07x19 - The Party

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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07x19 - The Party

Post by bunniefuu »

- Come on, darlin'.

- What's your hurry?

They'll find us soon enough.

- Come on, ned, we ain't got time.

- I always got time.

Now, if you don't wanna go

after I loosen her up, that's fine.

- Maybe she needs a little something

after being locked up like that and all.

- You've been a bad girl.

Downright spoiled I'd say.

Don't you worry none.

Me and Zack here,
we're gonna set you right.

- You mad?

- Nah, but I know who will be.

- Well, you don't look
like you're in labor.

- Excuse me?

Speed limit around
here is miles an hour.

- Well, well, I, I was doing .

- You were doing .

- Well, I was slowing down.

That sign is not posted very well.

- Most people see it just fine.

- Well, maybe I was doing ,

but that's only three miles over.

- If we wanted the speed limit to be ,

we would've posted it at .

Driver's license, proof
of insurance, please.

Oh, come on, give me a break.

I'm a cop, palm beach police department.

- Is that so?

- Yeah, let me show you my badge.

Oh, I must've left it in
my, my purse at home.

I really am a cop, sergeant
Cassandra St. John.

- Vehicle registration, please.

- Oh, um, that's stapled to my new

insurance information card in my purse.

- Step out of the car, please.

- What?

- Bring along your keys
and any personal effects.

- Are you gonna take me in?

What, are you gonna arrest
me for forgetting my purse?

- I don't know who you are,
maybe you're a cop, maybe not.

Step out of the car.

- This is insane.

- Well?

- Put a call in to the palm
beach police department.

- Good, can I go now?

- Claimed they never heard of ya.

- What, well, that's impossible.

You dialed wrong.

- I don't think so.

Talked to a captain lip something or other.

- You, you talked to Harry?

Well, you couldn't have.

He would've told you.

What name did you give him?

Did you say St. John?

Did you tell him St. John?

Okay, could I use this phone, please?

- Payphone is out of order.

- Can I use that phone?

- Nope, incarcerates aren't
allowed, station house rules.

- Um, okay, could I talk to your boss,

or just whoever's in charge around here?

- Well, that would be sheriff Perth.

Of course, he's also the judge,

which means he's busy
presiding right about now.

- When will he be available?

- It's hard to say,

but if you're willing to
plead guilty to speeding,

I could take you down to
see him right after lunch.

The old guy should be in a good mood too.

His grandson just won
the regional spelling bee.

Who knows, he might
just set you on your way.

- Super, why don't we do that?

- I believe in deferred pleasure.

That's why I'm not gonna
put you boys away just yet.

You're both fined $

for the illegal discharge of a firearm.

If this is not acceptable,

you can pick trash off the
highway for the next days.

Now is that what you boys want?

Splendid, the score is settled, next case.

Jane Doe!

- That would be you.

- I'm Cassandra St. John, your honor.

- I don't believe this court
has recognized you yet.

I'd advise you to
remain silent until it does.

Step forward, please.

Where were you headed in such a hurry?

- I was only doing , your honor.

- So you freely admit to
violating the speed limit then?

- I was on my way to Orlando,
my nephew's graduation,

grade one, top of his class.

- Excellent, you must be very proud.

- Yes, sir, we all are.

- Our little tumbleweed just
won the regional spelling bee.

Justice, that's the word he had to spell

to win it, second grade.

- Oh, well, for a second
grader, justice, that's a big word.

- I think it is for anyone.

The kid's growing up too
quickly though if you ask me.

- Modern society, what can you do?

- I don't see a problem here.

You look like a nice, young lady,

but I can't overlook
that speeding violation.

I mean if I turned a bling eye for you,

it wouldn't be fair to anyone else.

- I understand.

- I knew you would, so
if you'd just plead guilty,

I can't see any reason
why you shouldn't be able

to just pay that fine and be on your way.

- That sounds fair.

I'll do that, your honor.

- All right, then.

That'll be a total of $.

- What?

- That includes all fines and
impound charges, of course.

- Wait, are you kidding?

Fines, it's plural and
what impound charges?

- I would suggest that you change

that tone of yours, young lady,

or you'll be spending the night in a cell.

- And do I have a right to know

how you arrived at this sum, your honor?

- $ for every mile over the speed limit,

and your vehicle was unlawfully parked.

It was ticketed and towed.

