Nativity 2: Danger in the Manger (2012)

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Nativity 2: Danger in the Manger (2012)

Post by bunniefuu »

I love Christmas.

The tree, the lights,

even the shopping.

And this Christmas

was all about new beginnings.

I was starting a new job

at a new school

and having my very first baby.

Well, that's what

Christmas is all about.


The only problem was,

I didn't get on with my family.

Especially my twin brother Roderick.

But I wasn't going to

let that spoil things.



No, I just had a feeling...

- Want to put this on the tree?

- ...this was going to be

the best Christmas ever.

Higher. And back. No...

Ooh! Ohh!

- Donald, are you all right?

- Yeah. I'm just a bit stuck.

- I love Christmas.

- Yeah.

I'm glad that we're here

and I'm glad that we've moved away.


What was the Headmistress like?

She seemed good. Seemed like

she really knew what she was doing.

- Did you meet anybody else there?

- No, she didn't want me to.

No, from what she said,

the staff are fantastic.

Sounds like the perfect school.

Argh! Argh!


Mrs Bevan?

Mr Lambert. Supply teacher.

- Mr Lambert.

- Lambert.

Oh, I'm so pleased to see you

and so grateful.

This is what it's like

when you have a baby.


And our last teacher, Mr Maddens,

he had to go to America,

so we lost him unfortunately,

but you're going to love Mr Poppy.

Mr Whippy Poo!

Enthusiastic, energetic.

- Ready?

- Yes.



Don't throw the eggs.

Everybody, give your eggs to me.


So your class is just down here.

They're great kids.

They're lively, feisty.

What do you think? Yes!

Who put you up to this?

Mr Poppy.

- Mr Poppy!

Good morning, boys and girls.

Good morning, Mr Shakespeare.

Who will win a Song for Christmas?

This Christmas, Coventry's own Oakmoor

School will be shining a light on our city

at the prestigious

A Song for Christmas Contest.

A Song for Christmas is open

to any school soloist or Glee Club

up to the age of 18.

I'm only six.

We tick the box.

Now, it's taking place

at Llawen Castle in Wales.

The competition will be hosted

by singing sensation... Angel Matthews.

I love Angel Matthews.

She's the one that sung...

And competing alongside Oakmoor School

will be St Cuthbert's Choir

and they're from London

and they're led by

a renowned conductor, Roderick Peterson.

- Never heard of him.

- He's a sensational young talent

and, um,

he's going to have a top-notch choir,

so we've really got to come up with it,


The winning song will win...

- 10,000!

- WOW!

And could even become a Christmas No. 1.

Final closing date for entries...

is tomorrow.

Right, OK, my little mystic monkeys,

I want you to go through the school,

tell everyone we are holding

secret Song for Christmas auditions.

And if anybody comes up to you

and asks you,

you need to say...

"What Song for Christmas?"

What Song for Christmas?


Jingle Bells

Jingle bells, jingle bells,

jingle all the way

Oh, what fun it is to ride

In a one-horse open


Sleigh, hey!

We're going to win

A Song for Christmas

Because it's Christmas

and it's snowing outside

It is cold

But I don't care

Because we're wrapped up,

even warmer inside

- You're going to go through to boot camp!

- Yay!

Christmas is here

- Yeah!

Christmas is here

- A-ha.

Christmas is the time to cheer

- What is it?

Christmas is here

- It's here?

Yeah, Christmas is here

- Really?

Christmas is a time to cheer

Anything else?

Is that it? Are you all out?

Are you spent?



I had a little turtle

His name was Tiny Tim

I put him in the bathtub

to see if he could swim

We love Christmas

We love C-C-C-Christmas.

P-P-Presents, p-p-pudding

And also pulling, pulling p-p-p...

Pulling crackers

Crackers, c-c-crackers

Everyone start to join in now.

They tried to make me go to rehab

And I said no no no

Sparkle and shine

Planets gather round

I am the angel

I come from heaven and...

And... and I've gone to Devon

Every day I...

and I sing a song at Christmas

.. everything I...

I don't care if you know my name

I will sing a song for you

I don't care

I don't know how to say hello

And I'm made of yellow

Good morning, boys and girls.

Good morning, Mrs Bevan.

Well, you're all looking

very sparkly today, aren't you,

on this lovely sunny morning.

And that's because

we're on the countdown to...


Now, some of you are very excited

about a competition that I've heard about

that's happening in Wales.

Well, children, I have to tell you

that St Bernadette's will not be going.


The thing is, we simply don't have

the money, the talent or the time.

But to make up for it,

we are going on a special visit

to see Father Christmas.

Isn't that exciting?

Away In A Manger

Away in a manger...

Oh, my goodness me.

Please tell me this is a joke,

Auntie Pat.

What do you mean?

- You're not going to Song for Christmas.

- Well, you're not.

Well, I've already been doing auditions

for the children, OK?

Desmond, not again.

You promised me you wouldn't do anything

unless we spoke about it first.

Please, come and sit down.

I didn't want to have to do this,

Auntie Pat,

but I would like to speak to

your supervisor, please.

- What?

- Yes.

Like to speak to your... manager.

- Get them in.

- Desmond!

Do you understand

that you're only here because...

...You are my nephew?

You're not even a qualified teacher.

You can barely read and write!

So if we find a proper teacher,

we can go, right?

Every time I find anybody,

you do something so appalling

that they leave.

It is not happening.

Do you understand that?

N- O, no, Desmond.

Right, you are not my best friend,

Auntie Pat. All right?

And you are not in my team any more.

As of this day I am freezing you out.


We three Kings of Orient are

Bearing gifts, we traverse afar

Field and fountain, moor and mountain

Following yonder star

Oh, lovely finish. Just love it.

I can see the star.

I think maybe you're a star.

The stars in the bright sky

Look down where he lay

This is a national competition.

This is the gateway to stardom!

God rest ye merry gentlemen

Let nothing you dismay

For Jesus Christ our Saviour

was born on Christmas Day

To save us all from Satan's power

When we were gone astray

- There it is.

Oh tidings of...

That's Christmas for you.

Jingle bells, jingle bells,

jingle all the way

Go and sit down!

With th'angelic host proclaim

Christ is born in Bethlehem

Hark! the herald angels sing

Glory to the newborn King

O Christmas tree

O Christmas tree

Thy leaves are so unchanging

Nice try, Ravi.


Mrs Bevan has done

a complete freak-out on me.

She pulled the plug.

She's just...

...on everything.

Teachers are losers.

Yeah, teachers are losers

and what are we?


Well, that's a bit rubbish.

We've got to turn it round.

We've got to do something.

- We're going to turn it round big-time.

- We're going to turn it round big-time.

Do we need a teacher?


Do we believe in this class?


Who believes we can win

- Song for Christmas?

- Me!

Who wants to go and

see Father Christmas?

- Me!

- Well, come on, then.

Jingle bells, Batman smells,

Robin flew away

Michael Finlay lost his willy

on the motorway, hey!

Jingle bells, jingle bells

'Scuse me, can I help you?

Yeah, I'm just here to see Mrs Bevan.

- Yeah, what about?

- I'm Donald Peterson.

I'm the new Class Seven teacher.


I actually can't understand what

you're saying.

- Um, what's your name, sorry?

- What's your name, sorry?

- Right. I tell you what I'm going to do.

- I tell you what I'm going to do.

- OK.

- I'm going to count to 10

and if you're not out of that gate,

we are going to freak you right out

and take you down.

Sorry, is that a threat?



eight, seven,

- six...

- OK, everyone.

...five, four,

three, two,

- one.

- Charge him!

Oh, no,

I've got to see the Head teacher.

- This is not funny.

- This is...

Take him down!

I've got a letter.

Mr Poppy! Stop it!

Stop it!

Was that man in charge of a class?

Not in charge, no, no, no, no.

We wouldn't put him in charge.

He's an assistant.

- That man is a Classroom Assistant?

- That's right.

- Does that not worry you?

- Well, yes, and that's why we need you.

We need discipline and focus

and you're the man to give it to us.

If you can work with him till Christmas,

I'll make you Headmaster in January.

- You can't do that.

- I will.

Jingle, merry, merry,

merry, merry elves

We've got many, many, many bells

We're in the workshop all by ourselves

It's Mr Shakespeare.

Santa's little helpers,

Santa's little elves

We think of you and not ourselves

We've got our toys

lined up on our shelves

Merry, merry, merry, merry Christmas

Elf Olaf is a guiding star

He's the greatest elf by far

You'll get a laptop, you'll get a car

Merry, merry elfin Christmas

Shake your bells if you love elves

Shake your bells if you love elves

Shake your bells if you love elves

Merry, merry elfin Christmas

Well done, everyone,

absolutely marvellous.

Hello, Mr Poppy.

