02x16 - Wujcik Family

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Supernanny". Aired: 7 July 2004 – 8 October 2008.*
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British reality television programme about parents struggling with their children's behaviour, mealtime, potty training, etc.
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02x16 - Wujcik Family

Post by bunniefuu »

Tonight on "supernanny"... [Doorbell rings]

Jo meets the wujcik family... Hi, carly.

Two boys who have it all... Wow, santa's workshop!

Now how do you treat your toys?

Respect has been tossed out the window.

While it's all fun and games for dad...

He gets to be the fun person.

Mom's left picking up the pieces.

I can't compete with you.


[Toni] alec, wait a second.

Can jo get these parents to work together

And gain back control?

[Jo] choose ten toys to play with...

'Cause all the rest are taken away.

Or will these boys continue

With their destructive behavior...

[Toni] you're gonna break that.

Leaving the rest of the family ducking for cover?


♪ Be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪ ♪ johnny ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪ ♪ johnny ♪

♪ Johnny ♪

Let's take a look and see who we've got here.

Hi, we're the wujciks. I'm tim. This is my wife, toni.

I'm years old, and toni's .



We have three children-- alec, who is ,

Bryce, who is , and carly, who is .

I'm an executive search consultant

Who travels quite frequently.

I'm a stay-at-home mom.

I take care of three difficult children.

Come here, come here, alec vincent. Alec, my oldest...


Has poor listening skills. [Screeching]

[Toni] no screeching, no screeching, alec vincent.

No screeching, I said.

Alec and bryce.

When both boys are in the house, it's chaos.


I have both boys screaming-- [screaming continues]

They don't know how to play together.

They don't know how to share.

My word!

Tim doesn't discipline whatsoever.


And that makes me frustrated

Because I don't have tim to back me up

When I yell and get angry.

Bryce, get down right now.

Stop it, right now. Stop, stop!

If you ask the kids,

They would choose daddy over mommy anytime,

'Cause mommy yells all the time and daddy doesn't.

This parenting isn't quite equal.

I make three different meals every night--

One for tim and i, one for alec and bryce,

And another one for carly. How many meals?

[Grunts] [toni] you're gonna break that.

Alec and bryce, wheever they're not watching,

The enjoyment for them is throwing toys, and they don't care if they break.

It's something like a -foot drop.

There are toys that have survived the balcony drop

And toys that didn't.

I find it amusing to find out which toys take the test.

No wonder why these children get away with everything.

Nothing's being taught.

Supernanny, please, I beg you.

Come to our house.

Help us get control of our kids.

Pick up the toys now! No, there's no...

Supernanny, if you come, beware of our falling objects.

You guys could do with a little help.

I'm on my way.

[Knocks on door]


Hello, how are you? Hi, pleased to meet you. Jo.

It's so nice to meet you, jo. I'm toni. You, too.

Hi, toni. Pleased to meet you. Come on in.

Hi, I'm tim. Hi, jo.hi, tim.

And who have we got here? Hi, alec. Pleased to meet you.

I'm jo jo. Bryce.

What's your name? Bryce, pleased to meet you.

And what's your sister's name?

[Boy] carly. Hello, carly.

I know you've got some issues that need to be addressed,

And we'll get to the bottom of those. But for today,

Um, let's just carry on as normal.

[Toni] yeah, we'll show jo downstairs

Where all your fun stuff is.

The first thing that toni did when I arrived

Was to show me around the house, and wow!

[Toni] this is our main playroom.

Wow! Look where jo jo is.

She's in santa's workshop.

It was unbelievable, somany toys.

So this is one of the playrooms.

We have another one up on the third floor.

This up is for the children'’s?yes.

And this is the other playroom.

All our stuff is in there with the paint.

All the paints, all the projects we do. I wanna have a look.

Look at the selection you've got here.

So what happens this time of day now for you?

We would just probably go down to the basement and play.

[Jo] on the way down to the playroom,

I got to see how the boys had fun.

Look who's talking now!


Look out!

[Alec] I'm gonna knock your head off.


So do you look after your toys?

