Upside Down (2012)

Space, Time-travel, Futuristic, Aliens, Sci-Fi movie collection.

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Space, Time-travel, Futuristic, Aliens, Sci-Fi movie collection.
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Upside Down (2012)

Post by bunniefuu »

The universe: so full of wonders.

I can spend hours
and hours looking up at the sky.

So many stars, so many mysteries.

And there's one very special star

that makes me think of
one very special person.

Let me tell you my story.

At the dawn of time,
from the chaos came an exception.

One of the most mysterious secrets
of the universe.

You see, I come from that
very mysterious and unique place,

we are the only known
solar system with double gravity.

Two twin planets whirling together
around one sun,

but each with its own
and opposite gravity.

In our world, it's possible
to fall up and to rise down.

But, my story it's about love.

Some people say that true lovers

are one soul that is separated
when it's born,

and those two halves will always yearn
to find their way back together.

Well, to understand my story,

you need to know the Three Laws
of Double Gravity.

All matter, every single object
is pulled by the gravity of the world

that it comes from, and not the other.

An object's weight
can be offset using matter

from the opposite world
- inverse matter.

But the problem is,
after a few hours of contact,

matter in contact
with inverse matter burns.

These laws are as old as
the universe itself.

They are unchangeable,
and there are no exceptions.


They say you can't fight it.

Well, I disagree.

What if love was stronger than gravity?

Let's go back to the dark times

when any contact between worlds

was extremely dangerous
and totally forbidden.

Up Top had grown rich and prosperous,

while here, Down Below,

we stole inverse matter from Up Top
to heat our homes and to survive,

risking everything even our own lives.

I think he's there.

Hey! You! Come here!


The only authorized
contact between worlds

was through Transworld,

a giant corporation Up Top,

created to take cheap oil
from Down Below,

and to sell back to us,
overpriced electricity

that we couldn't afford.

Because of Transworld,

I grew up in an orphanage.

You see, my parents
died in the Big Blast.

A Transworld oil refinery expl*si*n
that destroyed much of the city.

Fortunately, there were the weekends.

They let me visit
my great aunt Becky,

my only surviving relative.

As well as Becky,

there were 2 things that I truly loved:

model airplanes
and Becky's flying pancakes.

You're going to have to get me
some more pink pollen tomorrow,

okay, sweetie?

Becky also initiated me
into an ancient knowledge

passed down over the generations through
the women of our family.

Now catch.

The secret of the pink bees.

Becky, how do they do that?

It's all in this book.

It was passed down to
my mother from hers

and, of course,
I would have given it to your mother.

One day,
when you grow up it'll be yours.

Becky would often send me
to gather pink pollen

from the Sage Mountains.

This was the only place,
and a forbidden place,

where pink bees could be found.

Bees that fed off flowers
from both worlds -

and without whom this story
could never have happened.

But, I have a little secret of my own.

I used to go chase
inverse rain from Up Top.

One day, I went much farther than usual,

climbing higher and higher
above the cloud line.

And that day,
that day changed my life forever.





Hey, where have you been?

I've been waiting ages for you...

Our neighbors got robbed.

They're saying it was
a thief from Down Below...

There's hunters with g*ns,
and border patrol trucks...

Are you serious?

Don't make that face.

I made it here, right?


Well, look... As long as you're okay.

Hey, look, I'll throw it up.

All right, ready?

All right, Adam.

Are you tied on?

I'm good.

Yeah? Okay. I'll pull in now.

Don't drop me!

Man, these ones from
Up Top are so good.

- They're the best.
- No, they are... They're amazing.

Wait, I got something for you too.

This is from both worlds.

What is it?

I can't tell you,
you got to close your eyes.

Close your eyes, come on.

- Like, closed, closed.
- They're closed.

All right. Are they closed?

Okay, open your mouth.

I can't reach.


How is that from both worlds?

I don't know,
you should probably ask the bees.

I don't know.

Imagine if we could go anywhere
we wanted to.

I mean really...

Hmm, can you imagine that?

Hey you know what?

- What?
- We can.

Come on. Let's imagine we can.

Let's go down.

Whoa! You're holding on?

