01x12 - Supernanny Family Update Special

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Supernanny". Aired: 7 July 2004 – 8 October 2008.*
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British reality television programme about parents struggling with their children's behaviour, mealtime, potty training, etc.
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01x12 - Supernanny Family Update Special

Post by bunniefuu »

Tonight, on "supernanny"...

Hiya! [ Laughs ]

Jo gets a progress report frm the families she's visited...

Rylan does not want to brush his teeth.

I am still struggling a little bit with craft time.

...and dishes out new tips whn the questions start flying.

He's always trying to manipulate his way around everything.

She's learnt how to get her way from having a temper tantrum.

So just remove the child away from the situation.

♪ Be good, be good, be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Johnny

♪ Be good, be good, be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Johnny

♪ Johnny

Jo: today I'm on my way to the gorbea household.

You may remember a couple of months ago,

I helped them with some rather challenging issues.

So I'm gonna see how they're getting on,

How things are for them,

And, at the same time, I'm gonna be checking in

On those other families that I helped, too.

So, before I arrive at the gorbeas',

Let's take a look back at one of those families.

Hi, we're the jeans famil. I'm david.

And I'm barbara.

We have daughters -- andra, who is /,

And twins jessie and leah, who just turned .

Andra gave her parents the hardest time.

Andra, stop!

She was very aggressive, confrontational...

You're hurting me!

Hey, hey.

...and a real handful of trouble for mom and dad.

[ Whines ]

Yeah, right.

Oh, dear.

There was no such thing as a peaceful mealtime

In the jeans' household.

David was constantly on edge.

Jessie, sit down.


[ Crying ]

David: andra.

Jo: once barbara gained confidence

In the techniques I taught her...

"No, that's not acceptable."

That is not acceptable.

"That is very good!" That is very good!

"Behave yourself." Behave yourself.

That was brilliant!

...she no longer felt overwhelmed

By the girls' bad behavior.

This is where you're going to be if you do that again.

Do you understand me?

And I want an apology.


With creative structure added to the girls' day,

They weren't bored and misbehaving as often.

We're absolutely going to miss jo.

It's been amazing.

It's been wonderful to have her here.

She has been very supportive.

I feel quite tearful.

Me too.

You've been a real inspiration.

Take care.

Now let's see how they've been getting on since my last visit.

Hi, jo! Hi, jo!

Hi, jo! Hi, jo!

Thanks for checking in on us.

We miss you.

And I miss you, too.

[ Laughter ]

I think the biggest change

That I have noticed in the girls since jo has left

Has been in our daily routine.

See, jo, they're sharing,

And they're not fighting over the balloons.

They're taking turns.


When we're at home, we're not in free play all day,

So that they're not bored, not getting into trouble.

Up again.

Andra: really fun.

It's really fun.

See, jo, they're playing really well together.

Supernanny is jo!

Supernanny is jo!

[ Laughs ] it's fantastic.

The routine that you provided for us is still up.

We still use it every day.

It really has revolutionized

How I get through the day with the kids.

David: when jo came along and organized everything,

It's like day and night,

Because we had no idea what we were doing.

The biggest change in our family is to sit down and enjoy a meal.

Barbara: believe it or not,

Mealtimes really are a big improvement.

[ Laughter ]

Thank you, jo.

This way, I can have dinner with my lovely family --

My three girls and my beautiful wife.

I think the biggest thing that jo gave me

Was my life back.

Oh, I feel all emotional.

I feel better now

Than I have at any point since my kids were born.

We're using a lot of your techniques still.

I do have some questions.

I am still struggling a little bit with craft time.

It's hard for me to find activities

That all three of my kids can do at the same time.

Do I always have to keep all three of them together?

If you have any suggestions, that would be great.

When it comes to the art class,

Put everything in the middle of the table

And let them decide now.

Now you have structure in your day.

It's important that the girls lead their activity.

The fact is, you've got them all together, being creative,

And that's the main thing, so keep up the good work.

All: bye, jo. We miss you.

Now the gorbeas had their fair share of challenges, too,

So let's take a look back at that.

Hello, we're the gorbea family. I'm robert.

I'm a service technician for a local phone company.

