02x12 - Ruby Writes a Story/Max''s Dominoes/Grandma''s Attic

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Max & Ruby". Aired: May 3, 2002 – present.*
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Follows two rabbits: Max, a rambunctious and achievement-determined three-year-old and his sister Ruby, a seldom-patient, goal-oriented and sometimes, annoyingly-restrictive seven-year-old.
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02x12 - Ruby Writes a Story/Max''s Dominoes/Grandma''s Attic

Post by bunniefuu »

[Whimsical music]

(Man and woman) ♪ max and ruby. ♪

♪ Ruby and max. ♪

♪ Max and ruby. ♪

♪ Ruby and max. ♪

(Man) ♪ max and ruby. ♪

(Woman) ♪ ruby and her little brother, max. ♪

[Children giggling] ♪ max and ruby. ♪ ♪

There, a perfectly sharpened pencil.

I can hardly wait to start writing my story.

I have so many ideas.

Let's see.

Do I have everything I need?

Sharp pencils,

A brand-new eraser,

Lots of clean, white paper,

And a nice, quiet place.

Now I'm ready to write.

Now, how should the story start?


"Once upon a time."

Of course!

Every great story starts with "once upon a time."

"Once upon a time, there was a"--


(Max) cowboy.

I'm sorry, max.

I don't have time to play cowboy right now.

I'm writing a story.

Now, where was i?

Oh, yes.

"Once upon a time, there was a"--




Max, why don't you play cowboy upstairs in your room?

I need quiet so I can concentrate.

There, now I can write my story.

[Air hissing]

[Plays harmonica]


♪ ♪

Writing a story sure can make you thirsty.

Now I can begin my story.

Let's see. Where was i?

Oh, yes.

"Once upon a time, there was a...

Beautiful princess."


"Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess."

And then what?


[Harmonica playing in distance]

♪ ♪


Max, I'm trying to write a story.

It's hard to concentrate when you're playing

Your "home on the range" harmonica.

Why don't we find you something quiet to play with?


Let's see.

I know.

Why don't you play with your flipping chicks?

Cheep, cheep

There, that's much better than playing cowboy--

And much quieter.


Cheep, cheep

Cheep, cheep, cheep

Cheep, cheep

Cheep, cheep, cheep



Hyah, hyah!

Hyah, yah!

Writing a story sure can make you hungry.

That's much better.

Now I can write my story.

Let's see. Where was i?

Oh, yes.

"Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess."

No, wait, not a beautiful princess--

A mysterious mermaid.


"Once upon a time, there was a mysterious mermaid."

And then what happened?


(Max) yah, yah!

Cheep, cheep, cheep, cheep

Yah, hyah, hyah!

Cheep, cheep, cheep

Cheep, cheep, cheep

Hyah, hyah!


Max, it's hard to make up a story

When you're herding your flipping chicks

Through the kitchen.

If you want to play cowboy, you can play outside.

Here you go, max.

There's plenty of room for you to play cowboy out here.












Max, I'm trying to write my story,

But you keep interrupting.

First you came in playing cowboy songs

On your "home on the range" harmonica.

[Plays harmonica]

Then you herded flipping chicks through the kitchen

On your hobbyhorse.

"Yah, yah!"

Then you lassoed a runaway lobster

Like you're a rootin'-tootin' cowboy.

No wonder I can't think of what comes next in my story.

I only get to:

"Once upon a time, there was a"--



That's it.

I know what my story's going to be about.

Come on, max.

You can help me.

"Once upon a time, there was a"--




You have to set the dominoes up very carefully, max.


Now, watch this.


Sorry, max,

But I can't play dominoes anymore.

Louise and I are going to earn our hospitality badge

By hosting this afternoon's bunny scout meeting.

[Doorbell rings]

That must be louise now.

Morris is with her, so you two can play

While we prepare for the meeting.

Hi, louise.

Hi, morris.

Won't you please come in?

Why, thank you, ruby.

You're a wonderful hostess.

Thanks, louise.

I have so many ideas

For today's bunny scout meeting.

Me too.

Wait till you see what I brought.

I can't decide which tablecloth to put out.

Which do you like, louise?

Hmm, they're both so pretty.



You're absolutely right, louise.

This tablecloth is perfect.

Do you remember what we have to do

To get our hospitality badge?

A good hostess serves refreshments.

And a good hostess

Also makes beautiful decorations.

And most importantly, a good hostess...

[Together] always stays calm when things go wrong.

[Dominoes rattling]



Max, there are dominoes all over the floor.

Remember, ruby, a good hostess

Always stays calm when things go wrong.

You're right, louise.

Max, you and morris

Will have to play with another toy

While louise and I get ready for our meeting.

I have a recipe for delicious no-bake cookies.

You make them with cocoa and honey

And coconut and granola--

And marshmallows, my favorite.

