If I Stay (2014)

Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.
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Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.
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If I Stay (2014)

Post by bunniefuu »

At the age of 26,
Ludwig van Beethoven went deaf,

ending his career as a
successful concert pianist.

But determined not to let a
little thing like his hearing

end his music career,

my pal Ludwig became a composer.

Turned out the new gig suited him.

It's like that old saying,

"Life is what happens when
you're busy making other plans."

Take my dad.

When my little brother,
Teddy, was born,

he quit his band to get a real job.

But then he fell in
love with teaching.

Now he spends his
days in the mosh pit

that is high school English class.

Or my mom, a riot girl
who found her calling

as a part-time travel agent
and a full-time supermom.

These days, she only
moshes with Teddy.

Scooch over, dude.

And then there's me.

I thought I knew where I was going.

I thought I had it all mapped out.

Turns out, I had no idea.

Your coffee, maestro.

- Thank you.
- Me too. I want some!

No way, dude.

You don't give cr*ck to somebody
who's already on speed.

Don't worry,
we switched him to decaf.

- Whoa. As long as you don't switch me.
- No, baby,

that would be child abuse.

Hey, did you see this?

I got a Google Alert
about it yesterday.

It's the most we've seen
of him in a few months.

I know.

Oh, my God, is he really
opening up for The Shins?

Yeah. When they play
in Portland tonight.

That's huge.

Yeah, I know. It's kind of crazy.

Everything he's ever wanted's
actually coming true.

I know you guys haven't
been talking much lately.

Mom, I really don't want
to talk about it, okay?

I'm just saying that if you miss
each other it's okay to reach out.


Come on. If you guys
want a ride, we got to go.

Now let's update you on the
snowstorm and school closures.

Baby, turn that up.

Portland and Clackamas counties

are now calling for a snow day.

All schools in Portland and Clackamas
districts will be closed for the day.

Yes! That means no school, kids.

Well, ain't that a bitch?

School's out forever!

Did you really just
quote Alice Cooper?

My God, son, have I
taught you nothing?

Let's go make a snow monster.

We can try. It looks like it's not
really sticking out there, though.

You guys are all playing
hooky without me?

It's not hooky if it's a snow day.

So not fair.

- Life isn't fair.
- That is true.

But sometimes you got to,
like, noodge it a little.

It'd be bad to go to
work with this cough,

spreading my germs around.

You know how when you meet someone

and they just already are the
person they're meant to be?

That was Adam.

Nobody outside Portland
had ever heard of his band.

But he already was somebody.

Everybody knew who he was.


Not so much.

What class was this?

Advanced Composition.

What's she doing?

She's more advanced.

Adam. What's up?

I think everyone left.

Let's get some lunch.
I am Starvin' Marvin.

Oh, and, by the way,

that Adam rocker dude was
totally checking you out.

Adam Wilde saw me geeking out?

He saw you blissing out
and he was into it.

No, he isn't "into it," Kim.

Yeah, he is, Mia.

He's way into you.

Do not take his picture, Kim.

I'm not an amateur.

You're welcome.

Over the next couple of weeks

I noticed Adam hanging around
while I was practicing my cello.

You're Mia.

- Yeah.
- Good.

I just wanted to clear that up.

There were rumors.

I'm Adam.

I kno...



Yo-Yo Ma much?


What's the deal with that?

Is that, like, street or something?
Yo-Yo Mama?

It's Chinese.

And don't mock the master.

- It's blasphemous.
- I'm sorry, my bad.

Hey, I got some tickets
to see a cellist.


Yeah. You interested?

You're asking me on a date?

Yeah. Well, a friend of the family
had the tickets and can't go.

Anyhow, it's this Friday.
I could pick you up.


You can't hide in that
rehearsal room forever.

It's too late.

I see you.


I'm Kim.


Okay. I'll see you guys later.


Oh, my God!


I told you he was into you.

No, no. He just had a question
about classical music and...


Better be nice to you or else

I'll crush him like the bug he is.

God, all right, we get it.
You're in love! Go away!

You got two types of girls
in this world, Mia.

Girls who have boyfriends
in high school...

And girls like us who
wait till college.

So much happier.

I'm totally off the hook.

What are we doing today?

We can go the farm, visit
Henry, Willow and the baby?

Stop by my folks' place
for a late lunch?

Mia, you gonna come with us?

I don't know.

There's this tricky part
of the Beethoven sonata

that I've really gotta nail,

and, well, the letters
were mailed on Friday.


The audition was two months ago,

but I can still feel
it in my fingers.

Okay, this is painful to watch.

Look, who knows what time the mail's
even gonna be delivered today?

Come on, you got to come with us.

Come on, baby. Pretty soon
you're gonna be off to college,

no matter where you're going.

How many snow days are we gonna
be able to spend together?

Are you really playing
the guilt card right now?

We'll let you pick the music.

And bribery.

Honey, guilt and bribery are
the glue that have held

parents and teenagers
together for generations.

Don't fight tradition.



I am a passenger

And I ride and I ride...

I thought you said
I'd pick the music.

Oh, yah. She's right, Teddy.
Fire up the jams, sister.

Let's hear something old-school.

How 'bout I kick out a few tunes

from our favorite
Austrian melody maker,

Franz Schubert.

Not that old-school.

Iggy Pop! Iggy Pop!

Teddy, you can listen
to Iggy on your iPod.

But nothing after 1978.

- You understand me, young man?
- Yes, sir.

Well, I choose Ludwig van Beethoven.


I've always wondered if

Mom and Dad were disappointed

that I didn't turn
out more like them.

I tried to. I mean, Mom and I
went to all of Dad's shows.

Dad's band was called Nasty Bruises.

Embarrassing, I know.

They were what you might
call "big" in our town.

And for a while, everyone
thought they might get bigger.

That was my preschool.

But then one day in second grade...

I wanna play it.

Cellos are crazy expensive.

So, I borrowed a crappy
one from school.

