Sarah's Choice (2009)

Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.

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Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.
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Sarah's Choice (2009)

Post by bunniefuu »

# I am searching
for the sun #

# I am waiting
for a light #

# I'm just looking
for a sign #

# always trying
to get things right #

# But I try too hard #

# I need you #

# I need you to help me
through this life #

# I need you to make
things right #

# I need you #

# I need you
to patch me up inside #

# I need you- #


[horn honking]



Don't worry.

You'll be buying
a brand-new one soon.

Don't jinx it.

You look horrible.


...I like them,
but they don't like me.

And arrivederci, Audrey.

(female #2)
Why do you say that?

(female #1)
Maybe because
she's not coming back.

And even if she does, she's
definitely not going to work

the Con-Ex account anymore.

Too much travel.

(female #2)
Look at him.

He just schmoozes.

Chases her around.

It's like he's
a little puppy dog,

"Like me, like me."

(female #1)
He's not smart enough
to know that that's

not going to get
him anywhere.

So, what should
he be doing?

Chasing after
Henry and Nick?

No, he should be
chasing after me.

And that my dear, Sarah, will
prove to be his fatal mistake.

Well, don't
give him any ideas.


I can assure you, sir, if
you give me this opportunity,

you won't be disappointed.

(male #1)
Please, you're practically
middle management, Sarah.

You don't have
to call me sir.

Thank you.

Mr. Carson will do fine.

(female #3)
Are you sure you'll
be comfortable

with all the travel?

Yes, yes.

You'd think they've never
heard of e-mails or faxes.

Do you have
any questions?


I was actually wondering
what kind of raise

I could anticipate
with this promotion.

(male #2)
You had to open
your big mouth,

didn't ya, Henry?

Sarah, let me tell
you something.

When I got my first
real promotion,

I asked the boss
for a raise too.

You know what he said?

He said, "Nick,
I would love to pay you

what you're really worth,
but we have a minimum wage law.''

We'll bring you
up to 55.

That's very generous
of you, Mr. Carson, sir.

I just thought it
might be closer to 60.

(Mr. Carson)
Well, 55 is
pretty close to 60.

Not as close
as 59.

We can discuss this further
after we've made our decision.

You realize this position's
temporary until we see

whether Audrey is really
coming back or not.


(male #2)
Oh, right, we need
to maintain the illusion

that she's going to be back
after her maternity leave

despite the fact she spent
the last 2 years

running up our insurance costs
just trying to get pregnant.

(Mr. Carson)
Naturally, we are obligated
to keep her job open for her.

But the work can't grind
to a stop while she makes

a decision.

The work goes on.

Absolutely, sir.

Any further questions?

I actually just wondered
when you are going to make

your decision.

(Mr. Carson)
The next phase of
the Con-Ex campaign planning

starts in 2 weeks.

We'll have to make
our decision by Friday.


(Mr. Carson)
Thank you, Sarah.

This company's indeed lucky
to have bright

young people like you.

Thank you,
I?m the lucky one.

(male #3)
On your mark...

(male #3)
On your mark...




Get it up!

Yeah, man!


(male #3)
Twenty for you, ten--

Incoming! Incoming!

What next, Matt,
betting on elevators?

Dude, that was
this morning.

(male #4)
But you realize if Novack
gets wind of any of this,

I?m going to have to make
an example out of you.

Why me?

Ooh gee,
let me think.

How about 'cause
you're the ringleader?

Circus master.

What's wrong,
Uncle Clay?


No, no, everything's peachy,
ever since your Aunt Geri

gave me the good news
this morning.

She's cutting up
her credit cards again.


She's pregnant...again.

No way, that's amazing.

Congratulations Uncle Clay.

Any idea who the father is?

Oh, you're funny.

Like a colonoscopy.

No, you know what's
funny is picturing you

with a little baby
because you're so old.

You've got something else
in common with a colonoscopy.

Oh, come on, Uncle Clay,
that was needlessly harsh.

(Uncle Clay)
Do you realize that I have
managed to get through

three kids and not change
a single diaper?

And now, I am forced
to defend my record.

So, have you guys like
never heard of birth control?

(Uncle Clay)
Birth control,
oh gee, what's that?

Some kind of scientific
breakthrough, you know,

100% effective, no problems,
can't make a mistake,

I don't know, kind of like
filtered cigarettes?

Oh, I have no doubt you
guys are going to be fine.

You're great parents.

(Uncle Clay)
Do you know what
it's going to cost

to put this kid
through school?

We're talking 100 grand
minimum, maybe 150.


And that's a state school.

[phone ringing]

Well, you take that call.

I gotta go practice
not changing diapers.

Matt Evans.

I have Sarah
on the line.

Put her through.

Matt Evans.

I think I got it.

Nice, what did I tell you?

Didn't I tell you
you had that thing?

Did I not call that?

Stop gloating and tell me
where you're going

to take me
to celebrate.

Maybe that's for me to know
and you to find out

a little later, baby.

Okay, I?ll see you tonight.

See ya.



Thank you.

You've already got
the baby seat in there?

I?ve already
got the baby.

So, did you
get the job?

I don't know.

Like they called me in, but
they haven't said anything yet,

so we'll see.

Oh, you'll get it.

