01x16 & 01x17 - House of Confrontation/Alarms

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "House of Anubis". Aired: 1 January 2011 – 17 June 2013.*
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Follows a group of English boarding school students try to solve a mystery involving their dormitory named after the Egyptian god of death, Anubis.
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01x16 & 01x17 - House of Confrontation/Alarms

Post by bunniefuu »

Don't come any closer or I'll scream.

Your friend has disappeared, hasn't she?
Joy mercer?
How do you know that?
Because I'm a private investigator.

My name is rene zeldman.

If you get me a photograph of her then I can help you.

I think that she is in great danger but I know that we can find her.

Now, if you want to help joy, then you will call me.

"When daytime ends at midday, through tears of glass the eye shall see.

" Is that on the shakespeare test?
No!! It's the clue.

Oh right.

I don't get it though, do you?
By the way, do you guys know what is on that shakespeare test?
"When daytime ends at midday, through tears of glass the eye shall see".


Still don't get it.

We need to figure it out.

So, lunchtime yeah?


Why can't there be like a map or something?
That's what you usually get when you're looking for treasure.

What treasure?
Oh, nothing.

Just some little kids' pirates thing on the back of a cereal box.

I'm like really intopirates.

Like, so much.


Hi amber.

Hi boo.

I um.

-da! Aw that's lovely.

-you! Like, hang out this lunchtime.

Seeing as you sneaked off without me yesterday.


Yeah, thing is.



That might be a problem.



I know when I'm not wanted.

What's he so cranky about?
Babes, why are you in such a mood?
Maybe because I don't like being ignored.

I don't mick.

You're pretty hard to ignore.

Well make time for me ambs yeah?
Starting this lunchtime?
What else is there that's so important?
You're right.

Well then?
You and me.

We'll go for a
- I dunno a picnic?
I love picnics.

A picnic.

Yeah, okay.

Poor, alfie.

Operation amber is definitely no picnic.

Okay, settle down, everyone please.

Right, let's talk prospective parents day shall we?
Seeing as there's been such a poor show of volunteers, I've decided to allocate you your tasks myself.

I think you'll all find I've catered to your academic strengths.

That's mick doing nothing then! Do you think mr winkler chose me to hostess the parents.

Because I'm the best looking girl in school, or was it my bubbly personality, or was it my shoes?
All of the above.



And true.

Hey guys.

Wait up! Catch you later then boo.

Mick hates me.

No he doesn't.

He hasn't said a word to me since that stuff with the french test.

Well he'll come around.

Sorry mara, I need to speak to jason.

Mr winkler! Did you hear back from the photographer?
I knew it!! So now what are we going to do?
You are going to do nothing.

I have an appointment with mr sweet in half an hour's time.

And I intend to confront him with the evidence.

Finally! I'm going to get to know the truth.

-you so much.

What do you think, strawberry passion, or bashful cinnamon?
Yeah, either looks cute.

Okay, so, midday is twelve o'clock.

Unless it's a cryptic reference, but let's go with that for now.

"When daytime ends".

No, that's the end of the world.

Not the end of day.


Where does the sun go down at midday?

They have midday dawns, but not midday sunsets.

I know! In cartoons?
What about this?
Partial eclipse
- midday sunset.

You've got it! Got what?
Looks, brains, charm .

You know, all those things you don't have jerome.

Your girlfriend was missing you, rutter.

Helloooo ha ha ha.

"Kiss me"! "Kiss me darling!" Er, alfie?

Well, as stimulating as your non
-conversation may be to each other, it's a little bit dull for the likes of us.

So we're going to go kick up a storm somewhere else.


Ah, jason.

Please, take a seat.

You wanted to see me.

You said it was important.

It is.

I spoke to daphne the other day about patricia williamson.

Oh yes.

She managed to almost convince me that patricia was, shall we say, "over
-imaginative" to be polite?
The thing is, she almost convinced me.

But, not quite.

Now, with all due respect, eric, what's going on?
It's better you don't know.

Oh dear.

You need to speak to victor.

This is ridiculous.

There were 242 solar eclipses between 1801 and 1900, but who knows how many between 1901 and 1923.

Why not ask sarah?
You've seen for yourself, amber, she's not exactly playing with a full deck.


Not sarah.


You never know.

She might mention something?
Not just beauty and sophistication.

I've got smarts too.

Tons of them.

What are those squiggles?
It's like a heart machine.

This is the sound translated as a picture.

So this bit is really loud.

These bits are all really quiet.

And this music software is clearing all the interference.


So where do we start?
The beginning.

"Sometimes he says things in the hope that I'll react, "but I don't.

"Instead, I think of mother and father and I sit in complete.

" "I tooketh myself up to the attic "and verily there was one massive surprise.

" What's that?
"The lady of the house locked away, was a total nut job'eth.

Ha ha ha.

" Alfie and jerome! Well this explains their hasty exit earlier.

Okay, if they've heard this, they might know something.

Then again, this is alfie and jerome we're talking about.

Careful, careful.

Oh dear.

Hey! These are the costumes for prospective parents day! Ha ha ha! Suck it up alfie.

What is this?
You're just jealous, because jason asked me to perform, instead of you.

Oh yeah, a bunch of boring parents with no taste whatsoever.

Is really my idea of a great audience.

That is for going through my stuff.

And that is for recording over my files! Ow! What was that for?
Just for fun.

So, how much did you hear?
Or understand?
Well, if you must know, we only heard that one bit.

And you, by the way, have some really weird taste in recorded books, millington.

Hi boo! I'm I'm so sorry, something came up.

We're done, amber.

And I hate it when you call me boo.

Did he just dump me?
You bet he did.

Nina, what do I do?
Go after him! I thinknot my greatest area.

What's the point?
He already made his feelings pretty clear.

