19x07 - In Plain Sight - Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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19x07 - In Plain Sight - Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Turning left.

Left onto Lordship Lane.

Control from Alpha.

Turning right.

Turning right onto Lordship Road.

Alpha has the eye.

'From control.

Intel is he has a g*n.

'All units, state amber.

State amber.

' Turning left.

Left onto Green Lanes.

We've lost sight of him.

We've lost sighting.

There! Nine o'clock behind the shops.

Strike, strike, strike! Armed Police! Get on the ground! Armed police! Get your hands up.

Man down! Man down! Armed police! stop! Get the medics here, now! Off the bike! Hands! Show me your hands! Both of them! Stand still! Drop the g*n! Drop it! Drop it! Go! Tim? Shit.

It's a girl.

Karim? Karim? Karim? What happened to breakfast in bed? Good morning.

DI Cooke.

Victim's a Karim Benzal.

Lived here since he was eight.

Turkish national.

His poor wife, Anita, found him first thing.

Not a pretty sight and she's about to drop.

Benzal owns the shop.

He imports and repairs high quality rugs and carpets.

He's, er .


upstairs in the workshop.

We've offered to take Anita home but she says she wants to stay with him.

It's through there.

Single g*nsh*t wound to the head through the eye.

There's some kind of orange powder around the nose.


It's a complicated scene.

The victim's tied up, so there could be more than one person involved.

It's a clean entry wound, so he wasn't struggling when he was shot.

- Jack, can you give us a hand? - Mm-hm.

Achilles tendon's been cut.

What are you going to do, clean out the eye? Yeah.

- Shot front on.

- Yeah.

And ended up .



Decent shape.

Find the g*n, odds are we can make a match.

Honey? Sheils? Have you seen my car keys? No.

Come on, Sheila.

I've got to go.

No! Don't go.

I have to.

They're expecting me.

Come on.

You can start tomorrow.

I've just got used to having you around.

No, it's not me you want, it's my DIY skills.


OK, but no heroics.

All right.

You have no authority to gain access.

You know that.

The bottom line is this is a CID case.

You have no jurisdiction here.


So why don't you just let me get on with my job?' Reporter? Police Complaints.

IPCC? What's their interest? Some crossover with another investigation.

Jack Hodgson.


Rachel Sharpe.


Hello, Rachel.

This might be an odd thing to say, but have you ever been a key witness at a m*rder trial, Jack? Ha.


What's your point? Keep an open mind.


Jack! You beauty.

We'll run test comparisons with the b*llet.


Quick as you like.

They've avoided CCTV on the main road by heading that way and dumping it en route.

So, he's either recced his exit or he's local.

I'll get onto it.

- Look who it is.

- There's the man.

All right, mate.

Welcome back.


Here he is! Check that out.

I thought scars were supposed to make you look more handsome.

I see you've not changed.

- Yeah, apart from the fact I've learned to cook.

- Come here, you bastard.

- Good to see you again.

- Good to see you, mate.

- Hello, you.

- it's just not been the same.

A whole year without you.

Cheers, guys.

- Boss.

- Welcome back, Tim.

Cheers, pal.

Come on.

Let's get back to work, eh? Good.

You could miss once in a while, just to keep it interesting.

I can't let her get away with that.

Tim? You haven't forgotten how, then? No, it feels good, getting back in the saddle.

You sure you're ready for this? Definitely.

It's been too long, Jo.

Right, that's me.

I'll see you upstairs.

Our old friend from IPCC's been on the phone again.

Who, Sharpe? She wants to re-interview us.

- Why? - Something to do with her mystery witness.

She's trying to reopen the inquest.

Why can't she just let it go? It's a technicality.

Headache, that's all.

Let's not spoil Tim's first day back, eh? He seems to be doing OK.

You sure it's not too soon, Sarge? Well, he passed all the tests.

Seriously, bench him now, how's he ever going to get back in the game? Severe bruising to both wrists, consistent with restraints documented at the scene.