- I'm ready!
- Okay, 3, 2, 1, go!

Aaah! Whoo-hoo! Whoo!

Whoo! Whoo!

I gotta go down! I gotta go down!


Oh! Oh, you're holding on?

Yeah! Oh my God!

Pull my legs down!

I got it! I got it!

Okay, spin! Okay, just spin!

Just spin!

Look at the branch!

- You good?
- Uh-huh!

Okay, it's the biggest one ever,

-all right?
- All right, I'm ready.

Can you hold on?

All right. You good?

Okay, you want to do another spin?

Yeah, let's get really high.

Let's see
if we can get higher this time.

All right, this is the one.

Okay, three... oh!

- Did you hear that?
- Yeah.

You know, we should go.

He's there!

Let's get 'em!

Quick, Adam! Ah!

- Ah!
- Adam!


No! No!

No! No, please! Please, no!


- Becky! Becky! Becky, I'm sorry!
- No! Adam! No!

I'm so sorry!

No! No! Adam!

- Becky!
- Adam! NO! NO!

- Becky!
- Adam! You did nothing wrong!


Becky! No! Becky!

Please, no! No!


Adam, come on, stop!

Make us a plane! Adam, stop!

Adam, come on! Make us a plane!

Come on. I can't.

No, I've got to go to work!

No, come on, I've got to go to work.

- Please!
- I'll do it later.

Hey, Mr Jones!


Only one week left
to submit your application.

You've got to play to win!

Hello, Albert.

Mrs. Nathanson...

What do you got for me?

Inverse matter to pay my debt.

Will this cover it?


My husband says it's stainless steel...

from the main pipeline.

Pablo, it's ready!

Okay, don't start it
until it's fully applied.


Okay, go!

Wow! That stuff is amazing!

Is it for sale?

Well, not quite yet. Nah...

We're all settled.

Thank you, and...

Can you keep me posted
on that beauty cream!

Will do.

You take care now.

You hear that, Adam?

We have got to finish this cream!

Yeah, well, I would love to,
Albert, you know,

but, with this equipment, you know,

it could take years..

A chance to fulfill
everyone's dream,

and transform his life
working for Transworld!

...And we're live Down Below

with our nine finalists feverishly
awaiting the results...

I'd like to welcome Miss Eden Moore

from Transpublicity,
a division of Transworld.

Hi! How are you?

- Hi!
- Welcome!

Thank you.

Now, she'll tell us
more about what she does,

but more importantly,

let's hear about our winner's new job.

Well, our division handles

all of Transworld's
graphic design needs.

Right now I'm working
with origami specifically...

That sounds fascinating,

but our audience is dying to know:

just what job
will our winner be getting?

Well, today we're offering
the winner a job in our department...

Here we go!

- Let's choose our lucky winner...
- I can't believe it.


That's her.

- Number two.
- Pablo

- That's Eden.
- Number two!

Are you sure?

I'm totally sure. Pablo!

She's alive! I can't believe it!

I can find her, man!

I mean... she works at Transworld!

Attention! This is a final call.

Doors will be closing in five minutes.

Stay in line.

Prepare jackets
and personal objects for weigh-in.

Please remove jackets
and empty your pockets

of personal belongings for weigh-in.

Put your jacket in the bin as well.

Stay in line. Prepare jackets
and personal objects for weigh-in.

- Please remove jackets...
-165 pounds.

- And empty your pockets...
- Don't move.


- Yeah...
- What floor?

Floor Zero.

Your name?

Adam Kirk.


Need some help?

Yeah, yeah.

I'm looking for a Station 15, Sector 8.

Third aisle down.

Thank you.


Welcome aboard, newbie!

- Cheers!
- Cheers!

God! Damn it!

God... I'm so, so sorry!

Like, I had no idea
it was gonna do that.

Don't worry, my friend,
they do that to all the newbies...

Oh, great. Good start.

Name's Bob.

Bob Boruchowitz.

And you are?

I'm Adam. Adam Kirk.

Mr. Kirk?

Please follow me.

The Managing Director
is waiting to see you.

Right, sure, okay.

Psst. Hey, hey! Your back.

Your back, check it out.

Oh, right, that's...

That's pretty funny.

