03x08 - Ruby''s Safari/Max''s Mudbath/Max''s Lost Lizard

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Max & Ruby". Aired: May 3, 2002 – present.*
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Follows two rabbits: Max, a rambunctious and achievement-determined three-year-old and his sister Ruby, a seldom-patient, goal-oriented and sometimes, annoyingly-restrictive seven-year-old.
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03x08 - Ruby''s Safari/Max''s Mudbath/Max''s Lost Lizard

Post by bunniefuu »


♪ Max and ruby

♪ Ruby and max

♪ Max and ruby

♪ Ruby and max

Man: max and ruby.

Woman: ruby and her little brother max!

Kids: max and ruby! (Giggling)

Ruby: "ruby's safari"

Oh, I hope louise gets here soon.


(Gasps) sorry, max.

I can't play with you right now.

Louise will be here any-

(Doorbell rings)

(Gasps) that must be her!

Hi, bunny scout ruby.

What's the emergency?

Hi, bunny scout louise.

Look at this!

Louise: our bunny scout scrapbook.

Bunny scout leader's going to love it!

Ruby: not when she sees

The last page!

It's the backyard safari page.

We're supposed to take a picture

Of a special creature we find there.

And we forgot!

If we're not finished,

We won't get our scrapbook badges!


And bunny scout leader's coming

To pick up our scrapbook today!

C'mon, louise.

Let's get on our safari gear!


The bunny scout guide book

Says the first step of a safari

Is to scout our location with binoculars.

I've got the binoculars!

I see the yard...

A tree...

And... Ahh!


Max, louise and I have important

Bunny scout business to do.

We're on a safari to search

For an exotic creature.

Do you know what that means, max?

It means an animal, insect or bird

That's verrrry special;

Something you hardly ever see.

We have to take a picture of it for our scrapbook.


Your dapper snapper alligator is very special, max,

But we're looking for a real creature,

Not a toy.


I don't see anything very special, ruby.

What does the guide book say?

It says:

Be on the lookout for signs

That a creature has been near,

Like fresh tracks on the ground.

Look! I see some tracks!

I wonder what made them?

It looks like tracks from some kind of bird.

(Whirring sound)

Did you hear that?!

Both: (gasp and yell) help!

I'll get the camera ready!

(Excited whisper) here it comes, ruby!




Guten tagen! Bonjour!

Guten tagen!

Cali meda!


Buenos dias!

Both: oh...



Macaw: squawk!

Your multi-lingual macaw is a very special toy, max,

But we need to get a picture

Of a real exotic creature for our scrapbook.

Thanks, max.


(Spider squeaks)

Nothing special yet, ruby.

(Heavy sigh) are you sure?

I don't see anything.


Except a giant blue tarantula!

Quick, get a picture, ruby!

(Balls whip through air)

Both: our uniforms!


This stuff smells like... (Sniffs)

Like... Jelly balls!

And this tarantula feels like

It's made of... Rubber!

Both: max!


Max, if any real exotic creatures came around,

You'd probably scare them away

With your jelly balls squirting spider.

But we really need this picture

To get our badges, okay?

Thanks, max.


Ruby: the sweet nectar of some flowers

Attracts many special species of birds and insects.

Look, ruby.

There's something in the flower bed,

And they're coming this way!

Get ready, ruby!

Ruby: (gasps)

Both: bugs!

Wait a moment...

What kind of bugs are these?

Max's wind-up bugs.

Okay max, you can come out.


Look, max,

We really can't play with you right now.

We need to get a picture

Of a real, exotic creature

To finish off our book,

So we can get our scrapbook badges.

Louise: and we're running out of time!

Bunny scout leader will be here any minute!

Ruby: many special species

Have colourful markings.

So keep an alert eye open

For bright colours.

Over there, ruby.

I saw something colourful by those bushes.

Ruby: I see it! It's bright red.

What could it be?

Maybe a cardinal...

Or a red-headed woodpecker.

Get your camera ready, ruby.

(Whispering) ready?


