17x10 - Fraternity - Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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17x10 - Fraternity - Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

What have we got? That hibiscus in Katie's hair, they put that in cocktails.

I've got your blood on her, and I've got motive.

You've got nothing.

How come you've never mentioned a brother before? If you know something about Katie, you tell me! You're hurting me.

Tell me! Hygiss have upped their offer.

We need to sell.

We're in trouble.

We're done.


Evens? Aye.


Security guard who found her didn't see her hanging around.

Said the car park interior was last checked around 7.


She fell from level 3.

Jumped or pushed? Helen found some nail varnish marks on the underside of the hand rail and some scuff marks from her boots.

su1c1de's a clear possibility, but there's no way of telling right now, not from the body.

We've got multiple injuries .


most likely caused by the steel girders that she hit on the way down.

So, because of the damage, you can't tell me whether she was att*cked or not.

Is that what you're telling me? Let's just get her back to the Lyell.

I need to know where you were last night - before you came here.

You need to know? My step-daughter's out there dead somewhere and you want to question me?! I was driving, OK? I was looking for her.

Because Because she was upset.

And did youfind her? What are you getting at, Jack? Hm? Why don't you come out and say it? Sodid Hannah know something? Did she tell you? No! OK.

Let's go back to before she went out.

She was here, was she? And how did she seem? Was she OK? Was she nervous or frightened? It was Ryan.

He was upstairs with her.

Then something happened and she ran.

Did he go after her? SHUTTER CLICKS These look fresh.

You can see, look, brakes hard here and vehicle comes to a halt over there.

Any evidence of a scuffle? No, not yet, but it's an evolving scene.

And I think we've got a narrative emerging, which means Hannah wasn't here alone.

Excuse me for a second.


Have you asked Ryan about his alibi? Yeah.

Has he got an explanation? No.

You can't talk? No.

Was he with you all of yesterday evening? Againno.

Then we've got a problem.

Helen thinks this could be a second m*rder.

She's found fresh tyre tracks at the scene and Ryan's alibi for Katie doesn't hold up any more.

So what if you've been wrong and he is involved? We should have gone to Carter.

Soare you going to tell me what that was all about? DOOR OPENS SHE GASPS SHE WHIMPERS KEYS JANGLE Lizzie? KNOCKING Lizzie! SHE WHIMPERS Lizzie! Maybe at the weekend we can all go together.

What time are you going to be home from work tonight? Can she go to Jenny's so that we can talk? About what?! Shh! I don't want you anywhere near her! Come on, darling, let's go to school.

Mark Janssen's has sent through a new, improved offer for 51% of the entire company.

He wants you to stay on as CEO.

And you want to take it? Things have changed, Christy.

Why? Because once again you've been led by your d*ck.

Tell him no.

CT is showing extensive damage to the head and torso.

Pelvisnumerous fractured ribs and a fracture to the skull.

No peteccial haemorrhaging.


One peteccial haemorrhage in the lower left eyelid.

Thesecould be finger marks.

Maybe she was restrained.


Look here.

Ligature? One way to find out.


Got a laryngeal fracture.

Hyoid bonelikewise.

Haemorrhaging on the vocal folds too.


There are marks on her arms where she may have been held and what we now think are rope marks on her neck.

Any sexual as*ault? Again, this wasn't sexually motivated.

I found no trace of foreign DNA on her body or clothes.

Have we got a time of death? From the core body temperature and state of rigor mortis, we estimate a post-mortem interval of seven to nine hours.

So with the security guard finding her just after 4:30am, we're looking at between 7:30-9:30 the previous evening for the m*rder.

A possible sequence of events is he lures her into his car, she panics, she gets out, legs it, he skids to a halt, gets out and gives chase.

She struggles and he strangles her and dumps her body over the railings.

Carter, your office been in touch? About? They've just e-mailed some footage over.

Apparently, this is Ryan Kelvin.

Blue Ford yesterday evening.

And again, at irregular intervals over the next half-hour.

What's he doing? He's looking for Hannah.

Ryan doesn't fit.

Not if the murders are related.

He's got an alibi for Katie.

What? Nikki? There is no alibi.

Not any more.

I got a call from Hannah yesterday around 6pm said she'd got some information.

