02x27 - Pussycats Galore

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Get Smart". Aired: September 18, 1965 – May 15, 1970.*
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Series centers on bumbling secret agent Maxwell Smart (Adams), aka Agent 86, and his unnamed female partner, Agent 99 (Feldon).
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02x27 - Pussycats Galore

Post by bunniefuu »

Mr. Smart?

How did you get in here?

I slipped your landlady a dollar
and she let me in the back door.

Oh, you should have used the
front door, it's only a quarter.

- Who are you?
- I'm a pussycat.

A pussycat?

Yes, at frank
valentine's pussycat club.

Oh, yes, of course...
The private key club

Where all the waitresses
dress like pussycats.

Mr. Smart, I haven't much time,

And what I have to tell
you could be very important.

- I'll make a drink.
- I don't need a drink.

I do.

Please, mr. Smart, I have
to get back to the club.

I'm on a break and we're not
allowed to leave the premises.

- If they find out I've come to see you...
- They'll fire you.

- They'll k*ll me.
- Oh.

That'll make it rather difficult to
collect unemployment insurance.

Why don't you take it
easy? Relax, sit down

And tell me what's on your mind.

Well, I read in this
evening's paper

That dr. Herbert von solo the
austrian scientist disappeared.

That's right, von solo
was here in washington

For some top-secret meetings.

He left his hotel early yesterday
and hasn't been seen since.

Von solo was in the
pussycat club last night.

He was?

Yes, I waited on him myself.

I brought him a cocktail, and
when I returned he was gone.

Hm, that's strange.

Von solo was one of the world's
most highly-respected scientists.

He's a winner of
the nobel prize.

- It just doesn't make sense.
- What doesn't make sense?

That he would sneak out
without paying his check.

Mr. Smart, he didn't sneak out.

- I'm convinced he was taken out.
- What makes you think that?

Because of certain things that
have been going on in the club...

Strange things.

What kind of strange things?

Look, I've gotta
get back to the club.

I'll talk to you
later, all right?

Are you sure I
can't fix you a drink?

Oh no, it's against the rules...

Pussycats aren't
allowed to drink liquor.

Oh, how about a saucer of milk?

No, I must go.

Wait a minute, pussycat.

Be very careful when
you pass apartment 1c.


- They have a bulldog.
- Okay, I'll see you later.

Hello, chief? Max.

What's up, max?

Chief, dr. Herbert von solo did
not disappear. He was kidnapped.

Kidnapped? How do you know that?

- A pussycat told me.
- Don't you by chance mean a little birdie?

No, I don't, chief.
I mean a pussycat.

Max, get some sleep.

chief, a girl who works
at the pussycat club

was just here in my apartment.

She claims that von solo
was in there last night.

No, chief, she didn't give
me her name or address.

Max, if what you say is true, then
this could be extremely important.

Can you at least describe her?

Let's see now, chief.

She was a brunette, and uh,

Large brown eyes,
small upturned nose,

ripe sensuous lips,

slender but voluptuous body

And long shapely legs.

You've got to get hold
of this girl right away!

You bet your sweet life I do.

Max, get over to...

Hold on, chief.

Max, what happened? Max?!

chief, I just stuck my
head out the window

and saw two men push
that pussycat into a car

- and drive away.
- what was that crash I heard?

I forgot to open the window.

Find out anything, chief?

Yes, her name is pamela
courtney. She's an actress.

She took the job at the pussycat
club so she could meet people

- Who might further her career.
- Oh, that's too bad.

I thought that girl
could go right to the top.

Why do you say that, max?

Well 99, I couldn't help
notice that she had

That certain indefinable
something that makes a star.

You were only with her for five
minutes, when did you find that out?

When she took off her coat.

Max, we're indebted to that girl.
She opened up our eyes to something

- That we should've realized right along.
- What's that, chief?

There are pussycat
clubs located in london,

Paris and washington.

In the past few months,

Four of the free world's top
scientists have disappeared

- From those very same cities.
- You're kidding?!

i never kid. I have the
information right there...

One disappeared from
london, one from paris,

And two from right here in
washington. Know what that means?

Of course...
Washington is in the lead.

