Fir Crazy (2013)

Christmas & New Years movies collection.

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Fir Crazy (2013)

Post by bunniefuu »

No, no, something
less, I don't know...

less Christmas-y.

Say something like
"Seasonal Wishes,

Elise MacReynolds,
VP of Marketing."

No. Don't put the VP.

Or. Maybe put the VP?

Wait, what?

If the CEO is tracking me down
before the holidays, put the VP.

Order 150 cards.

That has to mean I got the

I have another call. Gotta


Your dad's gone
and done it.

It was on sale!

Hank, what are we going to

with a forty pound
frozen turkey?

It was ON SALE.

Forty pounds?

I see a lot of turkey
sandwiches in your future.

Tell me you'll come
help eat this beast.

Home for Thanksgiving?

I can't.

I'm about to
get a promotion,

I need to log the hours.

Hon. You haven't
been home in a year.

No one works 24/7.

I get a lunch break?

Dad and I are driving the trees
down to the city next week.

You know Brendel's
was sold to that

fancy-schmancy furniture
chain, Brook Glen.

No, I didn't know that.

Fortunately, old man
Brendel made it part of

the deal that we could
still have the same space.

Mom, when are you
guys retiring?

Every year you exhaust
yourselves selling those

Christmas trees.

That's why we have a
successful daughter to

support us when
we're old and frail.

Is there an extra room in
that new loft of yours?

And with that, I gotta go.

Seriously? It's not even
Thanksgiving yet, Max.

Where's your
holiday spirit?

Yule Log latte?


No whipped cream, no
nutmeg, no Santa Claus.


No whipped cream, no
nutmeg, no fun.

Got us an upgrade.

Two words: private cabana.

Am I the man?

You're my one
and only man.

When you're with
Lance Pinfeld,

it's only the best.

How's the unpacking
going at the new place?


Want to come over
later and help me out?

Yeah, of course.

Hey, Secret Santa.

Secret Santa?

Why does everyone
insist on stupid

"traditions" like this?

What is it with
you and Christmas?

You know how I told you I
grew up on a farm upstate?

Yeah, the town I
can't pronounce.

No one can.


That's the one.

Well, the farm was a
Christmas tree farm.

So what's the problem?

Every Christmas,
since I was a baby,

from Thanksgiving
to December 26th,

my family's driven down to
Manhattan and lived in a

freezing cold trailer on
a street, selling trees.

It's the anti-Christmas.

You're done with
all that now.




Keep talking,
keep talking...

Elise, there you are.

Malcolm! I heard
you were looking for me.

Can we have a word?

You're the boss.


A word. In private?


It's like ripping
off a Band-aid.

Better to just come
out and say it.

And here I thought I
was getting promoted...

are in the toilet.

I have to downsize,
trim the fat.

You're saying
I'm "the fat".

Okay, wrong analogy.

Look, you know I've
always liked you.

But why me?

Why not Brandy?

She's late every day.

Oh, she's fired too,
she's just not in yet.

But it's bigger
than that, Elise.

We're an athletic
shoe company.

Look at your feet.

You don't fit in.

Step Shoes needs to
speak to its market.

And I don't think
you're listening.

I'm listening.

I listen.

Listen, that's
me listening.

You do your job, but I'm
not feeling the passion.

The connection.

You'll bounce back, kid.

Tell me you
brought ice cream.

I can't actually stay.

But you're already here.

I know, it's...
we need to talk.

Why do I get the
feeling we're not talking

about something good.

I'm glad you
brought it up.

Brought what up?

I can't go to the Bahamas.

Because of the layoffs.

Malcolm is making everyone
work over the holidays.

I think we should
take a break.

You're breaking
up with me?

I didn't say break up.

You said "break".

"Up" is implied.

Look, E. Malcolm
gave me your accounts.

I'm doing two jobs.

I can't do this, too.

So that's it?

Our relationship was just
summed up in a hand gesture?

I'm sorry.

I did get you this?

Let it melt.

We're still
friends, right?

You're perfect.



If you were perfect,
you wouldn't be in a

headhunter's office
looking for a job.

But you're close.

Full scholarship.


Marketing Director
before 30.

I could find you
a job by Monday.


No. Because I got nothing.

It's almost the holidays.

Nobody hires in corporate
at the holidays.

So what do I do?

Well, hopefully you saved
your money and didn't do

something stupid like
just buy an apartment.

Which you did.

It has good views?

Elise, I'll do my best.

Be ready to interview
on a moment's notice.

Get in here for a hug.

Now tell me why
you're here.

I got fired.

And dumped.

Oh, hon.

I'm so sorry.

But it's perfect timing.

That's what happens when
you drop a 40 pound turkey

on your foot.

He's laid up
until January.

My foot's broken, Betty.

Not my mouth.

I can speak for myself.

Oh, Dad!

It's not just
the broken leg.

It's the trees.

We only have 6 weeks to
sell our Christmas tree

stock in the city.

Mom, that's your entire
income for the year.

Cousin Shane was all set
to help Dad again this

year, but with this-
I'm right here.

I can hear you
talking about me.

Shane can't do it alone.

Can't you hire someone?

