06x10 - Elective Surgery

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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06x10 - Elective Surgery

Post by bunniefuu »

Hold on, darling.

You're my choice.

It's my rules.


Are you sure this is free?

Being with you isn't about money.

Look at your skin...

So smooth...

So tight.

Michael Riley.

Michael Riley?

Ah... it's been so long
since we've seen each other.

Do you remember me?

Come on, try!

You want some help?

My... name... is...


You see?

You do remember.

Come on in.

You ready?


Okay, you want to go over it one more time?

Oh, Tom, you're driving me crazy.

It's only going to be for two days.

Maybe once more.


You walk in, say hello
to your mother and sister.

You've goo-goo'd the
baby, everything's fine.

Your mother says

"when are you going to have children?"

What do you say?

"Sure, eventually."

No, no, that's wrong.

That leaves you too open for counterattack.

Okay, um...

"Mom, I've been thinking
about what a thrill it would be

to give you more
grandchildren like Christina has."

It's complimentary to Christina.

It calms your mother, Evelyn.

It shows direction, it's perfect.

You think?

Yeah, I think.

Okay... all right.

Oh, and, uh...

Here are the keys to the mustang.

I checked the odometer

so don't even think about
doing something stupid.

Cassy, you can trust me.

Tom: Hey, girls.


Hey, Tom.

Where you been?

Harry, you look magnificent today.

I need you.

Not as much

as I need this day off.

We got to talk.

Come on.

What is it, Harry?

Come in, come... close...

Close the door.



Listen, uh...

I don't think I ever
told you this, but, um...

Frannie's mother never
wanted her to marry me.

She wanted her to marry a
doctor, preferably a rich one.

Frannie's mother never thought
our marriage would work out.

Oh, cassy's mother thought
the same thing about me.

Of course, she turned out to be right.

You and frannie got a good marriage.

I think she's having an affair.

Uh... who's having an affair?


You find this amusing?

Harry, what makes you
think frannie's having an affair?

Five times in the last two weeks
she said she was going shopping.

Talk about guilty.

Yeah, but there's no packages

no new clothes.

I don't see any charge card re...

Not one withdrawal from an a.T.M. Machine

and believe me, I checked.

Maybe she didn't find
anything she liked, Harry.


She's not capable of
shopping without buying.

It's not only the shopping.

It's... small things, lots of them.

She seems preoccupied.

She's not happy.

You want my advice?

Excuse me, you were married
for a total of seven months.

You are the last person I
would come to for advice.

Listen, what I need is your help.

I need you to nose around.

Keep an eye on frannie.

Tell me where she goes

who she sees, stuff like that.

You want me to tail your wife?

Did I say tail?

I said nose around.

That's tailing, Harry.

Not when you know the person!

Then you do it.

Me? I've got a department to run here.

I can't just take off whenever I want.

Harry, I'm not going to tail frannie.

I got a day off, I got plans.

Yeah... hold it!

Yeah, what?

Hold on.


Homicide, motel, palm boulevard.

Lipschitz: Hey, I wonder

who's available?

Geez, Tom...

I don't know how to tell you this

but with cassy gone...

Your rule, Harry... detectives
don't go to a crime scene alone.

You're right.

I'll go with you.

Tom: Victim's name is Michael Riley

age , swimming pool salesman from Miami

a regular here, stayed
two or three times a month.

Get the manager to confirm this.

That's who we got the
information from, Harry.

Look, if you're preoccupied...

I'm fine, let's go.

How we doing, doc?

Prints everywhere.

Lots of hair samples

long and blonde.


Well, unless the Nelson
twins did this, I'd say so.

Oh! What did she use, a hacksaw?

No, she used this.

What do you figure, a night
with a hooker gone bad?

Oh, my god.

Tom: What is it?

Frannie gave me a wallet just like this.

Harry, if you can't handle this...

No, you're right.

I'll stay focused.