Thad isn't quite ready yet.

Well, it's all
temporary anyway, right?

I wouldn't be
so sure about that.

I?m growing quite attached
to this little guy.

He's kicking.

Do you want to feel him?

Come on.
Come on.

Can you feel him?

He's just so amazing.

I can't imagine leaving him
and flying to Baltimore

five times a month.

What could be worse
than that?

Actually living
in Baltimore.


That would be worse.


I love this place.

Man, look at these prices.

You know the first thing
I want to get?

Is a loft apartment
at Waterview.

Megan showed me her place.

It's amazing.

And when you call the super
with a problem,

he actually comes
and fixes it.

I'm sorry.

Are we looking at
the same menu here?

Well, sweetheart,
don't get too comfortable

'cause I am right behind you
in the wage race,

'cause pretty soon,
I?m going to be pulling in

multiple streams of income
from every which direction.

You're not selling gym
memberships again, are you?

On the side?

Hey, that's not fair.
That would've worked.

They just did not
offer free weights.

How am I supposed
to sell gym memberships

if they don't offer
free weights?

They were too limited
in what they had to offer.

A realistic commission
would've been helpful.

Didn't you lose like
$800 on that whole thing?

Okay, here's what's
going to happen.

I?m going to pass my Series 65
and it's going to be goodbye

to the boiler room,
hello big time.




So, you want to celebrate?

I want a Diet Coke.

A Diet Coke?

What's up?

You don't want
a real drink.

It's Friday night.

I threw up this morning.



Where did this happen?

At home.

That was a waste
of vomit.

You should've
saved it for work.

Thrown up at work,
and then you could've used it

as an excuse to take
the day off.

That is so disgusting.

Thank you.

No, that's smart
is what that is.

Thank you.

I so don't
understand Audrey.

She went to college.

She spent years and years
working her way up

through the ranks.

Then she throws it all away
for something

any 15-year-old girl can do,
you know?

I mean, I want
to have kids one day,

but I?m not going to throw away
my whole life

to do it,
you know?

Well, good for you
she did.

Yeah, that's true.

Speaking of which, you want
to hear something really funny?


Uncle Clay and Aunt Geri
are having another baby,

their fourth.

Wow, that's a lot of kids.

Uncle Clay is
completely freaking out.

Why's he freaking out?

Well, there's
the whole money thing.

He's like already trippin'
about how he's going to send

the kid to college,

In a way,
it's all his own fault.

I mean, he should've never
stayed at United

after he got his financial
advisor's license

like he'd be making
way more money

as a mid-level broker
than as a manager there.

Why'd he stay?

I don't know.

I guess he thought the United
job offered more security.

Aunt Geri was pregnant
at the time.


You always lose
when you let circumstances

dictate your future.


[phone ringing]

Hi, Mom.

I didn't wake you
and Matt, did I?

Why would you wake Matt?

Sarah, sweetie, I know
he stays over now and again.


Honey, all I?m saying is
you have all the pleasures

of marriage without
the responsibilities.

Mom, you know how
responsible I am.

Honey, it's not God's plan
for your life.

So, is this
why you called?

No, I was just calling
to tell you what I want

for my birthday.

Too late, I already
got you something.

Well, I?ll take that too.

But I want to see you at church
on Sunday for my birthday.

Actually Mom, I haven't
been feeling so good lately.

Funny how you're always
sick on Sunday morning.

Can't I have my two daughters
sitting by my side in church

at least once a year?


I?ll see you Sunday.

Thank you, sweetie.

Hey, mom?

Yes, honey.

I thought we had
St. Mary's paid up.

They just sent me
a bill for $340.

I forgot to call you.

They called me last week.

Apparently, an old radiology
invoice has been floating

about the system and--

Dad passed away
10 years ago.

How can they do that?

Well, Sarah, at least
they're not charging late fees.

I?ll call
and set up payments.

No, you know what?

Don't worry about it.

I get my holiday bonus
next week,

so I?ll take
care of it.

Oh, Sarah,
thank you.

Thank you.

Mom, you don't have to thank
me every time we talk about

Dad's medical bills.

We're all doing our part.

A mom couldn't ask for
a better pair of daughters.

I love you, Mom.

I?ll see you on Sunday.

Is something wrong?

Looks like we're going
to church tomorrow.

Well, let's look
at it this way.

Maybe I?ll run into some
bright, young,

qualified candidates for my
new business opportunities.

Matt, it's not
a business opportunity.

It's a cell phone
pyramid scheme.

No it's not.


This is not that thing.

This is totally different.

This has a liberal payout
with minimal effort.

Who wouldn't want
to make money

while talking
on their cell phone?

It's a can't-lose
business opportunity.

Thank you so much
for coming.

Thank you so much
for coming.

I don't know if I could've
done it without you.

It's not like I?m missing
football or anything.

'Cause I am.

At least you didn't have
to go through this every week

like I did before
I moved out, okay?

(male #5)
"How will this be,"
Mary asked the angel,

''since I am a virgin?''

The angel answered,
''The Holy Spirit

will come upon you
and the power

of the most high
will overshadow you.

So the Holy One to be born
will be called the Son of God.

Now even Elizabeth,
your relative,

is going to have a child
in her old age.