And I'm evelina,

And I'm a collection rp for the phone company.

We have three children.

Demetrius is . Meya's .

And adam is /. [ Screaming ]

Jo: adam was a very clingy child.

He was attached to evelina's hip /.

Adam, stop.

Oh, he's clinging on for dear life now.

But evelina also had a problem letting go of adam, too.

I'm almost crying. I can't handle his face.

Evelina: I don't understand why it's so hard for me.

It's something so simple.

"Here, adam. You stay there." Why is it so hard for me?

Jo: because adam was so needy, demetrius and meya felt

Like they really didn't get enough of mom's attention.

Do you get time with mommy?

Why is that?

How does that make you feel?

Putting adam to sleep was an absolute nightmare.

Want to go sleep in your bed now?no.

What we're establishing is that if adam comes out,

That he goes straight back into his crib,

Because that's where he sleeps.

[ Screaming ]

Okay, he's got me by my neck. Ow.

[ Screams ]

Jo: when it came to helping out around the house,

Robert -- he was just plain lazy.

It's the weekend,

And that means it's mr. Mom time.

What's this?

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Come on, robert, get real.

I am gonna teach you how to put a hoover over the house.

Give dad some praise

Because it wasn't easy for him today

And he broke out a hard sweat.

I actually feel good,

Like I really accomplished something.

Robert, you've gone from caveman to modern man.

[ Both laugh ]

Give us a hug. Bye, jo-jo!


I'm so excited to see mom and dad and the kids.

I really miss them.

We're here.

Coming up, on "supernanny"...

Jo has an emotional reunion with the gorbeas.

And melora is still looking for answers.

We're just wondering if you have any suggestions

On implementing the discipline technique at school.

...when "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good

That's fantastic.

[ Doorbell rings ]

Hi. Nice to see you again.

How are you?

You guys, look who's here.

Hiya! [ Laughs ]

Good to see you!


Hiya. How are you?

Adam, come here.

How are you?

[ Laughing ]

Oh, it's so good to see you all.

I was so happy to be back at the gorbeas' house,

Because I couldn't wait to see how much they'd got along

Since my last visit, especially with adam.

How's this little one been?

He's been excellent. Yeah, he's not so clingy.

He's a lot more independent

And seems like he's not bothered

When I'm in a different room

And he's keeping busy with his toys

Or his brother and sister, so, yeah.

It's been really good,

Just because I realize how much space it allows myself.

And he's just grown so much since.

It's great to see that adam isn't clinging to evelina

Like he used to.

And she's let go, as well.

Do you sleep in your bed? Yeah.

What -- all by yourself? Yeah.

[ Gasps ] give me five.

Yeah, give me a cuddle.

Evelina: our life has changed.

Adam goes to sleep on his own now,

All night long in his own bed.

He doesn't put up a fight.

Robert: we've been sharing the duties.

I bathe him, get him cleaned up,

And then I hand him off to her, and she puts him to bed.

Look at you!

You've stepped it up.

You've set a precedent now for every man.

[ Laughing ]

Jo: before I met him,

Robert used to laze around in his throne all day,

But we fixed that now.

And I'm really proud of robert,

Because he's continuing to play an active role in his family.

What's so lovely is to come back.

I know that you guys have been motivated to keep it going.

Oh, definitely.

It's completely just turned everything around for us.

I am most proud of robert's commitment to us as a family

And the fact that he carried through with this

And he's so much more helpful than before.

I'd love to show you some footage on the dvd

That I brought with me.

I thought it would be useful for evelina to take a look

At some of the footage of the other families I had visited.

She's certainly not alone with some of the issues that she had.

Let's take a look at this dvd footage

With the wischmeyer family.

They had a similar situation

To what you had with demetrius and meya,

And it was about jared.

And he felt left out, really, of his mom and dad

And how they communicated.

Hi, we're the wischmeyers.

I'm john, and this is my wife, melora.

We have three children.

Jared -- he's .

And then our twin daughters, ashlyn and alaia, are .

Jo: jared felt that he was getting blamed

For the girls' bad behavior,

And when he tried to explain himself to mom,

He just felt like he wasn't being heard.

Okay, I'm asking them nicely to leave.