So... wounds?

That's where it gets bizarre.

There is no single fatal wound

which means... he slowly bled to death.

Is that a euphemism for t*rture?

Anybody touch the crime scene?

Nope, it's just as we found it.

Take a look

at the position of the body.

Sheets are unruffled

no signs of a struggle.

It's almost like he let her do this.

Puncture wound on the neck.

Maybe a hypodermic.

Doc, you give us a call

when you get the toxicology report, huh?

Yeah, sure.

It turns out Riley was a bachelor

lived in north Miami.

His closest relative is his father

stationed in South Korea, a sergeant.

We're trying to contact.

Any hits from the prints?


What are those pictures?

From the manager.

He threw a five-year anniversary party

for his regular customers.

I remember our fifth anniversary.

Frannie and me, we went to the track.

She won big, and I lost.

All right.

I'll follow frannie and
see if anything's going on.


So, uh...

Here's the only print Riley is in.

I had it blown up.

That's him in the blue shirt.

Check the woman behind him, huh?

Long blonde hair, staring at the victim.

Picked him up after the picture was taken?

Could be our k*ller.

It's what I'm thinking.

The manager identify her?

Never saw her before in his life

and he knew almost everybody at that party.

A touch thin, Harry.

I know, I know.

We found a powerful paralytic drug

Succinylcholine, in the victim's blood.

It's used in delicate surgery
to immobilize the patient.

Its nickname is "the sucks."

How appropriate.

Well, it gets worse.

You see, this stuff wears off

which means about
minutes after she cut him...

I agree.

Oh, the, um...

The residue on the towel
you found was make-up

but it was pancake, the
type used in the theater.

And the scalpel is a -c

predominantly used by plastic surgeons.

You can't get one of these without an m.D.

The m*rder*r must have had access to them.

Could have been a girlfriend,
a nurse, patient, who knows.

I better start talking to plastic surgeons.

You know, you might
start with Roger Van horn.

They say he's the foremost
face man in palm beach.

Thanks, doc.



Look, Tom, about frannie

if you find something, don't say anything.

Let me deal with it my way.

Harry, I got to tell you something.

You're wrong about this affair thing.

I'm sure I am.

If it's not too much trouble

get pictures.

Man: The medical examiner

is quite right.

This is a -c, one of my favorite blades.

Used in cosmetic surgery?

Yes, I do my most fabulous
work around the eyes with this.

We're looking for someone

who might have had access to this blade.

Does she look familiar?

Not by name.

Do you recognize her?

I recognize the nose.

It's a Caldwell.

A Caldwell?

Dale Caldwell

a cosmetic surgeon whose talents

are better suited to body and Fender work.

This nose was definitely done by him.

How can you tell?

Every plastic surgeon

has a vision of what he or she

considers perfect human design.

The final work is singular and distinctive.

Definitely a Caldwell.

Well, then I should talk to him.

Thanks, doctor.


Your nose... you broke it playing football.

Huh... that's pretty good.

You're right, I did break it playing ball.

Why don't you make an appointment?

I could make it perfect.

Thanks, I like it the way it is.


Tom Ryan!


Oh, I thought that was you, hi.


I'd like you to meet

a friend of mine from college.

This is Jeremy glassman.



So, uh, what are you doing here?

I was visiting a plastic surgeon.

I'm thinking about getting my nose fixed.

Broke it playing football.

Wait, a plastic surgeon?

Yeah, I snore... big time.

Cassy always said when we were married

that she could track me by sound alone

if I had an affair.

So, Jeremy, what do you do?

I'm a cardiovascular surgeon.

Married? Kids?

I am, and I have two sons in college.

Tom, could you lighten up a little?

Sounds like you're grilling Dr. Glassman.

Next, you'll be asking him

about his whereabouts.

You know...

I'd love to chat, frannie

but I've got to go chat with Harry.

You know how Harry gets suspicious

when you break a routine.

