01x28 & 01x29 - House of Reunion/Memories

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "House of Anubis". Aired: 1 January 2011 – 17 June 2013.*
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Follows a group of English boarding school students try to solve a mystery involving their dormitory named after the Egyptian god of death, Anubis.
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01x28 & 01x29 - House of Reunion/Memories

Post by bunniefuu »

Cleaning fluid?
Alfie drank cleaning fluid?
That is what the hospital said.

Yeah right.

Perhaps you would care to enlighten us on exactly.

What you think was in that bottle miss Williamson?


How are you today?
Old enough and wise enough to know when you want something, Jerome.

Out with it.

Well you know how Alfie and me are best mates yeah?
And now he's in a hospital bed.

Probably bored to death with no
-one to talk to.

Except old men with hacking coughs and bad breath.

I want the day off to go and visit him.


Come on, Trudy! It's not like I've been Fine?
But not the whole day though.

You can have a couple of hours this afternoon.

Erm, Trudy?
Can I do that as well, please?
I feel a bit bad that he's not got something nice to look at whilst he's in there.

Oh okay.

I'll see what I can clear with mr sweet.

Erm, Trudy.

How, No! I can only get permission for two of you to go.

You'll have to fight it out amongst yourselves.

Of course I should be the one to go.

Alfie loves me.

Amber, watch my lips.

I am going to the hospital, not you.

"the only place where yesterday always follows tomorrow" What is it, what is it, what is it?
I mean, what if it's not a book?
Nina, who do you think should go?
Guys, I'm out, remember.

Besides, I'm busy reading "pink pony parade"?
Alfie needs someone to cheer him up, not to shout at him.

And that's why I wore this lipgloss.

Who's gonna be shouting?
I won't be shouting Amber, I'll be interrogating him.

That's all.

Don't try to confuse you me with your fancy words.

Err, it's in the dictionary, Amber.

It's not fancy.

In the dictionary.

Of course.

"the only place where yesterday always follows tomorrow.

" A dictionary.

You genius, genius, genius, genius girl.

Okay, that happened.

But I'm still out guys.

So the clue means your dictionary?
Not my dictionary, a leather
-bound clasped dictionary.

Do you want to help me look for it Nina?
"I have to finish reading this article on 'winter pony grooming.

" Nina, Sarah gave this to you
- not me.

Ah! Yes!! Yo, dude, whassup?
You know.

Been better.

Quit play
-acting you goof.

We just saw you obliterating aliens.

We brought you some grapes.

Jerome ate them all.

You did you mean! Here.

Go and buy him some chocolate.


-yum! So come on.

Tell me what you saw down in the cellar.

I can't remember.

Don't give me that.

It's true.

It's like a total blank.

Hang on, why am I buying the chocolate?
You go! Err, because I'm paying for it.

So! No matter what, I'll take care of you for ever and ever.

Because I am your best friend.

Looking good, Alfie.

Always do, nurse Delia.

I think it's safe to say we'll soon be saying goodbye to you.

Argh! Um.

Feel sick.

Ow! So what was the official diagnosis?
We never heard at school?
The doctors still aren't sure.

Some sort of allergic reaction to something he drank?
I thought he drank cleaning fluid?
The tests are still with toxicology.

Leave the thermometer in.

I'll be back in a sec.

You know, nurse Delia makes getting sick kind of appealing.

Keep your eyes off my nurse.

Your nurse?
Alfie, you are way too unversed in the laws of flirtation
- unlike moi.

Don't worry.

I'll show you how it's done.

I'm going to the coffee shop.

Losers! Oh, think I might be coming down with a case of Delia fever.

Oh, miss Robinson, miss Robinson, I need help.

What with?
Preparing for my scholarship.

My times are down.

I'm behind with my project work, I thought Mara, She's abandoned me.


Well, if you want a training partner, I'm happy to help.

But it'll be my rules, my exercises.

How does that sound?

Right, First training session this evening yeah?
Meet me outside school at 4.


Thanks I really appreciate this.

We'll see if you still feel that way after you've done a few of my drills.

Yeah, ha ha.


Is it me, or is it hot in here?
My heart is pounding.