No, you didn't.

It's your tone of voice, jared.

It's really important that you always tell mommy

What's going on in here.

Any time he has something that he wants to share,

Then put it into the box.

I want you to feel like you can talk to me

About anything, okay?

And that is the same situation

That you had with demetrius and meya.

Jared didn't have time with melora

Because of the girls.

Ashlyn and alaia had big attitudes.

And they would yell all the time.

They would talk back.

You know what? I don't know what to do.

Why do you have the toaster out?

Oh, my god.

[ Crying ] I have kids that are totally out of control.

Jo: and they wouldn't sleep unless it was on their terms.


[ Laughing ]

You could find yourself doing this times.

I can see that.

Once I showed melora and john

How to be consistent with the discipline...

It's getting quieter. Do you notice that?

...things got a lot better.

Melora: the bed technique is wonderful.

I think it should be handed out at birth

To every mother and dad in the world.


How's that going with adam? It saved us.

I don't have to tell him to go back in his bed,

'Cause he does not get out of bed once.


Let's see how the wischmeyers are doing now.

Hi, jo. Hi, jo. Hi, jo.

Thanks for checking in on us, jo.

We're doing fine.

[ Jared laughs ]

He almost got her there.

Things in my family since jo left has been wonderful.

Melora: life before was nuts.

I mean, I was trying to work two part-time jobs

And raise three kids and work at home.

Can you believe you're gonna be in the fifth grade?no.

She has time for us now. I can talk to her.

And I have jared's thought box that you made for him

To put all of his thoughts and ideas in

For him to talk to me about.

It's been working out well for both him and i.

I feel like jared and I are becoming very close now,

And he feels like he can come to me with anything.

What position do you think you'll play?

Pitcher, maybe.

You think? Maybe.

Quality time together. Look at them.

Jared: me and mom get to talk.

I feel like I don't have to hide anything from her anymore.

Melora: we have jo to thank for that.

The biggest chance since jo was here

Is getting the girls to go to sleep.

Good night, babe.

I hear nothing, so that's a good sign.

I do think jo's transformed me as a parent.

I think I'm a better mom. I think I'm a better listener.

Oh, the big coloring book?

And when you were here with us,

I think they were going to the naughty corner

Four or five times a day each.

Now that you've left us, since christmas,

Alaia's only been to the naughty corner one time,

And ashlyn's been to the naughty corner zero times.

So yay for the naughty technique.

It's working for us great. Thanks a lot, jo.

Jared: we're just a better family.

Hi, jo. I have a question for you.

The girls will be going to kindergarten next year,

Which will be full-time school for them,

And I was just wondering if you have any suggestions

On implementing the discipline technique at school,

If the teacher should do that

Or if that's something that I should do only in my home.

Hmm. That's a really important question

That melora's brought up here,

Because you're gonna have that situation with adam soon.

I think it's really important

That you communicate with adam's teacher.

Make sure that there's consistency

Running in your home and at school.

If adam knows there's discipline in place in his home,

And if he knows there are consequences

For his unacceptable behavior at school,

Then you're both on the same page.

And that's what you want.

Coming up on "supernanny"...

Jo gets noticed.

Aren't you the supernanny? I am.

And parents are desperate for answers.

I have a question for you.

One of our triplets goes into violent rages.

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good

So, what are you guys doing today?

We're gonna go to the park.

I'm going to take them to go and play with their cousins.

Would you like to come with us?

I'd love to come.

It's absolutely beautiful outside.

You all right, adam?

Gonna go on the slides.

Jo: when we got there, I met irene and her daughter carolyn.

Irene: she's here one second, she's gone the next.

You're in the playground having fun, and she's playing.

Of course you have to watch her to see where she is,

But every parent does.

Every parent needs to have eyes at the back of their heads

To know where their children are in the playground.

What about a temper?

She yells at me. She yells at her brother.

She yells at... Whoever...

She's learnt how to get her way from having a tantrum.

So you need to make sure you show her that you're in charge.

And the way you do that is to be consistent

With how you set expectations for her

And also how you discipline her.

That's why she thinks she's boss --

Because she says one thing and you laugh,

And then she gets away with it.

