1163 - December 9, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1163 - December 9, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[eerie music]

NARRATOR:The year is and in the small village

of Collinsport an old fear rises again.

Witchcraft is whispered in the cottages

and in the great house of Collinwood.

For Quentin Collins has been arrested

for the m*rder of Randall Drew

and there are those in the village

who are determined to see that the charge

against him is changed to witchcraft.

A crime punishable by beheading.

[crowd clamoring]

Ah, Leticia, what is it?

Oh Ms. Laura it was so terrible.

Who are those people, what do they want?

They was chasing me!

I'd gone to see Quentin, but they was in the court.

I came out of the jail, and a crowd had gathered round.

Then one of them yelled "she's one of them!

"She's got second sight!"

And they started coming toward me, and so I ran here.

Oh how terrifying.

I've been thinking about poor Daniel all morning.

How sad it is that he had to die

before Quentin was proven innocent.

But now I'm not sure.

Perhaps his death was a kindness.

Oh I'm just terrified about what's

going to happen when they bring

Quentin to that funeral today.

Quentin, only he was, Desmond you must hear what--

Wait, mother.

I've just come from the pre-trial hearing.

Quentin is not going to be tried

for the m*rder of Randall Drew.

He is going to be tried for witchcraft.

[dramatic music]

[eerie music]

Witchcraft. That's ridiculous.

Of course, but they still have this

old statute law in the books.

He can be tried for witchcraft.

But they got no case against him!

They think they have.

What's so difficult is that stairway Quentin built.

It supposedly leads into time.

I always thought of it as some harmless eccentricity.

But they won't find it that way in court.

And then of course there's the voodoo doll

that Lamar Trask found in Quentin's laboratory.

It does belong to Quentin, you know.

I wish I didn't understand that,

but I think of how ill you were.

You would've died if Trask and Gerard

hadn't removed your scarf from the doll's neck.

I don't think it was any accident

that Gerard untied that scarf.

You, you think it was Gerard that was causing all this?

Yes I do!

Mother, the penalty under this old law

for witchcraft is beheading.

Beheading, oh no!

Who would benefit if Quentin was beheaded?

Gerard, he would keep Collinwood and all the money.

Gerard has not hurt anyone during his stay here,

and I see no reason to think he'll change.

Obviously someone is scheming against Quentin,

but it is not Gerard.

I have a keen sense of character, I have to have.

People are my business.

I suppose you agree with her.

I don't know, love.

I just wish you wouldn't talk up so against him.


He can be dangerous, Gerard,

to his enemies.

Leticia, you can help us.

Oh I want to help you Desmond.

When you first met Gerard, didn't he dabble in witchcraft?


Well he would've liked to, love.

I mean that's why he came backstage to see me

at the music hall.

He was fascinated by me.

Well I thought it was because I was,

well you know pretty, sort of.

Well you are pretty.

Do you think so?

Well, that's nice to hear, Desmond.

But all he wanted to know was

how I could read minds the way I do.

He had no powers of his own.

I kept hoping I could find something concrete,

something that would give us a hint.

Leticia, I have got to find out who is behind all this!

I need help from someone or something

if I am going to save Quentin.

I'll help you, Desmond.

I don't know how I'm going to do it,

but I will.

You really are very sweet.

Oh, but I've been kissed before Desmond,

but no one ever called me sweet, ever.

[eerie music]

Daniel Collins was a marvelous man, Caroline.

Few people appreciate that today.

He always treated my grandfather Ben ever so nicely.

The service is today.

Are you ready to go Mother?

What a dreadful day this has been.

Poor Quentin mad at me.

Samantha never once looking at me.

Everyone treating him except Gerard and us like a pariah.

What's happened to our family?


LETICIA: Carrie, what is it?

Someone's been watching us, there!

[dramatic music]

I'll send you to Collinwood in the carriage, Carrie.

Oh please, I do want to walk.

It's not dark out yet and you couldn't

find anyone in the bushes.