"Where he was meeting Katie".

"He" being? She didn't say.

Just wanted to meet me outside Java nightclub at seven.

She didn't turn up.

After your call, she and Ryan had words about something or other.

She ran, he went after her.

You didn't know that, did you? There's a lot you don't know, but it doesn't stop you filtering evidence.

What time did Ryan turn up to your place last night? Before nine.

About a quarter to.

So, let me get this straight, essentially you've all sat on information.

Jack was going to ask Helen to rerun the tests.

No, it's not down to her or Clarissa or Nikki.

I take full responsibility.

There is going to be massive fallout if Ryan is guilty, you do realise that? CARTER: Where is he now? He was at mine.

Well, I can check his clothes for signs of a scuffle with Hannah.

His clothes have been washed.

Get an ambulance.

I need people around me I can trust.

And that's not me? Would you have come forward if Nikki hadn't spoken out? Yeah.

Don't lie to me! At least do me that courtesy.

You're lucky Carter got to Ryan when he did.

So what do you want me to do? You've turned us all into little clandestine units.

We've ceased to be a functioning team.

Look, nothing's been proven with Ryan.

We don't know anything for sure.

What I do know for sure is that I need people here who aren't ruled by their own personal business to the detriment of everything else.

And everyone else! And that's not you, is it? Clearly not.

Well, at least you have an obvious alternative, don't you? And I hear she's very good, so I don't want you here right now.

Clear? Are you getting me this time? Uh-huh.

BEEPING You OK? He's an idiot.

Abandoning everybasic principle.

Familymesses you up.

Anything I can do just let me know.


BUZZER BUZZER What did Thomas say? ThatI'm on my way out.

I can't just walk away from him, Nikki.

And the Lyell? What you've worked for? The only reason he's in the frame is because it fits with Carter's sex-crimes agenda.

Not any more.

And for once, you're not being led by the evidence, Jack.

What? What is it, has Ryan got some kind of hold over you? Because I just don't see how you can be so pig-headed! Not you too, Nikki, for God's sake! Well, what exactly have you achieved, huh? A death that maybe could've been avoided.

We still don't know that for sure.

No, but if you carry on like this, you are going to wreck everything that you have worked for! Nikki! He's not guilty! Oh, for! It's kind of like a confession, isn't it, you doing that to yourself? Anyway, here we are.

No Jack.

No Lizzie.

They're gone, they've given up on you.

So it's just us.

Talk to me.

Nothing on his body or his clothes? No, he's clean.

His car? No trace of Hannah.

And the tyre-tread marks at the car park crime scene don't match either.

Great! Two years in Child Protection, dealing with paedophiles and pornography until you couldn't hack it any more.

Your first case back, what do you get? A 15-year-old.

Can't be easy.

So I'm still obsessed with sex crimes and I'm useless at my job, is that what you're saying? No, I suppose I just wanted to apologise for making the job even harder.


OhRyan Kelvin's file for the GBH, is there any chance of taking a look at it? Why? There might be something in his medical examination notes that relates to the killings.

Can I help? Hello.

Jack HodgsonLyell Centre.

Ben Morgan.

Christy Nash.

And you're here in connection with? The murders of Katie Bowman and Hannah Kennedy.

It's your brother who's a suspect, isn't it, Mr Hodgson? Our solicitor keeps us abreast of developments.


So now I'm wondering, is this an official visit or? No, purely personal.

CAMERA SHUTTER CLICKS Just doing what the police seem reluctant to.

Which is? Investigating the only other suspect in this case.

This is private property.

Or better still, I could put in a call to DI Carter.

CAMERA SHUTTER CLICKS Or shall we simply say you're done? Hannah Kennedy, is she the girl who was here yesterday evening? What in God's name is going on?! She accused me of being involved in Katie's death.

And are you? I can't believe you would ask me that! You slept with a child, Christy.

I'm beginning to wonder who the hell you are.

Janssen's deal's still on the table.

We sell.

Jack? Jack? Jesus! Fighting again? Do I ever stop? We need to talk.

Do we? Where'd you get that? Kevin Longton.

You remember him? Something's been niggling at me and now I know what it is.

That time you gave evidence against Ryan, this time you're putting your career on the line for him.

