05x10 - My Little Island

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Reading Rainbow". Aired: July 11, 1983 – November 10, 2006.*
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The purpose of the show was to encourage a love of books and reading among children.
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05x10 - My Little Island

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Reading rainbow ♪

♪ Butterfly in the sky ♪

♪ I can go twice as high ♪

♪ Take a look ♪

♪ It's in a book ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ I can go anywhere ♪

♪ Friends to know ♪

♪ And ways to grow ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ I can be anything ♪

♪ Take a look ♪

♪ It's in a book ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ Reading rainbow ♪

Attention, passengers.

Last call for boarding
flight 919 to montserrat.


Good morning.

Good morning.

Glad I'm not late.

I love to travel.

Today, we're
taking a trip

To a terrific island
in the caribbean.

It's called montserrat.

Thank you,
mr. Burton.

Thank you.

Hey, that's
our plane.

Come on.

You know, I've really
been looking forward

To this trip.

Just think, when we land
in montserrat,

We'll be
in another country.

your seat belt, please.

Thank you.

Control tower
to eastern flight 919.

You are cleared for takeoff
on runway number one.

Roger, control tower.

We're on our way.

It'll take
about five hours.

It's a good thing
I brought a book.

Not just any book.

This one's
all about montserrat.

It's a sneak peek
at what's in store for us.

It's called
my little island.

My friend luca and I
are going to visit

The island
where I was born.

From the air, it looks
like a giant green turtle.

When our plane lands,

We see dozens of smiling faces
welcoming us.

It's good
to be home again.

On the way
to my aunt's house,

We pass brightly painted
wooden houses.

They look like little rainbows
sitting on the hills.

Luca wants to know
the names

Of all the trees
and flowers.

I know
only some of them.


And jasmine flowers.

Yellow poui

And red
flamboyant trees.

Pink coral

And sweet
bay rum trees.

My aunt has lunch
ready for us

When we arrive.

It is too hot
to cook indoors,

So my aunt cooked
the food outside

In old coal pots.

We gobble up
red snapper fish

And fried bananas topped
with guava ice cream.

After lunch, lots of children
come to play with us.

Donkeys and goats,

Cats and cows
are everywhere.

We see iguanas
that are 3 feet long

And giant barking frogs.

Luca and I laugh.

Who will believe us
back home?

"To market, to market,"
my aunt sings out

Early the next morning.

When we get to town,

We see people carrying baskets
loaded with cinnamon, nutmeg,

And other good things
to sell.

"What the mangoes?
What the nuts?" People ask.

They want to know the prices
before they buy.

Luca and I can't decide
what to get.



Coconuts or
juicy orange papaws?

Which will taste
the best?

By noontime, it's too hot
to walk around anymore.

We sit down
in the square

And eat the fruits
we bought at the market.

The next day, we take a walk
along the seashore.

Fathers and sons are rowing
brightly painted wooden boats

With names like frangelica,
annipani, and shownabee.

They catch mackerel,

Parrotfish, and picasso fish
in their huge nets.

When their boats
are filled

With the flipping,
flopping fish,

They row
back to shore.

A fisherman blows
a conch shell.

People hear
the tootle-too-woo

And run to the beach to buy
nice, fresh fish for supper.

The afternoon
is hot, hot, hot.

Luca and I dive
into the sea...

And spend hours

In the cool
underwater world.

Almost everywhere,
calypso and reggae music

Play sweetly
to our ears.

Luca thinks it's neat
that the steel drums

Are made
from empty oil cans.

We hear their rhythms echo
all over the island.

Music, sweet music.

My island has
its own volcano.

Sometimes it sends smoke
and fire into the air.

Not far from the volcano
is a wild, wild forest

Where we go fishing.

We don't want to scare
the fish,

So we stand
there quietly

And just listen
to the bird songs

And frogs and insects

And the sound
of the bubbling ream.

On the night
before we go home,

We get
to stay up late.

It's carnival!

Jump up!
Jump up!

Our toes barely touch
the ground

As we dance
to the carnival songs

That play
all night long.

When morning comes, our visit
to my little island is over.

