09x11 - F-T-F

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "CSI: Miami". Aired: September 23, 2002 – April 8, 2012.*
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Follows a group of detectives assigned to the Miami-Dade Police Department's Crime Scene Investigations.
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09x11 - F-T-F

Post by bunniefuu »

[woman screams]

[tires squealing]

[car alarm blaring]

[siren wailing]

[Dispatcher] Unit 7 is reporting
a code 17 at Fifth and Howard.

This is Horatio Caine.

I've got a broken water main
at Fifth and Howard.

- [Police radio, indistinct]
- Yes, I'll hold.

I got a female victim here.
She's a goner.

Looks like she got shot,
then hit the hydrant.

Male victim, 40s.
g*nsh*t to the head.

Walter, we've got about two minutes
before this crime scene washes away.

We've got to
to protect this evidence.

- I'm on it.
- Hurry, Walter.

- Go.
- [Dispatcher] Are you there, sir?

- Yes!
- Where was the emergency?

Fifth and Howard! I need
a main shut-off immediately.

I'm trying to preserve
a crime scene.

Come on, come on!



Come on.


I think I see a g*n!

Walter! Do you hear me?

Walter! Walter, the g*n!

- What?
- It's headed for the storm drain!

Walter! Walter!


Walter, the m*rder w*apon
is washing away!




[valve squeaks]

- [Ryan] It's gone!
- What happened?

Damn it!

What's the matter?

The m*rder w*apon
went down the drain.

Down the drain?

♪ Yeah! ♪

♪ We don't get fooled again ♪

♪ Don't get fooled again ♪

♪ No, no! ♪

- Hi.
- Hi.


So, meet...

Marvin Hill, 45.

g*nsh*t wound to his left temple.

Site of stippling.

So, close-range shot to the head.
Was there an exit wound?

Um, no, I don't see one
on the body.

A close-range shot to the temple

is usually the most common site
for a self-inflicted wound.

So you're thinking it's a m*rder-su1c1de.

Maybe he shot her, shot himself.


[woman screaming]

- [car alarm blaring]
- [sighing]

It was a crime of passion.

Marvin was in love with who?

Rebecca West of Miami Shores.

Marvin's from Surfside.

- What's the connection of our vics?
- I don't know.

They don't have the same last
name or the same address, so...

Not married.

Mr. Wolfe.

- What'd you get?
- Found a casing from a .25

over by our male vic.

Let's see if we can match it
to that w*apon, okay?

Yeah, I'll get it right to Calleigh.

Unfortunately, most of our
evidence got washed away.

I agree with that.

But we still have to figure out
what happened here,

so we'll have to work
with what we got, okay?

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

- Ooh, did you bring me a present?
- Yeah, this is the .25

I rescued from the crime scene.

Unfortunately, somebody
scratched off the serial number.

Ryan, I hate to tell you this, but, um...

You kind of smell.

I do? I had a, uh...

I had a fire hydrant raining
down on me for 20 minutes.

Was it a purple one?


Should I change?



How's it going?

One expended round, at your service.

About a quarter of an inch in diameter.

Formed a protrusion right under
the stratum corneum.

- So it created a bulge under her skin?
- Right.

Didn't have enough momentum
to break through and exit the skin.

This was a low-velocity shot?

Mm-hmm, that's right.

Ms. West didn't die immediately.

She bled out.



[impact, car alarm]

Do you have anything on Marvin?

Uh, no apparent exit wound,

so I figure the slug's
still somewhere in the gray matter.

I have to dig deeper.
Could take some time.

In the meantime, can I take
all the clothes? Do you mind?

And I will take this slug over to Calleigh
and let her take a peek at it.

Thank you very much.


Natalia, hey.

So, listen, the slug you brought
me from Rebecca's skull

was fired from the g*n recovered
at the scene.

It's definitely the m*rder w*apon.

Thanks, Calleigh.


Hey, figured you could use a hand.

I can. Thank you. Can you grab
all that for me, please?

Yeah, got it.

Hey, is it me, or do
Marvin's clothes reek?

No, it's not just you.

But Ryan told me that they got
sprayed by a purple fire hydrant

which uses non-potable water
as a source.

Yeah, so it's definitely not fit
for human consumption.