How wonderful to see you.

Hello, boys and girls.

- What are you doing here?

- What are you doing here?

Well, we're here practising

for our Song for Christmas

and I think we did very well. Don't you?

Yes, Mr Shakespeare.

We're going to be going to

Song for Christmas.

- You are? Oh, really?

- Yes, really.

This is a national,

national competition.

Yeah, and we're going to win it.

But this is like

Saturday night television live.

Yeah, I know, and we're

going to be on it.

We're going to be on it and win it.

- We're going to be on it and win it.

- You're not, we are.

- We're going to win.

- We are.

- Right, who's going to win it?

- We are!

I feel sorry for you, I really do.

Not only are you poor and thick,

you're actually taught,

allegedly, by this man here.

- Excuse me.

- No, no...

- Jess, stand there.

- We need to see Father Christmas.

- Come on, kids.

- No.

Thou shalt not pass.

Don't be so ridiculous. Please.

Don't you shout at me.

- How dare you!

- You...

- Ha!

- Rip my ears off,

- I'll rip your head off!

- Argh!

Stupid man!

Rip my head off?



Let's go. Let's just go.

Licking my face. It's hideous.

Come on, children.

Stay away from him, please.

Father Christmas, we've come to you

because you are our only hope.


We need you to help us

grant our Christmas wish.

We're having a nightmare, to be honest,

aren't we, kids?

We really want to go to

Song for Christmas

but, like, Auntie Pat won't let us

because she's saying

I'm not a proper teacher

and saying we haven't the money

to get a bus to get there.

But it's at this castle in Wales

and you can win, like, 10,000.

Christmas No. 1, album.

Everything will be sweet.

We've got to make it happen.

Nobody believes in us any more, Santa.

Well, we're not very good singers.

- Yes, you are.

- We are.

- No, we're not.

- Santa, nobody likes us any more.

Please help us win the

Song for Christmas.

I will try and make that wish come true.

I will do that, Mr Poppy.

Close your eyes and wish.

I think that's a very

good wish, that is.

With all that effort, I think

we might be able to get there.

Thank you.

Now, listen up, guys, OK?

Do not mention Song for Christmas.

What Song for Christmas?

All for one and one for all!

Mr Poppy.

- OK?

- Mm-hm.

I feel like I've got an apology to make.

I'm really sorry about what happened.

It was basically a dare

that got out of hand.

- It was a dare?

- Mm.

- Who dared you?

- One of the children basically dared me

and I don't know if you know about dares

but you've got to do the dare.

If you don't do the dare it turns into

a double dare, then triple, quadruple,

and the last time that happened,

we lost a child.

- Right.

- Just so you know,

I've been with this class now

for a couple of years.

- No, I understand that.

- You know, we're not really a class,

- we're like a family.

- Sure.

I'm like the Dad of the family,

they're like my children.

We're willing to let you audition

for role of Mum.

OK, that's not how it's going to work.

What we're going to do now

is we're going to get the kids' coats off.

You're going to hang your parka up,

we're all going to come in here

and get to know each other. How's that?

- Hello, what's your name?

- Sam.

- Do you want to slip your hat off?

- Sorry, this is a lucky hat.

You can't take that off. She wears that

in the bath, for dinner, in lessons.

Mr Poppy, Mr Poppy, shh, shh.


Whoa, she's betrayed the hat.

It's just a hat, guys.

OK, boys and girls,

lovely to meet you all.

My name is Mr Peterson and now

I've got to get to know all of you.

What's this class been working on?


Yeah, we've been doing a song,

writing for Song for Christmas.

What Song for Christmas?

- What?

- What Song for Christmas?

- What Song for Christmas?

- What did you blurt that out for?

- What is that?

- It's a national competition.

All the schools are entering it.

It's nationwide.

The only thing is,

you've got to sign this to enter us

because we need a proper teacher

with a PGCD, whatever you've got.

So if you put your teacher's email there,

signature, we can get that in the post.

- Why has no teacher signed this already?

- Because Mrs Bevan doesn't want us to go.

Mr Poppy, if Mrs Bevan has said no,


- It's not far. It's just Wales.

- Wales?

Yeah, it's great.

There's a castle. It's in a castle.

Look, it's my first day here.

I can't be signing forms, allowing you to

take a class of children to Wales

when the Head Teacher said no.

- It'll put the school back on the map.

- It'll put me out of a job.

No, it won't. Please, Mr Peterson.

If you put your name on there,

then you're in the team.

The family.

- This is something you all want to do?

- Yes!

You got much to say about it?

Do you want to do it?

That's Tommy and he has not spoken

since his dad left the home.

But he can sing. He's got the most amazing

singing voice in the world.

What's the song like?


Mr Peterson, I give you St Bernadette's!

Christmas tinsel and jingle bells

Presents beneath the tree

Ho, ho, ho, ho

Father Christmas and his little elves

Making stuff for you and stuff for me

You want your big Christmas Day

You want your Santa and sleigh

Don't forget about the baby

who was born in the hay

He was born in the hay

Danger danger in the manger

Don't give baby to a stranger

Nasty Herod on his way,

hide the baby in the hay

Don't be a sheep, just be a King

King, King, King

Very good.

Look, I thought you were all great

and I think it's really exciting

that you've got this singing club

and it's great to see

you doing your stuff

but, um...

What Mr Peterson is trying to say

is it's good but we need a gimmick.

- Anyone got any ideas?

- That's not...

Have smoke coming up from the stage.

Baby Jesus could come up.

Yeah, we can get a baby.


Who's got a baby?

Nobody's bringing any baby brothers or

sisters or nephews or nieces into school.

I think what Mr Peterson

is trying to say

is tomorrow what we should

be doing is a show and tell

where you each bring

your baby brothers and sisters in.

That's very much the opposite

of what Mr Peterson is trying to say.

Tomorrow we'll be in class.

We'll be doing some maths, some literacy.

This is all great and

it's very good fun.

And some of you are very talented.

But there is no bringing babies to school

tomorrow. Is that understood?

Oh, excuse me!

That is my private cupboard, thank you.

Who's that man?

That's Mr Maddens.

- And he's...?

- He used to be a teacher here.

- Ah.

- Yeah.

- Right.

- And you could take a few tips from him,

if you like,

because he's the sort of man that would

have been up for babies being in plays

and he's the sort of man that would have

built the costumes and created the thing.

Desmond, you do know there's no way

we can enter this competition?

- What do you mean?

- Stop raising the kids' expectations

that they're going to win prizes

and be the Christmas No. 1. It's not fair.

Excuse me, Mr Peterson,

but maybe you should take

a good hard look at this man.

Look in his eyes.

He was the greatest teacher we ever had.


Well, he's not here any more, is he?

No. He abandoned us.

Like you'll probably abandon us

in a couple of weeks' time

when you decide

that we're not good enough for you.

Mr Poppy, I'm here for the long haul.

I'm here to make these

kids' lives better.


Do you fancy maybe going for

a sausage sizzler at the park?

- We always used to do that.

- Oh, I've got to get back.

My wife's quite pregnant.

I should really sh**t home.

But maybe another night, yeah.

I'd really like that.


OK? We good?

Are we agreed?


See you in the morning.

- Oh, Mr Peterson.

- Oh, hi, Lucy.

Oh, hello. Hi, Donald.

- How are you settling in?

- Not bad. Yeah.

Good. It's great news about the...

the Song For Christmas.

Oh. You know about that?

Oh, Mr Poppy's told me.

Right. Well, I'm afraid

I had to put a stop to it.

I thought there were

baby auditions this morning.

No, no, we cancelled them.

- Really?

- Didn't we?

- Did you?

- Did we?

Jingle Bells

Has he got any special skills?

Brilliant! Brilliant!

Is he any good on a skateboard?

No, no, no. No, no.

You're not putting a baby on a skateboard.

And then maybe a little...

And then jump off...

.. and into the crib.

Would you mind maybe

if we were to put a little beard on her?


What about me covering the baby in meat?

Why would baby Jesus be covered in meat?

Well, Lady Gaga covers herself in meat.

She wasn't the son of God.

Has she got any tricks,

little party pieces?

We can train the babies up.

You can't train babies.

- We can send the baby to boot camp.

- We're not going to this competition.

We're going to go to the competition

and win it.



- Does he know the way to Wales?

- Know your way to Wales?

I think he said yes.

He's just a bit tired.

.. open sleigh

Absolutely unbelievable!

At last.

Where've you been?

I think he's actually

certifiably insane.

I mean,

he dresses like a lunatic.

And the nonsense

that comes out of his mouth.

This competition...

Today, 25 babies show up.

We're not going to Song For Christmas

like I've said 250 times already.

- "No, you haven't. "

- Yes, I have.

- "You never told me. "

- Yes, I did.

