02x06 - Out of Focus

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Closer". Aired: June 13, 2005 – August 13, 2012.
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A CIA-trained interrogator originally from Atlanta, Georgia, Brenda has a reputation as a closer—an interrogator who not only solves a case, but also obtains confessions that lead to convictions, thus "closing" the case.
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02x06 - Out of Focus

Post by bunniefuu »

I didn't think you'd come.

I, uh... Had to.

Push the button.

Allow me.

This is the general
manager of the hotel.

Michael henson.

I'm deputy chief
brenda leigh johnson.

This is chief pope.

Hello, mr. Pope.

Nice to see you again, sir.

Thank you, michael. You, too.

Given our clientele
and the late hour,

I was hoping that
your people could be

As discreet as possible.

Our job is to be as
thorough as possible

To determine if
this is a homicide.

I understood...

I understood that
this was a su1c1de.

We don't know what happened yet.

But right now, I need you
to step out of this room,

Please, sir. This
is a crime scene.

Thank you, michael.

Of course.

So, sergeant gabriel, did
our victim leave a note?

No. No note, but no
sign of a struggle

Or anyone else in the room.

This guy's got no luggage,
nothing in the closet,

Or the bathroom.
Not even a toothbrush.

All we found was this wallet,

And this leather cigar case.

Did he have a name?

Anthony larsen. Age 39.

And what do we know
about mr. Larsen?

Well, the address
on the i.d. Is a real one.

I ran a rap sheet search on him,

He's been arrested a few times.


Occupation, photographer.

Trespassing photographer.

An esteemed member
of the paparazzi.

So where is his camera?

Maybe he realized what a
pathetic existence he lead

Trying to take
pictures of celebrities

Without their
make-up on and jumped.

You don't need a
camera for that.

Could just be an accident.
Got drunk and fell.

Wouldn't be the first time.

Well, one thing's for sure.

He looks a lot
better from up here.

Shame to ruin such a nice shirt.

This guy's lucky.

I had a jumper a
couple years ago.

Dived right off a freeway
overpass onto the 101.

He was... Everywhere.

Brenda: lieutenant tao,
do not move that body!

Tell lieutenant flynn we
are looking for a camera.

Ok, chief.

Thank you.

Please, does she have to yell?

I'm sorry, michael.

She sometimes forgets

There are other
people in the world.

So, mr. Larsen.

Were you celebrating something
or drowning your sorrows?

I'll need a list of
all your hotel staff

And all security video.

That's not possible.

We have lots of security,
but no security cameras.

Our guests choose us

Because we value their privacy

As much as they do.

Well, I'll need to speak

With all your security
personnel then.

And what time did
mr. Larsen check in?

Oh, I'd have to
check the computer.

Right now?

That would be very
helpful, mr. Henson.

Thank you so much.

All right. Will:
thank you, michael.


This is nicholas costa
our night manager.

He can help you.

Thank you.

Can I speak with
you for a moment?


Would it be possible to
get a list of all the guests?

Oh, I'm sorry.

We don't give our guest's
personal information out.

May compromise the
integrity of the hotel.

How do you think my
decorating this lobby

With yellow police tape
and frisking all the guests

Would affect the
integrity of this hotel?

This may take a moment.

Thank you so much.

Oh, uh, why don't you
put that over here.

You sure? Oh, trust me.

So, no su1c1de note
at the house either.

But we did find some cameras.

There's no film in any of them,

But we found a bunch of
roles of 35mm in his fridge.

Along with a jar of capers,
and a 5-pack of heineken.

Sounds like the fridge of a man

Who's either single or divorced.

Divorced. 6 Months ago.

The ex-wife is on her way in.

Apparently our paparazzi...



The singular form of paparazzi

Is paparazzo.

Ok. Well, uh...

Our guy was pretty
good at his job.

Just take a look at some
of the photos he's got.

Yeah. Check this out.

She should not wear
that bathing suit.


I remember that one.

I knew this guy had hair plugs.

Also found a threatening letter

From a lawyer, a court summons,

And restraining order.

This is trash.

Uh, this trash is probably worth

Hundreds of
thousands of dollars.

Tabloids pay good money, but I
looked into anthony's finances.

Closet full of prada,
lots of credit card debt,

No savings.

The american dream.

So we know that anthony larsen

Invades people's privacy,

What about the
hotel's guest list?

