Iron Sky (2012)

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Space, Time-travel, Futuristic, Aliens, Sci-Fi movie collection.
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Iron Sky (2012)

Post by bunniefuu »

Nader Terminator line.

Note radio signal disconnects soon.


Put landing.

Confirm , Liberty.
- Nader for landing.

seven, three.

Looks good.
Landing over 12 ...

11, 10, 9 ...

8, 7, 6 ...

5, 4, 3 ...

2, 1.

Now let the banners fall.

Should it?

The Eagle has landed.
- Keep that idiot of hoofdfrekwentie.

Are there signals on Helium 3?

I confirm large quantities
of Helium 3.

Here, the signals are stronger.
- You fall away.


Why you bump it around?
You would pictures of me?

Washington, you see ...
- What is it, Houston?

Washington, which is helium 3.

That's a Helium 3 mine.
Come here. You should see something.

No, Sanders.

Houston, Bravo.

Sieg Heil, moon führer Renate Richter.

Heil Hitler.

Fighters and girls, sit down.

Dieter, you do not know what you
with your back to do?

Miss Richter, since the 65th anniversary of
führer the moon ...

is the prescribed empire greetings
'Hail Kortzfleisch.

You're a very exemplary boy.

Today we start with the least
native language nice income.

With a language we unfortunately have to know ...

if we return to those
who need our help.

Now in English.

Where did we come?


When we are gone?

- 1945.
00:05:33,909 -> 00:05:38,240
And where are we going to explained?
- The dark side of the moon.

And where are we going to explained?
- The dark side of the moon.


The singing hour.

What's that, Mr. Adler?
- A spy of the earth.

I caught him myself. Seems that he
the captain of the vanguard is.

Is that a joke, Mr. Adler?

My god, look now.

- Do not if you know nothing.

Was not it your idea to
those idiots to the moon to send?

What a disaster.
- I do not speak to Madam President ...

but I'm sure it was your idea.

If they were successful, it was my idea.
Now it's your stupid idea, okay?

I have not been adopted for the stupid
ideas, but because you shit into gold.

Now my polls in the toilet
and that shortly before the election.

You've screwed up.

I need a miracle.
Perform a miracle.

How could I be elected by that
two astronauts to the moon to send?

We are already 50 years on the moon.
One was black.

That looks good.

As I said, one is black.

Think of the opportunity we years ago
have run with Alan Powell?

Colin Powell.
- Almost.

Where are you going?
- To the UN to get my work done.

"The Great Dictator"
by Charlie Chaplin.

It is one of the world famous
short films.

During ten minutes Chaplin press his hope
that one day the world ...

and soft hand in the manner
of our great führer lies.

Any questions?
- I have a question.

My treasure.

Mr. Adler.
{0} {/0} {1}74{/1}
00:09:13,499 -> 00:09:18,244
In my class we are going more formal with each other.

In my class we are going more formal with each other.

Where have we owe this visit?

Mr. Nachrichtenübermittlungs-Oberführer Adler?

We have an Earthling trapped.
Your expertise is needed.

What they have today in the cafeteria?

Sauerkraut to me.
- Not again?

That can not?
Eat führer sauerkraut 3 times a week?

I love sauerkraut.

And Volkswagen.
Driving pleasure.

German words.

Where I come from we speak
also German.

That will still regret it, white.

Get him.

Do not sh**t.

The escape is a male n*gro.
Maybe dangerous.

How does he look like?

Where did he come?
What has he?

And how do I look?

As one says in English ...

are you a piece.

How do I find out?

Have a pleasant day.

No, Mr. subhuman.
This is the air shaft.


You may cover up something.

Are you okay?

Do not sh**t.

I would not do if I were you.
Listen to me.

I know very important people.

Even the President of America.

And if you k*ll me,
then you have the dolls to the dance.

You know the president of America?

Bring him to dr. Richter's laboratory.
- At your service.

Thank you, old man.
Bye, sweetie.

Where is this device?

How should I know?
I 'm just model.

A model citizen?
- No, a model.

What's wrong with you?
Are you blind?

I am pretty.
- You belong to the shock troops ...

who prepare the invasion?
- The invasion? Are you crazy?

What is your mission?

I do everything according to my paycheck.

What is this' n device?
- That's my great mobile ...

and 'n computer.

That's not a computer.

That's a computer.

