02x20 - Dream Worriers

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Total DramaRama". Aired: September 1, 2018 –
April 15, 2023
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Series re-introduces some of the original "Total Drama" characters in an alternate universe where they are aged down from teenagers to toddlers, being taken care of by Chef Hatchet.
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02x20 - Dream Worriers

Post by bunniefuu »



Izzy: I barely made it out!

Then everything started spinning around and around.

Until it all got sucked in at once! And then--

(Cat screeches) - Duncan!

How many times have I told you, no cat-fishing!

- Awww. - (Cat screeches)

- Whoa! - (Meows)

- And then?

- Yeah! We gotta know how this dream ends!

Did the space hammer squash all those subterranean Martians?

- Did the brave fighter pilots stop the city

from being destroyed?

- Did they get the fish back into the ocean in time?

- Oh, um, well...

(Loud thuds) - (Evil cackles)

- Izzy! Come on! Finish your story!

- Uh... I can't remember.

- Urgh! Are you serious!?

- Let me try again.

(Strains) Oh, come on.

Come on brain tell me what it is...

Nope. I got nothin'.

Well, except a headache. (Pained grunt)

It's almost as bad as the time my doctor found

all those spider eggs in there.


- Duncan! You know that's cheating!

- (Cackles) (Video game sounds)

I am on fire today!

- Okay, kids! Naptime! - Phew.

Trying to remember your dreams is more tiring

than teaching French to turtles.


- (Sighs) How am I supposed to sleep

after Izzy left us hanging with those dream stories?

- I know right? - Oh I need closure!

- You guys, I'm worried Izzy has...


All: Huh?

- It's when your dreams get clogged and can't end.

- Sounds... kinda gross.

And why am I supposed to care

about some weird dream disease anyway?

- Cuz if you don't get it fixed,

your brain turns into potato soup

and leaks out your nose?


All: (Gasp) - I hate potato soup.

Luckily, there's a device at the Pseudo Science Superstore

that can help.


- (Sleepy moan)

Okay! Everyone in their dream pod!

- I don't remember volunteering.

- You gotta get in the pod

so I can insert you into Izzy's mind and fix her dreams.

- Wait, Harold, have you ever even used one of these before?

- Uhh... w-w-what?

Can't hear you over all this science!

OKAY, GOOD LUCK, see you later!


- The yard? Harold's 'dream machine'

turned out to just be some lame,

run-of-the-mill teleporter! - (Distant giggle)

- Wait. Do you guys hear that?

- (Distant giggle) - Wait. Is that... Izzy?

(All gasp)

Bridgette: We are in her dreams.

Owen, Leshawna: Whoaaaaaaaa...

(Bird chirps) - Ugh!

- Ha! A bird just flew up her nose!

- I hate when that happens. Ugh!


- (Pre-Sneeze) Ah...

- Oh no! It looks like she's gonna--

- Ah...ah!


- (Splash) Quick, you guys! Climb aboard!

- Can we trust this guy?

- I've never been lied to by a sandwich before.




- Um... hi? You feelin' okay, pal?

- I think we're safe. You guys okay?

- Sure! Great! We're on a tiny boat, in a snot ocean,

talking to a sandwich.

Couldn't be better. Pardon me a moment...

- Harold, if you can hear me! Get us outta here now!

- Harold! Harold! - I'm yelling at the sky!

(Air horn blows)

- Guys, it's me! See?

- Harold? You look just like that ham sandwich

you always eat before nap. - Weird.

I guess that's how Izzy sees me in her dreams.

I'll explain everything.

Meet me inside; it's not safe for you out here.

- Can you please hurry up and get us out of Izzy's head?

- Well, that's kinda why I'm here.

I'm afraid pulling you out isn't really an option anymore.

There was an unfortunate accident...

(Squirting, machine fizzles) (Duncan cackles)

(Whooshing) - Duncan, why?!

- It looked thirsty!

- The equipment is malfunctioning?

So you're kindaaaa... stuck.


- The only way out now is to complete your mission -

otherwise, you could be trapped in Izzy's mind forever

or at least until it turns to soup.