The MacReynolds
family tree lot needs a

MacReynolds running it.

Since you're in
between jobs,

you could come help out?

You loved it as a kid.

No, I didn't.

When you were really
little you did.

But now I'm an adult.

I'm on a career path.

Hon, we really need you.

If she doesn't want to do
it, Betty, don't make her.

I'm sure the bank will
understand when we're late

with the mortgage.

Hank, hush it.

You're not funny.

They want you to do what?

Sell trees.

All right.

We've got a coconut layer,
chocolate ganache, carrot,

lemon mousse and
a cheesecake.

Who had a bad


She'll jog it off.

Consider this
on the house.

I told my mom I'd
think about it.

What's to think about?

It's a job.

Something you don't
have right now.

I swore when I was 14,
I'd never work another

Christmas at that lot.

Elise. It's your family.


Do you know what
it's like not having

a real Christmas?

Of course.

I'm Jewish.

Every other kid in New
York got to run down

the stairs on
Christmas morning,

find a pile of presents
from Santa Claus... under

a tree that I helped
carry to their car...

My Christmas? Chinese
takeout and a stocking...

oh, and one year, my
mom forgot to pack them,

so it was one
of my dad's socks...

hanging in the trailer.

You lived in a trailer?

Who knew Uptown Girl
had a gritty past.

The trailer's just
for the season.

New York tree lots
stay open 24/7.

Nowhere to lock up
the trees at night.

Sounds like an adventure.

But that's not it.
Nance, I have a new loft.

With a doorman.

I'm wearing $300 shoes
that I found for $75.

I've spent years trying
to get away from the farm.

Now I'll be back
right where I started.

Think of it instead
as a new beginning.

Nowhere to go but up.

Oh, and if I forgot to
say it: it's your family.


I'll do it, I'll
sell the trees.

Tell Shane I'll meet him
at 8 o'clock tomorrow.

Coming through, coming

Sorry, strictly
plastic these days.

I'm here, I'm here!


That old thing.

Hey, Cuz.

Nice of you to show up.

I know, I know, I'm late.

Haven't seen you
since last year.

For the 5 seconds
you stopped by.

Yeah, uh, I've been busy.

You know how it goes.

Not sure that I do.

Fancy threads for
unloading trees.

My headhunter told
me to be on call.

Interview wear
at all times.

And... wait,
unloading the trees?

They don't unload

Especially when two more loads
are coming this afternoon.

I conveniently
forgot this part.

Need a hand with that?

Nope. All good.

All of the employees
are enthusiastic

about this new Brook
Glen "brand", Gary.

Mr. Dixon.

And Dixon is how I was going
to finish off that Gary.

Now that this is Brook
Glen's new Manhattan

flagship store, all
preexisting employees are

on a 30-day trial basis.

Including you,
Mr. Cunningham.

Brook Glen demands a certain
standard of excellence.

We tried to be "excellent"
at Brendel's, too.

And look at how
that turned out.

My staff are

You'll be impressed.

What will impress
me is sales.

I want customers through
that door and credit cards

on that counter.

Three words.

Make. It. Happen.

Oh my gosh.

I'm so sorry!

You should be.

Who are you?

Is this the
Christmas tree lot?

MacReynolds Farms.

What up, Isaac?

Elise MacReynolds.

You must be the new owner.

Nice to meet you.

It takes up the
entire sidewalk.

Yeah, that's kind of
what Christmas tree lots

in New York City do.

Was it this
size last year?

Pretty much the
same every year.

The contract stated there
was a "quaint" seasonal

tree lot, not this
hulking eyesore.

The trees are blocking
the display window.


If I could jump in here-I
don't care where you jump,

Miss, so long as it's
not in front of my store.

My lawyers will
fix this mistake,

and then you'll be gone.

And someone
else's problem.

Think that's all
bark, no bite?

Nope. That one bites. Big

Forget him.

We can find
another sidewalk.

New York's full of them.

No, we can't "find"
another sidewalk.

All the good ones have
been taken for years.

If we lose this corner, we
lose our spot in Manhattan.

Maybe forever.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

Hi. Do you work here?

Oh. Um. Yes?

You don't sound so
sure about that.

The apron doesn't lie.

Yeah, but you could have stolen
that apron off someone else.

I'd pay someone to steal
it off me right now.

How much are we talking?

How much you got?

Sorry, dealing
with my headhunter.


Shane's better with
the trees than me.

He knows the
brands by names.

They're trees, not shoes.

It's types, not brands.

See? You've got an expert

Oh. Okay. I'll just go

Little hint.

Might help move inventory
if you, I don't know,

talked to customers?

It's a tree.

They're all the same.

The customers are either
buying one or they're not.

This is gonna be
a long December.

Excuse me, sir.

This isn't a hotel?

Ugh. Parking ticket?


You didn't pay for that.


Have the presentation
ready by 10.

Shift's done.

Why don't you go
into the trailer?

Warm up? I've got coffee on.

No, thanks.

You can have that
old junk heap.

I'm heading home.

No foam, no nutmeg, just

Finally, someone who
speaks my language.

have arrived.

Tell me that's a pizza.

No, it's a hat.

Of course it's pizza.