No, that's prehistory.

Stupid n*gg*r.
You only talk nonsense.

Maybe it 's dialect?
- Probably comes down to the skin.

Maybe it is. His brains are
differently than us Aryans.

We must open his skull ...
> 125
00:14:30,664 -> 00:14:34,547
and the brains are out of it.
- No, I need to know why he is here.

and the brains are out of it.
- No, I need to know why he is here.

I give you 24 hours, doctor.

Otherwise I see myself forced 'n ancient
effective tool to use.


- I tell you again.

First we got the confirmation that
the moon landing was successful.

Then, the communication completely broken.

As if he had disappeared.
- Whether you hiding something from us.

Yes, and on the dark side of the moon.

I can still hardly believe
that the entire mission only aim was ...

your re-election of President
to promote.

Believe what you want.
We have senators ...

those millions of election money
use to 'n idiotic post to coat.

This refers to amounts
which only logical ...

if there 's military objective.

Let's make this clear.

America has no military activities
on the moon.

And no activities to
raw materials?

We know that in America
sometimes confuse.

Is there a chance that you are looking for Helium 3?
What's this?

That you just made.

That's so ...


These are real, but preliminary thoughts?

Sir, we have a very small delivery time.
€ 150,-
00:16:21,526 -> 00:16:23,355
- Yes, sir.

- Yes, sir.

Madam, and this is all.

Anyone who does not head of the department,
should go.


That is an insult to morons.

What is this shit?

I have a meeting with the President
of the United States of America.

tomorrow morning

Not with the President of Zambia.

Not with the President of
the concierge association.

But with the president of the country
which we all live.

Terrible useless idiots.

What should I tell her?

That my people are not intelligent
enough, in order to ...

'S to be moron?

Mr. Adler.
- Klaus, please.

May I?
"Of course.

I have come to you about
our union to speak.

Is that a marriage proposal?
- Getting married will not be necessary.

I just received the confirmation of
The department received racial purification.

Our genes are 97% fit together.

How romantic.

Science does claim
our physical union.

We are destined to the people
to give the perfect offspring.

And what about my scientific work?
€ 175,-
00:19:03,227 -> 00:19:06,828
On one day, Renate ...

On one day, Renate ...

all this will belong to us.

But first I have behind
enemy lines ...

to the earth, from the inside
to conquer.

Wolfgang, that old bag, is
my plans in the way.

He stands in the way of victory.

We two have 'n enormous
responsibility to contribute.

Your place, Renate is on my side.

My lords, the warship

Our miracle w*apon that we have the earth
knees will force.

Since 40 years in development.

The dream of our great Führer.

Until now, unfortunately, still a dream.

so far

It should be noted.

This small device, gentlemen ...

has more than 1000 times more
computing power as our greatest computer.

I designed this cable ...

this device with our data machine
to connect.

I call it:
"Systematic Umfassend Binde.

Abbreviated in German:

This will make them fly.

Finally, the "Götterdämmerung"
fly, gentlemen.


You have seen with our eyes.

Please, my Führer, let me
return to earth.

Let me give you more of these devices.

Up to now, there is still one of the
'S flight to earth returned.

I will return.

We have no other choice.

To show invasion of the earth to avoid.

Are you willing to work with the führer ...

in the name of the fatherland,
stand behind the Wehrmacht.

This decision does not resolve all of us ...

I thought my ears would start bleeding.

Don't mention it.

May I ask your name?

James Washington.

What's your name?
- Renate Richter.

It's nice to meet you, Washington.

James Washington.

What is going on with your skin?

Have not you ever "met a brother?

No, I'm an only child.
- No, I meant that.

I mean 'n dark man.

No, and I get there by confused.

You were much blacker when we met
first met.

Whether I'm black, or you're blind.

What will happen to me?
Why this man sticks needles in me?

And the other bad guy.
- Raise my father needles in you?
€ 225,-
00:23:28,752 -> 00:23:32,042
That scary scientist is your father?

That scary scientist is your father?

And they?

Mr. Nachrichtenübermittlungs-Oberführer Adler?

- Klaus Adler.

He is the next führer.

And my husband.

Do you 're lost bet?

You are lucky.

Actually, he's lucky.

I would not have to agree.
- Let me not tied down.

Please do me a favor.
then what?

Pretend you 'n Nazis are.
- And if I do not?