Next case!

- No, no, no, I don't think so.

We're not finished yet.

Now, this is a sham.

You see a nice car driving through here,

and you feel like you can
grind them for enough money

to redecorate the grange hall?

bucks, that's not justice.

That's grand theft.

Why don't you just pull a g*n next time?

- All right, so now we can add

contempt of court to the other charges.

Only there's no fine on that one.

You're gonna spend days in jail.

- You can't do that!

No, make it days, next case!

Let's go, single file!

Come on down, come on.

Get a move on, sisters.

Come on, get down here.

- Welcome to Dakar.

My name is Dr. Dean hutchinson.

I'm the warden of this institution.

You'll find I prefer the direct approach,

so let's get right to business.

This is a mag-.

Not your friend, your enemy.

Outside of these fences,

square miles of land so scorched

would've made that old devil,

William tecumseh sherman,

smile with pleasure.

So we don't use leg irons.

We don't need them.

Find the rules here pretty simple.

You do as you're told.

Otherwise, you have me
to answer to, any questions?

- When can we use the phone?

Every morning, : to
:, first come, first served.

Do your time quick and quiet.

And I hope for your sake

this is the last time we'll
be seeing each other.

- Oh, no thanks.

I don't suppose I could talk you into

not lighting that, huh?

- Trying to quit anyways.

I'm Sally kerwin.

- Cassie St. John.

- What'd you do?

- Um, I misspelled justice.

- That's a new one.

- Three miles over the speed limit,

and they threw me in
here on contempt charges.

- What they give you days?

No, .

- Ah, they'll work you out on the highway.

Nothing that'll bust your butt.

days you'll be outta here.

Shouldn't be a problem.

- You see a lot of people come and go here?

- What if I say I don't talk about it?

You'd probably be
well-advised to do the same.

- Yeah, okay, thanks for the tip.

- Compliments of the house.


- Yeah, no, no, I talked to the judge.

I, I don't know what, you
know, what's going on, no.

Don't know, I don't know.

I'll have to call you later.

I'll let you know, okay.

- Excuse me, I don't think so.

- You don't think period.

- No, it's my call.

- You don't want any trouble, bitch.

- Any problem, ladies?

- My mistake.

Your turn.

- Hi, sis, how are you?

Yeah, no, no, everything's fine.

Ah, just something's come up.

I'm not gonna be able
to make a visit, yeah.

Yeah, well now, I knew
you'd be disappointed.

That's why I'm calling.

Mm hmm, yeah, um, look, I gotta go,

so if you could just tell the little guy

I'm sorry I missed him,

and I'll call him real soon.

Okay, you too, bye.

- She's in.

- Lousy, I think it's a lousy idea.

- Hey, I would have been delighted.

No, make that thrilled out of my mind

if you could've come up with a better one.

- We should've kicked it
over to another jurisdiction.

- The parents of the
missing girl came to us.

- Yeah, but Rebecca Martin didn't disappear

from palm beach.

- No, she disappeared
from Dakar road prison.

Excuse me, escaped,

with less than a week
to go on her sentence.

Then it turns out that the past months,

three other girls disappear,
excuse me, escaped.

That was enough for the state attorney

to want an investigation, okay?

- There are other detectives
that you could've sent in.

- No, nobody as smart as
Cassie, except maybe you,

and you look lousy in a dress.

Look, I know you're worried, so am I.

She's just there to sniff around

and get enough for the
state attorney to make a case.

Then we yank her tush out of there,

no fuss, no muss, no bother.

- If she doesn't call in.

- She'll call, and if she
doesn't, I'll go with you.

- Work hard, I like it when women sweat.

- Imagine my surprise.

- I'm ned, that's Zack.

- You look ripe enough to eat.

- You know, why don't the two
of you go find some slow sheep

and entertain yourselves, huh?

- Hey, Zack, she got a mouth on her.

- I noticed, about the
third thing I noticed.

- Does a girl lots of good

to have a couple of friends in here.

- I'd rather stick pins in my eyes.

- Whatever turns you on, darlin'.

- Take it easy.

Any way you slice it,
you're gonna be here all day.

Not like you can knock off early.

- Those snakes shouldn't be allowed

anywhere near a prisoner.

- Nope, and a person shouldn't be arrested

for going three miles
over the speed limit either,

but you were and they
are, so get used to it.

