01x14 - The Tale of the Lucky Four Leaf Clover

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Peter Rabbit". Aired: 14 December 2012 – 6 May 2016.*
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Follows mischievous, charming Peter Rabbit and his friends as he overcomes obstacles, outwits predators and avoids danger.
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01x14 - The Tale of the Lucky Four Leaf Clover

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Let's go! Peter Rabbit
Go on and run, run for our lives ♪

♪ We'll tear a hole in every fence
And every wall Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Run through the fields
Run wild and free ♪

♪ And grab a piece of every radish
That we see Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Go day and night
Go for it all ♪

♪ It's time to fly come on the wind's
Begun to blow let's go! ♪

♪ 'Cause you and I we weren't
Made for going slow let's go! ♪

♪ Adventure calls the game is on ♪

♪ Come on let's go!
Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Let's go!
Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Let's go!
Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Let's go! ♪

[voice over]
The Tale of The Lucky Four Leaf Clover.

[Peter] Oof! Oh! [laughs] Oh!

[grunts] Whoa!

Careful, Peter.

Just a little more, and... Whoa!

Oh, I hope nothing's broken!

Relax, Benjamin, I'm fine!

Not you!
My dad's new springy apple grabber.


Phew! Still works. [sighs]
Thank goodness!

Not giving up yet!

[Peter chuckles]


-Almost there.
-Careful, Peter.

You don't want to knock down
too many... Ow!

-Oh, no!
-Wh, what is it?


It's my magnifying glass,
but it's OK. It's not broken.

Sorry about that, Lily.

[Peter] At least there's plenty
to eat for everyone.

-Plenty to eat indeed.
-[all exclaim] Mr Todd!

And I'm not talking apples.

Roast rabbit with all the trimmings
for dinner tonight. Delicious!

Split up!

[dramatic music playing]

[Benjamin] Whoa!

Stop! Wait!

Why can't you all run the same way?!

Well, I could catch you if I wanted to.

I just find running so undignified.


What's this?

Oh! Could come in handy.

Oh, well, not a completely
wasted morning, then.

Everyone alright?

My magnifying glass!
I must have dropped it!

[gasps] Get down!

[chuckles] And all the better
to spot rabbits with, hmm!

[Mr Todd chuckles]

How could I have been so clumsy?

Oh, I'll never see my magnifying
glass again!

Look, look, look!
Look what I've found!

A clover, and it's not just any clover.
A four-leaf clover!

This must be my lucky day!

A four-leaf clover, huh?

Also known
a common perennial herbaceous trifolium.

Er, yeah, what you said.

But they're really lucky, aren't they?

Well, there's no scientific proof
that they're lucky, Benjamin.

She's right. There's no such
thing as a lucky clover.

What? There has to be!

I'm sure it's lucky, and after
everything that's happened,

we could really use some good luck.

[sighs] My precious magnifying glass,
gone forever.

Well, that would never have happened

if you'd had a lucky four-leaf clover.

Do you really believe that little
leaf can bring you good luck?

Of course!
[stomach growls]

Hear that? Oh, I'm so hungry.

If only I had some tasty turnips,
or berries, or carrots.

Yes, carrots.

Then I'll be the luckiest rabbit
in the whole world!

Hungry, huh? Time to play
a little trick on Benjamin.

Er, Lily, tell us some more about
clovers. It's really fascinating.

Really? Uh, OK.

We could start by having
a closer look at Benjamin's clover

through my magnifying glass.

[sighs] If I had it.

Well... I suppose we could look
at some sketches instead.

There are about 300
different types of clover.

[adventurous music playing]

[mouse squeaks]

[mouse squeaks]

This ought to trick Benjamin.

And the honey bees get their nectar
from clover to make their honey.

Mmm, honey.

Honey with carrots.
Oh, it's making me hungry again.

[stomach growls]
And there goes my tummy alarm.

I'm taking my four-leaf clover and
going home to get something to eat.

Three, two, one.

-[Benjamin] Wow!

Now what?

Where did those come from?

My lucky four-leaf clover, of course.

As long as I have this,
I'll always have good luck.

It can't really be the clover leaf,
can it?

Whoo-hoo! Hi-de-ho, bunny buddies!

Who's for a game of pinecone bowling?

Not me. I never win.

Never say never, Benjamin.

