03x08 - Light Duty

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Bob Hearts Abishola". Aired: September 23, 2019 – present.*
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Despite their differences, Bob falls in love with Abishola and sets his sights on getting her to give him a chance.
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03x08 - Light Duty

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously, on
"Bob Hearts Abishola"...

I am taking the day

to explore new
employment opportunities

outside of MaxDot.

I feel
I am underappreciated here,

and would like
to find a place that...

values me.

Christina has left.

Now you will need
to replace her

with someone qualified,

who has great knowledge
of the workings of the company.

That's exactly right.

I usually am.

Congratulations, Kofo.

Excuse me?

Mr. Wheeler,
you said "Kofo."

My name is "Goodwin."

I know, but Kofo came up
with the outlet store idea.

Plus, he worked with
Christina rebranding

our socks, and she left him
a glowing recommendation.

You want Kofo?

The Kofo that sleeps
in my garage?

Yes, Goodwin.
We need you down on the floor.

You're our guy.

Your floor guy.

Douglas, I need you

to process some returns.

Well, since you
asked so nicely.

It's weird not having
Kofo working with us.

It is fine.

You guys were like
Batman and Robin.


And Bob went and promoted Robin.


Was Kofo Batman
all along?

I am Batman.

We need more tape.

You should have been the one
to get the gig, if you ask me.

I did not ask you.

You've been here
longer than Kofo.

Hell, you've been
here longer than Bob.

What's it been...
20 years?


I don't know
how you do it.

People come,
and people go,

and you're always
right here.

Year after year after year.

Please, stop.

It's comforting,
really, knowing

no matter where
life takes you,

you can always come back

to this warehouse,
and snap a selfie

in front of
Mount Goodwin.

[labored breathing]

- Where do I put these?
- Put what?

Hold them
in the tunnel

so I can see
what you are referencing.

You okay?
You don't look so good.

I'm fine.

Hey, check out the new
marketing director.

- Looking good, Kofo.
- Thank you.

I hope you don't mind,

but I borrowed
your suit.

That one is my favorite.

Make sure to bury me
in it.


"Ifanla" by Sola Akingbola

Season 03 Episode 08

Episode Title: "Light Duty"
Aired on: November 29, 2021.

Sync corrections by srjanapala



What happened?

You passed out
at work.

Is it serious?

Maybe I should get
the doctor.

Oh. Tell me.


there is no easy way
to say this.

You had a...

panic att*ck.



Surely it must be something
more serious.

I'm sorry.
We ran all the tests.

Your body is fine.

The issue is...



Nigerians do not have
psychological issues.

What will I tell
my family?

I'm sure
they'll understand.

Would you understand?


Do not worry, Tiwa.

I will do the right thing
for you and the children.

What are you talking about?

God forbid,
you need a new husband,

I will be happy
to step into that role.

I will be happy
to step off a bridge

before marrying you.

Because I would always
remind you of Goodwin.

Because you would
always remind me of you.

Tiwa, hey.


I'm so sorry to see you again
under these circumstances.


Tiwa, what a lovely thing
to say about Mr. Wheeler.

Nice try, Kofo,
but I got the gist.


That one I didn't get.

Just more pleasantries.

There he is.

[overlapping chatter]


So is he gonna
be all right?

I'll tell you later.

Let him finish
lying to his wife.


Hello, Mother.

What are you doing here?
I thought you quit the family.

I did not quit the family.
I quit the business.

Same difference.

Bob asked me
to give you a ride home.

He's still at the hospital
with Goodwin.

How is Goodwin?

- He's gonna be fine.
- Good.

Because I care about the people
that work for me,

and don't betray me.

I didn't betray you.


But I did
what I had to do for myself,

and I'm so glad
because it's really paying off.

You got a job already?

Yes. I have a job...

finding a new job,
which really is a full-time job.

Got it.
You ain't working.

What are you doing?

Saving you the embarrassment
of asking.


I do not want your money.

Just take it.

- No.
- You don't have

to cash it right away,
but you'll feel better

knowing it's in your purse,
like ChapStick

or a handgun.

Okay, that makes sense.

We should do this
once a week.

Our own little supper club.

- Yeah.

That way,
we can make sure

- that you are both eating well.
- Mm-hmm.

