01x06 - Mickey Goes Fishing

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse". Aired: May 5, 2006 – November 6, 2016.*
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Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Pluto, Daisy, Goofy, Pete, Clarabelle and more go on fun and educational adventures together.
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01x06 - Mickey Goes Fishing

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, everybody.
It's me, mickey mouse.

Say, you wanna come inside
my clubhouse?

Well, all right!
Let's go!

Ha! I almost forgot.

To make the clubhouse

We get to say
the magic words.

Meeska, mooska,
mickey mouse!

Say it with me.

Meeska, mooska,
mickey mouse!

♪ M-i-c-k-e-y ♪

♪ M-o-u-s-e ♪
that's me!

♪ M-i-c-k-e-y ♪

♪ M-o-u-s-e ♪

♪ It's the mickey mouse
clubhouse ♪

♪ Come inside,
it's fun inside ♪

♪ It's the mickey mouse
clubhouse ♪

Roll call!




[Ruff ruff]


Right here!

♪ It's the mickey mouse
clubhouse ♪

♪ Come inside,
it's fun inside ♪

♪ M-i-c-k-e-y ♪

♪ M-o-u-s-e ♪

[C.speakertop]captioning made possible by
abc cable networks group

Welcome to our clubhouse.


Hey! It's my pal pluto.

Say hiya, pluto.

[Ruff ruff]

Ha ha!



Hiya, mickey.

Hi, goof.
Nice hat.

Yeah, it's a safari hat...

'Cause I'm going
so-fari away!

Ha ha!

Hey, would you mind
taking care

Of my little kitten
while I'm gone?

Oh, sure.
No problem.

Here ya go.


His name is
mr. Pettibone.


[ruff ruff ruff]

Ha ha!

You're a real pal.

Have fun
little buddy.


See ya.

I almost forgot.

Mr. Pettibone only eats
big red gooey fish.

See ya later.

Ha ha!
Isn't he cute?



[Ruff ruff]

Pluto, now you be nice.

Mr. Pettibone
is our friend.

he's smaller than you.



Uh-oh. I think mr. Pettibone
is getting hungry.

Oh! The box is empty.

All the big
red gooey fish

Must have fallen out
on the way here.

[Meow meow]

Oh, no.

We've got to find some
big red gooey fish
to feed mr. Pettibone...

And fast.

Will you help us find
some big red gooey fish
to feed mr. Pettibone?

All right!
Come on, everybody.

Let's go get our
mousekatools from
the mousekadoer.


here we go!

You're a thinkin'
and a solvin'

Mouseka-me, mouseka-you,

Mouseka-me, mouseka-you,




♪ Mousekatools,
mousekatools ♪

♪ Mousekatools ♪

♪ Yeah, mousekatools ♪

Mickey: a fishing rod.


A pair of oars.

And the mystery

That's a surprise tool
that can help us later.

Look! It's toodles.

Hiya, toodles.


Toodles is gonna bring us
our mousekatools
when we need 'em.

Hot dog! Now we got
our mousekatools!

Let's go get some big red
gooey fish for mr. Pettibone.


[ruff ruff]



I wonder where
we can find big
red gooey fish.

Hello there, mickey!
Ho ho!

professor von drake.

Did I hear you say

That you are looking for
the big red gooey fish?

Mm-hmm, that's right.

Oh, boy! Ho ho!

The big red gooey fish

Are very, very,
very rare.

And I'm talking
rare over there.

You will only find them
in star lake.

Star lake, huh?

You got it!

All right.
Good luck now.

I would help,
but--ha ha--

I'm working on
my latest invention.



It's the von drake
a*t*matic backpack rocket.

See you later.

Thanks, professor.


[Meow meow meow
meow meow meow]

Mr. Pettibone is getting
really, really hungry.

We're gonna have to find
star lake...and fast.

To the toon car,

Come on!

Star lake,
here we come!

[Sighs] I think this one's
gonna need a little work.

There's a lake.