Jo: while we were playing around in the park,

Some moms and dads started to approach me

With some questions they had about their kids.

He's very smart,

And he's always trying to manipulate his way

Around everything, and he --

He just really knows how to work us,

And we just wanted to know how to beat him at his own game.

You know why he manipulates?

'Cause he can.

'Cause you allow it!

So don't look at it like a game.

He's years old. He's a bright boy.

And he just knows what buttons to push

Because he's been getting away with it so long!

It's up to you as the parent to always have a firm line

So that they know what's expected of them,

And you'll see that your children will deliver.

'Cause they want to please. That's what they want to do.

Aren't you the supernanny?

I am. Is this your little one?

This is one of my little ones.

Oh. How old?

Years old.

Years old?

I have other -year-olds.

Triplets! Oh-ho-ho! Shake my hand!

[ Laughing ]

You've got your work cut out for you.

I have a question for you.

One of our triplets goes into violent rages,

And we're just afraid that she might hurt herself

Or one of her siblings sometime.

What can we do?

She bites, hits her head on the walls.

I think it's important to -- to make sure

That you understand why she's doing it.

A lot of times it's because somebody comes up

And takes a toy from her.

She wasn't ready to give up the toy.

So what's important -- because you've got three of them,

Make sure that she has her own special toy.

Teach them how to share.

Set up games so they can learn how to play together.

Because that's what they're gonna have to do, anyway.

Because there's three of them, you know?

Jo: when dad went to chase one of the triplets,

I got a chance to talk to mom.

And he's the one who's got the bite marks all over him

Because he's the one who usually gets bitten.

Your children do need to know

That that behavior is unacceptable

Because little ones like this

End up bearing the brunt of it all.

We usually put them in time-out,

But it's like minutes later, they seem to forget that...

Well, how old are your children?

They just all turned .

So, at the moment for them,

It may be still young to grasp that concept.

So just remove the child away from the situation

That they're trying to manipulate

So that they realize, "when I behave like this and I bite,

"It means I can't play and have fun

With my brother and sister."

And be consistent with it.

Sweeties. Look at them.

Oh, yeah.

They're all sweeties,

But it's always gonna be juggling,

Finding that balance between the three of them

Because you've got your hands full, that's for sure.

Coming up on "supernanny"...

When the neighbors come knocking...

Jo's tips start rocking.

And around : a.m., He jumps out of his bed

And runs frantically for the front door.

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good

Jo: since all the children were playing nicely,

I thought it would be a good opportunity

To pull evelina aside and check in on another family.

Well, nice and peaceful.

So, how's dad been getting on with the kids?

Good, good. He's been a lot more involved.

And I can see him over there with a bucket and spades.

Mind you, it gives you a chance to breathe, doesn't it?

It means you haven't got adam clinging,

And it means that dad's taking more time out with the kids.

And they're having some of his time.

Yes, definitely.

Let's take a look at the ririe family.

Let's see what they're up to.

Hi, we're the ririe. I'm jenn...

And I'm scott.

We have children. Our daughter, selia, is .

Hallden is .

We've also got a -year-old -- blake,

And broden, our -year-old.

Jo: blake caused the most grief for mom...

Because he was always wandering off.

And it left jenn fearing for his safety.

Okay, stop! Blake! Did you see that car?

[ Sighs ]

It was a huge ordeal taking blake out in public.

Blake, this way.

Do not run.

[ Elevator bell ringing ] no, no. No!


This is not working.

So I had to teach mom how to keep him by her side.

Stop, blake! Stop!

Good job!

Mealtimes at the riries would be a disaster...

Jenn: I'd like to have us all sit down at the same time.

Chew it and swallow it, please.

Jo: ...because they'd be snacking on junk food throughout the day.

I am going to clear

The snacks that I think are absolute trash.


All gone.

How do you guys resolve your conflicted opinions

As a couple?

We really don't, do we?


So they've got a disagreement in parenting

Like robert and I did...

Trying to see eye to eye on different issues

And yet they don't come to an agreement.

Jo: let's take a look at them now.

Hi, jojo. We're the ririe family.

We just wanted to say hi.

I miss jojo.