Anybody who's privacy
was worth invading?

A lot of guests are registered
under assumed names.

Probably celebs.

They got norman
bates, archie leach,

Lorraine mcfly.

What about the hotel staff?

Well, it looks
like the front desk

Only issued one key
card to humpty dumpty.

A guy named manuel
took up the champagne,

Said larsen seemed muy bien.

Even tipped him on top

Of the 17 percent
gratuity they add to

Every charge...
What is it with you?

So, flynn, anything useful
from the neighborhood canvass?

No. But I checked with dispatch.

There was a 415
man call last night.

A guy loitering across
the street from the hotel.

I'm still waiting to
talk to the patrolman

Who answered the call.

Ok, so, basically, we know...


Do you think this was su1c1de?

We have to look at everything.

We can do this
later if you'd like.


No. Now is fine.

Do you know if
anthony had any run-ins

With any celebrities recently?

He kept all that to himself.

This actor broke his nose
outside a restaurant once.

I got so upset he stopped
talking about work.

I mean, these stars.

They're such hypocrites.

They hate when he
takes their pictures,

But they can't exist
without getting in magazines.

Anthony was just
trying to make a living.

And when was the last
time you spoke to him?

About 4 months ago.

We argued.

He was behind
making child support.

This divorce, it's been
hard on everyone.

I'm sorry. You don't want
to hear about all this stuff.

It's ok.

I know how painful
divorce can be.

Anything that helps
us understand anthony

Might help us figure
out what happened to him.

He always talked about
a million dollar shot.

How that million dollar picture

Would solve all of our problems.

It's ok. We don't have to
talk about this anymore.

I just need you
to help me identify

What we found in his room.

That's his wallet. Mm-hmm.

And I remember that cigar case.

We had a fight over it.

It cost $300.


Thank you.

That's all he had?

That can't be.
Where's his girlfriend?

Oh, I'm sorry. His camera.


I called it his girlfriend.

He would've had that with him.

No. It was a nikon.

He carried it in
an old leather bag

With his best lenses.

He took it everywhere.

Uh, I'm sorry. We
haven't found it.

Does it hold some
sentimental value for you?

Uh, no. But it's
worth, like, $10,000.

My kids could use that money.

I'm sure they could.

Detective daniels
will put you in touch

With someone who
understands these estate issues

Better than we do.

I'll be happy to.

Thank you. Mm-hmm.

Thank you, anna, for your time.

These fractures,
contusions and abrasions

Are consistent with a big fall.

Any chance he was k*lled
first and dumped over the side?

Maybe drugged?

No. No, the fall k*lled him.

Oh, and I did find
something unusual.

Broken bones on his right hand.

From the fall?

No. If these bones
were broken on impact,

Then we'd expect to find
some scrapes on the hand,

But nothing.

Could you flip him?

Uh, yeah.

Touch him?

There we go.

Thank you.

Could that be from a broken rib?


That's a bruise.

That had to happen
before he fell.

Some kind of external trauma.

Like smacking into a railing?

No. Dogleg to the right,
and you're in the rough.

Too long.

The x is where

Anthony larsen landed.

We tried the drunken fall,

And leaned over too
far with the camera.

Neither of which came close.

Who's heather?
Provenza's third wife.

Fourth. Fourth?

I can't keep count.

Here comes jumped
from the chair.

You know, I'll never understand

Why people commit su1c1de.

It's just selfish.

This is hollywood.

Ah, liz.

Liz used to always
correct my grammar.

Oh, that's gonna leave a mark.

Ouch, babe.



Push the dummy's rib
up against the railing.

Flip him over, and then
hang him over the side

Like he's holding on...

Push the dummy's rib...

The right hand?

And then you want
me to step on it?

Ok. Got it.

Flip. Hold it, hold it, hold it.

Right here. Here we go.

You got it?

Sorry, sharon.


Nice shot.

Gravity's a bitch.

Just a hunch.

Good hunch.

Sharon always had to be right.

[Telephone rings]

[Telephone continues ringing]

[Beep] please leave a message.

Woman: fritzy.

Hey, you didn't tell me
you had a new number.

Anyway, if this is you, call me.



703-555... 703...

[Door opens and closes]

[Yawning] oh, man.

Oh... What a night.

10 Hours.

Sitting on a wire.