Max, I wouldn't exactly
be proud of that.

Well, it is my hometown, chief.

Couldn't this be some
kind of coincidence, chief?

I don't think so.

Believe me, 99,

This is definitely
no coincidence.

- What makes you say that, max?
- What makes me say that, chief?

We've discovered that
every one of those scientists

Visited the pussycat club
on the night he disappeared.

That's what makes me say that.

Why would brilliant,
intelligent men

Want to go to a place like that?

Well, there are
several reason, 99.

Men like that need
a place to unwind,

A change of atmosphere,
a change of scene.

But, max, there's
nothing to do there

Except look at a lot of girls
walking around half undressed.

Say, that's the best reason yet.

Chief, do you think
that frank valentine...

The owner of the pussycat
club... Is working for kaos?

That's my hunch,

We have to catch
valentine actually in the act

- Of kidnapping a scientist.
- Chief,

I wanna get
involved in this case!

- Sorry about that, chief.
- Stop!

As I was saying, chief, I
wanna be involved in this case.

max, I want you to
pose as a scientist.

That involved I don't wanna be.

On this assignment.

You'll pose as a german
husband-and-wife scientist team...

Drs. Fritz and greta braun.

Is kaos after them, chief?

- They will be.
- What do you mean?

We have a top-secret
laboratory in heidelberg

Engaged in germicidal
warfare research.

Kaos has tried
unsuccessfully to infiltrate it.

I'll let it slip out that
the program is headed up

By drs. Fritz and greta braun.

Oh, I get it, chief. Then
they'll wanna kidnap us

And t*rture us to find
out everything we know.

Since we don't know anything,
there's nothing we can tell them.

Right, so they'll
be forced to k*ll us!

Uh, you got any other
assignments, chief?

- No.
- You mean to tell me, chief,

- That we're in this thing alone?
- No, max, we've assigned

Agent charlie watkins of
control west on this case.

- Oh, good. Watkins is a good man.
- Watkins?

Isn't he the disguise
expert who makes himself up

To look like a beautiful girl?

That's right, 99,
here's his picture.

That's a fantastic disguise.

Uh, what's he posing
as on this case, chief?

We got him a job as a pussycat
in the washington club.

- He'll be your contact.
- I can't wait to see her...

Uh, him.

Here are your instructions...

You'll leave immediately onboard
a special plane for germany.

a car will pick you
up at the airport,

Take you to a back road
where you'll switch cars,

Drive back to the airport and take a
jet immediately back to washington.

- Have you got it?
- Not all of it, chief.

What part didn't you get?

The part after we
leave immediately.

I'll write it down.

- Good idea.
- Chief,

What happens after we arrive
back in washington tomorrow?

We'll check you in to a
suite at the peer gynt hotel,

Then you'll wait for
frank valentine to call

- and invite you to the pussycat club.
- right, chief.

Now I want you
to memorize these.

Your lives may depend upon it.

- What are they, chief?
- they're your biographies.

They tell where you were
born and went to school.

I know where I was born
and where I went to school.

not you, max, fritz braun.

You speak german?

Oh, fluently, chief.

Max, how's your german?

Max! Where did you learn
to speak german like that?

From watching old
movies on television.

That was from "all quiet
on the western front," chief.

- one of my favorites.
- I'll remember that.

- Lew ayres was in it.
- You'd better be on your way.

And louis wolheim
with a big helmet was...


don't forget, this is a
most hazardous assignment.

The second you
set foot in germany,

You'll be living in
constant extreme danger.

und damit gefreut.

What's he saying now, 99?


Loving it.

Doctor, could we
get a picture, please?


Could we get one of you
seated on your suitcase

- With your legs crossed?
- Yeah, I would be most happy.

I meant your wife.

Oh, of course.

Doctor, what, in your opinion,

Do you think is the
answer to world peace?

- Cameras.
- Cameras?

Yeah, cameras.

People should sh**t
pictures, not g*ns.

"People should sh**t
pictures, not g*ns."

- That's a very profound thought, doctor.
- Yeah.

This thought was given to me
by an old friend in heidelberg.

- Is he a colleague of yours?
- No,

He owns a camera shop.

