885 - November 14, 1969

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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885 - November 14, 1969

Post by bunniefuu »

[ eerie music ]

NARRATOR:Collinwood, the turn of the century.

A night in which Barnabas Collins means

to marry Kitty Soames.

Finally he will have his Josette.

But as she waits for him at the old house,

she fights her premonition of doom

for if she gives in to the voices inside her,

she knows she will become Josette and something

terrible will happen to her.

I must hurry and get ready, he's on his way.

What am I doing?

Why did I change my dress?

I mustn't, I know I mustn't.

What's happening?

Kitty, Kitty!


[ spooky music ]

[ spooky music ]

[ thunder cracks ]

[ thunder cracks ]




Mr. Barnabas.

Ben Stokes.

Is it you?


Then I'm back.

Back where?

You ain't been no place.

Oh yes, I have, Ben.

I've been in another time.

How is this possible?


Where's Kitty?

There ain't nobody around here named Kitty,

you know that.

I must find her.

You must of had some kind of bad dream.

I've been waiting and waiting for you.


Waiting for what, Ben?

Mr. Barnabas, you know.

You must tell me!

You ain't forgot what you were planning to do tonight.

What do I plan to do tonight?

If you forgot, I ain't gonna tell ya.

You must!

I seen ya luring her away from Collinwood.


I seen her getting weaker and weaker.

Last night after you left her at the old house,

she collapsed.

I found her there muttering your name.

I remember now.

Last night I gave her a ring.

I got two coffins ready.

That night, that was the night I was going

to take her away with me.

BEN: k*ll her, you mean.

That night, must I live through it again?

Mr. Barnabas, change your mind.

She don't know what you are.

A vampire.

I had to say the word.

She don't know what she's going to be, does she?

She'll never be that, Ben.

It's not going to happen as it happened before.

It ain't happened yet.

Oh yes, Ben, it has.

I will not let it happen again.

We must find Josette.

BEN: She is in her room at Collinwood.

She may not be.

They're watching her, special now after last night.

But I regained consciousness in the woods.

Kitty, she can be anywhere.

You scare me when you talk like that.

I must go to Collinwood.

Are you outta your mind?

What if your father sees ya, your mother?

They'll think you're risen from the dead.

Yes, they think I'm dead.

What will I do?

You ain't no condition to do nothin' tonight.

I must be.

I must remember everything that happened.

I came in to find you in the fishing shack, didn't I?

No, you never came.

That's why I'm here.

I gave you orders to get a carriage

and take the coffins to the boat.

But then Angelique came and locked you in the shack.

She was determined to ruin my plans.

BEN: You ain't making no sense.

Go to Collinwood and make sure Josette's in her room.

What time is it?

I guess it's near .

Well, if Kitty has become Josette,

she should be in her room.

Come back and report to me and then go to the shack.

And when Angelique comes, bring her to me

in Josette's room at the old house.

I can't do that.

You must do it, Ben, you must.

You've been serving me so well in the past

you must do it again.

I guess I ain't got no choice.



Where are you?

[ eerie music ]

Two more hours until this cursed day is over.

This day the prophecy said she would die,

it cannot be, I will not let it happen.

If I could only understand what has been

happening to her.

[ groans ]

My darling, my darling, how are you?

What is wrong?

Nothing, it's nothing at all.

Something is, tell me.

Oh, it's just a dream I had.

I was in another time.

NATALIE: What do you mean?

Oh, it's not important but I was dressed

like no one else is.

I was holding a dress, it was my dress.

You must not think of that.

JOSETTE: I was looking at a portrait, my portrait.

Then what happened?

The portrait, it's as if it were alive.

It doesn't make any sense at all,

but I felt as if I were the girl in the portrait.

And then I woke up here.

[ footsteps ]

Who is it?

What do you want?

I just come to see how Miss Josette was.

She is well and she will stay well.

Do not bother us, Ben Stokes.

I want no one to bother us.

I trust no one and I will not until this night is over.

[ foreboding music ]

[ eerie music ]

Well, what an honor to be summoned

by the great Barnabas Collins.

Now what could you and I possibly have

to say to one another.

Angelique, I know what's going to happen tonight.

Then you know more than I.

BARNABAS: You are going to try to stop Josette and me.

Am I?

BARNABAS: Don't deny it.

What else am I going to do?

I didn't know that when I made you as you are

I gave you other powers as well.

You will lure Josette to the cliff.

You are going to try to stop us.

Oh, why shouldn't I?

You've ruined everything for me.

Angelique, listen to me.

I have changed.

I am not going to do anything as you think.

I have no intentions of making Josette as I am.

Now, I want you to do nothing, promise me that,

and I will not use the coffins.

I promise you that.

No, not tonight but some other night.

No, no, destroy the coffins, go ahead.

You'd let me do that?

What are you planning now?

I only want to save Josette's life.

You really love her, don't you?

Too much to have her join me in that way.

I believe you.

How often I've wanted to hear you say that one word,

love, and mean me.

Angelique, if you have any feeling for me at all

other than hate, do this one thing for me.

And if I agree?

I will be grateful.

Well, that would be a change, wouldn't it?

Perhaps one that I would like.

Angelique, leave Josette alone tonight.

Stay with me here until midnight

and you will see that I am going to do nothing.

No, you will see that I am going to do nothing.

I don't like your bargain.

Angelique, please.

