me wrong.

You do belong here.


I love you, syrus.

Never forget it.

Aw, zane...

I'll miss you, little bro.


I stand down.

Zane?! What are you doing?!

So be it!

Cyber end dragon, destroy him!



Zane, no!

Stop! Take me!

Big brother?!


Oh, no...

Camula: at last, darling, you're all mine.

A tad smaller and a smidge less talkative...

But a darling trophy nonetheless.


Ha ha ha!


Just like that...

He's gone.

Uhh! Hmm?

That's it!


You hear me?!

No more, camula!

I'm through with you messin' with my friends!

Got that?

What you did to crowler, to zane?!

It stops here,

And I'm gonna be the one who stops it!


Sure, I may not be up to snuff, but I don't care.

I'm taking you on and one way or another,

I'm gettin' our friends' souls back!

About time!



Camula, here I come...

So get set to get your game on!

♪ Finding trouble

♪ Never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class ♪

♪ They never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, come on and get your game on ♪
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