01x84 - Episode 84

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood". Aired: February 19, 1968 – August 31, 2001.*
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Rogers speaks directly to the viewer about various topics, taking the viewer on tours of factories, demonstrating experiments, crafts, and music, and interacting with his friends.
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01x84 - Episode 84

Post by bunniefuu »



♪ It's a beautiful day
in this neighborhood ♪

♪ A beautiful day
for a neighbor ♪

♪ Would you be mine? ♪

♪ Could you be mine? ♪

♪ It's a neighborly day
in this beauty wood ♪

♪ A neighborly day
for a beauty ♪

♪ Would you be mine? ♪

♪ Could you be mine? ♪

♪ I have always wanted to have
a neighbor just like you ♪

♪ I've always wanted to live
in a neighborhood with you ♪

♪ So let's make the most
of this beautiful day ♪

♪ And since we're together,
we might as well say ♪

♪ Would you be mine?
Could you be mine? ♪

♪ Won't you be my neighbor? ♪

♪ Won't you please,
won't you please ♪

♪ Please, won't you be
my neighbor? ♪

How are you?
Oh, I'm so glad to see you.

I was walking down the street
and three different friends

walked up to me and said,
"Here. Something for you."

I put them in here.
This is called a briefcase.

"Brief" is another word
for letter,

so it's really a letter case,
or a case for your letters.

But it wasn't letters
that they had given me.

No. I'll show you.

Mister Rogers.

[ Chuckling ]
Here's another one.

You see?

That's the traffic light,
isn't it?

Here we are, standing
right in the room.

And then one great big one.

And on the other side,
the trolley.

[ Trolley dinging ]

See the trolley?

Most of the pictures
that you send me

I have in a great, big book
at my office where I work.

Oh, boy, do I like them. Yep.

Of course, you know today
is a very special day,

not only because
of these nice pictures,

but because there's
going to be an opera

in the Neighborhood
of Make-Believe.

♪ Today is a very special day ♪

♪ It is ♪

♪ A very, very, very
special day, yes sir ♪

♪ A very, very, very, very,
very, very, very, very ♪

♪ very, very, very
special day ♪

And I hope it'll be
a good opera, too.

[ Knocking at door ]

Somebody at the door.
Let's see who it is.

Who is at my door?

[ Trumpet fanfare ]
Are you
Mister Rogers?

Yes, I am.

A message to you

from his Royal Highness,
Friday the 13th.

Oh, thank you very much.
How is King Friday?

He's very well,
thank you.

Oh, we've been
missing him.

You know, he's been away
for quite a while.

Would you tell him
that we've missed him?

I will.
Farewell, sir.

Farewell to you.
Thank you.


Doesn't King Friday have
fancy people

to deliver his mail?

Let's see what it says.

Another envelope inside.

"Dear Mister Rogers,
if it were not for me,

you would not be
reading this letter."

[ Chuckles ]
Well, that's true.

"Your beloved king
is enjoying an extended stay

at Sara Saturday's house.

We have cup custard
and root beer every day.

I haven't heard
from my subjects

in the Neighborhood
of Make-Believe.

I trust that all is well there.

Of course, my castle is fine.

You know that
nothing must go on there

without my permission.

I trust you are the same.
Your king, Friday the 13th."

Oh dear. What about the opera?

He hasn't given
his permission for that.

Let's tell Miss Paulificate
that we've got this.

[ Tinkling ]

Yes, it's Mister Rogers.
How are you?
[ Tinkling ]

Oh, we have a note
from King Friday,

and it's a little disturbing,
Miss Paulificate.

[ Tinkling ]

Oh, well, we could
send it on, yes.

Who will receive it?
[ Tinkling ]

Oh, Reardon
will pick it up.

Alright. We'll put it on
the trolley, Miss Paulificate.

[ Tinkling ]

Fine. And you'll have
Mr. Reardon receive it.
[ Tinkling ]

Good. We'll do that now.
Thank you.

Reardon can read it
and see what he thinks about it.

[ Trolley dinging ]
Oh, there's the trolley now.

Oh, Trolley, would you
please take this

to Make-Believe for us?

It's a very
important note.

Thank you very much.
Let's see what happens.

[ Dinging ]

Oh, Trolley,
stop, dear.

Yes. I just take
this, uh, little note here.

Yes. You can
go on now, dear.

Thanks very much.
Just take it.

Oh, stop, Trolley, please.
Stop. Oh, thank you.