Pepperoni, your fave.

Have I ever told you
how much I love you?


Hey. Get a slice now because
they won't last long.

What's your plan for
fixing this place up?

What needs "fixing up"?

It's a little "meh".

Don't you people hang
lights and stuff?

You know, try
and be festive?

You're still here.

Mr. Dixon! I want to apologize
again for the other day.

And to make up for it,
MacReynolds Farms would

like to give you a tree.


I don't want a tree.

How about for the store?

Those display windows that
we're not blocking, well,

they're kind of beige.

They could use
sprucing up.

Get it?

Are you trying to bribe
me, Ms. MacReynolds?

If so, I'd say your skills
need some sprucing up.

No. Look, we got
off on the wrong foot.

It's more of a
peace offering.

Let me get that-

Don't get too comfortable
on this sidewalk.

That went well.


Get this dry cleaned.

Dry cleaning?

I don't-


Dixon here.

You're my lead counsel.

I thought you were in
charge of finding a

loophole in the
Brendel's contract.

Well work harder.

Or the lot won't be the
only thing I get rid of.

Mom. Hi.

Sweetie, hi!

I just wanted to check in.

How's it going?

Shane doesn't
give you updates?

Oh, he does, but
you know him.

It's "fine" or
"not so fine".

I wanted to hear from you.

I also wanted to tell you
the extra tree stands will

be a few more days.

We only just got
the vendor paid.

Honestly, Mom.

It's been going "not
so fine" at the lot.

I don't get why you
and Dad have done this

for all these years.

The lot is hard work, hon.

Any job's hard work.

But there's joy, too.

You're bringing the magic
of Christmas to people.

Trees represent hope.

Hope of what?

I know you think
I'm a cornball.

How about "sentimental"?

I'll take it.

As for the trees, Dad and
I need you to stick it out.

We know you're
trying your hardest.


I'll do better.

Bye, hon.

Love you.


Wait. Mom?


Love you, too.

Something's wrong.

You're on time.

And you're dressed
almost normal.

Maybe I'm trying to
turn over a new leaf.

"Branch" out.

Get it?

Unfortunately, yes.

Fine, and my
feet really hurt.

Excuse me, can
we get some help?

It's Ben's first time
picking out our tree.

He's a little shy.

Elise here will help you.


I don't know how
to talk to kids.

You said you wanted
to branch out.

You like Christmas, Ben?

Yeah, I feel about
the same way.

Go with the mood, Cuz.

It's a MacReynolds family rule:
never pick out a tree hungry.

Let's see what
we have here.

Lots of trees to
chose from, huh?

They even have different
names: Balsam Fir,

Blue Spruce, Nordmann.

Nordmann sounds like
someone's grandpa, huh?

You know, I grew up on the farm
where these trees come from.

It's been a while,
but let's see if I can

remember how to do this...



Not special.


You almost dropped
your candy cane.

We have a winner.

Best tree on
the lot! Welcome back.

I knew there was a "MacReynolds"
in there somewhere.

Hook you up with
a tree, man?

Is she free to help me?

Sorry, dude,
not right now.

She's having a
Christmas moment.

And our business
depends on it.

Okay, sure.

Show me some trees.

The totals for yesterday
were off 14% from last year.

But it's only Thursday,
maybe this weekend-

I rushed back from my

Where's the foot traffic?

Well, Mr. Dixon,
I think the price-

point is a shift
for our regulars-

No. It's that tree lot.

It's driving
customers away.

Could I have my pen back?


Shane? Lights?

Here you go.



You know, Bob, we could use
always another hand around here.

You mean, like a job?

We can't pay much-

That's more than
I'm making now.

Does that mean
you'll take it?


Sounds good.

Now we're on the
road to festive.

Fine, fine.

You were right.

Missed a spot, kid.

Okay, on the count
of three, one, two...

What is going on here?!

Just a blown fuse.

This tree lot is
nothing but trouble.

We can fix it in a jiff.

Right, Shane?

Yup. Isaac, where's
the circuit breaker?

It's in the basement.

This is about the
time you say something

to make things better.

Mr, Dixon, I am so sor-

Do you only exist on
this planet to annoy me?

Fair enough.

But instead of looking
at this as a disaster,

think of it as
an opportunity.

How so?

Well, it's dark
inside, right?

Perfect time to sell more of
your beige scented candles.

The idea was to
make it better.

Just hand over the
sandwich, Nance.

Enjoy your hot chocolate.

Does your headhunter ever
actually text you back?

This isn't for her.

I'm making a movie.

If Mom and Dad can't be here,
they can at least see here.


Remember: defense, my man.

Let's go find some trees!


Hey, hold up.

What did that tree
ever do to you?

Where's your mother?

You don't want to be on
Santa's naughty list, do you?

So is Santa real or not?

I can't legally
answer that question.

You're old.

You should know.

I am not old.

Stay here.

Um, can I help you?

Let me guess. Office
holiday party. Open bar?

Reeeeally open bar.

I'm sure the tree is
honored to be your

confidante, but
I need you off.

Those are for everyone.

ELLIOT! There you are.

You scared me
half to death!

This lady says there's
no Santa Claus.


