02x07 - Angels and Aliens

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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02x07 - Angels and Aliens

Post by bunniefuu »

Winged creatures...

Carrying messages from the heavens.

Unearthly guardians, entrusted

to both observe and protect.

Powerful warriors, bringing

about everything from plague to peace.

But are angels merely the

product of mankind's imagination...

Or do they really exist?

If so, where do they come from?

When angels appear,
they begin to do things

that defy our laws of physics.

I don't think they actually had wings.

It was ancient man's way of

saying, they had the power of flight.

Are angels really

supernatural beings from heaven,

or something more?

It's essentially a misinterpreted

flesh-and-blood extraterrestrial

who visited earth a long, long time ago.

Millions of people

around the world believe we have

been visited in the past by

extraterrestrial beings.

What if it was true?

Did ancient aliens really
help to shape our history?

If so, might angels really be

travelers visiting the earth

from distant planets?

# Ancient Aliens 2x07 #
Angels and Aliens
Original Air Date on December 09, 2010

According to a Nielsen survey

taken in 2010, nearly 70% of

Americans believe in their existence.

But what are they?

Winged visitors from God,

as depicted in the Bible?

Smiling cherubs who peer down

at us from billowing clouds?

Or something much, much more?

The concept of angels is obviously

very widespread, and certainly

in American culture.

And you find it in latin culture,
greek culture, babylonian culture.

When we think of angels,

we immediately think to the Bible,

but when you go onto the Internet,

when you read books,

you will find that people have
visitations of angels every single day.

In the hebrew Bible's Book of Genesis,

angels first appear as divine beings

sent to earth as messengers of God.

They wanted to have

God interacting with the human

beings, but it seemed somewhat

undignified to have God directly

operating, and so he sent messengers.

The word angel is a mistranslation.

In Hebrew, the word for angel is malach.

However, the correct translation

is not angel at all, but it is,

in fact, "messenger".

In greek, the word angelos is not angel.

It is intermediary, middleman.

And so what do we have in these stories?

We have these intermediaries,

these messengers, bringing

information from quote, unquote God.

By definition,

angels are otherworldly.

Angels are extraterrestrial.

They're not from this planet.

So really, by definition, ETs

and angels are the same.

Now our modern conception
of ETs have changed.

But go back thousands and

thousands of years when angels

lived among our biblical ancestors.

They didn't call them ETs.

They called them angels, but

they knew they were not of this

world, not of this planet.

But could some of these so-called messengers
of God have served another function?

One not so benevolent or benign?

According to the Book of Enoch,

the so-called lost biblical text

that was rediscovered among the

dead sea scrolls in the late 1940s,

the first angels to arrive
on earth were the fallen angels.

It was on mount Hermon

that angels came down

from the heavens... fallen

angels... to inhabit earth.

They were trying to assume power.

And because of that, they were

cast out from heaven
and cast down to earth.

Now to me, this sounds
more of a mutiny story

where extraterrestrials arrived here,

and there was a type of rift,

and so, they split into
two different factions.

And the faction that split off

is what today is referred to as

the fallen angels.

Enoch was a believer in angels,

fallen angels, visitations,

but everything he put in his
scriptures seemed to imply,

to me, extraterrestrial visitation.

From craft that he saw,

to mountainsides that they would land,

to them taking him around
and telling him things.

Both in the Book of Enoch

and in the Hebrew Bible,

the fallen angels act in direct

opposition to God's will by

interbreeding with humans.

In Genesis 6,

it talks about the sons of gods...

gods plural... mating with
the daughters of men.

And there was a certain
evil connotation to it.

How can angels have sex?

Enoch describes of it.

Some of the extraterrestrials
stood on earth.

They had sex with some of our girls.

That is what is written down in Enoch.

It's not my invention.

Enoch never calls them gods.

He calls them guardian
of the skies, or watchmen.

According to ancient texts,
the fallen angels

not only physically mated with

the women of earth,

they produced offspring...

the Nephilim, a race of giants,

similar to those portrayed in

the story of David and Goliath.

But ancient astronaut theorists

suggest the use of the term

giants is misleading.

They theorize that the term

refers not to the Nephilim's

physical size, but to their

almost superhuman ability.

Were they giants,

or is that the wrong word,

and the correct word should be


Because then, in my opinion,

it makes more sense, because so far,

I have not seen an original

fossil of a giant bone.