Mom and Dad found a student
from a local college to teach me.

And I rehearsed day and night.

I couldn't get enough.

I love her.

But I'm about ready to
s*ab my eyeballs out.

This is exactly why I
could never procreate.

Amen, sister.

I loved the order.

The structure.

But what really hooked me was
that feeling I got in my chest.

It's like my heart was
b*ating with the cello.


She's been at it since
this afternoon.

You want me to tell her to
hang it up for the night?


You go in there you'd probably
get clubbed with a bow.

I wouldn't risk it.

I wonder where she gets that from.

Naw, guys play music for two reasons.

To get laid and because
they got rage.

But mostly to get laid.

Well, that's probably
not her motivation.

No. Exactly.

She's not doing it to get anything.

She's just doing it out of pure...

We made that.

The next day, Dad came
home with a present.

A cello of my very own.

Isn't it amazing how life
is one thing and then,

in an instant,
it becomes something else?

Like here I am, Mia.

The girl who thinks about
the cello and Adam

and whether a letter is
waiting for me at home.

And just like that...

Get some cribbing in there.
Support those columns.

We need a full spinal immobilization.


Our resources are good right now.

Excuse me!

Sir, excuse me?





We have foreshortening
in this left leg.


Do you wanna get a tube in her now?

Just grab the Ambu bag for now.


Wake up!

Wake up.

Wake up.

Go, one, two, three.

Let's move. Her Glasgow
Coma's at a seven.

Tell Portland to have
a trauma team ready.

Glasgow Coma? Why do
you need a trauma team?

One female, late teens, critical,
en route to Portland now.

- One 8-year-old male, conscious.
- Mom! Dad!


Let's go, Demetri.

Hang in there, baby.
We'll be in Portland soon.

You okay?


You wanna hit up my closet?

Your closet's terrifying.

I don't even wanna go.

Come on, he's just a guy, Mia.

Yeah, but he's the first guy I've
ever gone on a maybe-date with

and I don't know whether to wear
date clothes or casual clothes or...

Just wear, you know,
something you feel good in.

And if this Adam dude doesn't see how
amazing you are, then he's a total...

- Shithead.
- Yeah.

Oh, I think I'm gonna puke.

Better before than during.

You must be Adam.

Yeah. I am, yeah.

Nice threads.

Come on in. I'm the old man, Denny.

I know. You were in
Nasty Bruises, right?

Oh, wow,
you're impressing me already.

Well, I have your CDs.

You're the one.

They make great coasters,
right? Come on.

Adam's here!

Is that Mia?

Yeah. That's our
little rock and roll.

She was Nasty Bruises'
original groupie.

Oh, no. Is he telling
you old w*r stories?


- We should probably go.
- 'Kay.

'Kay, you kids be careful out there.

I hear it gets pretty
wild at the symphony.

- Goodbye.
- Bye.


Your parents seem pretty cool.

So they tell me.

Seriously, I respect any musician

who just leaves it all
on the stage like that.

She was awesome.

Thought you were a little
bored there in the beginning.

No. That snoring was
the lady next to me.

I loved every minute of it.

All right, Hall,
so what's your story?

How did parents like yours end
up having a kid like you?

Well, I was certainly
bred to be a rocker.

But I have this theory that
I was switched at birth.

Okay. That explains it.

No, but seriously.

I don't know,
I've always kind of felt like

this Martian in my family.

I don't look like
either of my parents.

My mom's this tough chick
and my dad's all outgoing

and I went and chose
Beethoven and the cello.

When I was eight,
I saw this old video

of the Ramones playing
"I Wanna Be Sedated".

And it felt like my head exploded.

And I was like, "I have to
learn to play the guitar."

So, my uncle hooked me
up with this old Fender.

Yeah, that thing saved my life.

You didn't really get those tickets
from a family friend, did you?

That was two weeks
of pizza delivery tips.


Why me?

Because I like to watch you play.

You go to another place.

And you're beautiful.

You get this crease in
your forehead right there.

Why do I have this feeling you're
about to mess up my entire life?

A little mess never hurt anybody.

A week later, Adam invited
me to see his band play.

Liz, Mia. Mia, Liz.

I got to change the tube on
this amp. I'll see ya in there.


One, two, three, four!

I wasn't lookin' for something

To sink my teeth into

I didn't know what I wanted

I never do

I want what you have

I want what you have now

Give it to me

Do you make it look so good
'cause you know what's up?

Do you know exactly what to do?

I want what you have

I want you have now

Give it to me

I want what you have

I want you have now

Give it to me

Thank you and good night.

So, what other bands are you into?

Classical mostly.

Right on. I love classic rock.


Hey. Are you okay?

Kinda miscommunicating with people.

The usual.

Yo, Adam. After-party at Darren's.
You comin'?

Yeah. Yeah, we're in. Yeah.

- You in?
- I have my curfew.

- Curfew?
- Yeah.


Well, we'll set you loose early.

Thanks for slummin'
it with us tonight.

Yeah. No problem.

Yo, Adam, just kiss her
and let's go, man.

Come on.

We're cool, right?

- You and me?
- Yeah.

We're cool.

Hey, you finally got to meet Liz.


You two have a lot in common.

You ever, like,

hooked up, or...

Actually, I'm glad
you brought that up.

We do have a lot in common.

For instance, we're both

into girls.

She's with Astrid.

Oh, wow!

Go, Astrid.

And now we've got
that out of the way.

I'm bummed you can't
stay out with us tonight.

Yeah, I know.

Mia, just go. Have fun.

- Mom?
- Kat! Get away from the window.

- Dad?
- Sorry.

Like, your mom and dad are
cool with you staying out,

but you don't want to, or...

Look, I think I'm coming
down with something.


Yeah, well, just give me a
shout when you get over it.

I'll see you around.

- Hey, Adam.
- Mom, get back inside.

We always do these stragglers'
dinners on Sunday.