Bob, you are looking very thin.

Oh, thank you.

I'm actually just doing
smaller portions these days.

Uh, Abishola,

a fat husband is
a happy husband.

[slurping loudly]

That no other woman wants.

So, Bob,

how is work?

Tell us tales
of socks and glory.

Well, work's a little weird
right now.

I heard Goodwin had
an att*ck of the panic.

She did not hear it
from me.

It's on Kemi's Facebook.

heard it from me.

He's having a hard time
with Kofo's promotion.

I tried to explain it
to him.

Why would you do that?

Well, because he's upset.

Why do you care?

Bob wants his employees
to like him.

Oh, Bob.

It's a family company.

I want them
to feel like family.

- And you tell them this?
- Of course.

No wonder they are
so soft and panicky.

And happy.

It is a factory.

What are you,
Willy Wonka?

Can we please
just talk about something else?

So, Abishola,

how is your work?

Oh, yesterday,

we had a three-hour mandatory

sensitivity training.

Sensitivity to what?

To each other.

The whole world has gone mad.

I'm just feeling
a little rudderless.

I mean, I know I have
a toolset, but...

sometimes I feel
like I left them out in the yard

and they got all rusty.

Does that make sense?


I've only ever had
one job in my life

and it was given to me
by my mommy

and I don't know
what I'm gonna do next.

I understand that.

When my husband d*ed
and left me nothing,

I was also... rudderless.

What did you do?

I grew a rudder.

I could not afford a caterer
for his funeral,

so I did
all the cooking myself.

And of course...

I was amazing at it.

That's nice.

He helped you find your passion

by dying
and leaving you nothing.

Well, I'm not lucky enough

to be poor
and have a dead husband.


There is only one person
who can tell you

what you should do next.


The Babalawo.

The baba-who?

He's a Yoruba priest

who ascertains
the future

through communicating
with the spirit world.

Oh, my God.

That is exactly
who I need to talk to.


[indistinct chatter]

There he is!

Welcome back, buddy.

[cheering, applause]

Hello, everyone.
I'm fine.

They were all worried
about you, Cousin.

There was nothing
to worry about.

It was just
a mild heart att*ck.

I thought
it was a panic att*ck.

Of the heart...
Are you a doctor?

- No.
- Then do not speak of this!

Back to work, everyone!

Hang on, hang on.

Now we're all thrilled
Goodwin's back,

but let his little episode
serve as a reminder

mental health matters!

Oh, dear God.

Now if any of you are feeling
too stressed,

I want you to listen
to your bodies,

and take a break so you
don't faint like Goodwin.

And while he's recovering

he's going to be
on "light duty."

Okay? I see him lift anything

over ten pounds,
it'll be your asses.

I am not wearing this.

Look, I know it's a pain,

but it's for your own good.

And insurance purposes.

I would like to be allowed
to do my job.

Well, right now
your job is to get better.

You start feeling shaky,
you take a break.

I refuse.

It wasn't really a request.

It was an order.

I refuse the order.

Come on, man,
don't be like that.

We're a family here.

What are you going to do,
put me in a timeout, Papa?

You know what? Yeah.

Grab your stuff...
You're going home!


Can I go home, Papa?

Not today.

Not today.




It is such an honor

to be in front
of a real Yoruba priest.

I am but a messenger for Ifa,
our God of wisdom.

I'm also a notary, if you have

any documents
that need guidance.

So how do we start this?

Do you need a lock of my hair?

Also, if it helps, I am

easily hypnotized.

Just take the
divination chain

and express any
questions you have

for Ifa to the Babalawo.

And I will place the chain
on the divination board

so Ifa can send his answer
back to me.

Let me show you.

Is Chukwuemeka my soul mate?


You ask this every week,
and the answer is always no.

Ask again!

Speaking in Yoruba...

Ooh! Oh, this is interesting.


He says no again.

I should just go to the Babalawo
by the airport.

He only tells you
what you want to hear.


Christina, go ahead.


Oh, holy Ifa...

...please tell me
if I made a huge mistake

quitting my job

or if I'm on the right path.

♪ Amen.

[chuckles softly]

Speaking Yoruba...

Ifa says
you cannot move forward

because something
is holding you back.

