02x07 - Hot Rocks

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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02x07 - Hot Rocks

Post by bunniefuu »

A lot of palm beach was built

on the rise and fall
of pork bellies, cotton futures

and junk bonds

but it’s only after the
acquisition of a lot of money

that a person can start
to acquire real wealth--

the kind measured in karats--

and putting your money
into precious stones

has an added advantage.

They’re prettier to look at
than pork bellies.

Precious gems and jewels
are also favored here

because they’re safe.

If the family jewels
are of the pear-shape

baguette or emerald-cut variety

you can be sure
they’ll be worth tomorrow

what you paid for them today.

Unfortunately, what’s
attractive as an investment

is also attractive as a score

and those little rocks
and stones worth millions

can be awfully tempting

to somebody looking
for a shortcut to easy street.

This is the way
to move this stuff, Donny.

Wait till you see this.

It’s going
to dazzle your eyeballs.

It’s very beautiful.

Man ♪:
My wife couldn’t wear it
like that, though.

Man ♪:
Look at this ice
down here.

Look at that.

Very nice.

Very, very nice.

Easy... now, come on,
Frankie, gentle.

Watch your hands, Frankie.

Man ♪:
Come over here.

Come over here.

Man ♪:
Now, that’s beautiful, huh?

I think so, too, but isn’t that
on the wrong side?

Handcuffs for
the ankles.


You’ve done your homework,
here, Mr. Rossler.

Very nice.

Very, very nice.

Have you ever seen
anything like that, Donny?


This has to be
my favorite.

All of this jewelry
is top quality.

I think your mother
would be very happy

wearing any of these.

Oh, yeah, that’s
a fabulous piece.

I got to hand it
to you, rossler.

This is brilliant.

Thank you, Mr. Dibardo.

All this stuff
is fenced clean.

Of course.

I even offer
forged certificates of sale

from overseas retailers.

Why don’t we weight you
a special order?

Perhaps your lovely
gem appraiser here

would like to try on
some jewelry herself.

Stick it, slick.

You don’t have stones
big enough for me.

( Cries out )

( Grunts )

You got to believe me,
Mr. Rossler.

I don’t know what happened
to the necklace.

I looked everywhere for it.

I don’t got
to believe nothing.

Toss him.

A little taste
for yourself, huh, Gaines?

You know the drill.

You take one thing,
you take one thing only.

That way the police
just think it was misplaced

or maybe they go question
the cleaning lady again

but this!

Mr. Rossler...

Don’t k*ll me.

The necklace was
for Mr. Dibardo.

Why don’t we ask him
what he wants to do with you?

I swear on
my mother’s eyes.

Don’t grovel, Mr. Gaines.

It’s not dignified.

Did you find anything else?

Nothing new.

I can’t think of
another profession

where the wake-up calls
are this intriguing.


Did you remember
the coffee?

Yeah, but I
drank them both.

Sorry, sorry.

Take a look at this.

Beach patrol found him
just before dawn.

They thought he was a drunk
sleeping it off.

They came back
a couple hours later

rolled him over
and called it in.

This guy was on the wrong end
of target practice.

Three to the chest.

Maybe a .. No bigger.

Who is he?

I don’t know;
There was no wallet.

We’re going to have
to wait for a fingerprint I.D.

So, what do you think?
You think robbery?

No, I don’t think so.

There’s no blood on the ground.

I think he was shot somewhere
else and dumped here.

It’s too much work
for a sh**t-and-grab.

Anything else?

Wait till you see this.

A doctor.





"Jack of all trades,
master of none."

Sounds like my doc.

"Jack of all trades,
master of none."


Yeah, "Jack of all trades,
master of none."

Excuse me,
could you...?

All right, now,
that’s seven words.

Take the first letter
from each word...


First word is "Jack."

A "J"-- that’s five.

Why do I get the feeling

you’ve been waiting
your whole life to try this?

No, I heard this phrase used
in conversation

just a little while ago.

Really? By who?

You’re going to love this.

( Ringing )

Hello, and congratulations.

You’ve reached
the late th century version

of Aladdin’s lamp, but unless
you’re an awfully pretty lady

with a very compelling reason,
rubbing will not be allowed.

Anyway, since you called me

you already know
your wish is my command.

Just leave a number, and I’ll
get back to discuss terms.

So, take a deep breath
and speak clearly

when you hear the Beethoven.

( Orchestra playing )

Chris, Rita, what
a pleasant surprise.

You’re not dressed
for the party.

we came to see you.