Now how do you treat your toys?

The boys are solucky. They've got so many toys.

But I wonder if they really appreciate them?

Are we done with snack? 'Cause as soon as we're done,

We're gonna go down and play in the basement, okay?

At snack time, I got to see exactlywho was running things.

Look at me.

[Tim] now let's go downstairs and play.

I was pretty taken aback

At how bryce was ordering his parents around.

But neither tim or toni did anything about it.

[Tim] alec, are you done with your milk? Oh.

Are you done with yours, alec? Alec, look at me.

The boys are not paying attention when toni speaks.

But dad's not helping the situation either.

Now what about the situation we've just seen? Is that common,

That they just don't listen to you?

Oh, yeah, and they do their own thing.

Then I have to clean up the mess after that.

So he'll take the children downstairs,

And then... Am I correct in saying,

Then you're left to deal with that?

Yeah, he gets to be the fun person.

[Boys shouting]

I don't want to be viewed as a strong disciplinarian

When my time might be limited with them.

So I'm gonna concentrate and give % love and attention

And I'm gonna do whatever I'm gonna do

In order to make that happen.

Do you miss not being the fun person?

I kinda do. I wanna have fun with my kids

More than I'm having. I don't want to worry about cleaning up.

Tim doesn't worry about that stuff.

What he thinks is important

Is just having fun with the kids.

Which, I think that's important,

But there's other things that need to be important as well. Do you think

You're on an equal par with tim when it comes to parenting?

We're not even level whatsoever.

And that's part of our problem.

He says I need to let my guard down,

And maybe I do.

I don't know how to do it.

Tim's going to have to step up here,

Because it's really obvious toni's at her breaking point.

Coming up on...

Things get messy at dinner...

Not nice. Look at me now.

And mom throws in the towel.

I just want to give up.

I can't compete with you.

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

[Jo] later on, the kids were playing the basement...

[Tim] whoa. [Toni] you know what, sweetie?

You might need to move your toys. Thank you.

Keep the pad on the floor.

[Bryce mumbling]

Bryce decided that he wasn't in a sharing mood.

Leave this, daddy! No, carly's gonna--watch. Watch carly come down.

Watch out. [Toni] bryce, you don't need to grab it.

Okay, carly. Watch out. [Toni] bryce!


For all the toys that are in that basement,

It was ridiculous that bryce had a temper tantrum

Because he wanted to take the little crash mat.

Just listen to me. Look at me right now. [Whining]

Stop it. Let go for a second.

Let go.

[Toni] it's carly's turn, you guys.

Carly's turn to play with-- carly gets a turn.

[Bryce] don't! Daddy!

There's no need for the boys to invade on carly's space.

[Toni] you have to take turns, bryce.

[Jo] 'cause they've got toys, so why the slide?

[Tim] you have to wait your turn. [Toni] alec, wait a second.

Watch out. No wonder these kids are running amok.

There's just no discipline.

Listen, I need to go up and start dinner.

I'll call you when you're ready.

So what's cooking, mom?

Salmon for tim and i. Carly's getting pasta and corn.

And I'm still deciding what I'm making for alec and bryce.

Sometimes when they don't eat the same thing,

Like, alec will eat hot dogs. Bryce won't.

So then I usually do an extra meal.

It's very frustrating that my kids won't eat

What tim and I eat.

I do get tired of making two different meals.

My dream is that they eat what we all eat.

Have you tried giving them other food?

I gave up that battle. When I did do that,

There was always a fighting battle.

Toni's really quick to avoid confrontation with the boys.

But how could she expect them to try anything

When she doesn't suggest it?

So... As we say, you've made your bed? Yep.

Hey, alec and bryce...

Please come up, okay?

Tim, can you come down to feed carly?

Alec and bryce, put the toys down and let's go.

If you do not start, then no dessert.

Once again, the boys didn't listen to toni.

And I was beginning to see a pattern here.

After long minutes of calling everybody to dinner,

That's when the boys finally made for the table.

Take your silverware,

And now sit down and eat your food, alec.