Luca and I don't want
to say good-bye

To my aunt, cousins,
and our friends.

We just say,
"we'll come back soon."


Soursops, papaws,
guava ice cream.

I can't wait
to get there!

Ladies and gentlemen,
out your window,

You'll see
we're approaching montserrat.

It's beautiful,

And it does look
like a giant turtle

in the ocean,

And everything
is so green.

There are the forests,
fields, and villages,

Just like
in the book!

That must be plymouth,
the main town

Where the famous market is.


We're really getting
close now.

We should land
any minute.

Passengers, please fasten
your seat belts for landing.

I'm really excited!

We have an island
to explore

And a great guide
to help us.

Come on!

Keeping you company
on the gem of the caribbean,

Sending out a welcome
to levar burton,

Visiting us on the
beautiful isle of montserrat.



Good afternoon.

All right.
How are you?

so friendly here.


It's really
a tropical paradise here.

Mountain vistas
that go on forever.

The houses really do look like
little rainbows on the hills.






Even the animals say hello
in montserrat.

Hiya, donkey.
How you doin'?

Just look
at that view!

This cow knows
where to have breakfast.

Ha ha ha.

You know
you're on an island

When you can see the ocean
from anywhere.

The roads are narrow,
with lots of twists and turns,

But that doesn't stop people
from walking in them.

So far, montserrat is
as lush and colorful

As my little island
said it would be.

And there's the town
of plymouth.

Let's go see
what's happening there.


Plymouth is
a busy town.

There are lots
of island shops

And island shoppers.

are everywhere--

Driving cars,
walking in the streets,
on sidewalks,

And riding bicycles.

Let's see if we can find
plymouth market.

I wonder if it looks like
the picture in the book.

Ha ha ha!
It sure does!

The people here grow
their own fruits and vegetables

And bring them
to the market to sell.

Buyers try to get
the best deal.

They weigh food
and haggle over prices,

And everybody
has a good time.


What should I get?

Everything looks
so colorful and tasty.

It's hard to decide.

What's that?

Some kind
of pumpkin or squash?

Smells good.

Thank you.

Good day.

Fresh greens.

And yams.

Let's see another picture
come to life.

Liz, how are you?

I'm all right.

This is
liz the charmer.

She buys fruits
and vegetables
from the farmers

To sell
at the market.

Liz, tell me about
the special fruits
and vegetables

On the island.

What are
these things?

This is a christophine.

It's got spines
on it.

Yes, these can
prick you.

What do you
call this?

That is a papaw.

Now, I've seen this

But it wasn't called
a papaw.

You call it papaya.

I have these
for breakfast.

You can make
a drink from it.

What's this?

A watermelon.


They have
different colors.

back home are
like footballs.

You'll find this
just as sweet
and maybe sweeter.

It's full-grown,
this watermelon?


Do you have
any pineapples?

Oh, yes.

These look
much smaller

Than pineapples
we get at home.

These are better
than yours.

Can I taste this?

Yes. Want me
to peel it?

Yeah, can you?


How do you like it?

Mmm, ooh,

That's very sweet.

You see this skin?

You can take this
and make a drink.
You boil this.

So nothing goes
to waste.

And you plant this.

And you get
another pineapple.

Liz, thanks so much

For showing us
your fruits
and vegetables.

This fruit
is pretty wild,

But it's not
the only wildlife
on montserrat.

Meet me tonight
in the mountains,

And I'll show you.

Mountain chicken?


Remember this spot
from the book?

That's where
we're headed.


We're out here trying
to catch mountain chickens.

You got to be quick,

But usually,
they're quicker.


Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!

Levar, I got one.


Yes, man.
Come see it.

Wait! This is
a frog.

They call them
mountain chicken.

They call a frog
a mountain chicken.

This is danny sweeney.

He's been helping me
find mountain chickens,

But I never expected it
to be a frog.

Look at the eyes.

They probably glow
in the dark.

What's this
that's moving?

That's where they
make the sound from.

The air makes
like a big balloon
inside them.

In the throat?

Yeah, and when
they open the mouth,
it goes brrrup!