There's acute inflammation to the nose.


That's "spiced choking".

What's that? The victim's mouth is sealed, then chilli powder mixed with carbonated water is forced down his nasal passage.

It essentially burns them as they drown.

Form of t*rture associated with drug cartels.

Wonder if that includes Turkish ones.

Benzal had made a number of complaints about a Nuri Sakir.

What kind of complaints? Oh, you know, intimidation, extortion, the usual.

Arrested not charged.

Well, I'm pretty confident that the g*nsh*t wound to the eye is going to be the cause of death.

Both his Achilles tendons have been severed.

Methodical job.

So they were experienced? Quite apparent clotting in these injuries, too.

He bled for some time before death.

They made him suffer.

A great deal, yeah.

No sign of any defensive injuries either.

Not a flayed knuckle, not a broken nail.

The k*ller was sadistic but measured.

He had total control of the scene.

What have we got? p*stol's a Baikal, converted from a non-lethal g*n to a distinctly lethal one.

Common enough on the street.

Originally they fired blanks, but this one's converted to fire 9mm rounds.


Tell me about Karim Benzal.

- Let me fire this - Whoa.

- .


and I'll tell you.

Maybe at Thomas, yeah? Maybe.

Benzal didn't figure on any of my extensive databases so I ran his address.

Remember the Helena Lubas case last year? The girl shot by the police? Shot by the police right behind Benzal's shop.

What? So, that's what Sharpe was getting at.

- Sharpe? - IPCC.

Inquest wound up last month.

Lawful k*lling verdict.

Right, I need you to pull the evidence from the Lubas case.

I'm on it.

You're the best.


It's Mrs Benzal, isn't it? I've come to see Karim.

Are you sure you want to do this? Come and sit down.

What am I going to do? What kind of man was he? Karim? Brave.



Infuriating sometimes.

Brave? In what way? He stood up for what was right.

Did he stand up to Nuri Sakir? I'm not talking about Nuri Sakir.

Not to you.

Not to anyone.

Your husband made three complaints about him.

And he retracted all of them.

Did you tell him to do that? I was born and raised in Istanbul.

I know who Nuri Sakir is.

Karim had to learn the hard way.

What do you mean, he had to learn the hard way? What did Nuri Sakir do? I want to go home now.

I'm tired.

'We're live from the inquest into the fatal sh**ting of 19-year-old 'Helena Lubas by police's Firearms Division last year.

'After a short deliberation the jury decided that Helena Lubas was k*lled 'lawfully by a firearms officer, known only as K71, in self-defence.

'Officers K79 and K75 both corroborated that the g*n 'she was pointing was both loaded and life-threatening.

'We only wanted justice for Helena.

'After one long year of lies we hoped the truth would come.

'Helena did not have a g*n.

'My daughter is a victim again today.

' 'Helena was a good girl, a clever girl.

'She was about to go to university before her future was stolen.

'And what about her boyfriend who shot at the officers? 'He wasn't her boyfriend.

She hardly knew him.

'What my brother says is true.

'He was an acquaintance, nothing more.

'Helena was just giving him a lift.

'Officer K75 was shot in the face by Sean Dyer, 'currently serving a ten-year prison sentence.

' Someone to see you, Jack.

This is Rachel Sharpe from the IPCC.

Pleased to meet you.


Come into my office? This is Dr Nikki Alexander, the third member of our team.


Rachel wants us to review the forensic evidence from the Helena Lubas sh**ting, so I suggested she come in and meet us.

I thought the inquest reached a lawful k*lling verdict? That's correct, but new information has come to light.

What kind of new information? I can't currently discuss that, but I need you to help me prove that the Firearms Division's statements given that day aren't true.

You were very sure I'd say yes.

I had good grounds to be sure.

You asked Clarissa Mullery to access the Helena Lubas file.

Oh, OK.

Given that interest, I thought, let's make it official.