Alec, please eat some peas. No!

Come on. Alec, I want you to try some.

You're not just taking one. Unh-unh. Absolutely not.

Bryce, bryce, bryce, you have a fork. We don't use hands.


Alec, you have a fork.

Mealtime? It's more like playtime.

Not nice, and you're not gonna get any dessert

Do you hear me? Eat the nice way.

Bryce. You know what? Look at me. Look at me now.

Not nice. Mom was just full of empty threats,

And there's just no consequences for the boys' behavior.

See this? [Toni gasps]

[Tim] towel, towel, towel.

Hold on, bryce. Wait, wait.

Just hold on one second 'cause there's a big mess here.

I've seen all that I needed to see.

I had a pretty good idea about what subjects

To discuss with the parents in the family meeting.


You're both dedicated parents,

And it is absolutely wonderful to see how

You have both embraced the whole family experience.


What I don't see is respect.

You're parents,

And your children should respect you.

And it's not happening.

Toni, you're nodding away here as I'm talking about respect.

Um, well, I agree with you %.

I think that's a big problem in our family.

I truly feel our kids don't have respect for us.

Let's talk about...

Not only the respect that I feel needs to be earned,

But also...

I didn't see any discipline yesterday.

Let's take the incident downstairs in the basement.

Plenty of toys for them to stimulate themselves

And to develop their imagination,

But yet again, you say to them,

"Please, can you get down from there?

"Carly is playing with this." And yet, they refuse.

Because it's not backed up with any consequences.

Mm-hmm. And that is important,

Because it's the part where your children recognize,

"We do have to listen."

Their respect for their toys--

Why do you think they don't respect the toys?

Every time a toy breaks, daddy fixes it,

Or we buy 'em a new one. We've always catered to them.

The message that the child gets

Is that, "every time I behave this way,

"And the impact isbroken toys, it doesn't matter."

So it's not the toys,

But it's the behavior that needs to be addressed.


What I also noticed

Was a feeling of unequal parenting.

There was circumstances

Where I clearly saw mom implement with the children

What she would like them to do, and actually,

They paid no respect to what she had to say.

And then there was a distraction

Where you took over, tim.

And what that does is undermine

What mom is trying to do with the children

At the time when she has them throughout the day.

I disagree with you, because it only happens

During lunchtime.

I don't typically go down and intervene.

Toni, this is your opportunity to be able to get off your chest

What I know you've been holding back.

Okay, I will.

Um, I get frustrated with you

When you come down when you're working upstairs,

And you play with them for a few minutes,

And then you just go upstairs and I'm left with their mess.

Talk about the impact that that has on you.

It's tough.

It wears you out.

It's not the wearing out.

It's just that you feel not appreciated.

And I feel like I'm the disciplinarian.

They view me as the mean person.

They want nothing to do with me.

My kids don't even want me to read them to bed at night.

I'd like to have fun with my kids like he does.

But somebody has to clean up the mess

And take that responsibility. And it's always me.

[Chuckles] I just want to give up sometimes.

I can't compete with you.

And I don't want to anymore.

You shouldn't have to compete.

You should be on an equal par.

Do you both want to be raising children that way?

No. It's a simple answer, no.

So what I wanna do is to be able

To bridge the gap between the pair of you.

[Tim] I thought jo's observation in regards to toni and the kids

And me supporting those efforts--i totally concur.


I wish we could change our, uh, behaviors.

I was all emotional, but it was a good emotional.

I'm very excited to start.

Are you guys up for it?

Yep. %.

Really? Okay, let's do it.

Coming up on...

Choose ten toys each...

Jo's all business in the playroom...

Because all the rest...

We're taking away.

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

[Jo] the first thing I decided to do

When I came back to the wujcik house

Is sit them down and have a family meeting.

Bryce and alec have never been given any expectations.

And that's what toni and tim are gonna have to do

If they want to make some changes.

So we're having a little family meeting.

We want to set some... Rules.

Examples! Yeah, good examples,

So listen to what mommy and daddy say when we tell you,

And then also do the things that you know are right from wrong.

