07x04 - Answering Fire 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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07x04 - Answering Fire 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Police! Get down on the floor! Get on the floor! Get on the floor! What were you doing in Professor Ryan's office? Looking for her.

Why were you looking at her books? Looking at books is a crime now?! Did you pass any information about Professor Ryan to Michael Patterson? No.

Her address, phone number? I don't even know who he is! Michael Patterson in Windmill Lane and leaving the night club where we think he picked up Josie Grey.

Can't see his face.


We've been working on an e
-fit using a photo he had taken in Bedford Prison, projecting how he might look.

I've never known an e
-fit look like the person.

Mr Young would leave the letters at reception.

A courier picked them up.

You didn't think it odd the letters were for the university around the corner? You just hand them over.

What did this "Mr Young" look like? Quite tall.

Had glasses, I think.

He didn't spend much time here.

A lot of people come and go.

There's not going to be a dead body in here, is there? What's that? Just wait a minute! Nicholas Miller, k*lled two days ago.

So too Josie Grey.

Paul Bearman.

Detective Inspector Bearman.

All m*rder*d the same day? Newspaper must've sped things up! Maybe thought he'd be recognised.

What about the trunk m*rder? He's another member of the jury that convicted Patterson.

He went missing about six weeks ago.

Same goes for Mrs Napier, the woman found on Wandsworth Common.

She went missing around the same time.

He's placing the bodies in London.

Why? We think he intended Professor Ryan to do the autopsies.

I've been looking at press coverage of the trial.

Remember what you said, Professor, that Patterson had committed a "textbook m*rder".

He's sending Sam other textbook murders? Stabbing, drowning, sh**ting, trunk m*rder He wants to teach me a lesson.

Miss Jayne Rooke? We understand you served on the jury that convicted Michael Patterson? That wrongly convicted him.

May we come in? What for? We have reason to believe your life may be in danger.

Who from? Um, please, may we? No, you can't.

It is very important
- we need to trace everyone who served on that jury.

Don't you ever give up? You think he lives close by? He's been using the offices in Hyatt St.

Someone will have seen him.

We've got another one.

What's this pigmentation? Looks like melanosis.

What does that mean? He died of arsenic poisoning.

Do you know who he is? Probably another one from the Patterson trial.

Another text book m*rder.

How has he tracked them? We don't know.

We're sending a list of the jury to forces across the country.

Do you think he's already k*lled everyone involved? Except me! The police have just been here.

Why? They wanted to talk to me.

What about? They said my life was in danger.

What did you say? I told them to get lost, but I bet they come back.

And, um, I've just had some more photographs developed
- really good ones.

We'd better meet up.

That would be great.

Usual place in an hour.

I've got to go out later.

Is this your wedding? Eh? I found this.

I can't find the video.

I got rid of it.

Why? It's in the past.

KNOCK AT DOOR Who's that? Don't answer it.

Why not? Just do as I say.

Who is it? I've got this fear, you know of being arrested again.

You've done nothing wrong.

I did nothing wrong 13 years ago, but they still came to get me.

They're going now.


But they'll come back.

They always do.

We've checked with the discipline officer at Bedford prison
- Patterson only had a handful of visitors.

They're faxing us a list.

Essex phoned
- they've tracked down Mrs Pragnell.

That was quick(!) Found dead this morning at her home in Harlow.

What? This can't be just one person doing this! I told the SIO we might pop over later.


Any news on the others involved in the Patterson trial? Jayne Rooke.

What about her? She was on the jury, wasn't she? We found her this morning, alive and well, if a little bolshy.

She visited Patterson every week he was inside.

I called Harry.

I thought it'd be an idea if he met us in Harlow, see if we can get a look at the body.

Yours or Mrs Pragnell's? Let's see what Jayne Rooke's got to say for herself.

That must be her.

Number 25.

Is it all hers? The ground floor flat is.

She rents the rest of it out.

Get a warrant and a Polsa team.

Where are you going? Can you stop? What for? I want to see if that woman's here again.

I want to stop.

And I want to keep you alive.

I don't know what I should do.

Disclose it.

You've got no choice.

It's not exactly conclusive.

It's as much as my friend could get.

