02x22 - Log 114: The Hero

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Adam-12". Aired: September 21, 1968 – May 20, 1975.*
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Set in the Los Angeles Police Department's Central Division, Adam-12 follows police officers Pete Malloy and Jim Reed as they patrol Los Angeles.
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02x22 - Log 114: The Hero

Post by bunniefuu »

Lincoln X-ray Ida 483.

One-Adam-12. A 415... fight
group with chains and knives.


Oh, great. We still
got six hours to go.

A Saturday night movie
and a late, late show.

Never again.

New hat?


What's wrong?


Doesn't fit, huh?

It fits fine.

Looks like smoke over
there. Let's take a look.

One Adam-12 reporting a fire,

A large storage building.

Help! Help, somebody! Help!

Hold it, fella!

Better call an ambulance.

Help! Help me!

Help! Somebody help me!

A fire!

I wonder how it started.


Bring your bolt cutters!

Back truck over there.
Bring it over here!

All right! Bring me a
number 10 hose, over here!

I wonder how many
people are in there.

Watch that hose.
Watch that hose.

Don't back over it.
Don't back over it.

Here comes the
police. Let's go. Let's go.

Get those people back
over! Get 'em back!

Bring the ambulance in.
Here comes the ambulance.

Let's bring it in here now.

Over here! Bring a stretcher!

You took quite a chance, son.

He swallowed a lot of smoke.

Looks like his leg's broken.

Come on. Better let
'em check you, too.

I'm all right.

Sure you are.

Hey, partner. Yeah?

You got soot all
over your new hat.

Okay, Lauro. That's about it.

Feeling all right? Yeah. Fine.

How's the old man?

Doc says he's gonna make it.

Hello, Pete. Hello, Sam.

You know my partner, Jim Reed?

Sergeant Poster. How are you?

How do you do?

Lauro Perez? Yes, sir?

Looks like you're quite
the hero, Mr. Perez.

He saved the watchman's
life, if that's what you mean.

Yeah, I heard about it from
a reporter out at the fire.

Okay if I go now?

Sure! The doc says you're fine.

You figure arson on this one?

Uh, the fire department does.

We have a suspect.

Yeah, fireman said he saw a man

looking at the fire like it
was a beautiful woman.

Is your suspect in custody?

No, no. He took off,

but we have a description.

Oh, it doesn't fit the boy,

so you don't have to worry.

You talk to the old man?

Yeah, he said he smelled smoke.

When he went to
investigate, he saw the flames.

Then he got excited and fell
while he was running for the alarm.

Hmm. Lucky for him the
kid heard he yelling, eh?

Sure was. Yeah.

Well, we'll see you two.

Reports? Might as well.

One-Adam-12, out to the station.

One-Adam-12, Roger.

That Perez kid's
something else. Yeah.

He saves a man
from burning to death,

and then he goes home
like nothing happened.

Might make a good policeman.

Seems funny, that's all.

What did you expect him to do,

wait around for a brass band?

Well, I don't know.

Are you getting hungry?

Yeah, why not?

There's a new hamburger
joint over on Valley Blvd.

It's open Sundays.
Why don't you tell 'em?

One-Adam-12, requesting code 7

at Valley Blvd. And Tildon.

One-Adam-12, continue
patrol and handle this call.

A 415, possible jumper.

Hampton and
Clump. Handle code 2.

One-Adam-12. Roger.

So much for the heartburn.

Excuse us.

Well, this has to be the room.



Excuse me, sir.

Were you sitting on that
window just a minute ago?

Who, me?

Yes, sir.

I was just taking a little air.

Is that against the law?

No, but it's kind of dangerous.

There's nothing like
some good fresh air.

Yeah, well, you weren't
thinking of jumping

or anything like that, were you?

Who, me? No.

Okay. Look. Uh...
Would you do us a favor?

Go to bed and stay there
till you sleep it off? Huh?

We'd better get
him a babysitter.

I'll go check with the
manager, see if he's got

a friend that'll keep an
eye on him for a while.


You wanna know somethin'?


I feel just like a taxpayer.

You wanna try 7 again?

Can't hurt to try.