Your new information, it was Karim Benzal, wasn't it? I need to know how he was k*lled.

- Why? - Was he shot? It's an active CID case.

- I've no business sharing details with you.

- I need to know.

Was he shot? All right.

I tell you how, you tell me why.


He was shot through the eye.

Before that he was tortured.

The method of t*rture, spiced choking, a speciality with drug gangs.

Benzal wasn't involved with gangs.

No, but he'd lodged complaints against a local gangster seeking protection money.

I know.

Nuri Sakir.

But those complaints didn't go anywhere.

He withdrew them.

Reading between the lines he was intimidated.

Your turn.

As you've already guessed, Benzal witnessed the Helena Lubas sh**ting.

Why didn't he testify at the inquest? He didn't come forward initially.

He was worried Sakir would get wind of him talking to the police.

What changed his mind? He saw the Lubas family on TV outside the court.

Saw their pain, their loss, and decided to do the right thing.

Tell the world what he saw.

And what was that? PC Tim Friend sh**ting an unarmed Helena Lubas.

And you believe him? Why would he lie? The point is, if she wasn't armed and she was shot, it means the g*n was planted.

And we're talking m*rder and conspiracy after the fact.

I think Benzal was silenced.

By the Firearms Division? Who else? Sure YOU'VE got an open mind? Why don't you have a flick through and judge for yourself? But I would draw your attention to the four b*ll*ts fired into her, two of them striking her right arm at an angle which argues against the arm being extended.

And how much of a credible threat was she, given that the first b*llet breached her kidney? And the fourth k*lled her? Well .


like you say .


I'll judge for myself.

What do you think? Well, assuming his eyesight was good His eyesight wasn't great but he was wearing his glasses.

Not good enough.

Glasses equals uncertainty.

- He never took them off.

- Never? All right, so, if he was wearing his glasses, and his prescription was up-to-date, then, yes, he was close enough to see she was unarmed.

- Any prints or DNA? - Just Helena's.

But that doesn't mean they didn't place it in her hand after she was dead, does it? And Sean Dyer swears she was wearing gloves - and he only had one g*n.

- That doesn't make sense.

Why would he lie? Protect his girlfriend? Paint the police in a bad light? I could go on.

He admitted sh**ting a police officer in the face.

So, if it wasn't Dyer's g*n, where did it come from? Exactly.

Well, it certainly isn't conclusive, but prints on the g*n are faint and blurred.

If she'd been gripping it, getting it in and out of her pocket, for example, I'd expect more prints and firmer ones at that.

Are you hungry, Jack? This a regular haunt of yours? Rachel.


- Julia.

- Hi.


Julia Lubas.

Julia, this is my colleague, Jack Hodgson.

- Good to meet you.

- Hello.

- Let's go and talk downstairs? - Yeah.

Thank you, Gabriella.

So How is it all going? Will the witness testimony be enough to get another inquest? We'll see.

We're just - pulling everything together.

- No setbacks? No problems? What is it? What's happened? Rachel? We've lost the witness.

Tell me where they live, I will make them talk! No, Bruno.

What's happened with the witness? They were found m*rder*d this morning.

- And you come here telling us everything's going to be OK.

- No! - Lying to our face.

- Look Jack is a forensic scientist, and he's one of the best.

- Big deal! - He's going to be looking at all the evidence again with fresh eyes.

- You are a waste of space.

- Bruno! - All right.

Helena's passenger that day, Sean Dyer.

Had you ever met him? He came in the cafe a couple of times.

He seemed harmless.

If we'd known the kind of person he was, what he was involved in Sure.

It's my fault.

I should never have brought her here.

And cops don't k*ll people back home? It's the same shit everywhere.

They think they're above the law.

If anyone let Helena down, it was me, OK? I always looked out for her.

When she was little, at school, but coming here, with this cafe, with this place to run, just keeping our heads above water Look, if there is another version to this story, I'm going to find out what it is.