But if, as many

ancient astronaut theorists

believe, fallen angels were

really extraterrestrials that

first arrived in the middle east,

wouldn't they have also

appeared elsewhere in the world?

For proof, researchers point to

thousands of carvings and other

depictions of winged guardians,

strange creatures and other

half-man and half-beasts that

commonly appear on ancient

walls and artifacts.

There is such an

enormous amount of evidence to

suggest that angels are not

something which christianity

invented, but that they were

somehow physically present in

all civilizations.

Ancient cultures that depicted

the gods as winged creatures are

the sumerians, the babylonians,

certainly the egyptians.

All of these civilizations had

symbols where there may have

been a winged disc, or there

may have been what we would call

today probably a UFO.

I believe they were just letting

us know that these beings flew.

In the middle east in particular,

there were depictions of supernatural

beings with wings... the demons

of Mesopotamia; Pazuzu, which

had the head of a lion and the

body of a human and the wings of a locust.

They were primarily soldiers of

the higher gods, servants of the higher gods.

The higher gods depended on these messengers.

They would run back and forth

and gather information.

The Bible may be the most thoroughly

documented account of

extraterrestrial contact ever in

written history here on earth.

We just simply have not learned

how to interpret and how to

identify the clear and obvious

evidence that the Seraphim,

the Cherubim, the archangels,

the angels, all of these different

hierarchies of beings described

in the old and the new testament

literally do refer to visitors

who come here.

Use the word "extraterrestrials"
instead of the word of "angel".

Use a word of, uh,

"leader of extraterrestrials"
instead of "archangel".

If you change few words in the

old texts... a few key words...

you change the sense of the old texts.

It's all not coincidence.

It was on purpose.

It's time to wake up to see

these things with modern eyes.

But if, as ancient
astronaut theorists maintain,

angels are not ethereal winged

beings but actually flesh and

blood creatures visiting us from

other planets, why are they here?

And if they are messengers,
just who, or what, do they represent?

Mount Sodom, Israel.

A pillar of rock salt known as

Lot's wife overlooks the

southwestern part of the dead sea,

near the presumed location

of the biblical cities
of Sodom and Gomorrah.

In both the Hebrew book of
Genesis and the islamic Koran,

angels traveled to this spot to

warn Abraham's nephew Lot that

God was about to unleash
terror upon the world.

And the angel finally says to Lot,

"if you don't come now with your

family... two girls and the

wife... I cannot help you "anymore".

It looks as if a countdown was

working which could not be

stopped anymore, if even the

angel cannot stop it.

Sure enough, they walk
away and there is this

mayhem and destruction.

His wife turns around and she

turns into a pillar of salt.

Since the ancient astronaut

theory proposes that angels were

nothing else but misinterpreted

flesh and blood extraterrestrials,

this means that extraterrestrials
did side with certain people.

Were angels,

or extraterrestrials, interfering

with human development?

But if angels saved

Lot and his family from the

wrath of God, is this proof that

angels are more than just

otherworldly messengers?

Might they be more actively

engaged in helping their human

counterparts, even to the extent

that they might still be

affecting the outcome of human history?

Once again, ancient astronaut

theorists look to the book of

enoch for their answer and claim

to have found evidence in its

references to a race of fallen

angels known as watchers.

There is much debate amongst religious

scholars about the fallen angels.

And some say they were

deliberately sent here to watch over man.

And in the Book of Enoch

specifically, we have 20

watchers which are sort of in

charge of all the other angels

that are in Enoch's presence.

You have the commanders and the

officers and the lieutenants,

and those 20 deliberately teach

enoch in various disciplines,

such as meteorology, astronomy,

how to make better swords.

Now, would something like this

really happen in the kingdom of God?

I think the answer is clear.

Where did they come from?

What do they want?

And if we're dealing with one or

more intelligences... that maybe

they have different agendas,

but maybe there is something out

there that has been an ally to

evolving hominids, and
we're the latest model.

In the Bible,

angels often appear to humans as

physical entities that can be

seen, heard, and even touched.

But today many people believe

angels are present whether they

can see them or not.

According to a 2008 survey by

baylor university's institute

for studies of religion, 55% of

all American adults believe a

guardian angel protects them.