I did not!

how to score a free tree.

I think you
need help, dear.

No, I got it.

No worries...

What you need is
a big, strong man.

I can do it
on my own, whoa-

Here you go.

A big strong
man like that.

Thank you.

It's like that tree had
a vendetta against me.

It's you again...!

I'm sort of a
regular by now.

I've bought three trees.

Three trees?

What, are you running a black
market Christmas tree ring?

While I do court
adventure and danger,

there's not much demand for
secondhand Christmas trees.

Get a clue, Cuz.

I pass your lot every day
on the way home from work.

I kept trying to talk to
you, but it's not easy.

Do a guy a favor?
Say yes to coffee?

I'm kind of on a self-imposed
dating hiatus right now...

Doesn't have to be a date.

How do I know you're
not some homicidal maniac

with a sense of humor?

Excellent point.

My name's Darren Foster.

Here's this-Driver's

Credit cards.

Gym membership.

Ten years at the YMCA.


And I'm an organ donor.

Healthy and charitable.

She's free
tomorrow afternoon.

What are you, my
social secretary?

Looks like I'm
free tomorrow.

I'm going to take
that as a yes.

I'm Elise.

Tomorrow? How's 2?


And now I don't have to
carry another tree home.

Oh, you won't get
off that easy.

I'm kidding.

See you tomorrow.

So, what do you do when
you're not stockpiling

Christmas trees?

I'm a public school
teacher in Queens.

Math and Science.

My mom's a
retired teacher.


I could go into the whole
no funding spiel, etc., etc.

But I'll just cut
to the happy ending:

it's rewarding.

Hey, I remember
this place.

My parents used to
take me skating,

after the last day
of selling trees.

My "reward".

I haven't been
back here in years.

Why not?

I'm a grown-up
now, I guess.

Well today?

Nobody's a grown-up.

So, you learned to
ice skate as a kid?

More like at birth.

I grew up in
Skaneateles, upstate.

It's a long winter there.

Skating's kind of
a required skill.

And you?


Never? It's the first time.

You seemed so excited.

I got caught up
in the moment.

Here, give me your hand.

I'll take care of you.

We'll take it slow.

I meant to do that.



But it's easier to
skate standing up.

So I've heard.

Just don't let go.

And here I thought you courted
adventure and danger.

Actually, right now, I'm
just trying to court you.

So the secret to skating is
to keep your ankles steady.

Distract me.

Tell me your life story.

I've been in
Manhattan for awhile.

I just bought my
first apartment.


I should look into
selling trees.

Clearly, a better pay
scale than teaching.

Oh, no, the trees
are temporary.

I work in marketing.

Or did.

And will again.

If my headhunter
would ever call.

You seem like someone who
can probably do anything.

Even skating!

But hey, for now, the tree
lot doesn't seem so bad.

Fresh air, outdoors,
meeting new people.

Like you.

Look at you. You're on your

I have a great teacher.

I meant to do that.

So I turn around and two
of my students are grabbing

the pennies out
of the museum fountain

and stuffing them
in their pockets.

What? Those are people's

That's what I said.

You really want someone
else's wish to happen to you?

What if that person
wished to be a dog?

Or to be 60' tall?

Or a 60' tall dog?


They finally put
the money back.

They sound like
a lot of fun.

You have a unique
definition of fun.

Now tell me
a tree lot story-

I have a lifetime of them.

But I'll bore you with
those some other time.

This is my stop.

Don't look now.

Our mistletoe
finally came!

You know the tradition.

I'm bad with tradition.

Well, I'm not.

So when can I
see you again?


I'm so busy
here at the lot,

my parents are
counting on me.

I'm in rebound mode, I'm
not sure it's a good idea-

I hear you.

So, see you
around the quad?


See you around the quad.

That was
mistletotally uncool.

I don't remember asking
for your opinion.

What's the problem?

He blow the date
or something?

No, the date
was wonderful.

That's the problem.

My life's complicated
right now and I don't need

to make it any
more of a mess.

Can't sleep.

I'd do anything to
sleep right now.


Including going
into the trailer?


I'm good.


Give it up. Go inside. Now.

But I haven't been inside
that thing since I was a kid.

It's not a haunted house.

Part of childhood is that
you leave it behind, right?

It's a trailer.

You're cold.

You're tired.

Admit it, you're
losing this round.

I hate it when
you're right.

No way.

It's not Christmas yet.

You open that stocking
and you're stuffed.

Do you have eyes in
your ears or something?


Still along for the ride.

One car.

Two car.

Three car.

Four car.

Five ca-

Bob! We need a load-up!

Two minutes.


Wait, do your parents
know you're asking for this?

Good luck, kid.

I can't stand it anymore.

This has got to end.

I thought you
were on our side.

No. That has to end.

No love.

Alone on the sidewalk.

Would you want to spend
Christmas like that?

I probably will.

It needs a makeover.

Those are perfect.

Hold on, let me
get my wallet.

On the house.

Seriously? I can pay.

Maybe customers will come
in and buy ornaments if

they see them displayed.

Hey, do those
come with it?

Sure do.

I wasn't going to
get a tree this year.

That tree wasn't going
to get a buyer this year.

