02x08 - Ruby''s Pajama Party/Baby Max/Bunny Scout Brownies

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Max & Ruby". Aired: May 3, 2002 – present.*
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Follows two rabbits: Max, a rambunctious and achievement-determined three-year-old and his sister Ruby, a seldom-patient, goal-oriented and sometimes, annoyingly-restrictive seven-year-old.
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02x08 - Ruby''s Pajama Party/Baby Max/Bunny Scout Brownies

Post by bunniefuu »

[Whimsical music]

[Man and woman] ♪ max and ruby.

♪ Ruby and max.

♪ Max and ruby.

♪ Ruby and max.

[Man] ♪ max and ruby.

[Woman] ♪ ruby and her little brother, max. ♪

[Children giggling] ♪ max and ruby. ♪

[Treading noise]

[Treading noise]

Don't worry, max.

I'm not wearing my pajamas because it's bedtime.

I am wearing my pajamas because valerie and louise

Are coming over for a pajama party.

It's not a sleepover pajama party,

Just a party in our pajamas.

We're gonna have a wonderful time.

I put out my jewelry and dance records,

And I borrowed fashion magazines from grandma.

And, of course, I made snacks.

Cheese on crackers.


No, max, this is a girls-only pajama party.

You're not invited.

[Doorbell rings]

[Gasps] my guests are here.

[Girls] p.j. Party.

We can't wait to start the pajama party, ruby.

I've never been outside in my pajamas before.

[Giggles] it's so exciting.

[Girls laughing]

Let's go upstairs to my bedroom.

I made some delicious snacks for later.


Max, this party is for girls only.

Besides, you're not wearing pajamas.

You can't come to a p.j. Party

If you're not wearing p.j.s.

[All giggling]

[Louise] I like your new pajamas, ruby.

They're beautiful.

Thank you.

Grandma helped me picked them out specially.

Your pajamas look pretty special too, louise.


And yours are-- valerie,

Your tops and bottoms don't match.

I was so excited, I couldn't decide which pair to wear.

So I chose two.

[Girls laughing]

Max, what are you doing here?


It's a pajama party for girl bunnies,

Not an overalls party for boy bunnies.

Out you go, max.

[Door shutting]

It was a great idea to have magazines

At your pajama party, ruby.

You can't have a pajama party

Without fashion magazines.



You can't come in,

Even in your pajamas, max.

Bye, max.

[Girls giggling]

It's time for makeovers.

I want to be made over to look just like her.

I'm going to be

"A completely new you in under five minutes."

[Louise] you need red lipstick.

[Valerie] you need blue eye shadow.

Who wants fake eyelashes?

[Both] I do.

It was a great idea to do makeovers, ruby.

You can't have a pajama party without makeovers.

[All giggling]

[Door creaking]

Modeling this year's fresh, new look

Is ruby.

And here's the lovely louise

Wearing the latest style.

Check out these accessories.

[All giggling]

It was a great idea to do a fashion show, ruby.

You can't have a pajama party without a fashion show.


You can't come in, max.

And anyway, we finished our fashion show.

You can wash all that crayon off.

It's time for dancing.

[Big band music]

Let's do the twist.

I can do the pony.

[Chicks clacking and peeping]





[Girls giggling]

They're so funny.

Can we dance with them?

Okay, max. You can stay,

But only for a visit.

[Chicks peeping]

[Sighs] I'm tired.

[Sighs]me too.

It must be all that dancing.

And the fashion show.

But it's still early,

And I have more party plans.

I know what we need.


You can't have a pajama party without snacks.

Find a good record and put it on

While I get snacks.

All right, max?

[Both yawning]

Who wants snacks?

[Sleepy music]


Max, I meant a good dance record,

Not a sleepy-time lullaby.

We can't have a pajama party without guests.

Who's going to eat all these snacks?


[Louise] I have toys and blankets.

And I have a bottle and a change of clothes

In case of accidents.

And, of course, I have baby.

It's just like we're real mommies.

Max, you go play.

We'll be right here

With our baby if you need us.

Let's put our baby down on the blanket

So we can play with her.

Hmm, yes.

You like to play in the playground.

Don't you, baby sally?

[Baby giggling]

That wasn't sally swims-a-lot.

[Baby giggling]

[Ruby] it was baby huffington.

Eh. [Giggling]

Let's go see him.


Boing [sliding noise]


He's so cute.

He's just like one of our dollies.

Except babies are not toys.

You have to look after them

Very, very carefully.

Right, mrs. H?

That's right, ruby.

Koochy koochy koo.

[Girls giggling]


[Whispering] shh, baby.

Oh, shh.

Is he okay?

Oh, yes.

It's just time for baby's nap.

Bye-bye, girls.

[Both] bye-bye, baby huffington.

[Both sighing]

Wouldn't it be fun to have a real baby

Instead of just a dolly?

But we only have a dolly,

Not a real baby.


[Sliding noise]


[Ruby] oh, ma-a*.

You want to play?


This will be even more fun than that.

Come on.

[Ruby] you look

Just like a baby, max.

Hi, baby max.

He's so-o cu-ute.

I'm mommy,

And this is aunt louise.

But you can call her auntie.




Slide are not for babies.

You'll fall and hurt yourself.

Besides, it's baby's play time.

Does baby want his rattle?