I don't need any more
- I'm not sure if the man in this file is Manjit Juttla or somebody else.

You worried about losing to Sam? Ma'am.

Here's something.

Looks like Jayne Rooke kept a scrapbook.


Where are you? You were followed.

I wasn't followed.

Who by? Walk towards the boating lake.

Why? Just do what I say.

What's this all about? We both knew it would happen.

Once I got out, they wouldn't leave me alone.

Something in there for you.

What's this for? It's what I owe you.

Every penny.

I don't want it.

I said when the compensation came through, I'd pay it back.

Michael! I gave you that money to help you settle down.

It's for both of us.

For our future together.

You don't need me any more, do you? Is that why you're paying me off? It's not like that.

It was 13 years of MY life too! I know that.

I appreciate it.

You appreciate it?! I served every day of that sentence And without you, I wouldn't have got out.

I would never tell them where you were, Michael.

Not for anything.

I've got an idea.

We'll go to my place.


I don't understand.

Why are you saying these things? As I said in court, the evidence The other doctor said the police m*rder*d them.

My sons were good boys! I'm sure they were.

And you talk as if you know more about them than their own mother.

Do you have children? No.

So how the hell would you know? I loved my children.

Keep walking.

It's all right.

Are you so high and mighty? No, it's just not permitted.

Don't you realise you're telling me, you're telling the whole world, that I am a bad mother? No.

That my son m*rder*d his brother! I'm really sorry, I can't Step back! Mrs Juttla.



Are you OK? You're right
- you CAN'T help me! Do you live down here? Not exactly.

What on earth do you do in here? I'm going away, Jayne.


How long for? I don't know.

Maybe for good.

I could come with you.

I mean, there's nothing for me here No.

I'm going with somebody else.

Who? A woman? I don't understand.

I thought we were going to I mean Getting all those addresses, keeping track of everybody, I thought What did you think? That we'd do what you said and see those people.

Why would we do that? To prove to them we were right! That you were innocent! What is it? What's happened? Tell me.

They're dead.

Who's dead? The people you thought we were gonna go and see.

I k*lled them.

I don't believe you.

A few of them died when I was in prison, and I couldn't find a couple of them.

It's amazing how people justdisappear.

I gave up my life fighting to prove your innocence I WAS innocent.

And then you come out and you start k*lling people?! I'm sorry, Jayne.

I've got a whole new life in front of me, and I won't let anyone get in the way of that.

I'm not going to, Michael.

I I just want what's best for you.

What are you going to do to me? TRAIN RUMBLES PAST Manjit was very much his father's son
- a leader of men, headstrong.

And Davinder adored his elder brother.

He worshipped him.

I understand the officer who originally came to arrest them was a Hindu.

He was an evil man! A very evil man! He taunted them! He arrested them so many times.

For nothing.

Even wearing a turban! I managed to look through their hospital records.

What hospital records? You said they'd been hurt by the police before.

That you took them to hospital, as you didn't trust the police doctors? Yes.

That's right.

May I just ask, a few months before Manjit was k*lled, he went into hospital to have his stomach pumped? Does it say that? End of May last year.

He was arrested but not charged and was in A&E later on that night.

He was in a lot of pain! He forgot how many pills he took! I was very worried about him.

An overdose of paracetamol.

It was not an overdose! They were m*rder*d.

You said so in court! I heard you! The jury heard you! Are you on that woman's side now?! Ah, good, you're in.

Can I help? We're looking for a white man, What's he done? Do you know him? We're investigating a m*rder and simply want to eliminate him.

A m*rder? Morning, sir.

Dr Cunningham.

I thought everyone involved with the Patterson case would've had some protection? She got divorced a few years ago, went back to her maiden name, and we couldn't find her.

Patterson seems to have managed it.

From Dr Dalton.

A textbook strangulation.

HE SNIFFS Formaldehyde.

Like the woman we found on Wandsworth Common.

These deaths must have taken years of planning.

Professor Ryan, you said that when you walked into the cell, you saw the two brothers on the floor.

What else did you see? One of their turbans was unravelled and tied to the window bars.

I was told that the custody sergeant had removed the other end of it from around Manjit's neck as he attempted to resuscitate him.

And it was with this turban you believe that Manjit Juttla committed su1c1de? Correct.

