A Merry Scottish Christmas (2023)

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A Merry Scottish Christmas (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

I could hear that

guy's bagpipe music

through his headphones

the entire flight.

All 13 hours of it.

Welcome to Scotland.

Aye, two of the

MacMistletoe mochas, please.

Thank you.

Are you sure we have

enough nurses to cover

Christmas to New Year's?

Oh, Merry Christmas.

Not you, Anna.

I mean, I do hope you

have a merry Christmas,

but you know what?

Let me call you back just

before the clinic closes.

Hi there.

Can I get a MacMistletoe mocha?

Sounds delicious.



Brad, it's Lindsay.

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.


Merry Christmas, Linds.

Yeah, merry Christmas.


Oh, that's for us.



I'm sure you guys are tired

and don't feel like talking.

I can find something else.

No, your mom sent

a car for all of us.

She timed the flights.

And we need to catch up anyway.

We haven't seen you since--

Christmas at dad's.

It's been a while.

Yeah, I guess time just got

away from me with work and all.

Your brother's in the

same boat at his new firm.

His boss works him

into the ground.

Speak of the Scrooge.


You're on Christmas vacation.

He knows that.

It's fine.

No, it's not.

You need to decompress and

get into the holiday spirit.

I am in the holiday

spirit, Sarah.



Come in.

You wanted to talk

to me, Josephine.

Yes, their

flight's just landed.

They should be here

in a couple of hours.

Are their rooms ready?

Yes, Brad and Lindsay

are next to each other,

as you requested.

Thanks, Graham.

Is that all?


tidings of comfort

and joy, comfort and joy.

Oh, tidings of comfort and joy.

Glencrave is supposed to be

one of the premier destinations

for Christmas in Scotland.


Their website said the

Highlands are at their greenest

during the winter months.



I can't believe

your mom grew up here,

and you two never visited.

She never talked about

it much growing up,

so it was never

really a priority.

And what's with the

last minute trip, anyway?

I had to cancel a million

things to be here.

I think she just wants us all

to spend Christmas together.

She couldn't have

done that in California?

I don't know.

There was something

different in mom's voice.

I think something's going on.

Well, it must

be something big.

The last family

vacation she took us on

was a Christmas folk

festival in the desert

when we were teenagers.

We stayed in a teepee.

That's when she told us she was

taking that job at the music

school in Santa Cruz.

It wasn't a teepee;

it was a yurt.

Right, a yurt.


What's a yurt?

Mom's idea of an

upgrade from a tent.


Or maybe she just misses us.

Well, she thinks trapping

us in the wilds of Scotland

so we can have this

whole Christmas kumbaya?

She's going to have better luck

finding the Loch Ness Monster.

Thank you, sir.


Is this the hotel?

Unless we took a wrong

turn between Buckingham

Palace and Downton Abby.

Wrong country.

Why don't we see if there

are rooms under our names here

before we alert Scotland Yard?

Also in England.

There it is.

That's the sense of

sarcasm I missed.


That's one way to

slay a Christmas song.


Can you imagine taking

care of a place like this?


But it's incredible.

Fit for a king and queen.

Actually, generations

of dukes and duchesses.

The castle's been in

the Glencrave clan

for over 700 years.

Well, come on in.

The tour is starting.

Oh, no, no.

We're not on a tour.

Welcome to Glencrave Castle.

My name is Hamish, and I'll

be your Merry Christmas

edition tour guide for today.

The property dates back

to the 14th century.

Here at Glencrave, we cannae get

enough of the holiday spirit.

One Christmas tree

feels sad and lonely,

so we have 30 right

from our own hills.

And you won't have to hunt long

for a place to hang a stocking,

as lots of our cozy

bedrooms have a fireplace.

And I know what

you're all wondering,

how does Santa have the time

to fill up all those stockings?

Well, here at Glencrave,

we like to give

old Saint Nick a wee

break and fill him

up with mince pies and whisky.

And there's plenty

of spare bedrooms, 22

to be exact, just in case he

needs a short winter's nap.

But we're just getting started,

so follow me, lads and lassies!


I guess we're

definitely on the tour.


Thank you.

But first, we have

the castle's keep.

This was the first

room assembled when

the castle was built in 1491.

This was to be used

as a place of refuge,

should the rest of the

castle fall to its enemies.

All the pieces here at Glencrave

can be traced back to battles

or have been gifted by

foreign dignitaries.

If these walls could talk.

I bet Christmas was

legendary back then.

Aye, and also forbidden.

This painting depicts

the last Christmas

at Glencrave before the Scottish

Parliament banned it in 1640.

For religious reasons,

celebrating Christmas was

actually a crime up until 1958.

You have the right

to remain cheerless.

The families played

an impressive role

in Scottish history while

looking after the community.

You'll notice the

official Glencrave clan

crest throughout the castle.

The family has worn it proudly

for over eight centuries.

Right this way, please;

still lots to see.

Now we have the

upper foyer, which is

a rarity in castles like this.

Who's that?

Ah, our most recent

duke, Daniel Glencrave.

He, uh, passed away a

couple of weeks ago.

Right before

Christmas-- how sad.

Was this his family?

Aye, it is.

Well, next we have

the grand ballroom.

Kings and queens have

danced its floors.

You made it!

Oh, merry Christmas, everyone.

Merry Christmas, mom.

My babies.

Merry Christmas, mom.

My babies.

Oh, I've missed you all.

We are going to have the

best Christmas ever together.

Is this where we're staying?



How did you pick this place?

I grew up in the

immediate area.

It's the best place in

Scotland for the holidays.

Is this whole place a hotel?

You could say that.

We have 20 guest rooms

on the third floor.

Tours run from 10:00 till

3:00 on the two main floors

here and below, and guests

are free to roam the gardens

and grounds as they wish.

However, the rest of

Glencrave is strictly off

limits to the public.

Graham Frazier, Butler at

Glencrave at your service.

Nice to meet you.

How long have you worked here?

Oh, 50 years.

We really should get

you to your bedrooms.

You must be tired.

I'll sort your cases.

This way.

Come on.

Now, you're in

here, Ms. Morgan.

Oh, you can call me Lindsay.

As you wish, Lindsay.

May I help you to unpack?

Oh, no.

I spent my whole life

without a butler.

What's one more week?

Brad and Sarah, you're

right through there.


Dinner at 8:00

OK for everyone?

- Yeah.

- No, mom.

I'm-- I'm so jet lagged, and

the clinic is still open,

so I was going to be

handling some calls,

and I was just going

to grab something

and maybe bring it to my room.

I really need to talk to

you all about something.

Well, can it

wait till tomorrow?

No, you should have no issues

with Wi-Fi, and the password

is on the dresser.


Good night, honey.

Got lots of Christmas

activities planned for us.

Can't wait.