You should come by some time.


Maybe I'll check it out.

You know, that was wrong
on so many levels.

What? She shouldn't be scared
to hang out with those guys.

They're us.


- Okay, bring her out.
- Behind.

No palpable deformities at this time.

Go, go, go.

What do we got here?

Collapsed lung, broken ribs.

Looks like three.

Abrasions to the legs, face.

Brain contusions,
full extent unknown.

And an internal bleed.

Rest of the family's on the way in.

Ultrasound, X-ray, 12-chem,
type and cross-match.

Let's get the RT down here, please.

On my count. One, two, three.

Hey, excuse me, I need
to check on my family.

It's Kathleen Hall,
Dennis Hall and Theodore Hall?

- Good to go.
- Hello?

Hey, I was trying to look at that.

Ruptured spleen, we need to move.

We're taking Mia Hall
into operating room one.

All right, let's get her in there.

We got to remove the spleen,
drain the lung

and figure out what's
causing the bleed.

If she wants to live,
she better start fighting.

Start fighting? How am I
supposed to start fighting?

Someone just talk to me, please!
Just help me.

Okay, let's go, folks.

Her sutures.

Arterial line set.

Okay, let's get it cleaned up.

Your cut-down tray's almost prepped.

Let's go, let's go.

Thank you.

GCS still looks high.

Am I gonna die?

Is that what this is?

Here's the secret, baby.

You control this whole thing.

If you live, if you die,
it's all up to you.

So, whatever fight you got in you,
you got to pull it out now.

Call the blood bank.
I need two units of O neg.

Keep two on hold.

I think we're gonna need
a lot more than that.

Let's see if we can track
down her relatives, please.

Right away, sir.

One of her parents is on
their way to OR four now.


We just have to relieve the swelling.

For a guy who was in such a bad
car wreck, he really lucked out.

Hey, Mia! Look what I
found loitering out front.

Do we want him?

I was hungry.

Well, I'm glad you came.

Because you're hungry and we
have food for you to eat, or...

Well, food to eat is my favorite.

Out of my way, people. I just worked
a double and I need to feast.

I'm eatin' dim sum for a twosome.

Hey, what's up, Willow?

Welcome, Adam. It's nice to see ya.

Play your cards right,
we might make you a regular.

- Okay, Mom, we got it.
- Thanks.

Come on.

Okay, so who is it?
Bobby Schayer from Bad Religion.

- Tim Leitch from FEAR.
- Tim Leitch from FEAR.

- The guy from Dead Moon.
- Andrew Loomis.

And the guy from
The Wipers, Sam Henry.

So if you think about it,

Portland's kind of like a haven for
legendary punk drummers, right?

That's a good point.

Mia, your man knows
his punk rock history.


Oh, my God! Oh, God,
something just stung me.

Who does that?

A bee?

- Babe, are you sure it's a bee?
- Oh, yeah.

We got to get the stinger out.

No, we're not doing that.

Trust me, this is this only
thing I learned in Boy Scouts.

Got it.

Way hotter than tweezers.

Stand down, woman.
You're already knocked up.

You know, you should
get stung more often.

I'm sorry to say that's
the furthest we've gotten

since our first date.

Yeah. Maybe we should
do something about that.

I like where your head's at, Hall.


I'm coming up.

No, you cannot come up.

I have something to tell you.

Besides, it's too late.
I'm already climbing.

Oh, God.


Oh! Schroeder.



I thought you went home.

I got lost.

Did you actually learn that
beesting thing from the Boy Scouts?

No, I totally made it up.

I just really wanted
to suck your hand

in front of all your
parents' friends.

What did you want to tell me?

Today was awesome.

You guys are like a real family here.

I don't think I've ever seen
one of those up close.

It's impressive.

Yeah, well, trust me,
it hasn't always been that way.

When I was a kid,
things were so chaotic.

They'd be up late, so I was up late.

And Dad would be on the
road for weeks at a time.

They didn't really get it
together until Teddy was born.

What about you?
What are your parents like?

They're not really a part of my life.

Honestly, I can't remember them ever
being in the same place for a meal.

And if you want to track down the
old man, that's gonna take a while.



No, it's cool. I'm good
at being mostly alone.

But that's the thing,

you're not alone.

Not anymore.


I need to take it slow, okay?

I love slow.

And meet

Me there

Bundles of flowers,
we wait through the hours of cold

Winter shall howl at the walls

Tearing down doors of time

Shelter as we go...

Is there enough room?

A little more underneath, please.

- Suture.
- There we go.

The surgery's been
going on for hours,

and they're nowhere near done.

I need to find my family.


Kim, wait!

I came here as soon as
I could. What happened?

- Is everyone okay?
- We don't know.

Gran. Gramps.

We need to find out what
the hell's going on here.

Excuse me, my name is Estelle Hall.

Our son, Denny Hall,
his wife, Kathleen,

and their two kids got
in a car accident

this morning and we'd like to
find out how they're doing.

- Yes, of course.
- Mr. and Mrs. Hall?

I'm Liddy. I'm your social worker.

I've just been assigned your case.

I am so sorry for what's happened.

Now, I haven't been able to
speak to anyone's doctors yet,

but I do know that Mia and
Dennis are still in surgery.

Most likely they'll be
heading to the ICU.

There is no information on
Kathleen in the system yet.

But Theodore...

- Teddy?
- Yes, Teddy.

He was conscious when he arrived.

He's getting a CAT scan now.

Why don't you make yourselves
as comfortable as you can

and I will come and
get you the second

I have any new information. Okay?

Thank you.

Hey, Henry and Willow
are on their way.

And I tried calling Adam and
left a couple messages,

but I haven't heard anything yet.

There are two types of
people in this world, Kim.

Those who like real coffee,

and those who like froufrou
drinks with ridiculous names.

Wow. You know, I'm not ashamed to be

a cinnamon-spice chai latte lover.

Thank you very much.