PEOPLE MURMUR It's been suggested that because Manjit's body was on the floor, death by hanging was not possible? I have seen cases where death has occurred without the body being suspended.

MURMURING Can you tell the court the sequence of events you believe led to the brothers' deaths? The marks to Davinder's neck, and the other injuries to his face CAMERA CLICKS .


suggests that the men fought each other violently.

The injuries to Davinder's head suggest that it was smashed against a hard surface, in my opinion, the concrete floor of the cell.

This caused the extradural bleeding.

Having k*lled Davinder, whether by accident or design, Manjit Juttla undid his turban, attached it securely to the bars of the cell, and then tied a slip knot No! No! This is lies Please, Mrs Juttla.

All lies! My son COURT QUIETENS DOWN Was there any evidence to suggest that Manjit Juttla had attempted su1c1de before? There are hospital records that How did you get to read them?! Is there something you don't want the court to know about? My Lord, I object It was an accident! I'll be forced to ask you to leave if you continue.

She's trying to say my son took an overdose! But your son DID take an overdose.

My Lord, please.

su1c1de is against God's great plan! Manjit Juttla had a history of attempted su1c1de.

My Lord! There was nothing I could do! He was so unhappy.

Mrs Juttla, please calm down.

I think we'd better have the jury out.

Miss Taylor, Mr Whitaker, I will see you in chambers.

It's all right.

He's not gay, is he? Who? Harry.


Here you are.



How do you know? Jayne's been phoning lots of different mobile numbers.

Quite a few to stolen phones.

Do you think him and Prof Ryan are? Are you listening?! Yeah! It looks like Patterson has been using stolen mobiles.

The last numbers Jayne called Patterson on correspond with the numbers he used to call Professor Ryan.

I've seen him looking at her.

She's his boss! When did he last call her? Who? Patterson.

When did he last text Professor Ryan? Two nights ago! So he might still have this one.

We'll give it a go.




I knew it.

I bloody knew it.


Hi! Any lunch going? Sure.

I can't wait to get out of this place.

I thought you said you were hungry? I am.




Thanks, Leo.

I was so convinced they'd been m*rder*d.

So was I, at first.

These hospital records! Mrs Juttla thinks you had a copy, which Would raise questions about data protection and confidentiality.

Indeed, so how did you get them and why show them to Professor Ryan?! It would have been unethical not to do so.

Did you know about the hospital records? No, I did not! .


Asking you to do the second autopsy, Dr Dalton, was clearly not such a good idea.

If the prosecution had done their job in the first place there would've been no need for one.

Can I see your card, sir? Police.

Official business.

Excuse me.



My brother's been through hell because of you! Most of those officers are gonna retire early! Will you join them? I said he was innocent.

I said the court would decide, and they did.

If they'd gone down on your word, you could live with that? It's cos of him that your brother is free! Is that right? You know, I have such respect for you people! But sometimes, when you make a mistake I've asked Harry to come over for dinner later.

Fancy joining us? Yes, but I've lots of work to do.

Actually, all I want to do is go home and have a very long, cool bath.


Is Michael there? No No, he's not.

Who's calling? Oh, he keeps changing his mobile number.

Hang on a second.



Is that Jayne? Who's Jayne?! Do you know where Michael is? Look.

You've got the wrong number! We've arranged to take you to a safe hotel.

After this, I just want to go home.

Look, your life is in danger.

They've already left one dead body on your doorstep.

Are you going to be with me all night, Sergeant? My duties don't stretch that far, Professor.

Oh! Formaldehyde.

Jesus! What are you doing in here?! You really scared me.

I didn't know you had this.

Where did you find the key? In your jacket.

What were you doing in my jacket?! Why shouldn't I look in there?! You're not hiding anything from me, are you?! Who's Jayne? How do you know about Jayne? Whilst you were asleep, your mobile rang.

I answered it.

And it was Jayne? I thought you said you'd got rid of your wedding video.

So why are you watching it? Please Just tell me the truth.

Careful! Sorry.

It was a simple mistake.

Michael Patterson.

'When I saw Claire walking towards me,' she looked so beautiful.

Just beautiful.

And I knew I was the happiest man in the world.