I'll take it, no one likes
to be alone on Christmas.

Do you know where I can a
tree skirt and some lights?

Yes sir, right
here at Brook Glen.

Team effort paying off.

Are those Brook
Glen ornaments?

Uh, yeah?

Don't they look nice?

"Spirit of Christmas?"

Were these ornaments paid for
before leaving the store?

Sir, I felt working the tree lot
to Brook Glen's advantage would-

Not the question I asked.


Consider this an
official warning, Isaac.

A write-up will go
into your HR file.

Pull something like this
again and you're fired.

I can't believe that tree lot
hasn't b*rned this place down.

I need a listing.

Sure I'll hold.

Bye, bye, trees.

Bye, bye, trees.

I dropped the payment off
at the bank, and-

Mom, let me call you back.

If three's a crowd,
four's overcrowding.

In a moment of starvation,
I gave the other trees

away to my neighbors.

But now my students want
to put on a charity event:

a toy drive.

And we need a tree.

How sweet.

Knowing them, they're
working some angle.

But we still need a tree.

Sounds like a party.

Would you want to come?

It's not a "date".

We could use the help.
It'll be a madhouse.

When you put it that way,
how can a girl resist?

Count me in.


It starts tomorrow at 4.

Are you... picking me up?


It's not a date, remember?

You gonna sell me a tree?

no... no... no.

That ornament is
not a baseball.

Hey! You made it.

Mr. Darren has a girlfriend?

Don't make me pull
nap time on you.

We're 10.

We don't nap.

I survived the subway, but not
so sure the cupcakes did.

Who wants to taste
test and find out?


Whatever works.

That doesn't
look like a gift.

It looks like a mistake.

Presents aren't
really my thing.

Who doesn't like
Christmas presents?

You Teach's
girlfriend or what?

No. We're... where's the

He's a good looking guy.

Maybe you have
relationship issues.

It's not that... wait, how
old are you kids again?

Ho, ho, ho.

Yo, Mr. Darren.

Red's your color.

It's not
"Mr. Darren". I'm Santa!

What were you guys
talking about?

Oh, you know,
um, the usual.

Yeah, sports.

Go Knicks!

Knicks fan, huh?

We should go to
a game sometime.

Pick you up in my sleigh.

And a candlelit
dinner first.

I know a great
place downtown.

It's like they're

They're right
about one thing.

Red really is
your color, "Mr. Darren".


Mrs. Claus wants the reindeer
to stay in the barn at night.

But I let 'em
in the house.

Merry Christmas.

Before you go...

Merry Christmas.

You win.

Give me that fancy latte.


Where's Elise?

I'm doing it.

I'm embracing my
holiday spirit.

I'm hugging it.

You're hugging it.

A "Hey, I'm so
happy to see you,

but you're
really not" hug?

Or a real hug?


With nutmeg on it.

We're going to Defcon 1.

Bring out the
Yule Log Latte.

Slow down! Enjoy the season!

Here you go.

Plastic's overrated.

Merry Christmas.

Recycle, lady.

Thank you Bob.

You're inviting your mom.

But Dad's bringing Medusa.


Your dad's new wife's
name is Lisa, dear.

Can I help you
with a tree?

You can help with a
political stalemate.

Mom, Dad, Dad's new wife.

Who doesn't get to come
to Christmas dinner?

Bad divorce
equals bad idea.

But at some point, everyone
has to sit down together.

It's not like they have
to be best friends,

but looks like they'll be
joint grandparents soon.

Not soon enough.

You're outnumbered.

But you don't
know my family.

True, but I know mine.

We're not always
on the same page,

but we are family.

Maybe this year, you can
start a new tradition that

includes everyone, so
no one feels left out.

You love every other
holiday tradition.

And we'll let your mom
help decide on the new one.

It doesn't even have
to be conventional.

It just has to
work for you.

Solid argument.

I'm sold.

On a tree, too.

We'll take it.

We're late for our brunch.

Do you deliver?

Yes, we do.

Where do you live?

We're practically

How's later
this afternoon?


There you go.

Thank you.

Bob can drop it
in the morning.

It's on my way home.

You deliver trees
all the time.

How hard can it be.

Uh huh.

Have a good night, Cuz.

Thanks guys. Merry




Amazingly, it's
in one piece.

Me? Not so sure.

You brought it yourself?

I had some Good
Samaritan help-

Still, you should
have said something.

Josh could've done it.

It's my job.

And now my "job" is
to insist you come in.

Take a load off.

This will fix
your hypothermia.

Your place is charming.

Even your mugs
are charming.

Don't tell anyone, but
Josh has a thing for

roadside flea markets.

My deep, dark secret.

He likes to make up
stories about who owned

the stuff before.

Like that mug?

Came over on the Mayflower
with Captain Shufflebottom.

Then it's a honor to
be drinking from it.

Get ready, tree.

I'm trimming.

Each ornament has a story.

And some of them
aren't pretty.

This is the Christmas we spent
in the Milwaukee airport.

Snowed in.

We bought it at
the gift shop.

That might have been the
best-worst Christmas ever.

Don't even get me
started on this.

Two years ago.

Worst-worst Christmas.