The popularity of
guardian angels in modern

culture I think has to do with

the idea that we want some kind

of supernatural protection in a

world where we don't really feel

very safe oftentimes.

The islamic faith

teaches that every human being

has not one but two guardian

angels, one for each shoulder.

These celestial beings are

called writing angels because

they write down the good deeds

and the bad deeds in each person's life.

The first so-called guardian

angel to appear in judeo

Christian texts is the angel

Raphael, who was featured in the

book of Tobit, written sometime

between the eighth
and second century B.C.

Tobit is off on a very difficult mission.

He's going to go to Persia to

find a wife, and he runs into

all sorts of problems on the

way, so God sends the angel

Raphael, and now we have the

angel not just as a messenger from God.

He becomes a guardian angel,

he becomes a special protector.

The idea of guardian angel, is it just

because we wish it, we believe it,

that somebody's protecting us,

or does it come from the past?

Has it to do maybe something

with extraterrestrials?

In the sense that some

extraterrestrials said to some human,

"We protect you. Don't be afraid."

What is the guardian
angel guarding us from?

Why is that guardian
angel protecting us?

And is there more than one?

The short answer to that
is absolutely, yes.

He's guarding us from what?

The fallen angels.

In judeo-christian,

and islamic tradition, there

was an idea that there will be

some kind of final warfare when

God defeats Satan, once and for all.

That's been interpreted,

by some people, to say that,

the aliens will come back;

They will fight it out
again, one final time.

Both the book of

Enoch and the New Testament

Book of Revelation refers to a

final cosmic battle of good versus evil.

Other biblical stories include

accounts of angels wielding

extraordinary powers.

Angels who are not just guardians,

but who intervene in human affairs.

But who are these celestial warriors?

The New Testament's Acts of the

Apostles tells of one such

story, that of Saint Peter, who

was imprisoned in Jerusalem by

King herod in 34 A.D.

Peter is asleep between two soldiers.

So the angel walks through the wall.

He's a physical being because

he touches Peter, tells Peter

to wake up, come with me.

He unshackles Peter, and he

says to Peter, "follow me".

The prison cell opens,

Peter walks out, and the

first thing he notices,

all the guards are asleep.

They get out to the courtyard,

this huge prison gate opens by

itself and Peter walks out and he's free.

Angel walks with him a little bit longer...

He's gone.

Is the freeing of Saint Peter
an alien encounter story?

Or is it a true story of

heavenly angels commanding

otherworldly powers?

A lot of the times

modern contactees say,

"well, these beings have
come to me in my dreams.

They can come through my walls.

All my doors are locked, my

windows are shut, and all of a

sudden, I open my eyes and there

is a being there."

Some might say these

accounts of visitations by

angels are a result of

imagination or projection,

but I take them as actual historical

accounts because they're
presented that way.

If we look at the case of religion,

we can see clear evidence of

extraterrestrial human visitors

who have come here and have

tried to help improve conditions

in our civilization.

And they have been consistently

trying to help the earth along,

which may, in fact, be leading

up to a galactic family reunion,

where after a certain point

when we're ready, they no

longer have to follow the prime

directive, if you will, and can

again show themselves to us.

But whether angels are,

in fact, supernatural or

extraterrestrial beings,

artists have nearly always

depicted them as having large,

almost bird-like wings.

But where does this notion come from?

From ancient texts?

Or from a more mysterious source?

A source, not from the heavens,

but from places thousands of

light-years away?

Rome, Italy.

Stored in the treasury of Saint

Peter's basilica in the Vatican

is the sarcophagus of Junius Bassus.

Constructed in 359 A.D.,

the sarcophagus features what some

believe to be the earliest

known depiction of winged

angels in all of christianity.

In the centuries that followed,

angels were almost always

depicted as having wings.

But why?

Especially since the actual

biblical texts rarely describe

angels as having bird-like appendages?

The vast majority

of the stories in the old

testament, angels aren't

described as having wings at all.

Some of them, they look human.

When the angel comes to visit

Abraham, this angel does not have wings.

He looks like a man.

Abraham bows to him, which is interesting.

How did Abraham know?

If he looks like a human being,

what was it that gave Abraham

the clue to run over and bow down to him?

And so there's a supernatural

quality, there's a superhuman

quality that they acknowledge.

That this was a person who was

a little more than human.