No wonder the guys
all had to change their clothes.

I am just getting pet hair
and lint from Marvin.

Hmm. I got lip balm and some gum
from Rebecca's pockets.

Yeah, I don't have anything here
that would link our vics.

Oh, Wait, wait, wait, wait.

I'll bet those aren't
very cute on Marvin,

'cause they're a size two.

Or our Marvin was into a little kink.

You know what,
Tripp just brought his widow in.

Why don't you give me those,

and I'll see if his wife knows
what Marvin was up to.

- I'll bet you margaritas she doesn't.
- I bet you're right.

Mrs. Hill, we think your husband

may have turned the g*n on himself
after he shot a woman.

No. No way.
Marvin hates g*ns.

He's been a fierce advocate

against the v*olence
they perpetuate for decades.

We both have.

Lots of people have secrets.

Maybe Marvin did, too.

- What is that?
- That's an unmentionable.

Found in your husband's pocket.
Is it yours, by any chance?

Absolutely not.

Look, we mentioned a woman...
that your husband may have shot.

I don't know anything
about any woman.

This is a hard question to ask.

Was Marvin having an affair?

I don't think Marvin would do that.

Have you, uh, ever seen this woman?

No. I've never seen her.

Is this the woman you think
Marvin was with?

W-We don't know anything
for sure yet.

He told me he was just going
on his morning walk.

Do you think he's been lying to me
every single morning?

We're going to find out, okay?

Where is she?

Hey, that woman up there--
that's Mrs. Hill, right?

Look, I saw her
on the news, okay?

They said her husband
k*lled my mom.

Excuse me. What's the problem?

Her husband k*lled my mom!

- [yelling] I just want to know why!
- Shh, shh, hey. Hey...

You're Nick West,
Rebecca's son, right?

- Right?
- Yeah.

Thank you, gentlemen.
Come here, son. Come here.

Where's your father?

He died three years ago.

Mom's all I got.

Nick, is it possible that she's seeing

somebody you don't know about?

What? You think she was hooking up
with that lady's husband?

I don't know.

My mom hasn't been on a date
since Dad died.

- I think it's my fault.
- Why do you say that?

I missed my bus.

I made her drive me to school.
If she hadn't have done that--

Son, now listen to me.
Look at me.

It's not your fault.

Hey, Doc, so I got your message.

You dug the b*llet out of Marvin's head--
Oh! Tom!

Little heads? I-- A warning?

I'm afraid it's way too exciting
for etiquette, Walter.

This is Marvin's skull.

I see that.

See the beveling on the inside

- of the edge of the temporal plate?
- Uh-huh.

That's what's left of the entry wound.

A small hole, but it caused
these radial fractures.

Then the b*llet traveled
through the frontal lobe,

to the back of the left parietal
bone and ricocheted.

Wait a minute. So you're telling me

that this b*llet played
pinball in Marvin's brain?

That's right. Small-caliber b*ll*ts
can just bounce all over the brain.

- And that's what happened here?
- Exactly.

The b*llet deflected along
the internal table

of the occipital bone
creating a gutter,

only to slingshot
through the brain and out here.

Wait a minute.
So you're also saying

that the entry is also the exit?

That's right. The only reason
the b*llet had enough velocity to exit

was the bone had been weakened
by the entrance wound fractures.

Damn. We got to get back out to that crime
scene and find that b*llet. Thanks, Doc.

But I already gave the b*llet to Natalia.

No, no, no, Tom, that was the b*llet
that you took out of Rebecca.

- I gotta find the other b*llet.
- No, no, no, you don't understand.

It is my belief the b*llet
that k*lled Rebecca k*lled Marvin first!


- Walter.
- H!

- What do you got?
- All right. Oh, Natalia.

Perfect, the g*ng's all here.

All right, now, originally, we thought
that Marvin shot Rebecca.

Right, and then turned
the g*n on himself.

Well, thanks to Dr. Loman,

we now believe that Marvin Hill
was shot first.

- [Natalia] Really?
- As impossible as it sounds,

the round that entered
Marvin's skull here

whipped around inside,
exited here, k*lling Rebecca.

That does sound impossible, Walter.

I know, but it got me thinking.

What if Rebecca pulled up
and shot Marvin?