Homicide? I don't understand.

What does that have to do with me?

I'm trying to locate a woman

who may have been one of your patients.

What's her name?

That's where I'm hoping you can help me.

This is her picture.

Sorry, I don't know her.

You're sure?

I'm pretty sure.

I've done a lot of surgeries.

I think I would remember a woman

as beautiful as that.

What made you think
that she was my patient?

Another plastic surgeon told me

that you might have done her nose.

Let me guess, Roger Van horn?

Dr. Van horn's specialty

is professional jealousy.

Trust me, a surgeon's work

is as distinctive as...

An artist's.

Yes, exactly.

Is there anything else I can do?

No, that's everything, thanks.

Maybe you could hang on to that picture.

Show it to your colleagues.

They might recognize the woman.

Sure, I'd be happy to.

Thanks again.

Here's what I think we should do.

We drive up the coast, top down.

Little cove would be great.

Greer, just a second.

Harry, where were you last night?

I called you three times.

I was out with frannie.


See, you got nothing to worry about.

Yeah, went to dinner and a movie.

Dessert afterwards, then
we drove down to the ocean.

I figure long as she's occupied,
she can't be out with him.

That's why I was calling you, Harry.

She's not having an affair.

She went to lunch with an old friend

from high school.

You sure?

I'm a detective, aren't I?

I talked to the guy... Dr. Glassman.

He's a nice guy.

There's nothing to worry about.

You talked to him.

I checked him out, gave him
the third degree... he's fine.

Thanks, Tom, I really
appreciate it, thanks.

Forget it.

Just out of curiosity

what kind of a doctor was he?

He's a cardiovascular surgeon.


There has to be a reasonable explanation.

Come on, frannie and I
went to high school together.

Don't you think I'd
remember a Dr. Glassman?

The guy probably wasn't even a doctor then.

If she's seeing a surgeon,
it must be pretty far along.


Tom, this just came in.


I got to go.

There's been another homicide.

They found another
guy with his face slashed.

Yeah, go ahead, Tom.

Don't worry about me.

I, I, I can be alone at a time like this.

Why don't you come with me?

I could use your help.

It'll keep your mind off things.


Yeah, come on.

Who's the victim?

Daniel foss, contractor.

His rental app says that
he, uh, he was divorced.

Manager says he came from Miami

lived here three weeks.

Hmm, two victims who are tied to Miami.

Let's get Miami P.D. involved.

Already made the call.

Those wounds look
identical to the last victim.

Yeah, same as before:

Hypodermic needle, more long blonde hair.

She even had a shower.

Serial k*ller?

Maybe, I don't know.

Doc, same cause of death?

Bled to death from the lacerations.

The body position suggests no struggle.

The contents of the syringe
are being examined by the lab

but it's probably Succinylcholine.

A diluted solution would keep
the heart and lungs working

but reduce his strength.

Ergo, no resistance.

Doc, let me ask you a question.

You're a real doctor, right?


I mean, you're not a Ph.D. or something?

No, I went to medical school.

Why do you ask?

What kind of a problem

would somebody go to a
cardiovascular surgeon for?

A very serious problem.

You're not...?

Oh, no, no, I'm not.

Thank god.

Harry, we need to talk.

Listen to me.

Harry, frannie's not having an affair

and she's not dying, okay?

I'm going to prove that to you.


Just leave it to me.

You lied to me.

After the first one, you said it was over.

You're mad at me.

You've k*lled two people.

They deserved to die.

You said you would stop.

I tried, but you don't
know how I feel inside.

I'll never feel complete
until they're gone.

Alexis, the police were at my office today.

If they could identify
me, they'd arrest me.

No, you don't know that.

I do know that.

After the country club
tonight, I promise...

No, Alexis.

It has to stop now.

I swear it, I'll turn you in.

You don't love me.

You probably never did.

How could I not love you?

