01x52 - The Graduation Match, Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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01x52 - The Graduation Match, Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Announcer: last time on "yu-gi-oh! Gx..."

And now!

We commence with the grad match

Between zane truesdale and jaden yuki.

Both: let's do this!

Get your game on!

[Thinking] zane thinks he's gonna outsmart me again.

But not this time!

Here I go! I'll activate polymerization!

And fuse wildheart

With elemental hero bladedge

To create elemental hero wildedge!

So do your thing, wildedge,

And go wild on those three cyber dragons!

Now I'll activate power bond

And with it I can summon back an old friend...

The cyber end dragon.

[Thinking] just great.

Looks like usin' my head

Has got me headed towards a giant loss!

You're through!

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

So, what now, jaden?

You think you can beat my dragon?!

You've got one monster,

And he is about to be blasted into oblivion!

It's over for you!

[Thinking] no, it can't be over.

I know I can think my way out of this.

And I better start... Or else!

Come on! What's wrong?!

Unless... You're afraid.

Is that your problem?


Well, fine!

I'll put you out of your misery!

Cyber end dragon, attack!

Not so fast!

I'm playing a trap!

Soul union takes bladedge's attack points

And adds all of them to wildedge!

That's pointless.

You see, jaden, with my power bond,

I still have enough points to take out your wildedge.

[Thinking] aw man, he's right!

Guess I better put my thinking cap back on.

Oh wait, it was on.

Come on! Think, brain!

You have got to figure this out!

Farewell, jaden.

Cyber end dragon... Attack!

And end this duel!


[Thinking] man up, jaden!

Your whole year comes down to right now!


Sorry, zane!

But we're not done...


I don't understand-- that hit you square on!

This match should be done!

Woman: no way! How'd he do that?



Aw, man...

Talk about activating a spell just in the nick of time!

Thanks, emergency provisions.



Now I'll play hero signal!

With this, I can summon any card

With elemental hero in its name!

And who better than...


And since he's alone, I get two more cards!

[Thinking] I may have survived this round,

But just barely!

So much for usin' my head over my heart!

Now it's my turn...

And I summon cyber kirin!

And if I should happen to sacrifice him,

All card effect damage

Goes to zero for this one turn.

And of course, that means my power bond damage is negated!

A flawless play!

Yea, totally!

Come on!

Where's the jaden that almost beat me before?!

He's right here!

I think... I don't know...

Of course you don't.


Because your heart is not in this.

Uh...and neither's my stomach.

Kinda skipped lunch.

Man: quit?! No way!

Dorothy?! You around?!

Hey, there! How 'bout some grub!

Okay! You got it!

What's he doin'?! Having a snack?!

They say the quickest way to a man's heart is through his stomach.


Oh, puh-leeze!

Ha ha!

Very odd.

Don't you think, chazz?

Hello, it's jaden!

Everything he does is odd!


But at least he's being himself.

Ha ha! Sy's right!

I wasn't being me!

And what better way to be jaden

Than to have a big meal, huh!

So, how about it, zane?

Do you mind if I scarf?

Why not?

Great answer!

Jaden can't do that!

There's no eating here!

What's he think this is?!

Some sort of... Smorgasbord?!

Can't you cut him a break for saving the world?


I'm trying not to.

Jaden: mmm, it smells great!

I can't believe I went this whole time without eating!

How's your heart now?


Don't you think, chancellor?

I think that we're in for a match now!

Just what do you mean?

I mean that jaden learned a valuable lesson.

He tried to be someone that he just isn't!

And almost lost!

You see, jaden's a great duelist

Not because of his book smarts,

But because he plays with his heart, his soul...

And even his stomach!

Zane helped him find the duelist that he left behind.

Left behind?

Oh, please!

He left nothing behind!

Okay! Let's duel!

Good luck, jaden! Glad I could help!

Thanks for the grub!

You rule!

Now, then...

Bring it!

Here goes!

I play pot of greed!

Which means I get to draw two more cards!

And now I'll play one:

Elemental hero avian in defense mode!

And here's the other:

The spell card spy hero!

