01x16 - The Tale of the Great Breakout

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Peter Rabbit". Aired: 14 December 2012 – 6 May 2016.*
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Follows mischievous, charming Peter Rabbit and his friends as he overcomes obstacles, outwits predators and avoids danger.
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01x16 - The Tale of the Great Breakout

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Let's go! Peter Rabbit
Go on and run, run for our lives ♪

♪ We'll tear a hole in every fence
And every wall Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Run through the fields
Run wild and free ♪

♪ And grab a piece of every radish
That we see Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Go day and night go for it all ♪

♪ It's time to fly come on the
Wind's begun to blow let's go! ♪

♪ 'Cause you and I we weren't
Made for going slow let's go! ♪

♪ Adventure calls the game is on
Come on! ♪

♪ Let's go
Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Let's go
Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Let's go
Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Let's go! ♪

[voice over]
The Tale of The Great Breakout.

[sniffs] All clear.

Yummy, scrummy radishes,
here we come.

Ah, where did all the radishes go?
There were plenty here last time.

Well, Benjamin,
I guess we ate them all.

[stomach rumbles]

How about we find some carrots?

My tummy's in a bad mood today.

[sniffs] Wait... [sniffs]

I, I can smell a radish somewhere.
[sniffs] This way.

[adventurous music playing]

Huh! Mr McGregor's house?

-We can't go up there.
-But Peter's right,

that's where the radish smell is.

Come on, Benjamin. We can do this.

[all gasp]

[all] Wow!

That's the biggest radish
I've ever seen.

[Peter] We've got to get it.

-It's gigantinormous!
-[bells ring]

-Oh, no! Alarm bells.
-[Mr McGregor] Who's there?

-[gasps] Oh, no!
-[Mr McGregor] Rabbits!

[Mr McGregor]
You won't get my prize radish!

We can't touch the fence without
Mr McGregor hearing the bells.

I know that for a fact.

And then he'll catch us
and make a giant rabbit p-p-pie

to go with his giant r-r-radish.

We're not quitting yet.

We can't climb over the fence,
but we can get under it.

Benjamin, start digging.


[Benjamin grunts] It's no good.

The fence just keeps going down
and down and down... forever.

You've got to hand it to Mr McGregor.

No rabbit could ever get in there.

No rabbit,
but maybe someone else could,

someone who could steer clear
of those alarms

and who's really good at climbing.

No can do! Uh-uh. Sorry. Too busy.

Woo hoo!

Busy doing what, exactly?

[giggles] Playing!
I mean, squirrel training.

Very important to keep fit and bendy.

Someone bendy is just what
we're looking for.

There's a giant radish
in Mr McGregor's garden,

but it's behind a big fence
with alarm bells.

Oh! See ya.

We need your help, Nutkin.

We throw a rope over the branch
of the apple tree, like this.

-Then we lower you inside the fence.
-[Nutkin] Ah-huh!

You pluck the radish
and we pull you out. Tada!

I coloured that in, by the way.

That is incredibly nice
colouring-in, but I'll pass.

[sighs] That's too bad,

because Mr McGregor's garden is
the most exciting place there is.

Only the greatest acrobat whoever
lived could get to that radish.

Ah-huh! Keep talking.

[Lily] Only a tree-swinging superstar
could even get close to it.

[Peter] And everyone knows who that is.
His name is legendary,

from Rocky Island
to the Deep, Dark Woods.

They mean you, Nutkin.

Woah! Yes, I got that. Thank you.

Giant radish, here I come!


[gasps] Hopping hazelnuts!
I'd forgotten how great this place was.

So much stuff to break.
I mean, play with. [giggles]

Bringing Nutkin is the best idea ever.

Let's stay alert, make it fast
and above all, keep--


[Nutkin] Woohoo!


Actually, bringing Nutkin
was the worst idea ever.

He's the greatest acrobat
who ever lived.

He's just having a little fun.

[Nutkin giggles]

[Peter] Nutkin, don't forget the radish!

-[Nutkin] Woohoo!
-[Rabbits strain]

Hey! Watch this.

-Meow! [hisses]

[Mr McGregor]
First rabbits, now squirrels?

Nutkin, run!

[Nutkin giggles] Wow!

