01x03 - Episode 3

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The End of the F***ing World". Aired: 24 October 2017 – 4 November 2019.*
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Series is based on Charles Forsman's mini-comics The End of the f*cking World, which were collected into a book in 2013.
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01x03 - Episode 3

Post by bunniefuu »

[nostalgic pop music]

[music builds]

♪ I'm laughing on the outside ♪

♪ Crying on the inside ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm so in love ♪

♪ With you ♪


[distant traffic]



[James sighs]


[Alyssa] Sometimes, James feels
like a boy I could love

Like, really love

[distant honking]

Then, other times,
he feels like a total f*cking stranger


It's an extra £30 for a late checkout


That's a lot of cash

We robbed a bank

[Alyssa sighs]

Keep the change

[slow rock]

[James] Could get a train to your dad's

[Alyssa] Maybe

[Alyssa] What if he doesn't want
to see me?

Well, shall we?

- What?
- Get a train to your dad's

[Alyssa] He probably won't
even recognize me

- Are we still going there?
- Yeah, obviously

We should lie low for a bit
Wait a couple of days

before we start getting
on any trains or anything

- Why?
- Because we robbed a guy, James

- He assaulted me
- Doesn't matter

We should go off-grid for a bit

Isn't your dad's off-grid?

- Why are you so obsessed with my dad?
- What?

I'm not

He's miles away

We need to find somewhere nearby

Somewhere nice

Could be like a mini break

[slow rock continues]

Holy shit

- How do you know?
- Know what?

That this one's safe

No obvious burglar alarm

Dust everywhere,
so no cleaner to worry about

[Alyssa] Post

At least a week's worth

Is breaking and entering
the best way of lying low?

[glass shatters]

[door opens and closes]

[Alyssa] Cool

[James] Think that's him
[Alyssa] Who?

[James] The guy that lives here

[Alyssa] Yeah, obviously

Bit uptight, isn't he?

[James] He's a professor

[Alyssa] Whatever, it's f*cking weird
having a photo of yourself


Look what I found

[James] Alyssa didn't have
much respect for people

Or people's stuff

[Alyssa] I sometimes wonder
if I should just become an alcoholic

It means you've always got
something to do

[suppressed gag]


I reckon this'll do

[James] Yeah

We can just chill here,
plan our route, take our time


[Alyssa] I'm trying to think
what adults do in situations like this

Should we go downstairs
and have a glass of wine?



Are you hungry?


[Alyssa] Well, that wasn't
as shit as I expected

It was actually really nice

[Alyssa] Thank you

How do you know how to cook?

Taught myself

[hard rock]

[James] It was that or type 2 diabetes

[Alyssa] We should wash up

[upbeat country music]

♪ Comb your hair and paint and powder ♪

♪ You act proud and I'll act prouder ♪

♪ You sing loud and I'll sing louder ♪

♪ Tonight we're settin'
the woods on fire ♪

♪ You're my gal and I'm your feller... ♪

[Alyssa] Some people get embarrassed
dancing. I don't

I think it's when I feel most myself

I get embarrassed talking
Well, after talking

When I realize
I've said something stupid

We should do this naked

[Alyssa] Something like that

♪ That never has been done ♪

♪ I don't care who thinks we're silly ♪

♪ You be Daffy ♪

♪ And I'll be Dilly ♪

♪ We'll order up two bowls of chili ♪

♪ Settin' the woods on fire... ♪

[James] As a rule, I didn't dance,

but it was hard to say no to Alyssa

Hey, close your eyes

- What?
- Close your eyes. I promise I won't look

♪ I'll gas up my hot-rod stoker ♪

♪ We'll get hotter than a poker ♪

♪ You'll be broke, but I'll be broker... ♪

[Alyssa] I think he is properly beautiful

♪ We'll sit close to one another ♪

♪ Up one street and down the other ♪

♪ We'll have a time, oh, brother ♪

♪ Settin' the woods on fire... ♪

[Alyssa] But he'll never start anything,

♪ My tires and tubes are doin' fine,
but the air is showin' through... ♪

Come here

♪ You clap hands and I'll start howlin' ♪

♪ We'll do all the law's allowin'... ♪

Undo your belt

[Alyssa] Whoever says all boys are
obsessed with sex hasn't met James

[music stops]

[Alyssa] I really hope
I'm not bad at this


[James snickers]
Is this OK?

[James gulps]

[breathes deeply]
Um, stop. Please, could you stop

- What?
- He was putting me off

- I thought you said that you wanted me
- I do

- I did
- Liar

f*ck you!

[melancholy guitar]


[door slams]

[James] I tended not to feel things

For a long time, I was good at it

Good at feeling absolutely nothing

I didn't even have to try

I just...


