02x02 - House of Dolls

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "House of Anubis". Aired: 1 January 2011 – 17 June 2013.*
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Follows a group of English boarding school students try to solve a mystery involving their dormitory named after the Egyptian god of death, Anubis.
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02x02 - House of Dolls

Post by bunniefuu »

Yay! Hello! Where's Joy?
Oh, is Nina here?
Oh, they're both on their way.

Oh, I'm loving to see you all.

Now, go upstairs.

I've been baking all day.

Oh, yes! Ooh, Amber, let me help you.

Ooh, you've brought enough luggage, have you?
Oh, these are just my shoes.

Actually, just my wedges.

The rest are in the drive.

Thanks, trudes.

Nina, hello.

Welcome back.

- Hey!
- Ah! Alfie, don't do that.

If you're lost, the '8os are that way.

It's for Amber.

New term, new girlfriend New Alfie.

Oh! Again, again.

Joy! Oh, it's so good to be back.

It's good to have you back, Joy.

Thanks, fabes.

And you two! I didn't see that one coming.

Oh, I know.

The athlete
- And the math

She can't run, and he can't add up.

Fabian got the brownies.

Hey, Nina! Nina! Hi! Still American?

Still Patricia?



Time to make a discreet exit, everyone.

Do you want to come and set up your room, Joy?
We share with Mara now.

What's wrong with our old room?
So, um How was your flight?

And you?
I came by car.


I mean, um Never mind.

Do you mind?
People are eating in here.

Thank you very much.

They have returned, corbiere.

Our precious peace is shattered once more.

Take it.

Hide it.

Keep it safe.

Is somebody in here?
Hey, I wondered where you were.

I just had to fix something down at the school.

You sure?
It's all very couply.

You're not wrong there, Joy.

Uh, what are you doing?
Uh, being couply.

So go hold his hand.

Your last mail mentioned something.

About your grandmother coming out?
Mm, yeah, yeah.

She's coming to visit.

She's staying at a hotel in town.

She's really excited to meet you all.

Especially you.

I told her a lot about you.

Yeah, we do breed better geeks over here.

Sibuna reunion, midnight feast in the attic.

Pass it on.

Got popular phones.

Who's poopy?
H myLife coach.

It's 10:00.

You know what that means.

You have fe minutes precisely, And then I want to hear a pin drop.

Do we have anything to pick the lock?

Welcome back to creepy towers.

Maybe this midnight feast should take place in daylight.

Good night.

Elixir vitae.

Water of life.

Mm! Ugh! Sibuna, everybody.

Welcome back.


No trouble getting past Victor, then?
No, he wasn't in his office.

Maybe he's finally changed his ways.

And gone to bed early.

Well, he needs his beauty sleep.

He is 101.

Talking about creeps obsessed with living forever, You guys will be interested in this.

It's an obituary for Rene zeldman.


I guess he found out he wasn't immortal the hard way.

Alfie! What was that?
Someone's coming.

Joy! You scared us to death.

Guys, they're in here.

Nice hangout, guys.

I can't believe you're having an anubis midnight reunion.

And you didn't invite us.

Surprise! We wanted to welcome you back properly.

Up here?

While I'm asleep.

- Well, y

Are you surprised, or what?
Uh, I'll just get another sheet.


Eternal life shall be mine one day, corbiere.

But I still need that elixir.

Ow! Ow! Ow! My toe! Sorry.

It was heavy.

Shush, you two.

I always wanted a doll house.

Even one that's a replica of a creepy old anubis house?
Where dollies go to die.

Whoever is up there, come down immediately! Did you hear what I just said?
Go to your rooms immediately.

We shall deal with your punishment in the morning.

Come along! Someone missing.

Nina Martin Are you up there too?
Well Ah! What are you playing at?
Ah! What are you playing at?
Just look what you've done.

Get out.

Get out! The athenaeum is the place to look.

Lift the wings to find the book.

Hidden in this book of old, Water of life and tears of gold.

"water of life.

" What do you mean you can't remember our arrangement?
I don't make arrangements more than 48 hours in advance, Unless it's spontaneous.

But you promised you'd be my girlfriend last term.

I have witnesses.

Heard it with my own ears.

Me too.

Patricia, Joy, help me out here.

Actually, Amber, you did say that.

Yes, okay, but I thought he was dying.

That's what daddy calls a loophole.

Patricia, what about you?
Yeah, come on, judge Trixie.

Okay, no.

Amber didn't quite say that.

Thank you.

What she actually said was, "yes, yes, yes, anything.

" Thank you, your honor.

Thanks a bunch.

So much for the sisterhood.

In there, please.