How? We're not going to get another inquest now, are we? We can try to build a forensic case.

So what? The police will just lie.

Physical evidence trumps witness testimony every day of the week.

Who are you? What are you doing here? - I want to help.

- Why? Because I think there are questions that need to be answered.

I thought Helena was right-handed.

Yes, she wrote with her right hand.

But she played tennis with her left? I don't know.

Could she have had cross-dominance? So, did she write with her right hand, play sport with her left? Yes.

- Yes.

- Yeah? - I think she did.

- Yeah? Then I think it's much more likely she would have held a g*n in her dominant left hand.

Yet it was found near her right.

I ran the key traits of the Benzal t*rture scene.

I've got someone looking into it.

- Another m*rder? - Four years ago.

Green Lanes.

Some differences, a lot of similarities.

Burak Nazar, ran a minicab firm.

Anyone charged? Arrested, but not charged.

Nuri Sakir.

The Baikal has been re-barrelled to convert it to fire live rounds.

Pretty good job, but that left barrelling marks that show up on the b*ll*ts as striation marks.

My test b*ll*ts bear identical markings.

This is the g*n used to k*ll Karim Benzal.

Good work.

I also found fragments of wood.

Lacquered wood, in the barrel.

Probably blowback from a shot at close quarters.

But there were no stray sh*ts in any woodwork at the Benzal scene.

So the wood must have lodged in the barrel before the Benzal sh**ting.

Which brings us to DNA.

Now, I pulled two sets.

One partial female profile -- no match.

One male, very much a match.

Nuri Sakir.

'Trojan 99, can you deploy an SFO team to Turkish Social Club, '19 to 21 Barstock Road, November 4 6 Mike Charlie, 'to arrest suspect Nuri Sakir.

That's Nuri Sakir.

'Believed to be involved in a m*rder.

' Alpha unit.

Entry ground floor.

Stand by.

Bravo unit.

Entry successful, first floor, no contact.

'Roger that.

' Upper floor clear so far.

Roger that.

Ground floor.

Possible contact.


This guy.

Where? - Hands on the table.

Don't move.

- This guy.

He's upstairs.

'Sakir's on your floor.


' (Split the other two.

Check for another entrance.

) (You two, split.

) (Believe suspect located.


) 'Proceed.

Take them down.

' Roger that.

Going in.

(Beware of blue on blue.

) Strike, strike, strike! Armed police! Armed police! - Hands on the table.

- Put your hands on the table! - Where is he? Where's Sakir? Check the toilets.

Get on the floor.

Get on the floor now! Get down, quicker than that, quicker than that! Show me your hands.

Don't be bloody stupid.

Good man, Tim.

- Sakir's? - Over there.

- Mm-hmm.

Driving licence.


Must have a car outside somewhere.

Jack? What you got? Ooh What the hell is that? Is that a sickle? Could've been used to cut Benzal's tendons.

Why dump the g*n and leave that? DNA'll confirm if it's Benzal's blood.

You need to get the phone? - I'm going to check his car.

- OK.


Oh, yes.

How did you get there? Huh? Clarissa, I need CCTV from outside Sakir's club.

'Cross-reference with any police reports of a g*nsh*t in the street.

' OK.

And what's prompted this? The charred wooden fibres you found in the Baikal.

'Thank you.

' Great to see the team back together again.


Something up, Sarge? No, everything's fine.

You all did well today, and I think that deserves a celebration, don't you? - Oh, aye.

- Oh, yes.

Ten minutes.


That cut on his head.

- Is it Benzal defending himself? - No.

It's partially healed.

Probably sustained a few days ago.

Ahem Is that your g*n, Mr Sakir? I only ask cos it's got your DNA on it.

Ballistics confirm the g*n was used to do this.

It's not my g*n.

And what about Burak Nazar? Mm? Four years ago, you were sat in a room very much like this one, being questioned about his m*rder.

