1162 - December 8, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1162 - December 8, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[eerie music]

NARRATOR:Collinwood in

and the great house has a new master, Gerard Stiles.

However according to Daniel's will

Quentin will regain control of the estate

if he leaves the jail a free man.

And so Gerard plans to

implicate Quentin in a new crime.

A crime he is convinced will lead

to a charge of witchcraft, and to Quentin's eventual death.

And so in the prison Quentin's jailer

and enemy, Mrs. Ward, dies.

She's dead.

[dramatic music]

Mrs. Ward.

Trask, I didn't do anything.

She must have had a heart attack.

You'll pay for this death, too.

You'll pay.

QUENTIN: I'm telling you I didn't touch her!

This is witchcraft, Mr. Collins.

The world will soon know it.

It's not enough to punish you for m*rder.

You must be destroyed as the warlock you are!

[dramatic music]

[eerie music]

DAPHNE: Mr. Stiles?

Well, you heard the news and you've

come to congratulate me.

Yes, my dear Daphne, I am master of Collinwood.

You really enjoy upsetting everyone, don't you?

Well you're partially right there.

But, now I would like to explain myself

so you will understand, and that way

know me a little better.

I believe I already know you well enough.

You don't know me at all, yet.

Well I know that you took advantage

of the friendship Quentin offered you

to steal his inheritance away.

You're like everyone else!

But the truth is a little different.

Now everybody seems to think that I've come here

to spend the great Collins fortune, well they're wrong!

No Daphne, when Quentin returns,

I will relinquish everything

very easily and very gracefully.

More gracefully than Gabriel could possibly.

Now don't you believe me?



I don't know.

You're going to have to trust me

if we're going to have a nice future together.

We're not going to have any

future together at all, Mr. Stiles.

Well you're wrong there.

You see, when Quentin comes back

I shall leave Collinsport.

I shall leave but I won't be alone.

I don't know what you mean, Mr. Stiles.

Don't you?

I mean that eventually you will be leaving with me.

That could never happen!

There you are, I'm glad both of you are together.

I was just leaving.

Why, is something wrong?

Yes, Daphne is something wrong?

If there isn't, I would like to discuss Tad.

Ah yes, a subject that we're both interested in.

I assured Quentin that I would look after the boy.

Samantha is afraid that you will upset the child.

She wants you to stay away from him.

Oh really?

You afraid that I'll deliberately hurt the boy?

Not acknowledge his existence once he enters the room?

No my dear friend, I'm afraid that boy

is the only friend I really have.

Isn't that true, Daphne?

I don't think Tad should be subjected

to any more of this dissension.

And he won't be, either.

And if there's any to come, it will be coming from Samantha.

[dramatic music]

Good evening Mr. Trask.

Good evening.

And it's good that you're here, Mr. Collins.

Why, Trask?

I understand you're reviving

your dormant career as an attorney?

Where you and this poor misguided girl here

have resisted every clue to Quentin Collins true nature,

but you can no longer.

GERARD: What has happened, Trask?

Witchcraft in the citadel of justice.

Yes, in the jail itself.

I have just come from there.

The jailer's wife is dead.

And Quentin Collins is responsible.

[dramatic music]

Witchcraft, that's ridiculous.

There must be a definite cause of death.

Yes, a warlock named Quentin Collins.

I suggest you go to your client, counselor.

I'm sure he needs you very much.

Yes I will go to him simply to get the truth.

Lord knows I wouldn't believe you!

And neither would I.

Daphne please, don't be frightened.

I don't know whether what I feel is fear or anger.

Well let it be anger.

There is no reason for fear.

Oh isn't there?

No there isn't.

I'll be back as soon as I talk to Quentin.

Perhaps I should come with you?

No I think it's time for a lawyer client meeting.

Will you be up late?

Oh I'll stay up, I have to know how he is.

Don't worry.

Well, I certainly don't want any

taints of witchcraft around Collinwood.

Well then come out into the open, support me.