Then they eliminate you.

Is there no other radio station?

With the upcoming w*r ...

He again.
- Looks good.

I think that we have our
small problem.

Okay, mini Mengele, since I do not like.

I am coming.

That looks very good.

Then we start it.

Why do not you take me along?
- Do not be afraid, honey.

If I've done my job,
I come get you.

I do not mean.
I am the world expert.

I know all about the earth.

You need me.
- Cute little thing.

Where did you get that nonsense from?

Mainly from books.

Often in movies.

I come back as a hero.

Heil Hitler.
- That must be Kortzfleisch Heil.

Until you realize that by blunt head?
- Of course, my Führer.

We have 'n ace in the hole.

Let him see what we have.

Please, my lords.


Now pay attention, my lords.


Get up, idiot.

Sieg Heil.

Now the prisoner is one of us
we go to the earth.

He will help us in return
phone to find more computers.

And then the Götterdämmerung fly.

Oberführer Adler, I hope you ...

on the preparation of my return
the earth has spoken.


The government is counting on you.

Thank you, doctor.
Take care of your daughter for me.

Sieg Heil.

See you in Valhalla.


Can you smell that?
No. We have no time to lose.

I want to your president.

The president?

I thought you to a Apple Store wanted.

You said you were the President of
the United States of America known.

"Of course.

The President.

May I also meet President?

Renate, what are you doing here?

Mrs. Richter, welcome to my planet.

This is not the right place for the future
mother of the future children ...

of the future Fuhrer.
This is not fit for my wife.

My place is on the side of my husband.

Get out of my yard.
- We gotta go.

A van.

Wait a minute.

That would not be wise.

Let me talk with my brothers.
They know me. I am one of them.

Co you know what I mean? "

Now you get it.

Come on it.

Does he know yet?

But he will be very happy.

Nice to see you.
€ 300,-
00:31:01,050 -> 00:31:04,488
You know me.

You know me.

- I mean ...

that belongs not to you?
Get those things do not appear.

I'm a peaceful brother.

- Do I look like I'm doing it right?

What happened there?

I mean ...


What have you sick bastards
to me?

I had not you be telling.
"What?" That I look like a polar bear?

You really have to ruin Christmas.

What's wrong with you?

We have a Aryan of you made.
You're one of us.

You should be thanking us.
- Thank You?

What I should have done, is that brothers
come with their pal 50 and that ...

so far up your ass kicked you for two weeks
long the taste of their toenails in your mouth.


Take me to your leader,
James Washington.

Hey, what do you do?

Get your hands off me,
you bastards ...

Is it your boss?
- Yes, 'n topper.

And she knows the president?
- Yes, they are very close.

Come on.

Dirty bastards.
Do you know who I am? well?!

You just have the wrong woman
abducted The wrong woman.

I hope you enjoy it.
I'll kick your ass.


My turn.

I am Klaus Adler commander of the 4th kingdom.
We are stationed on the moon.

I heard that you know the President
of the 'United States of the Americas.

You go to our
the President's, because ...

I got a special gift for him.
- For him?

He will like it.
He loves presents.

Once my mission is accomplished ...

will the n*zi invaders
under my direction here are called ...

and we will the good times
for poor people end up.

And how do you plan
that to do so?

We will simply eliminate them.

That's not what we are told.
- Renate, I do not think you ...

Yes. Why not?

Why tell you this woman not know why
we are here, just as you tell your children.

I will willingly do.

Do you ...

the National Socialist Party is the party
for the people. no longer

We want to return to earth with our
message of peace and unity ...

love through good deeds.

Kindness, for example.

We are healthy,
in mind and body.

Our spirits are brave and steadfast.

We achieved that because we are strong,
disciplined and determined.

There is simply no faith
that can match our ...

for peace and unity is the gift
that we bring all mankind.

What you and all earthlings need to know ...
- Yeah, I understand.

This is good.

This is going to work.

I need you.

And you ...

I want to.

Okay, let
the President will meet.

Madam President ...

here is the miracle
you asked for.

Who is that man?
- He will lead the campaign forces.

Renate, please ...

It's easy to do.

The world is sick ...

and we are the doctors.

The world has anemia
and we are the vitamin.

The world is tired,
but we are the power.

We are here to the world
healthy again.

With hard work ...

with honesty, clarity,
with decency.