(Nervously) oh...



Both: oh, max!

(Buzzing of wings)

Ruby & louise: it's a hummingbird!


Bunny scout leader: oh, it's very special!

You don't see a hummingbird everyday.

It was very clever of you

To use that red toy to attract it.

The red toy?

Bunny scout leader: hummingbirds are always attracted to red.

Here are your scrapbook badges,

Bunny scout ruby

And bunny scout louise.

You have definitely earned them!

Did you hear that, louise?

Max's red rubber elephant

Attracted our hummingbird!

You mean...?


We got our scrapbook badges because of max's...


(Buzzing of wings)

Ruby: "max's mud bath"

Ruby: coconut sprinkles!

Sprinkly coconuts.

Orange juice with pulp!

Coming right up!

Pulpy juice.

Mint leaves!

Mmm... Minty.

Mix it up and what have you got?

A refreshing summer treat?

(Laughs) no.

A magic potion?

(Giggles) warmer!

A new addition

To our ruby frutti brand

Of homemade, all-natural cosmetics!


I call it "orange coconut splash!"

We'll put it right next to our sliced cucumber mask

And mashed avocado scrub.



Now there's just one more thing we need.

What's that, ruby?

A customer to test them on.

Both: hmmm...


(Ball bounces softly)


(Ball bounces softly)





(Winding sound)

(Submarine siren wails)

Ruby: max!

You look like you could use

An all natural ruby frutti

Full beauty treatment!


Ruby: I think we should start this customer off

With a nice avocado scrub.

It helps open your pores.

What about the cucumber slices?

They help remove those wrinkles

Under your eyes.

Ruby & louise: we'll do both!

Ruby: relax, max!

Louise: don't forget the orange coconut splash!


How about a nice strawberry manicure

While you wait?

No extra charge!

Can I mash the strawberries?


You have to mash them really well.

Louise: no problem!

I'm a very good masher.

Ruby: don't forget that one!

Louise: I won't!

Watch this!


I think it looks pretty good.

Me too, ruby!

Ruby: ready for your strawberry manicure, sir?

Both: (gasp)

Where's our customer?!


(Toy birds chirping)

Robot: I am a robot!

I am a robot...

I am... (Mumbling)


That's disgusting, max!

What you need is a full wash and set!

Ruby: now that you're all cleaned up,

We can apply conditioner.

But we need to make it first.

What goes into your ruby frutti conditioner,



Because they're full of goodness,

And peaches...

Because they have soft fuzzy

Wrinkle-free skin!

Sounds perfect!

Only the very best ingredients go into ruby frutti cosmetics.

Why don't you mash them, louise?

You're a great masher.

Thank you, ruby.

Ruby: in ancient times,

Queen cleopatra of egypt

Took baths in milk

To keep her skin silky smooth.

(Sighs queens are so beautiful.

Ruby & louise: let's add milk!


Time to mix it all together!

Ruby & louise: (giggles)

Our heavenly new banana peach conditioner

Is going to have great appeal.

Louise & ruby: banana peel! (Laughs)

Are you ready to try some

Milky banana peach conditioner, max?


(Phone rings)

Are you expecting a call from the queen of egypt?

I don't think so.

It must be another customer.

Hold this, max.

(Phone ringing)

(Phone ringing)


Grandma: is this ruby's beauty salon?


I mean, yes it is!

Ruby speaking.

How may we help you?

Grandma: I'd like to make an appointment

For one of your ruby frutti beauty treatments.

I've heard so much about them.

Can you fit me in?

No problem!

We only have one other client at the moment

And we made lots

Of all natural beauty products

For our customers to enjoy.


We have to get ready!

Grandma said she'd be right over.

Okay, max, we've got another...

Both: (gasp)

What happened?

Oh no!

Max ate our beauty line.

Grandma: hello!

I'm here for my appointment!

Sorry grandma,

But we can't give you a treatment.

You can't?


We had all-natural avocado scrub

And orange coconut splash

And strawberry manicure

And banana peach conditioner,

But now, we're all out!