- "You promised. "

- I never promised.


You're just insane!

Things are about to get worse.

- How can they possibly... Who's that?

- It's your father.


He phoned a couple of hours ago.

He wants to

come and spend Christmas with us.

- He can't come here.

- Well, he is.

- For Christmas?

- Yes.

Why is he coming here?

Go and answer the door.

I don't want him shouting at us.

Answer it!

- At last!

- Hi, Dad.

What did you think I was?

A bunch of carol singers?

- Hold on. Madge, Madge...

- Nice surprise.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

I thought you knew. Yes.

For the next two weeks, I'll be away.

That's right. Absolutely everything.

Just cancel the lot.

That's it. Good. Thank you.

Just one minute. Donald.


Thank you.

- Hi, Dad.

- Thank you very much. Thank you.

Well, I have had the journey from hell.

Oh, sorry to hear that.

Sit, Donald.

So, new house.

New town.

New job.

- Yeah.

- Yeah.

I'm not going to beat

about the bush.

Your job, a primary school teacher,

is leading you nowhere.

How much a year do you get paid?

This job isn't about the money.

That's not...

Everything is about the money, Donald.

Do you know what your brother

has gone on to do?

Oh, I know...

Are you aware, frankly,

of what that boy has achieved already?

And what he's going to achieve.

Your brother

is going to be on TV tomorrow night

in A Song For Christmas.

- A Song For Christmas?

- Yes.

A competition.

Which he undoubtedly will win.

Roderick's choir

is the best in the country.

I've actually never said this to anybody

but when I looked at you both in that cot,

when you were both born,

I could see this little halo above you

and I thought to myself,

"You're going to be the one.

You're going to be the one

to take on the mantle.

The Peterson mantle.

And go on and achieve. "

And somehow a cloud came over you.

And it shone on the other child.

And that child took off.

I'm very proud of your brother.

I really am.

I make no bones of it.

I am disappointed in you.

And have been for quite some time.

Roderick this, Roderick that.

"Isn't Roderick amazing?

Look at his amazing job. "

Look at this.

Everyone says we look alike. I don't

think we look at all like each other.

No, I don't think you

look like each other either.

I'm certainly not entering

that competition now.

I'm really sorry

to call you here so early

but Operation Song For Christmas

is underway.

The most important thing

is the guys staying behind to cover...

you've got to make sure that Mrs Bevan

thinks the lessons are still running.

All for one and one for all!

Operation Song For Christmas is go!

Go, go!

- Mr Poppy?

- Come on, jump aboard.

- What's this?

- We've got to go,

otherwise Mrs Bevan'll turn up

and we won't get away.

- I told you, we are not going to Wales.

- Get on the bus!

No, no! Back in the school.

Get back in the school right now.

You need to calm down, Mr Peterson.

It's not just you you're affecting,

it's the baby.

- I...

- Come on!

Mr Poppy...


Right, come on. Back inside, come on.

Back inside the school.

Mr Peterson, this is for your own good.


Mr Poppy!

Scream if you want to go faster!

Mr Poppy, stop this bus!

Warming up, warming up, warming up

Warming up, warming up,

warming up, warming up

We're warming up our voices

OK, everyone, let's go and win

A Song For Christmas!

Jingle Bells

On the bus, on the bus, on the bus.

.. open sleigh

Sleigh, hey!

Come in.

Oh, morning, Ryan. Morning, Keith.

Thank you very much.

So... What is this?

- Full attendance.

- Full... Excellent.

Thank you very much, Alistair,

- and...

- William.

- Keith.

- Mason.

William and Mason.

Thank you. Shut the door.


- OK, you can release him now.

- Thank you.

Sit down.

Right, Mr Poppy, stop the bus.

- No!

- Stop the bus right now.

- Why?

- OK, I'm calling the school.

I'm not going to turn the bus...

- Bob.

- No, no, no.

Give me that back. Give me that back!

That's my phone!

That... My...

- That is not good.

- Just calm down, Mr Peterson.

Listen, have you any idea

how serious this is?

Look at it. Look at this.

Do you want to go to Song For Christmas?


My wife is at home, pregnant,

with a baby that could arrive any second

and I have no phone, no way of getting

in touch. Please turn this bus around.

Just tell her in the morning

you had a sleepover.

Why would I have a sleepover?

Mr Maddens used to have sleepovers

at mine.

I'm a grown man.

Grown men don't have sleepovers.

Yes, they do. And midnight feasts.

Oh. yeah!

Mr Poppy, my brother

is entering this competition.

- You've got a brother?

- Yeah.

Now, my brother is a world-class

classical composer and conductor.

You really want to break little Pixie's

heart? She's just lost her grandma.

This Song For Christmas

means everything to her.

How is this going to help?

Because it'll just turn all her frowns

upside down.

Here we go,

here we go, here we go, here we go

Here we go, here we go,

here we go, here we go

Here we go,

here we go, here we go, here we go

Off to sunny Wales

- Now, everyone,

I think we're going to be coming close

through a little village called Llawen.

And if you'll just come in you'll see...

Isn't that St Bernadette's, sir?


Did you see that cool bus, sir?

Turn away, turn away.

We've got the best bus.

We've got the best bus in show business.

How much... How much would it cost me

to get you to untie me?



60. That's my final offer.

Quick, untie me.

Get me out of this chair.

All right, I'll get you out

but I need some money.

- I haven't got any.

- He told me he's got 60.

- Well, get it off him.

- Lucy.

- Search him.

- No, no.

- Frisk him.

- Lucy.

- Look in his back pocket.

- This is theft.

Mr Poppy!

Mrs Bevan.

Come in, Miss Rye.

- Just a quick word.

- Yes.

Most of Mr Peterson's class

appear not to have turned up for lunch.

Everything's all right in there.

Ah, naughty boy.

What are you doing standing out here,


He doesn't want anyone in today.

Mr Peterson doesn't want anyone in.

Step... Just step aside.

- He doesn't...

- Thank you, Malcolm.

Mason, stop it.

Ah, Mr Peterson, where are you?

Mr Poppy. Where's Mr Pet...


Ah! Oh!

Where's Mr Peterson?

They went to Song For Christmas.

What Song For Christmas?

I need a wee, Mr Shakespeare.

Me too!

We'll find a place to stop

and have a wee-wee.

Mr Shakespeare,

I really need a poo.

Well, hold it in,

hold it in. Don't do it on the bus.

It's just down there.

Anywhere by the hedge there. That's it.

Good. Good, good.

No, anywhere. It doesn't matter.

Do it in the road.

That's it, are you all right?

That's it, keep going.

Just come this way.

See that?

Just turn it round.

Turn it right round.

All the way, all the way.

That's it, that's it, that's it.

That's it, that's it, that's it.

Come on.

Come on, come on, come on!

That's it.

Come on, in you come.

On the bus, on the bus, on the bus.

On the bus, on the bus,

on the bus, on the bus.

On the bus, on the bus.

Turning right, turning right...

Turning right,

turning right, turning right

Aren't we going the wrong way,

Mr Shakespeare?

Wait! Mr Shakespeare!

Look, I can see a sign for the castle.

There's a little girl.

Who is that?

Hold on.

I'm going to go and find out what she...

- Who are you?

- Elena.

Where's Mr Shakespeare

and the rest of Oakmoor?

He's gone to Song For Christmas.

What, and they left you here?

He just went off without me.

- How do I know you're telling the truth?

- I always tell the truth.

- Do you think I'm ugly?

- Yes.

That's not very nice.

I was telling the truth.

All right, let me just consult my team and

then I'll be back to you with an answer.

Wait a few minutes, please, caller.

- Right, shall we let her on the bus?

- Yeah.

If she tricks us, though,

we're going to freeze her out, yes?


It's your lucky day,

little Miss Shakespeare.

On you jump-

Everybody ready?

We're off!

The Man With The Bag

Next stop, the castle.


What was that?

- Who's doing that?

- Mr Poppy, I think there might be a baby.

- What?

- There's a baby in the back.


It's a little baby...

Aw, you're beautiful.

He's got chubby cheeks.


Hello, little baby.

- Whose baby is this?

- Not mine.

Not mine.

I don't even have a baby.

I can't believe you've done this.

I didn't do it.

- This is really serious.

- It's got nothing to do with me.

Mr Peterson, it's a sign.

- Yes!

- It's a sign we're in a lot of trouble.

Oh, look, there's a letter.

What does it say?

"Heard you needed a baby

for Song For Christmas.

I hope I'm all right for you. "

You're more than all right.

This baby's gorgeous.

Oh, this is the best Christmas ever.

You're right, Mr Peterson.

it is the best Christmas ever.

I was being sarcastic.

You're going to help us

win Song For Christmas.

Yes, you are.

Sure you know where you're going,

Mr Poppy?