[ Laughter ]

I don't think there are enough words to describe how happy I am

Since jo has come.

It's truly made me just a completely different person.

He was in it first.

Scott: jo empowered jenn with the authority

To tell the kids what they can and can't do,

And it's definitely helped our family.

This is your warning.

If you don't get out of this car,

You're going on the naughty circle.

One, two...

The new jenn [laughs] is in control.

Wee! Nice, blake.

She knows what she's doing,

And I'm much more confident in parenting.

[ Laughing ]

Jo, what's great about the naughty circle

Is that we don't really have to use it that much anymore.

Usually all we have to say is, "okay, blake, one more time

And you're going on the naughty circle."

And that's about it.

Are you tired?no.

[ Laughs ]

The roaming technique has been amazing for me.

Blake does extremely well with it.

You stopping? Good. Thank you.

The stop signs are great.

They keep blake in the house safe where he should be.

And he's being a great teacher to his younger brother, too.

Aren't you? Yeah!

It's given me a whole new freedom now

That I can actually take the kids out in public.

We're doing really, really well

With all the techniques that you taught us.

We've got our family routine that we follow religiously,

And it's working out really well.

The kids know when it's time for snacks,

And they're doing great at mealtime.

So I think you'd be really proud of us.

Scott: I don't see them snacking as much, especially on junk food.

So I think it's been better for their health

That they eat better food now.

Come on. Bring me your plate.

One of the amazing things that jo did for us

Was to improve my relationship with scott.

Here's our "same page," and jenn and I are still using it.

Yeah, it's working out really well.

We're taking time to discuss any issues that might come up.

Never in a million years did I think

That the impact on our family would be this dramatic.

I never thought that it would change as much as it has.

Having jo come and work with us

Has just changed our family tremendously.

I really feel like she saved us.

Broden's entering, you know, the terrible 's,

And I feel like we've just escaped those with blake,

And now broden's coming upon them.

So I would just wonder what I could do to prevent broden

From getting to where blake was.

[ Laughs ]

That's an important question.

She actually was worried and anxious

That she won't be able to enforce any form of discipline

With her younger son

Because she went through such a nightmare with blake.

And that's all about confidence.


That's something that I see shining from you now.

I'm a lot more confident. Yeah, definitely.

I carry through with what I thr*aten,

And if I tell adam he's going to go to the naughty chair,

Then if he continues, he goes.

So keep confident.

Bye, jo! Bye, jo! Bye, jo!


Jo: after a full fun day in the park,

We were finally ready to go home.

[ Doorbell rings ]

Evelina: jo, there's somebody here to see you.

Hello! Hi, how are you?

How are [laughs]

Hi! [ Laughs ]

What cat gave me away?

So I'm sure you guys are here

Because you've got questions for me, right?

I'm gonna try and answer all of your questions today, okay?

So, um, who wants to start first?

I have a question.

My name is lisa, and I have two children at home.

I'm expecting a third child.


How do I prepare my children so they don't become jealous

When I bring the other home,

Considering I have a -year-old?

I think it's important that you make sure

That you involve your other two children as much

Through the pregnancy as you can.

Because sometimes when a new baby comes on the scene,

They start worrying, "where's my place in the family?"

But also, equally, when you have had the child,

Make sure that other people around you support you

So you can give your other two children attention

So they don't feel they've got to fight for your time.

Okay, thank you so much. I appreciate it. Thank you.


Hi, my name is terri. I'm a single mom.

I have four children and work two jobs.

One of my jobs takes me away overnight as a flight attendant,

And when I come back, my children are acting out,

And I'm just wondering what I can do

To make that time of re-entry less stressful for all of us.

Who looks after them when you're away?

I have a babysitter, but in addition,

One of my children is years old.

I think it's important that you make sure

That you have a schedule that works for when you're home

And for when you're not at home

So that the co-carers, when you are away,

Are on the same page as you

So that your children get that consistency.

But also be realistic

With how much you're giving that -year-old to do.

I've got to say foremost, you need some "you" time,

Because what you do is just absolutely amazing.

Thank you.

Hi, jo. My name is diane, and I have three kids.

My question for you is regarding my youngest son.