It's activated when I discard two random cards from my deck.

Now my spy hero cuts in

And uses all his super stealth to take one of your spell cards!

Seems the old jaden's back!


Hey, thanks, zane! Future fusion!

Now all I gotta do is sacrifice a couple monsters

That could be combined to form a fusion monster and bam--

I get what they woulda made!

So say good-bye to burstinatrix and clayman

And hello to rampart blaster in defense mode!

Next I'll throwdown a couplea facedowns!


But too little, too late!

I summon forth cyber phoenix in attack mode!

With phoenix on the field,

Any spells or traps targeting a certain monster are destroyed!

Which means their effect gets canceled out.

See where I'm going with this, jaden?

Yeah, yeah, I get it, zane.

The cyber end dragon.

I can't mess with it with trap or spell cards anymore.

[Thinking] which means it's practically invincible!

Will jaden hurry up and lose already?

This is a tough spot. What to do?

Your boyfriend's not doing so well!

Jaden's a friend!

Who happens to be a boy!

That doesn't make him a boyfriend!

Oh, suuure!


I'm glad that you got to enjoy your lunch.

But now...

Just try not to lose it!

Cyber end dragon, attack rampart blaster!

I activate my spell! De-fusion!

It lets me takes one of the fusion monsters on the field,

And splits 'em back apart!

Sorry, jaden!

Cyber end dragon can't be split!

Cyber phoenix is protecting him, remember?

I'm not goin' after him!

I'm defusin' one of mine!

By splittin' rampart blaster,

I get two monsters,

And you get no target!


Now that's a lineup!

Jaden's got four elemental heroes!

[Thinking] hm. Even if you add up all these hero's attack points,

They don't come close to my dragon's ,.

He's making a grave error...


Unless, I'm not attackin',

I'm sacrificin'!

And you'll see why when I play this!

One doozy of a trap card!

Here comes... Elemental burst!

Oh, no. Oh, yeah!

Now by sacrificing an earth, water,

Fire and wind attribute monster...

Each and every card on your field gets totally destroyed!



Ha ha ha!

So long, cyber end dragon!

I can't really say that I'm gonna miss him!

You won't have to miss him.

Because by destroying cyber phoenix,

I get to move one card from my deck to my hand.

Don't you see?

The way that I've calibrated my deck,

Cyber dragon's never gone long!

I'll always find a way to bring him back.

You're bluffing!

But I'm not, jaden.

Because the card I picked...

Was this one!

A spell called time fusion!

And with it, time is most certainly on my side.

And how's that exactly?

Because now by removing one card in my hand from the game,

It activates!

Meaning I can automatically call up a fusion monster

To my field next turn

Without having to wait for a single summoning requirement!

[Thinking] so he's right?

The cyber end dragon will return!

And soon, too!

You can't win!

And in just one turn, you'll see why!

And the academy will see you're a fraud!

Don't feel bad, jaden.

You lost to the best.

Already writing your graduation speech, zane?

Not so fast! I'm still here!

Oh, please! Not for very much longer!


He needs one good draw!


Come on jaden!

Try and hang in there!!

Alright, my turn!

And I'll throw down... A facedown!

[Thinking] you'll have to do better than that, jaden...

Especially when you see what I have for you.

Brace yourself! My turn!

First off this returns to me a card from a different dimension!

I removed it from play to activate time fusion,

But now it's back! And it doesn't stop there!

Next, its special effect activates,

And you know what that means!

We both get to draw two more cards!

[Thinking] too bad nothing can help you now, jaden...

[Thinking] zane must be pretty confident

To be lettin' me draw cards!

And now, I call forth cyber end dragon!

Not again!

You'd think for once

Zane would try a combo without that dragon!

Hey, if it ain't broke...

Of course.

Because the monster was summoned with time fusion,

It can't attack until next turn.

Next turn?!

Man, how long do I have to wait to see jaden lose?!

And I'll finish my turn by laying one facedown.

Oh, dear me!

I'm sweating b*ll*ts over here!

Can't we just declare zane the winner yet?