It doesn't quite add up.

With the GBH, nobody had died so there was no pathologist, but from the medical records, Longton's attacker broke his jaw with a punch to the left side of the face.

Left-sided injury suggests right-hand attack.

Ryan's left-handed.

Ryan didn't throw that punch, did he? No.

I did.

Argh! RYAN GROANS LONGTON GROANS So how come Longton didn't report you? He was looking down didn't see me coming.

It was Ryan's fightand he insisted on taking the blame.

He never mentioned my part in it.

That's your guilt.

That's my guilt.

So what do I do? I get it now, why you've not been seeing things the way you normally do.

How do I normally see things? You don't follow your heart, Jack you follow the evidence.

I was thinking about what you said about coming into a team.

It's been good spending more time on the front line.

I tell you what, it beats doing forensic sweeps on all those student theses.

Not easy, though, these hours, not with a family.

How old do you think my children are, Thomas? They've grown up and gone away.

No, I'm on my own now.

A free agent.

I need to talk to you.

About? Staying on.

OK, we're going over everything you've got.

Well, you've seen all the reports.

Erfocusing on? I'm only interested in Ryan Kelvin, anything that ties him in tight.

You think we've missed something.

THEY CHAT INDISTINCTLY SHE CHATS INDISTINCTLY Can we get him out of here? Justwait a second.

Hannah told me Katie was sleeping with someone and she thought she knew where.

And so do I.

Now, I can just walk or you can give me five minutes.

If I'm wrongyou've lost nothing.

I've been back over all the footage from the nightclub.

Pretty much every night Katie was there, she left the place around 10pm.

She exitsand walks west out of shot.

She then returns about an hour later.

That's the pattern.

She leaves for an hour and then back she comes.

So we know she likes to get some air.

This is the night she was k*lled.

Again, she leaves the place around ten, heads west.

Now here's where it gets interesting.

Every time she leaves Christy Nash does too, about ten minutes after, in the same direction.

And every time she comes back, so does he, either a little before or a little after.

With one exception.

The night she died.

Where'd she go each time? A hotel 50 yards along the street.

No gold star for guessing who with, then.

Nothing of any use forensically, the room's been occupied by other guests since.

We sure she went in there? Her name's in the register.

She paid up in cash, checked out at ten to eleven.

So she was picked up after that between here and the club? Where was Ryan Kelvin then? It's in the records.

His girlfriend said he was working behind the bar.

Pretty solid alibi with a pub full of half-cut regulars to prop it up.

You can go.

Sowhat brought about the change of heart? Well, sometimes you just have to seize the moment.

It was too good an offer to refuse.

One condition.

I don't want the position of CEO, not if I don't have the controlling stake.

Because? Christy wants to spend more time with his family.


No, I don't want to become your puppet.

Admirably directfor a Brit.

If you're not interested in CEOthat's fine.

I imagine you'll have had your people look everything over.


Shall we? Excuse me.


You used to work for a guy called Mark Janssen, Tracksure Securities, didn't you? Why? Guess where he's popped up? See you at mine.

Right away.

This is it here, thanks.

Will you wait for me, please? Why would I hurt anyone? What reason? Cos if it came out about Katie, it'd be your career over.

More than that, it'd be the end of your deal with Hygiss.

And a motive for Hannah's death? Because of what she knew.

Do you have any evidence of that? I know you slept with Katie.

Did you know she was underage? She said she was 18 and she looked 18.

So, what, you're turning this around like you're the victim? No! No.

God, no! You like 'em young? HE LAUGHS NERVOUSLY Teenagers? Younger?! It wasn't sex.

It wasa connection.

Emotional connection? It's not wrong to fall in love, Christy.

Did you fall in love with her? Yes.

In a way.

Ignorantly and inappropriately.

And you slept with her? Be careful how you answer that.

Are you ashamed of how you feel? Yes, I slept with her.


Did you k*ll her? PHONE RINGS DI Carter, please.

It's Jack Hodgson.

OK, can you get him to call me back right away on this number? Thank you.

HE SIGHS I need a drink.

I've got somebrandy here somewhere.

Got no home to go to? BOTTLES CLINK Look, I, erI need to talk to you about Jack.