I haven't seen a sign for miles.

I know the way. It's fine.

You just need to trust me.

- Mr Poppy.

- It's this way.

- Mr Poppy.

- It's this way!

Mr Poppy, look!

Sleigh Ride

- Woo-hoo!

- What's happening?

We're swimming!

- What do you mean?

- It's a duck bus.

How cool is this?

Hey, kids,

can anyone see any sharks?

I get seasick.

Hey, everybody, look for the castle.

What's up now?

The thing's stopped working.

The needle on the thing.

- What does that mean?

- It's stopped. The needle's going down.

It's not going.

We're out of fuel?

Well, if I just give it

a bit more of a pump...

You didn't fill it up with petrol!

So we're stuck.

Everybody ready? Off the bus.

Mister Santa

Oh! OK.

Get your ukuleles.

And your bags.

It's all right, you can jump.

Ooh, agh!

All right, thank you,

thank you, Mr Poppy.

Right. Come on, everybody.

You don't know it's over there.

This is... brilliant!

This is ridiculous. This is... Wait!

How's the baby? Is the baby getting wet?

The baby's fine.

Whoa! Whoa!

- Mr Poppy!

- Whoa!

Oh, it's a bit slippy.

And watch out for the crocodiles.


- Who's coming next?

- Me!

No, I know, I know.

It's all right. It's all right.

- Just breathe.

- Mr Poppy.

- Be back for you in a minute.

- Mr Poppy!

Oh, wow!

- A donkey!

- Aww.

Hello, donkey.

It's probably a sign, Mr Peterson.

It's not a sign. It's a donkey.

Well, it can help us carry Mary.

We can't just take this donkey.

It'll be somebody's property.

Maybe it's trying to show us the way.

Do you know the way?

I think we've found ourselves

a magic donkey.


- Ready, Mary?

- Yeah.

- Ready, everyone else?

- Yeah.

Come on, then, donkey.

OK, let's go.

Let's follow the magic talking donkey.


Well, this is it,


This is our destiny.

This is the seat of kings

and the site of many battles

and we are going to win.

We are going to win

the Song For Christmas!

All right. To the castle.

Gracie, lead the line.

Grace, stop. Stop, stop.

Where's Elena?

Where's Elena?

Wh... Where? Where's Elena?

When did you see her last?

The toilets, sir.

Was anybody looking to make sure

she was getting back on the bus?

We were too busy

turning round the sign, sir.

Shut up.

Now, we mustn't let this distract us.

Keep coming through. Come on.

- Don't ever say that again.

- Win, win, win when we sing, sing, sing.

Win, win, win when we sing, sing, sing.

Why are you stopping? Keep going.

Why are you...?

That's St Cuthbert's.

Eyes front.

It's Roderick.

Angel Matthews, please make your way

to the Great Hall. Thank you.

Rhys, Angel is entering the

Great Hall now. Over.


Roderick, it's so wonderful

to have you here.

- Marvellous to see you.

- Thank you so much.

Thank you so much.

To have a world-renowned conductor

like you here is...

It's beyond words. I am humbled.

Me being here is not about the MBEs

and the Grammys.

I'm here as a contestant

like anybody else.

I know exactly what you're saying.

- I want to make it plain.

- Mm-hm.

I don't expect any... favouring

of our group,

any sway that you might have

over the judging panel.

We expect to win by merit alone.

Of course. Absolutely.

I know you're a man of integrity.

Miss Matthews. Um, sorry. Um...

Rhys, could you please deal with

the gentleman?

A bit concerned I don't have

a private space backstage.

Would that be something we can sort out?

- Could you show me?

- Of course. It's just down here.

Terrific. Thank you.

So it's Oakmoor Primary School.

What was your name, sir?

I'm Shakespeare.

Where's our dressing

rooms and everything?

- It'll be a shared space but...

- A shared space?

- Yes.

- You're not providing us -

Oakmoor school -

with the chance that other schools

are getting.

- I'm merely trying to...

- I've got your number, Poirot.

Don't try it on with me.

Come on. Let's go.

Get away from all this fleece and fluff.

I've never seen so much pink.

You'll get static on you.

Welcome to Song For Christmas.

What's the name of your group?

The Christmas Puddings.

- Mr Peterson?

- Yeah.

I think baby's done a do-do.

It really stinks.

Look. Let's try that barn.

Change the baby and get out of this rain.

Go on. Let's go.

- Wales?

- A Song For Christmas?

They are expecting them for a sound check,

for which they are five hours late.

When they get there,

they will contact me immediately.

You have a school party out there

with two teachers

and you have no references

to where they are?

What sort of ship are you running here?

A very tight ship, Mr Peterson,

until your son arrived.

Sorry to disturb you, Mrs Bevan.

Some parents are waiting in the hall.

Good afternoon, everyone.

Thank you so much for waiting.

It appears that they are in transit

at the moment.

- To Wales.

- Wales?

I think you owe it

to everybody in this room

to give them a clear plan

of what you intend to do.

We're going to go down there.

We're going to be there when they arrive.

If they arrive.

If they don't arrive,

we'll go and search for them

and we will not let one hair

on their heads be harmed.

I'm sorry. I don't want to add to

any of the trouble.


They might have a baby with them.

- A baby.

- My baby.

Come on. Come on.

You're a bit stinky, aren't you?

I think you've done

quite a lot of poo-poos.

- All right?

- I thought you might want to...

- ...change him.

- Really?

You're going to have

to do a lot of this.

A lot of nappies and poo and wee.


Yeah. OK.




That is fierce.

Whoa! Urgh!

Tommy, can you throw your hat over?


Sorry, Tommy.

- Anyone got any scarves?

- Check 'em over.

Wrap it under.

Are you really having

a baby, Mr Peterson?

- Yeah.

- What are you having? A boy or a girl?

- We don't know yet.

- It could be an inbetweenie.

- I don't think you get them.

- Yes, you do, yeah.

Who do you prefer? Mummy?

Or Daddy?


or Daddy?

Mum-my? Or Daddy?

Whoa! Boats.

Children! Baby's found some boats.

Come over.

We could use the boats

to go down the stream.

We're walking that way anyway.

No, no, no, no. We'll never get

the donkey in the boat.

- Donkeys can fly.

- What?

- Donkeys can fly, can't they?

- Yeah!

- They'll say yes to anything you say.

- No, they won't.

- Try it. Go on.

- Who wants to be eaten by a shark?


- That's the exception.

- I rest my case.

That's the exception

that proves the rule.

They only say yes

to things they want to do.

They want to do this, so buckle up.

Let's go!

- We don't have a helmet for the baby.

- Babies don't need helmets.

- They do.

- They don't. They bounce.

- I fell off a table when I was a baby.

- That explains quite a lot, frankly.

- Let baby decide.

- What?

If baby claps, we go on the boats.

No! No, no, no.

Clap hands, Baby.

That's cheating.

It's not going to happen. Is it?

- Thank you.

- Trust me.


Hold on tight, Mr Peterson.

Mr Peterson, you doughnut,

try and keep up.

There's a rock!


No! Ah!

Ah! Arrh!

Hold on!

Mr Poppy!

- I don't like this.

- Mr Peterson, it's brilliant.


Oh! Ah! Oh! Mr Poppy!

Mr Peterson, what are you doing?


Come on!

Get me out!

Get me out! Get me out!

Why did you decide to jump in?

We haven't got time for leisurely swims.

I didn't jump in.

I fell! Ah!

We need to get going, Mr Peterson.

We can't just dally about.

I nearly drowned!

You didn't drown. You're fine.

You're just a bit wet.

Shake it off like a dog.

What have you done to me?

What have you done?

I nearly died in a river

in the middle of nowhere because of you.

Look! It's the donkey.


How did you get here?

How did you get here?

How did you get here?

- Ha, ha, ha.

- We could have walked.

Come on. Let's go to the castle.

Hello, magic donkey.

You flew here, didn't you?

I told you he could fly!

if you long to give to somebody else

It's probably Christmas time

- I'm soaking wet.

- We'll find somewhere you can dry off.

Calm down.

- Mr Poppy, there's a cave.

- Shall we go in?

- Yes!

- Why would we go in there?

- Pixie, do you want to go in the cave?

- Yeah!

Come on, everybody.

Let's go in the cave.

Come on, then, you.

Wow. It looks brilliant in here.

Come on.

I don't want to go in the cave either,

Mr Peterson.

No, I don't fancy it much.

- Who wants to build a fire?

- Me!

- Are you scared of the dark?

- Yes.

- I'll do it if you will.

- OK.

- Deal?

- Yeah.

OK. You go first, then.

Mother, Father

Sister, brothers

Let all that I have be yours

What's yours is mine...

Oh, wicked!

What do you think, Mr Peterson?

Very nice, yeah.