So then Marvin was the target.



- [grunts]
- [tires screech]

No, that's not possible, because
there's no GSR in the car.

Even with all the water, there would
still be some left on the floor mats.

Ladies and gentlemen,
that leaves us with the problem

of where did
the round come from?

Exactly. But I think
I have the answer.

I'll show it to you.

Natalia, if you would
indulge me.

- You be Rebecca.
- Okay, I will.

- Careful, watch your eyes.
- Gracias.

Now, we know that
if we line up the exit wound

with Rebecca's position,

it means that the entrance wound...

came from... here.


So, there was a third player
who took the shot.

And Rebecca
was an innocent bystander.

I thought you said
Marvin shot himself.

Ballistics suggest that there
was a third party involved.

Marvin was the intended target
of that sh**ting.

Look, uh...

Then there's something
you're not telling us, all right?

What is it?

Okay, okay.

Look, Marvin was spending
a lot of time on the computer.

He'd come home from work
and he'd go straight to it.

I just told myself
he was doing research.

You think he met someone online?

It's not like he was
spending nights in seedy motels.

He was coming home.

So I didn't say anything.

I didn't want to push him further away.

Would you mind if we borrowed
Marvin's computer for a little while?


- What'd you find?
- Check this out.

I rooted through the OS and
found a hidden hard drive partition.

What was he hiding?

Who's Sean?

Sean is a 19-year-old marine.

He just got back from a tour
in northern Afghanistan.

He's from Gary, Indiana,
and he graduated from

Hoover High School in 2008.

Why would Marvin have Sean
on his computer?

That's the thing.
Marvin created Sean.

I guess he just downloaded
a picture off the Internet

and created a social networking profile.

All right,
why would Marvin want

to pretend to be
a 19-year-old marine?

[Calleigh] Because he is having
a relationship with...

"Ashley Xhotee."

[Eric] From Ashley:
"Sean, I can't sleep.

You're all I think about."

[Calleigh] There's hours and hours
of chats, lots of heart emoticons.

I think that Sean and Ashley
were in love.

Look here.

They were planning to meet.

"I can't wait to see you
in person in Miami."

Well, who's this Ashley?

Oh, my God, she's a kid.


So maybe Ashley gets angry

that her soldier stud is really
an old man with a wife.

We need to find Ashley.

Are there any other pictures
in Marvin's computer of Ashley?

I'm gonna run a photo-recognition search.

Here we go.
Ashley at a pool party.

Ashley at Halloween.

Wait a second.
Will you zoom in on that one?


[Calleigh] Looks like Ashley's
a cheerleader at BHS,

wherever that is.

Look at the lower left corner
of her uniform.

- See that?
- It's an owl.

Yeah, BHS.
That's the Bayfront High School Owls.

You know what?
I'm gonna call the principal

and see what we can find out
about this girl.

All right. Once you know something,

I'll get a warrant
so we can search the residence.

[Caine] So, Ashley.

You have been chatting online

with someone claiming
to be Sean.

I don't know Sean.
And I don't chat online.

- I'm not allowed.
- His real name is Marvin Hill,

and we recovered your picture
on his computer.

What's he talking about?

She only uses the Internet
to do her schoolwork.

Ashley, I need your help.

I sent the picture to
a few friends, but that's it.

Then how did this guy get it?

Marvin Hill was a 45-year-old man

posing as a 19-year-old.

Yes, he was.

As in past tense.
He was m*rder*d this morning.

So we're gonna need
a sample of Ashley's DNA.

DNA? Is that necessary?

Absolutely not.

We found this...
in Marvin's pocket.

[Mom] Ashley would
never wear something like that.

We wouldn't let her.

You're making some pretty serious
allegations about my daughter, Lieutenant.

She has never had
a sexual relationship,

especially not with
some pathetic old man.

Mr. Chandler, sit down.

Sit down.

Eric, I think it would be wise to test
Mr. Chandler for g*nsh*t residue.

I agree.

Fine, but you're
not touching Ashley.

We're gonna need you to hold out
your hands, please.

You tested positive
for g*nsh*t residue.

What does that mean?

It means that your father
shot a g*n this morning.

Do you own a g*n, Mr. Chandler?

Yes, several, but I just used it earlier

to sh**t some armadillos off my yard.