Yeah, well, it kind of smells like
Christmas threw up in your mug.

Fine by me.

So, Adam.

Is it awesome?

It feels big.

It's crazy. I can't eat,
I can't sleep.


For starters, I hate
going to his shows.

Do you not like his music, or...

No, I love his music.

He writes these amazing songs, and...

I don't know, when he comes off stage

I just wanna, like,
lick the side of his face.

Oh, baby.

But when I hang out with his crowd,

I just feel like...

Like a fish out of water?

Like a fish on Mars.

Come on, it's not his friends
you're afraid of, it's him.

I mean, he's older, he's in a band.

All those girls surrounding him.
I mean,

it's scary. I get it.

What if it doesn't work out?

You gonna be there to
pick up the pieces?

Every last one of 'em.

But if it gets serious,

you better not turn into
one of those girlfriends

who only speaks in
the first person plural.

"We love the winter."

"We never use deodorant."

"We only like quinoa."

If you ever turn into one of
those girls, I'mma gonna sh**t ya.

If I ever turn into
one of those girls,

I'mma gonna give you the g*n.

Hey. Mom?

Who's the toughest,
hottest rocker chick you can think of?

- Debbie Harry.
- Okay, cool.

Or Patti Smith or Joan Jett.

Lucinda Williams,
even though she's country.

Kim Gordon.

What's this,
a social studies project?

No, it's for Halloween.

Tonight, with Adam.

Oh, you're going as the rocker chick.

I don't even wanna go.

Bunny rabbit.

What's up?

I wanna dive into Adam's world.

You know, I wanna
be like his friends.

But what if I can't pull it off?

The whole messy punk rocker
live-in-the-moment thing.

Then you return all the clothes
to my closet in the morning

and go about your life.

Baby, it's one night.


I mean, I know it's not your thing,

but why not try out messy and
in-the-moment and see how it feels.

You might be surprised.

Hey, Adam.

Whoa, Hall. I didn't
think you had it in you.

Whoa, yourself.

I'm Beethoven.


Come on, let's go.

What's up, Adam?

Debbie Harry always said,

"A sh*t before showtime
does the trick." So...

Bottoms up.

Oh, I'm good.

Okay. Well,
it's there if you want it.

Yo, Adam. We're goin' on.

Okay. I've gotta go do my set.

No running off with some me wannabe.

I'll try.

Have fun.

Oh, my God, Mia.

You look amazing.
Did you get this in Seattle?

Hey. Wanna bone?

You're frickin'
embarrassing yourself.

Come on, at least give
me your bone number.

Ladies and gentlemen,
Willamette Stone!

Happy Halloween.


Are you coming?

I've gotta say I'm feelin'
better than I should

Don't got a lot, but I
know life is always good

Oh, come on over

Bring some friends
who have the time...

Mia, you have to come.


I'm feeling fine...


'Scuse me. Move it.

So tell me now,
are you in or are you not?

I don't want to move the world
I just wanna sit on top

Let's raise a glass

Here's to the best and to the worst

Here's to the feelings that
you just can't put to words

We got tonight we got tonight

For the years

For the night

I'm feelin' good

I'm feeling high

I'm feelin' like I've never felt

We got tonight we got tonight

For the years, for tonight...

Bye, Adam. Bye, Rocker Mia.

Bye, you guys.



Do you like me like this?

At last, you finally figured it out.

No, come on.

I mean, do you like
me how I am tonight?

You know what I liked?

I liked how into the show you were.

How you actually wanted to dance

and hang outwith us
riffraff afterwards.

That was cool.

Yeah, but do you like me better,

you know,

- like this?
- Better than what?

Better than the normal Mia.

You know, with the hair and
the makeup and the clothing.

Mia, I don't give a sh*t
about your clothes.

Don't you get it?

The you you are now is the same
you I was in love with yesterday.

The same you I'll be
in love with tomorrow.

Can we go somewhere?



What is this place?

It's an old boatworks shed.

One day, me and the band
are gonna fix it up

and we're gonna rehearse
and record here.

It's perfect.

So are you.



I've never...

Just think of it like we're
playing music together.

Adam, that doesn't make any sense.

Yes, it does.

All right, well,
take your jacket off.


All right.

So we have four strings.

We have the C string

and G,


and A.

And if I were to play glissando,

it'd feel like this.

And if I were to play pizzicato,

it'd feel like this.

And if I were to play forte.

I know forte.

I ain't never gonna shut you out!

Everywhere I'm looking now

I'm surrounded by your embrace

Baby, I can see your halo

You know you're my saving grace...

Intensive Care Unit.

Yeah, she is.

How are we, beautiful?

I told 'em that I don't
wanna leave you.

I'm not gonna let you
out of my sight.

We have another one from
the accident, Nurse Davis.

Dad. Thank God.

Oh, my God, George.

Is he going to be okay?

We're updating his chart right now.

The doctor will be in to
speak with you shortly.


Where is he?
Where'd you guys take him?

I'll just finish writing the
orders and then she's all yours.

Girl's been through the wringer.

Yeah. And this is the easy part.
Accident like that?

Mom was DOA. Dad d*ed on the table.

Poor kid's waking up an orphan.

If she wakes up.



I'm getting you!


I love you.




Hey, little man. Look at this room.

You got the best place in the joint.

Are you okay?

That's right. You just get some rest.

I'm not going anywhere.

Oh, Gran. Hey, I just got here.

They're saying he's
through the worst of it.

They were assigning his room,
so, I thought I'd come here

before I checked in on Kat and Den...

They didn't...

Oh, my God!

Excuse me.

You're mine now, Teddy.

And no matter what,
I will never leave you.

We're gonna make it.

Listen, I need to do something.

But I promise you, Teddy.


You came.

Listen. You can't let Teddy
grow up without a family.

You have got to fight.

You can do this. You have to do this.


- Excuse me.
- Sir!

- Mia!
- Adam.



Being with Adam was
like learning to fly.