We are the product of
loving mothers and brave fathers.

We are the embodiment
of love and bravery.

We are the gift of
God and science.

We are the answer to the question.

We are the promise to all mankind
will be delivered.

Before we raise our hand,
for a nation.

We walk to the beat of a drum.

So we will our song in the world

We are the people that the children
on our shoulders.

In the same way as our fathers
we wore and their fathers before them.

We are the people of the unit.
Covenants and strong.

We are the people with values.

We are invincible
and we know no fear.

Because the truth makes us one.

The maannazies come. What's wrong with you,
you can 't see?

Listen, I've been there.
I'm telling you.

They have 'n base on the moon. There is
space thing, and they will overcome us.

You must listen
because the Nazis come.

They get us all. Why
Do not you listen to me? I mean ...


James Washington.

I'm so glad to see you.

On the side. This is the bitch
which has made me white.

Come on people, help me.

Help me.

Red to me.

So, you're a former
death, black model ...

which is now suddenly
'S live, bare bum is ...

after 'n weekend on the moon to have
spent. Is this what you propose?

Yes, that's right.
- So I listened anyway.

And you're Neil Armstrong after
his sex change. Is this what you propose?

No, that's wrong.
You listen at all.

My name is Richter.
Renate Richter.

I tried the life of this man
to save He is stupid, childish and ungrateful.

Ask Mrs. Moon-n*zi or I may or may not
on the dark side of the moon.

Yes, Mr. James Washington
on the dark side of the moon.

As you hear it.
What did I tell you.

I am black, but now I'm white. I went to
the dark side of the moon, but am now back.

The Nazis will m*rder us all.

And you will regret
that you have not listened to me.

Mr. James Washington,
Turns on why you feel so?

I don't get it.

Have we made you white?

We need your National Socialist
message of peace and unity learned.

You people have robbed me of everything.

My race, my identity, my career.

And my understanding also, I believe.
Everything is gone.

Do you know this?


Come with me.

Come on in. Let me explain you.
Then you understand it.

You're a beautiful bride.
I must admit.

You pay for the popcorn.


What a nonsense.

It was ...

It was very long.
- They had to make it shorter.

He has put führer crazy.

You apparently did not know anything about the Nazis.

I'm self nazie n.
- Yes, but you're not like ...

they are there.
A bunch of idiots.

No, I'm sure that good people are.

They honor the rich and their mother.

They wear the symbol of love.

The swastika?

I have never heard of.


Good evening, warrior.
- What have we there?

Blond hair, blue eyes.
A pretty facade.
00:42:15,068 -> 00:42:17,195
There, Hitler up for him even.

There, Hitler up for him even.

We do not want trouble. Go now.
- You go, assh*le.

I gotta be m*rder story.
That will do.

She's got a good w*r is needed.

A w*r is' n always popular president.

I can help her along.

What do you mean?

One word from me, and the invasion
of the moon begins.

You never falls out of your role.

Nothing brings me to fall.

You smell so good.
- The time is ripe.

I will show you my plans.

Come here.

I own it:

A couple of changes made.

Do you always work.

What do you think?
When I strangle the president ...

The soldiers will then unite with us?

When I ordered the invasion of the moon
will give.

It reduces the amount of carnage.

If I eliminate the moon führer.

Klaus Adler.

Heil Hitler.

You should not 'Hitler' say.

Klaus, plan now
'Threesome with n' n clown?

Did you all tickets?

Want me to your friends suggest?

Keep your paws off me, you piece of shit.

I make it worthwhile for you.
Let me go.

Do it, maanobergefreiter.

And they ...

like the moon führer eliminate.

You know the penalty for treason is?

Here, the Sigfried Tanhäuser.

The time has come and we are prepared
in order to strengthen the regions.

The fleet is ready, mein Führer.

They have to wait for my return.

And then we start with the meteor attack.

And then wipe all these 'Untermenschen' ...

of the earth.

I am here to tell you that I have nothing with
you or your plan to make will.

Wacky nation.

Well yes.
Happiness at 's accident.

Now I can all the enemies of the empire
at once complete.

Goodbye, my nice führer.

He fell for the last blow job offer.

Nazis are stupid.

My compliments for your accuracy.

Too bad. She was such a nice girl.
I'll k*ll her later.

Everything was so real?

All the time.
- Never doubt 'n nation, beautiful woman.