No throwing toys. We don't throw.

And how about no hitting each other?

The boys listen to their father,

But they don't listen to their mother.

And toni needs as much respect as tim.

Listen to daddy. When mommy says something, let's just be supportive of it.

And her words counts, okay? You got it?

Bryce? Okay.

Go, team!

The family meeting went really well,

But toni and tim still need a technique for discipline,

So I'm going to introduce them to the naughty step.

Consistency and the fact that the pair of you

Will now use the same technique,

Will show these children that you both--

We're sharing. Yes.

But that you're both equal.okay.

So that you're supporting mom, and mom's supporting you.

My biggest concern

Is getting myself confident enough to use it.

Okay, boys,

Listen very carefully.

This is called "the appreciation technique."

Toni and tim have overindulged their children with toys.

And because of that, they don't value them at all.

So I wanted to teach the children

Value and respect for their own belongings.

Alec and bryce...

I want you to both look at all of your toys...

And I want you to choose ten toys each

To place into your box.

Because all the rest, we're taking away.

Toni and tim were quite shocked.

We're taking away all the other toys...

And we're gonna place them somewhere safe.

And when you show mommy and daddy

That you can play nicely with your toys,

Then mommy and daddy will every now and then

Give you two more toys back.

If you throw the toys that are in your box

Or hurt one another,

They're gonna be taken away and placed into this green one.

And then you'll only be left with nine.

When jo said they had to pick out ten toys each,

I was nervous and scared, because I thought,

"What are they going to do now?"

Who is going to...

Choose ten toys for their toy box?

Right. Go.

[Toni] it was funny to watch bryce.

He was just picking an odd amount of toys,

Whereas alec put a lot of thought into it.

I'm taking my time with it.

You take your time, alec. Good job.

Both of them... [Mumbles]

Okay, let's come over and have a look.

You have ten. Do you want to exchange any of them?

You sure?

All right, okay. Well, put these into your box then.

I think toni was pleasantly surprised

To see that bryce and alec handled it so well,

And picked out their ten toys to play with.

Give me five. I'm proud of you.

And now what's going to happen is,

All of the other toys are going to be taken away.

Toni was feeling that the kids would react, uh,

Violently when they see their toys go away.

And clearly that wasn't the case.

Took care of that.

These boys don't listen to toni, so it was time for me

To speak to toni about the tone of her voice.

Well, see, what you do is you yell,

And they still don't listen to you, and then you shout.

You need to be able to just instill it

And expect them to do so because you're gonna use your warnings

And your tone of voice. And when they don't listen,

You then adopt that low tone, authoritative voice.

It's about asking them to do something,

Them listening to you, and you exercising discipline,

If necessary, because they're not listening.

You know they don't listen the first time.

There's a certain amount of music to your voice.

Who would like a big chocolatepiece of cake?

Do you think they'll hear you straightaway?

But look at-- look at alec's face now.

What was I talking about, with your tongue sticking out?

Chocolate cake.

Oh, uh--

They hear. They just choose not to.

[Jo] shortly after our conversation,

Bryce and alec put toni to the test.

No running around.

Put the popsicles in the garbage. Alec and bryce!

Mom was asking the boys to throw away their popsicle wrappers,

But yet again, they didn't listen.

Right now. Come over here right now! [Screaming]

I got very frustrated. I did yell.


Listen, don't shout...

If you do not come over here right now and listen to me,

You'll be going straight into a naughty area.

If you do not come here right now,

Both of you will be going into the naughty area.

Go put it in the garbage right now, please.

[Jo] I was pleased to see that the boys

Started to listen to mom once she'd lowered her voice.

It wasn't perfect, but it was a good first step.

I'm trying to get you...

To exercise your authority here. [Boys yelling]

But when she instructed me

On how to take control of the situation,

It helped me feel more confident.

Coming up on...

[Toni] I've never given him broccoli.

There's a new item on the menu...

[Tim] here we go.

I don't like broccoli.

But are the customers biting?

When "supernanny" returns.

But first, a tip from supernanny.