I've got to find
this little note here

that's for me but, well,
I don't seem to see it.

Huh. Miss Paulificate
must have been mistaken.

Well, thank you, Trolley.
Thank you.

[ Dinging ]



Hello, Ben Franklin.

Oh, I'm tired, Reardon.

Are you? Why?

I dreamed and dreamed
the whole night long.

You did. Were they
good dreams or bad dreams?

Bad dreams.
Bad dreams.

Well, would you like
to tell me about them?

Yeah. Well, they all
had to do with King Friday,

and he was
angry with us

for using his garden
for the opera.

Mmm. Mmm. Well, I've been
a little worried

about that myself, X.

I mean, I don't like to use
other people's things

when they don't know
about it.

Yeah. Well, what
can we do, Reardon?

The opera's
supposed to be today.

Maybe we could call him.
That's a great idea.

I've got a long-distance
can in my tree.

I'll go get it.
You do? Fine.

Uh-huh. Yeah.
Just a minute.

A long-distance can,
that's just what we need.

Here it is.
There is is.

"Long Distance".

Right. Pull out
a good length of wire.

Oh, I will, because
it's a long distance

to Sara Saturday's house.

Long shot.
There, let's see.

Do you think that's about
as far as Sara Saturday lives?

One little bit more.
One more. Alright.

That should be it.

Now, let's see.
Uh, hello, operator?

[ Tinkling ]

Uh, can I make
a long-distance can
call, please, to...

[ Tinkling ]
Yes. I want to speak
to King Friday the 13th

please, at
Sara Saturday's house.

[ Tinkling ]

Yes. Yes. Yes.
I'll wait.

[ Tinkling ]

They're ringing.

[ Grand piano-music
plays ]

Whoa! Oh, hello, King Friday,
Your Majesty.

[ Grand piano-music
plays ]
How are you?

[ Grand piano-music
plays ]
It's King Friday.

Well, that's fine.
This is Reardon.

Uh, are you having a good time
there at Sara Saturday's?

[ Grand piano-music
plays ]
Oh, that's fine.

He's having a good time,
so he's in a good mood.

Ask him.
Uh, may I ask you
a favor, please?

[ Grand piano-music
plays ]

Yes. Well,
the favor is this.

I wonder if I might have
your permission, please,

to use your castle garden
for an opera?

[ Grand piano-music
plays ]

Oh, I may. Thank you.
Thank you.

[ Grand piano-music
plays ]

Well, there's
one condition.

[ Grand piano-music
plays ]

Oh. Oh, that someone take
pictures of the whole opera

so you can see
what happened.

[ Grand piano-music
plays ]

Well, Your Majesty,
that's easy

because we have
a lady in the opera

who takes pictures
of everything.
The whole thing.

[ Grand piano-music
plays ]
[ Chuckles ]

Well, no, we haven't
thought of quite everything,

but we've done
pretty well, I think.

I'm going to be
Ben Franklin.

Tell him that.
Oh, yes, yes, I will.

He just asked.
Oh, good.

Yes. Yes, X is in the opera,
and he's playing -- guess what?

Ben Franklin.
[ Grand piano-music
plays ]

Would you like
to talk to him?
Yep. Yep.

[ Grand piano-music
plays ]
Just a minute.

I'll talk to him.
He wants to talk to you.

Hi, King Friday.
[ Grand piano-music
plays ]

Yeah. I am Ben Franklin.
I am he.

I am Ben Franklin.
I am he. [ Laughing ]

[ Grand piano-music
plays ]

Yeah. I'll do my best.

Thank you so much for letting us
use your garden, King Friday.

[ Grand piano-music
plays ]

Are you enjoying
your vacation?

[ Grand piano-music
plays ]

He's delighted
we called him.

Oh good, I'm so glad.
Yeah. We've been
missing you, King Friday.

[ Grand piano-music
plays ]
Okay. Bye.

[ Grand piano-music
plays ]
King Friday.

[ Grand piano-music
plays ]
That's great.

Now we can do it without
feeling bad about it at all.

Yes. I feel so much
better about that.

Boy, so do I.

Get in this
long-distance rope here.
Here it goes.

Just about there.
Right. Here it is.

Oh, Lady Aberlin!
How are you?

Oh, man.

Lady Aberlin,
you're not ready.

Well, I...

I-I just don't think
we ought to do it.

Not do the opera?

Why not?


We've got to do it,
Lady Aberlin.

I mean, it will be fun.
You're taking pictures and all.