You know, I think it might be palpitations.

Feel how fast my pulse is racing.

My word.

That is exceptionally fast.

Is it?
Dangerously so, I'd say In what way dangerous?
I think you need an injection of beta blockers straight away.

Beta blockers?
Don't worry.

Just because the needle is gigantic, doesn't always mean it hurts more.

Although, in this case it does.

No nurse, I haven't really, I mean, I was only, What?

Nice one nurse Delia.

This colour doesn't really suit my complexion.

Can't I be a blue budgie instead?
Howard Carter took his canary to tutankhamen's tomb, not a budgerigar.

Dramatic license?
No! About time guys.

Rehearsals were meant to start ten minutes ago.

Why are you dressed as a duck?
I'm a canary.

A canary dressed as a duck?
Did you find anything?
Well, we were looking for an old English dictionary, But then mastermind here thought we should look for an arabic dictionary and Ta
-da! What's with all the squealing?
Can we set up for a run of act one, please?
I don't think we can.

I mean, I know we don't have Alfie, Or Jerome.

Or Patricia.

Or Mara.


We can always do my scene again.

I suppose we'll have to.

Mara's here.

We can do our scene as well if you like.

What's with the stupid chicken outfit?

Mr Winkler.

I really do need to talk to you about this costume.

Do you want to run some lines?

Mara I'm not sure what I'm supposed to have done.

Oh really?
Yeah, we were getting on great, then we kissed And you regret it.


You've said it all before Mick.

No need to go over it.

No, but now you've gone all weird and I've lost a training partner and a friend.

Thought you'd got a new training partner?
Miss Robinson?
So much for "can't do it without you, Mara".

Are you jealous?
! Why
- is there anything to be jealous of?
Oh Mara you are so funny.

Don't you laugh at me.

Don't you dare laugh at me.

No, I'm not, I'm saying Wow! It's a superpower clasp.

It's really stuck.

Try the locket! It's opened stuff before.

Here let me try.

It only works for you! Spooky.

Okay, let's see what's inside this thing.



Then bend your knees, like you're sitting in a chair.

And then bring your right leg and wrap it around your left.

My body is not built to be this bendy.

It's all about focus.

"it's all about focus.

" Ah! But that's the man I saw visiting Sarah yesterday.

Rufus! Shh! It's me, Patricia.


What have they done to you?
Nina, it's Patricia.

I need your help.

But she didn't say what she by help.

She just said to meet in the bike shed and bring blankets and food.

Guys, have you seen Patricia?
She disappeared at the hospital.

And I'm thinking I should tell Trudy?
Patricia is, Oh she's at, She's got a boyfriend.

Madly in love.

He's in a band.

I think they are kind of goth.

Patricia has a boyfriend?
You're serious?
Poor guy! You need to stop lying.

Come on.

It's me.

Zeno's gone.

What do you mean, he's gone?
I turned my back for a minute and when I looked back he'd disappeared.

Find him.

I've searched everywhere.

I'm not sure where else to look Just do it.

You stole a patient?
Have you gone completely insane?
Well I couldn't leave him in the hospital, could I?
Not like this.

It's just till he comes around.

I don't mean to be difficult but, what if he doesn't?
He will! He's looking more alert already.

Oh, oh yeah.

He should be piloting a plane.

Well, he was more alert in the taxi.

Rufus!!! Wake up!!! Calm down, Amber.

You're welcome.

Ssh, it's okay.

Rufus, it's Patricia.

You're safe here.

Yeah what happened?
We're not sure.

We saw Victor kidnap you.

Yeah, yeah.

And then I found you in the hospital.

You were like comatose.

They must have done something to you.

I am so tired.

Should I slap him again?
They must have thought you were close to finding Joy.

Or they never would have kidnapped you like that.

Do you think they've hidden her somewhere, like they did with you?
Oh, I am convinced that they have hidden her, yes.

You said you thought Nina's locket might be the key.

Nina, why don't you show it him?
Patricia! So you're the girl with the locket?

Also "nina.

" hi.

May I see it?
No! I can't show anyone.

I was told not to.

By Sarah Frobisher

How would you know that?
She's a friend of mine.

