03x03 - Ruby''s Hippity Hop Dance/Ruby''s Bird Bath/Super Max Saves the World

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Max & Ruby". Aired: May 3, 2002 – present.*
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Follows two rabbits: Max, a rambunctious and achievement-determined three-year-old and his sister Ruby, a seldom-patient, goal-oriented and sometimes, annoyingly-restrictive seven-year-old.
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03x03 - Ruby''s Hippity Hop Dance/Ruby''s Bird Bath/Super Max Saves the World

Post by bunniefuu »


♪ Max and ruby

♪ Ruby and max

♪ Max and ruby

♪ Ruby and max

Man: max and ruby.

Woman: ruby and her little brother max!

Kids: max and ruby! (Giggling)

Ruby: "ruby's hippity hop dance"

Okay, louise,

The music is all ready to go.

I've been wanting to try the hippity hop dance,

Ever since we saw the other bunny scouts doing it.

Me too!

But I'm not sure I can remember all the steps.

It's hard!

Maybe if we listen to the music,

All the steps will come back to us.

Are you ready, louise?

Ready, ruby!

One, two, three! (Music plays)

Max: football!

Louise and ruby: huh?



Max, you can play football with roger,

While we learn the hippity hop dance.

Roger? Is he going to join us?

Roger said he'd be over to teach max

How to play football.

Right, max?


Both: hi, roger!

Hey, max. Ready?


Um, roger,

Do you think you and max could play

On the other side of the yard?

Louise and I want to learn the hippity hop dance

Over here.

Uh-huh. Let's go, max.

Hup! Hup! Hup!


Now we can do the hippity hop!

If we can remember it!


(Music plays)


How does it start?

I think it goes like this.

Step one:

Shrug your shoulders up and down.

Now, look side to side!

Then what?

Step two:


Um... Hop in a circle!

You're right, ruby!

That is the next step!

You're good!

But I don't remember what comes after it.


Roger: see, max?

Like this.

And like this.

Got it?


To me.



Do we... Kick our feet?

I don't think so.


Do we wiggle our ears?

(Gasps and laughs)

I really don't think so!

(Laughs) then what is it?

Catch, like this.

And then bring the ball into your body like this.




Maybe if we start the music

And try it again,

We'll remember step three!

Good idea, ruby.

(Music plays)

Both: step one:

Shrug your shoulders up and down...

And look from side to side.

Both: step two:

Hip hop in a circle!

But what's step three?

You run, I'll throw.

I can't remember.

Max: football!

Whoa! Careful!

Louise: oh!


I've got it!


Can you stay on that side of the yard, please?

Louise: ruby!

Did you see what you just did with the football?


You did this!


Both: step three!


Let's try it!

Both: step one:

Shrug your shoulders up and down.

And look from side to side!

Both: step two:

Hip hop in a circle!

Both: step three:

Wave your arms up high!

Hop from side to side!

Both: step four!


What's step four?

Mm, I don't know.

Let's start again.

To me, max.



Good throw, max!


All right!


Ruby: ready, louise?

Louise: ready, ruby!

Both: step one:

Shrug your shoulders up and down.

And look from side to side!

Both: step two:

Hip hop in a circle!

Both: step three:

Wave your arms up high!

Hop from side to side!

Both: step four:

Oh, I still can't remember step four!

Go long, max!


Max: football!

Uh oh!




Dodge, max!

(Crowd cheers)


Victory dance!


Ruby: look what they're doing, louise!

Louise: I know.

Both: step four!

You're doing the hippity hop dance.

Uh-huh. Victory dance.

Step one:

Shrug your shoulders up and down

And look from side to side!

Step two:

Hip hop in a circle!

Ruby and louise: step three:

Ruby: wave your arms up high!

Hop from side to side!

Ruby and louise: step four:

Wiggle your bunny tail!

All right!

We did it!



I thought I heard music.

Ooh, my!

How did you all learn to do the hippity hop so well?

All: football!

Grandma: well... (Laughs) whatever works!

Ruby: "ruby's bird bath"

I need one more badge to fill in this space

On my bunny scout uniform, see?

I have a badge for young baker,

Camper, cyclist, artist,

Collector, reader, hiker,

Careers, communication, computer fun,

Sports, dance,

First aid...

Fitness, hobbies, fix it,

Knots, music, community,

Plants and animals!


But I don't have

A bunny scout young environmentalist badge.

And this is where my young environmentalist badge

Will go!


(Water trickles)

In case you don't know, max,

The environment is the whole world around us -

All of nature.

And an environmentalist

Is someone who cares about nature.

You know how I'll get my bunny scout

Young environmentalist badge, max?

I'll build an environmentally correct bird bath.

That means it'll be just like a real bird bath

Out in the wild.

Bath toy!


Bath toys belong in your bath, max.

But this won't be that kind a bath.

My birdbath will be all natural.

All the birds will come to it!

Ah ha!


Bath toy!

Birds don't have bath toys in the wild, max.

They have natural things like rocks to perch on,

So they don't have to get their feet wet

If they don't want to.


Everything needs to be perfect

To attract all the birds that fly north for the summer.

They fly a long, long, long way

And that's why they need a good bath

When they get here.