Doctor, what have you been working
on in your laboratories in germany?

Ah, that is a good question.
We have been working

On two of the most
important things

For the preservation
of human life...

- Food und water.
- "Food and water."

"und und," dummkopf.

"und water."

und how to contaminate
them through germ warfare.

You will have to excuse us, but
we have had a very tiring flight.

und such a lousy movie.

I guess I know everything there
is to know about greta braun.

- How are you doing, max?
- Fine.

We've been married for 11 years
and we don't have any children.

- Good.
- Why is that good, max?

At least we don't have
to hire a babysitter.

I wonder why we don't
have any children, max?

Stop questioning the biography?

And stop calling me "max"!

From here on in we
have to look and act

And think like...

Fritz and greta
braun all the time.

Oh, ja, good good.

meine fritz, liebchen.

- What are you doing?
- My biography says

That greta absolutely
adored her husband.

Yes? Well, my biography
says that dr. Fritz braun

Was a dedicated scientist. He
thought of nothing but his work

No wonder we don't
have any children.

Hello? Oh, ja,

This is dr. Braun.
Who is this, please?

This is hans frome at the
german embassy, doctor.

We wish to welcome you
and mrs. Braun to washington.

Ah, that is very kind of you.

Look, uh, why don't
I stop by the hotel,

Introduce myself, and take
you and mrs. Braun to dinner?

Ah, yeah, that
would be very nice.

- in an hour?
- uh, yeah, we will be ready.

- auf wiedersehen.
- Auf wiedersehen.

I'm to pick them up in an hour.


But before you bring them here,

Engage them in conversation,

Question them discreetly.

Make sure they are
who they say they are.

And if they are not?!

k*ll them... Instantly.

It's a pleasure
to know you both.


Perhaps, you would
like a little "schnips."

- Schnapps.
- A schnip of schnapps?

I'll wait till we
get to the club.

- The club?
- yes.

I thought on your
first visit to washington

You would enjoy someplace
unusual and attractive,

So I took the liberty of making
reservations at the pussycat club.

Oh, ja, well, uh...
Shall we get started?

ja, why don't we get started?

We don't want to keep the
little pussycats waiting, huh?

- Come on.
- Our reservations aren't for an hour yet.

Let us sit and talk. There are so many
things I want to ask you about home.

Yeah, home home, "schweet" home.

And you are from... Cologne?


Did you attend the
university of cologne?

- Did you?
- No.

Then I did.

meine husband is modest
about his education.

He likes to make jokes.

But he was an
exceptional student.

This is so. I got all a's.

That's very unusual. They
don't give a's in germany.

I know, I got the last ones.

Well, let's go
see the pussycats.

In a minute.

Tell me, dr. Braun,

Did you perhaps know a
professor heinstock in cologne?

Ah-ha-ha, heinstock!

Of course. Who didn't know

- Old professor heinstock...
- Fritz never met him.

- Besides me?
- I studied with professor heinstock

At the university of frankfurt.
He has never taught in cologne.

Oh yes, of course.

How stupid of me.

I think perhaps we
should be on our way.

Oh, thank you.

It is a lovely place, mr. Frome.

I thought you'd
enjoy it, mrs. Braun.

If you'll excuse me, I'll see if I
can find mr. Valentine, the owner.

I know he'd be
honored to meet you.

What do you think, max?

For a guy from the german embassy
who was just trying to be nice to us

- He certainly is nosy.
- I thought so too.

Contact the chief

- And check out this frome.
- But how can we, max?

If we make a telephone call,
he's gonna get suspicious.

Hmm... I've got it... Watkins. We'll
get ahold of watkins and let him do it.

Good thinking. But, max,

All the pussycats look
alike in those outfits.

How are we gonna know
which one is charlie watkins?

It's really quite simple,

Is look over all the pussycats

And the one with the most
voluptuous figure, he's our man.

- Well?
- They are here.

They checked out?

He's a bit eccentric,
but she is convincing.

I believe they are our people.

Mmm... Good!

prepare two special cocktails
and put enough tranquilizer in them

to make sure the
brauns are cooperative

until they're safely
aboard the freighter.

miss heilman, dr. Von solo,

And now the brauns.
That makes four...

