16x06 - Making and Creating

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood". Aired: February 19, 1968 – August 31, 2001.*
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Rogers speaks directly to the viewer about various topics, taking the viewer on tours of factories, demonstrating experiments, crafts, and music, and interacting with his friends.
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16x06 - Making and Creating

Post by bunniefuu »

THEME SONG: It's a beautiful
day in this neighborhood,

a beautiful day for a
neighbor, would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

It's a neighborly day in
this beautiwood, a neighborly

for a beauty, would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

I have always wanted to have
a neighbor just like you.

I've always wanted to live
in a neighborhood with you.

So let's make the most of this
beautiful day, since we're

together might as well
say, would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

Won't you be my neighbor?

Won't you please,
won't you please,

please won't you be my neighbor?

-Hi television neighbor.

I'm glad we're together again.

A friend of mine was going
to throw this old shirt away

and I asked him if I
could have it for my work.

Just cover up my
sweater, because I'm

going to do some stuff
at the sand table today.


It's still serviceable.

Take this with me too.


Need some water out there.

Take some of that
to the sand table.

Do you like to play in the sand?

I like to do things in the sand.

Let me see if I can make
a little bridge with this.

The tube right like that.

There's a ball.

Let's see if the ball
will go through the tube.


Here's another one.

And a third one.


Let's try building
something with this.

Think I could use a little
water to make the sand moist.


There's one like a pyramid.

Let's make another.



And maybe in between
those pyramids

we could have a little lake.

Put some water in that.


Now would that fit across there?

Nope, doesn't quite fit.

Maybe this longer
one would fit across.


Now how can we get the balls
to go through this tube

and around like that?

Guess I'd have to
jump it up with my--

Oh, well I'll think of
other things to do here.

I remember seeing some young
neighbors of mine building

a kind of game like this
in the earth one time.

Only it was a lot fancier.

They seemed to be having
a really good time.


-They have some very good ideas.

And I have a feeling
that you would too

if you were making such a thing.

Mr. McFeeley is going
to meet me after a while

at a new miniature golf
place in this neighborhood.

But we have some time for
make believe right now.

So let's pretend that this
toy car is the trolley,

and it's on its way to the
Neighborhood of Make Believe.


-OK Trolley, stop.

Very good, now stay right there.

I have something for you.




-Just exactly what I wanted.

There now Trolley.

Don't say I never did
anything wonderful for you.


-No, nobody will
ever have to know.

I made the whole
thing up by myself.

Off you go.

-Hi Lady Elaine.

-Oh, Hello Handy.

-You know, I don't know
why, but somehow the trolley

looked different to me today.

-Well maybe it is different.

-Oh no, it's just
my imagination.

That trolley is always the same.

-Well, It's your eyes, Toots.

-That's right.

Say, what brings you over
here this beautiful day?



What do you mean by that?

-I'm trying to get
some ideas for exhibits

at the Museum-Go-Round.


-Here comes someone
with lots of ideas.

-I want quality,
Handy, quality ideas.

-Lady Fairchild an
Handyman Negri, I presume?

-Correct as usual King Friday.

-Oh yes, King.

-Did I hear a plea
for quality ideas?

-Lady Elaine is doing some
research at her museum.

-Well Fairchild,
you've certainly

come to the right place.

-And the right king, I guess.

-Without a doubt.

When it comes to ideas
about everything,

King Friday the 13th has them.

-In abundance.

-Yes, there and everywhere else.

Now you wish to know what to
do with your Museum-Go-Round?

-Well, uh--

-You could put my
picture on the roof

and make the whole thing
into a King Friday-Go-Round.

-Now that's what I mean by
one of your ideas, Friday.

And what's everybody
supposed to do

while your picture is
going round and round?

-Why they're to
stand at attention

and watch it, of course.

-Of course.

-So you like that?

-Not very much.

I want my exhibits to be fun for
everyone, not just for kings.

-Oh, I feel sure you'll think
of something Lady Elaine.

-I have a better idea.

-What it is your majesty?

-Instead of my picture
on top of the museum,

we could use my statue.

What about that?

-Well, if you have any more
ideas just let me know, Toots.

Somehow I'd like to
do something with mud,

and brown paint,
and automobiles.

-Oh, with a king on top?

-With or without.

See you all.

Toot, toot.

-Farewell Fairchild.

-Goodbye Lady Elaine.

-You always manage to come
up with an idea, King Friday.

-Yes, ideas were always
part of our kingly school

course in making and creating.

-It's fun to make
up ideas, isn't it?


-Why, just a little
while ago I had an idea

that our trolley had changed.