I’d like to stay and chat,
but honest employment calls.

Is this card yours, cotton?

Is that a collectible already?

That’s cute.
Try evidence.

We called
your phone machine.

You still got
five of them

all lined up
in a row?

Beethoven was
a nice touch, cotton.

You like that?

I change it every morning--
a reflection of my soul.

Oh, gee-- in that case

why not use
Rossini’s "thieving magpie"?

Oh, she is a cholesterol raiser,
you know that?

Now, partner stress is going
to put you in an early grave.

We found your card
on a cat named Alex Gaines.

Oh, I'm starting to feel
some past tense vibes here.

Yeah, well, he was
shot three times

in the chest
at close range.

We were acquaintances,
that’s all.

A beer here,
a beer there.

I haven’t seen him in, what?

Almost a year now.

Yeah, I'm at Gaines’ place, Sam

and the plot thickens.

Somebody toss it?

You can say that.

You could also say there’s a new
Cuisinart blade for furniture.

Oh, right-- that means we’re
looking for something small.

Well, small we got.

Listen, I'm going
to keep at it here.

Why don’t you squeeze cotton
through the mill

see what comes out?

And speak of the devil...
See you.

Big C.

Ah... this is a twilight zone
episode, right?

For the rest of my life
you just pop up

and ask me questions
I don’t have answers to.

Long as I've
known you, cotton

there’s never
been a question
you couldn’t answer.

Let me ask you a question.


Why doesn’t Rita like me?

You better ask her that.

Now it’s my turn.

Alex Gaines was
a big-time Jewel thief.

What was his deal?

Listen to me,
young Chris.

I don’t know.

I wouldn’t know the man
if he walked up to me
on the street...



We got to talk.

Wait a minute, Drake!
Wait a minute!

I don’t know
what happened.
I wasn’t involved.

Mr. Rossler don’t care.

Mr. Rossler’s upset,
and well he should be.

But I've got a solution.

You know that guy
you just hit?

That’s Gaines’

Cotton Dunn
does not stiff anybody.

Now you go back
and tell rossler

that his Gaines
was my loss.

He’s a cr*cker?

The best-- there’s no safe
too tight for Chris.


I’ll check with Mr. Rossler.

If this is bull...

Save me the trip back.

Commit su1c1de.


Huge Jurassic period dinosaur
with a /-ounce brain.

That’s .% of his body weight.


I’m telling you, you had
to be there to believe it.

This guy switches gears

faster than Mario Andretti could
sell mood rings to skinheads.

He’s a con man, Chris.

Yeah, but he’s kind of fun
to watch.

Besides, he’s on our team now.
Come on.

Emile rossler is tied

to every high-end luxury
you can name--

diamonds, art, furs.

He’s under suspicion

in ten cities
around the world

but no one can scrape up
the goods to make it stick.

It’s an incredible scam,

Look, cotton says
that rossler pays off

a local insurance agent.

Now, this agent spent
six to eight months

cataloging all the homes that
insure the big-ticket items.

Whole security systems,

And then
somebody-- cotton--

finds a ruse
to case every house.

Caterers, plumbers, repairmen.

Uh-huh, and the final player
was the late Alex Gaines.

He was their second-story man.

So rossler just blows
into town for a week

and orders what he wants.

It’s one big wise-guy auction,
and I'm in.

All right, they want to meet me
tomorrow night.

No, I don’t like it.

Cotton Dunn
is out for number one.

He will burn you
for a dime, Sam.

Well, look, Rita--

cotton’s a little misguided
but he’s not going

to feed me
to the lions.

When Captain Hutchinson
got rotated up to Lauderdale

he told me to watch out
for your hands-on adventures.

I bet he did.

Okay, you try it

but Rita’s observational backup

and she can call it off
anytime she wants.


I’m telling you, Richards,
Chris is our answer.

We can still
make this work.

I don’t know that guy
from Adam!

I don’t want to end up
on a slab next to Gaines!

Take a chance
and trust me.

Trust you?
Trust you?!

What have you
got to lose?

One more time, come on.

Have you been waiting long?

I’d like to say all my life.




All right, so who else

is going to be
there tonight?

I don’t know--
I told you, I don’t know.

Look, cotton,
if this is another...

Take it easy, Sam.

No, I won’t!

This man has lied to us

times before.

You’re going into
a very dangerous situation

and I'm not comfortable
with it.

Hey, Detective Lance, all I did
was case a couple of houses.

I didn’t even take anything...
And I want to help.