- Ho,ho.
- Mr Kirk!

We don't have much time!

Come see me on your way out

with a list of materials
you'll require for your work.

I need you to complete
your security clearance form.

I'll also give you your various access
badges and meal vouchers...

Come in, Mr. Kirk.

Come in, come in...

This anti-aging cream idea of yours
seems to be quite promising.

Your application has been approved,

but this is strictly on a trial basis,
you understand.

Well, of course.

Have a seat please.


Fasten your seat belt, Mr. Kirk.

L-- I'm sorry?

Your seatbelt?

Seatbelt... Oh, right.

Are there any questions, Mr Kirk?

Well yeah, I was just wondering what

all these people on my side do?

They're merely "adapters".

They adapt our products to your world.

You, on the other hand,
have a real opportunity here.

Company policy doesn't normally allow

for someone from Down Below

to hold such an important position,

but we're making
an exception in your case.

Sign here please...

Now then, a word of warning.

We scrupulously observe

a full separation
between worlds here.

That means there is to be no

unnecessary contact
with those Up Top.

Just stick to your job
and all will be well.

One last thing...

The rules are quite strict here.

As you know, you'll be working

with upper world materials.

This means that you'll be thoroughly
searched and weighed every time

that you leave the premises.

If they find any inverse matter on you,

you'll be fired and jailed on the spot.

But I have a feeling
that this won't happen in your case,

will it, Mr. Kirk?

No, sir.

Try not to prove me wrong.

Right then, dismissed!

Another massive oil leak
has developed,

following a metal robbery
from the main pipeline,

forcing Transworld
to double their security.

The three thieves from Down Below

arrested last week were hanged

this morning at dawn,
raising interworld tensions.

Here is a senior Transworld
executive with a statement:

They got what they deserved.

We don't go down to their world,

we certainly don't want them
coming up to ours.

That was Mr Lagavulin...

...Director of floor zero.
- Nice boss you got there.

And that's tonight's news on TTW7.

Thank you for watching us.

Adam, you did not have to do this.

I could've gotten you that patent

Transworld is the worst thing
that ever happened to us!

And what, now you're one of them!

- Come on, Albert
- Those people are vultures!

And you're gonna give them
your golden goose for peanuts?

I mean, we have nothing.

Yeah, we're from Down Below,
I mean, that's just the way it is.

I mean, we have nothing.

Don't you tell me I'm nothing!

This isn't nothing, this is everything!

And I gave you everything!

I treated you like
you were my own son.

And you know what you're gonna do?

You're gonna go up there
and you're gonna get yourself k*lled,

that's all you're gonna do,
is get yourself k*lled!


Albert! Albert! Albert, come on...

Look, I didn't mean it like that.

Albert please, come on...

All right, all right...

don't you dare think that I've forgotten

that Transworld
took away my entire family.

All right?

Look, if I could use Transworld

and Aunt Becky's
pink powder just to

I don't know, just give my life
some kind of hope...

then I'm gonna do it.

Come on Albert, please.

Come on,
I need your help Albert please...

Come on.

All right, all right.

Thanks, man.

Okay, today we have someone joining us
for the first time.

Hello, Eden.


Hi, I'm Eden.

Eden Moore.

Um, I had an accident
when I was a teenager.

Uh, everything before that is gone.

Sometimes, things
come back to me in dreams,

but I'm never sure if they're real

or if I'm making them up.

It's frustrating.

You know,
I know that whatever's missing...

It's in there.

But it scares me.

Um, mostly it just feels like
something's missing.

Mr. Kirk?


Here is the key to your personal
refrigeration system.

And here's your very first
allocation of inverse matter.

Okay, great.

Be careful. Without cooling,
it gets hot very fast.

Thank you.


Not exactly a charmer, is he?


One o'clock.

Lunch time!

I usually go to the smoking room
after I've eaten.

Why don't you drop by?

We'll have a little conversation.

Okay, sure.

'Hey Bob?

You mind if I come in?

Come in, come in!

Sit down. Hey!

You want a cigar?

- You smoke?
- No, no, no!

No thanks, I don't smoke.

Okay, fine, sit down.

See. empty!