I had this speech prepared GUESTS: Yeah, yeah(!) .


but, um Oh, no! All I want to say is .


I love you, Claire.

GUESTS: Aw! You seem so happy.

CHEERING ON VIDEO 'Come on!' Three months later, she was dead and I was charged with her m*rder.

Who k*lled her? Him.

My best man.

They used to go out together.

And then, one day, he called round when I was out, and Why did he k*ll her? He said he was drunk .


and he wanted to have sex with her and she said no, and he just .


lost it.

When I came home, I found her stabbed 16 times in my own kitchen.

Why did they think it was you? We'd had this stupid row in the pub a few nights before.

I can't even remember what it was about.

People said I grabbed her, and she ran off, and I said something like, "I'll bloody k*ll her!" My prints were all over the knife.

Her blood was all over me.

I knew she was dead, but .


I thought I could kiss her back to life.

And then, at the trial, the expert witness, Professor Sam Ryan Is this you? HE GRABS THE PAPER I swear, Lauren, when this is all over What?! When what's all over? VOICES ON RADIO You do trust me, Lauren, don't you? Hi! I'm glad you changed your mind.

She'll be all right, Sergeant.

We promise to take good care of her.

Harry is a black belt in karate.

Michael Patterson is a cold
-blooded k*ller, who will stop at nothing to get the person responsible for putting him in prison.

Listen YOU listen.

All of you.

This is not a joke.

This man's a psycho.

You are his target, which means that my life is also under threat.

I'll be outside.

Cocktail, anyone? That's the van, all right.

Two officers on a house
-house logged a young woman at number 16.

It's that one on the end.

She could be the one I spoke to on the phone.

Right, I'll check it out.

Bloody hell! Osama Bin Laden or S*ddam Hussein? S*ddam.

I bet she goes for him.

Why? Because I thought you liked men with a big 'tache.

I reckon Bin Laden
- a nice little cave tucked away somewhere.

George Bush or Tony Blair? UmGeorge.

Come on! He's quite attractive when he doesn't speak.


Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears? They'd eat you alive, mate! Umboth.

You wouldn't have the energy for ONE of them! Try me.

OK, OK, I've got a good one Me or Leo? So, Michael Patterson was your first big m*rder case? Yeah.

Professor Freeman was the senior pathologist at the university.

He asked me to help.

He let you do the whole thing? I didn't do the scene of crime.

I did the autopsy and wrote the reports.

I gave evidence in court.

I was just sothrilled to be in the presence of such a great man.

Is it possible that he missed something? How do you mean? At the scene of crime? No.


He never missed a thing.

So why do you think Patterson wants to teach you a lesson? What are you suggesting? Nothing.

It's just he clearly blames you.

I just did the autopsy.

He was an innocent man.

Someone somewhere must have missed something.

If it wasn't you, who was it? Professor Freeman was a really good teacher.

He was taught by Keith Simpson, the brilliant wartime pathologist, who took over from Bernard Spilsbury.

I'm looking forward to meeting him.

So, how are you feeling this morning, Jayne? I was surprised to find you still alive.

Why do you think he didn't k*ll you? Why would he? If anyone can help us find him, you can.

I don't know where he is.

Why did he throw you into his van? He was put in prison for 13 years for a crime which he didn't commit.

I saw what that did to him.

It nearly destroyed him.

He was a gentle man You helped him, didn't you, Jayne? I was all he had.

You found all those people
- the prosecuting lawyer, jury members, the arresting officer.

Jayne Rooke, I am arresting you Have you ever been in love? Bloody hell! Sam.

You look gorgeous.

As ever.

Professor Freeman, this is Harry.

How's she treating you? Tricky to work with, I should think.

A bugger to teach, I can tell you.

It's what he owed me.

It's why I went to see him.

And he tied you up because it's something he's into? No.

How does he do it? That's what I want to know.

He's obviously got something going for him.

You loved him so much it almost k*lled you.

He seduced Josie Grey and he's got this new girlfriend.

She's having his baby.

I can't have children.

It's what he wants.

It's only natural.

We need to stop him.

Please tell us where he is.

If I knew, I wouldn't tell you! He's gone abroad.

He told you that? That's all I know.

The case was cut and dried.