Just to hear a guy
order thai food.

[Laughs] who orders thai food

At 2:00 in the morning?

How long do I have to stand
here half naked before you notice?

Hello. Hello.


Hey. Hey.


I can go in a little
late if you want.



You mind if I take a nap first?


[Door closes]

So, there's this paparazzi
staying at a snooty hotel

He can't afford.

The secretive hotel
hates the paparazzi

As do the celebrity guests

Who stay there
under assumed names.

The paparazzi gets
drunk and plummets

11 Stories after
someone smashes his hand.

Now no one can find
the $10,000 camera

That he always has with him.

Seems like larsen got a photo

Somebody didn't want him to get.

He was chasing a
million dollar picture.

Who's worth that much money?

Did we i.d. Any of
those aliases yet?

Oh, yeah. I've got a couple.

Norman bates is actually
krusha, a rap star in from new york.

Lorraine mcfly is
some supermodel

I've never heard of, velena.

Still working on the others.

Did larsen have a
clear line of sight

Into any of those rooms?


Was in room 1132.

On the other side of the hotel.

But he might have
had a good view

Into krusha's crib.


Rappers travel with some
pretty serious security.

If they knew
larsen got a photo...

Also, larsen had
a pretty good view

On the room above, 1112.

I took these from
anthony's balcony.

Oh, ok.

Any luck with larsen's nikon?

Anna larsen had the
original receipt in her files,

And it had the
serial number on it.

We forwarded that
info to the pawn detail.

They're canvassing all
the shops in l.a. County.

That particular nikon
camera's pretty popular

Among nature...
Thank you, thank you.

Thank you, lieutenant tao.

Ok. I think I might know

Who another one of
our mystery celebs is.

That was the officer who issued

The loitering ticket.

The guy he cited...

His name was elvis presley.

I swear to god,
that's his real name.

When the officer asked
him what he was doing there,

He said he was waiting
for whit coleman.

Whit coleman, whit coleman?

The movie star?

A photo of him would be worth

A lot more than krusha.

What time did the
officer speak with elvis?

Between 9:00 and 10:00,
he wrote him a ticket

Then sent him on his way,

And chief, get this,

Elvis has racked
up 72 parking tickets

In front of whit
coleman's house.

Ok. I need the exact time

That the officer
told elvis to leave.

Lieutenant tao, please keep
looking for that camera.

And lieutenant provenza,

If we could put whit
coleman at the cielo,

It would be
wonderful. Thank you.

Sergeant gabriel,
lieutenant flynn,

Detective daniels,

Would y'all come with me please?

Where are we going?


Hey, chief. Come here.

He's there every day.

I call it in,

Cops show up, he moves.

10 Minutes later, he's back.

But as long as he
stays 250 feet away,

He's not violating
his restraining order.

Are those all pictures in there?

[Screams] whoa, whoa, whoa!

Whoa! Whoa!

I got it. Mr. Presley,
step out...

Did you see him the other
night at the cielo hotel?

He was cited near there.

Any chance he was
following your boss?

Whit coleman?

Ok. Thanks for stopping by.

If you could get
that freak to leave,

We would appreciate that.

Close that gate.

[Gate closes]

Oh, jeez, you scared
the daylights out of us.

Look, I'm outside
the 250 foot zone.

Ok. I'm ok.

Ok, ok.

We just want to ask
you about whit coleman.

Whit's a great guy
not just a great actor.

I've known him a long
time. He's my friend.

Oh. Friends don't usually

Take out restraining
orders on each other.

That's not whit.

His people just don't like me.

That's what happens
when lawyers get involved.

Are those pictures
of whit coleman?


I'm doing a coffee
table book on whit.

The other side. The
side you don't see.

The human side.


I'm looking after whit.

That's what friends
do for each other.

He needs real people around him.

Not all these phonies.

Like the other night?

You were cited for
loitering near the cielo hotel.

Were you looking
out for whit then?

I was trying.

But you people sent me away.

So whit was staying
at the cielo last night?

Yeah. He stays there a lot.

Under assumed names, of course.

Do you know any
of whit's aliases?

Yeah. I know all of them.

Archie leach is his favorite.

That's, uh, cary
grant's real name.

Were any of the rooms
that tao took a picture of

Registered to archie leach?




Before you were
forced to leave the cielo,

Did you see this man?