What shape is it?

A star. Right!

We made it
to star lake.

And look!

I see something
on the water.

Yellow rubber duckies.

But do you see any
big red gooey fish?


I think we're
too far away

To see the big red gooey
fish in the water.

I wonder if we have
a mousekatool

That can help us
see closer.

Everybody say,
"oh, toodles."

A fishing rod.


A pair of oars.

Or the mystery mousekatool.

What can we use
to help us see closer?

Binoculars! Right!

We got ears,
say "cheers."

Now, make binoculars
with your hands,

And let's look for
the big red gooey fish.

Are those the big
red gooey fish?

Oops. Well, they're big
gooey fish,

But they're not red.

They're yellow.

Let's keep looking.

Are those the fish
we're looking for?

Oops! Those big gooey fish
are green.

Let's keep looking.

Are those the fish
we're looking for?

Yeah! There they are.

The big red gooey fish.

What number ducky
are they under?

Ducky number 5!

Great spotting, everybody!

Now, we need to get
to ducky number 5.

Do you see anything
we can use to get to
the middle of the lake?

A boat! Right!

Come on! Let's go!



Whoa! What a--

Who goes there?



Ha ha!
Oh, hiya, pete.

Uh, how's it going, pal?

oh, it was going
great, mickey,

Until someone
woke me up!


Oh, uh, sorry about that.

Uh, but we'd like
a rowboat, please.

A rowboat, eh?

Yep! Ha ha!
We're going fishing.

Fishing, huh?

And with your little doggie
and kitty, too?

Ha ha! How nice!

But it's gonna cost ya.

Ha ha! That'll be

4 Coins for the dog,

And 2 for
the little kitty.

12 Coins altogether.

Do you have enough?
Ha ha ha!

Um, let's count and see.













12 Coins in all.

that's a lot of coins...
For me.

[Laughs slyly]

♪ The boat is gonna be
all yours ♪

♪ But only for
an hour ♪

Ha ha!

When the timer runs out
and you hear it ring,

The boat
comes back to me.

[Laughs slyly]

Thanks, pete.

That should give us
plenty of time

To catch a big red
gooey fish.


Don't count on it, pal.

[Laughs slyly]

We're counting in it,
all right,

'Cause we're really
great at counting.

[Ruff ruff ruff]


Ha ha!
Come on! Let's go!

[Pete snoring]






[Meow meow]

hey, what's going on?!

Get off of me!

Let go!

All right!
Go get your boat!

But be quiet!

After all,
I need my beauty sleep.

All right, everybody,

Let's tiptoe
to get to the boat.

You need to stand up
to tiptoe.

Come on.
Up we go.


Now tiptoe with me.

Tiptoe, tiptoe, tiptoe.

Tiptoe, tiptoe, tiptoe.

Tiptoe, tiptoe, tiptoe.

Tiptoe, tiptoe, tiptoe.

All right. We made it
to the boat.

Good tiptoeing,


Looks like we're
gonna need something
to row the boat.


Maybe we can use
a mousekatool.

Everybody whisper,
"oh, toodles."

A fishing rod.

A pair of oars.

Or the mystery mousekatool.

Hmm. Could we use a pair
of oars to row the boat?


We got ears,
whisper "cheers."

Now we're good to go.

Will you help us row
to the middle of the lake?


Put your hands out
in front of you and...







Good rowing,

The big red gooey fish
are near ducky number 5.

So, first we need to find
duckies number 1 through 4.

Now, where is
ducky number 1?

There it is.

Which ducky comes after
ducky number 1?

Ducky number 2.

Which ducky comes after
ducky number 2?

There it is.
Ducky number 3.

Which ducky comes next?

Ducky number 4.

Oh! And there it is!

Which ducky comes next?

That's it!
Ducky number 5!

And that's where
the big red
gooey fish are.

Wow! You really
know your numbers.

Pete! What happened
to your catnap?

Never mind that.

Time is running out.


Ooh! It's positively flying.