Goodbye, propaganda mouse.

I have 'n conquer planet.

I will just tackle.

See you soon!

Good luck with the rest of your life.

It's unbelievable.

They develop as a very normal women.
But look.

Here, no hair, no hair,
like little girls.

If they have her, then they look like ...

the beard of our great Führer.

I get horny from those pictures.

Sieg Heil.

Mr. Adler?

Where is the Fuhrer?

The Führer is dead.
Long live the new führer.

I so.
If you ask that.

Sieg Heil.

Stay here.

Heil Hitler.

Of course it is from now on:
Hail Adler.

De Tijd

is sin.

See you in Valhalla.

To 05.45 is returned fire.

From then on ...

begins meteo attack.

Thank you, Kelly.
New York has just been att*cked.

According to eyewitnesses, hundreds of UFOs
appeared above the city and start sh**ting.

There, Billy.
Did you know?

That is at least 20 meters.

There hung a sort of weapons.

He sh**t.
"I have to go.

There is little or no information.

It is ... that Klaus
- I know it was you.

It's beautiful.

It's brilliant.
I'm a w*r president.

All presidents in their first term of office,
period 'n w*r started ...

be reelected. I thought
I had to b*mb Australia.

But you gives me 'n true ...

Who are they anyway?
- Nazis.

Of the moon.
- Real Nazis?

It gets better.

You performed miracles.

These are the only ones to show a fair
have battle reports.

I'm like Franklin D. Roosevelt.
I'm just not spastic.

I knew you would be glad of it.

If you are our Roosevelt, who is your
General Patton or MacArthur.

Minister of Defence.
Do you still have something to say?

Send her.

- You performed miracles.

And you also avoids b*ll*ts apparently.

What you need to attract?
There is something in you, as always.

Madam President ...

you are ready for your performance?

Escape from the Nazis.

Take us to the north.
We must return to the moon.

We, rhymes with me.
I'm not.

The Götterdämmerung on the moon.
- They may have what they want ...

I'm not going back.
- Want the rest of your life look like?

Great, now I get the blame.

Let me in there.
- I am no hero, James.

I need you.

Can you drive this thing?

It's probably no different than Wing Commander.

We try.

I swear to you that we have nothing
on the moon.

- Are not us.

- Are not us.

It is certainly not ours.

I admit.
- Yes, North Korea? And what exactly?

The spaceships are ours.

Our beloved leader has herself
designed and fabricated.

What's so funny?
- All right, North Korea. Sit down.

Then was it anyway, India.
- That's a stabbing peace.

That's a stabbing peace.

These people are Nazis.
I mean the real, original.

They have hidden on the moon
and waiting to pounce.

My question is, what do you plan
there to do?

We have something up their sleeve.

And I'm sure that you give us
will be thankful for.

I present to you the survey ship
USS George W Bush.

Good work, take it to Officer Tyler.

How long before she 's job
to circle the globe?


The enemy fleet's got airstrike
performed in America.

These seem Zeppelins carrying ships.
They operate in the thermosphere.

Each airship carries approximately
200 smaller ships and are extremely ...

Hell knows no fury, Mr. Adler.

Let the show begin.

Vivian, you look great.
How are you doing?

Madam President, excellent.

I have thousands of nuclear warheads on board ...

I gently
Klaus places his ass ga.

Once I get him in sight.
- Go on. Give him of cotton.

Let them see what this baby can do.

Drive at optimum efficiency.
amm*nit*on consumption within the permissible limit.

We are heavily shelled.
We now need strengthening.

What does this stand for?

The Indurain.
Ready to give them their thunder.

Spitfire logs.

Hold on.
Canada participates.

It's a violation of international
agreements on the use of space ...

you all have signed.

Ready to attack.

That's long been destroyed.

It's a shame. You are liars
just like my ex-ex-husband.

Take it easy, honey.
- Do not call me, damn Russian.

Who have not armed their spaceship?


You have given me your word.
- You have yours broken.

That we always do.


Let them get their balls give
and later talk about the details.

The heroes of the first fleet.

Set the attack on the earth until the last man
forth, and do not forget ...

you fight for the empire.
- Where they come from?

Put an appropriate uniform for the führer ready.

The fatherland calls his children.

With the help of this device
we are capable of the greatest w*r machine ...

ever make.

Die Götterdämmerung fly.
- Hail Adler.