The concept of the angel as such comes

directly out of the graeco-roman tradition.

Stories of Hermes and Iris kind

of coming down and giving

messages, envisioning them as

beings like human beings, kind

of looking like human beings

there are plenty of other

beings which have these

beautiful wings, these kind of

forms and shapes.

But all of these beings,

however they're conceived of,

are a way of telling us that we

have a hard time understanding

what it is that separates us

from them, from the gods.

They have to be these kind of

weird beings who have wings.

Angels show up in

various cultures as probably

misidentified technology.

If they saw someone... a human

being or a humanoid... flying in

the skies, they could only give

it a natural review, giving it wings.

I don't think they actually had wings.

It was ancient man's way of

saying they had the power of flight.

The angels that have

wings that we're used to seeing

depicted in pictures of the

Bible and what have you,

basically the wings say these

beings can fly.

So we believe in angels, and

the native Americans talk about

the star people, the Egyptians

talk about the gods coming to

and from the earth.

So I believe this is the basis,

this is the template for the

civilizations of the Earth's

religious practices.

I-I believe that.

For centuries,

religious tradition has

perpetuated the notion of

bird-like wings to explain an

angel's mode of travel.

But is such a concept even

scientifically plausible?

In 2009, a study at university

college, London compared

classic depictions of winged

angels with actual bird physiology.

You have to be able to
flap down and flap up.

And you really need a separate

muscle to do each of these.

On the way down,
you're generating the lift.

And you actually, you have to

rotate the wing slightly and get

a different angle as you come

up, and then they actually

generate their thrust.

Otherwise if you just went up

and down in the same straight

pattern, you'd be making lift

one way, but when you went back

the other way, you'd just push

yourself back down.

So when you look at the classic

pictures of angels, the wings

are centered on their back.

Very close together.

Whereas the birds with the

wings on the side can have

longer muscles with the great

strength that go into moving

them up and down.

With the wings on the back,

they're gonna look like they're

gonna flap more like this
than up and down.

Researchers also concluded that angels,

given their humanoid interpretation,

would be simply too heavy for flight.

We're not designed aerodynamically.

And we're quite heavy.

I mean, we're solid bone, solid muscle.

So those two features you have to overcome.

But if angels could

not have possessed actual wings,

how would they have managed to

travel to and from the heavens?

Angels were never described
to fly around like superman,

but they sort of had

a vertical ascent into the sky,

or when they descended,

it was a vertical descent.

How was that possible?

In 1953, Bell Aerosystems
developed the rocket belt,

the precursor to today's
workable jet pack.

Designed to lift individuals

vertically into the air and

glide them across the skies,

today's jet packs can reach

altitudes of over 8,000 feet

and travel at speeds of up to

60 Miles per hour.

If you look at a modern jet pack,

humans are ascending and descending

in a vertical position.

Now imagine if that picture was

shown to our ancestors.

How would they react?

Obviously, they will say,

"wow, this creature must be divine.

This creature must be some type

of a god because they've got

the capability of flight.

They're like birds.

Not even the sky is the limit "to them".

But could a device

similar to modern day jet packs

really explain how biblical

angels were capable of

ascending bodily into the heavens?

Could they have had other

methods of flight unfamiliar

to our ancient ancestors?

Ezekiel talks about a flying chariot.

Ancient hebrews talk about the

pillar of cloud by day, and

the pillar of fire by night.

So, clearly, these are physical

machines that the angels are using.

The story of Jacob and the

angel in Genesis 28 is a

classic UFO scenario.

Jacob falls asleep, and in this

dream, he dreams that there's

angels going up and down a ladder,

and this ladder comes from heaven.

If you look at,

let's say, a spaceship, and it

opens its door, and there's a

ramp coming out.

I mean, that almost looks like a ladder.

So it is possible that what is

described there is nothing else

but a technological event that

was described as a ladder.

Did our ancestors

try to explain an ancient alien

technology by suggesting that

extraterrestrial visitors were

heavenly visitors with bird-like wings?

If the answer is "yes",

the implications are both profound

and potentially disturbing.

For if angels are actual

visitors from other worlds,

then what is their mission?

Are they simply watching us?

Or is there, perhaps,

a more sinister purpose?

Temple Mount, Old City, Jerusalem.

It was here that many biblical

stories reportedly occurred,

including the binding of Isaac,

from Genesis 22.