It was exciting and scary,
all at the same time.

That spring was a magical time.

Adam's band was playing bigger clubs

and festival in different cities.

Once he graduated, they started
getting booked even more.

By the fall, record labels
were taking notice.

People were taking notice of me too.

I was the first high school
student ever invited

to perform solo at the
college's fall recital.

And even though Adam was away a lot,

when he was in town,
we spent all of our time together.

I can't believe I'm stuck
at school for another year.

It'll go by fast.

You still thinking of
applying to Lewis & Clark?

Yeah, of course. I mean,
they have a great music program.

I need someplace with financial aid.

Maybe we can live around
the corner from each other.

Or we could shorten the commute
and get a place together.


That actually sounds kinda perfect.

- Kid's good.
- Whoo!

Sir, I told you you
can't go in there.

What do you mean I can't go
in there? This is bullshit.

Sir, you can't be in there.

You need to calm down.

ICU visitations are restricted

to immediate family only.
Are you family?

All right, you got me.
I'm not family.

Come on, just let him in!

Do I need to call security?



Just look on the computer like you do

and see what it takes
to get in there.

They say it's the best there is.

Of course it is,
but it's across the country.

You know, and Lewis & Clark has an
amazing performance studies program.

Besides, my whole life is here.

Dad, can I ask you a question?


Do you ever miss being in your band?

What brought this on?

You always say that you left your
band to become a better dad.

But you were a great dad
when you were in the band.

You didn't have to give up something
you loved so much just for us.

No, baby, I didn't give anything up.

I played that adventure out,

and then it was time for a
new adventure with you guys.

And sometimes you
make choices in life,

and sometimes choices make you.

Does that make any sense?

Yeah. I mean,

I think that the cello was
a choice that made me.

There you go.

Do you think the band
would ever relocate?

No. Why?

I don't know.

To see someplace new.

Maybe New York.

I can't imagine. Portland's
where we're from, you know?

Oh, yeah.

I gotta tell you something.

I have to listen to what
you have to tell me.

I'm going to buy all of these albums.

Whoa. The whole three bucks?

Slow down, big spender.


Whoa, Mom. Seriously,
that just makes me more nervous.

Sorry. Just ignore me.

Yeah. Just pretend we're not here.

Dad, honestly, how was that one?

I thought it was fantastic, Mia.

You say that about everything.

Because you're awesome.
They have to give you an audition.

Yeah, but you don't understand.

This is Juilliard.

This isn't just some punk album

where you can throw music at a
wall and hope it sounds all right.


I'm sorry.

I really didn't mean that.

This is pointless.

I'm not good enough.

I thought the last one was amazing.


I think I can do better.

Then let's do it.


Yeah. Let's do it.

I miss you every time you go.

It'll just be a few days. Maybe more.

Well, I know you guys are
gonna k*ll it at City Limits.

Are you sure you can't come?

I'm pretty sure I can fit
you in my guitar case.

I would, but I got school.


Never thought I'd hear that again.

- Come on, we gotta hit the road.
- Okay.

- I'll be back before you know it.
- Okay.

- Come on. We gotta go.
- We're bringing him back, all right?

- Bye.
- Have fun.

We roll.

So what's the whatty-what
from Austin? Hear from Adam?

No. I called him,
but I haven't heard back.

It's fine. I mean, he's slammed.

Yeah, life on the road.

Don't give me that face.

Speaking of the devil.


Hey, babe.

So, you all rich and famous now?

Not yet.

But Merge Records made
an offer to sign us.

It's been crazy.

Shut up. That's amazing, Adam.

Yeah, they're throwing
us a party right now.

Well, I miss you.

Dude! You got champagne
all over my phone!


Waiting for the rejection

It comes in waves and
it feels like a throb

You wanted only the ending

But what you got was much too long

I can't be you, you know

My heart is underground

When I believe it was different

I believe we could turn it...



Mia, wait.

Sorry, I didn't see ya there.

No worries. Just bringing
food for you guys.

Oh, cool. Thanks.

We're just gettin' ready
for tomorrow night.

It's gonna be a total homecoming.

It's our first gig in town
since we got signed.



I applied to Juilliard.

- What?
- Yeah,

it's this amazing school.

Yeah, I know what Juilliard is.

Well, it was just on a whim.

Isn't it in New York?


Well, why didn't you tell me?

Well, I tried

but I figured, why tell
you until it was real?

Okay. So why you telling me now?

Well, I got an audition.

In San Francisco.



Juilliard. Mia, that's...

Way to go. That's cool.

Yeah, well, I won't get in.

But it's kind of a big deal

that I even got an audition.

Most people don't.

Well, Yo Mama better
watch his back. Right?

I can't get you out of my mind

I can't get you out of my mind

The homecoming concert was different

than any show the band had played.

They were tighter, better,
more confident than ever before.

And Adam seemed,

well, like he was becoming
a full-blown star.

I can't get you out of my mind

They're really good.
I've been following them.

Thanks. Thanks for coming.

Did you like the show?


- Thanks, guys.
- Aw!


You guys were insanely good up there.

Yeah, well, I'm glad
you could make it.

Of course I made it.

- A-b*mb.
- Hey, man!

- I can't believe you came!
- What's goin' on, bro?

- Tight set tonight.
- Could I get your autograph?

Yeah, sure.

Oh, wow. Okay.

It says Willamette Stone.

Yeah. I can see that.

There you go. This is cool.

If you're so bored you have to read,

maybe you should've just stayed home.

I'm just trying to get
some homework done.

And researching what phrase

I'm gonna have tattooed
over my left boob.

What's all this?

We got booked last-minute to do

a string of shows in Seattle.

We gotta leave tonight, so...

For how long?

I don't know. Like a week?

Ten days?

It's hard to say.

Yeah, but we had plans.

Remember? For my birthday dinner?

Oh, right. sh*t. Sorry.

Well, it's fine. I just
wish you would've told me.