You're my vision

you're my greatest creation.

Would you look at me?

I'm a freak.

You're beautiful.

To you.

To anyone.

I can't stand the thought
of not being with you.

Promise me you'll stop.

I promise.

Dispatch, this is sergeant Ryan.

I need the registered
owner of a ' Porsche

Florida license plate number

Charlie, echo, Romeo,
echo, bravo, Romeo, Mary.

So, so?

Uh... so I got a fax from Miami P.D.

They've got nothing similar.


M.e. Confirms the
presence of Succinylcholine

in victim two identical to victim one.


And I got a line

on the second victim's ex-wife.

I'm going to talk to her.

She is dying, isn't she?

That's why you can't tell me.

I got to be honest with you.

I haven't had time to follow up
on the things we talked about.

So as soon as I get back
from my trip to Miami I'll...

I'll be on it.

Jillian foss?

Sergeant Tom Ryan, palm beach P.D.

I wondered if you had a minute

to talk to me about your husband?


What's he done now?

Fidelity was a foreign word to Danny.

I thought getting married
would change that.

It didn't.

He spent more time prowling
singles bars with his pals

than he did with me.

Tell me about his pals.

Bunch of macho jerks.

Some of his old football buddies
from the university of Miami.

Was one of them named Mike Riley?

Name doesn't ring a bell.

Well, maybe this picture will.

Riley's the one in the blue.

A bar.

Well, at least he had that
in common with Danny.



This woman, I've met her.


She came in last week looking for Danny.

Said she was an old friend.

Did you get a name?

No, I didn't ask.

I told her Danny moved back to
palm beach a few weeks before.

You think she k*lled him?

It's possible.

Serial K*llers usually don't
hunt down specific victims.

Then why these guys?

I can't figure the connection.

Foss played football

at the university of Miami for two years.

He had a spotty employment record

due to drinking.

Lived in Miami till after his divorce.

The first victim, Riley

went to the university of Florida?

Yeah. He's there until last year

and he takes a job in Miami.

So far the only thing that we
know they have in common

is that they played football.


Yeah, this is lipschitz.

No, no, no I didn't ask
for any license number.

Yeah, hold on, hold on.




Thanks a lot.

You holding back something here?

You have something to tell me, huh?


I, uh, I followed frannie downtown.

I saw her talking to
a guy, I ran his plates.

They're registered to a
Dr. Lowell rosensweig.

He's a neurosurgeon.

Frannie has a tumor.

Harry, please.

Or the heart problem is fatal

and she's having one last
fling with a neurosurgeon.

Harry, why don't you just talk to her?

Hesh, when is your vacation?

Why, frannie, do you think
we need to move it up?


I was just reading this
article about Hawaii

and it sounds so great.

You know, and since
we've never been there...

I, uh... what do you think?

Sure, honey, Hawaii sounds great.

Or maybe lourdes.

No, no, honey, not
another historical vacation.

We've already done williamsburg.

I am famished.


Honey, are you okay?

I'm fine. My foot just fell asleep.

Pizza! Let's order a pizza.

A pizza?


A pizza with pepperoni

and mushrooms, the works.

Frannie, how about some non-fat yogurt?

For dinner?

Sure! Something healthy.

Come on, I'll make it.

Is it my birthday?

Oh, frannie, honey, no.

Frannie, your birthday is September ninth.

It's a joke, Harry.

Oh... right.

Are you all right?

Frannie, have I told
you lately that I love you?

Oh, I love you too, Harry.

I know I don't say it enough...

But... frannie, every day I
thank god that I met you.

Ooh, I love you so much.


Frankly, I didn't think
you were going to come.

I said I would.

I know.

But I'm a pretty good realtor.

I pick up on vibes.

I didn't think you were
very interested in that house.

I'm not.

But I'm very interested in the realtor.

What are you doing here?

We're going home now, Alexis.

Leave me alone.