-What gave you that
novel idea, Handy?

-Well, I looked at it
and it looked different.

-Oh, perhaps it is different.

We should check on it.

-But trolleys don't
change King Friday.

-Handyman, have you forgotten?

Anything can happen
in Make Believe.

-Oh yes, sometimes
I do forget that.

-Well, let's call the trolley
and see for ourselves.

-Well, how do we
call the trolley?

-Oh, let me see.

Just simply place your fingers
in the form of a small T

and into them called
"trolley" three time.

-Trolley, trolley, trolley.

It didn't work, sire.

-You're sure you used a small T?

-Well, like this.

-Oh, that's a capital T. Try
your one finger down a little


Yeah, now call
trolley three times.

-Trolley, trolley, trolley.

-There it comes.

-The trolley has changed.

-Ah, stop Trolley Car.


-Trolley, I presume?


-Well if you are Trolley,
why do you look like a car?


-A car cover?


Where did you get the car cover?

-Well Handy, looks
like you were right.

-The trolley has a car cover.

-I wonder where Trolley
got the car cover?

-That is something to
wonder about, isn't it?


-And another idea for your
museum exhibit Lady Elaine.

-What do you mean, Friday?

-Well, you could exhibit
all kinds of covers.

Ask people to make
them and you show them.

-Oh, like costumes and all?


-I think that's a great idea.


-Ah, Trolley likes the idea too.


-Trolley want it's
car cover back on.

-Very good.

See you later then, Trolley.


-What kind of cover would you
make for one of your toys?

I wonder if this would
cover up this car?

No, that's not quite big enough.

Maybe this one?


There is the car underneath.

I think I'll make
another lake here.


Oh, there's the telephone.


Oh hi Mr. McFeeley.


Yeah, I was expecting to go.


I know, it must be.

Chuck Aber?

Oh, fine.

All righty.

I'll meet you there in
just a couple minutes.

Very good.

Bye bye.

That was Mr. McFeeley.

He says he's ready to meet me
at the miniature golf course.

And he said that Chuck
Aber is the manager

of that miniature golf course.

I'll throw this water out here.

And I'll clean up
the sand table later.

And off we will go
to have our time

with Mr. McFeeley at the
miniature golf course.

Come along.



-Oh hi, Fred.

-There you are.

-Welcome, welcome, welcome.

-Thank you.

Mr. McFeeley tells
me it's really

fun to play golf on
this miniature course.

-Oh yeah, it is.

Everybody really has good time.

-Do you ever have a
chance to do it yourself?

-Whenever I can, because
I really like it.

-Looks awful busy today.

-Well, do you have
time to play a little?

-We'll sure do a
few holes, anyhow.


-Well terrific.

Play just as many as you'd like.

And you can start
over here, all right.


-Thanks very much.
-Have fun.

-See you later.
-You're welcome, bye bye.

Oh sure, I'll help
you with that.


-Hi Ted.

-Well now here's one.

Let's try this one first.

-All right.

What are you
supposed to do here?

-Let's see, you should get
the ball rolling down here

through one of those two
holes and into the hole

on the other side.


Do you want to go first?

-All righty.

Here we go.

-That's good Mr. McFeeley.

That looks pretty close.

-Now you try.

-All right.



That one is yours.

-All right.

Now let me try to get it in.

Oh, just missed it.

-You want to try again?

-OK, I'll try again.



-This time for sure.


Right in.

-How many strokes
is that for you?

-I think that was four.


Let me see about this one.


-Get real close and then
it just doesn't go in.

-There-- oh, the same
thing happened to me.

There you go.

-Now we each have four strokes.

-That's right.

-Now where do we go?

-Oh here's one that's
not being used.

Let's try that one.

-All right.

-Now this time you be first.

-All right.

I think this is fun.

-I'm enjoying myself.

Now, on this one it
has to go over the hump

and into the hole.


Give it a good, hard hit here.

Uh oh.

-You got over both.

-You better go.

-OK, I'll try now,
see what I can do.

I did the same thing.

-You did too.


-Well, I think we can
come back and then go

around this middle
part, can't we?

-OK, we'll try that.

Why don't you go first.

-All right.

Oh, oh, good.

-Now I'll try.


-It's OK.

-Try it again.


-A little harder
this time I think.

-There you go.

OK, now we have to go
over here and get them.

Oh my, look at that.

-Now, let's see.

-This isn't easy.


Too far.

-Shall I try?

-Sure, your turn.

-All righty.

Let me try.

-Sometimes you hit it
too-- good for you!

Good for you.

Now let's see.

-It's going to do it.

You did it.