He's recently developed the habit

Of waking up in the middle of the night around : a.m.

He jumps out of his bed

And runs frantically for the front door.

He's hysterical.

Sometimes it takes us , minutes to calm him down.

First establish wherever he's asleep

And wherever he's awake.

If he's awake, then he's got himself into a bedtime habit

That needs to be broken.

If he is asleep, and he keeps going down,

Make sure the door's bolt.

If he wakes up, then reassure him as a mother

That, you know, everything is okay.

But if you find that this is going on for months,

Then I would recommend, take him to a sleep consultant

So they can look deeper into it.

Okay, thank you.

Whilst you're all here, I would just want to say

That parenting is meant to be fun.

It's meant to be a wonderful experience in your lives.

So that is -- that's what you want to achieve.

Thank you. I'm gonna go in now.

Thank you!


Coming up on "supernanny"...

Adam's temper flares.

Hugs, cuddles.

And jo teaches the parents a lesson or two.

When adam's not feeling well,

Do I discipline him in that instance?

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good

Jo: dinner's ready.

After feeding the children,

Evelina and robert have plans to go out for dinner alone.

But adam wasn't feeling well at all.

Adam's got an ear infection.

That's why I was kind of reluctant.

I know you wouldn't normally go out because he's not well.

But the fact that you have got family looking after him

Justifies it in your own hearts.

You're only gonna be gone for a couple of hours.

I have a question, too, because when adam's not feeling well,

Of course he gets irritable, and he whines a lot,

And he doesn't want his brother and sister next to him.

Do I discipline him in that instance?

It was a good question that evelina asked me

Because many parents have the same concerns.

Can you discipline your child when they're sick?

If you find behavior from adam that is unacceptable

Because he kicks them and he pinches them

And he starts acting aggressive,

Yes, you do have to put him on the naughty chair

Because if he was truthfully sick with fever and vomiting

And having an infection, you won't get that from him.

You know what your child's like when they're poorly.

So what I'm gonna say to you is,

Go out and enjoy yourself this evening and have a good time

Because you truly do deserve it.

Oh, thank you so much.

I'm proud of you. You're doing really well.

Yeah, we're moving forward.

We've moved forward.

Look at that smile, huh?

Come and play with jojo! Come on.

Let's go and play. We'll let mommy get dressed.

See you in a minute.

As evelina was getting ready to go out for dinner,

Her relatives came over to look after the children.

By, guys. We're out of here.

You know what? Have a good time.

When they were saying their goodbyes, adam threw a fit.

It's okay.

Hugs, cuddles. Don't delay it.

And then just get up and then go, darling.

This was a big step for them,

Because in the past, adam has always been so clingy

That it's always been hard for evelina

To separate herself from him.

Tonight will be a big test for her and for adam.

[ Adam screaming ]

If he's doing that,

Just say to him, "mommy coming back soon."

And if he wants to be like that,

Then we'll come away and give him his space.

He'll come around.

Adam, I'm gonna set some toys out for you.

Adam, we're going to play some games now.

[ Crying ]

Well, you come over when you want to, okay?

What did you say? You want to do the card game?

Tell me what game you want to play. I'll play with you.

Say to him, "I can't hear you

"When you're making this noise.

You need to talk to me properly."

Adam...you need to talk to me properly, honey.

Look at me. What do you want to play, honey?

I hope mom gets to see this,

'Cause in five minutes, he calmed down.

This is so common,

That parents, when they leave to go out for the evening,

It pulls at their heartstrings because their kids are like,

"Oh, don't go! Don't go!"

And literally, look.

Adam, within five minutes, has calmed down.

I'll get the door for you.

[ Laughs ]

Robert: so, you're worried about the kids?

Yeah, I'm worried about adam mostly.

I'm wondering how he's doing. He's fine, right?

With the supernanny watching him.

He's in good hands.

"Good night, chairs. Good night, blocks.

"Good night, socks.

See you. Good night."

Good night, mouse.

Mm-hmm. Good night, snow.

Whilst the kids are winding down and getting ready for bed,

Let's take a look at another family.

Okay, hi, we're the bullard.

I'm jen, and this is bryce.

And we're here to talk about our two kids --

Brycie, who's ... And rylan who's .