Thank you.

Feeling festive.


Oh, really, Brad?


I've got your--


Yeah, I have yours.

This is-- this is

quite a sweater.

Sarah and I are missing our

ugly Christmas sweater party

this year, so she

must have packed it,

figuring we could still use it.

I hope you're not skipping

dinner because of me.

This place might be

the size of Vermont,

but we can't avoid each

other for a whole week.




I think mom has

this idea that we're

going to have this merry--

Morgan Christmas.

Exactly, and there are

all these expectations

around the holidays for

families to play Secret Santa

and be singing around the piano.

And wear bad sweaters

and drink eggnog.


So let's just keep it cordial.

Yeah, give mom the

Christmas she wants.

Yeah, and then we can

just go on with our lives.

- Works for me.

- All right.

All right.

Thank you.

Oh, come on.


Can you hear me?

I'm heading outside.

Can you hear me now?

OK, great.

No, but that's the thing.

It wasn't due until

after New Year's.


OK, just look

somewhere on my desk,

and just use my

electronic signature, OK?

All right, thanks.

Beautiful, eh?

Yeah, it really is beautiful.

I was referring to the lights.

There's thousands of Christmas

lights here at Glencrave.

Oh, that's-- that's

a lot of lights,

and they are very pretty.

Listen, if you're

sticking around,

there's a big bonfire to

celebrate the Christmas

solstice in a few days' time.

I don't think I'll be

here long enough for that.

Well, that's

not enthusiasm I'd

expect at such an enchanting

time and place, the romance,

the history, the lore.

Glencrave's straight out of a

fairy tale at Christmastime.

Well, that sounds

lovely, but sadly I

don't think that's

the kind of Christmas

I have in store this year.


Even so, Nollaig Chridheil.

Excuse me?

It means merry Christmas.

I'm not even going to attempt

that, but merry Christmas.

Look what I got for Lindsay.



You didn't even look.

You know, you should try making

more of an effort with her.

It's the holidays.

You know how people

always say when they

haven't seen someone

for a while that it's

like no time has passed?

You just pick right

up where you left off?



That's not how it is

for me and Lindsay.

I never understood you two.

I mean, you were super

close as kids, right?

Yes, we were, but

we're not kids anymore.

It's easier for you.

You do everything with

your sister and your mom.

No family is perfect, Brad.

At a certain point, the

statute of limitations

runs out on everything,

including trying to rekindle

a long lost bond at Christmas.

Does that apply

to spouses too?

I'm going to take a walk.


You seen mom?

That's the fourth floor.

It's off limits.

Why is she going up there?

No idea.

Well, I'm going to

eat and get some sleep.


Where's the snooze

button on this guy?


Oh, hey.


Did you get mom's text?

She's at breakfast.

Sarah is still sleeping.

Yeah, I'll be down

there in just a second.

Wait, the fourth floor are

the private rooms, right?

So don't you think it's weird

we saw mom going up there

last night?

I guess.


So what, you're going up there?


Lindsay, no.

Hey, just ask her.


Hey, let's go, Nancy Drew.

Are you--

Can I help you?


Um, hello.

We were just--

We were just

looking for our rooms.


These are the private

quarters, ma'am.

Oh, right.

You know what?


I think we must have

come up one floor too many.

We did.

An extra floor.

OK, sorry about that.

So sorry.

All right.

OK, I told you

this was a bad idea.

Let's get out of here before we

get caught for real this time.

She came here for a reason.

Lindsay, she said

this is a private area.

Do not--

I know, but I want to know.

--go in there.

There's mom's sweater.

Look at this room.

It is huge.

We're not supposed

to be in here.

Hey, this is a bad idea.

Let's go.


Look at all this.


Hey, stop snooping around.

Look at this.

It's mom.



Look at this, May 27, 1963.

12th Duke and Duchess of

Glencrave welcome heiress.

That's mom's birthday.

Merry Christmas

and a happy New Year.

Oh, hello.

What are you doing in here?

That might be a question

we should be asking you.

Did you really bring us here

just to celebrate Christmas?

You know how much

I love Christmas.

OK, but are you a duchess

who loves Christmas or?

I was supposed to be.

What's going on here?

Well, I suppose it's

time you learned the truth.

Where are you going?

I thought everyone

had gone to bed.

I saw the car

lights from my window.

The American's

outside, isn't he?

You know how mother and father

feel about him, and the music.

I don't care.

I'm going with him.

Going where?


We're going to

travel with his band.

But it's Christmas tomorrow.

Please don't leave without

talking to mother and father.

They won't understand.

When are you coming back?

You're coming back, right?

This place, this world,

it isn't me, Danny.

Despite your constant

irreverence to this family,

this is who you are, and

you can't change that.

When I sing, I feel free, and

I'm always reminded of the path

that's been chosen for me.

I don't accept that

anymore, Danny.

If you walk out that

door, mother and father

may never take you back.

Don't go.

Merry Christmas, Danny.

I love you.

I love you too.

So there you have it.

Glencrave and the title to

it are my family birthright.

You told us your

parents had a sheep farm.

And they died in a car

accident before we were born.

They did die in

a car accident.

After we were born?

Why did you lie to

us all these years?

It's complicated.

Well, enlighten us, please.

Everyone knows how

glorious Glencrave is,

but I didn't fit in here.

I just wanted to be

normal, but that was never

going to happen because as

Lady Josephine, as the eldest,

I was to be the duchess.

So you just left?

When I was 20.

We moved to America,

started our folk group,

and then our little family.

So Daniel became the duke?


It was a massive

responsibility I didn't want.

Danny was much

better suited to it.

In the States, I was finally

in charge of my own life.

I wanted you both to have

that too, a normal life.

Did you stay in

touch with him?

For a while.

Eventually, months

passed without a call,

and then years until

then finally Danny

and I weren't in touch at all.

I did try and reach

him just recently.

I wanted to see him, but

he died of a heart attack.

Did he know about us?

So you cheated him out of

knowing us and us knowing him

and our grandparents too.

I guess part of me

just wanted to protect

you from my family drama.

Protect us?

Mom, you kept your identity

hidden all these years so you

could embrace your true self.

Yes, while the whole time

denying us our true selves.

I'm sorry.

It was wrong, and I will

live with regrets every day

for the rest of my life.

But it is my fondest

wish that this trip can

be a moment of healing,

to all have a nice family

Christmas together.

You need this; we all need this.

What I need is some air.

You might say we're

known for our knight life.

Get it?


I heard the news!

And to think I was in

the presence of greatness

yesterday, and I hadn't a clue.

No, no.

Ladies and gentlemen, it is my

great honor to present to you--

No, no, no.

Just-- just-- just-- just--

just boring Americans.

Yeah, nothing to see here.

Have a good tour.


Such humility.

I can respect that.