Well, you're not quite all out!

What about that all-natural treatment

That you're giving max in the backyard?

Ruby & louise: what?

What all-natural treatment, grandma?

(Mud sloshes and bubbles)

(Laughing) max!

He's all muddy!

Grandma: that's right!

And there's nothing better for your complexion

Than all-natural...


Ruby: "max's lost lizard"

Ruby: twigs,


A rock...

And sand!

Unh-unh, max.

We need that rock to make a new home

For the bunny scouts' chameleon.

Do you know what a chameleon is, max?

Well, you'll find out in a minute.

(Doorbell rings)

(Gasps) that's louise!

Hello, bunny scout louise!

Hi, bunny scout ruby!

Hi max!

Did you bring him?

Louise: he's in the box.

I can't believe bunny scout leader

Is letting us build a new home

For our chameleon.

I know.

It's a big responsibility.

Would you like to see it, max?

(Giggles) look closer, max.


That's right, max.

A chameleon is a kind of lizard.

See how it's the same colour as the box?

Watch what happens when it goes on this leaf.

There you go, little chameleon.

You like to lie on leaves, don't you?

Keep your eye on it, max.



See, max?

The chameleon changes colour

To match whatever it's on.

That's how it hides from its enemies.

Sorry, max.

We have to leave the chameleon

Inside the box,

Until his new home is ready.

Do you have everything we need,

Bunny scout ruby?

Yes, bunny scout louise!

Chameleons like to sun themselves

On warm rocks,

They like to hide in twigs

And they like to cool off on green leaves.

So we'll put all of them

Into his terrarium.

But first,

We'll put the sand on the bottom.

That will remind the chameleon of home.

That's so nice, ruby!

Now let's clear a space

To put in a bowl of water.

Good thinking.

(Box rustles softly)


You can look at the chameleon

When the terrarium is done, okay max?

It looks very realistic with the sand

On the bottom.

It does!

And once we add everything else,

It will be just like a real home.

Both: this is so exciting!

Max: lizard...

And now we put water in the bowl,

And it'll be just like his own little pond.

He's going to love his new home, ruby.

I hope so!

The sand and water dish are perfect.

Now, it's time to put the rock in.

(Gasps) my rock is gone!

How could it be gone?

Rocks don't walk!

Max, we need that rock for the terrarium.


Yes, max.

The rock is for the chameleon.

When the terrarium is done,

You can come and look at it

All you want.


Right here, ruby?

Um... Over to the left.

That way, he can take a little swim

And then sun himself on the rock!

What a lucky chameleon!

Yes. That's much better.

It looks so natural!


And now it's time to put the twigs in.

Where did they go?

Both: (sighing) max!

Ruby: max...

Did you borrow our twigs?


Yes, max, the chameleon likes twigs.

That's why we're putting them

In his new home.

And we have to finish it

Before bunny scout leader gets here.

So we need our twigs back, okay max?


Let's stand some of the twigs up

In the sand.

That way they'll look just like...

Both: trees!


When we're done,

Our chameleon will have his own little forest.

Our little chameleon

Is going to have so many adventures

In his new home!

We just have to put the leaves in

And it's home sweet home!

I'll get them.

Oh no!

(Gasps) look at the lid!

I hope the chameleon didn't get out!

Oh no! It's escaped!

We have to find it!

Here, little chameleon!

Heeeere, little chameleon!

Come to your home!

Where could he have gone?

Both: max!


Yes, max!

We're looking for the chameleon.

He's escaped!

Could you please put the leaves

In the terrarium

So they'll be there when we find him?

Thanks max.

(Doorbell rings)

Bunny scout leader!

Hello, bunny scout ruby

And bunny scout louise!

Hi bunny scout leader.

Well! I see you've done a fine job

With that terrarium.

It's almost done,

But uh...

And I see our little chameleon

Is very happy in it.

He is?


Right there, on the leaves.

He's turned green of course,

So it's hard to see him.

Both: (gasp!) There he is!

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