What, like you told
me about Juilliard?

And for the record, I didn't
even hear about the tour

until tonight right
before the show, so...

So that's what "Glad you could
make it" was all about?

That's why you're so pissed at me?

Why would I be pissed about
you going to a school

3,000 miles away?

I'm not going there, Adam.
It's just an audition.

Which you didn't even
tell me about, Mia!

And besides, this isn't
about Juilliard.

This is about you
ditching on our plans.

- You're a liar.
- Whoa!

Screw you, Adam! I haven't
ditched out on anything.

Am I crazy, or did you say that

us getting a place together
would be perfect? Huh?

- It's...
- No, you know what?

It's fine.


What? You get to follow your dreams,

but I can't follow mine unless
I have your permission?

And I just have to sit
here and wait around,

hoping that you'll come
home every few weeks?

How is that fair?

You lied to me, Mia. We had plans.

One minute, it's one thing.
The next minute, it's the other.

I grew up with that sh*t, okay?

I don't need it.

Even if I do go to Juilliard,

we can figure it out.

Baby, we can text and we can Skype...

Skype? Skype?

Jesus, Mia! Have you ever even

had a long-distance relationship?

It's bullshit.

Okay? It's like dating a ghost.

But Skype, it solves
everything right?

You know, you're so naive, man.

You don't know sh*t about the world.

I can't believe you
just said that to me.

What, you want me to
write it down for you?

Adam! Sorry, dude, but we gotta jet

if we wanna make it to
the motel before sunup.

No! No. You cannot
leave me like that!

Why didn't you tell me?

Maybe because I am
terrified of losing you!

You know what? You do your thing.
I'm gonna do mine.

Fine, but for the record,
you're the one who's getting in the van.

Yeah, whatever.

Mr. and Mrs. Hall?


So, Mia's still unconscious.

The respiratory therapists
are going to run some tests

to see when they can wean
her off the ventilator.

So, that's good news.

If she can breathe on her own.

With comatose patients,
the first 24 hours are critical.

If she shows any
signs of awareness...

- Adam.
- I'm sorry. I gotta go.

Woke up this morning...

Looked up this morning

Saw the roses full of thorns...

The food was good but the
service is a little, you know...

Well, I'm sorry.
It's just the way things are.

That's not necessary.

When are we gonna open presents?

- Mia?
- That's gonna be fun!

Yeah, you wanna do that?

Yeah, sure.

I've gone all around

Till there's nothing left to say

Wrote it all down

Into something that couldn't be said

I thought you were supposed to be,

in Seattle.

No show tonight so I just

thought I'd drive down for the day.

What's that?

It's a replica.

Of Jolari Hall in San Francisco.

Where you'll be
auditioning for Juilliard.

That's the ceiling.

I put it up there.

It's intense.

Yeah. I figured,

you know, if you
look at it every night

it wouldn't seem so scary
when you get there.

What do you want, Adam?

Mia, I'm sorry.

- I know, I suck.
- No, no.

You can't just disappear
from my life like that

and pop back into it
whenever you feel like it.

I know. It's just,

the people in my life have a
habit of disappearing on me

and when you started making plans...

You're not gonna lose me.

Adam, I love you.

But these last few days

have been brutal.

I know.

I know. For me too.

Happy birthday.

Well, at least I know
the wrapping's yours.

Shut up. And just open it. Come on.

It's a cello and a guitar.

Do you get it?

God, I hate you.

When did you know you were good at playing music?

Oh, I dunno.

Come on. What was, like, the moment?

Actually, there was one night.

When we first started playing out.

Right before the show, Liz talked
me into going to the liquor store

and getting her a Red Bull.

So I go in

and there's this drunk dude
buying a bottle of Jack.

And I realize it's him.

It's my old man.

And I just

stopped cold.

And he just looks right at me

and walks out.

No idea who I was.

sh*t, Adam.

Then that night,
I played like I was on fire.

I don't know if I thought I was good.

I just knew that
nothing else mattered.

Till now.

Till you.

When I play,

I kind of picture

myself inside the cello.

It's like my little house.


Actually, no.

I'm totally just in it for the guys.


- I got you, didn't I?
- Yeah.


How am I supposed to find
the strength to stay?

What would it feel like
to wake up an orphan?

To never smell Dad cooking pancakes?

To never stand next to Mom quietly
talking as we do the dishes?

But how could I go?

The nurse said I control
this whole thing.

If I live, if I die.

It's all up to me.

And that terrifies me
more than anything else.

Mia Hall.

Good luck.

Thanks for driving me, Gramps.

I mean, that was...

Thank you.


I just wanted to tell you that

I watched your audition.

From backstage.

I wasn't too sure

if that cello was gonna
make it out alive.

I know. I didn't know I had it in me.

Well, you do.

You were fearless.

You played your guts out up there.


You've got something special.

Your dad had it too,

but I never told him.

I never made too much
fuss about his music

and I don't wanna make the
same mistake with you.

If those Juilliard
people don't take you,

they are damn fools

because what you did
up there was magic.

Thank you, Gramps.

I spend these hollow nights

All alone

Safe from the looking glass

Which you kept home

I saw the sea and knew

It was a mirage

It wasn't even so

I played the odds

I never wanted to go

And now I'm letting you know

I just wanted to feel

The life in me

Oh, hey! You're back.

That was a really
beautiful song, Adam.

It's gettin' there.

How'd it go?

Did you k*ll the audition?

Are they gonna let you in
on a full scholarship?

I did all right, I guess.

But it's kinda like

playing to statues.

Oh, come on. I bet you
did better than you think.

And if not...


Adam, I played better than
I have in my entire life.

It was like I was possessed
and the music, it just...

it poured out of me.

God. I've never felt
anything like that before.


I wish I could've seen that.

Yeah, me too.

You know, for once, I actually felt

like I could do this.

Why didn't you call me
after the audition to brag?

I know I should have, but...