Look at its colors.

He blends into
the background, huh?

Oh, sure.

One reason they're
difficult to catch.

These legs
are very strong.

They jump very far.

Look at the toes.

Yeah, they're wild.

That's where they
get the power from.

These look like maybe
the twigs of a tree limb

Or something, you know?

Can I hold him?

Sure, man.

It's very slippery.

He is.
He's very slippery.

Does this hurt him?

Stay right there, you.

He almost made a sound.


There he goes.
Yeah, getting ready.

We'll let him get back
to his friends.

There you go, guy.

I have
something else
to show you.

Something you caught
out here?


What is this,

It's an iguana.

He looks prehistoric,

Almost like
a dinosaur.

Is he vicious?

They are not

They don't
attack you.

Look at these claws.

They use them
for climbing trees.

This tail
is absolutely wild.

It's at least twice
as long as he is.

They use that
for running
and swimming

And if they're
being att*cked.

It's a defensive w*apon.
That's amazing.

Danny, thank you
for coming out here

And helping me look
for mountain chickens

And showing me
your iguana.

You're welcome.

Take care of yourself.

Take care.

An iguana's tail
is impressive.

Here are some other tales
you might want to hold,

But you don't have to
take my word for it.

I'm daniel boxer.

Have you ever wanted
to escape?

This is the book
for you.

It's called
nicholas bentley
stoningpot iii.

It's about a boy
named nicholas.

He's wealthy,
but he's unhappy.

His parents don't pay
any attention to him.

He's bored,



He wishes for adventure
and ends up

On a deserted island.

He makes friends

A monkey, two goats,
and a parrot.

The funniest part is when he
wears crazy costumes.

Some were a pirate,

A clown,

And an old lady.

Nicholas is happy
on the island.

He might come home,
and he might not.

If you want to know
how life is

In a private paradise,

Read nicholas bentley
stoningpot iii.

Have you dreamed

Of traveling
around the world?

If your parents
say no,

Head to the library for
the viking children's
world atlas.

An atlas is a book

That's filled
with different maps.

It's fun to read.

In this atlas,

Two kids named simon and sarah
travel with you.

You and simon and sarah
will travel

To neat kinds of places
like yugoslavia,

New zealand,

And italy.

The symbols on the map
help show

What life is like
in other countries.

One symbol was
a girl in a bathing suit.

That means it's
a good place to vacation.

My name is lauren.

I recommend the viking
children's world atlas.

It's the next best thing

To traveling
around the world.
Bon voyage!

Hi. My name is lori.

I enjoy stories
about children
from other countries.

I'm recommending
yagua days.

It's about a boy
named adan riera
from new york city.

His parents
are from puerto rico.

Adan's uncle ulise invites him
to puerto rico to visit.

Adan can't wait to go

To find out
what a yagua day is.

Finally, one rainy day,
he finds out.

The whole family
travels to the river.

Then they take a yagua leaf
from the palm tree

And belly-flop
into the river.

At first, adan feels scared
they might get hurt.

Then he finds out it's fun,
not dangerous.

In puerto rico,
rainy days are best.

They're yagua days.

I'm going to puerto rico
this summer.

If it rains,

I'll ask if we could
have a yagua day.

If you can't go,
read about it.

[Steel drums play]

Ah, there's that music,
sweet music.

What a great trip
this has been.

I hate to leave.
Tomorrow, I go home.

I thought I'd say good-bye
with a walk on the beach

And by listening
to some island music

Played by
a steel drum band.

These musicians
make their instruments

Out of oil drums.

Levar! We've got
a surprise for you.

reading rainbow theme]

Sound familiar?

Well, that sounds like
the perfect note

To say good-bye on.

See you next time.

Today's reading rainbow books

My little island

By frane lessac,

Published by
j.b. Lippincott.

Nicholas bentley
stoningpot iii

By ann mcgovern,
illustrated by tomie de paola,

by holiday house.

The viking
children's world atlas

By jacqueline tivers
and michael day,

by viking kestrel.

Yagua days

By cruz martel,
pictures by jerry pinkney,

Published by
dial books for young readers.
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