If rossler k*lled Gaines

then he might be gunning
for Richards and me.

We’re the rest

of the local team
on this, you know.

I’ve burned
my contacts

I've risked my own well-being
to get you people inside

and I personally resent
your inability to give me

even the benefit
of the doubt.

You’re right.

I apologize.


Okay, dude...
Give ’em hell.

Good luck.

Hey, cotton...
Listen to me.

If this goes wrong...

What good
is one Mike?

She can’t even
call us back.

Don’t worry.

Rita will know when
to bring in the marines.

Hey, hey.

( Knocking )


All units,
hold your positions.

Here we go.

Cotton, I can’t find anybody

who knows this guy.

So you see my problem, Chris...

Alls I know about you

is what these two
gentlemen have told me.

Cotton says you
crack safes.

Drake says you
can take a punch.

Is that a resume?

I don’t know what to say
to you, Mr. Rossler.

I want to pull this job for you.

You know what I need here,
I need a reference--

someone who can vouch for you.

Come on, Dutchie.

We’ve got trouble.

Donnie "dogs" dibardo.

The mobster?

He can identify Chris.

All units, prepare to move.

And that’s
the way it is.

somebody I trust

tells me you’re
a stand-up kind of guy

you’re gone.

( Door opens, closes )

Hey, I know this guy.

Yeah, I remember you now.

Is that right?

From the police station, right?

You were pinched up at the shore
for that burglary last year.



Chris Haas.

They couldn’t make the case.

I walked.

You’re a very lucky guy.

You vouch for this guy,
Mr. Dibardo?

This guy?

Yeah, why not?

All right, then,
we’re in business.

Richards and cotton
got two more locations
picked out.

You’ll have your Ruby
necklace in no time.

Is that for
the beautiful lady?

No, Shelby is my appraiser.

The necklace is for mom’s
th birthday on Sunday.

Ruby’s her birthstone.

But I told you, doll,
anything you want, any time.

All right, let’s nail
this thing down.

Now, here’s what I think
we ought to do.

Shelby, huh?



We got to get some
protection for cotton.

There’s no telling
what they’ll do to him.

Agreed-- you should
lay low for a while, too

until we figure out
how to cast the net.

You guys will never believe who
that was on the phone just now.

Donny "dogs" dibardo.

He wants to have dinner with me
this evening.

And you’ll never guess
what he wants to talk about.



Donny wants something

from us, Chris.

He thinks he’s in
a position to bargain.

And he is-- he says one word
to rossler and I'm toast.

Then again, maybe he just
got the hots for you.

Please, don’t start.

( Piano playing softly )


Aw, I'm disappointed.

This was supposed
to be private.

You should have been there
last night, Rita.

It was priceless.

For the first time
since I met this jabib

he kept his smart mouth shut.

Yeah, yeah, Donny.

I’m telling you,
I haven’t had this much fun

since we took Sammy the rat
oil drum fishing.

All right, Donny,
what do you want?

Okay, business.

I propose a simple trade.

I’ll keep you afloat
with rossler

so that you can

bring him down
any way you want.

And for you?

Simple again.

The FBI’s got somebody
inside my organization.

As we speak,
I'm close to finding out who.

Got three people on the list.

Now, you know me to be
a reasonable man.

But the gentleman I work with
may hurt this FBI Agent.

So I figure it’s in
the best of everybody’s interest

that he not share
a resting place

with the likes
of Jimmy Hoffa.


No, Donny, no capice.

You know as well as we do

the FBI Is not going
to play that.

You never know
until you try, Lorenzo.

Besides, if they don’t
pull their agent out

I got to suddenly remember
you’re a cop.

We’ll check it out, Donny.

Oh... hey, Rita,
I invited you to dinner.

I even took the liberty of
ordering chateaubriand for two.

That’s the house special.

What? After all this time,
I'm still the bogeyman?

We can’t share a meal?

I don’t eat

with the dog
at the table, Donny.

Sorry, Dutchie.

Sorry, Chrissy.


( Clears throat )

Why, thank you.


You’re welcome.

Hey, did I mention I'm going
to Palermo for mom’s birthday?

( Under his breath ):

I don’t believe this.

Gemology, huh?

Why gemology?

Well, when I was little,
we didn’t have a lot of money

and I used to watch
all these rich people on TV

with lots of jewelry

and I always thought
it was so glamorous.

Glamorous, huh?

I got my very first diamond
in the th grade.

Billy Wilson gave me
the teeny tiniest little chip

in a friendship ring.