And she who is said to be
barren is in her 6th month,

for nothing is
impossible with God."

"I am the Lord's servant,"
Mary answered,

''may it be to me
as you have said.''

And then the angel left her.

Now today, I want you
to hear the story fresh...

Did Brenda
get married?

...And deal with reality,
just picture yourself...

So much for
Miss Goody Two Shoes.

At least she's not living
in sin with her boyfriend.

...But she had more to worry
about than her parents

being disappointed or her
fianc? being angered.

She was dealing with death.

If she showed just a little,
she would be stoned to death.

"I am the Lord's servant.

May it be to me
as you have said."

What courage, what faith,
she was going to obey

the vision that
the Lord gave her.

# Hey! #


# Hey! #



Happy Birthday!


It's like I mean, who doesn't
talk on the phone a lot?

You've got something that
somebody wants, right?

You've got something--

How do you put up
with that every day?

That's nothing.

Sometimes it just looks
like the lunatics are

in charge of the asylum.

But when you're the head nurse,
the key is to know

when to send in
the orderlies.

I don't know what
I?d do without him.

Do you ever wish that you'd
been better off financially

before you had kids?

Are you kidding?

If everybody waited 'til they
could afford to have kids,

our civilization would've
died off centuries ago.


Are you thinking
maybe you and Matt?

Are you going to set a date?

No, no, no, no.

I think we're a little
ways off still.

(male #6)
Okay honey, could you
come here and help please?


I know, honey.

Here I?m going to do it--

Sarah, thank you.

It was lovely.

Thank you,
you're a wonderful daughter.

Well, you know we'd do
anything for you, Mom.

Well, there is something
you can do for me.

You could come to our
Wednesday night prayer group.

Oh, Sarah,
it's amazing.

So many prayers
have been answered.


We're actually--
We've got to go, Mom.

We're going to head out.

No, please don't go.


I love you.

I love you too.

Thank you for making
this such a special day.

Oh, good.

You're going to come
over and decorate the tree?

Can't do it without you.

We'll see.

Thank you so much for
having us, Mrs. Collins.

Oh, you're welcome.

I had a blast and I?m about
to go into sugar shock

right now.

Well, you might want
to take off your disguise.

Of course, of course,
thank you.

Love you, Mom.

I love you, Sarah.

Stay warm.



It's good
to see you.

It's good
to see you too.

Thank you for
coming with me.

Oh, come on.

Have I ever tumed down
cake and ice cream?

I know I made you
miss your football game.

I appreciate you
coming to church.

It's okay.

I?ve been following it.

Thank God for cell phones,
6 point spread.

Enough with
the God talk.

I get too much of
that from the family.

Okay, then how about thank
Cleveland for the 100 bucks

I just won.

That's better.
That's better.


Oh yeah.



Thanks, Sam.

That was really great.

These are my best
pair of pants, buddy.

They're not your
best pair of pants.

Any pants I have that
don't have food on 'em

are my best
pair of pants.




Is something wrong?

I just feel
a little bit off.

That's all.

Jalapenos again?


Come on.

I?m not pregnant.

Prove me wrong.

Just a waste of money.

I hope so.


I said it's occupied!

What's the accuracy
of these things anyway?

They can't all be right.

I should see a doctor.

You get to work.

I?ll take care of it.

Get your coat,
early lunch.

You didn't tell him,
did you?

No, not yet.

That's good.

You can't tell him, at least
not until you've decided

what to do.

It's your body
and your choice.

He's only going
to screw things up.

Besides if you decide
to not have it,

it's best he never
even knows about it,

especially if you want
to continue the relationship.

Come on.

What do you say,
man, Finn's?

We just ate there
last week.

Oh, that's right.

You never eat at the same
restaurant twice, I forgot.

You want me to drive?


I decided I?m living
to a ripe old age.

Too late.

Where's your car?

I don't know.

I thought actually
I parked right--

That's cute.

And I hired you, why?

Because you love me.

Ha, ha, ha!




Well, Miss Collins.

It looks like you're
6 weeks pregnant.

I can't have
an abortion.

No one is saying
you should.

But from the look on your face,
it's obvious this isn't

an intended pregnancy.

Have you told
the father?


Do you mind my asking?

Are you in a committed
long-term relationship?

Depends what you mean
by committed and long-term?

Well, have you discussed
marriage or having kids?


I can't begin to tell you
how he's going to react,

but I can give you
some understanding

on what you're
going to face

if you have to raise
this child on your own.

You know, the average
first-year cost

of raising a child
is $16,000.

Now, that includes
medical care.

And I can see from the forms
that you filled out,

you have pretty good
health insurance.

So we'll subtract that.

That still leaves
you with $7,982.

Now, about your insurance,
you get that

through your employer,
am I right?


Do you think you're going
to still be able to remain

in that job and give your child
the attention it deserves?

I don't know, but I just
know that I can't

have an abortion.

May I ask why you're
so opposed to the procedure?

Is it because of
religious beliefs?

I understand.

I was raised in
a faith environment too.

Now look, the Bible
is a beautiful book

and it's filled
with great stories.

But you must remember,
it is not a science textbook.

The fetus is no bigger
than this eraser.

It's got no arms or legs,
no eyes, no brain, no heart.