I'll be all right.

Thank you Laura for tea and for letting me stay with you.

It was a pleasure.

We'll see you tomorrow.

Oh wait!

I want to get that bottle of scent I promised you.

What a lovely girl.

I hope she's not touched by what's happening now.

Desmond, do you think you're doing

the right thing by acting as Quentin's attorney?


I'm thinking of you, Desmond.

I certainly hope and pray that Quentin will

be found innocent, but I'm concerned about the village.

Leticia, chased here today.

People are acting the way they did over years ago.

If Quentin is found guilty, what's to stop them

from saying you're a warlock too?

That is exactly the reason you must

never mention the head I brought back from Asia.

Legend has it that the head has magical powers.

I loathed it from the minute I saw it!

And you were right to.

But if they find out I have it, or did have it,

then I could be linked to witchcraft.

Desmond, don't you see what a risk

you're taking in defending Quentin?

DESMOND: Mother!

Don't dismiss me, Desmond.

I may not have been the usual mother,

but I love you very much

and I can't have anything happening to you.

Nothing is going to happen to me,

but Mother please, stay out of it

and forget that you ever saw the head

and I'll be quite all right.

But will you?

[suspenseful music]


Who is there?

I know someone is!



Who are you?

I asked you who are you?

Don't be frightened, Carrie.

How do you know my name?

Carrie Stokes, born let's see .


Father Amos Stokes, mother Martha Bradbury.

My father almost married her too, once.

Wait a minute, how do you know all about me?

Who are you?

Jeremy Grimes, at your service.

Jeremy Grimes?

Mordecai Grimes is your father!

Yes, but don't hold it against me.

I do!

Oh the things he says.

Quentin Collins is not a warlock.

Father's a fool.

He still believes in witches.

He has a th Century mind and don't think I'm proud of it.

Oh if you only knew the grief he of people

are causing at Collinwood.

Well what do you want me to do, educate him?

Well if you don't agree with him, you should fight him!

Carrie, I was passing through the woods today.

So it was you!

Yes, on my way back to the farm

and I saw you all standing there

and I remembered how my father

had railed about letting Daniel Collins

be buried in Christian soil

and I thought, how can people be so wrong about each other?

Maybe that happens when you get older.

Maybe, only we give up too don't we?

We don't always live the life we want to.

But if you feel this way then,

why do you live with your father?

You see?

You know me.

You knew what I was talking about.

I thought you'd be that way.

You thought about me?

Ever since I saw you in church.

Oh, well...

I'll be late for supper, goodbye.

No no wait, don't say that, not yet.

I'm walking you home.

But someone may see us!

Someone that shouldn't?

Someone that will run to my father?

Someone that'll tell him?

Well I'll take that chance.

He doesn't let me tell him how to run his life,

so why should I let him tell me?

Shall we go?

Oh I seen that expression too often, Laura Collins.

You've let everything get you down.

Work is what you need.

If I start to work I'll have to

think about vampires.

Well then start thinking.

You know, when you told me to read these old newspapers

I thought you were bats, love.


Isn't that funny, I'm thinking you're bats

and here we are talking about vampires!

Here now, look at this.

From the Collinsport Courier dated April the .

Strange att*cks in area.

Miss Purity Browning has been att*cked

by an unknown vicious animal.

There were two bite marks on the neck.

[ominous music]

Well that means there could have been a vampire

in Collinsport then.

And they never die, do they love?

And whoever att*cked Roxanne could

have been living in .

LETICIA: Oh that gives me chills just to think about it.


You must go to Collinwood.

Get Gerard's permission of course.

In the library are some family diaries of that period.

Daniel showed them to me once.

Bring them back here.

Perhaps they'll contain a clue.

Do it at once, Leticia.

You see, I was right!

All you needed was something to think about.

If there is a vampire in our midst,

I have to know who it is.

[wind whistling]

I am going to get a job evenings

and what money I get, I'll save

to go back to school.

You have everything all planned.

I never plan anything.