And you must give it back to her.

Because the locket is cursed.

What do you mean cursed?
Well before Sarah had it she was, She was a wonderful and vibrant woman and you should never have taken it.

I didn't take it.

It was a gift.

She was a confused old woman who didn't know what she was doing.

I mean, I can give it back to her if you like?
No! Strictly speaking, the locket isn't yours.

Strictly speaking, it isn't yours either.

I meant what I said.

The locket is dangerous.

The all seeing eye of horus is an evil eye.

I thought the eye of horus was an egyptian symbol of protection?
But is it protecting good or evil?
I thought the eye of horus has everyone gone to school already?
It's not even quarter to nine yet.

I know, terrible isn't it.

Surprise! For he's a jolly good fellow for he's a jolly good fellow, For he's a jolly good fellow, and so say all of us.

Welcome home, mate.

- Is it okay to go now?

- Go on.

Welcome back mate.

You look strong.

We're so glad you're home! Are you coming to school today because our costumes for the play have arrived.

And our camel suit is awesome! Alfie's not going in to school this morning.

Aww trudes, I want to go to school! Well, I never thought I'd hear that coming from your lips, Alfie Lewis.

Are you sure you're up to it?

If that's what you want.

Come on I've got to show it to you.

Brain food.

I get half way through the morning and I am starving.

And that's why I need this apple and a sausage.

You want to walk across?
I could use your advice on something.

Erm yeah, I will, erm, just not quite yet.

Oh forget it.

You're always hanging around with your new g*ng these days anyway.

Since you asked me ten seconds ago?
Here, try this.

It's so old and grimy, Maybe there's something we can't see, Or maybe it's written in tiny letters or something?
Rufus has gone.

I can't believe it.

He was my only connection to Joy! And you can't remember anything about the night of the cellar?
Like anything anything?

Not anything anything.

Isn't that, like, scary?
To be honest, ambs?

It is scary.

I've got no idea what happened in the space of, like, what, three, four hours?
For all I know, I could've been kidnapped by aliens or anything.

Do you think you were?
And all this time I've been so focused on vampires Well, a finer specimen of mankind you could not find, but, seriously, yeah.

I've had an idea.


I need you to focus on the tie.

I'm going to hypnotise you, and as I count back from ten, You're going to fall into a deep deep sleep.

Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one.

Alfie are you asleep?
Uh huh.


I want you to think back to the night of the cellar.

You're safe, nothing is going to hurt you, but I need you to tell me what happened.

In your own time.

You're walking down the cellar steps.

I'm walking down the cellar steps.

And I'm wondering where I put my mask, and I'm about to be eaten by a giant tarantula! You scared the life out of me! I thought you were genuinely hypnotised! I hate you! Yo dee
-en en en ankh.

Yo dee
-en en ra nekhekh.

What is it?
I remembered something.

From the cellar! What now, you faker?
A face.

A very scary face.

Maybe we should bang your head again?
Or not.

I think whatever was in there has long gone.

She's right.

There's nothing.

Wait wait wait.

What's that?
Something, faint.


Shine the light over it a bit closer.

It's invisible ink.

The heat from the torch must be making it appear.

What's it say?
There! That's it! It's coming through! "under the eyes of horus, a globe and hollow lie, "two right for eternity, but just one left to die.

" Well the panel in the attic is a kind of hollow.

There's an eye of horus there too.

That's not the only one Nina.

I've been thinking.

It's eyes.

Not eye.

Eyes of horus?

Under the eyes of horus, a globe and hollow lie.


It's not in the attic.

I think it might be somewhere in here.

In the hallway.

Something globe

Which one though?
I don't know.


Must be the hollow one.

Okay, "two right for eternity, but just one left to die.

" What do you think that means?
Turn it two times to the right we get eternity, But if we turn it to the left it must lock or something.

And then the secret's left to die.


Fingers crossed.

Okay, two times to the right.


Two! Yes!!!! And it's another strange shaped object.

What do we have here?
Yes, what have you got there?
Give! I shall decide upon your punishment in the morning.

Now get to your beds immediately.

What is this?
It's not possible.

No No!
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