Emergency Room.

Josh had an appendicitis.

I got it at the
hospital gift shop.

I think we're the only
people who actually shop

in gift shops.

Remember this one?

Our first
Christmas together.

We were in college.

The first time you
told me you loved me.

Best-best Christmas ever.

So what about you, Elise?

Who's going to
trim your tree?


Feel free to ignore her.


There is
this one guy, but-

Uh oh.
"But" is the death knell.

Let her tell it.

He's funny.


A really good guy.

Sounds like a catch.

I know, but it's

It's always complicated.

Take Josh and me.

When we met in college, I
was summa cum laude and he

was in a heavy
metal cover band.

"Full Metal
Skull Crushers"!

We rocked it.

Uh huh, keep telling
yourself that.

But now I'm worried this
guy thinks I don't like him.

I turned down Josh the first
three times he asked me out.


But who's counting.

I should get going.

Here, take my card.

I work downtown,
at City Hall.

Let's have lunch
sometime, okay?


Hey, stranger.

Heading to work?


Field trip today, but I got a
hall-pass from chaperoning.

I almost called
you last night.

You should have.

I was out with friends.

Trivia night.

Did you win?

If we knew the highest
peak in the lower 48 states,

we would have.

Mount Whitney.

Next Tuesday
you can be on my team.

Can you believe it?
My headhunter.

Take it, I'll
amuse myself.


Tell me I'm a genius.

You're a genius?

You flatter me.

I got you an interview.

A VP position
at Afleet Footwear.

Wait, that's incredible!

They're Step's
main competitor.

Go in and dazzle
them, doll.

The interview's
in an hour.

One hour.

From now?

No, one hour from
next Tuesday.

But I can't,
I'm alone at the lot-

I told you to
stay on high alert.

I have 300 resumes
almost as good as yours-

Fine, fine, I'll figure it

Text me the address.

You got it.


Are you free right now?

Uh. Sure?

You like trees, right?

To look at.

Selling them is
almost as easy.

Cash box is right here.
Here's the price list.

It's a big VP job.

I really think
I could get it.

UI so owe you one..

No time to change.

Do I look okay?


You look. Perfect.

Thank you.

Why don't you tell me a
bit about your time at Step.

Before I left, I was
in charge of nationwide

branding and regional-

That's all on your resume.

I'm more interested
in the real story.

What... real story?

Step's sales are down.

Any idea why?

The economy?

C'mon. Surely, you
know more than that.

Afleet is finally
poised to take over the

♪ 1 spot from Step.

And I'd love to be part of
the team making that happen.

So wouldn't you
rather talk about my

"connection" with Afleet?

My passion for the brand?

Sure, sure, we
can get to that.

But I'm interested in your
insider's perspective of Step.

You do realize I was
fired from Step, right?

I didn't "fit in".

You can fit in
here at Afleet.

We're like a family,
we share everything.

So, spill.

Where are you going?

I'm an only child.

I'm not that
good at sharing.

This interview
isn't over.

It is for me.

What's the difference
between a Blue Spruce

and a Balsam Fir?


Different names?

A Blue Spruce is hardy and
can handle wear n' tear.

The Balsam Fir is
more easily trimmed.

You're back!

I'll be right with you.

Looks like you survived.

Barely. How did it go?

Eh. I'm not
their corporate girl.

Can I take you to dinner?

Dinner sounds like
decent "payback".

Actually. I was thinking maybe
we could call it a "date".


Let me see. Actually.
I'm free tonight...?



I thought I'd
find you here.

You were looking for me?

I Googled your
family's tree farm.

Fine. You found me. Why?

I got the promotion.

At Step.

The promotion I wanted?

There's no one else that
gets how big this is.

And no one else I'd rather
take out tonight to celebrate.

Can you say "unlimited
expense account"?

Maybe I should go-

Hold on, Darren.

Correct me if I'm wrong:
you broke up with me.

You said "up".

I just said break.

I didn't know you looked
so cute when you're country.

Hey, Elise,
about dinner-

Oh. Didn't realize I was
interrupting anything.

Darren Foster.

Lance Pinfeld.

Elise and I are
"old friends".

So to speak.

Yeah, I get it.

So tonight?

Get you off the street
corner and buy you

a proper meal?

She's free.

Darren, wait.

Why are you really here?

Besides rubbing it in how
well you're doing at work-

I'm not
rubbing it in-

Lance. You were
never a good liar.

E., it's the holidays.

You're lonely.

I'm lonely.

We could "hang out" and
reassess in January.

So when should
I pick you up?

Let me see-
How's never? Work for you?

C'mon, don't be that way.

Do you have any idea
how much I make now?

Why don't you spend some of
that money on charm school.

Have a nice life, Lance.

That's the dude who
broke your heart?

I know. Absence makes
the heart grow smarter.

What did I ever
see in him?

Think I can still
catch Darren?

Go make me proud.

Elise MacReynolds?

If this is about
a tree, see Shane.

It's about all
of them, ma'am.

I have an order from the
New York Fire Department

to shut down the lot and
confiscate the trees.

What?! You can't do this.

It's only a few days
until Christmas!

Just doing my job, lady.

Here's the paperwork.