Did it work?


Are you guys all alike?

No, we’re not
all alike, all right?

I always figured

you gave a girl a diamond
after you fell in love.

You mean after
you slept with her.

No, that’s got nothing
to do with love.

Have you ever
given anyone a diamond?

Not yet.

Will you take me home, Chris?


I guess I will.

Will you stay with me?

Yeah, but not tonight.

I’ve got a big job
for your boss tomorrow

and I want to be sharp.

Maybe another time.

I’d like that.

I’d like that.

That’s it.

Second-floor study

encyclopedia bookcase
hinges out.

Safe’s an Eastlake,
top of the line.


Chris, you can still open
an Eastlake, can’t you?

I think so.

Don’t get lost.

How’s it going, Sam?

It’s a piece of cake.

Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Eastwood,
Sergeant Lorenzo.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Nonsense-- we’ve chosen
this magnificent piece

from our Spanish collection.

( Whistles )

Rest assured,
as soon as Mr. Rossler

takes possession
of the necklace

we arrest his whole g*ng

and immediately
return it to you.

How much, if you
don’t mind my asking...

How much is it worth?

On today’s market?

Mmm, let me see.

One point two.


... Which ultimately led him
to deduce

the exact particle rate
for the...

Am I boring you?

Hey, do you know
David Rice Atchison?

You’re going to love this.

He was the th president

of the United States
for hours.

Lorenzo, don’t you
think it’s time

you got back down there?

I think a little longer
would be okay, lieutenant.


Which makes robbery

the second most popular
crime in America.

Happens once
every ten seconds.

Hypothetical, Drake.

What if Chris
doesn’t come back?

Too hypothetical.

What if Chris comes back,
he doesn’t have the necklace?

I k*ll you both.




Oh, you want to see it.


( Car starting )

Man, you are something else!

Unreal, unreal.

You are unreal.

Don’t sh**t me.

Please don’t sh**t me.

What do you want?

Money? The car?

I got a safe deposit box.
You can have the number.

Give it to him.

Give him what?

The man’s delirious--
he’s hurt.

The necklace!
You want the necklace!

Why didn’t you say so?


Rita was right.

You’re a real jerk.

Oh, damn.

What the hell’s going on?

Can’t anybody in this town
heist a simple necklace?!

Rossler, in two days

I'm on the plane
to mama.

Am I going to have
to shop retail?

There’s a third necklace,

Okay, everybody

we’re going to try
one more time.

No excuses!

Shelby, sweetheart,
why don’t you get the car

and take these gentlemen
to the hospital.


I still got a list of three
possible FBI Informers.

If you don’t narrow it down
to one by tomorrow night

I'm going
to drink truth serum

and that guy over there

is just crazy enough
to take you out

badge or no badge.

Did the pain-K*llers help?


They’re knocking me out.

I want to thank you
for driving me home.

Do you want me to stay?

Yeah, but...

But not tonight.

I don’t know
what to do, Shelby.

I don’t know if I
should pull this gig.

I don’t want to end up
like Gaines.

I don’t want rossler
to k*ll me.

Rossler didn’t
k*ll Gaines.

He and dibardo let him
retrace his steps

to find the necklace.

And when he turned up dead
the next morning

they were both angry.

Who... who k*lled him?

I don’t know.

Until tonight,
my money was on cotton.

Look, don’t worry
about it.

You get the necklace
the day after tomorrow

and everything will be okay.


Good night.

Good night.

I’d like to call it off
before you get yourself k*lled.

Too much paperwork,

Get out of here.

But we’re closing in.

The b*llet found
in cotton’s car

matches those found in Gaines’.

He’s your k*ller.

And if we believe Donnie
"dogs" diamond Dolly

then it’s not rossler.

I believe her.

We’re looking for somebody else.

All right, Lorenzo.

You say the robbery’s set
for tomorrow night, right?

Okay, when we find out

the location, we cordon off
the entire neighborhood

and we sweep up anyone who
approaches you after the theft.

We’ll get them.

All right-- but what are we
going to do about Donnie "dogs"?

He’s ready to sell me out.

Oh, yes.

A miracle, actually.

The FBI Is going to let us
burn their agent.

Mm-hmm, it seems
they’ve got two plants

inside his organization.

But Donnie only thinks
that there’s one agent

so after we give Donnie
the first agent’s identity

then he thinks
he’s in the clear.

And the second one nails him.

Damn, that’s good.

Who’s the ringer?

Paperwork hurdle.