And Sam did a marvellous job.

I only did the autopsy.

Oh, did you? Is there anything we might've missed? Missed? Like what? I don't understand.

Patterson seems to blame Sam for his conviction, but she was only going on the evidence before her.

Erhelp yourselves.

It was a long time ago.

As I say, Sam did a first
-rate job, and the police simply nailed it on the wrong chap.

It happens.

Goodness, if we blamed ourselves for every miscarriage of justice Did you keep any of the papers? I'm not quite sure what you're looking for, Sam.

Are you still writing your book? Ah, well it's harder than I thought.

So you'd have your old cases to refer to.

A year ago, when Patterson was released, I thought the trial might be re
-opened, so I dug out the original notes and had a look through.

At the time, Patterson made a statement to the police saying he was elsewhere at the time of the m*rder.

He had witnesses.

At the scene of crime, I had given an estimate of the time of death as between 6 and 10 in the evening
- times for which he had no alibi.

So your estimate was wrong? It was a rough estimate
- give the police something to go on.

Now we know from the best man's confession that the young woman was m*rder*d at lunchtime
- five hours earlier than my original estimate.

Why didn't a more accurate time of death come out at autopsy? I assumed it had been done.

It was my faultnot yours.

You were a junior, for God's sake.

It was your first m*rder.

I didn't do a time of death.

I didn't ask you to.

You took my word for it
- it's as simple as that.

It was a long time ago.

It was my fault, not yours.

Sir, Lauren Hathaway.

A 24
-old supply teacher.

Eight weeks pregnant.

She's having his kid.

I'm impressed.

Where did you get this? Visa application from when she came over.

Whoa! Came over from where? You heard her on the phone
- New Zealand.

Professor Freeman's right.

He should have checked it.

It was his responsibility.

If you'd made a similar basic error, how would you feel? Would it be my mistake for not checking it or yours for not doing the job properly? I'm scared.

RACING COMMENTARY ON RADIO Can you turn that off? I spoke to her mother in Auckland.

She came over a year ago with a boyfriend.

It didn't work out.

She met Patterson on the rebound.

How long before the plane goes? Just over three hours.

Have the new photos of Patterson been distributed? Yeah.

Shouldn't we just arrest her? No.

Not yet.

Do we know where Professor Ryan is? With Baxter somewhere in Cambridge.


Where is he? Mortuary? Straight up, then round the front.

Watch the race if you like.

I'm fine.

Want anything? Some time to myself would be great.

I'll get you a coffee.

No, later.


I'll be right here.

And I'll be right here.

What's she doing? That's the e
-fit of Patterson.

What's she looking at that for? She doesn't know.

What do you mean? She doesn't know what Patterson's done.

What do you think he's told her? Enough to get her here.

She's having second thoughts.

Bollocks! She's changed her mind.

Without her, we might not get him.

It's time she knew the truth.




Professor, a body has just been brought in.

DS Foster wonders if you could have a quick look at it.

Yeah, sure.

TV: '.


He went into a coma.

He's had atropine and adrenaline.

' Say it! Say it! I'm sorry.


I'm sorry! Again.

Please Her name is Josie.

I'm sorry, Josie.

It's just another dead body.

No more! No more! You're responsible for the death of these people.

That's not true! It is! Apologise to them.

You m*rder*d them! Would you rather die than apologise? You'll k*ll me anyway.

You have to admit your crime.

I didn't commit one.

You made this happen.

YOU drowned Josie Grey.

YOU shot Paul Bearman.

I made a mistake.

That's all I did.

Yes, and because of that mistake, this man, so full of love, so full of hope who loved his wife more than anything, was filled with such hatred and anger I wanted the case to be brought back to court.

I wanted you to be there.

I wanted you to stand in front of me and admit you'd made a mistake.

I admit it! You were an innocent man.


Where's Professor Ryan? She had a phone call from the mortuary.

Davis! Oh, shit! THUMPING Sarge! Sarge! THUMPS CONTINUE What's she doing? She's given up on him.

She's going without him.

Hey, are what you doing? Where's Michael Patterson? You said you'd help us find him.

Where the hell is he? Tea? Thank God he didn't He wasn't going to k*ll me.

I made a mistake He wants me to live with it.
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