I don't see any birds yet, max.

Time to add some lily pads.

Bath toy!

(Submarine alarm sounds)

Hello, little water lily.

I have a wonderful new home for you.



Ruby: you can't have

An environmentally correct birdbath

Without water lilies.


Birds love the smell of water lilies

The same way you love the smell of big beluga

Bubble bath, max.



This rock will stop the lily pad from floating away.

See, max.


(Gasps) (submarine alarm sounds)

Lose something, max?

Bath toy!

Bath toys do not belong

In an environmentally correct birdbath.

Rocks and lily pads do.

They're perfect.

If I was a bird

I couldn't wait to take a dip in my bird bath.


Birds are very shy creatures.

Maybe my birdbath needs something extra for privacy?

I know just what we need!

Wait here, max.

I'll be right back.

These tall bulrushes are perfect for privacy!

Ruby: look what I found, max!




This rock will hold the bulrushes steady

So they won't get blown over by a gust of wind.


Bath toy!

I want to attract birds to my bird bath, max,

Not scare them away.

There's no place for bath toys

In an environmentally correct birdbath, max.

Rocks, lily pad, bulrushes

And no bath toys.


As soon as the birds see my birdbath,

They'll flock to it.

And then I'll get my bunny scout

Young environmentalist badge.


Why haven't any birds come yet?

It can't be because of my bird bath,

It's perfectly environmentally correct.

Max! (Gasps)

I think I see a bird.

It's definitely something very rare and exotic.

It's... It's...

Bath toy!


It's not your bath time.

It's no wonder

The birds haven't come to my bird bath.

Come on out, max.

I'll never get my bunny scout

Young environmentalist badge

With all your bath toys here.

(Duck quacks)



Ruby: duck, max!


Congratulations, on your magnificent

Environmentally correct bird bath, ruby.

You have earned your young environmentalist badge!

Ruby: ooh!

Thanks, bunny scout leader!

However did you manage to attract so many birds?

Was it the rocks?

Ducks do like rocks to sit on.

Kind of...

Was it the water lilies?

They do smell so sweet.



Bunny scout leader: I know, it was the bulrushes.

Birds are very shy

And like lots of privacy.

It was all of those things.

Plus a little something extra...


Bath toy!

Ruby: "super max, saves the world"


Radio narrator: and once again...

Super bunny, and his loyal friend zoom zoom

Save the world!

Super bunny!

Zoom zoom!

Radio narrator: and together they fly off into the wild blue yonder,

Looking for another heroic deed.



Louise: (laughs)

That balloon sure is making funny sounds, ruby.


It's very difficult to tie knots

In these things!


Now we've got all three balloons ready.

This is going to be our best science project ever!


Uh oh.

Super bunny!

Zoom zoom!

Hello, super bunny

And zoom zoom.

Louise and I need these balloons

For a solar system.

It's our science project for school.

This big balloon is going to be the sun.

You know, the sun that shines

In the sky all day?


There's a picture of it.

And the smallest balloon is going to be the moon.

Ruby: the moon's the big ball in the sky

You see out your window at night.

And this one is going to be our planet -

The earth.

Ruby: see?

The green parts are the land,

Where all the bunnies live,

And the blue parts are the water,

Where all the fish live.

We have to be very careful with our project, max.

So please play with morris somewhere else,


Maybe super bunny and zoom zoom

Could search around the rest of the house

For some toys to rescue!

Super bunny!

Zoom zoom!

Both: (sigh)

That should keep them busy for a while.

Both: (laugh)

We just need enough time to cover these balloons

With paper mache.


This stuff sure is slimy!

And drippy!

Both: (laugh)



Zoom zoom!

(Loud clatter)

Max: super bunny! (Heroic music plays)


Super bunny!

Zoom zoom!




(Heroic music plays)


(Thud) (gasps)



Max: super bunny!

Morris: zoom zoom!

Ruby: (laughs)

The paper mache is supposed to go on the balloons, louise,

Not on your nose!



The super bunnies got you too, ruby!

(Hard snap)

Louise: (laughs)

(Laughs) ooops!

(Heroic music plays) (chirping)



Zoom zoom!

Louise: okay, we've covered them all with paper mache.

But we can't paint them till they're dry.


Ah ha!

I know how we can dry them faster!

I'll be right back.

(Fan whirs)

Louise: using the fan to dry the planets

Was a great idea, ruby.

They're ready.

We can start to paint.


I'll paint the moon and sun

And you paint the earth.

It's a lot harder

And you're a better painter.

Okay, louise.


(Sirens wail)

Our moon is all painted!

(Mechanical whirring and sirens wail)



Max: super bunny!

Morris: zoom zoom!

Oh, no! My moon is ruined!

It's okay, louise.


It's a crescent shaped moon.

Louise: (giggles)

It does look like a crescent moon.

Both: (giggle)

Ruby: louise, it just got sunny.

I know!

Any brighter and we'd have to put our sunglasses on!

Isn't our world beautiful?

It's out of this world!

Both: (laugh)


Oh no. Do you hear what I hear?

Ruby: whoa!



Super bunny!

Ruby: oh, thank you, super bunny!

And zoom zoom!

Ruby: you saved...

The world!
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