I don't wanna fight, okay?

I know. I don't wanna fight.

Okay, well, you played better
than you have in your entire life.

We should celebrate.

So how come you've never
written a song for me?

I don't know, I'm no good at writing

about things that make me happy.

If you want a song,
you're gonna have to, like,

cheat on me or something.

What do I have to do
for a whole album?

Come on. Don't get greedy.

You know, I don't
think I'll even get in.

There were like 100 other kids there.

Then I don't have to choose, right?

But if you do get in, the choice
is already made, isn't it?

Mia, come on. I'm not
gonna be that assh*le

that stops you from
going to Juilliard.

If it was me, you'd let me go.

Yeah, but in a way, I already have.

You know, you're going
to your own Juilliard.

Yeah, I know.

But I'm still here.

Okay? And I'm still
crazy in love with you.

Yeah, me too.

There you are.

Been looking everywhere for you.

Guess your big show
got canceled, huh?

Like I give a sh*t.

- Oh, I'm sorry. I'm just...
- No, it's fine.

I get it.

The first day, man.

The first day I walked past that room

and saw her playing, that was it.

God, I'm such an assh*le.

No, Adam. Don't.

She get in? To Juilliard?

I don't know.

Letters sent out Friday.

I think she was
supposed to hear today.

I can't.

I can't lose her again.

Let's go.

What now?

Well, I gotta get in there.
I gotta see her.

Excuse me.

Hi, there's this girl
and she's having a baby

in the bathroom on the third floor.

And she's down there
and she's just grunting

and screaming and there's
blood everywhere!

And it's really unsanitary,

and we really need someone
down there right now.


We really need someone
down there right now!

- sh*t!
- Go!

Excuse me, young man,
I've told you you can't be here.

Security, get me Security. Right now.

Mia Hall?

Please, I just wanna
feel you touch me.

- Mia.
- Please.

- Hands off.
- Come on.

What are you doing? Get off me!

You can't do this to him!

You know, I tried to
do this the nice way.

You wouldn't know nice if
it bit you in the ass, lady.

Hey. Knock it off.

- Willow?
- Willow?

What the hell is going on?

They were trying to
break into the ICU.

Yeah, 'cause Jabba the Nurse
wouldn't let us in to see Mia.

Well, I know these kids personally,
so, why don't you just let me

handle it from here.

Fine. Then just keep
them in the waiting room.

What the hell were you guys thinking?

I need to see Mia.

Well, she's gonna need
you now more than ever.

Hey, what's going on?

Willow, what's happening?

Willow, why aren't you with Teddy?


Oh, sh*t.


Mr. and Mrs. Hall.

- Teddy.
- I'm Dr. DeVenne.

- Teddy?
- I am so sorry.

Where is he?

He had an epidural
hemorrhage in the brain.

We did everything we
could to save him.


He will never graduate
from T-ball to baseball.

And never learn to drive.

Never kiss a girl.

Never fall in love.



I don't wanna do this anymore.

I want this to be over!

Give me the chart.

Abdomen's rigid. Full of fluid.

Jesus. Splenectomy,
brain contusions, collapsed lung.

- We gotta run.
- BP and pulse ox are dropping.

Okay, let's get her back in surgery.
Let's go, come on.

Get out of the way.
Swipe the door, please.

- Get that elevator.
- Out of the way!

They know we're coming?

All right, sweetheart.
We can only carry you so far.

After that, it's all you.

Oh, my God. Mia.

- Oh, my God.
- Adam.

Goodbye, Adam.

It's almost time. It's almost time.

I'll take some of that. Yeah.

- Do not!
- Thank you!


Nine, eight, seven, six...

- There you are!
- Here I am!

...five, four...

three, two, one.

Happy New Year!

"Even when they were
just wasting time

"they weren't wasting time.

"It was as if no time they spent
together could ever be wasted."

Who said that?

Some guy in some book.

And what was he talking about?

Some couple in some movie.

My point is...

Yes, maestro?

My point is he could have
been talking about us.

That he could.

Promise me.

I promise you.

Wait, what am I promising?

That we'll spend next
New Year's together.

Even if we're in different places,
you'll still be with me.

No, that's not good enough.
Not Skyping,

not texting, together.

Baby, you know we can't
promise each other that.

I guess we both know
where this is heading.

Yeah, I guess so.

The old thing...

- All right.
- Delicious!

What are you looking at?

Because we're fascinated.

- You!
- Fascinating.

You're a spatula man now.

- Look it, a drummer.
- He's totally drumming with it.

Come on, give me your plate.
All right, get ready.

Hey! There she is.


Happy New Year!

If you're still drunk,
you're totally grounded.

If not, I'm gonna let it slide.

I'm definitely not drunk.

Well, you were still out all
night so come on. Spill.

How was the party?


How was Adam?

Okay, everybody. Let's move
this party to another room.

Let's go.

Take your mimosas.

We'll go watch the Rose Parade.

Come on. Let's go.

I'm sorry.

Oh, God, it's gross.

It's not gross.

Oh, God.

You wash, I'll dry.


Make us feel better.

Warm water, soap.

Oh, God.

I'm such a mess.

You know, we had this

perfect year and a half together.

And now, we're just moving
in different directions.

Is it over?


You're supposed to
break up with someone

because you're not in love with them.

Not because you're completely
in love with them.

But what do I know, right?

You know plenty.

It's just very inconvenient to
fall in love at your age.

Especially if it's the real thing.

You know, if we weren't musicians,
we could just...

We could just go to college together.

You know, like normal people do.

There's no such thing as normal, Mia.

Every relationship is rough.

I don't have to tell you that.

Yeah, I know.

Don't blame it on music.

Yeah, but music's the
reason we're breaking up.

That is bullshit, Mia. You know that.

What am I gonna do?

I am being completely torn in half.

You're going to go to Juilliard

and play the hell out of your cello.

Or you're not.

You're gonna stay with Adam

and have lots of amazing adventures.