What a primitive mind you have, Trask.

There are other ways of helping you

other than running around repeating

everything that you say publicly.

No, I think it would be best

if I just remained in the dark shadows.

Desmond, do you think it's possible

that Mrs. Ward died simply because

she was frightened of me, or was it witchcraft?

And I don't mean mine.

Do you think it's possible that she was k*lled

by the same person that's trying to destroy me?

I think of poor Jim Ward.

You should have seen his face when he saw his wife.

The coroner's performing the autopsy now

to establish the cause of death.

Yes, but supposing there's no visible cause.

We will worry about that later!

You know earlier tonight I said to you

that at least since I was in jail,

there'd be no more killings,

and now there's been another one.

You cannot be accused of m*rder

because a woman was found lying dead in here,

or because Randall drew you up kneeling beside him.

The evidence Quentin is all circumstantial.

You will walk out of that inquest tomorrow a free man.

There is no case against you.

Now listen to me, Trask claims

he found a voodoo doll in my laboratory.

He says that I used it to try and strangle you.

And he's also going to bring up the ring I wear.

A ring that he says has the mark of the Devil.

The same mark that was on Lorna Bell.

Trask is not merely crying m*rder.

He's accusing me of witchcraft.

Quentin, be sensible.

You cannot be tried for witchcraft in this day and age,

not since , it isn't legal!

The inquest tomorrow is purely to establish

whether there is any concrete evidence

that you k*lled Randall Drew.

And because there isn't, I will ask

that they throw the case out of course, and they will.

You'll be home in Collinwood tomorrow night a free man.

Faced with the problem of getting rid of Gerard Stiles.

It's certainly good that Gabriel

is in charge of his father's funeral.

It makes him feel important.

Yes it's really quite tragic that it should come

on the same day as the inquest into Randall's death.

No chance is there that Quentin is

responsible for Daniel's death too?

None at all.

Well then, the almighty spared Daniel.

Will you be at the inquest tomorrow?

No, no as it would happen

I have duties to attend.

You understand.


We both have duties.

Tomorrow, how my poor late father

would have looked forward to tomorrow.

I've always been convinced that a Collins

was responsible for his death

but I've never been able to prove it.

Tomorrow my father, wherever he is, will be smiling.

Desmond, be completely honest with me.

Do you really think Quentin will be free tomorrow?

DESMOND: Not a doubt in my mind.

Ah, Desmond!

I think it's time to say it.

Once not too long ago I hoped

you dreamt of me because of me.

Quentin's a lucky man.

Desmond, you're so sweet.

Now what'll happen when Quentin returns?

I need Leticia's second sight to see that,

but there's one thing I do know.

These extraordinary incidents,

this careful plotting against Quentin, it will not stop.

It must stop.


Do you think whoever is behind it will be discouraged?

I don't.

I think it's Gerard that's doing it.

You think so too?

I don't have any reason at all,

but he frightens me so, especially

now that he's in the house.

Tell me, does he know how you feel about him?

He doesn't know that he frightens me.

He knows I don't trust him.

That's too bad.

I was never really able to check up on him

when he was at Rose Cottage.

He knew how antagonistic I felt.

But perhaps you.

Yes I could, I can watch him very carefully.

You must, we must have positive proof

that he's doing something wrong,

otherwise Quentin will never believe us.

Desmond, but if it is witchcraft

then that means Gerard it--

DESMOND: That's right.

Are you afraid to try to trap him?

DAPHNE: I won't let myself be afraid.

DESMOND: Good girl.

Now you get to bed.

Nothing more can happen tonight.

As long as Gerard Stiles is in this house

something evil can always happen, I know that,

I don't understand why.

DESMOND: Don't worry about tomorrow.

You've made me feel much better Desmond, honestly.

And remember, watch Gerard.

So Trask?

You say that Desmond and Daphne are plotting against me.

Well, she won't be plotting for long.

Easy for you to say, but I believe

you are blinded by her beauty.