It's just a pre-human
clump of cells.

Is it alive?

Well, of course,
it's alive.

But no more so than
your tonsils or a wart.

Would you let a wart
destroy the life

you have planned
for yourself?

A wart.

She compared a baby
to a wart.

She compared
a fetus to a wart.

Okay, it was a bad
choice of words.

Then she kept saying
''procedure'' like it was

some kind of a tummy tuck
or a Botox injection.

What a benign word for such
an ugly operation.

Have you ever seen
open-heart surgery?

It ain't pretty, but some
people have to have it.

My scarf,
I forgot my scarf.

I?ll meet you
at the car.

(female #7)
Don't do it.


Three visions.

The Lord will give you
three visions.

(women shouting)
Please choose life!

Please choose life!

Why don't you get a life
you judgmental hypocrites!

Why are you taking
this so personally?

I can't stand to have
people like that judging me.

Judging you?

They didn't even see you.

They did when I was 16.

Yeah, I was a junior
in high school, in love.

I wanted to have the baby.

But you know my mother.

If she's not busy messing up
her own life,

she's busy messing up mine.

Sounds like you were
doing a pretty good job

of that yourself.

I only hated her
because she was right.

Was she?

As much as I hate
to admit it.

I mean, do you think I?d be
where I?m at now

if I had a kid at 16?

Can you imagine me with
a teenager right now?

So, what about the father?

What about him?

Didn't he have an opinion?

Not according
to my mother.

But didn't he want--

Oh, of course.
Of course.

We were in love,

As in love as two
16-year-olds could be.

We were going
to get married.

He would get a job.

We would get
an apartment.

And somehow, we would all
live happily ever after.

And then you know
what happened?

Reality struck.

Do you honestly think
two 16-year-olds with

no high school diplomas
and no income

could possibly raise a child?

Look, Megan,
I?m sorry.

Don't apologize.

Do you know what ended up
happening to the baby's father?

The absolute love of
my 16-year-old life?

He delivered a pizza to
my mom's house last month.

A pizza!

My mother couldn't
wait to tell me.

So, you see, the story had
a happy ending after all.

So, I called
Uncle Clay, right?

I'm like, "Uncle Clay,
I got to talk to you.

I?ve got questions for you
about the business world,

you know?

What tips can you
share with me?

What can you bestow upon me
of wisdom that will serve me

in the future, you know,
keep me wise, right?

So, he comes in my cubical,
he starts talking to me.

He's like, ''You know,
the one thing I?ll tell you--''

He's like, ''When it comes
to trusting people short

of close family and friends
in the business world--''

He's like,
''Never trust anyone.

Because right when you think
you've got something with 'em...

They got ya.''

So meanwhile, Jim swipes
Clay's car keys, moves his car,

replaces it with
a baby carriage.

So, we walked down to
the parking garage, right?

We like get to his space.

He's looking
for his car.

The look on his face when he
sees a baby carriage sitting

in his parking space where
his car was supposed to be,

it was classic.

That was meant
to be funny?


It was very funny.

Okay, you had to be there.

Well, what if you
were in Clay's position?

Would that joke be funny?

Well, first of all, I would
never be in Clay's position.


Guess what?

You are in his position.

I?m pregnant.

We're pregnant, 6 weeks.


Say something, Matt!


I mean, weren't we?

Are you sure?

What kind of--

What kind of question
is that, Matt?

Of course, I?m sure.

You can't exactly spring
this on a guy and expect

a coherent response, okay?

I mean--

There's only really
a couple options, Matt.

You either give me
a wedding ring

or you give me a ride
to the clinic.

The clinic?

I had plans, okay?

I mean, we had plans.


Like growing your next
business opportunity?

Or building your retirement
with your sports betting?

Matt, the only reason you
kept your job is because

your uncle gave it to you.

Look, I?m not saying that
I don't see you and l

together in the future.

It's just not now.

I mean, we're not ready.

We're not ready?
Or you're not ready?


# So ask me no questions #

# I'll tell you no lies #

# If you don't want
the truth then--##

# If you don't want
the truth then--##

Arms and legs
stretching out more and more.

Onset of the eyes appear,
brain is developing.

You don't look
like a wart to me.


[baby crying]


There you are.

Daisy and I were
starting to worry.

Are the roads bad?

No, the roads--


Are you okay, honey?


She needs to be changed.

There you are.

You take the baby.

There you go.

[baby crying]

Oh, she needs
a back rub.


And give me your coat.

I?ll take it.

Oh, oh.

You've got to change
her now.

Mom, why do l
have to do this?

Well, why not?

She's your baby.


# When you weep #

# there are tears
in my eyes #

# When you're afraid #

# and all the fear
you feel inside #

# But in your mind
you think #

# that I'm a million
miles away #

# Did you forget
I never left #

# 'cause I am here
to stay? #

# I created you #

# and I formed you
in my hands #

# When I breathed
my life into you #

# I had a purpose
and a plan #

# I know you think
I don't understand #

# what you're going through #

# I gave you my heart
when I created you ##


It's not a clump
of cells.

It's a baby.

Of course,
it's a baby.

What were you expecting?

The real question is
what are you going to do?

I haven't decided yet.

What's there to decide?

A child is going
to change everything.