Jo: the bullards had their hands full...

Running a -hour business from home.

Businesswoman now.

And jen was constantly answering the phone.

Bullard plumbing. [ Telephone rings ]

[ Chuckling ] the phone doesn't stop ringing.

Because of this,

The children were lacking the attention they needed.

So, jen, you get to eat tonight?

I do get to eat tonight [laughs] just a little later.

Okay, here we go.

[ Telephone rings ]

Bullard plumbing.

The bullards needed to get their priorities straight.

Where you see red,

It means that you need to have the phone off.

It's because they're crucial to your family.

Once we had established the schedule with the phones,

The next big issue was to get rylan asleep in his crib.

Brycie, hold on a second, please.

Rylan just does not want to go to bed at night.

Come on.

[ Cries ]

Jen and bryce,

We're gonna use the sleep-separation technique

With rylan to get him off to sleep, okay?

You keep calm...

Daddy's sleeping.

Rylan, it's time for night-night.

...and you sit down

So he can see the sight of your face,

But you're not giving him eye contact.

[ Whining ]

I honestly could not have done that without jo.

Jo: once the phones were turned off, the kids became their priority,

And jen and bryce found the balance they desperately needed.

It's been such a great experience for my whole family.

Jo: let's see how they're coming along.

Hi, jo! Hi, jo! Hi, jo!

Hi, jo!

Thanks for checking in on us.

The schedule that jo gave us has been working really well.

We've been sticking to it.

Probably my favorite part of the schedule

Is the "begin bedtime routine."

The sleep-separation technique

Has probably made the hugest impact in my household.

Good for you.

We all get so much more sleep now,

And rylan just goes to bed beautifully.

The schedule is important to our family

Because it gives us the time with our kids,

And we know that we have that time blocked out

For our children only.

The phones don't get answered, business is not done.

That is our children's time, and that's very important,

And I think it's made a huge difference in my kids.

Jen: I think bryce has gotten used to the phones, as well,

Because now, instead of turning the phones off,

We have them forwarded to his...

I just have all the calls forwarded to my cellphone now.

We still have the naughty mat, as you can see.

I know you gave us two, but we went down to one.

I just found that it was easier just to have one visual

For the kids for time-out.

It's been working awesome, and we really appreciate it.

Thank you.

With brycie and the naughty mat, it usually just takes a warning.

I really don't even recall the last time he actually had to go.


Rylan's doing a lot better.

He's not running around the kitchen anymore.

So we're really happy about his table manners now.

Go! [ Laughs ]

Her techniques don't just change you as a parent,

They really change you as a person.

Okay, throw it back.

I love supernanny's techniques.

I can't imagine life without them now.

It really worked, and we just want to say thank you.

I'd like to say thank you, too, jo.

I really appreciate everything you've done.

Brycie: we love you, jojo! We miss you!

Hi, jo. I have a question for you.

Um, rylan does not want to brush his teeth,

And I've been trying to put him on the naughty mat,

And he does go, but after the two minutes,

He still doesn't want to brush his teeth.

So at this point, I'm lost, and I don't know what to do,

And I would love it if you could help us with that.

Teeth-brushing has got to be done.

It's a life skill.

So make sure that you make it fun for the boys, okay?

Don't put rylan on the naughty mat.

Instead, encourage him to do it. Make it fun.

So play with it.

Move it around a little bit within his bedtime routine,

And good luck.

Coming up on "supernanny"...

This is for you to show...

Evelina shows her appreciation,

And jo is overwhelmed with emotion.

Oh, I feel very -- thank you.

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good

Sleep tight. Night-night.

Jo: adam's asleep. He's gone down in his crib.

It's really fantastic to see it.

Sleep tight, okay?

It was getting late, so I said my goodbyes to the kids.

When it came to demetrius, he gave me a beautiful letter,

Thanking me for helping his family.

Sorry for the sloppy writing.

"Thank you" -- that's beautiful writing.

"To keep in touch."

Aww, thank you very much. Thank you.

[ Smooches ]

All right, good night. Oh.

Now the children are all asleep,

Let's take a look at the orm family.

Hi, we're the orm family.