He's crossed a line, Nikki.

I don't see a way back.

And you want my blessing, do you, to replace him? With Helen, presumably? Is that what you're asking? Yes.

Not for me.

Frankly, I er I don't want to do anything that's going to risk losing your support.

I like her.

She's good.

She's great to have around.

So there'd be a team of women with you at the top of it.

HE LAUGHS Clearly, that's not my intention.

No, but that's how it would be.

If this is your way of keeping emotion out of the workplace Have you actually spent much time around women? I enjoy working with women.

II find you morecooperative, less reactive.

An all-female environment both at work and at home.

And there you'd be, presiding over us like the dominant silverback.

HE LAUGHS HE CLEARS HIS THROAT OK, look I understand that Jack hasn't behaved well, and neither have I, so Nikki, it all comes down to one thing.

Do we trust him? Do I trust him? Yeah? Yes! And ideally you'd want him to stay.


Why? I don't know.

Well, no, actually, if I think about it, I do.

Sometimes I can'tblock out the reality of what we do .


and I don't know what to do with those feelings.

I want to work with people who get that.

And Jack does.

He can allow himself to bevulnerable.

And, OK, sometimes he loses himself a little, but when he comes back - and he does always come back - then he's with uscompletely.

TYRES SCREECH Where is he?! In here.

Any news? You want to get to the hospital, SOCOs can handle the preliminaries.

Oh, thanks, but I'm not part of the Lyell.

Well, not in that way anyway.

I'm of more use here.

Any thoughts? No.

With all due respect, I think it's time to crawl out of the tunnel.

There's clearly no sexual motivation in this case.

OK, sothis is the impact site.

Close enough.

We've got some paint flecks from the vehicle.

And as you can see blood on the ground.

Someone dragged him here? I think maybe he put up a struggle.

You see there where the undergrowth's been flattened? OK, he's stable.

Still unconscious and ventilated.

Damage? Fractured tibia and clavicle, his lung function's compromised at present.

But the main concern is the head injury, possible hypoxic brain damage haematoma.

We're going to watch and wait.

Hopefully, he'll stabilise further.

Then theatre.

An operation's not going to be good for forensics, is it? Or pathology.

There is no pathologymercifully.

There is no body.

There is, actually.

You understand the limits of this? The last thing we want to do is compromise him.

We're just want to get what we can, while we can.

Extensive contusions to the face and neck.

RESPIRATOR NOISE Likewise to the entire torso.

From X-ray, fractured right clavicle, fractured right tibia.

Mud and soil covering the face and head, possibly from where he was found.

Not possible to see from this examination which injuries were caused by the impact .


and which by any subsequent maltreatment.

Some bleeding from the knuckles on his right hand.

And marks to his neckconsistent with a ligature being applied.

Brief examination to his mouth.

Get me some tweezers? MONITOR BEEPS What's this? To gag him? It'd take more than that.

He's bitten it off deliberately? ALARM Ring theatre! Tell them we're on our way.

Let's go.

Nikki! Did you talk to Helen? About? Staying.


And now? Now I feel disloyal.

You go way back, right? Yeah, university.

We shared a house together.

Were you? No, just friends.

Always friends.

Someone I could turn to in a crisis.

And her me.

Has it been that bad? Sometimes, yeah.

So when the opportunity arose, I I thought someone just passing through, it wouldn't matter what they knew about.

How do you mean? Thomas? Not just work crises, Nikki.

It's Julia.

She Julia left me just before I started at the Lyell.

Took Rosey with her.


The fragment of cloth is impregnated with alcohol.

Have we got the results back on Katie yet? Was that alcohol on her body? Yes, it's positive.

So it's safe to assume the bodies were wiped down to get rid of DNA.

And presumably, the intention was to do the same with Jack.


Well, what isn't is that alcohol wipes are used in every hospital and clinic.

Even private clinics.

Would you mind telling me what this is about? I have a warrant to search these premises.

So this is what Nikki found in Jack's mouth.

And these are the cloths we found in Cura Clinic's medical waste bin.

That's a result.

Have we got any footage from where the bins are? No cameras there, I'm afraid.

So this is the evening Hannah died.

There she is6:37pm.

Was she a patient too? Nothing on their records.

