02x09 - Screech to the Beach

Episode transcripts for the Web series, "Monster High". Aired: May 5, 2010 – February 9, 2018.*
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Animated web series follows a group of teenage children of famous monsters in media and film who attend high school.
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02x09 - Screech to the Beach

Post by bunniefuu »

nine boots eight sandals is that all for

today yes fashionable and functional

now look alive the gloom beach bus has


aren't you guys super pumped

i knew i forgot something

i do hope you save some room in there

for your fearleading uniforms wow too

tight gloom beach is about more than

fearless yeah the north beaches too it's

amazing there's a big lake fun games too

bad we'll be spending all of our time on

the south beach at the fear leading

academy all our time every year the

prestigious gloom beach fear leading

academy awards the spirit staff to the

best team and every year that team has

gone on to win nationals coincidence

hardly we must have that stick

apparently monster high used to win the

spirit staff all the time back when we

were good g'day girls i'm staged about

spring break at gloom beach can't wait

to hit the water back in your natural

elements huh no i'm salt water mate gill

is fresh water but you better believe i

can still hold my own how about a little

song oh

i'm just warming up

how could this take it any better

oh wait if one clad wolf is good how

about two three four five

i just love gloom beach hey it's my

dream right

frankie it's my ankle you're going to

have to lead the team


you can do it we all believe in you


he can't breathe he needs water

now that i've got this spirit staff

nothing can stop me

wake up we're here

ladies welcome to gloom beach it's even

more beautiful than i imagined

refreshing oh ghoul could get used to

this finally we're all getting the

recognition and respect that i truly

deserve mr hack bring our bags around

front your cabin is in a slightly

different location wild cards

come on it's not that

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