"Hello, I'm your fuzzy, wuzzy baby bear.

Would you like a fuzzy, wuzzy bear hug?"


I know.

Let's dress baby up

In baby clothes.

It's fun to dress up babies

Because they look

[Girls] so-o cute.

[Girls giggling]

[Louise] which outfit do you like best?

I like the snuggly with booties.



[Both] it's so-o cute.

[Gasps]let's try it on baby max.




Babies cannot play on big things like slides.

Besides, it's baby's snack time.

Is baby hungry for a yummy snack?

Open wide.

Why isn't he eating his yummy baby food?

I know.

Here comes the choo-choo train.

Open wide, baby.

Maybe he isn't hungry.

Let's try his bottle.

Here's your baby bottle,


Maybe he needs his diaper changed.

You're right, auntie louise.

We haven't changed baby yet.


That's much better.

Uh-oh, baby feels hot.

Maybe he's sick.

We can't have a sick baby.

Let's check our baby book for symptoms.

Look at all the things

That can go wrong with babies:

Diaper rash, runny nose, sore throat--


We should check baby for spots.

Oh, no. We've lost baby.



Shh. Baby.

It's not safe for babies

To wander off on their own.


What are we going to do with you?

Baby's getting cranky.

It must be time for his nap.

You're very tired.

Aren't you, baby?

We'll sing him a lullaby

To put him to sleep.


[Girls] ♪ go to sleep.

♪ Go to sleep.

♪ Go to sleep--



[Both yawning] ♪ little bunny.

♪ Go to sleep.

♪ Go to sleep.

♪ Go-- ♪[both yawning]

[Both breathing evenly]

Nap time's over.

Time to play.

[Baby giggling]

Oh, look, baby.

There's max on the big slide.

[Sliding noise]

Doesn't that look like fun?

[Baby giggling]


[Max whispering] slide.


That's a good guess, max.

Actually, they're bunny scout brownies.

There are four deliciously different kinds.


Uh-uh, max.

They're for selling,

Not for eating.

[Max straining]

We're going to sell them

To our friends in town

To raise money for my bunny scout troop.

Won't that be fun?

[Rolling noise]

Thud, thud

Hello, roger.

I'm selling bunny scout brownies today.

Do you think your dad would like some?




We can't sell the box of brownies if you open it.

These triple chocolate nut implosions

Are the kind mr. Piazza bought from me last year.

Thud oh.

Oh, hello, ruby.

Hello, max.

Hi, louise.

[Giggling] it's nice bumping into you.

[Girls giggling]

How are your bunny scout brownie sales going?

We're just getting started.

Mr. Piazza is our first customer.

Oh, uh, actually, I just sold mr. Piazza

A box of triple chocolate nut implosions.


Oh, well.

I'll just sell them to someone else.

Bunny scouts never give up.

Right, bunny scout ruby.

Good luck.

[Rolling noise]


I'll see you later.

Looks like we're going to have to work

A little faster if we want

To sell our share of brownies, max.

[Box ripping]

There's rosalinda.

Butterscotch chunkies are her favorite.

Can you find a gold-colored box for me, max?

[Box ripping] brownies.



Now we can't sell this box either.

I'll have to find another one.

[Bells clinking]

Here's one.

Butterscotch chunkies.

Rosalinda just loves these.

[Bells clinking]

Oh, hello, bunny scout ruby.

Hi, bunny scout valerie.

Have you sold many brownies yet?

Just a few left to go.

Rosalinda cleaned me out of butterscotch chunkies.

She loves them.

I know.

I was going to sell her some too.

Oh, I'm sorry, ruby.

That's all right, valerie.

Lots of bunnies love butterscotch chunkies.


Including max.

[Ruby] you can say that again.

Well, I better hopto it.

Bye, valerie.

Well, where can we try next?

[Gasps] oh, look.

There's mr. Huffington.

He always buys a box

Of manic marshmallow melters from me.

[Wheels screeching]

One box of manic marshmallow melters, please, max.


Oh, max.

I can't sell this box.

You already ate one.

[Max straining]

Max, see this badge?

It means I'm an official bunny scout.

And it's my responsibility to sell brownies

And raise money so our bunny scout troop

Can attend the big world bunny scout jamboree.

I want to do my part.

Now, please, no more sampling.

Thanks, max.


Oh, no.


[Bells clinking]

[Ruby] there's candi.

She loves sweet things.

This time, you pull the wagon, max.

Maybe that will keep your hands busy

And out of the brownies.

[Rolling noise]

Hi, candi.

Would you like to buy some--

Bunny scout brownies.

What a sweet coincidence.

Come on in.

[Rolling noise]


Clank! Thud




Clank! Thud


Clank! Thud

[Till ringing]

I'll take as many brownies as you have, ruby.

[Rolling noise]

Where are the brownies,max?

[Gasps] oh, no.

They're ruined.

So what kind of brownies do you have there, ruby?


Scrunched-up ones

And boxes that max opened.

I can't sell you any of these brownies, candi.


They're perfect.


It saves me the trouble of scrunching them myself.


Scrunching them?

That's right.

You two can be the first to try my new recipe,

Bunny scout brownie scramblers.

Bunny scout brownie scramblers?

Made with ice cream and an extra special ingredient.


[Both] mmmm.
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