[Mr McGregor] Come back here!

Woohoo! Let's do that again. Please?

Ah, tunnel, now!

[Nutkin screams]

So, was that amazingly acrobatic
enough for you?

Go ahead, I like feedback.
Was I brilliant or very brilliant?

Oh. I forgot the giant radish,
didn't I?

[Mr McGregor growls] Silly squirrel.

You won't be so lucky next time.

[Nutkin] And then, I dived over
the terrifying cat beast,

which woke with a raaa!

But it was too slow for the
greatest acrobat who ever lived.

That's me.

-You may clap now.
-[squirrels clap and cheer]

My dad always said,
"A good rabbit never gives up."

All we need is another plan
to get that radish.

If it's a plan you want...

-Just a little something I figured out.

So, we throw the rope over
the tree and lasso the radish.

-I like it.
-Not bad.

Um... want me to colour it in?

Tomorrow, we'll get that radish.

This time, we do it alone.

Ah, Peter, we are not alone.

Nutkin, what are you doing here?

Peter, I had to come back
for the giant radish.

Last time, I failed you, my friend.

So this time, tada! I brought help.

You brought all the
other squirrels here?

They're all acrobats. Not quite
as good as me, mind you.

-[gasps] We should get out of here!

-[Nutkin blows musical notes]
-Nutkin, we have to go.

Mr McGregor will be here soon.

♪ Off you go ♪

♪ No time to lose
You'd best be on your way ♪

♪ Proceed with care ♪

♪ Think fast and stay aware ♪

♪ And just succeed at what
You're trying to do ♪

♪ The goal's in reach
It's waiting there for you ♪

Nutkin, this is really dangerous.
If Mr McGregor catches you...

OK, OK. We're right behind you.
Just one more run.

[Mr McGregor] Squirrels!


[squirrels laugh and cheer]

OK, guys. Time for me
to get that giant radish.

So, tie this off.

Alley-oop! Whoa!


I did it!

You may all clap now.

Ah, hello?

Where did everybody go?

Hey, the radish!
I knew you could do it.

Of course!

By the way, did you see where
my squirrel tribe went?

No, Nutkin. We haven't seen them.

I don't understand.

I didn't see them leave,
and I've got good eyes.

I don't miss a thing.

-[Mr McGregor] Gotcha!
-[all gasp]

Well, you won't be bothering me again,

Oh, no!
Mr McGregor has got Nutkin.

This is all my fault. It was my idea to
bring Nutkin along in the first place.

I've got to get him out.

You can't keep us in here.
We're wild animals.

We need the great outdoors.

And Felix gets very sweaty
in confined spaces.

[dramatic music playing]

Peter, help us!

It's too cramped in here,

and... [clears throat]
somebody doesn't smell too good.

[squirrels argue]

We'll get you out, Nutkin.
We need that key.

[Lily] It's too high up,
and look what's under it.

Don't worry, I've got a plan.

Operation Free The Squirrels is go!

Too bad I'll never get to taste you.


-[all strain]
-Can't hold this much longer.

[all gasp]

[cat yawns]



Sweet freedom! Woo!

Peter, look!

-[Rabbits gasp]

Everyone, back to the woods!
There's no time to lose.

Run for your...
Oh. I see they've already gone.

-[Peter] Nutkin!
-[Nutkin gasps]

-Let's hop to it.
-[Mr McGregor] Pesky squirrels!

[Mr McGregor] Come back here!

[Cat] Riaow!

After all that, we still didn't
get to taste the giant radish.

Never mind. It was only one radish.
There will be others.


I felt so bad about you
losing out on that giant radish

that I went out and found this.

Roll her in, boys. Tada!

Have you ever seen a radish like it?

Isn't this a little hard for a radish?

Nutkin, did you paint a really big
hazelnut to look like a radish?

What! I don't know how you could
accuse me of something so, so, so...

Yes, yes, that's exactly what I did,
but it was Felix's idea.

[Felix squeaks frantically]

Oh, well.
It's the thought that counts.

Look at the size of that radish.

[both] No, Benjamin, don't bite it!

[Benjamin] Ouchy! That's no radish.

[all laugh]

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit, Peter Rabbit,
Peter Rabbit ♪
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