I'm tammy. And I'm shawn.

And we are here to talk about our three little boys --

Chandler, who's ...

Caden, who's ...

And declan, who is .

With three boys, this house was full of chaos.


Ow! [ Crying ]

Chandler would backchat his mom.

Clean up the toy room.no.


You know why I want to do it alone? 'Cause you!

Jo: caden made mealtimes a headache.

Honey, we're not having fruity pebbles for dinner.

I make him something different almost every night.

Declan would just continuously wander into the street.

The boys -- they pulled tammy in every direction.

You share with them, but they never share with me.


Get on your butt!


What did you say?

Tammy's soft approach in discipline...

[ Sighs ] caden.

Chandler, honey, don't yell at me, sweetheart.

...clashed with shawn's lack of tolerance.

No yelling, daddy, okay?okay.

Jo: once the boys realized

There would be consequences for their actions...

Explain to him why you put him in the room.

Mommy warned you not to hit your brothers.

...their behavior changed dramatically.

We're superproud of you, honey.

Shawn: that was the best dinner I think we've ever had.

Chandler: "how to be a ranger."

Good. That was very good.

Tammy: to actually see her come in here

And work wonders on our family

Was more than I could have ever hoped for.

It was an amazing experience for all of us.

Aw. Let's take a look at them now.

Hi, jo! Hi, jo!

Hi, jo! Hi, jo!

Thanks for checking in on us.

[ Laughs ]

Tammy: life has changed a lot for us since the supernanny came --

A lot more peace in the house.

I'm back, and I brought gifts!

Not the need to yell anymore,

Which was really, really a big thing for me.

I had a great time, actually.

I think more than anything, as parents,

We've come together...

I spent all my money that you gave me.

...and learned to communicate a little bit better.

The kids are actually listening, sitting down, eating.

Guys, turn off the tv. It's time for lunch.

Thank you.

Sitting at the dinner table was an important part of the day,

And it wasn't a peaceful time before jo got here,

But now it is.

Thank you, mom. You're welcome, sweetheart.

Caden eats his food.

That's a really big thing for me.

You guys eat your yogurt,

Then you get to have special lollipops that you made

'Cause they're ready.

We still buy snacks,

But we don't need to buy snacks like we used to

Because they're not eating snacks all day.

Shawn: it's been a positive experience for tammy and i.

I think it's brought us closer together as a whole family.


This here is the naughty room.

It's a really effective place for us.

The naughty room is for when we be very naughty.

Yeah, when we be very naughty.

And we sit in there for six minutes.

[ Laughs ]

There you go.

Shawn: it's changed their attitudes.

I mean, all you do is pre-warn them of it.

"If you do wrong, you're going to the naughty room.

You're going the wrong way!

Time-out was not working for us. The naughty room works for us.


I'm extremely thankful for jo's visit.

Jo was extremely helpful to us.

Not only was she a wonderful person to meet

And my kids absolutely loved her and were sad to see her go,

Um, she just left us with so much.

All: we love you, jo.

She's really good at what she does.

All: bye-bye, jo! We miss you!



Jo: hello.

It's quiet. I don't hear no kids.

When evelina and robert had come home from dinner,

They expected to hear that adam had given us a hard time.

Good. Everything went really good.

Adam didn't do a spazmo when we left?

A little bit,

But I don't even think it was five minutes, yeah.

We had a great time.

This is a good learning curve for robert and evelina.

They now know that they can go out for the evening,

And their kids will be fine.

And after all, parents need to make time for themselves.

This is for you to show our appreciation.

Aww. Can I open it now?

Evelina: sure.


Oh, I feel very -- thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you. Oh, I need a tissue now.

It looks pretty on you. [ Laughs ]

So good to see you.

You too.

Really good to see you. I'm so proud of you.

You've come far. You've come really far.

Take care.

Jo: I'm incredibly proud of the gorbea family

And the other families.

They've all come a long way

Because they put the sheer hard work into it.

I also look forward to meeting the other families out there

That need my help, too.

Thank you. Thank you. Bye. Bye.

And I can't get in!

[ Laughing ]

♪ Be good, be good, be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good, be good, be good ♪ ♪ johnny ♪
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