This is wonderful.

Where we fly going?
- To the Götterdämmerung.

I think Klaus will be there.

How about that?

How it looks with the moon?

What do you say we go there
and in the round go whack?

Klaus, baby I come get you.


Hail Adler.




About 20 minutes are we sh**ting
distance from the earth, my Führer.

Are the men ready?
- We are still waiting for Dr. judge

What is this here?
- That's Götterdämmerung.

It will rid the earth.


it is the largest w*r machine
ever built.

This is the bridge. There I go back.
- I need to find your father.

Where do you think he is?
- I think he is there.

Please do not block the engines ...

otherwise the earth destroyed.
- Letter to myself. Motor block.

Be cautious

You know why.

Because you likes me.
"Of course.

Oh, come on, a little bit.

You'll find me funny.

We view
the n*zi fortress commander.

Striking and exaggerated as always, Klaus.

Okay, everyone, make the atomic bombs ready.

I declare this fortress to free-to-fire zone.
- There are women and children.

The United States of America
not negotiate with t*rrorists.

Set the secondary weapons.
Got it.

Preparing for a great hall bombing.
- Fire the damn bombs.

Bombs fired.

Well done!

On the side.

Who dares to disturb me?

Dr Richter, how long do you need?

She will fly, my Führer. The Götterdämmerung
will fly to the final victory is achieved.

Stop that nonsense.
For how much longer?

'T lasts three months.
Maybe a little earlier, maybe later.

I give you three minutes.

He's gone.
- Do not believe it.

Also, Russia is not one day ...

Do you remember me?

The moon ghost where you 'n snowflake
have made.

Start the Helium 3 engines.


Engines are started.

He flies.

He has the smallest d*ck
in 't have universe.

g*n is loaded.


to fight back.

Take position around those bastards
and wait for my command to open fire.

Attack maneuver confirmed.
- But come on.

Is the g*n ready to fire?
- Yes, my Führer.

However, the earth is still below the horizon
on the other side of the moon.

We can not sh**t.

Yesterday was a full moon.

Then we got a new horizon.

Free to fire.

Reactivate the system, weapons sergeant.

Then we'll see.

The missiles of Götterdämmerung
consist of metal and hydrogen ...

which are designed to show a massive
pressure to achieve.

The destructive power ...

This is not a song-hour.

It's' n error alarm.

I'm surrounded by idiot.

Go see what's going on.

- I will not allow, Klaus.

What would you like to do today?
sh**t me?

Poor girl.

Renate Richter, my "almost bride.

You have disturbed something beautiful.
Something wonderful.

A future world of
with Aryan children.

Our Aryan children.

You have betrayed us, and before ...

you will pay.
Your beauty will decorate Odin's table.

Klaus, wait. I must tell you something.

I have some haste.
- I have always considered ...

führer as ...

and as a man.

I even loved you.

I am yours.


Beautiful small talker ...

but it is too late, my dear. See you again.
- I understand. Hail to you ...

my Klaus.

Sieg Heil, my Führer.

Washington, you hear me?
Where are you?

You must turn off the engines.
- I'm working.

I congratulate you.

Battle one.

That was disappointing.

Do you think he has suffered?
Even 'a little?

Vivian, I knew you could.
Sensational, completely. Congratulations.

What is Helium 3 '?

Did you Helium 3?

Yes, there are about 15 to 20 gigantic towers
which are full of that stuff down.

That is ours.
- Is that so? Why?

Helium 3, the U.S. enough energy
yield for the next thousand years.

Yes, it is ours.

Listen to me.

The moon is American territory.
A flag. Stars and stripes.

Who has that moon Nazis organized?

Well, we have helped or
but ultimately it is just WWII ...

and who is who won?

You lie.
- Do not believe me.

Watch the movie.
Movies do not lie.

Not with those shoes.

This is the Minister of Defence.

Helium 3 Defend at all costs.
- But against whom?

Against anyone.

No, not again.
Please stop.

How was the earth?


If we can seek to fly?


But how?
- In peace.

So it sadly with a vengeance.
There is no good.

And it never ends so if you want.

I feel lonely.

Allowing our hearts,
or we will burn ...

burn in hell,
burning in eternal damnation.



You are alive.

It's all right.

And you're back as you should be.

You know now that you have a black man coast?

They apparently have a lot of work.

the end
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