What's going on?

Just go upstairs.
I'll handle this, okay?

You think I k*lled that predator?

You know what we think?
We think that you found out Ashley

was having an online fling.

You set up a date,
you brought your g*n,

and then you realized he was
a middle-aged man.

So you shot him.

Hey, you stay away
from my daughter.

Where's the g*n?

I keep the g*ns locked in here.

Step back, please.

Wait a minute.

Something's not right.
There's the .22 that I fired,

but the .25 is missing.

You're saying you own
a g*n that matches

the caliber
of the m*rder w*apon?

Maybe the armadillos
took it off ya.

So, Larry Chandler has an alibi.

He said he was at the DMV all day,

so I sent Homicide
over there to check it out.

Yeah, he's also got a g*n missing,
so if we can get some evidence

that he knew about Ashley
and Sean's relationship,

we can establish a motive for Dad.

Bingo. Family computer. I don't think
Ashley's got her own laptop,

so she probably did
her chatting here.

Let me see.

Mmm. Okay.
Parental control software.

Dad could have been monitoring
Ashley's chats without her knowledge.

And can you pull up
all of her old chats?

Yep. Software saves everything
for a week, and then it purges.

Here we go.

"Bayfront High study group,
Florida soccer moms,

Miami golf, PTA--"

Ah, here we go.
"Teen Grapevine."

Same chat room as the one
on Marvin's computer.

And there's all of Ashley's chats
with that Marvin/Sean.

"Can't wait to see you. F-T-F"?

That sounds nasty. What is that?


Look at you.
You're all hip to the lingo.

I'm cool. I got nephews.

Oh, wait. Who's this?

Who's this Justin that just
showed up all over this chat?

I don't know,

but he's pretty jealous
of Sean, aka Marvin.

"He doesn't deserve you.
You can do better."

"Wish he would R-I-H-A-D."

"Rot in hell and die."

Well, them's strong words
for young Justin.

Yeah, and these
are even stronger.

"If wishing isn't enough,
I'll make sure he does""

Okay, now, wait a minute.
Then he just threatened to k*ll Sean.

So do you think he
followed through on that?

I don't-- I don't know,
but he just logged in online.

Let's let Ashley set up
a meeting with him F-T-F.

"Are you there?

"Need to see you in real life.

Are you up for it?"

He's thinking about it.

Oh, where do we meet him?

Uh, Miami and Brickell.

"Miami and Brickell.

Parking garage, 3 P.M."

"See you later."

Eric, we just hit 3:00.

Do you see anything?

All clear so far. What about you?

All quiet on the Western front.

Hang on a second.

Got a plaid shirt
in the northwest corner.

Never mind. Scratch that.
Forget it.

Patience, brother.

Wait a second.
What do I have here?

Southwest corner, Eric.
Right there.

- You see him?
- I see him.

Go now.

Don't move!
Miami-Dade police.

Keep your hands
where I can see them.

Don't move, kid. Hey!

Stop! Stop, kid!

Stop, now!

[grunts, groans]

What the hell are you doing, man?

I'm stepping out of my vehicle.

I didn't realize that was a crime.

- No, it's not. But this is.
- That's not mine.

I'm a little more
interested in the murders

of Marvin Hill and
Rebecca West, Justin.

- I'm not Justin.
- What the hell are you doing here?


I answered an ad online.

He paid me 100 bucks
to wear this shirt and walk up here.

What'd he look like?

- Brown hair, average height.
- Yeah, yeah, mm-hmm.

We don't have all day here.

Okay. He was driving,
like, a white car.

- The make.
- Uh, four-door.

Uh, it was, like, one of those
rental car models.

What else?

- Um, uh-- Out-of-state plates.
- Where was it from?

- Um, oh, I didn't--
- Keep talking.

Look, I don't know.
Wait. No, no, you--

- Yeah?
- No, it's New Mexico! New Mexico.

New Mexico. Good job.

Yeah, have you,
uh, recently rented out

any cars with new Mexico plates
on them?

Okay. Thank you.

Yeah, New Mexico plates
on any of the cars. You got any?

What do you mean, you don't
give out that information?

Excuse me?

New Mexico is not a foreign country.

What-- What did you say?