In this story, God asks Abraham

to sacrifice his son, Isaac,

on Mount Moriah.

Abraham sets out to obey God's command.

But after binding his son and

preparing for the sacrifice,

he is stopped at the
last minute by an angel.

Conventional interpretations of

the story usually conclude that

God only wanted to test Abraham's faith.

But ancient alien theorists

suggest that the tale has

another interpretation.

In my opinion "God-God"
would never ask such a question.

So is it possible that it was a

fallen angel, slash, alien

extraterrestrial who posed as God?

God never demands human sacrifice.

Human sacrifice is totally

anathema to christianity and

it's totally anathema to God as a creator.

The french philosopher Sartre

very famously wrote,

"if an angel were to tell me I needed

to sacrifice my son,
I'd ask for some id".

Maybe somebody else
impersonating a God.

And do we then have somebody

stepping in to actually prevent

this from happening?

Are we, in fact, maybe

confronted with two warring

civilizations trying to control

what is happening in the

stories of the Bible?

Just like there are
good people and bad people

here on earth, there is good

and bad extraterrestrials out there.

Good and evil permeates
the entire universe.

Yin and Yang.

There's a balance.

Deep inside the middle
eastern country of Oman,

a mysterious cavern lies hidden

far beneath the surface.

Called majlis al jinn, or

"meeting place of the jinn",

it stretches more than 14 acres

underground, and is one of the

world's ten largest caves.

Many omanis still believe this

cavern and others like it are

actually inhabited by

supernatural creatures of

islamic folklore called jinn

or genies; mystical creatures

that are usually invisible to man.

One interesting aspect of the jinn

is an element of free will.

They're like angels, but we

think of angels in the west as

under the direct command
of the divine powers.

But the jinn can make some

decisions for themselves, and

some of them are a little

contrary or curious in their way of being.

According to islamic theology,

genies often reveal themselves to humans

with messages, which can be

either benevolent or deceptive.

But is it possible that
genies actually exist?

If so, where did they come from?

When we talk about genie,
genie in a bottle,

it's very interesting because

you rub the bottle and then the

genie comes out of it,

and it fulfills your wishes.

Well, let's look at this from a

modern day perspective.

If you have a little container,

and you push a button and a

hologram comes out, then could

that be a genie in a bottle?

And according to the ancient

astronaut theory, that is

exactly what happened.

Where extraterrestrials used

holograms in order to relay messages.

That is essentially a genie in a bottle.

Like angels, jinn are said
to be able to appear

and disappear at will, and are

sometimes only heard
as disembodied voices.

But while some ancient
astronaut theorists believe

this behavior resembles that of

extraterrestrials, others claim

that angels, jinn and other

supernatural creatures have

origins right here on earth.

They call these beings,


are possible beings that travel,

and visit us, from other dimensions.

We know that, we all vibrate in

the three-dimensional space,

at a certain frequency.

It's very possible that other

beings vibrate, at a higher

frequency, and are able to pass

more easily into other dimensions.

The ultra-terrestrial theory would also

explain the folkloric creatures,

the angelic creatures,

any sort of experience of a strange,

supernatural, or alien being,

that has occurred throughout history.

But could so-called

fallen angels, jinn and other

mysterious ultra-terrestrial

creatures really help to explain

more recent stories of people

who claim they are directed

toward violent ends by the word of God?

David Berkowitz, better known

as son of Sam, claimed a demon

who took possession of his

neighbor's dog commanded him to k*ll.

Herbert Mullin, who committed

13 murders in California in the

early 1970s, claimed voices in

his head told him he had to make

human sacrifices to prevent a

cataclysmic earthquake.

Marshall Applewhite, the leader

of the UFO cult known as

heaven's gate, inspired a mass

su1c1de based on a vision that

led him to believe he was related to Jesus.

Ancient literature is
full of characters who are

claiming that they have been

influenced by gods, angels,

extraterrestrial beings, right?

Which is rather like when

Charles manson, or the son of

Sam claims, say, metaphysical

reasons or theological reasons

for what they're doing now.

So it's not a matter of whether

we believe them or not.

They very much believe it,

and that's what's important.

What matters is that from the

ancient world to the modern,

there are mysterious forces.

Whether they are fictions or not,

we don't have the ultimate answers.