I’ll have his name
by the end of the day.

I’ll be right back.

Oh, and Lorenzo,
enjoy this, you hear?

You know I will.

I’ve been a cop years

and I'd give
vital moving parts

to lower the boom
on a smug federale.

So how’s your friend Shelby
going to fall in all this?

She’s not a criminal, Sam.

Just a great girl who fell in
with the wrong group of guys.

Yeah, well,
I’ll remind you of that

when the prosecutions start.

She may need your friendship.

Look, I need a favor.


After last night, I know that
cotton can’t take the pressure

and I need him off the streets.

Don’t even think
about it, Chris.

Come on, Sam, look--
I can’t have him

floating around the deck
like a loose Cannon.



Read my lips.


No?! What do you mean, no?!

Just what I said.

You cannot go out
for the next hours.

I can’t? You just watch me.

Oh, cotton...

Chris says they suspect you
of ripping them off

and rossler’s toying
with the idea

of putting a contract
out on you.

So what the hell is this?

This isn’t police protection.

Where are the guys
with the vests?

I’m all you get.


I’m a valuable witness.

I have cooperated.

You are going to sit down
and shut up

or I will walk out of here

without giving it
a second thought.


You wanted to see us?

As a matter of fact, I do.

I did a little checking up
on you guys.

You know what I found out?

Heavy hitters in key west

tell me you got more leaks
in your operation

than a urologists’ convention.

( Laughing )

Guy’s got brass,
don’t he, rossler?

I’m not talking about him,

I’m talking about
your operation.

The feds know
when little Dutchie

has to take a leak
before you do.

What are you saying?

I’m saying you got an
FBI Agent working for you.

Isn’t that right


Is this true?

I’m federal agent
Shelby Kellman, Chicago bureau.

You got seconds, lady.

If I ever see your face
around here again

Illinois is going to need
a scavenger hunt

to find you.

Get out of here!

Nice job of acting,

What acting?

She wasn’t even
on the freaking list.

( Quietly ):
They’re looking.
Are you okay?

Did you box
in high school?

I had to make it look real.

Shelby, I'm glad you understand.

I’m a big girl.

And the way my boss
explained it, it makes sense.

Everything I told you was true.

I just left out the part
about being a cop.


I would love to try this again
for real sometime.

I’d like that, too...

A lot.

And I would love
to kiss you right now.

You better get back.

But when we do get together

I’ll massage
whatever still hurts.

( Groans )


Would you look at this guy?

Burns a federal agent

and he’s still trying
to toss her.

( Classical piano music
playing )

( Teakettle whistling )


Uh... no, thanks.

So, have you always
wanted to be a cop?

Kind of a long-term goal.

You always wanted to be a...?

Jack of all trades?


No. It’s a lot of hard work.

Pick any book.

I can tell you what’s inside,
word for word.

I got a photographic memory.

Uncanny recall,
the teachers used to say.

So you were an "a" student.

No, I was terrible.

I have the worst attention span
in the world.

I got all this knowledge
stuffed up here

but somehow I just can’t
put it all together

for any length of time.

You know, they say god
gives us in some areas

and takes away in others.

Yeah? Where did he stiff you?

I don’t believe it.

Rita Lee Lance actually smiled
in my presence.

Now, come on.

Gift of genius or not,
you don’t like me.

I don’t dislike you.

It’s just that...

It’s just that I think
it’s a waste, all right?

I mean, you... obviously
you have a sharp mind.

You’re cultured.

And your heart may even be
in the right spot.

But you’re a criminal.

I mean,
you steal from people.

You con them.

And most people
who live that kind of life

they don’t have any other choice

but you, you have choices.

I just think you made a bad one.

Hey, this table’s
occupied, Donnie.

You know, for over a month,
I wined and dined Shelby

gave her the town,
and for nothing.

The broad’s ice.

Forget about bed--
I couldn’t even touch her.

So imagine how I feel
when I see her look at you.

I mean, she gets
red in the cheeks.

Hey, if Vivien Leigh looked
at Clark gable like that

she would have fell
down the damn stairs.

Yeah, come on,
dibardo, wrap it up.

It’s simple.
Don’t you see?

She thinks you’re some kind
of second-story man.

Popping you’s only going
to help her cover.

But me, I'm in
a different league.

I’m the big cheese,
the guy she’s after.

It’s in the FBI Motto
or something-- I don’t know.

You know, she was dying
to sleep with me,
but she couldn’t.

I knew that.

I already bought a necklace
for mom this morning.