Do you really think
they're going to give

the Con-Ex account
to another pregnant woman?

The Con-Ex account is the
least of my worries right now.

Can you afford
to raise a baby?

They can't fire me
'cause I'm pregnant.

No, they won't
fire you.

But there's nothing keeping
them from giving

the Con-Ex account to Thad.

I can't make a decision
about my life based on what

the Carson Group wants.

Look, if you want 3 hours
of sleep at night,

no social life, no money,
have the baby.

Have you told Matt yet?

Sarah, remember yesterday?

I told you about the guy
who got me pregnant.

Pizza delivery guy?

Yeah, but he didn't
start out like that.

He was a great guy.

He was on his way to Syracuse
to get a lacrosse scholarship.

But after the whole
pregnancy thing,

he went off the deep end.

I can't help but think if he
never knew I was pregnant

and had an abortion,
he could go on with his life.

Maybe we would've
ended up together.

Look, I would've done the same
thing again if I had to.

I just wouldn't
tell him about it.

I better go.


Hey, you know how I told you
yesterday about that old woman

that said I was going
to have three visions?


I had one.

And I had the baby and it was
this little girl, and she was--

Sarah, it was a dream.

That old woman was probably
one of those protestors.

Megan, it was so real.

That's why you can't talk
to those religious people.

They get you at
an emotional moment,

and they put these
thoughts into your head.

You're very
vulnerable right now.

Just ignore it, okay?



(female on phone)

Um, 70/30.

(female on phone)
What about the billboards?

They're fine.

They're okay,
and so is TV.

(female on phone)

Let me get back to you.


[phone ringing]

Sarah Collins.

Sarah, we need to talk.

So, what have you decided?


What are you
going to do, Matt?

Don't make this
all my decision, Okay?

We can sit down
and talk about this

like responsible adults.


Like you're meant
to be responsible?

Pulling pranks while
you could be studying

for your Series 65 exam,
that's responsible?

Sarah, we have options,

There are other things
to consider.

I mean--


Like you could
have the baby.

We could find some rich couple
and put it up for adoption,

you know?

(males shouting)


Bring it, bring it!

They're going to get it.

Get it up!

Yeah, man!

Darling, we need that, yes.


Look at this.

You like this one?


I?ll put this right here
'cause I love you.

Alright, oh,
look at this one.

You want to hang this?

Sam, come on,
this one.

You have to leave
this house.

Because then Santa Claus
will come if they go to sleep.

Oh, Sarah, do you
remember making this?

Just think, some day your
children will be

gathered around the tree
like this.

Sarah made this when
she was a little girl.

Oh, it's pretty.

Do you like it?

I do.
How old was she?

She was eight.
Hang it on the tree.

Talented girl.


You wouldn't happen to have
any Christmas spirits

stashed away anywhere,
would you?

No, sorry.

What's wrong?


Is it Matt?


I?m pregnant.


I?m guessing it was
an accident.


What are you going to do?

Not tell Mom,
for one thing.

I mean, are you guys
going to get married?

That way you can
quit your job.

There are other
options, you know?

Sarah, you couldn't.

Listen to me.

Listen to me.

Listen to me.

What about Dad's
medical bills?

And Matt, he can't hold down
a job for more than 6 months.

I can't wait around
for him to grow up.

He doesn't even have
a savings account

and he works
in an investment firm.

I don't have a choice here.

Of course you have a choice.

What does Matt think?

He doesn't think.

That's the problem.

He's not ready for this.

Is anybody ever
ready to have a baby?

It's difficult and demanding
and messy and annoying.

And at the end of the day,
it's just more satisfying

and rewarding than you
could ever imagine.

Sarah, have the baby.

We'll get the bills paid

and Matt'll grow up
if he has reason to.

'Cause you know,
he really loves you.

Yeah, obviously.

Enough to get me
in this mess.

Like you had
nothing to do with it.

Denise, my whole entire
career has been centered

around this promotion.

I had a plan.

Doesn't mean I?m going to be
strapped like Mom and Dad.

Carson Group is not
going to give

their most profitable account
to a pregnant woman.

Sarah, it's not like you're
going to be pregnant forever.

I mean, you practically work
right up to the last minute.

And anyway, I hardly think
you work for a bunch

of heartless savages.

You should have heard what
they were saying about Audrey.

Working women get
pregnant all the time.

And guess what?
They have legal rights.

Okay, so I have the baby
and then what do I do?

Go back to work with it
strapped on my back?

Look, I am not saying
it's going to be easy.

But look who I?m talking to.

You were able to put yourself
through college

and graduate with honors.

I mean, just look at this
as life's next challenge.

And you know, I could
take care of the baby

while you're at work.

I couldn't ask you
to do that.

You're not asking.

I?m volunteering.

I'm at home all day anyway.

What, don't you trust me?

Of course l
trust you, Denise.

I just--I don't want to punish
you for my mistakes.

If you're that concerned
about taking care of a baby,

then Justin and l
could adopt it.

That'd just be
too weird.

I think it's just better
for everyone if...

...I just get rid of it.

Sarah, you can't
have an abortion.

Why Mom?

Because abortion's
a sin?

Well, what about being
unmarried and pregnant?

What about that?
Is that a sin too?