The lot's been condemned
as a fire hazard.

Fire hazard?

The lights, ma'am.

It shorted the
available power supply.

But you're destroying
my family's business.

Don't sh**t the messenger.

I'm not the one who
registered a complaint.

It's in the paperwork.

"Gary Dixon".

A man true to his word.

Major bite in that
bark, after all.

You can appeal to
the Fire Department,

but that usually
takes weeks.

It'll be too late by then!

What's happening?

They're taking the trees.


It's all over. I blew it.

Outta work again.

We're done here.

It's almost 12. Let's go.

Shouldn't you be
at the tree lot?

Actually. That's why I'm

Mr. I-Never-Take-A-Nap
now does so daily.

I think the broken foot
has finally slowed him down.

But Mom. I failed you.

I've failed
our family-

The lot was doing well
before it was shut down.

But every day counts since
it's your income for the year.

Your mortgage-
Yours, too.

No use in
blaming yourself.

But I'm the one who
made Gary Dixon hate me.

Sounds like he hated
Christmas long before now.

I think I just want to go sulk
in my old room for a while.

Sure, hon.

Dinner's at 6.

Where did the tree lot go?

Uh, it's been shut down.

I buy my trees
here every year!

There's a lot
over on 57th?

I've been coming to this
place since I was a kid-

The city hauled
away the trees.

They said there
was a complaint!

This man is the
CEO of Brook Glen.

Why don't you bring
it up with him?

What kind of a person shuts
down a Christmas tree lot?!

This kind of person shuts
down a Christmas tree lot.

Because I can.

I don't owe anyone
an explanation.

Saved the funny
papers for you.

Not in the mood to laugh.

Hon, we'll figure it out.

Got a call into the bank,
see if we can take out a

line of credit
on the farm.

I can always go
back to teaching.

And we'll look for a new
spot in the city for the

lot for next year.

Just gotta put off retirement
a bit longer, that's all.

And you can go back
to your career path.

You know what? You didn't
raise a quitter, did you?


What are you
thinking, Elise?

That I'm going to
give it one last sh*t.

Shane, meet me
at Brook Glen.

Yes, I said Brook Glen.

I'll call you guys later.

Nance. It's me. Get dressed.

I don't know, whatever
you want to wear.

Just make it clothes.

Quick sec, hon.

You should listen
to your own advice.

I thought I'd
find you here.

Elise, I-

Let me talk first.

That "thing" with Lance?
It's not a thing at all.

Still, I was a jerk and
there's no reason you'd do

me a big favor right
now, but I need help.

The lot was shut down.

I saw.

I'm so sorry-

Then you'll help out?

For the trees?

Yeah. Sure.

For the trees.

We have to find him.

I figured there's
strength in numbers.

If we can just corner
Gary and plead our case,

maybe we can make
him see reason.

Mr. Dixon goes somewhere every
Tuesday and Thursday at noon.

Maybe to one of the other
Brook Glen Manhattan stores?

Where are they?

Midtown and
Upper West Side.

We can divide up.

Want to be on my team?

Your Tango just
got a Cash.

We'll take the
midtown store.

Looks like you and me are
heading to the Upper West Side.


Good luck.

I think I have an
idea how to find Gary-

This is where Gary goes?

He doesn't seem like
the botanical type.

That's what his
driver said.

How did you get
him to spill?

I, uh, gave him
my Knicks tickets.

Please tell me they're nosebleed
seats you'll never even miss.


I won them in the charity auction
at the Community Center.

You... did that for me?

You weren't the only
one who was sort of

jerky the other day.

I jumped the g*n.

But c'mon, that's
not why we're here.

I'll call Tango and Cash
and tell them we found Gary.

But... I think this
moment is all yours.

Just speak to
Gary from the heart.

That way he can
really hear you.

You believe that?

I gave up courtside
seats for it.

Noelle Dixon
was your wife?

What are you doing here?

I'm here to talk to you.

Go away. I have nothing to

But I do.

Now I understand why
this has been so hard.

This is my
private business.

You planted this tree. For

Noelle was a big gardener.

Here... in the city?

She worked for a
horticulture nonprofit.

"Greening" Manhattan.

But she was originally
from Brook Glen.

Were yellow orchids
a favorite of hers?

She loved them.

She'd think this
was an extravagance.

But they're sunny,
like her smile.

And her laugh.

She had a big laugh.

Life of the party.

She'd laugh at everyone's jokes
even when they weren't funny.

She sounds wonderful.

She was.

She loved Christmas.

Even though her birthday
was the same day,

she never minded it being
overshadowed by the holidays.

Noelle sounds like the
kind of lady who didn't

live in anyone's shadow.

She was all about
celebrating the season.

She baked fruitcakes
every year.

Hard as a rock.

You could chip a tooth.

I ate every bite.

And here I spent half my
life resenting Christmas.

I feel like an idiot.

Your wife had
the right idea.

I assume this attempt at
"bonding" is only about

saving your family's lot?

That was the plan.

But plans change.

I respect your wish to be
alone, with your memories.

Merry Christmas, Gary.

It's over.

What? Unbelievable.

What a heartless Scrooge.