In fact, it's fair to say you were the only suspect.

And the similarities don't end there.









I'd say it was a full house, wouldn't you? Two for the price of one? Now, lets start with an old classic, shall we? Where were you last night? Right, take a break.

We'll let him stew, come back to it.

You need to go back in there and ask him about the Baikal.

It was taken from him the night before Benzal was shot.


That's Sakir.

Right Getting in his car.


Someone else gets in.

It's a man in Sakir's car.

There's a struggle.

Muzzle flash.

The assailant's got the Baikal.

- We don't know it's the Baikal.

- Can't see that the g*n changed hands.

- Sakir's DNA is all over the Baikal.

The dashboard sprayback is inside its barrel.

At the very least it shows Sakir was worsted in an as*ault involving the Baikal the day before someone used it to sh**t Benzal.

Doesn't prove anything.

We can't even see his face! - Can it be cleaned up? - It is cleaned up.

Think about it.

Who would have the balls to attack a man like Sakir right outside his own club? There's always bigger fish! - What, so you've absolutely no interest who that is? - It's not conclusive.

Unlike the sickle that we picked up in his club.

- He's right.

- Huh.

Oh! I know where you're going with this, Jack.

Firearms Division.

Sharpe was sniffing round Benzal's m*rder from the off.

Didn't take me long to find out why.

Well, consider Sakir, a gangster with a record a mile long, his DNA all over the m*rder w*apon, versus decorated and respected armed police.

Winner, Sakir.

What, you working for his defence? - I am trying to establish the truth.

- Oh, really?! - Get some air, Jack.

- Yeah! I don't know if they're in it together or if it's one of them working alone, but I think the Firearms Division were behind Benzal's death.

What? Why? Because he saw them sh**t Helena Lubas unarmed.

- I suppose Rachel Sharpe told you that.

- Yep.

But Benzal's testimony was almost certainly going to trigger a new inquest, except now he's dead.

- What, and that couldn't possibly be a coincidence? - No.

If he was a key witness, then wouldn't his ID have been protected? - Nikki, a police station is leakier than a sieve, you know this! - Shh! Once they hear there's a witness, it's a few calls and greased palms to find who it is.

- That's all supposition.

- They run Benzal's name, they find out about his grief with Sakir.

- Bingo-bango, the perfect fall guy! - More supposition.

- For now.

Whereas there's a wealth of evidence pointing to Sakir.

- You know the drill, if the facts don't fit the theory - They made it look like that.

- .


ditch the theory.

- I can't.

- Why not? Because I believe the theory.

- Where is he? - What time do you call this? - Oh, time for my round, is it? I think so, aye! - All right? - Yeah.

Where's Lorraine? Oh, baby-sitter problems.

I'm drinking for both of us.

Oh, Sheila, sit here.

Go on.

Oh, thanks.


Bet you're glad to be rid of him, then.

Out from under your feet.

- Not really, no.

- What he means is that we've missed him.

Did he tell you he was the hero of the hour? No.

- No, he didn't.

- Here we go! Who's the man? Oh, cheers, bruv.

Get these down you.

- Ah - Excellent, lads.

- Thank you(!) - Where's mine? - Cheers, pal.

- What? Where's mine? Oh, shit.

Sorry, two minutes No.

Don't worry, I'll get it.

- She's fine.

- Uh-huh? By the way, Sharpe's imaginary witness Oh, she's not still on about that, is she? Turned out he wasn't imaginary.

According to our old friend Cooke, just turned up.



m*rder*d? Do they know who did it? Get this the guy we took down this morning.

- What? - I could say it's good news for us, but, er that would be distasteful.

Sarge! - What's that? - Nothing.

Tonight is all about your husband getting his mojo back, eh? Finally! Tim! - Cheers, pal.

- Cheers, bruv.

Good job.

- Cheers.

- Cheers.

Oh I don't know about anyone else, but I could eat a horse! Think you might want to see this.

