01x12 & 01x13 - House of Cheats/Rumors

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "House of Anubis". Aired: 1 January 2011 – 17 June 2013.*
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Follows a group of English boarding school students try to solve a mystery involving their dormitory named after the Egyptian god of death, Anubis.
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01x12 & 01x13 - House of Cheats/Rumors

Post by bunniefuu »

It's over now.


Joy is buried.

End of story.

Mum, I want you to come and get me out of this place! They k*lled joy! No, mum, this is not "another bid for attention".

One of my friends could be dead.

Are we all ready?
You're late.


Get to your places.

We're about to start.

Have you seen Patricia on your travels?

Right, she'll be getting an 'f' then! We'll start the test.

Yes the test's already started, Mick.

Quiet, please.

Yeah I know, I'm sorry, but it's just, I didn't catch the last bit of the first question.

Can you start it again please?
You know the rules.

Okay, time's up! Quietl.

Where've you been?
! Come with me.

Keep walking.

Don't say anything.

Man, I've flunked big time! Ah, don't worry boo.

Who needs french anyway?
If everyone spoke English life would be so much simpler.

Wouldn't worry about it, mate.

Something tells me you're gonna do a little bit better than you think you will.

Do you seriously think she's dead?
"joy's buried"?
What else could that mean?
Buried in her work?
Were talking joy, not you mara.

I spoke to my mum and she said that joy's parents have phoned her.

And told her theyíre taking her to some international school or something.

And they didn't want me to get in touch.

Why would they do that?
Well have you called the police?
They're in on it.

Everyoneís in on it.

I don't know what to do.

You do believe me don't you?
Of course.

Patricia! Oh dear mara, losing friends left, right and centre aren't you?
Though, I will give you ten out of ten for trying to win Mick round.

What are you even doing in the girls' toilets, creep?
But tell me.

What is the french for cheat?
You wouldn't say anything.

Ha ha ha, "mrs Andrews, mara cheated on the french test.

" So she could steal Mick from Amber, oh and by the way Victor.

"Mara and Patricia think that you k*lled joy.

" Okay, fine.

What do you want?
Very good answer.

The eye.

I thought Alfie and Jerome were on chores tonight.


It's my night.

They're busy anyway.

Yeah, really busy.

Don't you do anything other than work?
Yeah, I've gotta cut back on that I mean, what is this, a school.


Patricia just, get a life.

Nina, have you got a minute?
I heard about joy.

What have you heard?
Friend of mine d*ed you know.

But his ghost lives on.

Yeah right.

I saw that episode of "haunted high schools" too.

Amber, give it a rest yeah?
All I'm saying is you need to get in contact with joy, I can help you.

Unless you're too scared?
I can't believe I'm about to say this
- but tell me more Jerome.

Come to my room.


All will become clear.

Look at the banisters, look at the shape that's cut into them.

I always thought it was some kind of weird abstract design but it's not, It's the eye of.

The eye of horus! Yes! The same as on your locket.

The same as we found in the attic.

I did a bit of research about this place.

And it turns out the frobisher
-smythes had a bit of a thing for Egypt.

Which would explain why they named the house anubis.

And the hieroglyphics on the painting in the attic.

I'm betting those are the people who hid the cylinders.

But why?
If this was their house, why would they need to hide anything?
I don't know.

But there's only one way we're going to find out.

We need to listen to those cylinders.

Oh wait, how are we going to get in?
Bad deeds, bad deeds Wait, wait, wait! It won't work if you don't believe.

Yeah, well, the goth
-vamp look is a bit last year.

You think joy's dead yeah?
Well there's one way to find out.

Now what?
We turn this.

What was that?
I don't know, but it was way creepier than I was hoping.

It sounded like a voice.

Yeah a voice.

Or a moan.

A death
-bed moan.

Of someone who really doesn't want to die.

That's very descriptive.

Anyway, I mean, this one looks like it's blank.

Maybe that's why it made that noise.


Here try this one.

Wind it faster this time.

Then there was the time Jerome stole mrs Andrews' scarf.

Because it smelt of her perfume.

And snuggled up in bed with it, because he was missing his mum.

Oh this is ridiculous.

I'm leaving.


All right, all right, relax.

"alfonzo" what about joy?
Joy, can you hear us?
I didn't want you to call me, Patricia.

Why couldn't you just leave me alone?
What was that?
Who's there?
Turn it off! How?
I don't know how! I've only ever used mp3s.

Well, I think we've pestered joy enough for one night.

- she did always get grouchy after 10 Stop talking about her like she's Good
-night weasels.

No, not yet.

More mischief corbiere, I'm sure of it.

But who, Hmm?
And what?
The coast is clear.