Well, I know -- I know
it will be fun, X,

but without
Uncle Friday's permission,

I-I just don't
want to.

But we have your
uncle's permission.

You do?
Yeah. We do.Yes.

How did you get it?

On this
long-distance can here.

Do you want to
talk with him, too?

Oh, could I?
Yeah, sure.
Just call long-distance.

Oh, I've really
missed him.

I-I-I-I'd love to
talk with him.

Yeah. Pull out
the cord.
You hold
the can while

I pull out
the long-distance.

Alright. Right?

That should be it.

Hello, operator?
[ Tinkling ]

X the Owl: Yeah.

I'd like to speak to
King Friday the 13th, please.

He's at
Sara Saturday's place.

[ Tinkling ]

Oh, thank you.
Yes, I'll hold on.

[ Tinkling ]
Yeah. He sounded
so good.

Hello, Edgar?
[ Tinkling ]

How are you?
[ Tinkling ]

Edgar Cooke.
Oh, grand.
Is -- Is Uncle Friday there?

[ Tinkling ]

Oh, he isn't there.

He -- He's walking with
Sara Saturday in the garden.

He's walking
with Sara Saturday.

Well, Edgar? Uh,
would you tell Uncle Friday

that -- that -- that
we're going to

take lots of pictures
of the opera,

and you can see
just what it's like?

[ Tinkling ]

Oh, grand. I'll congratulate
everyone. Bye.
[ Tinkling ]

X the Owl:
Okay, opera-whoppers.
Let's go do it.
I feel better.

Are you ready, Reardon?

Well, I'm ready.
Are you ready?

Oh, almost ready.
Sure we are.

I'll be ready
in a minute.

Get ready, Lady Aberlin,
and we'll be right over there.

Off we go.
Okay, come along,
opera lovers.


Oh, here I am all dressed
and everything.

Where is everyone?

It's time for the opera
to begin. Where is everybody?

Here I am,
Lady Elaine.

Oh, good. What's
been keeping you?

Oh, we've just been
talking to the king.

You squealed on me...
Oh, no.

...and I wanted to --
Wait. Wait, Lady Elaine.

The king said it's
alright to have the opera.


Alright. Well, what about
all of the tents?

The tents?

Well, they're just here
for the opera, aren't they?

Mm. Beautiful camp sites,
beautiful tents.

Alright. Time for
the opera now.

I'll announce it.

you're the
Hobby Horse Express Rider.

Do you have your horse?

Well, yes. It's right
behind the castle.

Good. And where
is Lady Aberlin?

Oh, she's there, too.
And X the Owl?

I am Ben Franklin,
you can see.

I am Ben Franklin.
I am he.

I know that, dear.

You wait 'til
it's time to come in.


Now, first you go
riding across the front

and sing your
Hobby Horse Express song.

And I'll wave to you,

and when you pass
my castle campsite,

you'll give me my mail.

Oh, fine. Alright.
Are we ready to begin?

Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
Where's my covered wagon?

Chef Brockett:
Here I am, my lady.

I was looking
everywhere for this wheel.

Well, why
do you need a wheel?

Well, I thought I could
make the wheel go around

when we were traveling,

and then I would hold it still
when we were stopped.

-Oh, that's an excellent idea.
-Oh, an excellent idea.

Lady Elaine Fairchilde:
Good. Alright.
Now on with the opera.

Reardon is first.
You two come in later.


Okay. On with the opera.
On with the opera.



♪ I ride my horse,
I ride my horse ♪

♪ I love to ride
my hobby horse ♪

♪ My hobby horse,
my hobby horse ♪

♪ I love to ride
my horse, of course ♪

♪ Thank you for my mail,
my friend ♪

♪ Thank you
for my mail ♪

♪ You're welcome,
I'm sure ♪

♪ Just wait 'til you see
just who has written to you ♪

♪ to you, to you, to you,
to you, to you ♪

♪ Just who has written
to you, just who ♪

Just who
has written to me?

Why, it's a letter
from Benjamin Franklin.

He wants a tent
for the night.

Imagine Benjamin Franklin
coming to Castle Campsites.

Benjamin Franklin.
Benjamin Franklin.

♪ I am Ben Franklin
You can see ♪

♪ I am Ben Franklin
I am he ♪

♪ I am Ben Franklin
You can see ♪

♪ I am Ben Franklin
I am he ♪

♪ Here is your tent,
Ben Franklin ♪

♪ Here is
your comfortable tent ♪

♪ Here's my best tent,
Ben Franklin ♪

♪ Now you can
pay the rent ♪

How much is the rent,

Ten, dear.
Ten for the tent.