I've found a forensic link between the Benzal m*rder and the Helena Lubas sh**ting.

I wonder if Geoff and Lorraine had a fallout? I don't think so.

What do you talk to them about? - What do you mean? - At work.

I never know what to say to them.

Oh, just normal banter.

You know I don't recognise you when you're with them.

- What does that mean? - You just act differently.

They're a good bunch.

Geoff said that you were a hero today.

Geoff's trying to impress you.

- Tim - Wait Listen to me.

I am fine.

There is nothing to worry about.

I'm fine.

So why was your hand shaking? - It wasn't.

- It was.

Look, you could live a normal life.


You could give it up.

Do something else.

You could get a different job.

Look, you have got nothing to prove, Tim.

Prove? I have everything to prove! Everything.

You don't understand.

I chose the wrong choice and she's dead.

A young girl is dead because of me, and that's on my conscience.

- Is that how you want the world to remember me? As As a failure? - Nobody thinks that I want a second chance.

I want to prove to them that I am not a screw-up.

I'm a good copper.

Oh We found partial female DNA on the Baikal.

It correlates with partial female DNA on the g*n fired at police by Sean Dyer the day Helena Lubas died.

- It's possible it's the same female? - Probable, I'd say.

There was a female officer involved that day.

Really? This female DNA is the only link we've found between the Lubas sh**ting and the Benzal m*rder.

Two crime scenes, two g*ns, one set of DNA.

The female officer, what's her name? Jo Keating.

She's on her way.

Yes? How about we grab a cuppa in the kitchen? Do I need a solicitor? Do you think you need a solicitor? Thanks.

I want to talk to you.

About Helena Lubas.

The Helena Lubas in the school photo? Big smiles, cute ponytail? Or the one whose boyfriend shot my colleague in the face? What Dyer did or didn't do can't justify Helena's death.

No, that was her pointing a g*n at an officer.

I had a witness who said she didn't.

A witness who's now dead.

Silenced? What's your biggest fear when you walk into work in the morning? That they've run out of instant coffee? Do you go to bed every night feeling satisfied that you've made a difference, mm? Does it warm your cockles to think that you've made an impossible job that little bit more difficult? Whose idea was it to put the g*n in Helena's hand? Friend was in shock.

That leaves Monk and Ward.

And my money's on Ward.

He'll do anything for his unit.

You'll do anything for him.

It's toxic.

It's bullshit is what it is.

Ward told you to k*ll Benzal, didn't he? - And not just k*ll him.

t*rture him.

- Who's Benzal? He researched Benzal's background, found out about his run-ins with Sakir, and put you to work.

The decorated officer with three kills to her name.

But you're not as tough as you think you are.

Do you want to put that to the test? That third k*ll two years ago it took its toll, didn't it? Don't bother denying it.

It's a matter of record.

You took refuge in a bottle.

Almost lost your job.

But Ward pulled you out of the mire, didn't he? He saved you from a desk job, or worse.

- You were his.

- You are so full of shit.

This k*ll was different.


All you can think is how much you want a drink to blot it out, what you did.

What HE made you do.

We're done here.

Oh, Witchfinder General.

She's a joke, man, she's got nothing.

What's she doing here, then? Ward isn't even in.

She's here to see Jo.

Right, you need to calm down, mate.


Fortnight in Tenerife, dirty weekend with Sheila, whatever it takes.

- Hi.

- Hey.

Jack! Yes, dear? I've worked up the two partial female DNAs.

They are from the same female, but it isn't PC Keating.

- Shit.

- They have to be.

- Are you sure? - She's sure, trust me.

There's no other female involved in this case except Helena Lubis, and I'm pretty sure she didn't k*ll my witness.

So who the hell does the DNA belong to, eh? I don't know.

But if it's not Keating, I've lost my last viable lead.

God, I've k*lled myself on this case and I've got nothing to show for it.