- You still as frightened?

- I wasn't frightened anyway.

It was...

I wanted to make sure it was all right.

We've saved you some spaces.

Dressing up in your Sunday best

You're blessed and it's Christmas time

Must be it's Christmas time

- I'm sorry.

- What for?

I didn't realise that you were

so frightened of water.

My dad used to...

He had this thing about

toughening us up.

One of his brilliant plans was

he'd take us swimming every week

and chuck us in the deep end.

He had this real fixation with

holding your breath for a long time.

I think he thought the longer

you could hold your breath,

the more of a man you were.

So he'd hold us under water.

It worked for Roderick.

Just made me scared.

Dads are rubbish, aren't they?

I never even got to meet mine.

Oh, I'm sorry.

When I was little, I used to pretend

my dad was Father Christmas.

One Christmas I stayed up all night

hoping he was going to come

but he never arrived.

Like Tommy. We're both still waiting.

You can have my dad if you like.

I don't want him.



I've got to speak to my wife.

She doesn't know where we are.

Mr Peterson.

I really hope you don't mind

but I kept this back for emergencies.

You've had a phone in that bag

this whole time?


I thought you might like to call

your wife...

I cannot believe you.

There's no signal. Take the baby.


I'm going outside.

Mr Poppy, is Father Christmas

really your dad?

I wish he was.

But I don't think so.


When I was a boy

I dreamed he'd find me

Fall down from the sky

To come and guide me

Take me by the hand of life

And show me all he's learned

Everybody's got a dad but me

It's my phone.

- Sarah, it's me.

- Donald?

- Donald?!

- Sarah?


Oh, man.

I need a dad to keep the demons

from my door

- I need a dad to stand beside me

- Oh! Oh!

- Hello?

- Sarah! It's me.

- Donald, I love you.

- I love you.

- I don't know if you can hear me.

- That idiot!

Still beating for

The silly fool has finally

got himself lost.

- What does he think he's doing?

- No idea.

I still dream he'll find me

Catch me if he can

The ties still bind me

Lead me down the rocky road

And show me who I am


Sarah, please wait. Wait!


The whole of your life

all you've ever done is put him down.

No wonder he's panicking about

how good a father he's going to be.

You're the only example that he's had.

You go back in there with Roderick,

your favourite son.

I'm going to find my husband.

Everybody's got a dad but me

Everybody's got a dad but me

Right, Oakmoorians, this is it.

What I'm looking - one or two of you

to nip down the corridor

and see if we can find out exactly

what these other acts are about.

Let's have a look.

Ah. Snow Angels.

This is Lloyd and his Snowballs.

I heard them singing in the corridor.

- What were they like?

- He's as good as Justin Bieber.

- Justin Beaver? Who's that?

- He's a singer, Mr Shakespeare.

Well, we must have a Justin Beaver.

- Sam, you could do that, couldn't you?

- Yes.

- Do you know any of his moves?

- No.

But when he swishes his hair

the girls go crazy.

Swish your hair for me.

Throw some shapes.

That's it! You've got it.

You can be our Justin Beaver. Excellent.

Angels, Christmas Fairies, Puddings,

Christmas Joy...

We can beat all of them, can't we?

We've got Justin Beaver.

Now, let's sing our winning

Christmas song.

When you're poor at Christmas

When you're down and...

Hello. Hi. So great to meet you.

Um, extraordinary to meet you.

I can't believe I've got a poster

on my wall.

Would you vacate this room, please?


As soon as possible, please.

The boys need to prepare.

With all due respect,

my children need to prepare as well.

This is not your room.

Would you leave, please?

It's got a star on the door

so it's obviously our room.

- Come on.

- No, Scott. Don't move.

Sam, don't move.


can you alert security?

I see. It's just one rule for one,

and one rule for another.

- Can you remove these, please?

- All right, I'll take them.

Sebastian, can...

Can I just say.

Yes, I've got your poster on my wall.

You should have my poster on your wall.

That Angel Matthews, the way she looked

at me - or didn't look at me -

I was disgusted.

It's just too much.

All my life I've tried to do well.

Tried to gain respect,

conduct myself with dignity,

behave impeccably, be an inspiration.

- I'm Shakespeare.

- Let the small man through, boys.

I'm Gordon Shakespeare.

With the emphasis

on the Shakespeare.

We've got Justin Beaver in our team,

don't you worry.

Ignore the silly little man.

OK, boys, it's time.

Inhale success.

Exhale doubt.


Hold that breath.

Hold... that... breath.

Sound check, sound check,

sound check.

One, two, three.

One two, three.

Name's Angel Matthews.

That normally gets a big laugh.

Of course,

everybody does know who I am.

Oh, holy night

While stars are brightly shining

She just won't shut up.

How long's this going on for?

Little wave and off.

Angel has left the stage. Thank you.

We're just going to run through

our number.

No photography in the auditorium, please.

Not during our rehearsal.

Hear the good news

Sent from on high

Glory to God

A new king is nigh

We celebrate the coming of a baby boy

We celebrate a light across the world

Rejoice, rejoice,

a saviour born to hear our song

To right the wrongs

A joy across the world

Joy of joy

r Joy of joy!

King of kings

King of kings!

Peace and joy

Peace and joy!


Joy! Joy!




Shut up. Shut up. Stop it.

We're ready for your group

to do your sound check.

Thank you.

My team, come on.

Boys, girls, Grace, some on. Jessica.

When you're poor at Christmas

When you're down and out

When you've no food left to eat

And you've no shoes on your feet

And there's nothing in your sack,

nothing and nowt

There's no magic at Christmas...

- It's very musical theatre, isn't it?

- Oh, in the worst possible sense.

- Lowest common denominator.

- Derivative, yeah.

The audiences love this kind of thing.


Christmas ain't for paupers

Not for scum like us

No nice presents to unwrap

Just a bin bag full of rubbish

And a big spot on your chin

oozing with pus

Happy Christmas!

Christmas comes but once a year,

but not for these boys and girls,

I fear.

Not for them are those Christmas pies.

Christmas is... a pack of lies! Ha!

Where is Christmas?

Hiding underneath the tree?

But this kind of... sentimentality...'s rather rewarded, is it?

A little boy in a hat and glasses,

singing his little heart out.

That's what wins prizes, I'm afraid.


Could it be that Christmas

has abandoned me?

Cold and hungry, cold and hungry

Cold and hungry, cold and hungry

Cold and hungry, cold and hungry

Merry Christmas.

Solo like that could really win you

the competition, Roderick.


And they're definitely on after us

in the running order, yes?

Yes, that's right. They are.


Mr Peterson, it could go...

I'll just stop here for five minutes.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Why are we stopping? We've got to go.

Listen. We need to properly talk

about what we do next.

- What do you mean?

- These children are cold and tired.

- The children are fine.

- It'll be very dark very soon.

And then we'll be stuck.

Jessie and Pixie are passing out.

- Yeah.

- Jessie and Pixie are my children.

- I know all about them!

- Mr Poppy, they are not your children.

You're a classroom assistant

and you're not a very good

classroom assistant

because you've led these children

to the middle of nowhere and now what?

This is not a great big adventure.

This is serious and we're in trouble.

I'd like to think that you were gonna

help us get out of here.

But, frankly, so far I've seen nothing

but irresponsibility.

So grow up, stop behaving like a child,

and help me to sort this out.

Do you know who you sound like,

Mr Peterson?

Your dad.

That is...

I don't think I'll ever

get a best friend.

I'll be your best friend.

But you'll just leave,

like everyone else.

You'll leave school and move on.

I need a friend I can be with forever.

A forever friend.

I'll be your friend forever.

- Really?

- Yep.

Your best friend.

What's that, Mr Peterson?

Oh, it's just a little thing

my mummy gave me, a long time ago.

That's my brother. We're twins.

He's got the other half.

Well, at least he used to.

When you put it together,

it makes a heart.

But we don't really see each other

any more, me and my brother. No.

Did you have an argument

like you just did with Mr Poppy?

Not really an argument.

We were just...

...very different types of people.

I think you should say

sorry to Mr Poppy.

Yeah, maybe I should.

I'm not very good at saying sorry.

Come on, Mr Peterson.

Oh, all right.

Oh, shh. He's coming.

- I'm not speaking to him.

- OK.

I'm gonna do all my

speaking through you.

Pixie has convinced me

that perhaps I snapped a little,

and I've come to apologise.

Tell Mr Peterson

I've just had about enough

of him making promises

and then breaking them.

Mr Poppy's had enough of you

promising promises and breaking promises.

It's not exactly what I said,

but it'll do.

Pixie, can you convince Mr Poppy

that I'm genuinely sorry?

Mr Peterson says

that he's convenuinely sorry.

Jessie, can you ask Mr Poppy

where the baby is?