I think I've lost
count on that one.

We had a lot of strokes.

-That's all right.

-Let's see, I think here's
one over here we can try.


What do you do?

Go around I guess.

-All around and into
the hole over there.

-You go first.

-All right.

Whoop. well, I got that far.

I'll try getting it around.

I have to bounce
it off this corner.

-Oh that's good.

Oh, you're close.


Go ahead and try now.

-All right


Well you're lined right up.

Ooh, that was close.

-Too far.
You want to finish yours?

-All right.

Here we go.

-Good, Mr. McFeeley.



-How's it going?

-Oh, just fine thanks.


-My grandchildren
told me it was fun,

but I didn't realize
it was this much fun.

-Oh yeah, that's
what I like about it.

It's a game the whole
family can enjoy together.

-I just wonder how people think
up these different courses.

-I guess they imagine all
the ways a golf ball can

go and then make sure we
can have fun doing it.

-Well, we are.
-Well, that's good.

-We certainly are.

-I'm glad.

Now I know you can't
play all the holes,

but I do want you to
make sure you play

that one over there, the castle.

-The castle?

-That's my favorite.

-All right, good.

Thank you Chuck.

Bye, bye.

-The castle is over here.


-Well, why don't you
start first this time.

-Now what do you have to do?

-You have to put the
ball through the castle

into the hole on the other side.


It looks pretty far.

I better hit it hard.

-Well, I think you,
you missed the castle.

Here, I'll get the-- why
don't you try it again.

-Oh wait a minute,
shouldn't I just

do this and bring it back
and take another stroke?

-All right.

-That's two.

-Take it from there, you mean?



-There's three.


-OK, now you go.

-All right.

Try this one.

-This is a hard one.

-I'll see if I can get
it through the castle.

Made it through.

Well, so far so good.

-You're doing well Mr. McFeeley.

-Now, do you want to go ahead?

-All right.

Let's see here.

-A little too hard I think.

One more time.

-What is wrong?


-Should I finish it off?

I think I can do it.

I don't know how
many it took me.

-Now let me try here.

I think I will try to hit it a
little differently this time.

-From that side?

-Well it didn't quite work.

-It's almost in.

-This should do it.

-You did it.

-There we go.

-You did it in four.

Boy it took me a lot
of sh*ts that time.

-Well, that was a lot of fun.

-It sure was.

-I think we better get
these back to Chuck Aber.


-All right, right this way.

-And you wanted green, Jamie?

There you are.

And you start right over there.


-Here we are.
There you are, Chuck.

-Did you play the castle hole?

-We certainly did.

-And Mr. McFeeley got
it in four strokes.

-Four strokes,
well good for you.

-Well, thank you.


-Thanks for letting
us do this today.

-Oh, you're very welcome.

Come any time.

-You have the most
interesting jobs.

-Well, I always enjoy
working with people.

-Speaking of jobs, do you
have any deliveries or pickups

in my part of the neighborhood?

-No, I have a pick up
in that direction today.

-OK, well, we'll see you later.
-OK, bye bye.


Thanks Chuck.

-You're welcome.

-It's fun to play something
like that with Mr. McFeeley.

You know, people
don't have to keep

scores to have a good time.

Mr. McFeeley is
such a good sport.

Let's take a look at the fish.

I just haven't given you my
greetings for a long time.

Aren't they
beautiful, those fish?

Sometimes when they
go behind those plants

it makes it seem as if they
have covers themselves.

When I look at them I like to
think, each one is different.

Isn't that amazing?

Just like people.

[SINGING] It's you I like.

It's not the things you wear.

It's not the way
you do your hair.

But it's you I like.

The way you are right now.

The way down deep inside you.

Not the things that hide you.

Not your toys they're
just beside you.

But it's you I like.

Every part of you,
your skin, your eyes,

your feelings,
whether old or new.

I hope that you'll remember
even when you're feeling blue

that it's you I like, it's
you yourself, it's you.

It's you I like.

-And when you like someone, you
like being with that person.

And it's good to think about
the times you'll be together.

So when you say
goodbye, you think

about the next time
you will be together.

And that can give you
a very good feeling.

[SINGING] It's such a good
feeling to know you're alive.

It's such a happy feeling
you're growing inside

and when you wake
up ready to say,

I think I'll make
a snappy new day.

It's such a good feeling,
a very good feeling,

the feeling you know that I'll
be back when the day is new,

and I'll have more
ideas for you.

And you'll have things
you'll want to talk about it,

I will too.

-You always make each
day such a special day.

You know how, by just
your being yourself.

I'll be back next time.

Bye, bye.

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