But I have only
three with me, lady.

You can leave the three
and go back for the seven.

I'll hold it for you.

But it's
a long trip back.

You'll make it, dear.

♪ Ten for the tent,
Ben Franklin ♪

♪ Ten for the comfortable tent,
you see ♪

♪ I am Ben Franklin Franklin
You can see I am he ♪

See you later, dear.

Oh, that was nice.

♪ Rolling, rolling,
rolling, rolling ♪

♪ Rolling over
the rocks ♪

♪ Rolling, rolling,
rolling, rolling ♪

♪ Rolling, rolling
the rocks ♪

♪ I am taking pictures ♪

♪ Pictures of the rocks ♪

♪ Of the rolling rocks ♪

♪ Click, click, clicking
pictures ♪

♪ Of box and ox and fox,
box and ox and fox ♪

♪ Roll, roll ♪

♪ Roll, roll, roll, roll ♪

♪ Roll... ♪

♪ Whoa! ♪

♪ Rolling, rolling,
rolling, rolling ♪

♪ Of the rocks ♪

♪ Rolling, rolling,
rolling, rolling ♪

♪ Rolling, rolling ♪

♪ Rocks ♪

♪ Oh, covered wagon,
I am so tired ♪

♪ I do wish we could find
a place to stop for awhile ♪

♪ Rolling, rolling,
rolling, rolling ♪

♪ Maybe you will
soon see ♪

♪ Rolling, rolling,
rolling ♪

♪ Roll a place
for you and me ♪

♪ Do you know what I see
through my camera? ♪

♪ What do you see? ♪

♪ A good place to camp,
covered wagon ♪

♪ Let's go there
right away ♪

[ Bell rings ]

Someone's ringing
my bell?

Yes. We'd like a place
to stay, dear lady.

Do you need a tent
or a campsite?

♪ Rolling, rolling,
rolling, rolling ♪

♪ We need a campsite ♪

Are you a singing
covered wagon?

♪ Rolling, rolling,
rolling, rolling ♪

♪ Yes, indeed ♪

♪ I am ♪

Well, roll on in. I've never
seen anything like it.

And what do you do?

♪ I take pictures ♪

Well, take one of me beside
Ben Franklin when he comes back.

Benjamin Franklin
is coming here?

Castle Campsites gets
all the famous people.

Oh, I can't wait
to meet him!

Wait 'til you meet
the Hobby Horse Express Man.

♪ Oh, is he
coming here, too? ♪

♪ I ride my horse,
I ride my horse ♪

♪ I love to ride
my hobby horse ♪

♪ My hobby horse,
my hobby horse ♪

♪ I love to ride
my horse, of course ♪

♪ For me?

♪ For Lady Elaine ♪

♪ Oh, may I take
your picture? ♪

♪ Of course,
my horse ♪

♪ Of course ♪

♪ Oh, thank you ♪
[ Shutter clicks ]

♪ Thank you ♪
[ Shutter clicks ]

♪ Thank you ♪
[ Shutter clicks ]

♪ Of course ♪

♪ Oh, what
a wonderful man ♪

♪ Do you suppose he will ever
come back here again? ♪

Oh, I suppose so,

but this is a letter
from Ben Franklin, dear.

He says he has found
the seven for the ten

and will be here soon.

♪ I am Ben Franklin
You can see ♪

♪ I am Ben Franklin
I am he ♪

♪ Here are your
seven pennies more ♪

♪ Now you have ten
for your store ♪

Well, here's
your tent, dear.

Goodnight, everybody.

Oh, oh, goodnight,
but Benjamin Franklin...

...before you go...

before you go to sleep,

♪ May I take
your picture? ♪

♪ Oh dear, Ben Franklin,
before you go to sleep ♪

Uh, sh**t if you will
this old, gray suit,

but let me go to sleep.

Oh, thank you,
thank you, thank you.

[ Shutter clicks ]


Okay. Now let's all go
to sleep now.

Here's your tent,
Ben Franklin.

I'll go over to mine.



[ Whispering ]
Here is a letter

for the lady
with a covered wagon.