- How long you in for?

- I don't know, six months.

- A lot of days.

- Tell me about it.

Started off with .

- You ever think about
breaking out of here?

- Hell yes, then I lie down on my cot

till my sanity returns.

- Is it that tough?

- Im-damn-possible.

- Anyone ever try?

- Yeah.

- What happened when they got caught?

- Who says they got caught?

- Yeah, but you just said...

- I said who says they got caught?

Shh, shh.

- You lie here real still, darlin'.

Lest you be wantin' some of the same.

Shh, shh, shh, shh.

- Sally.

- Just leave me alone.

- I know who did it.

- Just leave me alone.

- No, there's no way.

I'm not gonna let him get away with this.

- It wasn't the first time.

It won't be the last.

Just leave me alone, all right?

- I'm not gonna let it slide.

- What're you gonna do?

You gonna call a cop?

- Coats, I hear you're the girl.

- What's that suppose to mean?

- If I wanted a pack for a day trip,

you'd be the one to help.

- Wrong.

- That's not what I hear.

- You've been here two days,

and you've already got
this place wired, huh?

- No, that's not it at all.

The truth is, this place
scares the crap out of me.

- It should.

- I want out.

- So now I know you're scared and dumb.

- Those other girls made it.

Why couldn't I?

- Who you talking about?

- I'm talking about Rebecca Martin,

Martha veers, Hattie Nelson.

- What do you see outside?

- Nothing.

- You good at hiding in nothing?

Or do you think you're one of those runners

who can outrun a bloodhound?

- If those others made
it and I know that I can.

They had to have some help,

and I think it was you.

- Got the money on you?

- No, but it won't take me long to get it.

- Till I see money, I've got
nothing to talk to you about.

You want information?

Try those other folks
you've been talking to.

- Bitch.

You're gonna blind yourself, doc.

- You ever have a headache
that wouldn't go away, judge?

- Maybe a day or two.

I've had this for years.

Who the hell did you send me?

Woman asking all kinds of questions.

- So's our buyer.

You and me gonna have to make good on that.

- How about we just give the money back?

I'm afraid that's not gonna satisfy him.

- Well, that's too damn bad

about what's not gonna satisfy him.

- I want the money, Dean.

That's about all we're
gonna say on this subject.

Maybe it's nuts, it's time.

- Time for what?

- Time to clear the inventory, retire.

- How much you think we could get?

- We sell three or four
more, easily apiece.

I could live on that.

- So could I.

- About all these questions
this St. John is asking,

how good's your source?

- Perfect is how good she is.

He thinks she's a cop.

- The story didn't pan out worth a damn.

- I better check it myself.

- Whatever, tomorrow night good for you?

- Tomorrow night?

Yeah, why, the caterers busy?

- That doesn't give us a whole lot of time.

- Just put the damn thing together.

Stop your whining.

- What about St. John?

- Ask her whatever you want.

Just don't let her wander off.

We may give her away as a door prize.

The caterer's busy.

- Get in the truck.

You deaf, I said in the truck.

That's right, real close so
I can keep an eye on you.

- Sit.

You said you were a police officer?

Chief in palm beach never heard of you.

So I guess we can assume
you're not a police officer.

You a reporter?

- No.

Why all the questions?

- I haven't been asking any...

- don't lie to me.

I know you've been making
inquiries about escapes

and the women who made them.

- Well, days in here
isn't my idea of a good time

and since when is thinking

about escaping breaking the rules?

- I'd just like to disabuse you

of actually trying something.

Can I offer you a drink?

- No, thank you.

- As you wish.

As I told you yesterday,
escape's impossible,

but the attempt generates an
incredible amount of paperwork

which I would just assume avoid.

We understand each other?

- Like I said, it was just talk.

- Good, let's keep it that way.

days be over before you know it.

That'll be all.

Get her prints off the doorknob.

Send them to Tallahassee.

See if we can find out exactly

who the hell this little lady is.

- It's me.

- So how's it going?

- Well, I'm not sure, but
I may have been ID'd.

The warden invited me in for a little chat,

a nice glass of water.

- Uh huh, did he get your prints?

Not off the glass,

but he could've pulled
them off the doorknob.

- Okay, it's too late for
them to get an answer today,

and I'll make sure that tomorrow

they get nothing back from Tallahassee.

- How are you gonna do that?