- I hate potato soup.

(Air horn sounds) - Hey! Snap out of it!

You can do this!

Just clear the clog and use what you find

to finish Izzy's dreams.

Here. Take this.

The Machine mapped a path through Izzy's mind.

And it looks like the clog is here;

The Brain Drain.

- How are we supposed to get there?

- Oh easy! You just- (static)


(Flames crackle)

- (Whistling)

- Sorry, guys. You're on your ownnnn!


I really wanted to eat that Sandwich,

but more importantly... WE'RE LOST IN IZZY'S DREAMS!

- Hey! Get a grip! We're not lost.

- Yeah! 'Cuz we have a map! - Oh. Right.

- According to this...

we wanna find an eject symbol?

But where are we gonna find that on a dream boat.

- Look! The same symbol!

- Press it, Owen! - WAIT!

We can't just leave this guy, can we?

Fish belong in the water.

- Ugh.

- Uh, I don't think he wants to go in.

- Guys, the map doesn't say anything about a goldfish.

So I'm hitting this thing.

(Beeping) - Whooooa!


- Is it too late to vote for NOT pressing the button?


(Plane roars) All: OOF!

- WHOA! Lucky we landed in this plane.

- Ooh! I hope they serve those tiny pretzels!

My record is eleven packs on a flight to Denver.


- It's Baby Sourguts! And he is cranky!

(Belches, flames crackle)

- Oh no you did NOT just burp at me, giant baby!

Now you're gonna get it!

(Plane roars)


(Bubble sprout) - Bubbles?

- (Roars) - We're hit!

I don't think I'm gonna be able to land this thing!

- Land?! But snack service hasn't even started yet!

- Owen! Is that all you ever think about,

you big hungry baby!

- Big Hungry baby!

That's it!

The map doesn't say stop the baby!

We have to FEED IT!

- No wait! Leshawnaaaaaaaa!


- Who keeps pretzels in the b*mb bay?

We could have been snacking this whole time!


- (Gulp) - AAAHHHH!!!



- (Gasp) I know this place.

It's the Whack-A-Martian game

that Duncan always cheats at except GINORMOUS!

- Well, let's find our way outta here.

- Why don't we just ask this guy?

(Approaching stomps)

- No time for directions! RUNNNN!

(Thwack) - (Cackles)

Time for a new high score!

(Thwack) - (Cackles)

- I knew there was a reason I hated this game!

- Quick! That one!


- Oh... we made it to the Brain Drain!

And it's clogged just like Sandwich Harold said!

Help me clear it!

(Effort grunts)

- It's stuck! - But then how are we gonna--



Uh, I don't want to alarm anyone, but...

this thing really sucks!

Ooh! Look at that jiggle!


(Items whooshing) AAAHHHH!!!

- Wait. We're back at the game?

- Of course! We cleared the clog,

but we still have to finish Izzy's dreams!

- ON IT!

- (Cackles) Time for a new high score!

- Owen, get outta there!

- (Cackles)


(Coughs) Oof!

- Alright, you guys!

Let's get all things back where they belong.

Time to get our... dream on.



(Plane roars)

- All I have left is this fishing rod and a ball of yarn.

But that doesn't make any sense. Huh?

(Reel rattles)

- We are in Izzy's dreams, remember?

(Cat screeches)

- A cat-fish?

- No wonder he didn't wanna go in the water!

- That's it! We finished Izzy's last dream!

- Then what's with that giant water fall?!

(Water whooshing) AAAHHHH!!!

Hey Guys, I finally fixed the computer,

And... whoa, good thing too!

- Hurry up and get us outta here, you Meathead!


- Sacre bleu.

- (Yawns) I feel so refreshed!

(Poof) - WE DID IT!

(All cheering)

- Good news, guys!

This time I remembered all my dreams!

- Oh, Izzy. I really don't care.

But I am ready for a nap.

(Huge belch) - Uh, guys?

We're sure we made it out of Izzy's dream, right?

- Of course we're sure.

You think I can't tell the difference

between dreams and reality?

- Oh... okay. That's good.

(People scream, sirens wail, baby burps)



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