- Cleo, have you got the baby?

- Yeah, but I gave it to Sadie.

- Sadie, have you got the baby.

- I gave it to Elena.

- Who's got the baby?

- Where is the baby?

- Where's the baby?

- We can't have lost the baby.


Mr Peterson, I'm really,

really sorry.

I should never have taken the class,

escaped from school, and got to...

Mr Poppy. That's not helping.


- Baby!

- Ba-by!

Hey, Louise.

You had us scared to death.

Did you bring this baby today?

I just thought she'd like to be in

the Song For Christmas.

Oh, Louise.

Mr Peterson!

Hey, look.

- Look, we've found her.

- He's found the baby!

That's too high! Goodness sakes!

Shh. Mr Poppy.

- We're in this mountain range here, yeah?

- Yeah.

- The castle is just over that mountain.

- Just over there.

- Well, we can't climb that mountain.

- Yes, we can.

Isn't there a way round the side?

We haven't got time

to go around the side, Mr Peterson.

We're gonna have to go over.

Yes, we can climb the mountain

If we all share the load

Yes we can reach the summit

at the end of the road

If we lift our hearts to heaven

And reach out for the stars

Yes, we can climb the mountain

Cos the mountain is ours

Let the white winter weather

Try and hinder our climb

Yes, we can climb the mountain

Because it's Christmas time

It's Christmas time

I can see the castle!


Right, come on.

Let's get back from the edge.

Stay back, everyone.

We've got to turn back.

We've got to go back the way we came.

- We can't go back.

- Well, we can't fly off that.

- We've got to get to Song For Christmas.

- We can't fly off the cliff!

So we're not going to

Song For Christmas?

- Please, Mr Peterson.

- We can't... We can't fly. I'm sorry.

- Please, Mr Peterson.

- Look...

if you've got a way to get down

this cliff, we can talk about it.

It's not about us having a way,

is it, Mr Peterson?

You don't believe in

any way we do,

because you're always down on

everything I suggest.

- OK. Tell me how we're gonna do it.

- I've got a rope, actually.

Look, do you really believe we can suspend

14 children, a baby and a donkey

off the side of this mountain?

The problem is, Mr Peterson,

is you don't believe we can.

- Yes, we can, Mr Peterson.

- Yes, we can, Mr Peterson.

- Yes, we can, Mr Peterson.

- Yes, we can, Mr Peterson.

- Yes, we can, Mr Peterson.

- Yes, we can, Mr Peterson.

Yes, we can, Mr Peterson.

Tommy! Brilliant!

- Do you believe, Mr Peterson?

- Not really.

- Oh!

- But I'm willing to give it a go.

- Don't push your luck.

- Get the rope!

- You're fine.

- This is awesome!

Don't look down!

That's it.

- Hold on to the rope. That's it.

- Whoa!

Hold on. Steady. Steady.

Are you all right, Bill?



Are you all right, Lucy?

- Get the rope.

- Yeah, I've got it. No!


Don't let go!

Concentrate on the rope!

- I'm communicating with the donkey.

- It's heavy!

- Go, Tommy.

- Steady.

- You're fine.

- My whole strength. That's all I've got.

- Well, hold it tight. I'm losing grip.

- I'm holding it tight.

Whoa! Whoa! Tommy!


Tommy, are you OK?

Just hold on.

- Is everyone all right.

- Yes.

- Tommy!

- Just...

Just stay there. You're fine.

Keep looking up.

You have to go down there, Mr Peterson.

- I can't go down there.

- You have to go down.

- Well, why can't you do it?

- Because you're the teacher.

This is your moment, Mr Peterson.

You've got to go down there.

I'll spot you.

I'll hold the rope.

All right. All right, tie me off.

Come on.

- Tommy!

- Everything's gonna be fine.

You can do it, Mr Peterson.

All right?

Mr Peterson's coming down.

Slowly. Slowly.

Tommy, I'm nearly with you.

Tommy. It's gonna be all right.

Hang on in there.

OK, a bit lower.

That's it.

OK. Reach out.

Take my hand.

Take my hand.

That's it. I've got you.

OK, I've got you. I've got you.

You're not gonna fall.

You're gonna be OK. All right?

I've got you.

I've got him!

What's that?

Get their attention!

It's a helicopter.

It's gonna be all right, Tommy.

You're gonna be all right.

There they are!

Straight down there!

We need to put a line down.

Hold on!

Just hold on!

- Sarah!

- Donald!

My wife!

That's my wife!

I love you!

I love you too!

Grab hold!

You're gonna have to trust me

and come with me.

Here it comes.

One... two... three... go!

Grab hold!



Mr Poppy, can I come down now, please?

I love you, Mr Peterson!

We did it!


Right... to the castle!

And now please welcome to the stage

the voice of an angel-

Miss Angel Matthews!

Thank you. Thank you.


Welcome to Castle Llawen

and the event of the year -

A Song For Christmas.

- Stay close. Good evening.

- Hi, there.

I need to speak to St Bernadette's.

I believe them to be here

and I believe there to be

14 abducted children and a baby.

- I'm afraid they're not here.

- I must look.

- Excuse me.

- I can't let you through, madam.

- You have to let me through.

- Unless you're registered...

This is a matter for the police

unless you move.

Where's your tie?

Smarten yourself up.

I didn't bring a tie,

but I can't let you through, madam...

This year, as every year,

we're looking for that special song

that embodies the spirit of Christmas.

I don't need to remind you

of what the prizes are.

They are phenomenal.


A chance to record a record

with United World Music

and also a shot

at the Christmas number one -

and you can't put a price on that.

I know, cos I've had one.

And a number seven the next year.

So without further ado,

I would like to introduce to you

our esteemed panel.

From the world of opera,

Marina Scalachi, ladies and gentlemen.

From the West End stage,

Fangella Robinson.

Clark Dickinson,

the CEO of United World Music.

He's the one writing the cheques.

He's a lovely guy. Hey, Clark.

And Welsh Radio Personality Of The Year,

Jay Dean.

We love you, Jay Dean. Don't we?

He's got a great personality.

So, first up, it's the Christmas Puddings

singing Christmas Is For Crackers.

Christmas is for crackers

on the Christmas tree

Christmas is for kisses

that you give to me

Christmas is the footprints

in the fluffy snow

Christmas is the hanging

of the mistletoe...

- Mr Peterson?

- Yeah?

You know that feeling when you're really

looking forward to something

and it finally happens

and you feel a little tiny bit sick?

Mr Poppy, don't get cold feet now.

Not after everything we've been through.

We're here. We've made it.

It's a feeling you can't explain

Walking off your dinner

down a frosty lane

Singing a carol in the silent night

And back to stuff

your super-sizing appetite...

- We're here for Song For Christmas.

- St Bernadette's.

You've missed registration.

The show has begun.

- The show can only just have begun.

- Let us in!

We really wanna win Song For Christmas.

I'm afraid the rules state

no late entries.

- There's nothing I can do. I'm sorry.

- Mr Peterson!

I've tied the donkey up outside

and it's pooing all over the front steps!

Donkey? Poo?

Everybody, run.

Let's go. Let's go. Come on.


Christmas is for Santa

and for Christmas pud

Christmas is for laughter

and for feeling good

Christmas is the only time

to fall in love

And that's why we call it

merry Christmas

And that's why we call it

merry Christmas

Merry Christmas, everybody!

- OK, come on. Come on.

- Where do we go? That way or that way?

- Oh, Donald!

- Baby!


- Mrs Peterson!

- Hey, hey, all right. All right.

- Desmond, thank you.

- I saw you in the helicopter.

- How's the baby?

- The baby's fine.

I was so worried about you.

Quick! Come on.

Come on, everyone. This way.

- Guys, I've found this place.

- Quick!

Come on! You can get changed in here.

- Brilliant.

- Quick! Before they see us.

And now for something

that's really gonna get you boppin'.

It's not my cup of tea,

but if you like Jason Bieber,

you're gonna love Lloyd And The Snowballs

singing Snow Angel.

Pickin' her up at eight

Calls me from the telephone

Says she's gonna be late

Cos she can't get home

Blizzard's comin' in

White skies up above

Says she's all snowed in

That's the end of love

Well, she's my snow angel

Pure as the driven snow

Yes, she's my snow angel

Come on, baby, let's go

Together we'll take things high

Run right through the sky

Snow angel

Be mine tonight...

You've got a few more places

before you're due to go on.

- We're on the programme.

- Yes.

- I feel sick. I don't want to do it.

- I've got butterflies, Mr Poppy.

- Why have you got butterflies?

- Cos I'm just so nervous and tense.

Hey, everybody.

- Whoa.

- Yes!

The luck's back.

Well, she's my snow angel

Pure as the driven snow

Yeah, she's my snow angel

Come on, baby, let's go

Together we'll take things high

Run right through the sky...