I feel like I am in the middle

of some twisted royal tale.

I know, but it's

actually happening.

I mean, you go through

your whole life believing

one thing, and

then boom, the rug

is pulled out from under you.

It's just so backwards.

I feel cheated.

We should have known about this.

This should have been

part of our lives

if it wasn't for mom keeping

all these secrets from us.

I know.

To not have known our

uncle and our grandparents?

Known about this castle?

Look at this place.

What do you think

will happen to it?

I don't know.

Sarah's back there with mom.

Maybe she'll get to

the bottom of it.

You guys OK?

You seem off.

Well, it's a lot to unpack.

Do you want to talk about it?

Not really.

You haven't exactly been

part of our lives, Lindsay.

Of course I have.

You were gone before the

first toast at our wedding.

Because you

booked your wedding

the weekend before my med

school entrance exams.

And you know what?

You never even showed

up at my graduation.

That was the

day before tax day

and our biggest client was

going through an audit.

I tried.

I mean, the last time we saw you

was two years ago at dad's, and

you never come to our ugly

Christmas sweater parties


You stopped inviting me.


I'm going to change my flight.

You're leaving?

I mean, is there

a reason to stay?


Whoa, whoa.

Hey, hey.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Easy, lass.


Hi again.


Sorry about that.

Bonnie's a Clydesdale.

Very sweet, but also

very temperamental.

I see.

Do you-- do you work here?

Glencrave property

manager, Mike Bell.

I'm Lindsay Morgan.

This is my brother, Brad.

Nice to meet you.

You too.

Any chance you want a tour?

I'm about to head out.

No, that's very--

Actually, Lindsay was

just saying that she

would love to see the grounds.

- What?


And you?

Yeah, I actually have

to get back to my wife,

but I'll catch you later.

I-- but I--

Look, if you're

busy, I understand.

No, it's just--

I'm trying to book

a seat on a flight.

Aye, aye.

So you've come all the

way over to Scotland,

and you're going

to leave before you

get the opportunity to discover

your family and your land?

Not to mention missing all

of our holiday traditions,

which is the greatest ever.

So you've heard?

These walls can talk.

You know what?

A quick tour.


Yeah, just a

little, little tour.

Come on.

Up you get.


I wasn't exactly

myself last night.

Things have been a little tense.

Family's a lot, especially

during the holidays.

You throw in 30,000

acres of history,

and you're bound to

be a bit overwhelmed.


This place is 30,000 acres?

Did you know your

family has 30 bathrooms?

Why does anyone

need 30 bathrooms?

Oh, it's better than

fighting with your big sister

who hogs the one

bathroom that you share.


Scottish for "crazy."


Are you two close?

Well, it used to be we

fought all the time as kids,

but she's my best friend now.

Actually, she's just had a

baby girl not too long ago.

Oh, so you're an uncle.

The greatest thing, having

a wee one in the family.

This woods are the best

Christmas trees in the world.

And you're responsible

for all of this?

Call me a Mac of all trades.

So this bonfire, is it for

that party you mentioned?

The winter Christmas

solstice, yeah.

It's a celebration of the

longest night of the year.

It's a big thing at Glencrave,

with Shetland ponies, all

the townspeople and workers.

They bring their families.


So what do you do,

Lindsay Morgan?

- I'm a doctor in California.

- Oh.

A general practitioner.

I run a clinic.

Do you like it?

You know, it's a

little bit more paperwork

than I bargained for, and I--

I do miss being more

hands-on with the patients,

but the promotion was nice.

Paper can never

replace people.

You're right; it can't.

And your brother?

He's a tax attorney.

Good to have one of

those in the family.

Yeah, sure.

You're not, um, close

with your brother?

Well, I think we're

kind of maybe the opposite

of you and your sister.

We were really

close as kids, but I

guess not so much anymore.


Maybe the best way to

explain it would be this tree.

It's beautiful.

It's strong.

But the more you cut

away and cut away at it,

eventually it falls down,

and it never grows back.

We've just kind

of drifted apart.

Well, I see things

a little differently.


You mind digging a hoe?


Every plant, every tree that

I cut down, if you nurture it,

eventually it'll grow

back stronger than ever.

It's too bad this tree is

going to turn into firewood.

It's such a perfect tree.

I don't know.

We could do with another

Christmas tree at Glencrave.


Because the 30 you

have aren't enough?

No, we need one

decorated by you.

I hope you stay till Christmas,

Lindsay Morgan of California.




Hey, Sammy.

Another tree?

Do you guys want to

help me decorate it?

Why don't we put

it up in there?

I'll go and get a tree stand.

Yeah, maybe we--

I'll just wait right here.


Should we try and--

- Yeah.

On three.

1, 2, 3.

Yeah, no.

We should wait.

That is super heavy.

This one for the

tree in the keep.


The big ones draw the eye.

It's what people

want to see, Lindsay.

That's all you're

going to be able to see

from halfway across the castle.

Mom, I still don't

understand what

was so terrible about

this place that you took

a wrecking ball to your family.

That you would keep an

entire branch of our family

tree a secret from us.

Lindsay, do you

remember how badly

you wanted to go to med school?

Well, of course.

Imagine if I'd forbid

you from doing that.

And, Brad, what if I told you

you-- you couldn't marry Sarah?

I was told I had to go

to a certain school.

I had to marry into

a suitable family.

I was taught how to walk,

how to talk, how to wave.

It was all about duty before

personal desires and interests.

Yeah, but why not tell us?

I mean, we would

have understood.


I should have,

but to move forward,

I felt I had to close the

door on that part of my life.

It was too painful.

Jo, what's going to

happen to Glencrave?

Well, as you know,

Danny left it all to me.

But I can't run this place.

I don't even know if I'm

welcome around here anymore.

I think Danny knew that, so

he had a wish in his will

that I spend one last

Christmas here at Glencrave

and bring all of you.

Mom, you didn't

answer the question.

What's going to

happen to Glencrave?

If you're interested,

I'll pass it down to you.

You mean like we just

own it, just like that?


You can live here

and run the estate,

keep Glencrave in the family.


Mom, this isn't Downton Abbey.

And what?

We just, like, become

a duke and a duchess?


I have total control

of Glencrave now.

Lindsay, if you want to be a

duchess, you can be a duchess.

Brad and Sarah-- the same;

you can also hold the titles.

And what if we don't want to?

We just, like, put a giant

for-sale sign on the grounds?

I'm meeting with an

attorney and an estate agent

to weigh our options,

but essentially yes.

And how would Danny

feel about that?

Not good, but expected.

Why does it feel like we

would be letting down a man

that we know nothing about?

I'd like to show

you something.

What is all of this?

Danny's work.

He was an expert craftsman.

He spent the entire year

working towards Christmas.

He'd play Santa for the

solstice celebration

and give it all

away to the kids.