How, make a little magic.

In the meantime, anything
new on the escapes?

- No, all I know is...

- Cassie, Cassie?

- Not telephone time.

- You just broke a rule.

Not a smart thing to do.

Get your hands off me.

- Not just yet.

- Come on, darlin'.

You spend the night here.

Gives you a chance to think things over.

- Like why we got rules and
why they shouldn't be broken.

- You'll see, you're gonna
come out of here a better person.

- Probably gonna wanna thank us

for showing you the way
to the straight and narrow.

- Damn if he doesn't sound Evangelical.

Go on, watch your head.

- Sweet dreams, darlin'.

Don't let the bedbugs bite.

- When you asked us to help you out,

did I say we couldn't do it?

No, I did not.

So that is the last thing I
wanna hear from you today.

No, strike that.

I don't ever wanna hear that from you.

Ah, come on, I could
care less about protocol.

I got my best detective in that joint,

and if they find out
that she's really a cop,

her life expectancy's
gonna shorten real fast.

I don't care how you do it!

They can not ID her!

You got that!

- Any luck?

- Yeah, he said he'll try.

- You told us we catch
someone breaking the rules,

throw them in the box.

- After you check with me!

- You weren't around.

- Then you wait till I am!

You are becoming more
trouble than you're worth.

- You gonna start in
again about that Martin gal?

- Look, I covered for you with Perth,

but you keep on this way,

he gonna find out about all of it,

and then the lord god almighty

isn't gonna save your sorry backsides.

- I told you it wasn't our fault.

She ran away.

- Well, it sure as hell was your fault

she didn't come back alive.

- What's so special about this St. John?

- Nothing yet, we're gonna
have another party tonight.

Make up for your screw-up,

and I want her in the best possible shape,

and that doesn't include
spending the night in the box.

You understand me?

- Up and at 'em, darlin'.

- You've been given a reprieve

from the kindness of our hearts.

- I want some answers from you, coats!

- Go to hell.

- I'll make sure that you beat
me there by a lot of years.

Now, why the hell did you tell hutchinson

I was trying to escape?

- I didn't.

- Don't lie to me!

- I don't need to.

- Then who did?

- Try Sally kerwin.

- There's no way.

- No way, do you think
those boys r*ped her?

- I was there.

- I know what you heard,
but what did you see?

- Damn it, I should've known.

- Hutchinson uses it on
every virgin that comes in here.

Makes it look like they as*ault her,

next thing you know you're
trusting her like a priest.

And I did.

- You got some grip.

- So do you.

- You a cop?

- That depends.

On what?

- You a priest?

- Fair enough.

Those girls you were asking about.

Don't know what happened to them,

but I know what was going on
the night before they escaped.

- Disappeared.


The warden likes to throw a
little party every now and then.

Goes till all hours.

Lots of expensive cars.

It seems like every party
one of the girls makes a break.

- Was there a party the night

that Rebecca Martin disappeared?

- Yeah, a couple of weeks ago.

- Okay, so there's no timetable

to when these things are given, huh?

- Nope, hey, you never
answered me about being a cop.

- No, I never did, did I?

- Gentlemen, as you know
I have decided to retire,

but I wanna leave you on
the same field I met you,

a field of honor.

The unfortunate accident
suffered by miss Martin

has my blood on it,

and I will not walk the
remainder of my days

with it dripping from my hand.

So tonight we celebrate the
end of a glorious relationship,

and we will have for
you the finest assortment

of young women ever here assembled.

One last auction, one last party, drink up.

Did you ever find out
about the St. John girl?

- The fax machine's been acting up.

Phone company says
it's a trunkline problem.

- Well, just make sure she's here tonight.

Have her looking extra fine.

With any luck our friends
over there will pick her,

then it won't matter who
the hell she is or was.

- I don't like it.

I don't like it at all.

- You didn't have any choice, Harry.

- Sure I did.

Come on, so they find out she's a cop.

What's the worse that can happen?

They clean her up and send her back home?

She's safe and sound?

- She knew what she was getting into.

- Hey, you gonna sit there and tell me

that you don't have the
same shpilke as I have?

- No, no, I'm concerned about her too.

- I'll tell you what.

You sit on top of the desk for awhile.

I'm gonna take a drive up to wickenville,

and drop in on these people.

- How are you gonna explain that away?