"No one smokes
in Transworld any more."

Yeah, well I do so...pbblt!

You know, people have a funny way
of seeing things here.

Anything or anyone different is,

well, let's say, frowned upon.

Can I ask you a favour?

Yeah. Yeah, sure.

Could you get me some stamps?

Some stamps?

Yeah, stamps.

I, uh, I don't like to boast, but

I've got one of the largest-known
stamp collections Up Top.

And if you can get me some
from your side...

Oh boy...

Right, yeah.

I mean, sure, I guess...


So you were saying... Antigravity?

Yeah, you know,
I've been working on this...

It's an anti-aging cream.


Well, I'm here if you need me.

Expert in conductivity
and computer programming.

Anything you need,
anything, just ask.

Well then, I guess there could be
something you could help me with...

I was wondering
if you might be able to

get me in touch
with an employee Up Top?

Up Top?

Yeah. Her name's, uh,

Eden Moore...

Sure. Sure.

So what's your plan?

I don't know yet...

I'm working on that.

I mean... But you've seen
her though, right?

No. I mean,
I haven't actually seen her but...

But she's there, Pablo,

I mean she's
just like a few floors above.

Are you sure this is worth it?

I mean, it's been, like,

ten years since you last saw her...

Yeah, it's worth it.

It's amazing!

Oh man-- The man with no head!

I can't believe it...

Move please!

So what kind of shirt do you want?

Do you want, like, a sport shirt...

- No, no...
-... a T-shirt?

You want a button-down collar?

Yeah, just, like,
a normal button-down shirt.

Yeah, you want a jacket?

Yeah, like, I don't know, a suit jacket

Stay in line!

You may proceed, Mr. Kirk.

Thank you.

Now, this should be happening
any moment now.

If you watch carefully...

Here it comes.

How long does the effect last?

Well, right now, really only,
like, a few minutes.

- But we've been working on...
- Clearly not long enough.

Soon we'll begin clinical trials
on human subjects.

Obviously, we'll start with a sample
of women from Down Below.

I need quick results.
I'm counting on you!

Oh! Is that beauty cream for Halloween?

No, they've got different standards
of beauty Down Below!

The uglier the better!

Hey! Don't let those guys get to you.

They're just jealous, that's all.

You, uh... You're staying late?

Yeah, you know, I thought I'd stay

and just finish up
a few things, you know...

Right, okay.Well I'll take her back
to the kennel for you.

Come on girl!

Hey, you, uh...

You realize they don't
pay overtime, right?

Yeah, I know.

Okay, right.

See you tomorrow.

Don't work too hard!

I won't.


Yes, it is...

No, I'm sorry,
she's gone home for the night.

Yeah, you can come by tomorrow.

Okay, what's your name again?


Thank you.

Okay. See you tomorrow.

Believe me, Adam, it's gonna burn.

In a pinch, just use a little water
to cool down.

Please remember,
you won't last an hour

with these counterweights on.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know, I know...

What, Pablo, what?

What is it?

All right. What's your plan?!

Huh? You dress up in disguise,

you show up to meet her, and then what?

Then what? I don't know...

- You don't know...
- No, I don't know.

Alright, let me get this straight, okay?

She sees you, all right,

she throws herself in your arms,

says she loves you
and she never forgot about you.

Yeah. Yeah, maybe.

Okay, then,
since you're starting to burn up,

you tell her you love her too,
but you really have to go,

and if you don't get caught or shot,

maybe you'll see her again in 10 years.

Besides, what...

You really think she, uh,
she just waited for you?

- Yeah, I do.
- You do?

Yeah, actually, I do.

Adam, we're from Down Below!

Okay, don't you get that?

Besides, you know what?

I bet she calls the cops
the second she sees you!

Come on, all right?
She's not gonna call the cops.

Adam, you're so delusional.

Why--why are you so obsessed with
those people anyway, huh?

You know, my brother was the same way.

Yeah, he went up there and...

Well, he never came back.

You wanna end up like him?


Hey, Eden... It's... It's Adam.

It's Adam.

Oh God.

All clear.

Who's there?

Possible breach.


Eden, it's me!

Oh yes, Mr. Boruchowitz, right?