One-Adam-12. One-Adam-12.

Go to the station.

One-Adam-12. Roger.

The lady back there probably
complained you stole her towel.

Ah. Something tells me you're
gonna get your brass band.

Malloy? Reed? You know Lt.
Chavez, Community Relations?

Right. How are ya?

We've been going over
your report on that fire.

What about this Perez boy?

He did just what we put down.

Then I'd say he did quite a bit.

I'll buy that.

Well, based on your report,

we feel the boy may
deserve a citation

from the Department.

The press seem to
have the same idea.

They've been ringing
the phone off the hook.

I'm going over to talk
to Perez right now.

I'd like you two to be there.

Some good press
never hurts. Okay.

Maybe I can beat the
reporters and the TV crews.

Malloy and Reed
can drive you over.

Just stay clear for calls.

Oh, there were a
couple of firemen there.

They saw him take the
old man out of the fire, too.

I think we've got all
we need right there.

Let's go.

Thank you, Mac.


My brother's a hero. Isn't he?

Yeah, he sure is.

Well, I'm sure you're
proud of him, Mr. Perez.

I'm more than proud.

You know how it is.

His mother's passed
away, and I work.

What boys wouldn't
get in trouble, eh?

But not Lauro!

You officers saw Lauro
do this brave thing?

Yes, we saw him.

And what did he say
to me? His father?

When he came home
smelling of smoke

and sick to his stomach?

That he had saved a man's life?

No! He said nothing about it.


Well, he still
looks a little pale.

Are you sure you're
all right, Lauro?

Yeah. I'm fine.

I'm fine.

Lauro, you want half?

No. Not now.

I'll save some.

I wanted you to
meet the two officers

who witnessed your
son's bravery, Mr. Perez.

So that you'd understand

how much the
department appreciates

the outstanding cooperation
of citizens like your son.

And the old
gentleman he rescued,

will he be all right?

Oh, yes, sir. He's
gonna make it.

Thanks to Lauro.

Then everything is wonderful!

There will be pictures in
the newspapers, Lauro,

and you'll talk on TV!

Will you please leave me alone?

Doesn't figure, that Perez kid.

Why not?

It almost took an
act of Congress

to get him to agree to
come down to the station.

What's he got
against being a hero?

Well, maybe he's sick.

You mean the smoke and all.

Could be.

Yeah. Maybe.

One-Adam-12. One-Adam-12.

See the woman. Unknown trouble.

4551 Lake Lane Drive. Code 2.

One-Adam-12. Roger.

Oh, officers. Am
I glad to see you.

I'm Mrs. Kerry.

I told them on the
phone how urgent it is.

What's the trouble, ma'am?

It's Mr. Gladstone!

He's locked himself
in his room again,

and he won't answer my knock!

Is this the house here?

Yes, sir.

It's Mr. Gladstone's heart.

I have told him
time and time again,

please don't lock the door!

If anything happened,
I couldn't get to you.

Now it's right in there.

He rents it by the month.

He's been my best
tenant for seven years.

How bad is his heart?

Oh, it's bad.

But he's got an oxygen
t*nk and everything.

How long has he been in there?

Well, I don't know.

All day, at least.

Mr. Gladstone? Open up!

He won't answer.

And I've tried the windows.

You're just gonna have to
break the door down and go in.

Get an ambulance.

What about the oxygen?

We gotta get his
lungs working first.

Better tell 'em where to come.



Hey, Lauro. How you doing?

Hey, you're not nervous
or anything, are you?

I don't know. I just, uh...

Do we have to do this?

Nobody wants to be a hero today.

Well, I just... just
don't understand why

we have to make such a
big deal about it. I mean...

I told 'em to forget it.

Hello, Perez. Hello, boys.

Well, Sam. What brings
you in off the streets?

Well, the arson squad
picked up my firebug.

The one I was telling you about.

Now how's that for efficiency?

You set off that
warehouse at 10 a.m.

And we pick him up, 3:00
p.m., still smelling of smoke.

Any priors?

R&I came in with two.

If this one sticks, he'll be
out of circulation for a while.

Yeah, yeah. Quite a while.