No. But I know him.

He's a parasite.

They're all parasites.

Sticking their camera
into whit's face.

Trying to provoke a reaction.

These are sad, desperate people.

And that's why I need
to look out for whit.

They k*lled princess diana.

And they got away with it, too.

Well, this guy didn't
get away with anything.

He's dead.


He was probably
sticking his lens

Where it doesn't belong.

The story just
came out on the a.p.

Saying that the
death at the cielo

Has been officially
ruled a homicide.

We haven't officially
ruled it anything.

Have you narrowed
down the cause of death?


Anything more specific?

Our dummies suggest homicide.

Your dummies?

What I really need is
to talk to whit coleman.

The whit coleman?

What does he have
to do with this?

I have a witness

Who saw him last
night at the hotel.

Our dead...

Paparazzo may have taken
some compromising photos.

Why do we think this?

Because there was no camera.

Who's your witness?

Elvis presley.
He's also a suspect.

Let's just tell the
press no comment.


The room across
from larsen's balcony

Was registered to archie leach.

That's one of whit's
common aliases.

I need to talk to him, will.

If the good lord himself
descended to earth

And demanded that whit
coleman speak to you,

You'd still get tom blanchard.

Who's tom blanchard?

His lawyer.


This is brenda.
Hi, this is brenda.

I'm, um, just calling. Uh, yeah.

Hi, this is...

Yeah, hi. It's brenda.

I got... We got your call today.

Woman: hey, it's me.
Leave a message.



9:45 Is when the officer's log

Says elvis left the building.

So he couldn't have
tossed the paparazzo.

But whit coleman's
bodyguard says

That elvis always comes
back after he's sent away.

And anthony didn't
fall until 10:05.

Chief, we got a
hit on that camera.

What? You're kidding.

That pawn detail
actually came through?

The camera's at santa
monica jewelry and loan

At 5th and wilshire.

Get over there quick. I
want that camera in my hands

Before I talk to whit
coleman's lawyer.

I don't think that's
going to happen.

Get me a camera

And bring it to my
office in 10 minutes.

I don't think I can get
the camera that fast.

It doesn't have
to be the camera.

Just a camera.

Thank you so much,
lieutenant tao.

Whit's a big fan of the l.a.p.d.

He played a detective
a couple of years ago.

We worked really closely
with the department...

To get the character right.

I'm so glad we
could be of service.

So I know he'd be really bummed

If we were forced to bring

A harassment suit against you.

Asking someone for
help in an investigation

Hardly rises to the level
of harassment, mr. Blanchard.

Miss johnson,
whit's a public figure.

Bad p.r. Has financial
and emotional implications

That people like you
can't even fathom.

Could you please tell me
about your client's whereabouts

And actions last night?

You know, it looks like

You have a really
good thing here.

Big office, lots of
guys working for you.

I'd really hate to
see you screw that up

By being the latest in
a long line of women

Fixated on whit coleman.

If you want an autograph,
there are easier ways.

I don't care about autographs.

But I do care about your client,

As do you which
is why you're here.

To find out what I know.


While I'd love to do lunch

And talk it over,

I think I'll just tell you.

We know that your client

Was at the hotel
cielo last night.

We know that a
photo was taken of him

By a paparazzi, and we
know that paparazzi is dead.

What I'd like you to tell me is

Why was he there?

Who was he meeting?

What was he doing?

[Knock on door]

If you had that
paparazzo's photo,

You wouldn't be asking
me these questions.

[Knock on door]

Pardon me one moment.

You were right. If I
had the victim's camera,

I wouldn't need to ask
you all these questions.

So thank you so
much for your time.

I'm just gonna have
this film developed,

And we'll be in touch.

Thank you so much.

Lucky you.

Lucky me.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Dumb. Stupid, stupid.

[Knock on door]


Just a second.

[Knock on door] chief!

What is it with you people
and the ladies room?

Excuse me, I am terribly sorry.

But this is anthony
larsen's nikon camera,

And the serial number matches.

Oh, tell me the
film's still in it?

No film. It's digital.

Tell me the digital
thing is still in there.

The memory card is gone.

But I do have the pawn slip

With the name,
address, and signature

Of the guy who pawned
it... Nicholas costa.

The night manager of the hotel.

Oh, thank you.

[Toilet flushes]


Man: how dare you accuse me.