[low rumbling]

[rumbling intensifies]


[door echoes]

[doo-wop] ♪ Oooh, what a day ♪

♪ Oh, what a day
Oh, what a day ♪

♪ Oooh-oooh-oooh ♪

♪ Oh, what a day
Oh, what a day ♪

♪ When we fell in looove ♪

[music stops]

[Alyssa] The world is f*cking bleak

I guess I try and do things
to forget that it is

Keep busy, keep blind

I thought that's what me
and James were doing

Don't look at that



- How old are you, then?
- 17

Yeah, right

[snorts] You look better in person

f*ck off

[Alyssa] I do, actually

My mum says it's my secret w*apon,

which I think is kind of rude,
but I see her point

- So, what was your name again?
- Alyssa



What's yours?


What kind of a name is Topher?

It's short for Christopher

So, why can't you just be called Chris,
like a normal person?


Guess I'm a twat

[melancholy guitar]

- Do you have a girlfriend?
- No

- Boyfriend?
- No

[Topher] Whoa! Is this your place?

[Alyssa] We're squatting

[Topher] Who's we?

[door opens and closes]

James, this is Topher

And we're going upstairs to have sex

[James] Being with Alyssa had started
to make me feel things

She made me feel things

And I didn't like it at all

[guitar stops]

[Topher] Um...

[Alyssa] What?

[Topher] This isn't being filmed is it?
[Alyssa sighs]

Are you actually underage and someone's
gonna leap out like, "catch a pedophile"?

[Alyssa] Oh, for God's sake!

Come on, then!

[ominous music]


[James] Alyssa had thrown me a curveball


[hearty laughter]

[James] I had to bide my time

So I decided to have a look around

[laughter continues]

♪ Walking all day
with my eyes on fire ♪

♪ Can't stop looking at you ♪

♪ Walking all day
with my eyes on fire ♪

♪ That's what I've gotta do ♪

♪ Can't stop looking at you ♪

[muffled screaming]

[screaming intensifies]

[heavy silence]


[Alyssa giggles]

[low rumbling]

You're cool, Alyssa

You're really f*cking cool


[Alyssa] It's no good

It's just no good

Thanks, James

- I'm sorry
- What?

I changed my mind
I'm sorry, I'm not into this

Are you... Are you kidding?


[stutters] That's not fair

Uh, yes, it is

Please, Alyssa

I think you're amazing

Well, then, respect me changing my mind,
and f*ck off, please

[Topher sighs]

It's like... [angry] There is a word
for girls like you

I'll bet

[door slams]

[heavy footsteps on stairs]

[Topher] She is a f*cking
prick-tease b*tch

Right, yeah

I'll tell her

[door opens and slams shut]

[James knocks]


[Alyssa] Go away

[Alyssa] It feels like sex can go
from something you want to do

to a punishment, really f*cking quickly

[ominous music]

[James] I waited until she fell asleep

[door creaks]

[ominous music builds then stops]

[James] When her eyes were closed...

Alyssa looked a lot less angry

[gentle acoustic guitar]

[Alyssa sighs in her sleep]

♪ This is my five-string serenade ♪

♪ Beneath the water it played ♪

♪ And while I'm playing for you ♪

♪ It could be raining there, too ♪

That's great

[ominous beat]

Thank you very... [falters] much

[ominous music]

[door opens]

[ominous music intensifies]

[approaching footsteps]

[music builds]

[music stops]

[Alyssa] Oh, f*ck

How did you get in here?

I'm sorry

It's OK


It's OK, you just...

gave me a shock, that's all

Are you in trouble?
You needed somewhere to stay?

That's all right

You on your own?



[deep rumbling]

You made a bit of a mess downstairs,
didn't you?

[man] Hmm?

You've been eating my porridge,
as well, Goldilocks?



Shush, shush, shush, shush
Just stay still

Please don't

Don't what?

[firm] Hey, you gonna make this difficult?


Oh... Are you a virgin?



[60s country pop]

♪ I'm sorry ♪

♪ So sorry ♪

♪ That I was such a fool ♪

♪ I didn't know ♪

♪ Love could be so cruel ♪

♪ Oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh, yes ♪

♪ You tell me ♪

♪ Mistakes ♪

- Are you a virgin?
- Yes

♪ Are part of being young ♪

- Me, too
- Yeah, no shit

♪ But that don't right ♪

♪ The wrong that's been done ♪

[backing singers] ♪ I'm sorry ♪

♪ I'm sorry ♪

[backing singers] ♪ So sorry ♪

♪ So sorry ♪

♪ Please accept my apology ♪

♪ But love is blind ♪

♪ And I was too blind to see ♪

♪ Oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh, yes ♪
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