- Tell them I wanna find out why some woman

is trying to pass herself
off as one of my detectives.

That I wanna talk to her in person.

Think they're gonna believe that?

- Why not, I got an honest face.

- Yeah, but you're a lousy liar.

- I'll practice on the way up.

In the meantime you can use my desk.

- Hey, ladies, surprise.

Get this on.

There's a party for you to go to.

- You too.

- What're you talking about?

I don't go to the party.

- I know, doc wants the room filled up.

Consider yourself a filler.

Hurry it up.

Don't have a lot of time.

- They've never asked me to go before.

- What the hell.

Maybe we'll meet prince charming, huh?

- Forgot something.

- Now these are rather interesting.

Do you think that they
made them themselves.

- Or they kidnapped Martha Stewart.

- Oh, who is that man in the sunglasses?

- Definitely saw "men in
black" one too many times.

- I am a cop.

- Where?

- Palm beach.

Palm beach.

People as pretty and rich
as they say in palm beach?

- No, only those with
facelifts and a lot of money.

- All I ever wanted to be was rich.

Do sex slaves make good money?

- Very nice, doc.

You really outdone yourself this time.

- Well, I didn't see any
need to save expenses.

True enough.

Doc, go and enjoy yourself, hmm?

- I believe I will.

Oh, St. John.

- Yes.

- Would you care to join
me in a stroll on the veranda?

- Right up to the next millennium.

- Let me tell ya how it works around here.

Either you come out on the veranda with me

where it's warm and bright,

or I tell ned and Zack to
take you back out in the woods

where it's cold and dark.

I can assure you those boys

are much less agreeable than I am.

- There's the new girl
just came in the other day.

Lot's of fire.

Man who breaks her is
gonna have a great ride.

- Ain't no law that says
you can't enjoy yourself

as long as you're here.

- Well, I don't recall
anyone asking for an rsvp.

- Well, look around,
everybody's having a good time.

- Unless you're an inmate.

So who's the exchange student?

I recognize almost everybody.

- A friend of the judge.

- Hmm, that's funny.

The judge doesn't strike
as being that liberal.

- Well now, just goes to show

how misleading first impressions can be.

Take you and me now.

- You know, warden, I wouldn't get

too carried away if I were you,

because I just might decide

that ned and Zack are the better deal.


- Miss St. John, got a picture of a woman

looks just like you.

Maybe there's someplace
we can talk about this privately.

- Something we're supposed to drink?

- Here outside the kingdom,
the ah, the rules change.

- Judge Perth.

- You're a very lucky young girl.

Our friend from overseas
has taken a liken to you.

- Well then I guess I am a very lucky girl.

- Oh, we're gonna release
you into his custody.

- And if I don't wanna go?

- Choice is a right not granted to inmates.

- I see, so you're running your
own home shopping network.

- In a manner of speaking.

- And those girls who escaped,

they just happened to
be the evening special.

- I told you she was smart.

- Well, unfortunately, we can't charge

any more for intelligence.

- I talked to my captain
about the fingerprinting.

- We'll offer abject apologies

and regret you took it
on yourself to escape.

- Go on, she's gone into the woods!

- She ain't gonna get far!

Oh man, where'd she go?

- Works every damn time.

You see one of us, forget
the other one's right behind.

- The damn woman hits like a train.

- Just use her a little first
before we take her back.

- You bastards better k*ll me!

- There's nothing
we'd like better, darlin',

but you're worth too much alive.

Doesn't mean we
can't use you a little first.

You've been nothing but a pain in the ass.

- Drop your weapons now!

- Let go of me.

Should've brought your calvary horn.

- Last time I tried to blow
it I gave myself a hernia.

Ah, you did good, Cassie.

It's all over now.

- No, no, it's not.

There, now it's over.

- Well, don't you look like a new woman?

Yeah, it's amazing what
a day in the spa can do.

Harry, there was an
inmate, um, named coats,

and she was really a big help.

If there's anything
that we could do for her.

- I'll make a few calls.

The a.G. Owes us a big one.

- Good, thank you.

- Well, if it ain't cool hand Lucy.

Very funny, it's not original,

but it's very funny.

- I thought that was pretty original.

- Mm hmm, you always do.

- Harry and I got you a little souvenir

from this particular case.

- Let's see.

Well, it's not that bad.

The lighting's just not that good.
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