All the time that

must have taken.

He always used to say

it was like Christmas

all year round in here.

He'd spend hours when he

was a little boy in here

with our grandfather.

Danny had a real gift.

And he was generous with it.

He had several serious

girlfriends over the years,

but he never

married or had kids.

He always took care

of everyone else.

Why don't we hit the

town tonight, hm?

The Christmas Highland

dancers are performing,

and there is a wonderful market.

We could get some

Christmas shopping done.

All right.


Is that Hamish the tour guide?

Hamish is a Highland hunk.

Lord of the prance.


Look at those moves.

How does he defy

gravity like that?

Brad, Sarah, come on up here.

The more the merrier!

No, no, no, no,

no, no, no, no.

Oh, come on.

You know you want to.

Are you afraid?


You did not just say that.

Oh, let's go.

Yes, come up, lads!


Nice moves.

- None for you?

- No, no, no.

I really don't dance.


We should change that.


Come on, let's go.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Come on.


You cut a fine

rug, Lindsay Morgan.

You're not bad yourself.

Until next time.

Morgan clan!

Thanks for coming to

our Christmas show.

I'm honored.

You were amazing.

How did you get so good?

Well, you might say it's all

about impressing the ladies.


Oh, look.

Oh, we could make kissing

bells to promote fertility.

I'm still hoping for a

grandchild in my future,

you know.

There it is.

It only took you 24 hours, mom.

An old lady can

wish, can't you?


Yes, and merry Christmas.


Is that you?


Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

This is my son Brad

and his wife Sarah,

and this is my daughter Lindsay.

This is Elspeth, my

best friend growing up.

Merry Christmas.


Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

Come through.

I will.

We'll pay for these

and meet you inside.


I suppose we will

take all of these.

Beautiful store.

You always had an

eye for fashion.

Thank you.

So how have you been?

All right, under

the circumstances.

I'm sorry about your brother.

He was a good man.

This town loved him.

I know.

He was a man of the people.

I missed you after you left.

I'm so sorry I

never said goodbye.

I knew what you

were going through.

I just wish I'd

been there for you.

Oh, Elspeth, you were, as

much as you could have been.

We were 20.

Are you all in

town for Christmas?

We are, yes.

It's so beautiful here.

Oh, please say you're

staying for the Glencrave

Christmas ball.

It's the best night of the year.

Sounds like fun.

I didn't want to spring

everything on them all at once,

but we can go if you like.

We'll discuss it later.

Your dresses are so

gorgeous, Elspeth.

Oh, thank you.

Brad, why don't you and

Lindsay go grab a pint.

And just in case, Jo and

I can pick out a dress.


Yeah, why not?

Grab a drink?

- Yeah.

Yeah, sure.



Back in a bit.

Hey, hey.

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

Welcome to Salinger's.

I'm Charlie.

What can I get you?

Well, what do you recommend?

Are you feeling

daring tonight?

I am.


How about a Bad Santa?

It's a whip cool,

bourbon, and eggnog.

Too many of those,

and I will definitely

be on the naughty list.

All right.

Americans, eh?

Yeah, San Francisco.

Los Angeles.

Ah, sunshine.

You know, there's a

saying here in Scotland.

We have two seasons--

June and winter.

And if we didn't

have Glencrave here,

I'm not sure anyone

would make it

to our wee neck of the woods.

Does anything not revolve

around Glencrave here?

Apparently all roads lead

back to our long-lost family.



Thank you so much.

He means, long may

your chimney smoke.

He wishes you good health.

- Oh.

- And to you.

Thank you.

Thank you.


Here we go.

Ho, ho, ho!

Merry Christmas.

It's a wee bit strong, eh?

Yes, but great.

Thank you.

Thank you.


People are so nice here.

Oh, they're so nice.

I know, and there's no smog;

there's no cars honking.

No 15-hour work days.

So are you going

to tell me what's

going on with you and Sarah,

or is it going to take

another couple of these?

It's still

complicated, Lindsay.

I get it.

I know.

I'm probably the last person

you want to talk to about all

this stuff, but you

got to get it out,

everything that's bottled up.

You're not the last person.

It's just not like

you and I have

been in the feeling

sharing business

for these last few years.

Sarah and I have been going

through a bit of a rough patch.

When we married, we

thought that we'd be

better off just the two of us.

Being children of divorce,

we didn't want any kids.

Yeah, I understand.

And it was a choice.

But now, with the

window closing,

Sarah really wants

a baby, and we've

been trying IVF with no luck.

I'm sorry.

Yeah, yeah.

So it's been really hard on her.

And-- and to be honest,

I don't even know

if I'm cut out to be a father.

I mean, look at our role models.

We are products of folk rock.

OK, look, I don't think

folk rock is a prerequisite

for being a bad parent.

I think you'd make a great dad.

Thank you.

I don't know what

we're going to do.

Well, you got to communicate.

Well, sometimes

it's-- it's not so easy.

I mean, if anyone

knows that, it's us.


What do you-- what

does that mean?

Sometimes you can make a

little bit more of an effort.

- So could you.

- See?

This-- OK, that's-- that's

why I don't ever have this

conversation with you

because you immediately

go on the defensive.

No, I don't.

I'm just trying to talk it out.

I mean, it works both ways.

Lady Josephine abandons

her family for America,

leaves the duke by himself.

Now we either get

her or her children

with no connection to Scotland.

I shudder to think what

will happen to Glencrave.

You know, you don't

look a day over 30.

Ach, you're off your head.

You're the one who looks bra.

It's like mom popped out

of a Scottish time machine.

Oh, it's been too long.


Talk later.


I'm going to stay

until after Christmas.

And we are too.

Just no more secrets.

No more secrets.

Lindsay, wake up!

Come in.

- Lindsay, I need your help.

- What's wrong?

Mac's fallen off his horse.

He's hurt.

Please, come with me now.

Of course.

I'm-- I'm going to get dressed.

How's the pain now?

It's getting better.

We're definitely

going to the hospital.

That's a couple of hours away.

I can go to the clinic in town.

Look, I don't

think it's broken,

but just in case, does this

clinic have an X-ray machine?

Not likely, but-- but trust

me, the clinic is just fine.

All right, if this doctor

thinks you need an X-ray,

I'm taking you to the hospital.

If you say so, but--

No buts.

Let's go.

Good morning.

Good morning.

Good morning.

Is Lindsay still asleep?


Mac fell off his horse, and she

went to the doctor with him.

Thank you so much.


I hope he's all right.

She said he seems fine.



Could I have some

coffee, please?

Breakfast is served.

We have black pudding,

kippers, smoked Arbroathies,

porridge, and haggis.


What's haggis?

It's a local delicacy made

of tender cuts of mutton.

Yes, we take a sheep's

heart, and we dice--

You know what?