That's not.

But what you did
to get this way is.


No, you cannot negate
one sin by committing another.

Have you ever thought
that just maybe

there's no such thing
as sin or God?


Do you remember when you
came into my room and you said,

''Don't worry, Sarah, I prayed
and I felt God tell me

''that everything's
going to be okay,

Dad's going
to get better''?

Well, what?

Was He lying to you?

Or maybe it was just
all in your head?

And maybe what happens to this
only matters to me.

Sarah, God knows what's
best for us better than we do.

Well, you know what?

Right now, I don't even
think He knows I exist!


(recording on phone)
Hello, and thank you for
calling the Women's Clinic.

Currently, we're closed.

If you'd like to schedule
an appointment for a procedure,

press 1 for our
24-hour scheduling.

[phone beeps]

(female on phone)
Hello, may I have
your name please?

Sarah Collins.

(female on phone)
Well hi, Sarah.

Will this be your first time
for a procedure like this?


Are you still there?

#And then she smiled at me--#

#And then she smiled at me--#

I love her.

She loves me, I think.

Shouldn't that be enough?

Oh, Matt, Matt, Matt,
my simple-minded little nephew.

You think your Aunt Geri and l
love each other?

You don't?

Sure we do,
most of the time.

It takes work,
you knucklehead.

Love isn't this thing that
sticks to certain people.

Love is like--I don't know,
it's the result

of fighting for
a commitment you made.

Love is never giving up when
you just can't go on any longer.

Hey, love is living
for others.

You ready to do that
for Sarah?

Yeah, I think I do.

I mean, I was thinking about
asking her to marry me

after I passed my Series 65.

There you go.

What's the problem?

You're just speeding up your
timetable a couple months.

No, no, it's more
complicated than that.

Like, I?m thinking if I asked
her to marry me then

and she said yes, it'd have been
because she loved me.

But if I ask her
to marry me now,

I?m thinking it's only because
she needs me for the baby.

Alright, let me
get this straight.

You want her to love you,
but you don't want her

to need you?

No, that's not what
I?m saying.

I just don't see how a marriage
that starts this way can work.

I mean, it's like I got
a g*n to my head.

I?m bound to feel
resentment over time.


[clears throat]
...come here.


When's Katie's birthday?

February 10th.

Close enough, February 8th.

When's my wedding anniversary?

I don't know.

It was summer sometime.

July 29th.

Do the math, Einstein.

You're kidding!

Thank goodness your
grandmother always assumed

Katie was 2-month premature.

Let me tell you
something, buddy.

People nowadays, they fall
in love and they get married.

But then they fall out
of love and get divorced.

You have no idea how hard it
was for your Aunt Geri and l,

and I wouldn't trade
it for the world.

And I?ll tell you why.

Because most people give up
before they even get

to the good stuff.

They don't even get there.

And here's the secret:
the good stuff--

no, the great stuff--
it's real.

You could have
the great stuff.

But you can only get it by
going through the bad stuff

'cause that's where
the great stuff is.

It's called being a man, buddy.

So, no, I don't regret a thing.

Until this week.

Eh, after three kids,
I have the right to complain.

You know, women should learn
how to tell their husbands

they're pregnant on Fridays,
that way you've got

all weekend to, you know,
let it sink in,

have a little
nervous breakdown

and then be prepared to get
thrown back into the real world.

So, you're okay with this?


Even the college fund?

They're going to need
a good education

if they're planning
on taking care of me

in my old age
because as you know,

I have very expensive taste.


You wouldn't know
it by looking at ya.

You wouldn't?

I drink Pepsi.




(little girl)
Happy birthday, Mommy!
I made breakfast!


Do you like it?

Yeah, yeah, yeah,
sure, yeah.

Aren't you
going to eat?

Yeah, yeah,
of course, yes.

How old are you?

It's not my birthday!
It's your birthday.


Let's say grace.

Okay, go ahead.

Now, I lay me down
to sleep.

[girl laughs]

Dear Jesus, thank You
for this food

and bless it to our bodies.

And please make this
Mommy's best birthday ever.

In Jesus' name, we pray,


Do you want some?

No thanks, I had the ones
that didn't work out.

How many of those
were there?

I don't know,
about eight or nine?

Well, you must be full.

That's a lot of eggs.

So, what do you want to do
after breakfast?

It's your birthday.

You get to do
whatever you want.


What do you think
I want to do?

I think you want
to go sledding.

That's exactly
what I want to do.




# I am searching
for a sign #

# I am waiting
for a light #

# I'm just looking
for a sign #

# always trying
to get things right #

# But I try too hard #

# I need you #

# I need you to help me
through this life #

# I need you to make
things right #

# I need you--##

Mommy, I love you.

[dog barking]

So now you're
interested, huh?

Well, you're a whole
decade too late.

This baby is worth more
than my dad?

Are you kidding me?

Thank you.

I just want
to talk to her.

She won't
take my calls.

Do you blame her?

I just want to tell her
how sorry I am and, you know,

tell her what a big mistake
she's going to be making.

You know, Mom, I think
she got that part.

She might've done it
already for all we know.

There must be
something we can do.

Ye of little faith.

Ring a bell?

There is something
you can do.


And have you?

Of course I have.