Boys, we're going to entertain

a slight alteration to our piece.

Are we going to cheat, Mr Peterson?

We do not cheat. We succeed.

Well, she's my snow angel

Snow angel

She's my snow angel

Snow angel

Together we'll take things high

Run right through the sky

Snow angel

Be mine tonight

- What now?

- Where are they? Where are my children?

I have no idea. Who are you?

Where is Mr Poppy and the 14 children

and the missing baby that you abducted?

- Anyone around?

- Are they in there?

- Hello! Can someone help me here?

- Can somebody call the police?

And next up, all the way from Ireland,

is An Irish Christmas

singing The Spirit Of The Trees.

- Madam, madam, please!

- Get off me!

Oh! Oh!

It's all right. Sorry about this.

Snow, snow is falling

Over the hill

Snow, snow is falling

Christmas is here

- Oh, what...?

- Urgh!

What's that stink?


- Is it?

- Oh, yeah.

Elena, can you give me your scarf?

Mr Peterson, I'm going to go

and find a little place to change her.

I'll be back in a minute. Do not move.

All must come and all must learn

Christmas will for 'er return

Christmas come, so bang the drum

Christmas is here


Go on, boys.

- Mr Peterson.

- Yes?

It's OK, I've changed her.

Ha! What are you doing?

You look ridiculous.

Why are you wearing that?

Because I'm about to step on stage.

- About to go on stage now?

- Of course.

God. You take the baby.

I'll go and get the children.

I'll be two seconds.

Bells ring out

Bells ring out

Christmas joy is here


How did you get up here so quickly?

I've been up here learning the song.

You looked better

with the dicky bow and smart suit.

I've been up here the whole time.

What have you done with the baby?

I gave the baby to you.



Right, we've got to save the baby.

We've got to save the baby right now.

Go, fairies

Yeah, yeah

Christmas fairies

Come here to me

Yeah, yeah

Go, fairies

Come to me, you pretty things

And let me ride your fairy wings

Give me wishes all night long

And sing to me your fairy song

Oh, oh, oh, Mrs Bevan!

Get away, you!

Changed your clothes again,

have you, smarty pants?

That's his twin Roderick.

I'll explain everything very soon,

I promise.

We've got to find Roderick and the baby.


- Can you just tell me off after the show?

- Desmond, stop it!

I may not have any children of my own

but you are the nearest thing

and I've missed you

and I love you.


Thanks, Auntie Pat.

Wishes, wishes

Little fairy wishes

We can give you all our tiny kisses

Wishes, wishes

Little fairy spell

Put you in our Christmas wishing well

That's our baby.

Thank you.

What a lovely surprise.

What are you doing here?

Well, right now I'm just recovering

the baby you kidnapped.

You've got the baby.


We're taking that baby back now.

Apparently the judges are rather tempted

by that kind of mawkish sentimentality.

This is not your baby

and you're not taking it from us.

Donald, I can take anything I want

from you. Give me the baby.

- Boys.

- No, no. No, you're not.

- Don't try and intimidate us...

- I'm not moving.

- ...With a dead eye.

- Take the baby.

Get back!

Give me your number,

call me, little fairy

You don't get our number,

we're too wary

Give me your number, you look good

Fairies don't give numbers

to boyz in the hood


Come to me, you pretty things...

- Lock them in.

And let me ride your fairy wings

Give me wishes all night long

And sing to me your fairy song

Go fairies

Let us out! Let us out! Hey!

- Merry Christmas, darling brother.

- Roderick!


Can I help you?

Christmas is a time when we all start to

think about the real meaning of Advent.

Chocolates on the calendar.

Last-minute shopping on the internet.

Little boys and girls

looking out of the window,

wondering if Santa's

going to bring them that toy

they've been wanting all year round.

So now, without further ado...

Bring it up, bring it up.

...I would like to introduce to you

Shane and the Calendar Girls

singing Counting Down For Christmas.

You can keep your peace on Earth.

You can keep your holy birth.

Keep your frankincense and myrrh.

Christmas cheer... what's that worth?

I want something I can use.

Designer clothes or groovy shoes.

I want diamonds big and rough.

All I want is Christmas stuff

Counting down to Christmas every day

24 windows to go

Hoping that we're going to get stuff,


Holding out for Santa, ho, ho, ho

Counting down to

Christmas all the way

Feeling kind of glad I'm alive

Waiting for my stuff to arrive

Hope I get a fast car I can drive

You can keep your peace on Earth

You can keep your holy birth

Keep your frankincense and myrrh

I want something with some worth

I want diamonds big and rough

Never stop, it's not enough

All I want for Christmas

Is Christmas stuff

Yeah, yeah

Oh, oh

Merry Christmas, everybody.

Oh, that was wonderful. Well done.

That's lovely. Aw.

Well, no-one likes a show-off, do they?

So, it is with great

pleasure and humility

that I introduce to you

a choir that is in my opinion

the best choir on the stage tonight.

St Cuthbert's.

They are singing Peace And Joy.


Hear the good news

Sent from on high

Glory to God

A new king is nigh

We celebrate with peace and joy

The coming of a baby boy

We celebrate

A light across the world

Rejoice, rejoice, our hearts are strong

A saviour born to hear our song

To right the rights of all that's wrong

A joy across the world

Joy of joy

King of kings

Peace and joy

Peace and joy

Joy! Joy!

Joy! Joy!


Where is Christmas?

Hiding underneath the tree?

- That's my song.

That... That's...

Christmas is coming to everyone but me

Where is Christmas?

Where is she?

Can it be that Christmas

has abandoned me?

Joy of joy

Joy of joy

King of kings

King of kings

Peace and joy

Peace and joy

Joy! Joy!

Joy! Joy!


Wow, wow, wow!

Or in other words, game over.

Roderick Peterson OBE.

Mr Shakespeare!

Mr Shakespeare!

Mr Poppy, they've stolen my song!

St Cuthbert's locked

us in here!

Look, we can't get out.

Could you let us out?

So, without further ado,

I'd like to introduce the next act.

Though I'm not sure there's much point

in them coming out on stage after that.

Stay in your dressing rooms.

No, I'm only joking.

All the way from Coventry,

it's St Bernadette's.

I'm sorry.

Actually, they have been disqualified.

You've been disqualified.

How did that happen?

Um, it's Oakmoor Choir,

singing A Dickens Christmas.

Follow that!

You can be Oakmoor.

Pretend to be us. Take out place.

Just go on there.

Just beat that Roderick!

Hideous man.

Yeah, we'll beat him. Push us on.

Come on, guys. It's Shakespeare's Globe!


Used to be afraid of my own shadow

Used to think I'd never make the grade

Too scared to even dream the dream

Unsure of everything it means

But now my hopes are high,

my life has changed

So bring on all your distant horizons

Make your climb just as steep

as the skies

Yes, we can climb the mountain

if we all share the load

Yes, we can reach the summit

at the end of the road

If we lift our hearts to heaven

And reach out for the stars

Yes, we can climb the mountain

cos the mountain is ours

The mountain is ours

Yes, we can, I'm sure we can

Never had too much belief in Christmas

Never had a Christmas wish come true

Never quite believed in why

a baby born into a sty

Should have a thing

to do with me or you

But now I feel the magic around me

And the stars shining down

light the way

Yes, we can feel the loving

and the hope on the way

Yes, we can keep on climbing

till the end of the day

Let the white winter weather

try and hinder our climb

Yes, we can climb the mountain

because it's Christmas time

It's Christmas time

This is our last Christmas together

We're going to make it last for ever

But don't forget about the baby

who was born in the hay

He was born in the hay

You want your big Christmas Day

You want your Santa and sleigh

But don't forget about the baby

who was born in the hay

He was born in the hay

Come on, Oakmoor,

unzip the back.

One, two, three, four!

Christmas tinsel and jingle bells

Presents beneath the tree

Oh, oh, oh, oh

Father Christmas and his little elves

Making stuff for you and stuff for me

Christmas magic, it wouldn't exist

A reindeer in the snow,


if Angel Gaby hadn't tried to resist

On something only he could know

You want your big Christmas Day

You want your Santa and sleigh

But don't forget about the baby

who was born in the hay

He was born in the hay

Danger danger in the manger

Don't give baby to a stranger

Nasty Herod on his way,

hide the baby in the hay

Don't be a sheep, just be a King

You want your big Christmas Day

You want your Santa and sleigh

But don't forget about the baby

who was born in the hay

He was born in the hay

He was born in the hay

He was born in the...

He was born in the hay

I've got it! I've got it!



- Yay! Oh, baby!

- You were amazing!

- Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!

- All right.

Brilliant, wasn't it!

For the last few hours, we've been

trying to find you, you stupid boy.