We'll see you boys.

They've arrested a
man for setting the fire?

That's right.

Any objections?

No, I... just wondered.

Okay, fellas. We're ready.

The idea of awarding
citations isn't a new thing.

It's just that, in order to
meet contemporary problems,

we're trying to enlarge this
whole field of understanding

between the public
and the police.


Meet Lauro Perez.

You don't seem to dig
all this hero jazz, Lauro.

No. Why do they have
to make such a fuss?

What was I supposed to
do, let that old man die?

Well, a lot of people
would have done just that.

You were there, too.

You helped me.

Yeah. After you were outside.

Besides, that's my job.

Relax and enjoy it. Your dad is.

Yeah. A lot he knows.

Turn left, next corner.



I call the station.

They said you would
be bringing Lauro home.

Thanks a lot, huh?

Please come in for a minute.

I'm sorry, Mr. Perez.
We have to...

Just for a minute. Please.

I have a surprise for Lauro.

Please come. I beg you.

Okay. Just for a minute.

One-Adam-12 shows
Code 6 at 1118 Kenton St.

One-Adam-12. Roger.


¡Señores! ¡Señores!

Officer Reed y Officer Malloy.

And my son Lauro!


So we gotta get out of here.

Yeah, I think you're right.

Oh. The hats.

I'm a policeman!

Want a bite?

You have to leave?
Yeah. I'm sorry.

Come back when you are off-duty.

We'll have food
and fun all night!

Here's your...

Hey. The party's in there.

Yeah, well, it's kind
of noisy in there.

Uh, this is Rita.

Nice to meet you,
Rita. How are you?

We'll see you later, Lauro.

What's the matter
with that kid, anyway?

Eats too much chocolate.

I mean Lauro.

I know what you mean.

You know we haven't
got a thing to go on.

Yeah, I know.

Sometimes I feel myself

getting suspicious
of my own mother.

Something's bugged
Lauro ever since he pulled

that old man out of the fire.

Like a little guilt, maybe?

That's the way it reads.

Yeah. But guilty about what?

Why don't we go ask him?

I'm glad you're back.
Come in! Come in!

No, thanks, Mr. Perez.

We'd like to talk to Lauro.

Of course. Lauro!

He's not here.

Not here? This is his party.

Why isn't he here?

Rita, do you know where he is?

I'll show you.

What's going on?
Why did he leave?

Why don't you go
back inside, Mr. Perez?

We'll talk to you later.

It's only a block. We'll
cut across through there.

He was coming to
see you on his own,

as soon as he was through here.

We talked it over,
the two of us.

Is he inside now?

He wanted to be alone.

Rita, what is it?

What is all this about Lauro?

I... I was coming to see you.

Rita told us.

About the fire...

I was inside the warehouse.

And it was dark.

And I dropped a match.

What were you
doing in there, Lauro?

You know.

I broke in.

Yeah? But why?


Rita and I, we
want to get married.

I need some money to buy a ring.

I saw the fire spreading,

and I got scared, so I ran out.

Then you heard the
watchman yell for help, huh?


Well, you know, you just let
an innocent man off the hook.

I know.

You'll have to come
along with us, Lauro.


Lauro, for being a
bad father, forgive me.

I don't care about
anything else.

The honors. Everything.

To me, you are a hero.

You did save a man's life.

And now...

Now you have
done the right thing.

Bad day at Black Rock.

We've had worse.

We've had better, too.

Hi. Oh, um...

I'm sorry it turned out
for Lauro the way it did.

So are we.

He doesn't have any priors.

He shouldn't have any
trouble making probation.

I'm gonna do all
I can to help him.

After all, he did
save a man's life.

He earned that citation,

even if he won't get it.

Yeah. He did.

Well, thanks for cooperating.

See you around,
Lieutenant. Right.

Hey, remind me,
and I'll bring in

some stuff to clean your hat.

Jean uses it to clean anything.


We never did get that hamburger.

Well, what are you waiting for?

One-Adam-12. Request 7 at, uh...

Foothill and Levy Drive.

One-Adam-12. Continue patrol,

and handle two calls.

See the man at 415...
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