Let's go.

My heart is still pounding.

Mine too.

I hope I can sleep.

Who am I kidding?
I might never sleep again.


I can't believe we got away with itNight.


Can't believe you got away with what?
No, nothing, nothing, nothing at all.

You've been sneaking around with fabian in the middle of the night; You're heart's b*ating really fast and you think you've got away with something.

Oh! You were having a secret date! No, not exactly This is so exciting.

You, me, Mick, fabian, double

I can see it already.

I can't wait to tell everyone! No! No

You tell absolutely no

Oh, I get it.

Secret love.

So romantic.

Your secret is safe with me.

No, no, no, no, no.

So what's all this I hear about you and Nina then?


Hey Nina, hey.

Thing is um, Me and you, we've known each other for a couple of weeks now, and it's just.


The thing is, Amber.

Oh, I told her not to say anything.

She caught me sneaking in and just assumed.

And well I mean, I couldn't exactly tell her, "we were chasing an ancient mystery.

" So I let her go with her theory.

I mean you and me, ridiculous.

Yeah, yeah.


I couldn't sleep.

What if we've woken some sort of evil spirit?
Yeah, and what if it comes and possesses you in the night?
Okay, as far out as this may be, trixie, I was making it up.

Er, I know, your acting stinks.

But you didn't make up that screeching noise, did you?
Patricia, Alfie, and jerome Pairs, please.

Three little words.

"I love you".

See, it's not what you say, it's how you say it.

In your pairs, I want you to tell a story, But you can only do it having a conversation using those three words.

I love you.

Get your scrubbing brush out cinderella.

I've done you a little chore list.

Actually, come to think of it, it's not that little.

I love you.

Great acting yeah.

Yeah, I can almost feel the hatred.

I love you! I love you.

Hey, Patricia I said I love you! Did anyone see that?
That man.

He was staring at me.

I saw him.

I did! Hey fabian! Look, I've made you and Nina a scrap book to put all your photos and ticket stubs and stuff in.

Mick and I have got ten of them already.

He's so sweet, He lets me hang onto them, but I know he loves them.


Me and Nina?
There is nothing going on.

But if you weren't on some secret date, Then what were you sneaking around for?
I would tell you, Amber, but I'm pretty sure you'll make something up anyway.

Everyone thinks I'm crazy.

Even I think I'm crazy.

We tried to contact joy last night.

And I think we've contacted something else.

"something else"?
I think joy's dead.

What are you hiding?
Tell me, or I'll go to mr sweet and I'll tell him you're doing something weird.

And I don't know what it is Or something.


But you tell no
-one! I'll take it to the grave.

I never tell a secret.

Before you started, she just disappeared.

They said she'd gone home, But she's not answered any of my calls.

They've even erased her from the school photo and taken the anubis house photo down.

The teachers.


Even the police.

I swear, mr winkler, I swear to you, I'm telling the truth.

I believe you.

I can't believe you told Amber.

She has a mouth the size of a black hole.

She caught me with the puzzle piece.

She knew something was up.

You couldn't lie?
I know.

I know.

It just came out.

I'm an idiot, okay.


No, no, no.

Don't say that.

Everything will be fine I'm sure.


Thank goodness you're both here.

I thought I was going to get eaten by a ghost.


Amber, what are you doing here?
And what's with the heels?
I didn't want to miss out on anything.

And these are my lucky heels.

So why aren't you wearing them?
I can't actually run away in them.

Amber what's with the cloves of garlic?
This isn't 'twilight'.

The bible says, always be prepared.

Amber, that's the boy scouts.

Guys, let's just focus.

What if it makes that horrible noise again?
Don't worry.

This should do the trick, but if it doesn't, Get ready to pull the horn off.

"mother and father have given the house a name.


" It's a girl.

"they're going away again soon.

" To Egypt, I think.

Father says he has to, for his work.

"But when they go, I'll be on my own again.

With him.

" Why's she crying?
It's so Sad.

"I don't want to stay here.

I'm frightened of what will happen to me.

" I don't want to stay here either! Can we go please?
Amber! Right, this is getting far too risky.

I vote we get out of here and find a sensible, And more safe way of listening to these things.

And Amber Quietly! What are you doing?
You know you're not supposed to be sneaking around after lights out.

Hello, Trudy, ice cream, brownies.

Yum yum.

Hmm, yes.

Unlike you, miss millington, I was not born yesterday, Now what are you doing?
I'm starving.

And I don't care about your stupid rules.

I'm on a fridge raid! Amber millington, get back here now! Impressive.

She's just full of surprises.

Maybe she can be trusted after all.

Joy, is that you?
Argh!!!! Can you see him?
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