I'll be with you, one second.

Wait! Come on, Eden.

Hi. I'm Paula,
we spoke on the phone yesterday.

I didn't realize
you guys knew each other.

Yeah, yeah. Yeah, we do.

I mean, I can't believe
she would just ignore me like that...

No! No, she just forgets things.

What do you mean?

It's her amnesia.

Wait. She has amnesia?

Yes, since her accident.

- Will you cut these too?
- Yeah.

You wanted to see me?

Yeah, yeah, no, I did. Look Eden...

I thought that we...

I thought that... that, uh,

that this product
that I've been working on...

I thought it might
be of some interest to you,

professionally speaking.

Yeah, oh would you...

Can I-- Can I show you?

Yeah, sure. It's just a mock-up...

It takes a second to work so...


You know, I've been working
with this young man

who's just recently started here
at Transworld.

But he had like a troubled childhood.

Yeah, he grew up in a,
like, an orphanage.

Oh, that's terrible.

Yeah, you know, his aunt Becky

was, like, his only real family.

Well, you should have brought him.

Yeah, well, um,

the truth is that he couldn't come.

Why not?

Well cause, uh, he's from Down Below.

Sorry, sorry. I'm sorry.

I just don't know
why you're telling me this.

Right. Anyway, I thought the product
might be of some use...

Oh! That's amazing!


It's perfectly straight.

What is this stuff?

It's top secret actually.

- I like secrets.
- Yeah?

Are you okay?

Yeah. No, I'm good.

- Are you sure?
- Yeah. Oh yeah, yeah.

- I'm pretty good.
- Wait. You're sweating...

Oh really? God. Look at that.

Do you want a Translenol?

No, no really, I'm good.
Doing pretty good.


You know what, can you just
excuse me for like, just one second?

- Okay.
- I'll be back.

I'll be right back.

That was funny.

Hey! Hey you!

He's not coming back!

Do you believe it?

No, I don't.

But he is cute though...

- I know...
- Mmm-hmm...

You know, I hate to say it,

but I told you
she wouldn't remember you.

Pablo, please!

She's got amnesia. After all that?

Boy, you sure know how to pick 'em!

You burned yourself
pretty good there too...

Put some more of that
on tonight when you go to bed.


Everything all right, Mr. Kirk?

Yes! Yeah, yeah, yeah!

Everything's... everything's fine.

Just, you know,
cleaning up a few things.

Here's the list of candidates
for your clinical trials.

Oh! Oh, great, thank you.

I'll come by at the end of the day
for your selections.

- Psst! Hey! May I see?
- Sure.

Ooh! Man! Jeez, with models like that,

your goose is cooked man!

What are they trying to do,
get you fired or what?!

I don't know, maybe.


What do you mean, showtime?
What's that?

Oh, you'll see, you know...

You just started here.

- You'll be out of the line of fire...
- Your attention please...

Before we begin
handing out the bonuses,

we have a list
of individuals whose services

will no longer be required.

Albert Midwall, Susan Gonzales,

- John Phelps...
- Believe me, my friend,

-if your thing works out,
- Juan Solanas...

you've got nothing to worry about.

- You'll be great, believe me.
- Jimmy Scotch...

Beatrice Amuchastegue,
Bob Boruchowitz...

- Mistake...
- Alexis Vonarb...

- That's a mistake.
- Aton Soumache

Um, excuse me, I'm sorry.

Did you say Bob Boruchowitz?

Well, I think that's a mistake, yeah?

There is no mistake, Mr Boruchowitz.

In light of your seniority,
you will be given a retirement package.

But your Transworld contract
has been terminated.

Jeff Duhaim, Emiliano Grassi,

Dimitri Rassam, Oscar Lopez...

Steven Craig...

Don't ever trust anyone here, Adam.

They're all a bunch of snakes!

That's it? I mean, you just pack up
your things and leave?

31 years!

They toss you out like a bag of garbage.

Yep! That's the Transworld way.

Now, this is for your collection.

Some things in here may come in handy.

You're ready?


Okay and...

I got it. I got it.

Hey, Bob... I'm really sorry.

Don't worry about me, my friend.

It's their loss.


Take care of yourself, all right?