Jiminy Christmas.

[touchtone beeping]

Yeah. Do you have
any cars with new Mexico plates?

Uh, actually, we do.

I rented it out just this morning
to a... Justin Carson.

Young kid, late teens?

Brown hair?

Well, his I.D. Said he was 25,

but the description sounds right-- why?

He's involved in a m*rder.


Hi. Hi, that's interesting.

Uh, if you could
come in as soon as possible.

I'm sorry. What'd you say?

If you could come in
as soon as possible.

Is he there with you now?

Yes, sir. That is--
That is correct.

I'm returning my rental.
Could you just put it on the card, please?

Run the card.

Tell him there's a problem,
then put him on with me.

Put me on speaker,
so I can hear.

And stall the best you can.

[clears throat]

- Okay, Justin.
- Psst.

It'll be just a couple
of minutes while I run this.

Yeah, fine, fine.
I just need to go.

- How's your day going so far?
- Uh, fine. Just, please--

I'm afraid that there's
a problem with the card, sir.

That can't be.
It was working this morning.

I can get a representative
on the line for you.

Yeah, just hurry up, please.

Good afternoon.
This is Chris from Odyssey.

I have a customer here
who's having trouble with his card.

- Here you go.
- Hello?

Hi, Mr. Carson.
How are you today?

We're sorry for the inconvenience.
I apologize.

We're having computer problems
this morning, and it's just, uh...

You know, when those little
boogers go down, they go down.

And it just happens that way.

We certainly value
our customers, and...

we're gonna get down to the bottom
of this in just a second--

- Where'd he go?
- Uh, he's sitting on the bench.

He looks really mad.
Is he going to hurt me?

Just stay calm.
Units are almost there.

Uh... okay.

Oh, no. He's coming back over.

Look, just take the cash
so I can get out of here.

- Oh, I just--
- Don't let him leave.

- ...need to grab--
- Please!

Put him on the phone with me.

Uh, let's get the ball rolling,
Mr. Carson.

Can you give me the full name

as it appears
on the card, please?

This is ridiculous.

You have all that information.

I need to leave.

We really do apologize
for any trouble you are having.

Like I said, Mr. Carson,
you can be assured

that we're going
to take care of you.

[siren blaring]

- Put your hands up!

We hope you have a good day.

- Put 'em up!
- Stop right there!

- Do not run! Bad idea!
- Don't move!

- Get down on the ground right now!
- On the ground!

Bad idea. Get down.

I am so sorry.

We have just been
really backlogged

since Travers took that
last-minute romantic weekend.

Travers has a girlfriend?

Uh, well, he's not really
exclusive with her

or any of the others.

I'm Rachel Brooks, the new girl.

Nice to meet you.
I'm Natalia.

Natalia Boa Vista. I know.

- We studied you at the academy.
- That's scary.

- Bad? Good?
- Really good!

Okay. Scary.

So, you smelled something
on our suspect, Justin.


It was the same smell
that was present

on the victim's clothes
and all over the crime scene.

See you at the station.

Did you smell him?

Why, does he smell like me?

Do you think we have Marvin Hill's
clothes in evidence still?

But lack of personal hygiene

doesn't exactly make
someone a m*rder*r.

Exactly. So we definitely need
to find what that odor source was.

So how do we prove it?

Diatoms, because Marvin Hill
was soaked

in a non-potable water source
this morning.

Oh, right.

And every water source
has a different mix of diatoms.

Match those, you match the suspect.

So we just need to I.D.
the little buggers.

Let's do it.

So, we both have
rhopalodia musculus,

which is fan-shaped, and--

We both have navicula capitata.


They definitely both came
from the same water source.

Which puts Justin at the crime scene

during the time of the m*rder, right?


I was only trying to protect Ashley.

"Protect Ashley."
You mean from Marvin Hill.

He and Ashley met up
a couple of weeks ago,

and he turned out
to be some old dude,

so Ashley freaked out
and told him

never to bother her again.

- And how did he react to it?
- Well, he--

He wouldn't stop harassing her.

He was threatening
to show up at her house.

I mean, I was worried

that he was going to try
to hurt her.

So you shot Marvin.


This is for Ashley... for lying
to her and stalking her!

You know, I never meant to hurt
that other lady...

the one in the car.