Maybe as hard as I prayed
for anything.

Maybe even more than I prayed
for your father.

Only that one
didn't get answered.

Mom, all prayers
are answered.

You know that.

They might not get answered
the way we want them,

but that's why
we have faith.

God knows what's best for us
better than we do, remember?

I know.

But what will we do
if she has the abortion?

She'll still be
your daughter,

and she'll still be my sister
and we'll love her

just as much as we
always have.


Have faith.

All right, all right,
that's enough.

Oh, that's enough.

It's okay.

Thad's clever.

He knows the way
to Nick's heart

is through his golf bag.

Is it true?

Do you think I?m going
to lose the promotion

if I have the baby?

Technically, you can't lose
a promotion because it

hasn't been offered yet.

If you have the baby, will you
be able to devote as much

time and energy as Thad
to the job?

As a woman,
I sympathize with you.

I?m on your side.

But equal rights mean
equal responsibilities,

and the truth is
it's women like Audrey

who make our jobs
more difficult

to actually break through
that glass ceiling.

If you want the job, take
care of things by tomorrow.

You're a young woman,

you have plenty of time
to have a family later.

They didn't like
your concept?

So what?

Change the size of the font
and move everything

over to the left
and they'll love it.

We charge 'em for the time and
the agency makes more money.

I need to talk
to you.

I gotta go.

Jennifer found out
I?m pregnant.

I know.
I told her.

Uh, you told her?

Had to.

She called me into her office
yesterday and asked me

if I had any long-term concerns
about your abilities.

You're my friend
and you told her?

What were you thinking?

I am your friend.

Are you mine?


Well, you wouldn't want
to get me fired, would you?

And that's exactly what
would've happened if they

found out that I knew
and didn't tell them.

Would that make you feel better
if I got fired?

What did she say?

I had another
of the visions.

Sarah, don't go
psycho on me.

You had another dream.

No, remember last time,
Daisy was just a baby.


You remember?
My daughter.

Oh, right.
In the dream.

This time
she was about six.

We went sledding.


Those religious people
are making you feel guilty

for something you
haven't even done.

It sounds like you're
the one feeling guilty.

I was in no position
to have a child.

If I had, I doubt I?d even
finish high school,

let alone college.

I'd probably be living
in some awful apartment,

living on welfare.

What kind of life would
that be for me and my baby?

I never even think
about it except for--

Do you remember the company
picnic last year?

I said I was sick
and I had to leave early.

I wasn't sick,
not physically.

I was fine until Lisa
came with her son,

who would've been
the same age as... child.

And now I don't know if
I?m going to have anybody.

How do I know I?m not going
to feel the same way

if I have an abortion?

You can't.

Sarah, I made my choice.

You're going to have
to make yours.

Just make sure it's a decision
that you can live with.


[phone ringing]



I tore it up.

Hi, I was just wondering
if you could help me

with something.

I?ll try.

I was in here a couple days
ago and there was

this old woman that was
handing out these cards.

And I just wanted to know
if you knew anything about her

or where I could find her?

This is
a Christmas card.

We don't hand anything
out like this.

You haven't seen anybody
handing out anything like that?


You know what?

Keep it.

Excuse me.

Oh, sorry, sorry.

No, it's okay.

We're just a couple
minutes away from filming.


You're filming

No, these aren't

These are gals getting ready
to send letters to heaven.

It's a post-abortion
recovery group is what it is.

And the balloons, why?

The balloons give 'em an
opportunity to write a letter

to their unborn child
and name them

and then release them
into heaven.

You know, these gals know
that God's forgiven them.

But they're struggling
with forgiving themselves.

Does it actually help?

It does.

Anytime in our lives when
we make a bad decision,

it's great to have a chance
to seek forgiveness

and move on and that's exactly
what they're doing.

It's very powerful.

I have kind of a weird
question for you.

Is your question,
''If God is so powerful

and He can do anything,
can He make a stone so heavy

that He can't lift it''?


I?ve been wrestling
with that one for years.

How can I help you?

I was just wondering
if you think that God

still reveals Himself to people
through visions and dreams

like He did in the Bible.

Well, some people believe
that God stopped revealing

Himself in dreams and visions
at the completion of the Bible.

But I myself think that God
is so powerful

that He still reveals Himself
to the young children

that He loves.

Are you having visions?

I might be.

Yeah, I have a very important
decision to make,

and I need to make it soon.

And I?ve been having very vivid
dreams that show me

what would happen
if I do this

and actually what would
happen if I don't do it.

And I really just need to know
how I can tell if these

are true visions.

And I would just think them
just dreams if it wasn't

for this card that I can't
find now, figures.

the only way to discern

the truth of any vision
is to measure it

against the word of God.

But I don't have the time to
search through the whole Bible

and see how they fit.

Okay, then let's
take another tactic.

Is the decision that you have
to make morally neutral

where either option could fall
within the will of God?

Or is it a case where
one option definitely falls

outside His will?

The second.

Then does it really
matter whether

the visions are legitimate?

You obviously know
what God wants for you.

Forgive me, but it seems
a little late in the day

for God to start caring
about me and my needs.

I don't know what dilemma
you're facing now,

but I know that you're
at a crossroad

and the Lord is
here for you.