You gave it a sh*t-

I know, I know.

Wait a minute!

Noelle would
never forgive me.

For any of this.

She wouldn't believe what
a Scrooge I've become.

I wouldn't say Scrooge...

I'm sure you've
said that and worse.

Tell me what to
do to help out.

To bring back
the tree lot.

I need to do
this for Noelle.

And for you.

already Christmas Eve-

I can make some calls,
but almost everyone's gone

for the holidays-

Not everyone...

This is the proprietor,
Elise MacReynolds.

Pays to know the
Deputy Mayor.

Pays to know my customers.

Thank you, Maria.

As you can see, we have
the required clearance

from the curb.

Everything looks good.

Just as long as
you don't tie into the

store's electrical system.

Got it. No decorations.

No music. No lights.

Which means no sales.


Let there be light!

It's not Christmas
without lights.

How about we
use a generator?

Sounds good.

You're all set here
folks, Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

Up high, Gary.

Thank you, Gary.

We need to make
up for lost time.

Sales have been down
at Brook Glen, too.

Mr. Dixon, I truly want to
see the store do well-

I know you do.

Me, too, Isaac.

And why don't we make
it Gary from now on. Uh.

Okay. "Gary".

Tomorrow's Christmas Eve.

We only have one day
to pull this off.

Let's get it done!

Your usual, a
Yule Log Latte.

Have yourself a
Merry Christmas, Max.

You too, Elise. Merry

Merry Christmas.

Appreciate it. Thank you.

C'mon, make Frosty proud.

You really pulled it off.

Sales are
through the roof.

I got to get
back inside.

Save a tree for me?

You got it.

Right this way!


Welcome back to
your sidewalk.

How can I ever thank you?

You already have.

I was wrong.

The tree lot's
good for business.

And the idea for the Winter
Wonderland was genius.

Your passion for
this place shows.


I guess there is
an upside to being

an unemployed marketing

The trees, the whole thing
here, it "spoke" to me.

And now I'm
speaking to you.

How about you
come work for me?

I suspect it'll
be a good fit.

You could make things a little
less "beige" around here.

Yes. I accept!

Okay, okay, don't
wrinkle the suit.

I'm still the
CEO, after all.

Sorry, sorry.

The baby. It's coming!

Good luck.

Text us the news!


A Brook Glen ornament?
Is that paid for?

I'm going to say this
once and never again:

it's on the house.

I wish Noelle was here.

She is.

In there.

Seems like there's another
guy you should be talking

to right now
instead of me.

And I don't mean Shane.

Christmas comes
every year,

but the right person?

Only comes once
in a lifetime.



You've been an
amazing help today.

Even if it was
just for the trees.

Glad to do it.

And the kids had a blast.

So... what are your
opinions on Chinese food?

I'm generally pro.

The MacReynolds are mixing
up tradition this year.

My parents are on their
way down to the city.

We're doing Chinese
takeout at my place

instead of the trailer.

You could join us, if
you're not busy-

Oh. That sounds nice,
but I have plans-

Of course! Pfft.

It's Christmas Eve,
who doesn't have plans?

It's just
that I promised-

Not another word.

And I wouldn't want
you to break a promise.

See you around the quad.

Yeah, okay, sure.

See you around the quad.

Hey, Elise.

Merry Christmas.

Thank you.

Sold every last tree.

Best year in MacReynolds
Farms history.

Mom, I'm so sorry I was
too "busy" these past few

years to come visit
you and Dad more.

And I never really
stopped by the lot...

Hon, we're your parents.

And you're our daughter.

We can't get rid
of each other.

Nanci, we had to use one
of Hank's socks for you.

But it's clean.

It's my first holiday
stocking ever, Betty.

I'll take it.

Space out the ornaments.

Three inches
between each one.

You're a bossy pants.

And I like it.

So, you have New
Year's Eve plans?

No, not yet.

Yet just happened.

Pick me up at 8.

Who has the Kung
Pao Chicken?

It's Josh.

They had a baby girl.
They're naming her Noelle.


Looks like another ornament
from the hospital gift shop.

We need more
mashed potatoes!

I used to eat here
every Christmas.

Now that I have a job,
it's nice to give back.

I'm all about
the giving back.

Which is very cool of you.

Don't you have
somewhere else to go?

But now.

Isn't it too late?

Have a little faith.

It's Christmas.

Taking a cab, Nanci?


Shane's walking me.

Good night.

Sure you don't
want to stay here?

Please, hon, your father never
springs for a hotel room -

Hey. We can afford it, thanks
to how well the lot did today.

I plan to enjoy every
second of luxury.

Merry Christmas, honey.

Merry Christmas, Mom.

Merry Christmas, Dad.

Merry Christmas, sweetie.


did you forget?


I forgot to say yes to
your dinner invitation.

Is it too late?

How's cold Kung Pao sound?

Sounds perfect.

But I want to give
you something first.

You know, the
skating. Holiday date.

This is so embarrassing.
I got it at the gift shop.

That's actually the
most romantic thing

you could ever say.

"Gift shop" is the most romantic
thing I could ever say?

This is the best
FIRST Christmas. Ever.

So, are you gonna
kiss me or what?
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