Or you're not.

Or maybe tomorrow, the Earth's
gonna smash into a meteor.

Or it's not.

Life is this big fat
gigantic stinking mess.

But that's the beauty of it too.

Whatever you do, I support you.

Either way, you win.

And also either way there's
something that you lose.

What can I say, baby?

True love's a bitch.


Gramps, what do I do?

I've been trying to think

of what Denny would
want me to say to you.

The kid was a helluva
of dad, wasn't he?

He sure had me b*at.

I remember the day
that he quit the band.

He just up and said,

"That's it. The time has come."

I was surprised.

I never really liked the
way the band sounded,

but I knew how important
it was to him.

And so I asked him, I said,
"Why are you quitting?"

And he said,

"You make sacrifices for your kids.

"For your kids."

He said that without even blinking.

That's why he quit the band.

For Teddy.

For you.

It was when he heard
you play so well.

I think that's when
it clicked for him.

Your incredible talent, it...

He just couldn't believe it.

And all he wanted to do
was to give you more.

So, he quit the band,

he sold his drum kit

and he bought you that cello.


That's what we do for the
people that we love.

And here's mine, Mia.

I want you to live.

I want that more than
anything in this world.

I want you to fight like
hell to stay with us.

But, with everybody else gone,

I know it might not be what you want.

It might be too hard for
you to keep fighting, so...

If you wanna go,

I want you to know it's okay.

It's okay.

I understand.

Thank you.




So many people have come to see you

I've lost count of them all.

There are like 30 people

in that waiting room.

Some are related to
you and some aren't,

but we're your family.

You still have a family, Mia.


This is my favorite picture of you.


You were so happy that day.

And no matter what,

that's the way I'm always
gonna remember you.

The best day of my life was
one I never even saw coming.

It was Labor Day,

early this fall before things
started to go bad with Adam.

In some ways, it was just
like a usual potluck dinner.

But there was a special feel to it.

People kept on showing up.

All the old friends
from Dad's band days

and all the new ones
from Adam's band.

Willow and Henry were there
with their newborn baby.

Dad hauled the barbecue
out of the basement

and he and Teddy spent
the day flipping burgers.

And when it started to get dark

Henry had the bright
idea to start a bonfire.


No way! I'm not playing for you guys.

Not for us, with us.

Seriously, Mia, if you don't, I will.

And have you ever heard the
sound of a thousand dying cats?

Come on, Hall.
We're playing together.

I really hate you all.

All right, Mia.

Gotta play for us, Mia.

I've always thought of the
cello as a solo instrument.

It's probably why it's always
made me so comfortable.

Just me and my cello.

But that night,
sitting around the bonfire,

jamming with Adam and everyone else,

I realized I was wrong.

The cello isn't a solo instrument.

It's part of something bigger.

Today is the greatest

Day I've ever known

Can't live for tomorrow

Tomorrow's much too long

I'll burn my eyes out

Before I get out

I wanted more

Than life could ever grant me

Bored by the chore

Of saving face

Today is the greatest

Day I've never known

Can't wait for tomorrow

I might not have that long

I'll tear my heart out

Before I get out

The thing is, Mom and Dad

always had their scene.

And Adam had his.

And I was always jealous
because I didn't have mine.

Until the night of the bonfire.

That was my scene.

That was where I belonged.

That's what happiness felt like.

But that could never exist again.

Just after this piece.





I know a huge part of your
life is forever ruined

because of what happened today.

I'm not dumb enough to
think that I can fix it.

You can't.

But I went to your house.

And I had to climb up the balcony
to get in like I used to.

And I found this in your mail slot.

I totally broke and entered
and stole your mail,

so the Feds might be comin' after me.

"Dear Mia,

"it gives me tremendous pleasure..."

Mia, you got in.

To Juilliard. Mia, you did it.

I got in.

And if you want me to
come with you, I will.

Okay, I'll move to New York.

I'll do whatever you want.

Just please stay.

You're my home, Mia.

I don't care where we are.

I just care that we're together.

I know that now.

I will do anything if you stay.

I can't.

You know I can't.

I'm still kinda working
on this thing, but...

You wrote me a song.

Breathe deep, breathe clear

Know that I'm here

Know that I'm here


Stay strong, stay gold

You don't have to fear

You don't have to fear


I'll see you soon

How could a heart like yours

Ever love a heart like mine?

How could I live before?

How could I have been so blind?

So blind

You opened up my heart...

You still have a family.

All your love

Is all I'll ever need

I will do anything if you stay.

If you wanna go,

I want you to know it's okay.

How could I live before?

How could I have lived?


Take my mind and take my pain

Like an empty bottle takes the rain

And heal, heal

Heal, heal

Take my past and take my sins

Like an empty sail takes the wind

And heal, heal

Heal, heal

And tell me some things last

And tell me some things last

Take my heart and take my hand

Like an ocean takes the dirty sands

And heal, heal

Heal, heal

Take my mind and take my pain

Like an empty bottle takes the rain

And heal, heal

Heal, heal

And tell me some things last

And tell me some things last

And tell me some things last

And tell me some things last

I spend these hollow nights

All alone

Safe from the looking glass

That you kept home

Let's go

I saw the sea and knew

It was a mirage

It wasn't even so

I played the odds

Full of black and blues

From all the nights with you

I never wanted to go

I don't want you anymore

I don't want you to
feel the same as me

I never wanted to go

But now I'm letting you know

I just wanted to feel

The life in me

I went from solid steel

To broken glass

The darkest side in me

You brought out fast

The things I said were true

I'm taking them back from you

I never wanted to go

I don't want you anymore

I don't want you to
feel the same as me

I never wanted to go

But now I'm letting you know

I just wanted to feel

The life in me

I miss you

I wish you

Will let me be

Just leave it

We stopped breathing

I need to be free

I never wanted to go

But now I'm letting you know

I just wanted to feel

The life in me
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