Nothing that's going to reverse a lawful k*lling verdict, when we both know it was anything but.

Can I make a suggestion? - What? - Follow the evidence.

If the DNA isn't your firearms officer's, then whose is it? Bobby! - Did you get me anything? - Er, yeah.

Got you some crisps.

Are they cheese and onion? Right, they didn't have cheese and onion .


so I got you ketchup.

All right? Now go watch some telly.

- All right, Jo, what's up? - Sharpe was here again, asking questions.

- About what? - About the Lubas case.


And about you.

- OK.

What exactly did she want to know? She was just asking questions about what happened that day, sir.


If you get a new inquest, and I know it's a big if, can't Benzal's statement just be read out in court? The Firearm Division's lawyers will try to suppress it under grounds they can't cross-examine the witness or rebut the evidence.

Then it would be up to the coroner.

I can't take that chance.

I know you tried, Jack.

And I appreciate it.

Being wrong about Benzal doesn't mean you were wrong about Helena Lubas.

I've still got more forensics to examine, yeah? Oh, excuse me.


But with respect, sir, I asked if she wanted a lawyer and she declined.

OK, please don't do this.

Well, I can't drop it now, I'm so close! Just give me a fortnight.

OK, a week! No, how about you get in your Mercedes and go up and tell the Lubases yourself? Bastard! You're off the Lubas case? No contact with them as of now.

I've really made a mess of this, haven't I? Oh, Rachel Without me as an advocate, they'll never reopen the inquest.

No-one knows this case like me.

And I can't even tell them.

They'll think I just gave up! I'll do it.

I'll warn them.

Three Diet Cokes, please.

Leave me alone.

What? Didn't think I knew which rock you lived under? That's you all over, nowhere near as smart as you think.

- What do you want? - To offer my commiserations.

I hear your interest in my unit is officially at an end - We'll see about that.

- .


and your career won't be far behind.

- You don't know what you're talking about.

- I think I do.

Grilling my officer without a lawyer under the pretext of a friendly chat? That's a hanging offence, and I will see you swing.

Don't thr*aten me.

What you put her through was unforgivable.

Dragging up her past! She's a hero, a first class officer, and pen-pushing scum like you aren't fit to lick her boots.

So remember that when you're clearing out your desk! - Jack.

- Hi.

I don't understand.

How can they make her drop the case? She's not happy about it, believe me.

So who is speaking for us now? Who is representing us? - Helena? - I don't know.

After the lawful k*lling verdict, another inquest was always a long shot.

Not if the witness was still alive.

They m*rder*d him, didn't they? There's no evidence to suggest that.

Of course they did! He was going to tell the world that they shot my daughter unarmed, and they silenced him.

- How can this happen? How can this happen?! - Mum I'm sorry.

Bruno? Bruno?! Jack! In here.



- All right, it's OK.

- Bruno? Bruno, wait.

What are you doing? Bruno? Helena wouldn't want this.

Listen to me.

There's things we can do, people who can help.

I don't want your help.

Bruno Bruno, don't.

Bruno, don't do this! Bruno! Bruno! Cooke, it's Jack.

- 'One of the officers from the Helena Lubas sh**ting may be in danger.

' - What makes you say that? Bruno Lubas has an address, and he's armed.

Armed Response, 12 Thornton Rise, Finsbury Park.

Repeat, 12 Thornton Rise, Finsbury Park.

Now! - We're too late.

- No! NO! Oh Where is she? Not as much blood as I would have expected.

Had she been drinking from the bottle? Someone sent Bruno her address.

The last time I saw him he was driving away with a g*n.

- Was it you? - Is that why you phoned me? - Was it? - She's highly trained in self-defence.

- She's the best.

You don't just switch that off when you go home.

- Jesus Are you saying you don't think that Bruno Lubas was responsible for this? I don't know what I'm saying.

Armed police! What the hell is going on? - Sheila - What are we being protected from? We're talking about the m*rder of a police officer here!
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