Never mind.

Can I just have some toast?


Well, here in Scotland we

like a hearty breakfast.

It helps to put meat on the

bones for the harsh winters.

Now I get why you

moved to California.

I'm glad someone

can laugh about it.

Pure barry.

Oh, no.

His name is Mac.

It's an old Scottish

saying for brilliant,

as in what were you thinking?

This is Lindsay, Dr.

Morgan, she did the splint.

Nice work, Dr. Morgan.

Thank you.

This boy is accident-prone.

Eight broken bones,

broken nose from a run-in

with a rugby goalpost, and a

dislocated shoulder from trying

to move a car off the road.

- Really?

It sounds like you guys have

known each other a long time.

Since November the 1st, 1981.

Dr. Bell is my mother, Amelia.


Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you too.


I bet you are very, very

busy with the nearest

hospital being two hours away.


Well, thankfully we got Shelly

McGregor in on time last night.

She had a wee little

lad, 12-pounder.


For the 12 Days of

Christmas, apparently.

Yeah, I'm a

general practitioner now,

but I worked in

obstetrics my first

three years out of med school.

I've delivered a lot

of babies round here

who don't want to

wait for the hospital.

Lindsay manages

her clinic too, mom.

Oh, impressive.

Well, no offense, but for me,

that's the most painful part

of the job.

- I am so glad you said that.

Me too.

Well, managing

people is like herding

cats, and the paperwork.

Yes, and the red tape.

And the regulations.

Thank you.


I think you got lucky.


Looks like just a sprain.

But no more riding for a

while, and careful managing all

that firewood for the solstice.


I'm serious.

Too busy to have you coming

through my door again.

She is.

I saw the waiting room.

Well, long hours,

house calls, and the pay

hasn't made me a rich woman.

I need two of me,

but the resumes

aren't exactly piling up.

You mean you weren't

happy with the candidates.

She's a wee bit of a

perfectionist, my mom.

I see.

But it is worth it?

Aye, it is.

I love this town.

You know, it reminds me of

one of those little Christmas

villages that you see

on top of a mantel;

has all of these

cozy little houses

and everyone looks so

happy and cheerful.

Yeah, well, that's the

Christmas spirit for you.

Hey, very cute.

Oh, those are cute.

They remind me of these

matching Christmas plaid

pajamas my mom used to get us.


Before my parents divorced.

I feel like that was one of

the only times of the year

we'd actually take

a family photo.

I bet you looked lovely.

Oh, well, of course I did.

I just wish we were still

just as close as a family.

Well, sometimes in

order to go forward,

you have to take a step back.

Oh, speaking of my mom.

Hey, mom.

How's Mac?

Uh, he's right here.

Hold on.

I'll put you on speaker.

He's doing all right.

Thankfully, nothing's broken.

Just my pride, Jo.


to hear you're OK.

Listen, Elspeth just called.

It's last minute, but her

husband owns a distillery,

and he's asking if

we all want to be

judges in the annual Christmas

whisky competition today.

You too, Mac.

I'd love to.

Thanks, Jo.

Wait, no, no, no, no.

I don't know anything about

whisky, other than I like it.

You're half Scottish.

It's in your blood already.

He's right, Lindsay.

It'll be a new adventure.

And free samples.

OK, not too many free samples.

I-- do you really

want to do this?

- Yeah, of course.

- OK.

You know what?

We're in.

We'll see you later.


OK, I have no

business judging whisky.

Mark Twain once said

too much of anything

is bad, but too much good

whisky is barely enough.

Ladies and gentlemen,

merry Christmas.

Welcome to Kilbride.

We've been making scotch

whisky here for 200 years.

But today, it's all about

blending the perfect holiday

spirit, a Christmas

whisky that will capture

the heart of the

Highlands, maybe

take top spot at the

Glencrave Christmas ball.

Anyone can distill malted

barley into whisky,

but by law, it can't

be called scotch

unless it's aged in an

oak barrel in Scotland

for at least three years.

When the process we saw

downstairs is complete,

the alcohol is poured into

these oak casks to age.

44 bottles of scotch whisky

are shipped around the world

every second.

If a year's output

were laid end to end,

it would reach to the North

Pole and back 60 times.


Who is ready to judge?

Ladies and gentlemen, the

cards have been counted,

the bribes have been pocketed.

It's time to

announce the winner.

Before I do, I'd

like to thank all

our judges, particularly our

new friends from California.

The winning whisky,

the blends that

will be served at this year's

Glencrave Christmas ball,

is 'Tis the Scotch.

Excellent choice.

Did you pick that one?

That one was my favorite.

That was so much fun.

Hey, do you remember

the Christmas

when we entered the

neighborhood hot cocoa contest?


We threw everything in ours.

Pretzels and marshmallows

and cookie crumbles.

Peanut butter, and-- and--

and you called it the dirty--

- Reindeer.

- Yes.

Yes, dirty reindeer.

I remember they came home

wearing it on their shirts.

These two could get

so messy together.

My mom would lose it.

Mom was never bothered by it.

No, you were all

about having fun.

I just wanted you

to be yourselves,

whatever that meant.

Great job, Morgans.

You're naturals.

So Uncle Daniel, did

he ever host this event?

He didn't just host

it; he started it.


Yeah, he loved whisky and a

good party, for that matter.

The title comes

with a lot of perks.


Duke perks, I like it.

Yeah, they're good.

But Jo will tell

you that Glencrave,

it's not all play and no work--

budgets, staffing,

farming, infrastructure.

Hmm, never thought

about it that way.

It's a big job, but the

payoff is even bigger.

It's a rewardable role because

when Glencrave is a success,

everyone's a success.

It's what keeps our

little town ticking.

Morgans, come try our new

whisky and fig Christmas cake.

Uh, yes!

Oh, Mac.

You got to ease up

on the sales pitch.

Yeah, I know.

I'm sorry for piling on.

I just-- I wanted

you to understand

the reality of Glencrave,

I know, but no one

here even knows us.

And we wouldn't know the first

thing about any of that stuff

you were just talking about.

Yeah, I can help you.

I know every nook and

cranny of this castle.

Budgets, balance sheets,

Daniel taught me everything,

and I'm not going anywhere.

I'm here to help

you if you need me.

Thank you.

That really does mean a lot.

But I can't just up and

leave everything behind.

You know?

And Brad and I, our

relationship is tenuous at best.

And without that--

You seem to be getting along.

Yeah, it's better.

It's just we have years

of walls built up, and I--

I don't know that one

Christmas vacation in Scotland

is going to tear them all down.


Oh, Lindsay.

You're up early.

Are you going to

help me to decorate?

I have to get ready to meet

Mac in a minute, but yeah.

I have time.

They're kiltness

shortbread cookies.

Oh, so you bake.