Some dark force.

Like a demon?


Is Christina possessed?

It is not in you.


But it is near you.

Is it me?

It has hair of yellow.

And the voice of a crow.

Oh, my God.

What? What?

The yellow crow is my mother.

Okay, my turn.

- Kofo.
- Oh!

Hello, Cousin.

You startled me.

I am hiding
from my wife.

Because she emasculates you
and makes you feel small?

Because I was sent home early
and I do not want her to know.

Because she emasculates you
and makes you feel small.

Just shut up!

I'm going to stay here
a little longer.

Take as much time
as you need.

As long as you don't mind me
finishing my jigsaw puzzle.

Why do you do
these stupid things?

They are very calming
after a long day.

Oh, ridiculous.

It is called
"Dogs, Dogs, Dogs."

You are good at this.

Yes, I am.

You are good at
so many things.

And just because I am better
than you at one thing,

does not take away all
the things you are good at.

Just shut up
and do the puzzle.

And thank you.


Thank you so much for helping.

If the Babalawo thinks
this will be good for you,

then I do, too.

For the record,
i-it's not

that I feel
my mother is evil,

it's more
like her hold on me is evil.

This will cover you
either way.

Oh, good.

All right,
let's do this.

Is there a chant?

It cannot hurt.

Ah, okay.


Humming "Orinoco Flow"
by Enya...

♪ Sail away, sail away

♪ Sail away

♪ Sail away, sail away,
sail... ♪

What the hell
are you doing?

A spiritual cleanse

so I can
fully embrace my future.

Oh, for crying out loud.

Actually, Mom,

since you're up.

What's that?

The check you gave me.

So I can...
♪ Sail away, sail away

♪ Sail away.

Did you put her up to this?

- No, the Babalawo did.
- Mm-hmm.

Okay, clearly I'm still asleep.

Mom, I love you, but I can't

keep doing the same stuff
and expect things to change.

I'm not taking back the check.

You need it.

Well, then, I'm just gonna
set this right here.

So this is what I get
for trying to help you.

Now you want
to cut me out of your life.

No, that's not
what I am doing.

All I ever wanted was
what's best for you.

I know that's what you think,
but it's done the opposite.

You may not want to hear this,
but I think

you turned out
pretty okay.

You do?

And I hate
that you don't see that.

Me, too.

I'm sorry
I want to take care of you,

but you're my baby girl.

And I always will be.

All right, ladies,

even though
we are on light duty,

that does not mean
we take our duties lightly.

We are the last line

of defense between this company
and a substandard sock.

So grab your stickers
and find those irregularities!

Are you gonna be
like this all day?

- Like what?
- Never mind.

What are you doing?

Admiring my cousin's spirit.

He may be broken
on the inside,

but you would
never know it.

How bad is it?

Last night, we did
a jigsaw puzzle together.

Ah, geez.

Found one!

Very good, Shirley.

I would have never spotted
that flawed gusset.

And I'm blind in one eye.

Excuse me, ladies,
can you give us a minute?

Uh, take some socks with you.


You know,

you and I are the only two

who can do every job
in this company.

Clearly not every job.

All right.

I'm sorry for the way
I handled promoting Kofo.

I should've talked to you first.


You are the boss.

You have the right
to break the hearts

of your employees.

Look, it was a tough call,

but you got to make
those decisions

when you're in charge...
You'll see.

What do you mean?

One day, I'm gonna step aside

and you're gonna be
the unfortunate soul

that has to deal with it.

You want me to be
in charge of MaxDot?


Who else can I trust
this place with, Douglas?

[both laugh]

Very funny, Mr. Wheeler.

And I am honored.

No, Goodwin.

- It's my honor.
- Ah.

So when?


When will I be taking over?

I don't know.
A few years, maybe.

I will need you
to be more specific.

And put it
in writing.


Big changes are coming,

You will see.

But do not worry.

After I come to power,

I will remember those
who stood by me.

Did you hit your head
when you fainted?

Okay, Rita is out. Shirley,
you are my new number two.

What? I said, you're my number two!

Go to lunch,
back at 2:00.


I have reconsidered.

Your future is
once again bright.


Yes, indeed!

Big changes coming.

You definitely hit your head.

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