Come to Him, and He will give
you the strength and wisdom

to overcome any obstacle
you face and put a joy

back in those eyes that
I haven't seen for years.

(males shouting)
Alright, we're
at the races, guys!

Pony up!
Final bets!

Get it in!
Get it in!

Saddle up, boys!

On your marks, get set, go!


Go Robert, go Robert, come on!

Get it in there!

Go! Go! Go!


Sarah, please just don't go--
I don't know what to say.

Could you just call
me back please?

I love you.

Hey, you missed a running
of the armchair 500.

I?m guessing the winner
paid four to one.

It's funny how that doesn't
seem to matter to me

a whole lot right now.

So, no news yet,
I guess, huh?

I just keep
leaving messages.

She won't take my calls.

Well, don't give up.

She'll come around.

They always do.

(Matt on phone)
Sarah, would you please
call me back when you get this?

Look, I want you to--


Mom, we're here.


Hey, Mom.

Where's my
little munchkin?

She's right here
waiting for you.

Let's say hello!



Are you Santa's little elf?

My granddaughter.

She's mine, too,
you know?

Are you glad
we did it?

Did what?



This one has a tiny
little thing on it.




Are you glad
we did it?

Did what?

Got married?

Well you know,
it wasn't like we had

much of a choice really,
was it?

Oh, we had a choice and I
think we made the right one.

Don't you, little angel?

Yeah, I do.


Ms. Collins?


Sarah, how are you
feeling tonight?

(Ms. Collins)

So, you going to be having
any visitors tonight?

It is Christmas Eve.

(Ms. Collins)
No, anybody that cared
about me is long gone.

Oh, you poor thing.

Well, I care about
you, Ms. Collins.

Have a good Christmas.

(Ms. Collins)
You too, dear.
Thank you.

Excuse me.
Do you think it'd be okay--

Are you Sarah?

It's you.

No, you.


(Ms. Collins)
Yes, I am you, a lot older
and a little bit smarter.

Why am I here?

(Ms. Collins)
To see.

To see what?

The direction your
decisions are taking you.

Did I go through with it?

(Ms. Collins)
I did.

You didn't.

Not yet.

Your baby's still
alive inside you.

You don't want
to die alone, do you?

Trust me.

You don't want
to think every minute

that you've done
the wrong thing.

Sarah, you've been given
the opportunity to see things

from a divine perspective.

Now, have courage.

Have faith.

And make your choice
regardless of the consequences.

You can talk about--

I--I came because I thought
that it was only fair

that you know
that I?m pregnant.

I just--I thought
you should know.


Looks like Thad's our man,
at least he won't get pregnant.




I?m so scared.

I don't know what to do.

I don't know how
to be a mother.

I need You, God.

I need You.

O Lord, I?m so sorry for
the way that I have hurt You.

I just miss my dad.

I miss him.

I wanted him here.

I wanted him.

I miss him so much.

I was so mad at You
for taking him from me.

But now, I know
that he's with You.

He's with You.

Thank You for these visions.

I don't know what l
would've done without them.

Thank You for saving my baby.

Show me how to be a mother.

Show me how to love her.

Show me how to look after her.

Just take care of me, Jesus.

Take care of me.

I want to be Yours.

I want to be Yours.

Forgive me.
Forgive me.

I love You.




I want you.

Don't do that.

I need more.

We need more.

Sarah, look.

I'm not perfect, but I will
do my very best to become

the best man that I can
for you with God's help.

I can't promise you I?m
not going to make mistakes.

I can't promise you
that I won't be human.

But what I can promise you is
that I will never leave you.

I?ll never let go of your
hand when it gets dark.

And when life
tries to hurt you,

I promise you it's going
to have to get through me first.

You've been dragging me
behind you for way too long.

Now, it's time for me
to carry you a while.

So, I guess you've
made your choice.

Well, I?m making mine.


Now before we all rush home
to our Christmas gifts and our

Christmas dinners, I have a
few announcements to make.

First of all, I want to thank
our choir for celebrating our

Lord's birthday in
such a splendid manner.


Now, for those of you
"CME Christians,"

that means Christmas,
Mother's Day

and Easter Christians,

I want you to know that
our church is open

all year round.

I also want to announce
the upcoming wedding

of one of our members,
Sarah Collins.


Sarah, it will be my
pleasure to welcome you

and your husband-to-be,
Matt, into our church.


# Hush my baby #

# Be still inside me #

# Rest my child,
all is well #

# Hush my baby #

# Grow inside me #

# You are safe there,
my little girl #

# I can't believe
that I could ever think #

# that you were not to be #

# But darling, Mommy feels
like a child herself #

#And I... #

# ...will give my life #

# ...will give my life #

# to love you,
little one #

#And I... #

# ...will give my life #

# to protect you,
darling #

# always #

# always #


# Hush my baby,
I'm dreaming of you #

# wondering just who
you'll become #

# Hush my baby
smile inside me #

# warmed by knowing
you are loved #

#I can't believe
that I could ever think #

#of life without you #

# But darling, Mommy
sometimes feels afraid #

#And I... #

# ...will give my life #

# to love you,
little one #

#And I... #

# ...will give my life #

# to protect you,
darling #

# always #

# always ##
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