♪ Oh, a letter? ♪

♪ Who do you
suppose it's from? ♪

♪ Rolling, rolling,
rolling, rolling ♪

♪ Open it and see ♪

♪ It says ♪

♪ "Dear lady with
the singing covered wagon ♪

♪ I would like
to marry you ♪

♪ But your covered wagon ♪

♪ Wouldn't be big enough
for a family ♪

♪ Would you come
with me? ♪

♪ Love from the Hobby
Horse Express Man" ♪

♪ What is your decision,
my lady? ♪

♪ I'd like to marry,
I would, I would ♪

♪ But could I leave you? ♪

♪ Could, could, could
My covered wagon ♪

♪ Good, good, good ♪

♪ Yes you could,
you could, you could ♪

♪ I'd come to visit,
I would, I would ♪

♪ I will, I will,
I will, young man ♪

♪ Come back, come back,
whenever you can ♪

What's all the noise here?
What is all the noise here?

I'm going to be married.
Isn't that great?

It all depends, dear,
who it may be.

Is it Ben Franklin?
Is it he?

♪ Oh, no ♪

♪ It is a fine man
who sent me this note ♪

Oh. The Hobby
Horse Express Man.

♪ A horse for you,
a horse for me ♪

♪ and now we ride,
we ride, indeed ♪

♪ Goodbye, dear friends ♪

♪ And take good care
of covered wagon, wagon there ♪

You're leaving
covered wagon here?

Will you take
good care of him?

I am Ben Franklin.
What's going on?

I am Ben Franklin.
I must be gone.

♪ The lady and I are going
to be married ♪

♪ However, she wants
to find somebody ♪

♪ to take good care
of her covered wagon ♪

Oh, covered wagon,
would you come with me?

You could
cover my diplomacy.

♪ Benjamin Franklin,
I'd love to go ♪

♪ Benjamin Franklin,
hello, hello ♪

♪ Off we go,
covered wagon ♪

♪ Off we go,
right away ♪

♪ Off we go,
covered wagon ♪

♪ Off we go today ♪

♪ Let's go
right away ♪

♪ Go somewhere today ♪

♪ Let's be together
and stay and stay ♪

♪ Let's go together
today right away ♪
♪ Let's be together today
right away♪

♪ Let's be together today ♪

♪ Off we go ♪

Oh, beautiful campsites,
beautiful tents.

What a horse opera.
My, what suspense.

That's it, everybody.

Will you clap?
Thank you very much.

Bow, everyone.
Ooh. Lovely.

[ Applause ]
Come on, X. Come on, X.

Come on, X.

Thanks ever so much.
Thank you.

Well, that's it.
You did a grand job.

Oh, thanks, Lady Elaine.
Now, you know,

we'll be glad to help you
clear away the scenery anytime.

Oh, well we'll talk about
that tomorrow, dear.

Let's just leave it
all right the way it is.

Such a lovely happening today.
Come along now.

Let's all have some
post-operatic refreshments.

-Oh, grand.
-Oh! Come on.


So, they did very well
with the opera, didn't they?

Oh, I liked it.
This is my broom.

You know, you can pretend
that it's a hobby horse.

I like the way they rode
their hobby horses, didn't you?

♪ I ride my horse,
I ride my horse ♪

♪ I love to ride
my hobby horse ♪

Do you ever take a broom
and ride a hobby horse?

♪ Hobby horse ♪

♪ I like to ride my horse,
of course ♪


There, hobby horse
into the closet.

What about those tents?

Do you think Lady Elaine

is going to take
those tents down now?

I sure hope so,

'cause that's what King Friday
meant when he said,

"I want my castle
to be in order."

Well, of course he does.

Everyone likes his home
to be in order.


Oh, I like the way X
was Ben Franklin, didn't you?


And Lady Aberlin, ooh!

She and Reardon
just rode off

on their horses happy as can be,

and Chef Brockett finally
got to be in an opera.

Oh, yeah. Our friends.
You could make up an opera.

Sure. I've often told you that.

Just sing whatever
you want to say in a play.

Mm-hmm. Guess when
we'll be together again.

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow ♪

♪ We'll start the day tomorrow
with a song or two ♪

♪ One, two ♪

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow ♪

♪ We'll start the day tomorrow
with a smile for you ♪

♪ 'Til then, I hope
you're feeling happy ♪

♪ 'Til then, I hope your day
is [snaps] right ♪

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow ♪

♪ It soon will be tomorrow
and be our day ♪

♪ We will say
a very happy tomorrow to you ♪

You always make it
such a special day,

even a day for an opera,
by just your being you.

See you tomorrow. Bye.



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