Well you can start right now.

You can plan on seeing me again.

If you want to.

I mean we could meet, about this time.

I finished the chores then.

I guess you don't want to.


I understand.

I've never been asked to be courted before.

You'll meet me?

I'm glad I'm the first.


Jeremy Grimes.

[ominous music]


Of course I'll help Quentin.

I'll do anything I can.

What's the most incriminating evidence against him?

Trask saw Quentin leaving

the funeral chapel with Lorna Bell.

He has no alibi for the rest of the evening,

and there's no doubt Lorna was k*lled by witchcraft.

BARNABAS: Just as there's no doubt

that the jailer's wife was.

And he certainly had good reason

to k*ll her, she was an open enemy.

Why did Quentin have to always

dabble into the occult?

Gerard Stiles is a very clever man.

You think so and I think so.

If only Quentin did.

Bring me proof he asks, bring me proof

that Gerard Stiles is behind all this.

Then we shall have to find that proof, won't we?

Leticia, have you ever fallen in love?


Oh ducks, more times than I could count.

I spent so much time wondering what it's like,

thinking about just going to a room

because you know he'll walk into it.

I know who you're talking about, love.

Gerard Stiles.

Perhaps, but that isn't love is it Leticia?

LETICIA: No ducks.

I just wanted him to notice me.

It wasn't real.


You're grown up, right before my very eyes.

I guess love is partly being noticed,

but it's also realizing that you

have to do something when you finally are.

Well you've met someone.

I know that and it don't take my second sight to tell me.

Leticia, read my palm.

Tell me what you see.

Am I going to be happy?

[somber music]

Very happy.

CARRIE: No, you didn't mean that.

You just said it, why?

What did you see, Leticia?

Oh you can see all sorts of trouble in a hand, love.

Don't worry about it.

No, you saw me dead, didn't you?

Yes you did.

And Tad was dead too

because I looked in the crystal ball

and I saw us lying dead in the playroom.

Oh Leticia I don't want to die!

Now, not now!

Barnabas, I always speak quite frankly,

so you mustn't mind what I'm going to say,

but I was shocked that you weren't at Daniel's funeral.

I'm equally upset.

I thought I'd be able to be there

but then at the last moment I simply couldn't.

There have been so many deaths recently.

I'm writing a book on poor dear Roxanne you know.

No I didn't know.

Not her really, but about vampires.

Someone can only be turned into

a vampire by another vampire.

Therefore it is my theory there is

a vampire in Collinsport.

I found out a fascinating thing today.

There was similar att*cks in Collinsport in .

LETICIA: Good evening, Barnabas.

You found them, marvelous.

I sent Leticia to Collinwood

for the family diaries of that period.

I thought they might contain a clue.


What is it love?

Why didn't I think of it before?

There is a way we can find out who the vampire is.

A seance, we can contact the spirit of Roxanne.

She's a brilliant medium, Leticia.

You will help us, won't you?

I don't think we will be able to find out that way.

The chances of contacting Roxanne--

Are very good, I feel it.

Oh Leticia, say you will.

Well, if you really want to, love.

Oh I do.

Barnabas if the idea offends you, you needn't stay.

No I, I will stay, thank you.

We'll use this table.

Would you turn down the lamp please, Barnabas?

Candlelight is best.

We must all place our hands on the table

and our fingers must touch.


This magic circle must not be broken.

We seek a spirit who can tell us of the

mystery that surrounds our village.

We seek a spirit that can tell us

who made her as she was when she died.

Roxanne Drew, come from the shades where you now dwell.

If you can hear the sound of my voice,

come to us, come to us.

Can you hear me, Roxanne?

[wind whistling]

ROXANNE: I come, I come.


I have no rest.

Roxanne, if you will, tell us who was responsible?

Who turned you into a creature that walked by night?

Who made you become a vampire?

Will you tell us, will you?



LETICIA: Who, who?

Speak the name so that others may be spared!

Yes, yes!

[eerie music]
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