We did an encore.

I don't know if you saw that, big man.

- But we did an encore out there.

- Who is this village idiot?

This is Mr Poppy,

and he's the one who wrote the song.

Oh, really?

Is that what you call it?

Which one? The first or the second?

Cos we did two.

Yeah, we did...

We're still going to

win the competition.

You know what?

Oh, I'm sure you are gonna win.

And I hope you take the prize

and I hope you shove it up your nose!

We went out there and had fun!

And that might not be important to you,


and it might not add up to all your OBEs,

and all your reviews in newspapers,

and all your international prizes,

but having fun

is pretty blooming important!

There is no need to be so

patronising to your brother.

Shut up!

How dare you speak

to your father like that?!

I dare! I dare to tell you to shut up!

And you!

- Both of you.

- Can I have a go?

- Yeah, go on.

- Shut up!

- And you shut up.

- I don't need you any more.

I've got a proper family now.

Look. And a baby on the way.

This is my family.

Yeah. Yeah.

And he's my family.

This... This stupid, crazy man

dressed like a star

who talks nonsense

and drives buses that swim

and gets us

stranded on mountains

and nearly drowns me in a river.

He, in one day, has been more of

a brother to me than you have ever been!

Can you please keep your voices down!

Oh, you can shut up, too!

Roderick, what's going on here?

Angel, you'll have to call security.

They have been disqualified

and are refusing to leave.

- Right, right. Rhys, Rhys.

- No! No!


Don't bother calling security.

We're leaving, very happily,

with dignity and our heads held high.

Good night, good luck,

merry Christmas,

thank you very much.

As of now, you are officially banned

from the building.

If you are found,

you will be arrested.

Get out of the way!

Can I just say

lam a huge fan of your work.

- Can I get an autograph?

- Go on, then. Have you got a pen?

- Have you got a pen?

- Poppy!

I can post it.

Cheer up, it's Christmas!

I'm gonna need a jab.

OK, so what an evening it's been,

ladies and gentlemen.

What an evening.

But now the moment of truth.

It's make-your-mind-up-time,


So while they come to the final -

and what some people feel

foregone - conclusion,

I'd like to share something with you.

Tonight, something very special

has happened here on the stage...

...and something very special

has happened here... in my heart.

And that's the spirit of Christmas.

We love you, Angel!

O, holy night

The stars are brightly shining...

- Oh!

- You all right?

- No, it's another one.

- Really?


Here we go.

Good donkey. Good donkey.

That's it.

In sin and error pining

Till he appeared

And the soul felt its worth

- A thrill of hope...

- Follow me, everybody!

The weary world rejoices

As yonder breaks...

- Look! A barn.

A new and glorious morn

Fall on your knees


Oh, hear the angel voices

Oh, night


Go on! Get in there!

- Roll the sleeves up!

- I can't do this.

Watch off.

- I'm going in.

- No.

- Fine.

- No, you're not. Get back here.


Oh, night...

- One, two, three...

Push! That's it!

Oh, here it comes. Here it comes.

Of faith serenely beaming

With glowing hearts

by his cradle we stand

O'er the world

A star is sweetly gleaming...

- What's wrong?

- Something's happening.

Now come the wise men

From out the Orient land...

- The baby's nearly there. Come on.

- OK.

Come on, you can do it.

I believe in you.

Lay thus lowly manger

In all our trials

Born to be our friends

- Oh!

He knows our need...

There's your mummy.

Our weakness is no stranger

O, night divine

The night when Christ was born

O, night...

Two of them?

The night...

- Come on in, Granddad.

This is amazing. Amazing.

Look, here's your granddad.

I'm really proud of you, Donald.

Really proud.

And now comes the moment

we've all been waiting for -

to crown the winners...

...of A Song For Christmas.

Rhys, I'm so excited.

I can't wait.

Right, thank you.


.. the winners are...

St Cuth...


That's right?

Right, Oakmoor,

ladies and gentlemen.

Get out of the way!

- It wasn't even our song, sir.

- Shh. It doesn't matter.

Shut up. We've won. Yay!

I've won.


I've won!

I've won! Whoo!

And so, on that magical night,

under the stars,

in a tumbledown barn,

the miracle of Christmas happened to me.

And, just as I'd hoped,

it really was the best Christmas ever.

Peace falls over the valley

Hearts are lifted with love

Joy falls into our lives

like a star from above in the valley

Everybody all over the world

Are you feeling this feeling tonight?

- Roddy.


Well, it seems

congratulations are in order.

Yeah. Thank you.

And you're an uncle.

Yes. Yes, I am.

Twin boys.

Let's hope they get on a little better

than we've managed.


It would be nice...

...if perhaps we could get the family

together a little more often.

Yeah. I'd like that.



Joy falls into our lives and makes

everything right in this valley

Everybody all over the world...


Merry Christmas.

It's all right if

the snow's coming down

And the blizzards engulf every town

Cos it's cold outside

But Hawaii in my heart this Christmas

This Christmas

It's all right if the snow

starts to fall

And the chill wind descends on us all

Cos it's cold outside

But Hawaii in my heart this Christmas

This Christmas

It's cold outside

But Hawaii in my heart tonight

Merry Christmas.

When Santa got stuck

up the chimney

Sorry. Who is it getting

stuck up there? Shnamna?

- Santa.

- Santa! Go on, then. Sing it.

When Santa got stuck

up the chimney

It's got... We're missing it, aren't we?

Oh, silent night

Holy night...

- Stop it there.

Yes, it's pathetic... in a very good way.

Um, Pixie,

what's your Christmas wish, Pixie?

I wish that it would be Christmas

every day.

I'm a little snowflake

We wish you a merry Christmas

We wish you a merry Christmas

You can go and sit down.

Why did the dog sit by the fire?

I don't know.

Why did the dog sit by the fire?

Because he wanted to be a hot dog.

I want you to be an elf.

Think of an elf. Picture that elf.

And then dance as that elf.

Ding-dong merrily on high

In heaven the bells are ringing

Why... on...

Why did the cow cross the road?

I don't know.

Why did the cow cross the road?

To go to the moo-vies.

- The what?

- Moooo-vies.

Back to the classrooms.

Hang your head in shame.

With th' angelic host proclaim

Christ is born in Bethlehem

Hark! The herald angels sing

Glory to the newborn king

Lewis, do you think that kind of singing

is gonna win The Song For Christmas?

- No, Mr Shakespeare.

- Nor do I. Sit down.

I do have a sad story

but I don't have a song or a dance.

We love sad stories.

Sad stories are the things

that inspire other things.

Um, my mum came home from work.

She went to my nanny's

and then she found out

that my nanny's dog died.

Counting down to Christmas every day

24 windows to go

Hoping that we're gonna get snow

Holding out for Santa, ho, ho, ho

Counting down to Christmas all the way

Feeling kind of glad I'm alive

Waiting for my stuff to arrive

I hope I get a fast car I can drive

You can keep your peace on Earth

You can keep your holy birth

Keep your frankincense and myrrh

I want something with some worth

I want diamonds big and rough

Never stop, it's not enough

All I want is Christmas stuff

Oh, counting down to Christmas...

Tis the season to be jolly,

fa-la la-la-la...

It's the most miserable "jolly"

I've ever seen.

Holding out for Santa, ho, ho, ho

Counting down to Christmas

all the way...

Jingle bells, jingle bells

Batman smells

Santa got stuck up the chimney

And then he lost his willy

Hoo-hoo! It's a bit blue!

You can keep your holy...

All is calm

All is bright

Let's see your eyes.

Round the virgin so...

Yes, all right, sit down.

I'll have to think about you.

All I want for Christmas...

Here we go. Christmas ain't for paupers.

Christmas ain't for paupers.

Now can you do it like

a working class person?

Christmas ain't for paupers.

Brilliant! It's so accurate.

You see, it's so authentic, that.

Did you feel it?

Twinkle, twinkle, little star

How I wonder what you are

Up above the world so high

Like a... star in the sky

Twinkle, twinkle, little star

How I wonder what you are


Christmas is for crackers

on the Christmas tree

Christmas is for kisses

that you give to me

Christmas is the footprints

in the fluffy snow

Christmas is the hanging

of the mistletoe

Christmas is for stockings

that we like to fill

Christmas is for happiness

and all goodwill

Christmas means

I'm gonna need a slimmin' pill

And that's why we call it

merry Christmas

It's a feeling you can't explain

Walking off your dinner

down a frosty lane

Singing a carol in the silent night

And back to stuff

your super-sizing appetite

Christmas is for Santa

and for Christmas pud

Christmas is for laughter

and for feeling good

Christmas is the only time

to fall in love

And that's why we call it

merry Christmas

And that's why we call it

merry Christmas

Merry Christmas, everybody!
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