What matters is the similarity.

And those discourses are, to a

certain extent, transhistorical.

Angels and demons.

Good versus evil.

But if, as many ancient
astronaut proponents maintain,

extraterrestrials have been

masquerading as angels, jinn

and otherworldly creatures for

thousands of years,
where did they come from?

Why are they here?

And could they be all
around us in plain sight?

Mount Hermon, high
above the holy land.

At 9,230 feet, this mysterious

mountain straddles the borders

of Lebanon, Syria and Israel.

Sitting above the Golan heights,

Mount Hermon has been contested

ground among christian, hebrew

and islamic faithful
for thousands of years.

According to the synoptic

gospels, Mount Hermon is the

location of the transfiguration

of Jesus, an event in which

Jesus was transformed into a

radiant, altered state and was

seen to be conversing with Moses

and the prophet Elijah.

Mount Hermon is also the site

where the 200 fallen angels

descended to earth
in the Book of Enoch.

But why Mount Hermon?

Is there a geological

significance to that site?

All across the face
of the earth there are

particular hot spots, and it

could well be that the reason

the middle east is such a hot spot,

and the reason there are

legends that the middle east

contains star gates,
portals to other universes.

One theory says that we were

populated from the stars in the

middle east at the beginning of

what we call our own time.

In the occult science of numerology,

the number 33 represents the

ultimate attainment of consciousness.

Mount Hermon is located at the

33rd parallel north, which is a

latitude 33 degrees north
of the earth's equator.

Tracing the 33rd parallel to

the exact opposite side of the

globe directly points to the

site of the most famous alleged

UFO encounter in modern history:

In Roswell, New Mexico.

If you take the geographic
polar opposite from Mount Hermon,

you wind up in Roswell, New Mexico.

Now that's not an accident, folks.

It's not an accident.

Fallen angels are very big on

where they show up, what they

do, how they do it.

That should send shivers
up and down your spine.

But could the global coordinates of the

Roswell crash site and those of

Mount Hermon have a special,

perhaps secret, significance?

If aliens use the 33rd latitudinal line

as a way point, as a landing point for

planet earth, what biblical

people saw thousands and

thousands of years ago on mount

Hermon were entities that came

down from the sky.

They called them angels.

We called them extraterrestrials.

My idea is,

these extraterrestrials...

they landed at different points.


They knew that thousands of

years in the far future,

the humans would know the
geometry of their land.

And of a sudden, they say,

"hey, what's that?"

These are places linked together.

It's not coincidence.

It was on purpose.

Could the angels that
descended on Mount Hermon

thousands of years ago, and the

aliens who were reportedly seen

over Roswell, New Mexico, in

1947 belong to the same

extraterrestrial race?

And if so, does this mean that

angels or aliens have been
among us all along?

Were they left behind to monitor us?

Or perhaps even guide us into the future?

Probably the last

time that we had any regular

interaction with these ETs as a

cultural level was during the

time of the foundation of islam.

For whatever reason, these guys

seem to have followed a mutual,

collective agreement that they'd

withdraw from the earth after

the time of islam, the new

testament in the Bible,

etcetera, etcetera.

Stay away...

But in the meantime, we develop

technology, we get all proud of

ourselves and think, oh, we're

the only game in town here.

Wake up!

They're all over the place!

Look at the angels in the Bible!

These are documented records.

The people that wrote these

books didn't think they were myths.

They didn't think they were fake.

They were writing down history.

The extraterrestrials want,
that in a far future of mankind,

we start to see these things.

We start to translate these books.

We start to realize that

something on earth in geometry is wrong.

And now we start to ask question.

We start to ask, for example,

how can we explain that?

Have we maybe been visited
by extraterrestrials?

And I think it's important
to think in this way.

Because these extraterrestrials
have promised to return.

And one day, they will return.

If we humans are now

on, we'll say the cusp of

finally having some truth laid

out to us about our relationship

to other intelligences in the

universe, I just hope that we

will be looking at aliens...

past, present and future...

as not our K*llers and not our

saviors, but as another

intelligence that we will be

able to shake hands with and

learn something about the cosmos.

But if, and perhaps,
when, so-called angels

reveal themselves to us in the

form of extraterrestrials,

would we accept them?

Perhaps only when we are ready

to know the truth about our own origins

will that day come.
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