[Laughs slyly]
you better hurry it up, boys.

Ha ha ha!



[Meow meow meow]

Oh, no.

Mr. Pettibone is getting really

We better hurry
and catch a fish.

But we need
a mousekatool.

Everybody say,
"oh, toodles."

Ha ha!
Here he comes!

A fishing rod.

Or the mystery mousekatool.

What can we use to catch
the big red gooey fish?

The fishing rod!

We got ears,
say "cheers."

With our handy
fishing rod,

We can catch anything.


Mickey: mr. Pettibone only
eats big red gooey fish.

Mr. Pettibone:
[meow meow meow]

Mr. Pettibone
is really, really hungry.

So let's find the biggest
red gooey fish of all.

Which one is the biggest?

Do you see the big
red gooey fish?

There it is!

That's the biggest red
gooey fish of all.

Now, help me
reel in the fish.

Turn the handle with me,

Turn, turn, turn.

Turn, turn, turn.

Turn, turn, turn.

Oh! It's working.

Oh! We got it!

We got the biggest red
gooey fish of all.


[Ruff ruff ruff]

[Ruff ruff ruff]

Gee, thanks, everybody.

You're really strong.

Time's almost up!


[Ruff ruff]

Quick. We need
a mousekatool

To help us catch
the big red
gooey fish.

It's bouncing
all over the place.

Everybody say
"oh, toodles."

Look! We've used almost
all our mousekatools.

Oh, boy! That means
it's time for the mystery

Everybody say
"mystery mousekatool."

What's today's
mystery mousekatool?

A catcher's mitt!

A catcher's mitt will
help us catch the fish.

Hey hey! We've used
all our mousekatools.

Say "super cheers."

Ha ha! Help me
catch that fish.

Reach you're hands
high up in the air.

Reach high. Higher...

And highest of all.

Now catch the fish.
Catch it.

All right.

We caught the biggest
red gooey fish.

Good going, everybody.

[Meow meow meow meow]

Now we can feed
mr. Pettibone.

Here, kitty, kitty.

Here's the biggest red
gooey fish of all.

Just for you.

[Meow meow]

Here. Hold the big
red gooey fish out
to mr. Pettibone

And drop it
in his paws.


All right!

We fed mr. Pettibone.


Ha ha! He looks
so happy.

Thanks for helping feed
goofy's little kitty.


Ha ha!


Sorry, but time's up.

Everybody out
of the water.


Whoa! Whoa!


are you ok?

Huh? Oh, yeah.

Um, I needed
a bath anyway.

[Ducky squeaks]

Ha ha!
Come on, everybody

Let's get back
to the clubhouse.

Help us row.

Row, row, row.

Row, row, row.

[Humming conga-type tune]

♪ Hot dog ♪

[Ruff ruff]

♪ Hot dog ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog,
hot-diggity-dog ♪

♪ Now we got ears,
it's time for cheers ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog,
the problem solved ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog,
hot-diggity-dog ♪

Ha! We had a great time
fishing for big red
gooey fish today.

First, we used binoculars to
see the big red gooey fish.

yep. Yep. Gosh.

Mickey: then we used a pair
of oars to row the boat.

[ruff ruff ruff]

Mickey: we used our
handy fishing rod

To catch the big
red gooey fish.

oh, boy, oh boy!

Mickey: and we used
a catcher's mitt

To catch the big bouncing
red gooey fish.

All: hooray! Yippee!

What a hot dog day!

♪ Hot dog, hot dog,
hot-diggity-dog ♪

♪ It's a brand new day,
whatcha waiting for? ♪

♪ Get up, stretch out,
stomp on the floor ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog,
hot-diggity-dog ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog,
hot-diggity-dog ♪

♪ We're splittin' the scene,
we're full of beans ♪

♪ So long for now
from mickey mouse ♪

That's me!

♪ And the mickey mouse ♪

♪ Club ♪

♪ House ♪

See ya real soon.
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