We have finally fulfilled our
quota for shipment to peking.

You, take these two
cocktails over to table seven

And be quick about it.

I'll radio the freighter
and have them send a launch

- To meet us at the dock.
- Good.

Is that for table seven, honey?

I'll take it. It's almost
time for your break.

Good evening, I'm your pussycat.

What's new, pussycat?

I make a little joke...

Hello, 86.

- Is that you, watkins?
- Uh-huh.

This is agent, 99.

- 99, This is charlie watkins.
- Hello, charlie.

Hi, there.

Better not use your own voice,
charlie. Someone might hear you.

Right, 86.


Good luck.

Yes, we're gonna need it.
Anything to report, watkins?

I've turned this
place inside out

To find a secret
passageway for them

- To smuggle out their victims.
- Did you find it?

- Finally.
- Where is it?

There's a back door in the
kitchen that leads to the alley.

The old back-door-to-
the-alley trick.

What will they think of next?

We're up against a
tough lot this time, smart.

We'd better move fast. Here's
what I want you to do, watkins.

Contact the chief and have him
run an immediate check on hans frome

Of the german embassy
here in washington.

Right away.

You know something, 99?
With pussycats like these,

I don't know why anyone
would wanna own a dog.

We'll be waiting for you at
the dock. Be there on time.

It's all arranged...
You get the brauns,

- I'll have the car meet us in the alley.
- Right.

The tranquilizer should
have worked by now.


The chief checked frome out.

There was no such person
connected with the german embassy.

He... Smart?

Oh, no.

- Hurry, get the brauns.
- How much do you think she knows?

It doesn't matter,
she won't live to talk.

Get in there.

If I get in there, I'll die!

You'll die faster
if you don't get in.


Here they are, and
most cooperative.

Excellent! Now
all we have to do is

Deliver them aboard
the freighter red star

Where heilman and
von solo are waiting.

We could set sail
for peking immediately!

Escort them to the alley
where the car is waiting.

Get in.

And now you, doctor.

All right, don't anybody
move! Stay right where you are.

- So you didn't drink your cocktail.
- No, I did not.

Who are you?

Perhaps, this will help.

I've never seen you
before in my life.

You haven't?

How about you?

Well, I just happen to be...

Maxwell smart.

Secret agent 86?

So a control agent?

Yes, and this is the end

Of your little kidnapping
operation, mr. Valentine.


Stop him, frome!

Take your hands off
the ignition, smart.

- Max, are you all right?
- Yes, I'm fine, chief.

- Good sh**ting.
- How's 99?

Oh, she's fine, chief. They
just drugged our drinks.

How come you're not drugged?

Well, I remember
reading in the biography

That dr. Braun was a teetotaler

So I made sure not
to touch that drink.

- That was very wise, max.
- Thank you, chief.

Incidentally, how did
you know we were here?

Valentine locked watkins in
the freezer; watkins found

- The hidden radio and contacted us on it.
- Good old charlie.

Uh, well, chief, I guess I deserve
a little congratulations for this.

Yes, max, you did a fine job.

- Fine job?
- Yes.

You could be a little more
enthusiastic than that, chief.

After all, I'm a hero. I
deserve a medal for this.

- A medal?!
- Yes, don't you realize what I've done?!

I've made the world safe
for german scientists.

- Are you all right, 99?
- Much better, max, thanks.

Good. How about you,
charlie? How are you feeling?

- Still thawing out.
- Good boy.

Wonderful, commander. Thank you.

That was commander
nigh, the coast guard, max.

He boarded the red scar and rescued
professor heilman and dr. Von solo.

Oh, that's great, chief.

Did they ever get that pussycat

- Who was kidnapped from my apartment?
- Yes, they got her too.

- Oh, good. How is she?
- She's in fine shape, max.

I know that, chief.
But how is she?

- Fine, max.
- Good.

Well, you've done a great job.

I'm gonna take you to dinner, and
afterwards maybe we'll go dancing.

Knock it off, smart. I
take enough ribbing.

I wasn't talking
to you, charlie.

I was talking to 99.

Of course, if you'd
like to tag along,

It's all right with me.
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