You heard the lady, pal.

Mind your own business.

You broke your promise to me.

Who is this guy?

I'm her husband.

You're married?

Go home, Dale.

You're coming with me, Alexis.

Do you understand what I'm saying?

I'm sorry.

So am I.

If you ever get rid of him

give me a call.

Come on.

Lipschitz: What is the growth rate

and over what period of time?

No, no, no, no, no.

Not an "about", doctor

I want a specific rate

of recovery.


Wait, hold on.

All right.

You'll fax me your references?

Okay, then I'll get back to you.

Thank you.

You didn't talk to her, did you?


You know, the first time

I ever saw frannie was

in eighth grade English.

I couldn't even bring myself to talk to her

much less ask her out

so I left a note in her locker:

"Will you go out with me?"

And wrote where to leave the answer.

And she said yes?

No, I left the note in the wrong locker.

But that's not

the point.

The point...


We're seeking a link

between our two m*rder victims.

Maybe we're not going back enough.

We should check high schools, junior highs.

You can get records from
the school superintendent.

Go ahead, go.

Go, go.

I'm not going.

You have no choice.

If you hadn't interfered last night...

If I had let you do it

it would be a matter of time

before they found you.

You must forget him.

Look at this face!

How could I forget?

Every time I look in the mirror

I hear their drunken laughter.

If you had been a little stronger

a little longer.

I'm being strong now!

If you really love me

if you really loved me

you would do exactly

what I'm asking you to do.

For me if not for yourself.

I'm begging you.

Please, I'm begging you.

Coach Gordon?

Yeah, yeah.

Tom Ryan... I'm with palm beach P.D.

Sorry to bother you on your day off.

They told me at school

you were looking for me.

Come on in.

Nice car.


So you played football

with Daniel foss and Michael Riley.

About ten years ago.

And now you're coaching the team.

You know what they say.

Those that can, do.

Those that can't, teach.

I wasn't very good

not like Danny and Mike.

But I... you know, I understood the game.

Hard to believe they're both dead.

Had you seen them recently?

I hadn't seen them for years.

You know, we weren't that close

even when we played together.

I saw Danny at a dolphins game

about two years ago.

Danny and Mike ever get in any trouble?

No, no more than anybody else.

They got into a car crash once.

There were many rumors

about who was driving.

I heard Stewart was driving.

Who's Stewart?

That's Stewart horton...

Another jock.

Used to call them the four musketeers.

They were always screwing around together.

They were joy riding down Atlantic

and lost control of the wheel

and cracked into a parked car.

Yeah, it was a pretty bad accident.

Anybody hurt?

A girl with them...

She went through the windshield.

Got her face messed up bad.

What was the girl's name?

Alexis, uh... something.

I can probably find her picture.

Nice girl... a cheerleader wannabe.

Blend into any crowd.

She was, uh...

Always on the outside looking in.

Surprised to find out she was in the car.

Ah, here she is... Alexis mortonson.


She still live around here?

I don't know.

She never came back to school

after the accident.

What about Stewart?

He died three years ago.

Ironic enough, it was a car accident.

Well, thanks.

You mind if I borrow this?



Yeah, it's Harry.

Remember that Dr. Caldwell?

They just found him at his house

stabbed to death.

No cuts on the face

but several puncture wounds

to the chest.

Not how Riley and foss died.

Yeah, but it can't be a coincidence.

How was Caldwell involved?

Intimately, I'd say.

Check this out.


The woman in the bar with Riley.

Alexis mortonson.

He was a plastic surgeon

she was a patient.

My fair lady.

Or Mrs. Frankenstein, I presume.

I think he knew.

Could've just found out.

I think he knew Alexis' plans.

Then why k*ll him now?

Caldwell and Van horn

said that being a plastic surgeon

was like being an artist.

With Alexis, Caldwell had painted

the perfect picture... he became obsessed.

He was so devoted to her

he let her commit m*rder.