Now you have your four-leaf clover,

here's a chance to prove
how lucky it really is...

with a little bit of help from me.

Peter, you're right! OK, Nutkin.
Count me in. Let's play.

Alright, Benjamin,
give it your best shot!

Time for another trick.

Ready, aim, swing! And... oh!

Look over there in the bushes!

[all] The bushes? Where?
I don't see anything!

Oh, sorry! I thought I saw something.

Wow! Look at that!
A perfect strike!

I've never done that before!


I'm seeing it,
but I'm not believing it!

You scattered every last one!

Well done, Benjamin.

It must have been the lucky clover.
Now do you believe me?

I'm the luckiest rabbit ever.

Maybe it really does work.


♪ Play rabbit play ♪

♪ Let's hop to the benches on the way ♪


♪ Play rabbit play ♪

♪ Across the fields come on
now what do you say? ♪


♪ The sun is blazing
and life's amazing ♪

♪ And everything is fresh and new ♪

♪ Play rabbit play ♪


Mmm! Yum!

[laughs] Oh, what ripping fun!

I'm so glad I found
this marvelous new toy.

Ah, Benjamin, I need to borrow
your lucky four-leaf clover.

I thought you didn't
believe it was lucky.

Yes, well, um,
after all the amazing things

that have happened to you today,

I have to believe it now!

You can't argue with the facts.

So, if you could just lend me
your lucky clover,

I'm going to get my magnifying glass
back from Mr Todd.

[gulps] Mr Todd? Are you sure, Lily?

Of course I'm sure.

With your lucky four-leaf clover,

I'll be perfectly safe with Mr Todd.

[humming] Huh?

Erm, isn't this the part
where you sort of run away?

Not this time, Mr Todd.
I've been waiting for you.

Have you, now?

How intriguing.

That roast rabbit with all
the trimmings is back on the menu.

You can't harm me. I'm feeling lucky
today, because I have this!

[gasps] A lucky four-leaf clover?

[laughs] Well, well.

Now, give me back my magnifying
glass immediately, please.

Sorry, my dear.

The only luck that clover's going
to bring you today is the bad kind.

Still enjoying your lucky day,

Yep. All thanks to my lucky clover.

Where is your lucky clover?

I lent to Lily so she could use it to get
her magnifying glass back from Mr Todd.

Oh, right. Wait, what?!
She's gone to Mr Todd's?

Oh, no!

What's wrong?
Nothing's gonna happen to her.

Not while she's got
my special lucky clover.

What a scrumptious little rabbit.

Florence, it's OK.
We have the lucky clover.

Come back!

I'm warning you, I've got a lucky
clover and I'm not afraid to use it.

Now, what vegetables to have
with my main course.

See, Peter? She's got my
lucky clover. She's fine!

No, you don't understand.
I tricked you, Benjamin.

The carrots, the bowling,
the strawberries, even the fish.

I did all that. That clover
isn't lucky. It's just a leaf.

Oh, I see. What?!

I'm sorry,
I was just having a bit of fun.

I didn't think it would
get anyone in trouble.

Wait, but that means
I really am no good at bowling.

Oh, forget bowling!
Lily's in trouble!

You stay here. This is my fault.

Leave her alone!

Excellent! Double helpings.

Oh, I'm glad you're here, Peter.

Just in time to see how lucky

Benjamin's four-leaf clover really is.

Ah, yes, about that.

Long story. Turns out that lucky
clover isn't so lucky after all.

What? What do you mean?

I did all those things. I was just
playing a trick on Benjamin.

Oh, no!

If you two have quite finished,
I do have plans for dinner.


Wow! The lucky clover!

I don't believe it!
It really does work!

[laughs] Er, not exactly,

but my dad's springy apple grabber
certainly does.

[all laugh]

Brilliant. Great job, Benjamin.

You saved the day. You're a hero.

Just shows you don't need
a lucky clover

-when you have a friend like Benjamin.
-[Benjamin groans]

Sorry, Lily. Sorry, Benjamin.
No more tricks!

And no more lucky clovers.

[happy music playing]

Oof! Ow! What is this?


A horseshoe!

Wow! They're supposed to
bring you really good luck.

[both] Benjamin.

Er, yeah, you're right. Maybe not.

-[all laugh]

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit, Peter Rabbit,
Peter Rabbit ♪
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