I've done nothing wrong.

Well, you can see why

I'm having such a hard
time believing you.

That is a pawn slip for
anthony larsen's camera

With your name on it.


So it wasn't cool of me.

I saw an opportunity, I took it.

But I had nothing to
do with tony falling.

How did you happen to
wander into suite 1116

At exactly the right moment?

And how long have you been
calling mr. Larsen "tony?"

There are several
kinds of trouble

For you to choose
from, mr. Costa.

Stealing a camera
off a dead man is one.

Also on the table, m*rder.

Ok. Ok. All right.
So I know him.

Knew him.

A year ago, I used
to work at this club

Where larsen got
a lot of his pictures.

He would pay me a finder's fee

Every time I'd call him when
celebrities would show up.

So the other day,
I called larsen

When I recognized the
check-in alias of archie leach.

Ok? That's one of whit
coleman's go-to names.

So, usually, that
was no big deal.

He liked to have business
meetings there all the time,

But this didn't
seem like business.

Why not?

Because he booked room 1121.

That's the governor's suite.

Then he orders a
bottle of champagne.

Some roses and chocolate
and an intimacy kit.

What's an intimacy kit?

A box of condoms.

Do you have any idea
who whit's guest was?

What did larsen
say when you called?

I just, uh, left messages

On his cell and home numbers.

I told him which room to book.

How much were you
supposed to get?


That's a big tip for
setting up a photo sh**t.

Picture must've been worth
a whole lot more than that.

How much did you
get for the photo?

Nothing. I didn't
sell the photo.

I never had it.

The memory card was
gone when I got there.

When I heard that somebody
fell off that balcony,

I went straight up
to check up on tony.


When I got off the elevator,

Whit coleman and his
bodyguard were getting on.

Oh, that's very
convenient for you.

You better hope they
back up your story.

In the meantime, you are
under arrest for grand theft.

And if there's anything I can do

To make your stay
here more enjoyable,

Please don't hesitate to ask.

Thank you.

[Beep] woman: hello?

Hello? Who is this?

[Phone rings] whoo!


[Knock on door]

Whit coleman's
bodyguard is on his way in.

Um... Do you need to get that?

No. What about whit coleman?

He's sh**ting.

But I'll be glad to pass along

Anything you want me to.

What are you doing here?

I represent hoyt here as well.

Brenda: isn't that a
conflict of interest?

I would say it's rather a
convergence of interest.

Synergy, miss johnson.

See, whit's not just a person.

He's an industry.

That generates
almost $40 million a year,

And employs over 100 people.

And each and every one of
those people depend on me

For the safety and
security of whit coleman.

Is there anything in
your job description

About making sure
that no photographs

Are taken of your boss
that might be damaging

To his reputation?

Don't answer that.

How much can you bench press?

Don't answer that.

Are you strong enough
to throw a 170 pound man

Off a balcony?

Oh, my. Don't answer that.

Are you aware that
a witness saw you

And whit getting on
the 11th floor elevator

3 Minutes after anthony
larsen fell to his death?

That's enough. Seriously.

This is what I'm talking about

When I say conflict of interest.

When I charge both you
and whit with m*rder,

Who do you think
mr. Blanchard's gonna protect?

You or the multi
million dollar industry

That pays his retainer?

Hoyt... Shut up!

I'm sick and tired of
covering for whit.

I've spent too much of my life

Standing outside
doors while that assh*le

Screws around on his wife.

I have the camera.

I know whit wasn't alone.

I just need a name.

Jose diaz.

Oh! What? Shut up.


How long have...

Jose and whit been intimate?

Hey, don't answer that.

She's been bluffing
us all along.

She doesn't have the picture.

All she has is
what you tell her,

So let's get out of here.

Why don't you get out of here?

Are you saying mr. Blanchard
no longer represents you?

That is correct.

Then why don't you
get out of here?


Those confidentiality
agreements you signed

Were no joke, buddy.

You be very careful
what you say in here.

You take care.

Oh, you, too, sir.

Don't worry about him.

No civil confidentiality
agreement can stop you

From answering questions
in a criminal investigation.


How long have jose
and whit been together?

6 Months.

When did jose
arrive at the cielo?

I picked him up at
his place at 6:00.

Dropped him off at the
cielo 20 minutes later.