I want a word with all of you.

Sit down, please.


So First night back, And already you are up to no good.

Well, I shall not stand for your nonsense this term.

Do you hear me?
Yes, Victor.

Wait, does this mean.

All of us cleaning one toilet?
No, Mr.

Campbell, no.

It means all of you.

Cleaning every single toilet in the entire school.

This is a £50 manicure, I'll have you know.

He's definitely missed us.

It said something about "water of life" And "tears of gold" And some "book of old" Which can be found in an "athenaeum"?
I don't know about "tears of gold," But an "athenaeum" is another word for "library.

" Super useful, dating a word nerd.

And you can guess what "water of life" means.

Yeah, the elixir.

Hey, guys.

Mick and I are going into town.

Tomorrow night to catch a movie.

Want to come?
Yeah, sounds great.


Ah, finally, a proper date.

And this time, no evil maniacs or poisonous flies.

Hey, Jerome.

Uh, Joy Oh, is this Yeah.

We used to share.

I forgot.

I'll First my room, and then my Fabian.

What's next?
My mum?
My Cat?
My freedom?
Joy, you and Fabian.

Were never actually going out.


Morning, Mrs.



Uh, world literature.

Fairy tales and folk stories.

So will you hand these out?
Page 22, please.

Once upon a time, There was a poor boy named alfredo.

Who fell in love with a beautiful.

But very choosy princess.

The princess made alfredo a promise, but I did not promise.

And anyway, I took you to the prom.

No one can say I don't give back.

The Amber millington guide to dating.

Take a look at that, and you'll see.

Why we can never be am
-fie or al

It doesn't even sound right.

Athenaeum is the place to look.

Lift the wings to find the book.

Hidden in this book of old, Water of life and tears of gold.

It used to belong to the daughter of the house.

- Sarah Frobisher

Now do you see its significance?
The book of old.

Didn't your father used to refer to that as The book of !sis, yes.

And you think it contains the elixir recipe?
And the tears of gold?
Perhaps the missing elixir ingredient.

And I think I know where to find this book.

Homework in by next Friday, please.

"one: Gifts.

He must shower me with them.

"two: Hotness.

"he must be hot enough to get on a magazine cover.

"and three: Wheels.

He must, must, must have a set.

" And before you try, Alfie, It doesn't mean skateboard.

So if I get the wheels, the gifts, and cover sh*t, Then you'll go out with me?
Yes, Alfie, In the unlikely event you acheive all those things, I will go out with you.

Piece of cake.

That one.

I love you in that shirt.

This one.

I like the way you're smiling straight at the camera.

Nice eyes.

No way.

Patricia, tell him.

I think he looks like a dork in all of them.

Hey, it still says you're single, Fabian.

Uh, sorry.

I'll change that.


I'm getting seriously worried about Jerome.

So Could you go out with me to take my mind off it?
Hi, Jerome.

Thank you.

Anyone would think you're trying to avoid me.

Big mistake.

If you want to buy my silence, Here's a list of my demands.

Same time tomorrow, Clarke.

So do you want to tell me what's up with you?
I'm just wondering when you're gonna give up.

On princess pushy?
Oh, well, I need to find the perfect gift.

Do you think she'll prefer flowers.

Or an adoption certifica for a baby vulture?
If you don't know the answer to that, You're going to be single forever.

Alfie, do you still want help with those cupcakes?
Oh, yeah, coming.

Let the gift shower begin.

Tonight it's raining cupcakes.

Uh, could you choose some flowers for me, dude?
Think a big gesture, yeah?
That's far too safe.

Pick something a little edgier.

Here it is, the frobisher library.

It's been closed since the '70s.

I always wondered what was in there.

Just might have known your romantic stroll.

Would lead us to a haunted library.

Think this is the library from the riddle?
If the doll is as old as you say it is, Then the library we use in school.

Wasn't even built, So yeah.

It's open.

Did your locket do that?
Not guilty.

Nina What are you doing?
What are we looking for exactly, Victor?
Press the wings to find the book.


The goddess !sis is depicted as having wings.

Perhaps some kind of engraving or carving.

Could be anything.

What about on one of these bookshelves?
I think it highly unlikely.

That Robert Frobisher

Would hide the book of !sis on a bookshelf.

Perhaps up here?
Press the wings To find the book.

Press The wings To find the book.

Eric! No! It's gone! The book of !sis is gone.

The recipe for the elixir eludes me still.

Perhaps we should just face the truth, Victor.

The elixir is finished.

The cup has been destroyed.

And it's over.

You said so yourself.

If we had the elixir, Eric, It would buy us time.

And with time, alternative solutions.

May present themselves.
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