I am the baking butler.

So tell me, how

has your trip been?

You know what?

I love Scotland.

It's so beautiful, and

the people are just--

Yes, they are

wonderful, aren't they?

Yeah, they are.

I think I've just been having

a little bit of a hard time

digesting everything,

you know, all

of the Glencrave family stuff.

And Brad and I, well, you know

we're sorting through things.


But I'm hopeful.

I'm sure we've all

had our ups and downs.

Well, I've seen

it all, you know,

50 years of family dramas.

Try this perspective.

This morning, I decided

to try a new Christmas

pudding souffle recipe.

Now, every time I took the

souffles out of the oven,

they fell.

And the more I tried,

the worse it got.

So I decided to take a

deep breath, a step back,

and I made some freshly

baked cookies instead.

So a fresh start.


All right.


What are you up to?

- Hey.

Where are you going?

I got a text from

Mac about rounding

up some Shetland ponies for

the solstice celebration.

Yeah, me too.

Is Sarah coming?

No, she's going to

hang back with mom.

- Oh.

- Yeah.

Maybe you should just go.

I don't want to be a

third wheel on your date.

We should both go.

Are you sure?

Yeah, totally sure.

I'm just going to get dressed,

and I'll meet you downstairs.


Look at the Shetlands.

They're so--



I was going to say

cute; that too.

Shetlands have

always been associated

with the holidays in Scotland.

I like to think they

have some deep meaning,

but really people just love to

see the little baggers pulling

the kids around in wagons.

You know, they eat,

sleep, and roam together.

Some can get ornery; others

are a bit more easygoing,

but they always stick together.

Have a look around.

There's a wee cafe

just down the way,

if you to grab something

to warm you up.

I can meet you there.

- Sure.


It reminds me of when we

went to see Santa at the zoo

that one year when we were kids.

They put the red nose

on that reindeer.


That was a really

patient reindeer.

It was.

Yeah, that was the

last Christmas before mom

and dad got divorced.


And we had no idea

what was coming.

Just two kids

enjoying the holidays.

You know, after they told us,

you really looked out for me.

That's what big brothers

are supposed to do, right?


You were the one person

who made me feel safe.

Why did you say that I

would make a great dad?

You took care of

me like a dad would.

Look at us.

This is way more than

a cordial Christmas.

These things are huge.

I'm used to having just

a sprig of mistletoe

hanging over a door.

I can only imagine the passion.

Sarah, I hope

I didn't overstep

at the Christmas market.

You and Brad would make great

parents, but it's your life,

and you both have to do

what's best for yourselves.

I just want you to be happy.

Thanks, Jo.

That means a lot.

You know I'm

always here to talk.


Now I've got to

get to a meeting

with the financial people

and an estate agent.

Oh, so many affairs

to get in order.


Sometimes the simplest

things are the best.

I know.

Why can't everything

be like this?



What is it?

I'm just thinking.

I don't know.

We got to talk.

What are we going to

do about Glencrave?


I don't know.

I mean, I'm not sure I'm

brave enough to just dive

into something like this,

just drop everything

for a new country, a title,

especially after I just

started this new job back home?

And Sarah, I don't know if

she'd want to leave her family.

But at the same time, there's

something about this place.

I can't explain it.

I just feel refreshed.

And focused.


You too?

Yes, but are we

really just getting

caught up in the fantasy?

You know, it's Christmas

time, and there's a castle,

and our family's secret.

You know, are we just caught up

in the ghost of Christmas past?


Have you talked

to Sarah about it?


We're already going

through enough as it is.


Brad, you have to talk to her.


You guys have this thing that

I have always hoped to find.

You have this ability to be

on the same page in life;

you get each other.


Thanks, but not lately.

I think you need to

remember why you fell in love.

You need to find that again.

Thanks, Linds.

Thank you.

All right.


That hot chocolate,

it's looking--

it's looking a little boring.

It does.


Butter all ready.

- That's for you.

- Yep.


Has to have some of this.

Last sprinkle for good luck.

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.


Oh, it's just like

the good old days.




I see you've been busy.

It's called a dirty reindeer.

Do you want one?

Why not?


One more hot cocoa for this

fine gentleman, please.

Oh, wow.

Thank you so

much for your help.



Yes, miss.

I mailed a letter to

Danny just before he died.

Have you any idea if he got it?

No, I don't.

But Daniel used to

collect his own post.

I could try to find

it if you wish.

It's OK.

I've looked everywhere.

Thank you so much

for bringing us.


Hey, I'm hosting a party

tonight at Salinger's,

just a few friends and family.

I hope you can make it.


How'd the kissing bows go?


And the ponies?

Let's just say Rudolph has

a solid B team this year.

Sarah, there's a thing at--

Mac's having a party at--

Salinger's, Yeah.

Can we just have fun

tonight, like we used to?




Just a few friends?

Well, you didn't get

dressed up for no reason.

Come join us!

Lindsay, you're just in time.

I could use your hand back here.




What should I do?

Uh, just pour and serve.

These good folks

will do the rest.

Sounds good.

This is amazing.


Hey there.

Merry Christmas.

You sure know how

to throw a party.


Well, it's go big or

go home in Scotland.

You know, I never got to ask

you how you became the property

manager at Glencrave.

Well, my dad did it as

long as I can remember.

I worked for him until

he died, and then

Daniel asked me to take over.


I'm sorry to hear

about your dad.

Yeah, thanks.

You know, you

mentioned your sister.

You said that when

you guys were little,

you used to fight a lot.

Yeah, we were

very competitive.


Do you have any

regrets with her?


Who doesn't when it

comes to siblings?

The main thing is is

that we figured it out.

How'd you do that?

An appreciation

for one another.

I think when dad died, we

understood how important family

can be, and it does us

no harm that we live

down the road from each other.

We talk about everything.

Dr. Bell, merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

And please, I tell

everyone to call me Amelia.

We're all family here.

Come in.

Sit down.


This is my sister Ayla

and her husband Thomas.

It's very nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you too.

I'm sorry.

Do-- do I know you?

Have we met before?

Uh, no.

But I get that a lot.


You've made

quite an impression

on my brother and my mother.


All right, boyo.

Is it on?

Oh, it's on.


Here we go.

May I have your

attention, please?


Last year, I finally

managed to dethrone

the master of the slip

step and skip change.

But he says he wants a rematch

for the Christmas crown.


And apparently he's

been practicing a lot!

So what do you all think, eh?

Are you ready?

What do you reckon, take

the dance floor or what?

No, it'll take me two years.

Come on.

Oh, rubbish.

Hey, come on.

Show her.

- Show her?

- Show her!

Come on, let's go!

We have a new contender.


What are you doing?

I only know how

to waltz and tango.

Not here.

Here we do the Highland Fling.

The what?

What's happening?