Not yet, crowler!

After all, if there's one thing I've learned,

It's never to count jaden out until his life points are out!

My draw! Ha!

I activate fusion recovery!

This brings back polymerization and burstinatrix

From the graveyard!

Sorry, zane, but you're not the only one

Who can re-summon a monster!

Next I'll activate miracle fusion!

Now I just remove avian and burstinatrix from play...

And I can summon the elemental hero flame wingman!

But wait! I'm not done yet!

Go polymerization!

Merge the sparkman with flame wingman

To create the elemental hero shining flare wingman!

And here's the cherry on top.

For each elemental hero that I got chillin' in the graveyard...

Wingman gets attack points!

Now, let's count off! Hero roll call!

Alright! Now attack cyber end dragon, flare wingman!

Oh, yeah! But flare wingman's not done yet!

'Cuz when he destroys a monster...

Then you take damage equal to that monster's attack points!

And that's ,!


School's out, zane.

Not yet, it's not!

I activate a trap card...

Damage polarizer!

Damage polarizer?!

Now all damage from a special effect gets reduced to zero!


Well, I gotta hand it to ya, zane...

That's a sweet card!

And as the "cherry on top," we now draw one card each.

And for your sake, jaden...

I hope it's a good one.

[Thinking] I can't believe--

[Thinking] I drew---

Both: battle fusion!

I'll just throwdown a facedown

And call it a turn.

I guess you're up.

So, what'll it be this time?

You'll see...

Well, whatever it is, good luck.

'Cuz something just tells me

This is the last round!

I agree.

[Thinking] the last round for you, jaden.

My victory is assured.

Prepare for the bitter taste of defeat, jaden.

Alright! Now! My turn!

I don't like that smile!

Especially since zane never smiles!

Something's up here.

Yeah! That's for sure!

And I think we're gonna see just what exactly it is really soon!

Get set for the final round

Between this school's two best duelists!

Jaden, it's been fun,

But now I'm afraid that it's over!

I activate power bond!

So now, by sacrificing the right monsters,

I can once again summon the cyber end dragon!

But how?!

You gotta have monsters to sacrifice them!

Chazz is right for once.

His field is bare!

I'm sorry, I forgot... I don't need monsters!

I activate: cybernetic fusion support!

By trading half my life points,

I don't need to make any sacrifices

To summon my fusion monster!

So without further ado...

Let's welcome back cyber end dragon!

[Thinking] you know, I'm starting to really get sick of this thing.

And thanks to power bond,

Its attack points double!

And next I'll activate this: limiter removal!


Very severe trouble!

All coming for jaden!

Thanks to this.

All machine type monsters out

Get their attack points doubled,

And guess what type my dragon is?

You're through!

Don't think so!

Go battle fusion!

If used during a battle,

My monster gains as many attack points

As triple-chrome dome over there!

He can't do that!

It simply must be against the rules!

Oh, please!

This is everything dueling is about!

Nice move. But it's all for naught.

I use: the spell card battle fusion!

That's right, jaden!

I have one, too!


Wow, zane! You really are great!

I'm gonna miss ya!

And I you, jaden.

And that's why I'm passing you the torch.

Once I leave here you'll be the top student at this school.

Despite your grades or your rank,

You'll be the best, so make me proud.

I'll give it my all, zane.

And I'll start right here!

'Cuz this duel's not done!


I still have one trick up my sleeve!

Oh, yeah! And here it comes!

I'm activating...

The trap known as...

Final fusion!

Ah...how clever.

If this card's played,

The both of us take damage to our life points

Equal to our monsters' combined attack points!

And you know what that means!

Sure do.


Hey, what happened?!

Who won?

Aw, man.


Mm-hmm. Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!


You okay?

Uh, I think.

How's my hair? Is it still there?

Looks like a draw.


Does that mean we gotta duel again?


And someday we will.

Sweet! I guess... Until then!

Until then.

Good, I could use the break.

Me, too.





♪ Chillin' out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble

♪ Never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class ♪

♪ They never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, come on and get your game on ♪
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