I sent him up to the
suite ahead of me.

And did whit and
jose leave the suite?

I don't know.

I couldn't just stand there

Listening to the both of them.

So I took a walk.

I came back around 10:00.

Just as diaz was leaving.

He was upset.

I went in to see what happened.

And coleman...

Was just sitting there.


They had a fight.

What about?

Probably something like,

Why does this
have to be a secret?

Why can't we have dinner
downstairs together

Like a normal couple?

[Exhales sharply]

How long do I have
to put my life on hold...

For a few nights
a month in a hotel?


Is that a fight that
you've had with whit?

That's why you went
for a walk, isn't it?

So, for all you know,

Whit could've gone
into larsen's room

And thrown him off the balcony?

No. Whit's not like that.

What about jose?

I can't be objective.

Do you remember jose's address?

Could you write it
down for me please?

sh**t! sh**t,
sh**t, sh**t, sh**t.

We missed jose diaz by 6 hours.

The doorman said
that the moving van

Showed up and
cleared his stuff out.

No forwarding address.

Just an envelope full of cash

For a year's worth of rent.

Tom blanchard
probably got to him

Right after our first meeting.

I'd be surprised

If jose's still in
this hemisphere.


Might not have been blanchard

Who financed this relocation.

Looks like jose diaz
may have sold himself

A very valuable photo.



The notorious
coleman photo, huh?

If you had taken that picture,

Would you willingly
open the door

To one of its subjects?

I don't know. Maybe
it was a set up.

Maybe the boyfriend was
working with the photographer

And then turned on him.

A lot of money involved.


Coleman's lawyer's been on tv

Saying the whole
photo is a fake.

It's been retouched.

Looks pretty real to me.

I don't know if I told you,

Some friends from the office

Are getting together
after work tonight.

Might be late again.


You're welcome to join us.

No. No, I gotta work.

Are you mad about something?

Is there something
you want to tell me?

I, uh, I don't think so.


Listen, I heard that message.

What message?


Woman: fritzy.


She calls you fritzy.

What am I supposed to think?

You're listening to my messages?

I was here when the phone rang.

And the machine went off.

I'm not deaf.

Ok, ok. She is michelle...

Is michelle one of the people

That you're going
out with tonight?

I invited you to join us.

Knowing I'm too busy.

How come you haven't
mentioned michelle before?

Hey, hey, she is
a u. S. Attorney,

And i...

Did you listen to
the whole message?

Michelle and I are so close,

She mentions I didn't even
give her my new phone number.

Did you hear that part?




Why didn't you tell michelle
you had a new number?

Because we're not that close.

But you're going out to
dinner with her tonight.

With 3 other people. Yes.

Oh, wait. No, no, no.

You start this conversation
then you walk away?

No, no. I'm sorry.

Look, i...

I don't care. Really.

I just... I shouldn't
have even...

Really, I just, i...

I just...

I realized something,

And I have to go.
I'm already late.

Wait. You're not late.

You're jealous.

I'm both.

You bitch!

Hey, hey!

You let them publish
that filthy picture.

Do you have any idea what
this is gonna do to whit?

Elvis, I need your help.

Why should I help you, huh?

All you're gonna do
is keep harassing me.

You're both liars!


Elvis, if you don't want
to help me, help whit.

Listen, man, there
are a lot of people

Who are gonna think he's got
something to do with this m*rder.

But you can help him, elvis.

Now you said you didn't get

Any decent pictures of whit

Because they kicked you
out. But you went back.

Didn't you?

And you got some pictures

Because you photograph
everything he does.

And I need those pictures.

Not to embarrass whit,
not to show the world,

But to help him.

Do you know jose diaz?


Have you seen the papers?

I haven't seen
anything. I've been in jail!


They feature a rather
scandalous picture

Of jose diaz and whit coleman

In what appears to be
the governor's suite.

How much did the
tabloid pay you, nicholas?

You told me you had an
arrangement with larsen.


And that arrangement
was that you would call

And leave a message on
his home and on his cell?

Yeah. That's correct.

Did you have those
numbers memorized?

No. He gave me
his business card.

Would you happen to
have that business card

In your personal belongings?

You realize this proves
you're connected to larsen.

Is there anything else you
want to tell me, nicholas,

This is your last chance.

Yeah. I want a lawyer.

I think that's a good idea.