Barnabas, could we stop what's going to happen tonight?

Yes, you could stop it.

Angelique, I know what you're doing to do.

You will lure her to Widow's Hill.

I know you will do that and you will torment her

with fears of what's going to happen to her

if she goes with me.

But this time it's not true.

But nothing will change.

It will make no difference.

And Josette will throw herself from Widow's Hill.

Don't expect me to stop it, Barnabas.

See if you can.


I must go to Widow's Hill.

I must stop Josette.

[ foreboding music ]

How do you feel now?

Very relaxed.

The house seems much more quiet than usual this evening.

It's not over yet.

Stop worrying about me.

I will not be able to until this night is over.

It should be obvious to you that I'm perfectly safe.

Do not misunderstand, [ speaking French ].

I am very pleased that the prophecy has

not been fulfilled yet.

There has been no disturbance in the house,

there is a full moon in the sky, and so far you show

no signs of being despondent.

You still believe everything you read in that book.

A book supposedly written years from now.

Oh, that book has told many things just as they happened.

One more hour and it will be midnight

and you will be free from harm.

I am in no danger, Aunt Natalie, believe me.

NATALIE: You have no way of being certain.

Yes, I do.

NATALIE: What do you mean?

It's difficult to explain, but I feel terribly secure

as if no power on earth could harm me.

I don't understand this mood that you're in.

Nor do I, but it's not necessary to understand it,

just to accept it.


What's the matter?

My ring, I've lost it!

I was wearing it on this finger and it's gone!

The ring, the ring, the book said the prophecy

would start when you discovered the loss of the ring.

I must have lost it at the old house.

Yes, that's where I lost it, somewhere at the old house.

No, Josette, please.

JOSETTE: Please I've got to get up, Aunt Natalie.

No, you must stay right here.

JOSETTE: I can't stay here, I've got to find my ring!

NATALIE: What are you going to do?

You can't stop me, Aunt Natalie.

Give me my cape!

Do you understand that I must keep you here

for your own protection?

I want my ring.

Soon it will be midnight and then you will

be free to go anywhere you like.

I've got to have my ring.

He expects me to have it.


JOSETTE: Barnabas.


What are you talking about?

Never mind, I'll tell you as soon as I return--

No, no, you cannot go, I won't let you!

[ glass shatters ]

The sound of glass shattering.

Josette, it was in the prophecy.

Don't you see?

It's coming true little by little.

Please, please stay here with me.

What am I going to do?

I don't know, but soon it'll be midnight.

We just have to wait until then.

If we can keep you alive until then.

[ gasp ] There is no moon.

[ bells ringing ] [ wind blowing ]

[ thumping ]

[ screams ]

It won't move!

JOSETTE: Let me help!

No, you stay where you are.

I'll get [ mumbles ] or one of the other servants.

[ door slams ]


JOSETTE: Aunt Natalie!


Josette, let me in, open the door.

Josette, can't you hear me?

Let me in!

[ music box playing ]

Josette, Josette, let me in!


Barnabas, you want me?

Josette, please, please open the door!

[ foreboding music ]

[ music box playing ]



BARNABAS:Josette, are you ready to leave?

Yes, yes, my darling.

Where are you?

Why can't I see you?

NATALIE: Josette, who's in there with you?

Who are you talking to?

BARNABAS: I am waiting for you, Josette.

Barnabas, I feel terribly guilty, I've lost the ring.

BARNABAS:It's alright, Josette.

I found the ring at the old house.

NATALIE: Josette, let me in!

BARNABAS:And now I am waiting for you.

Come to me, Josette, come to me.

JOSETTE: Yes, Barnabas, but where are you?

Tell me where you are and I will come to you.

BARNABAS:I will wait for you on Widow's Hill.

Widow's Hill.

BARNABAS:Leave through the secret panel, Josette,

and come to Widow's Hill.

Come to Widow's Hill.


Josette, answer me!

Are you there?

Oh God, I've got to get help.

[ eerie music ]


Barnabas, I've come to you.

Where are you?

[ Angelique laughing ]

Who is here? Who is it?

ANGELIQUE:Don't worry, your precious Barnabas

will be here soon.

Angelique, it's you.

Where are you?

ANGELIQUE:You won't be able to see me.

Why did you come back?

ANGELIQUE:I have come to warn you.

You must not go away with Barnabas, Josette.

He is evil.

No, no, Barnabas loves me.

ANGELIQUE:He is going to k*ll you

and after you are dead, he will bring you back to life.

No, no!

ANGELIQUE: He will have turned you into

a bloodthirsty animal.

Stop it!

ANGELIQUE:Look, Josette, look out over the cliff.

See yourself as you will be after you have become his.

No, no, I won't look!

ANGELIQUE:You cannot resist.

Go on, Josette, look into the future.

See how you will change.

[ Josette yelling ]

Take it away please!

I can't look at it, I can't look at it!

Please take it away!

ANGELIQUE:Keep looking at it, Josette.

That is what he will do to you.

Angelique, I beg of you, please take it away!

- [ sticks breaking ] - [ gasps ]

ANGELIQUE:You hear, Josette? Someone's running to help you.

Your lover, Barnabas, is coming.

Your kind, gentle Barnabas who will turn

you into that creature.

He's coming, Josette, he's coming for you.

Open your arms to him.


[ foreboding music ]

[ eerie music ]
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