It's the moment we've

all been waiting for.

All those for Mac.

All those for Hamish.

All those for

Thomas and Lindsay.

Scotland forever.


Oh, why not?

Scotland forever!

I see Brad's come to

help me lick my wounds.

What did you think?

I think you fought valiantly.


Weird question-- what do you

wear underneath those things?

It's OK.

I get asked that all the time.

You could be a true Scotsman,

but hey, I prefer shorts.

So Mac was saying

that you might take

over Glencrave with Lindsay.

We're-- well, we're--

We're not exactly sure

what we're going to do yet.

Whoever it is, I hope

they're as nice as Daniel.

He paid for our daughter's

eye surgery, you know.

That's incredibly kind.

That was Daniel.

He came to this

Christmas party every year.

He was quite the dancer.

Is that normal, for a

duke to hang out like that?

Didn't used to be.

Dukes and duchesses

were somewhat stodgy.

Times have changed.

All right, everyone.

This is the holidays

in the Highlands.

Come on, enough of

this; more of this.

Come on, let's dance.

Yes, come on.

- Good night.

- Good night.

Good night.

Sleep well.

Thanks for bringing us home.

Did you say home?

I did.

I meant Glencrave.


Sorry about your crown.

I bet you didn't know I was

such a fierce competitor.

You can be on my side of

the b*ttlefield any day.

It was really nice

to meet your sister.

Your mom is so great,

and your friends.

It was really fun.

I don't think I've had that much

fun at a party in a long time.

You fit right in, Lindsay.

I am half Scottish.

You're a bonnie lass.

Isn't that what

you call your horse?


It means beautiful.

That was really nice.

But I think I probably need to

figure things out before I--

Say no more.

I'll see you at the

solstice tomorrow.


See you there.


Are you sure you

want to do this?

Looks like it's going

to be a perfect bonfire.

Aye, it will.

Mac, about last night.

Let's just enjoy Christmas

and see how this goes, eh?

I'm going to go

get ready inside.

I'm looking forward to it.

OK, who's ready

to light the fire

and hear the Christmas legend?

Come on, let's get in.

Come on.

Get down.

Get together.

Let's light it up.


Whoa, whoa.

Legend has it that tonight,

the longest night of the year,

is controlled by the

troublesome spirits that

roam the Earth,

spreading their evil

to stop the sun from returning.


But we need to scare these

spirits away, so we can

have the best Christmas ever!

Hey, hey?

Are you ready?

3, 2, 1.

Ho, ho, ho!

Merry Christmas, everyone.

Have you all been good girls

and good boys this year?


Well, then you get

a present from an elf.

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

Danny would love this.

Aye, he would.

I can tell you've been good.

Merry Christmas, everyone.

You were really great today.

Everyone here just makes it

seem so effortless, you know?

They're just happy.

How it should be.

This break from my boss

has been invigorating.

You know, I haven't returned one

of his calls since the airport.

The break from my

family's been nice too.

And do you know how good it

felt to be appreciated today?

To be called Santa

and not the tax guy,

the same disgruntled

people wandering

through my door every day?

Yeah, it was fun.

The bagpipes are

even growing on me.


Brad, we need to have

an honest conversation

about where we're going.

I know.

Do you want to keep trying?

Are you talking about our

marriage, kids, this place?

I don't know.

Maybe it's all the same thing.

Can you see us here?

In a way, yes.

I never thought

I'd be saying that,

and I guess that is why

trying to have children

has been so hard.

I just can't bear

to see you so sad.

But no matter what, there's

one thing that I know.

I love you.

Just think, you could

celebrate this every year.

I see the way your family's

embracing Glencrave.

You're very persistent.

How many people can

literally say they've been

given the keys to the castle?

It's the gift of a lifetime.

This isn't real life

for someone like me.

Well, who makes the rules?

And what's real

life and what's not?

It's whatever we want it to be.


My mom needs a

partner at the clinic.

Glencrave, the people,

we have fallen for you.

It's yours for the

taking, Lindsay--

all of it.

You said it yourself, though.

Glencrave at Christmas

time is a fairy tale,

and fairy tales aren't real.

Well, maybe we are.

And now form the kneaded dough

into a circle, just like that.

Yule bread symbolizes the sun

in the darkest days of winter.

You know, when Christmas

was banned in Scotland,

bakers had to pass along

the names of all those

who asked for a yule

loaf to the police.

Now, what we're

going to do is we're

going to hide this wee

Scottie dog in the dough

and bake it inside.

And whichever family

member finds it,

they'll have good

luck all year long.

Now, who would like

to do the honors?


I will.


Well, of course.

Please pick one.

Thank you.


Hi, it's Jo.

Now, just leave those

to rise for a while.

I'll be back shortly.


Remember when you used

to bake all the time?

I miss your candy

cane sugar cookies.

I can make those for you.


What if we let whatever's

going to happen happen

and just be us for a change?

Being together is

what matters, right?

I love you.

I love you too.

That was the real

estate attorney.

He's advising we subdivide

the estate and break it up.

He says we'll have more

buyers interested that way.

Now, what about

the town, the people?

We need to talk to Lindsay.

Now, this evening's cocktail

is a Highland Snowball--

eggnog with a hint of whisky.

Thank you, Graham.

You're welcome.

So, Mom, are you really

going to break up the estate?

I don't have it

in me to run it.

And since it's so

new to you both, I--

I just wanted to know your

thoughts before I do anything.

Well, we think we should

keep Glencrave in the family.

There's no way we can

allow it to be carved up.

It would take away the

heart of this entire area.

And this estate is

responsible for the livelihood

of so many people.

What's going to happen

to all the families

who work on the property?

How could this work?

I don't know.

It's not exactly like we

know anything about managing

a property this size.

Maybe we could hire someone

to look after it, and--

and then visit whenever

we need to or want to.

Mac knows everything

about Glencrave,

and he's been offering to help.


I like it.


To new beginnings.

To new beginnings.


A text from Lindsay.

Mac's in.


What can I get

you tonight, eh?

Guinness for me, please.

I'll have a Scottish sparkle.

Oh, that's perfect.

So have you decided what

you're doing with Glencrave?

It's the million dollar

question around here.

We're keeping

it in the family,

and Mac's going

to run it for us.

But you'll be the

duke and duchess.

I'm not even sure we

deserve titles like that.

My two pence?


Castles and titles aren't

what make Glencrave special.

It's blood.

You're part of a family

that has survived

500 years of royal feuds

and revolutions, plagues,

floods, and even famines.

But through it all, your

family has taken care

of this town and its people.

You have the soul of Glencrave

coursing through your veins,

and that's a very

sacred thing here.

Now, I hope everyone is

excited about attending

the ball this evening.

Yes, I'm getting a

dress today from Elspeth.