Ok, the estate is responsible
for your back alimony,

But only after anthony's
other creditors are paid.


I've got good
news. Walk with me.

Oh, go ahead. We'll
figure this all out later.

Well, it's good news,

And not exactly good news.

We found anthony's camera,

And we found the
person who k*lled him.

[Gasps] great.

We even have a
picture of the k*ller.

Hold on. I need
to set this down.

Here we go. So...

Let's see. Oh, uh, do
you recognize this man?


Uh, what about this one?


Oh, I almost forgot.

Is this the camera?

Yes. Where did you find it?

This man from the hotel

Pawned it.

He had a deal with
your ex-husband.

You can't trust anyone, I guess.

Oh, and, um...
These are pictures

That were taken the other night

At the cielo hotel by a stalker.

Is that whit coleman?

Right. And that's
his bodyguard, and...

Do you recognize
this person, anna?

That's you.

You have the right to
remain silent. Anything you say

Can and will be used
against you in a court of law.

You have the right
to an attorney.

If you can't afford one,

One will be appointed
to you by the court.

Do you want to talk
to a lawyer, anna?

What is going on?
What are you doing?

I'm trying to help you.

I didn't do anything.

Yes, you did!

This man...

Left messages on anthony's home

And cell phone's telling him

That whit coleman was
gonna be at the hotel cielo.

But nicholas costa didn't know

That anthony had moved.
So you heard the messages

That were intended for
your ex-husband. Am I right?

No, i...

And then there's the question

Of this $300,000

Put into your bank
account this morning.

It wasn't the million dollars
that anthony was hoping for,

But not bad.

What are you talking about?

m*rder one.

But there are some
alternatives, anna.

If this wasn't pre-meditated.

If it was an accident.

We're talking manslaughter.

That's a whole
different ball of wax.

Of all the people that I've
spoken to about anthony,

You're the only one that
seems to care about him.

Which makes me think that...

You didn't go to the hotel

Intending to k*ll him.

Did you?

Did you go to the hotel

Intending to k*ll
your ex-husband?


I just wanted to talk to him.

I heard the message,

So I went to the hotel.

I went up to anthony's room.

He was drunk. And really happy.

He told me he was sorry

For not paying child support,

But now that he'd got
his million dollar picture,

That wouldn't be a problem.

That must have been a relief.

I didn't want his
money. I wanted him.

Did you tell him that?


He said that was
never going to happen.

After all I'd been
through for him,

He was such...

He picked up his checkbook

And started writing me a check.

It was like I wasn't even there.

So I grabbed his
precious camera.

His girlfriend?

And when he saw that I had it,

He got this look on his face.

He cared more about
that stupid hunk of metal

Than he did about me.

He told me to put it down.

But I stepped on to the balcony,

And I held it out over the edge.

And that's when he came at me.

So, what did you do?

It happened really fast.

We struggled,
he hit the railing,

Then he went over the edge

And i... Watched him fall.

Oh, that must
have been horrible.

You have no idea.

He was the only
one that I ever loved.

I did not mean for him to fall.

It was an accident.

You'll notice right here...

Anthony's right hand.

Bones are broken.

It's from where your foot

smashed down on them.

He didn't fall right away.

He was hanging on
to the balcony railing.

You could've saved him,

But you k*lled him.

And then you moved a chair
over to the balcony railing

To make it look like he jumped.

You didn't love anthony.

You told me yesterday,

That you thought
celebrities were hypocrites.

Well, what about you?

You told me you didn't
care about the money,

But you stole the memory card

Out of anthony's camera,

And sold it for $300,000.

You k*lled him for
the money, didn't you?

I don't care about
the damned money!

But you did k*ll him.

Yes, I k*lled him!

I loved him.

He was supposed to love
me back no matter what.

I didn't want to
come to this place.

He did, and...

These people took him from me.

His obsession with these people.

It ruined our lives. I just...

I want him back.

I want... I want him...

I want him back.

I want him back. [Sobbing]

[Elevator dings]

Oh, hi. Hey.

You pressed it.

Yeah. I learned.

So, you and fritz have
big plans for the evening?

No. Actually, he's going
out with some work people.


[Elevator dings]

Good night. Good night.

Um... Yeah?

I don't suppose you
might want to, uh...

Get a bite of dinner
or something?

Oh... [Elevator dings]
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