I will worry about her, you just go along

and worry about the inquest, goodnight.


Now Daphne, shall I show you more

of the future that you're afraid of?

The dreams that you don't understand?

Now, sleep.

And in your sleep, you will think of me kindly.

More kindly than you would if you were awake.

So, now what is to happen?

[eerie music]

[pleasant music]

VOICE OF DAPHNE: You must, you must.

You want to go through with it.

You love him.

You love him so much.

When you see him, run to his arms, run to his arms!

My darling.

You want to marry me?

I can tell, as I want to marry you.

I can think of no other life together

but you and me, you by my side as my wife.

The powers, I will share them with you.

Now, come.

Come to me now.

I must have had that dream again.

Why can't I ever remember it?

[ominous music]

what are you doing here?

I thought you called me.

I couldn't possibly have called you, I've been asleep.

You must have had another dream.

Why don't you come downstairs and have a sherry with me.

It will relax you.

No, no!

[dramatic music]

Your honor, on behalf of my client

I wish to state if he is held further,

and charged for a m*rder which is impossible

to prove that he did,

it will not only embarrass the state

but be an injustice to Mr. Collins.

Therefore, I request your honor

that the charges against Mr. Collins

for the m*rder of Randall Drew be dismissed

and dropped from the calendar court.

Mr. Collins.

I have investigated the charges

against you in this case very carefully.

You will notice I have not asked

the prosecutor to be present here.

We have noticed, your honor.

The reason I did that was there was no reason for it.

I see no conclusive evidence pointing to a link

between Mr. Collins and the m*rder to Mr. Drew.

I hereby dismiss all charges.

The case will not come to trial.

Thank you your honor.

We appreciate your wisdom, sir.

I can't believe I'm free.

Mr. Collins.

You are not completely free, as yet.

Mr. Trask, you may enter if you please.

Here are the depositions, Judge Wiley.

What depositions, your honor?

Depositions testifying that Quentin Collins is a warlock.

DESMOND: This is a court of law, your honor.

A man may not be...

Indicted for being a witch under the law in the year !

Silence in the court, I have not given

the counselor permission to speak.

I am going to peruse these documents in my chamber.

Court is adjourned until : .

DESMOND: But you must explain, sir.

I need explain nothing until I have

perused these documents, counselor.

But there is no law!

There is no law?

Is your client above the law, Mr. Collins?

Because he is in league with the Devil?

Quentin, I can't believe they're really going to

bring up this charge.

Now, now, believe me, we're gonna get together.

Somehow, we're gonna get together.

We have to, and--

We will.

It's nearly time.

Did you find anything in the law books?

Not a thing.

I have no idea what Trask is up to.

Have you read the deposition sir?

JUDGE: I have.

All brought to you by a private citizen

as prescribed by the law.

QUENTIN: What law?

Order in the court.

Your honor, my client is only asking his legal rights.

He wants to know for what considering are you holding him?

What authority, what action?

Mr. Collins, I am not considering holding your client.

I have no choice but to hold him.

[dramatic music]

Under the power vested in me,

according to the law of this state,

number dated of April --

There is no such law, Maine was not a state then!

Counselor, I do not need you to tell me the laws

of this state that I am honor bound to uphold.

The articles of our statehood specify

that we keep those laws engendered upon us when we were

a part of the royal colony of Massachusetts.

Therefore, in accordance with law dated April

a citizen can be charged with witchcraft

if there are depositions from six citizens

claiming from personal experience

acts of witchcraft and naming the perpetrator of said evil.

Therefore, Quentin Collins, I hereby

by the power invested in me charge you

with the infamous practices of witchcraft.


I order you to be held without bail

or bond in the county jail

until such time as you come to trial

under a special tribunal of three judges

chosen specifically according to this law.

Upon completion of your trial,

if you are found guilty, your punishment will be death

in the manner prescribed by the law, beheading.

[dramatic music]

[eerie music]
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