And then we'll shake on candy sprinkles.

What are you using for decorations, ruby?

I collected lots of autumn leaves and pinecones

To make a beautiful centerpiece.

Oh, ruby,

They will be beautiful.

I'll start mixing the cookies.

And I'll make the centerpiece.

[Trumpet fanfare]

Arf, arf

Arf, arf

Arf, arf



A good hostess always serves refreshments,

And these cookies look delicious, louise.

Thanks, ruby.

We'll put on the candy sprinkles

Just before the bunny scouts arrive.

A good hostess always makes

Beautiful decorations,

And your centerpiece is beautiful, ruby.

Max, we want everything to be perfect

So we can get our hospitality badge.

So you boys will have to play quietly

While we have our bunny scout meeting.

The bunny scout meeting!

We have to change into our uniforms.

We'd better hurry.

The bunny scouts should be here any second.

I hope I have time to put sprinkles on the cookies.

[Doorbell rings]

[Together] they're here!

I'll finish the cookies.

I'll get the door.

Hello, bunny scout ruby.

Welcome, bunny scouts.

Won't you please come in?

Why, thank you, ruby.

It's my pleasure.

Do you remember everything you have to do

To earn your hospitality badge?

A good hostess always serves refreshments.

Louise is in the kitchen right now

Putting the finishing touches on her cookies.

A good hostess always makes beautiful decorations,

And if you come this way...

I have decorated the dining room

Especially for the meeting.

[Gasps] max.

Where did all these toys come from?

And where did my candy sprinkles go?

Remember, bunny scouts,

The most important thing a good hostess does.

(Ruby and louise) a good hostess always stays calm

When things goes wrong.

That's right.

Don't worry, everyone.

I'll have this cleaned up in no time at all.


Arf, arf, arf, arf

[Train whistle blows]

[Together] ooh.

[Train whistle blows]

(Ruby) look out, louise.

[Trumpet fanfare]

(All) ah!

Red alert, red alert.

Danger, danger.

Red alert, red alert.

Danger, danger.

Danger, danger.

Red alert, red alert.


(All) ooh!

[Bombs whistling]

(All) ah!

My candy sprinkles!

Congratulations, bunny scouts.

You've earned your hospitality badge.



(Bunny scouts) yes, again!

(Ruby and max) ooh.

Well, here it is.

This is my attic.

(Ruby) it's much bigger than I thought.

Too big and too full.

Too full?

I could spend all day up here.

Couldn't you, max?


Look at that.

Nobody's been into that chest for years.

No, max.

Now, would you like to pick out some clothes

To play dress-up in?


Oh, grandma, can we?

You can play

While I do my spring cleaning downstairs.

I'll come back up in a while to see how you're doing.

All right, grandma.

This is going to be so much fun.

Don't you think so, max?


No, max.

That's grandma's special box.

Come on. Let's play dress-up.

Where should we start?

I know.

Look, max.

It's all frilly and lacy.

Do I look like a princess?


No, max.

Grandma said nobody ever goes into her special box.

I just have to see

What this dress looks like on me.


Oh, my.

Why, certainly you may have this dance, kind prince.


What are you doing, max?


Let's find something for you to try on, max.

Here's some of grandpa's old clothes.

Let's play store.

You can be the customer.

Now, let me see.

These look like just your size, sir.


It looks like your pants could use some alterations, sir.

There, perfect.

Can I interest you in anything else, sir?

Look what I found, max.




No, max, it's not a treasure chest.

It's grandma's special box,

And you're not allowed to look in it.

Thank you.

I've got something

That's just right for you, sir.

Once again, a perfect choice,

If I do say so myself.

Those look like hatboxes, max.

Let's see if we can find some nice hats.

Too flowery.

Too feathery.

Now, this is fit for a princess.

Of course I'll save the last dance for you,

My prince.

But first, I have to see what max is up to.


Max, have you seen grandma's special box?

Knock, knock



Let's find you a hat too, max.

Try this on.

Hmm, no.

Too wintry.

Definitely not right for my prince.

There you go, sir.

That will be $.


Thank you for shopping with us, sir,

And have a pleasant day.


I wonder if grandma has any fancy old shoes

To go with this dress.


Oh, these are definitely fit for a princess.

Aren't I graceful and-- whoa, whoa!

Elegant, max?

You need shoes too, max.

Shoes complete the outfit.

Maybe grandpa's shoes are in the cupboard.

Look, max.

I found grandpa's fancy dress shoes.

You put them on while I look for a purse.



Look what I found, max.


Oh, no, max.

How did you get in there?

(Grandma) max!

I thought I lost that key years ago.

And look at you, max.

You look like

Somebody else I know.

(Ruby) grandpa.

Your grandpa and I wore those same outfits

To the annual bunny hop.

This is one memory I'll always treasure.


[All laughing]
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