I only stood this long
to help you out.

Keep my name out
of the reports.

You got it.

Okay, let’s go.

We’re going
to do it tonight.

I thought we were
going to do it
tomorrow night.


Okay, cool,
I’ll go call cotton.

Forget about him.

Drake’s going with you.

You slip up...

You check out.



Sun’s up.
You should be, too.

Chris should have called by now.

Something must be wrong.

Rossler’s unpredictable.

Maybe he had Chris
do the job early.

That’s it.

Can I use your phone?

I got to tell you

I don’t dig these
daring daylight burglaries.

I hope they can’t see us
from the street.

Richard’s insurance files
say the safe’s in the library.

People are on vacation.

Good deal.

Be back before you know it.

Mr. Rossler says
I go with you.

Look, I work alone.

Mr. Rossler said
I go with you.

Lieutenant Hudson sent a unit to
the restaurant-- they’re gone.

Where is the third Ruby
necklace, cotton, which house?

I can’t remember.

I cased a dozen places.

Well, try.


Well, there’s two.

Yeah, I think
I know which one it is.

Good. Come on.

We’re supposed to stay here.

Come on.

I thought you said
you could disable alarm systems.

I told you they installed
that new dedicated circuit.

I don’t risk those.


That’s right,
I'm en route now.

No, he doesn’t know the address.

He just remembers
how to get there.

All right, listen, keep some
black-and-whites ready to roll

and a unit at the restaurant
in case they come back.

Okay, thanks.

All right, cotton, which way?

Just go left up here.

( Whispering ):
Okay, now you stay here.

I don’t like somebody
looking over my shoulder.

Pretend I'm not here.

( Crash )

Which way?

That way.

Do you mind?

I don’t hear anything.

That’s because you’re
making me very nervous, Drake.

( Hammer cocking )

That’s much better.

Rita, you know
I love Chris like family

but we got to talk.

You bastard.

I just want to get the issue

of my exposure
in this thing settled.

And to think
I almost fell

for that misguided
genius crap.

I’m sorry
about this, Rita

but I got my own future
to worry about.

You let me tell you
about your future, cotton.

If anything happens
to my partner--
anything at all--

you’re not going
to have to worry

about being arrested.

You’re not going to
have to worry about
going to prison.

Do you understand me?


That’s what I thought.

No wonder I can’t open this.

This is the new degraphonread
servolock slaved...

Into the electropulse
of the burglar alarm.

I need a crowbar.



Do you know how
to open this, Drake?

No. Suppose we go back

and we tell rossler that I was
this close to cracking the safe

but you wouldn’t
let me finish.


Good idea.


What do you got
in your hand?

Not a thing.


( g*nsh*t )

Go ahead and take
the mask off, Richards.

How did you figure it out?

Made sense. Gaines was skimming
extra jewelry.

You were his fence.

But then he got caught
and you were scared

that he’d roll over
to save his own skin.

You waited at rossler’s...

Then you k*lled him.

He was stupid, man.

Blew a sweet gig.

You know, one thing
I can’t figure out.

After you got the first
million-dollar necklace

why did you stick around?

Because I didn’t get it.

The jerk really lost it.

So you stuck around to get
the second one from us.

And the third,
which you’re going to hand over.

Then I...
Disappear into the Caribbean.

No more
asinine millionaires

whining to save cents
on their insurance policies.

To hell with them.

I got some bad news for you.

I don’t have the necklace.

But it gets worse.

I’m a cop.

( g*nshots )


Don’t you ever take
a shot at my partner.

You get me?

You got the right
to remain silent.

You got the right
to an attorney.


Thanks, Sam.

He just kind of
got away from me.

Any time.

What do you say we go pick up
rossler and call it a case?

Yeah, man.


( Grunting )

There you go.

Come on, beauty.

Come on, beauty.

Come on.


( Classical music playing )

I love the sound
of Mozart in the morning

don’t you, Sam?


Hi, guys.

What are you doing?
What’s going on?

We’re going to need
the necklace, cotton.

Oh, come on, guys.

With this

our money problems
can be gone forever.

Where else you going
to get a deal like that?

Oh, the penitentiary
comes to mind.

That’s a good point, Sam.

You get, like, what--

eight to ten years
free rent in the slammer?

( Groans )

No, no.

Thank you, cotton.

Thanks a lot, guys.

I got a smashed-up car.

Who’s going
to pay for that?

See if I volunteer
to help again!

Can’t wait till
you come back begging!
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