Come on, old girl, we're outta here.

You're coming with me.

Knowing these jerks,
you'd probably end up in a tin can!

Come on girl, come on!

Hey, Bob! Thank you!

Out of office. Leave your message.

Hi, Bob. It's Eden Moore calling you.

I was just wondering
what happened the other day,

you just rushed out of here so quickly.

- Eden!Eden!
- Hi!

Hi! Hi! Hey, it's Bob...

What happened to you?

Listen, I'm so, so sorry for
disappearing on you like that.

Uh, you know what?

An alarm went off and the security
had everything blocked, so...

- I was stuck there for hours.
- Uh-huh.

No, no really! I mean,
I've been desperate to call you...

I've been meaning to call you.

All right,
well I'll let you make it up to me.

Take me to lunch?


Yeah, you can come up with
a better story by then.

You want to go to the cafeteria?

No, I thought we could eat out.

Eat out?

- Shit!
- Yeah. You don't want to?

No, no, no! I'd love to.

Okay, great.

How about Cafe dos Mundos.

- You know it?
- Yes, of course.

Wow! The Cafe dos Mundos...

Is that a problem?

No, no! No problem at all!

Okay, great!
I'll see you tomorrow at noon.

- Okay, great.
- All right. See you then!

- Bye.
- Bye.

You know, I got to admit

I've always wandered what would be like

Yeah, well maybe now you'll know.

All right, if I can get you
one thing,

one thing from Up Top,
what would it be ?

- One thing ?
- Yeah !

A girl ?!?

I don't know...
Bring me back on of the menus

from the restaurant

Yeah, ok, I can do that

What about you, Albert ?

Yeah, I want YOU back

- I'll try to make sure that happens...
- Yeah...

Welcome to Transworld.

Today, it's 21 degrees,

a beautiful and sunny day in Transcity.

Transworld wishes you a very lovely day.

Transoil : Energy for a better life.

We're building your future.


- Hi, Bob.
- Hey! How are you?


Look, I'm so sorry I'm late...

Oh, don't worry about it,
I just got here.

Oh, you did? Oh good.

So how come I've never seen you
around Transworld before?

Well, I mean, it's a pretty big company.

- I don't know, maybe that's why.
- That's true.

Do you live nearby?

Me? No! No. God, no.

I have a really long commute...

You know, I'm sorry, like...

You really...

You really don't remember me?

I mean, you know, if you look at me,

I mean like, really, really look at me.

You don't remember me at all? No?

Come on, Eden!

Eden, we know each other.

- What are you doing?
- No, like, we really know each other,

- I mean...
- Why are you doing this to me?

What? No, Eden! Eden please!

Eden, wait! Wait, wait, wait!

Come on. Sorry! Please!

Please don't leave.

Look, it was just a misunderstanding.

I just meant that we met before.

You know,
it was at the elevator at work?

You dropped your papers
and I helped you pick them up.

- You don't remember that?
- No, I don't.

Yeah, why--why would you, I guess.

Look, I'm sorry.

I'm kind of just
a little nervous, that's all.

You know, I didn't
mean to come at you like that.

I'm really sorry.

Look, can you forgive me?

I should get back to work, I think.

Can we just stay for one drink?

You can't stay for one drink?

We don't even have to eat.

You know, I'm not even hungry.

Unless of course you're hungry,
in which case I'm starving.

Yeah, I mean
I'll eat the whole menu twice,

if you just sit down
and have dinner with me.

- I'm starving, actually.
- Yeah? Good.

You wanna sit down?

This is an Upside Down?

I have to teach you
how to drink this now, ready?

I don't even know...
I don't even know what that is.


What am I supposed to do?

You're gonna have to put it
to your lips like this...


And just tilt it down.

- What?
- That's it.

- How could you not know?
- For a year!

Exactly, let's do it again.


- These are good.
- Yeah.

- They are good.
- You got to take it easy though.

All right!

They're strong.

Hey, you know,
I want to show you something.


It's a personal project of mine but...

I want to do it on a much larger scale,

but I thought your invention
could come in handy.

Wow! Wow, that's...
That's amazing, really.

- Yeah?
- Yeah, it's amazing.