So when did Christy leave work? Hannah was m*rder*d when? He's bang on schedule.

What's he doing back? Over an hour unaccounted for.

He's sleeping there.

That's it for the night.

HE SIGHS Hang on.

Before the car park security guard found Hannah, he last checked the place at 7:30, didn't he? Yeah.

When did his patrol end? It took him 30 minutes - 8pm.

He saw nothing suspicious and we know that she was k*lled there.

What are you getting at? It narrows the m*rder window down to between eight and nine thirty.

Christy got back to Cura at 8:21.

It's over five miles from the car park.

So, could he really have k*lled Hannah and driven back to the clinic in 21 minutes? So are we done? For now.

Look, if I'd known I wouldn't have gone anywhere near her.

We'll see how that plays in court, yeah? All right? There you go.


So what have we got? Footage from Cura late last night.

Ben Morgan! Christy's partner.

Well, what's he doing there? It's more where's he been, and where's he going? Look.

He's carrying the medical wipes.

They let me go.

Cleared me.

Of everything? Not everything, no.

So? Janssen's pulled out of the deal.

I can't stand to see everything we've built gonefor this.

Ben, I'm sorry.

If I could turn the clock back, I would.

No, you wouldn't, Christy.

You didn't do anything when you had the chance.

You must've known she was too young.

You tell that to the police if you want, right, but don't stand there and lie to me! Not after what I've done for you.

Well, what exactly have you done for me, Ben? Ben? When did you first know about me and Katie? Did you know before I told you? Ben? Ben, talk to me, because what's going though my head right now is terrifying.

I've done nothing.

Tell me.

You sure you want to know? I got a phone call.

From? Katie.

She hadintimate footage of you and her.

So I offered her money for the phone that she'd taken it on.

She refused.

And what happened after that was unintentional.

And Hannah and Jack Hodgson? They were putting it together.

This isn't me.

I don't recognise this person.

It just got away from me.

I was just trying to protect us and make things right.

I wanna be the one you call every day and night Are you going to be the one Who's always going to treat me right? And when we get together Turning on the lights Need you 100 Need you 100%.



How you feeling? Clarissa sends her love.

Her love? Clarissa? Brain's functioning OK, then? We got him.

Yeah, I heard.

Hey, um Come on in.

We'll go and have a coffee.

Are you sure? Absolutely.

We'll just wait outside? Thanks.

How are you doing? You want me to, erm How did you persuade Katie to sleep with him? I don't want to talk about it.

Me and Lizzie are going to make a new start.

It's over.

Not yet it isn't.

SoKatie makes the sex tape and you force her to make the call to Ben.

From the car, the morning Hannah saw you, correct? Piecing it together? Well, I've got a lot of time to think about it.

So, Ben reckons if it gets made public, they're ruined.

Meantime, your old pal Mark Janssen from Hygiss has been sniffing round the business, and now he can make them an offer they can't refuse.

Something like that The night Katie died, you slipped out of the pub to see Janssen, didn't you? Give you that wad of cash for being a good boy, did he? It was a way back.

A chance to work for Janssen again No more being a kept man? Brave of you to come in here.

Would've suited you better if I'd croaked, wouldn't it? What are you going to do? What would you do? Nothing.

There's been enough damage.

And there's Lizzie now to think about.

She needs me.

Emotional blackmail now, is it? Just think about that, OK? Hi.


Are you OK? You need some help? You got any money? Yep.

OK? Yeah.

How much is it, please? There you go, keep the change, thanks.

Thank you.

Did you get the stuff from my drawer? Yeah.

Money's in my bag.

How you feeling? What you up to? What's it look like? You've already got a good team here.



Which is what you were just about to tell me, Thomas.

Not a nice speech to have to make.

Just so you know, I would have taken the job like a shot.

But whatever, it'sgot me back where I belong and um, I'm grateful.

Well, it's been a pleasure, as always.

Maybe we'll do it again one day.


We should catch up, you know, properly, away from all this.

That'd be great.


See you.

See you.

This is what Ben was after.

Where'd you get this? Ryan had it.


He used Katie to blackmail Ben and Christy.

You made the right call, Jack.

Ryan? It's OK, love.

Go back to sleep.

Let's go.

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