But with the three boys

from the accident dead

it should've been over by now.

Which brings us back to

"why k*ll him now?"

Especially when he went along

with the first three.

There's another victim.

Yeah, but who?

There's our boy.

That's all four

including our missing musketeer...

Robert Nelson.

This makes sense

except Nelson wasn't in
the car during the accident.

Maybe he was.

Check out this box

asking how many occupants in the car.

It says four.

That four looks typed over whiteout.

Want to bet there's a five under there?

Could've been a typo.

Anything's possible.

You'll never know
unless you talk to frannie.


Yeah, that's what I meant.

Did you?



Woman: You can't go in.

Lipschitz: I don't care,

I'm going!


Harry, what are you doing here?

Frannie, I'm sorry

I didn't give you attention.

But, honey, that's okay

because I'm here now

and we're going to get through this.

I'm here for you now

and I love you so much

and we are going to beat this thing.

Beat what thing?

Frannie, I know what an oncologist is.

No, no, Dr. Rousseau is a plastic surgeon.

Plastic surgeon?

Then you're okay?

Honey, I've always been okay.

And how did you know about Dr. Rosensweig?

I thought you were dying.

You should've told me.

Hey, I don't have to

tell you everything!

I mean, some things are private.

Besides, what's such a big deal?

Lots of people

have nose jobs.

Nobody is touching that nose!

Oh, Harry.



Oh, frannie.



Your call was quite a surprise.

I'm sorry about last night.

So it's really over with him?



How about a drink?

I'd love one.

I'll call the service and tell them

not to put any calls through.

Tom: I know, greer... : .

I might have to push that back a little.

No, I'm not trying to brush you off.

Believe me, I really
want to see you tonight.

I just... I'm waiting for this
very important call and then...


Hey, hey, hey, Thomas, my boy

why the long face?

I take it everything's okay.

Everything's great.

Frannie wasn't dying...

She was just talking to a plastic surgeon.

What about the, uh...?

She got recommendations.

By the way, I really
appreciate what you said.

You were absolutely right.

I owe you big-time.

Can I go home now?

Talk to Nelson?


Then no.

But... call me if you need me.

I will be at home with my wonderful wife.

Ryan, homicide.


Thank you.

You're incredible.

So are you.

So what do you think?

Continue here...

Or take it to my bedroom?

Why not both?

I love the way you think.

And feel.

You ain't seen nothing yet.


Your face.

There... all done, nice and neat.


What am I going to do?

I'm going to do to you

what you and Danny and Michael and Stewart

did to me.

You won't have to suffer

quite as long as I have.

Now do you recognize me?


Well, let me give you a hint:

Alexis mortonson?


It's me.

You remember that night.

We were having so much fun.

You were driving

but then

you had to show off.

And I was scared.

I didn't want to go that fast!

Are you scared now?

You should be.


Oh, yes.

Danny and Michael are dead.

Did you ever wonder what I felt like?

After my face was all sliced to ribbons?

You never called

so I guess you didn't.

People looked at me

like I was a monster.

And I was... because of you.

And now

you're going to be the monster.

Freeze, Alexis.

Put the knife down.

Tom: Put it down!


Why are you here so early?

You mean late.

Tom, you were so right.

Oh, I had such a great time.


Mm-hmm, I was nervous at first but...

Oh, you should see her... she is so cute.

I mean, some babies

aren't very attractive

but Christina's is so pretty.

Oh, and she is such a good baby.

Want to see photos?



This is with her eyes wide open.

Who does she look like, huh?

I can't imagine.

Oh, oh, and when she squints like that

that means.

How many rolls of these did you take?

Well, only

but Christina is sending me some more.

Oh, hey, I saw frannie
dropping off Harry outside.

They were making out.

What is that about?

Oh, I'll tell you later.

Look... oh, this one, this one.

That's her first poop.

Oh, please.
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