I mean, I'd love to help. Yeah.

That's the Sage Mountains right?

Yeah... I grew up there.

We still have our old house there.

Yeah, no, God.

We used to go there all the time,

and we used to go
and pick the pomegranates.

Yeah! Me too!

- There you go.
- They're the best.

They're the best.

Are you okay?

Huh? Yeah, no, I'm good.

I'm fine, no really.

- All right.
- It's just getting a little...

a little warm in here, don't you think?

Let's get outta here.

- You want to go?
- Yeah.

Yeah sure, we'll get the check.

- Yeah.
- Okay.

So there's this great orchestra
from Down Below.

They play here Friday nights.

They're incredible, you have to hear it!

Wow, that sounds great.

Okay, so I'll see you Friday, maybe?

- Yeah, sure. Okay.
- Okay.

- Bye!
- Bye!

- Thanks for lunch.
- All right. Take care.



Eden, it's me.

Our demonstrator will
apply the full product line.

We'll be selling five separate creams,

and be increasing the strength

according to the concentration
of the active ingredient,

five being the most potent.

The goal is to tailor the lift

to the condition
of the various facial regions.

And as you see, a range of strengths

allows the consumer
to apply what's needed,

where needed!

For a general purpose product,
I think the Level Two will provide

visible all-around improvement
without any adverse effects.

But number five, being the strongest,
can work miracles.

And speaking of miracles...

Now, we are also developing a product
for the breasts and the buttocks.

Oh! I think it's ready.

Bravo! Bravo!

Any questions before we continue?

Yes. Couldn't we
market a cheaper version

for Down Below with only one product?

Yes, we could,
at the very lightest concentration.

The product doesn't hold up well
at very high doses.

Let's see what happens
with excessive application...

She had our product applied
about ten minutes ago, so...

I have a question for the demonstrator.

Mr. Boruchowitz, right?

Uh, I'm--I'm sorry.

You must have me confused
with somebody else.

My name's Adam, Adam Kirk.

Excuse me, I'm looking for Eden Moore.

Have you seen her?

Yeah, she just left.


Damn it! Come on! Come on!

Hey! Stop!

Security breach, tower two.

for a better, brighter tomorrow.

Stop him!

Gravity: a revolution about to begin.

New, from Transcosmetics.

Uplift yourself today.


What are you doing here?

I'm looking for my dog.

What's your name?

I can't talk to you.

Why not?

You're from Down Below...

I'm Adam!

You son of a g*n!

I knew you were up to something...

Bob, can I come in?

Of course, that's what I'm here for.

Come on, come on!

You see, men,
we're like real estate agents...

We buy, we sell,
keep our options open...

Women, well, they're more like...

I mean they build to last.
You see the difference ?

- Yeah, I think so...
-Oh, you will, you will my friend !

Right, right.

Well I'm adding maximum weight
to the exterior layer

to counteract the heating problem.

Now, my friend, try this for size.

If it fits, you are
through with overheating.

This is nice!

Bob, wow, this is nice!

Oh boy, oh boy!

Transworld are gonna curse
the day they fired me!

Yeah, look at that...

You got it?

- That's a pretty good fit.
- Good, good!

Right, well I'm gonna get back
to the outer layer,

the icing on the cake.

I don't get it.

It's impossible
to change gravity's status.

Are you sure?

Yeah. Absolutely.

Look, So now, all we have to do

is carefully mix the two
opposing solutions

and wait a second to stabilize gravity.

Yeah, and then...


No! God!

That is better than
a good idea, my friend...

That is revolutionary!

But don't they have the formula, now?

No! No, I gave them everything
but the main ingredient.

Oh! I would give good money

just to see the look on
Lagavulin's face right now...

So are you telling me
we don't have the formula?

We, um...

Well, we tried to recreate it
several times, but the thing is...

We're missing an ingredient.

A pink powder...

We found traces in his office.

Without it, there is no cream.


you can't figure it out without him ?


You remember?

I'm starting to.

Border police

everybody out against the wall

Mam this way please!

- Calm down! Don't move!
- Damn it!

Let's see some ID!

- Listen... I gotta go...
- No!

- Identification!
- I'll find you.