In front of everyone.

How did it go with mr sweet?
What did he say?
Did you get any answers?
Mr winkler.

I've been expecting you.

No, but I'm going to get some now.

"Mother and father have given the house a name.


"I think it's egyptian.

"They're going away again soon.

"To egypt I think.

Father says he has to" it's just.

I love him, nina.

I really love him.

And I've messed it all up, and now I'm messing up the recording.

It's okay.

It doesn't matter about all that.

It'll be fine.

It's okay.

That's pretty.

What is it?
A sunset.

"When daytime ends".

A sunset.

"At midday".

That's when it happens.

Yes! You are brilliant! Well?
Mr winkler?
What did he say?
Quite the little troublemaker aren't you patricia?
And when he came out of his office he'd gone all strange.

Morning everyone.

What did victor say?
There's no big mystery I'm afraid, patricia.

Joy's gone home, like they said.

Okay, as I'm sure you're all aware, it's prospective parents day.

Is everyone clear on their individual tasks?
This is your big chance to win amber's heart, dude.

She's been dumped, she's vulnerable.

She needs a sensitive guy like you with a big shiny shoulder to cry on.

I don't know, man.

Jason said I can't get the costume wet.

If you want to win the girl's heart, you have to follow my four step plan.

Step 1: attention.

Make sure she notices you.

Step 2: intention.

Show her you're interested because women want to be swept of their feet.

Be noticed and sweep her off her feet.

Step 3: longing.

I've already got that one covered.

No! She has to long for you.

You have to be her hero.


Try to be more of an iron man than a tin man.


Mrs andrews.

No, no, you'll have to use the other one.

That door's been stuck for as long as anyone can remember.

Victor tried to get it open, but it just won't budge.

That's odd.

It is, I know.

Must be a design fault.

Shame really, with mick's appetite, I could do with an extra oven! What was the house like back then trudy?
I suspect this house was very much the same as it is now.

Do you know, I think we've got some photos somewhere.

I know that the hallway was much grander than it is now.

Now then.

Ah here we are.

I think we've still got that chandelier somewhere.

Tears of glass.

You know that ghost I kept seeing?
He exists.

He's a private investigator.

You need to stop this now.

Come to class.

Dr zeldman?
It's patricia williamson.

We need to talk.

Amber, can you please help mick man the history stall.

Patricia seems to have disappeared.


I don't think that's a very good idea sir.

We erm.

He dumped me sir.

From a very great height.



Sorry to hear about that.

So, down here we have the drama department.

Hello miss robinson.

Doing a good job there, boys.

Men, miss robinson, men.

You keep telling yourself that, jerome.

Man, why do none of the chicks round here take us seriously, dude?
I refer you to step 4 of my plan alfie.


What do you need to become a hero alfie?
A damsel in distress.



I can help you on this stall if you like.


We're still not.

You know.

I still haven't.

Forgiven me?

If you're going to talk, I don't want your help.





Lips sealed.

We have to be very careful who we trust.

I'm with you on that.

The new teacher, he was on my side.

Then he got close to the truth and he's changed.

He's he's one of them now.

Patricia, he has been converted.

I'm very worried about what that might mean for joy's safety.

Do you have those photographs I asked you for?

I've got some on my computer.

I'll send them to you.

Listen, if I'm to trust you, it's important you're honest with me.

About everything.

My real name is rufus zeno, but you musn't tell anyone you understand?
It could put joy's life in serious danger.


Now I want you to have a look at these photographs.

Have you come across anything that looks like these?
This looks kind of familiar.

What does it have to do with joy?
That is the eye of horus.

And it may give us some clues as to solving joy's disappearance.

Why have you two suddenly become interested in home restoration?
It's about heritage, trudy.

This is part of the house's history and we respect that.

This is all so new to me.

We don't grow houses like this in america.

Can you smell something?
Oh no the cakes! Okay, I say one of us stays here, and the other one goes up to the attic.

We don't know for sure if this is the right "tears of glass.

" Not long now.

So over here we have the history classroom where we have our history lessons.

This is the history stall.

And down here we have arts and crafts.

Here there's a whole file.


Look, I didn't mean to be such a pig.

Dumping you like that.

Thank you.

Wait, what are you saying?
I'm saying sorry.

And also, you look kind ofhot.

Are you on fire?
Well, I wouldn't go that far no, I mean ahhh! It's cool.

It's cool.

I've got you, you're safe.

You knocked me over you idiot! What are you doing?
More to the point, what are you wearing?
! It's okay, miss, I've got it from here.

You go and get yourself checked out.

Smoke inhalation, the silent k*ller.

Right guys you need to stay calm.

Stay calm, nothing to see here, everything is under control.

Let's go.

Mystical building music .

Thing is, I've taken it to the next level.

Esther, she saw how maturely I handled that situation.

I promise you, ten seconds and it will be mission accomplished.

Ha ha ha.

Everyone back inside please.

Apologies, visitors.

Just a bit of spirited fun.

We pride ourselves on having a sense of humour in this school.

Ha ha ha.



My office.


What were you saying?



I love you, ambs.


We don't match.

We're mates.

Not dates.

Do you know what I'm saying?

I know what you're saying.

Thanks a bunch for ruining everything again! What did it look like when the sun shone through the window?
Amazing! Incredible! Sowow.

Do you think there's something hidden inside it, like the one before?
E frightens me.

"He spends a lot of time in his cellar with dead animals.

"Dead animals that he stuffs.

"But what frightens me the most, is his raven, corbiere.

" What did she just say?
"I'm more convinced than ever.

" That he's responsible for the deaths of my parents.

"But I can't prove anything.

"He's coming.

" "You have five minutes "and then I want to be able to hear a pin drop.

" Victor?
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