Just one final point--

how would people

like to be announced

as they make their entrance?

Jo Morgan is fine with me.

Lindsay Morgan works.

So we've been thinking

a lot about what

we discussed last night.

We barely slept.

We want to take the

titles of duke and duchess

and move to Glencrave.

Oh, that's wonderful.

I-- I can make the announcement

myself at the ball tonight.


I thought we had a plan.

We do.

You could move here too.

But you just

made this decision

without even talking to me?

Brad, you're going to

move to another country

and just expect

me to follow suit?

I thought we were

in this together.

We are in this together.

Lindsay, wait.

You know what?

Nothing in this

family ever changes.


Merry Christmas Eve, Danny.

We'll miss you at

the ball tonight.

I can just imagine you're there,

life and soul of the party.

We're all here for Christmas,

just as you wanted.

No surprise, there's

a family drama,

but we'll get through that.

I'm sorry, Danny.

for everything.

I love you with all my heart.

So this is our family, huh?

The entire Glencrave clan.

I know this is

really hard for you.

I'm so sorry.

Are you doing OK?

I don't know.

Here I am thinking

that Brad and I

are going to have

this new start,

and now he's moving to Scotland.

You should be happy for

them, and for Glencrave

and all the people here.

Yeah, I think I'm

just worried we're

going to drift apart again.

I mean, how can we do

this together if he's here

and I'm not?

Oh, sweetheart.

It's not about where you live;

it's about the effort you make.

If my relationship with

Danny has taught me anything,

it's that.

You know, I sent him a

letter right before he died.

I told him I was sorry,

that I loved him,

and that I wanted

to see him again.

But then he died.

Now, I have to live

with what I did.

You followed your heart.

You can never go wrong.


Just don't have regrets.

You and Brad always had

a special relationship.

Honestly, after the divorce,

he was more of a parent

to you than I was at times.

He is a good man, but you

are a great mom who went

through a really hard thing.

I love you so much, mom.

Oh, I love you too.

Please say you'll go tonight.

I just want us all

to be together.

It can be my Christmas present.


Looks like we

have the same idea--

last minute Christmas shopping.


Listen, Brad tells me

he and Sarah are staying.

They are.


Do you want to

sit for a moment?



I'm going back to California.

Just like that?

It wasn't an easy decision.

Can I ask you something?

What's really important to you?

My family.

Well, your brother's

staying here.

What else?

My patients.

I love seeing the difference

I can make in their lives.

You know how valuable

you can be to this town.

You can make a difference here.

I mean, I know you have for me.

I hope you follow your heart.

Come in.

Danny would be proud of you.

You think so?

Well, you're keeping

Glencrave in the family

with those amazing

children of yours.

They have the biggest

of hearts, Jo.

I found the letter that

you wrote to Daniel.

He kept it in a

special wee box here.

He opened it?

So it appears.

I also found this.

It's for you.

I'm almost afraid

to look at it.

And I'm afraid that you'll

regret it for the rest

of your life if you don't.

Are you all right?

He forgave me!

As is right.

Presenting Frank and Moira,

Duke and Duchess of Dundee.

Presenting Graham Fraser

and Josephine Morgan.

You look beautiful, Sarah.

Oh, thanks, Mac.

Brad, the coat

looks good on you.

I went with the shorts.

Good call.

Thank you.

Have you seen Lindsay?

I'm not sure if she's coming.

I haven't talked to

her since this morning.

I know you'll work things out.

Enjoy the night.


You too, Mac.

May I have this dance?


Presenting Lindsay

Morgan of California.

Hi, Mom.

Oh, sweetheart.

You're beautiful.

Thanks, Mom.

And you.


Excuse me, Sarah.

May I have this dance?


Thank you.

- You came.

- Of course.

I couldn't miss my

brother and sister-in-law

being announced to the world

as the Duke and Duchess

of Glencrave.

I'm sorry I got upset.

I really am so happy for you.

I'm sorry we didn't

talk to you first.

Lindsay, I don't want to go back

to the way things have been.

We've lost too much time.

I know.

I was too stubborn to realize

the biggest part of me

was missing.

I didn't mean to hurt you.

Me neither.

I've missed you so much.

So much.

So I'm going to come

visit you all the time.

And we will come home to

see you, and for the weather.

Of course.

May I have this dance?

Ah, yes.

You are stunning.

And you are very,

very handsome.

Scots are hot.

What can I say?

They are.

Merry Christmas, everyone.

And thank you for coming to

the Glencrave Christmas ball.

Tonight, I have a

special announcement

to make on behalf of my brother,

the 11th Duke of Glencrave,

who is sadly no longer with us.

He was a wonderful man,

beloved by this community.

On this Christmas Eve, our

family turns a new page.

So without further ado, I

officially present to you

Brad Morgan and his wife

Sarah Morgan, the 12th Duke

and Duchess of Glencrave.

Love it.

Thank you.

Thank you all so much.

It's not too late.

Thank you.

Thank you all.

Thank you.

I have something for you.

I want you to consider it

an early Christmas present.

I'll wear it with pride.

I know you will.

Ho, ho, ho!

Merry Christmas.

Oh, Merry Christmas.

Well, I say we're

the matching Morgans.

It is a merry

Morgan Christmas.



Merry Christmas.


I couldn't leave

without saying goodbye.

Merry Christmas, Lindsay.

These are for Bonnie.

Not for me?

This is for you.

It's Christmas pajamas.

It's kind of my thing.





I was hoping you'd come by.

It's the Glencrave crest.


This is beautiful.

Thank you.

May I?


So you're leaving tomorrow?

Yeah, first thing.

This is the best Christmas

I've had in a long time.

I'm glad.

You're a special person.

Goodbye, Mac.

The car is ready.

I'll be driving you

to the airport myself.

Thanks, Graham.

In your own time.

What's all this?

They came to see you off.

You're a part of Glencrave now.

Thank you, everyone.

Thank you so much.


I'm going to miss you so much.

I love you the best.

You know that.

I love you more.

One more gift.


Your key.

Graham, turn the car around.

You know what?

If I can figure out how

to run my own practice,

I can figure out how

to make this work.

I mean, this is the

first place that's

felt like home in a really long

time, and we're a team, right?


Then let's do this-- together.

And you, how do you feel

about dating a duchess?

It would be my honor,

Lindsay Morgan of Glencrave.

Oh, that has a

nice ring to it.


Oh, she's here.

Ainsley's first Christmas.


And she looks so beautiful.

You're going to have a great

life, aren't you, Ainsley?

And you're going to forge

your own little path.


And she'll be whatever

she wants, as long

as her family's by her side.

She's our wee

Christmas miracle baby.

Why don't we take

a family photograph?

- Perfect.

- Right there.


You ready, honey?


Now, let's have a

big Christmas smile.

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.
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