- Hey. You!
- There he is!

Come back here! Stop! Stop!

What's he doing?

Don't let them get away!

I'm going to the left!

I spot him!

Stay where you are!

Go, go, go!

Breaking news coming in live!

Border police have launched
a massive manhunt

for the fugitive who just escaped from
the Cafe dos Mundos.

All national law enforcement agencies
have been alerted

and we will keep you updated
as the story develops.

Come on! Let's go!

Wait, wait, wait!


I just thought I heard something.

- You're okay?
- Yeah.

There's somebody there! Go, go, go!

Hey you! Stop!

Eden, come on, Eden, come on!

- Come on! Come on! Come on!
- Don't let them get away!

Go, go, go, go!

Eden, the weights!

Come on, take off my weights!


Eden! Eden, take this arm.


Hold on! Hold on!

Eden, hold on!

Please hold on...

Hold on!

Don't let go! I'm holding you!

Don't let go!

Hold on! Hold on!

- Let go of me!
- No!

- Please...
- No, don't.

- I'm so sorry...
- No!

- I'm so sorry.
- No! No!

- Hello. Nice to have you back.
- Thanks.

Wait! No, no, wait!

No! I haven't done anything.

- Get in the car!
- No! Please!

I haven't done anything!

Here's the deal,

You give us the complete
anti-aging cream formula

and if you attempt to
contact Miss Moore,

the charges against her
will be reinstated.

Do I make myself clear, Mr. Kirk?

So that's it.

They won, and I've lost.

I just lost everything.

They took aunt Becky
and they took Eden from me.

Oh. It's hard to accept
that I will never see Eden again...

I was naive, to think
that I could change the world.

You know up there, they always win.

And down here, well we always lose.

So I guess I just go back to
my life, to my world.

And I'll try here,
Down Below, to do my best.

I will never, ever forget her.

Gently does it.


So... Is it true everyone's rich Up Top?

Don't you know?

It's total paradise up there!


Guys, I don't think so.

You know, I mean,
they might be rich, sure,

but... It's definitely not paradise.

Hey, let me look at that, huh?

What do you think, we should...

You think we should make this fly?

- Yeah!
- Yeah!

Yeah, yeah? We'll give it a boost?

All right, hold on to that.

All right, here we go...

All right... now try it.

Come on, throw it.

Hey, Eden. It's Paula.

Are you still sick?

You haven't shown up four days.

Did you get those strange
flowers we sent over?

I think they came from floor zero.

Let me know, okay?

I hope you're all right! Bye!

Bob Boruchowitz?

- Yeah?
- I'm Eden Moore.

I need your help...

Yeah, fantastic!



You think you're the only one
who can go upside down?

You won't get rid of me
easy as that, old buddy!

I can't believe this.

How did you do it?

He)'. hey, hey, hey!

Check this out!


No, no, no!

Did you make a vest or what?

I can't believe this!

Oh! Oh! Put me down, sweetie!

You're not even wearing a vest!

- No, no, no!
- Where's the weights?

No, no, no, no!
We're 90 percent water, right?

So I combine upper and lower inversion

with a hyper infusion, yeah?

Yeah, now,
you know this better than I do,

but the breakthrough man, the break...

Oh man, I'm jabbering...

the problem is, right,

the effect only lasts an hour, right?

I'll improve it, now, but...

Hey, and you...

You my friend,
hey, you have a rendezvous.

What's this?


You better not go dressed like that!

Hey, did you tell him?

Hey! Another thing!

The cream, well, thanks to your stamps,

I bought the patent under the name

Albert & Co, before Transworld.

Nice! Nice!



I can't believe it!

How did you get down here?

Bob found a way to bring me down.

I can't believe it!

But you're with me now.

Really. I... I didn't know
what happen to you...

Are you okay?

I'm pregnant.

We're having twins.

Oh my God!

I can't believe it!

I can't believe it!

How long can you stay down here for?

Forever, maybe.

Bob said it's because I'm pregnant.

He said you'd understand
how this makes me different.

I love you.

I love you.

We didn't realize yet the repercussions
of what we had done.

Our love would forever alter
the course of history.

But that's another story.
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