Enough with the excuses, Justin.
Give me some answers.

How did you know it was us online?

It was easy.

Ashley doesn't have computer lab
until last period.

So I thought it was weird
when she I. M.'d me.

And then at the end I wrote "S-Y-S."

- "See you soon."
- Yeah.

That's what I always use
to sign off.

And she always writes back "I-B-W."

"I'll be waiting."

When she didn't,
I knew something was up.

So I sent that kid
to the parking garage to meet you.

You committed m*rder...

for a girl you've never even met.

No one understands me
like Ashley.

She's my soul mate.

And she said that
once Marvin was gone,

we could meet.


You used her father's g*n
to commit the m*rder.

Did your soul mate
give that to you?

She left it in my hotel room
after I got into Miami.

- So we need the surveillance tapes, Eric.
- All right.

All right,
so I told you guys everything.

Can I go meet Ashley, F-T-F?

Son, you just confessed to m*rder.

- Walter.
- Hey.

I think I just spotted the Chandler
family car on Justin's motel footage.

So you got the silver Audi.

Same make and model
we saw at the house.

Check it out.

- She goes into the room...
- Yeah, Room 228.

Justin's room.

- Boom, quick, she's out.
- Right.


That was definitely a drop-off.
It was quick.

And she sure as hell
is not our 17-year-old Ashley.

Let me clean it up.

H, who is this woman?

It's the mother.

The mother.

[sirens wailing]

I understand
you got a man in custody.

So I imagine
you're here to apologize.

No, actually I'm here for your wife.

What do you mean, here for her?

She's under arrest
for conspiracy to commit m*rder.

Oh, you people just don't stop, do you?

She's going to need to
come with me, I'm sorry.

Did you ever stop to think
that maybe somebody else...


Let me go with them.

Honey, are you listening to this?

I've heard it.

And I should go.


Tell me they got it wrong.

I never wished this on anyone.

How could you?

You're my mother!
You're supposed to protect me!

How could you do that?



It was exciting.

That's how it started out.

The idea of this sweet,
young man courting me.

I never should have
brought Ashley into it.

But it snowballed.

Sean and I started
sending things to each other.

Like the thong?

I bought that at the mall.

Sean sent me his workout shirt.

But eventually, even that kind
of thing wasn't enough.

Sean decided he wanted to meet.

Sean and I set the date together...

The day after he said
he was returning to the states.

I couldn't tell him who I really was

on a computer screen.

We shared too much.

If it was going to end,
it had to be face-to-face.

And then you met the real Sean.

You and Marvin Hill
were playing the same game.

I was slightly relieved by that.

But he...

He was angry
at who he saw there.

I lied?

You told me you were
in secret missions in the Middle East.

You're going to be sorry
you ever played this game with me.

He'd call me at all hours,
threatening my life.

[phone ringing]

It's telemarketers again.

Don't you dare
come to this house.

You should have been
smart enough to call the police.

The idea of my family knowing
what I was doing,

that would have been worse.

That's when Justin Carson came in,
said he could

take care of all of it--
make it all go away?

One day, there he was
on my computer...

another young man falling for me.

Ready to do anything for me.

When he offered to help,
it was a way out.

I asked Marvin to meet me
one more time,

put this all behind us.

He set the time and place.

But you sent Justin...

after you left him
your husband's g*n

in his motel room.

[Natalia] Since your husband's
such a g*n enthusiast,

you knew to file off the serial number.

[Eric] And you left Justin
to finish the job.

[Natalia] The problem is, you sent
this Justin from your fantasy world,

but this was a real 18-year-old kid

who thought you were the love
of his life, and he k*lled for you.

He doesn't know the truth.

But he's going to.

I thought I could just fall back
into my old life.

It's not going to happen
that way, Diana.

'Cause the rest of what
life you have left,

you're going to spend in jail
for the murders of Marvin Hill

and Rebecca West.

What's going on?

You've got a visitor.


Do I know you or something?


You're Ashley?

Finally, F-T-F.

I k*lled for you.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God!

Oh, my...

What is wrong with you?

How could you do this to me?

Why did you do this?

How could you do this to me?

You're sick!

You're sick!

- No--
- You are sick!

♪ Yeah! ♪
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