Parents, if you're overwhelmed

By too many toys in the house, then this might help.

Rotate some toys and place them into a storage container

For a month.

After that month, get 'em out.

I'm telling ya, you'll be surprised

At how happy your children will be

At rediscovering their old toys again.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good ♪

Hello. Hi.

How are you boys?

I see you're playing with your toys from your box.

That basement was barren. I mean, it really was barren.

But I feel justified in using this technique with the family

Because of the way the boys used to smash up their toys

And have no respect for them.

Because all of the children have a lot of toys,

They tend to play just a few minutes,

Say, "oh, well, I'm bored with that one.

Let me move on to the next one." Right.

And what you wanna be able to do

Is to try and get the boys into focus

And rediscover this toy every time they play with it. Okay.

It looks to me like bryce and alec

Are enjoying their toys more

Than when they had hundreds to play with.

Who is ready for some fun? Me!

[Jo] I wanted to add value to bryce and alex's playtime,

So I wanted to use a creative way with their toys

To make sure that they work together and communicate.

Remember, the one who's wearing the blindfold

Cannot move unless they listen to the person who's speaking.

It's about working together, using your skills to listen,

To communicate correctly

And being able to trust your partner,

Which in this case is your brother,

Because one of you's blindfolded.

Slide down the slide.

Go around the chair. No...

Stop. Go backwards.

Good listening, bryce. Good listening.


[Toni] I really enjoyed seeing them work together as a team--

Something I hadn't seen in a long time.

[Toni] you're almost done, sweetie. You're almost done.


Give me five, bryce. Good job!

Bryce, give me five. Whoo!

Cool, alec!

Listening, taking directions and coordinating together,

Working together.

[Tim] it instills a matter of teamwork.

It's kind of a calming factor

Where they have tolisten to one another.

Go backward.

Good job, alec. Well done.


Good job! Alec, how was it?

The obstacle course was, by far,

Something I found the most eye-opening.

I wish I had the idea myself.

Give each other five. That was so cool!

Look at you, working together!

Can we do it again? Is it fun?

[Jo] when it came to mealtime,

I introduced the dinnertime technique.

And I told toni she was only going to make onemeal tonight.

What are you having tonight? [Tim] chicken and broccoli.

So that's what you guys are having tonight. Right.

And alec and bryce.

Alec normally doesn't eat vegetables whatsoever.

I've never given him broccoli.

It was ridiculous that the family

Makes two wasted meals a night,

So I wanted to expose her to some new foods.

So the key is encouragement at the table

It's letting them try a little bit... Okay.

Of what you've placed on the plate.

[Toni] tonight jo said that

I was only going to make one meal.

And we were all going to sit down and eat it.

I was very excited but also a little nervous.

There you go. Gonna be an interesting evening.

Okay, come on, you guys.

[Tim] food, please.

I don't like broccoli.

Alec, I want you to at least take one bite,

And I don't want you to spit it out.

Swallow it. Try it.

Let's see it.

Mom was very upbeat and encouraging.

And the children were very receptive.

Oh, my gosh, that is so cool.

It's fantastic.

Did you see that?

Did you eat another one? No way. [Tim] good job!

You ate another broccoli?

[Jo] amazing.

They look like mini trees, right?

[Tim] alec said he never liked broccoli.

And he ate broccoli, so shame on me for not pushing it more,

Because, clearly, he ate broccoli and more.

You did an excellent job, alec. I'm very proud of you.

Are you patting your tummy? Yeah.

Good job.

[Jo] the children loved it.

Look like you, mom and dad. Look--eating grown-up food.

Now we're getting this positive attention.

And it's like, "look at me! Look at me! I can do it again."

Oh, my word, I am absolutely loving this.

And tim and toni were absolutely gobsmacked.

[Toni] alec and bryce are more receptive

Than I could have imagined.

It was neat to see them both gobble their meals down.

Right, I'm off home now,

And I'm gonna leave you guys to implement the techniques

I've taught you guys, okay?

[Toni] I'm a little concerned.

We're definitely gonna be put to the test when she leaves.

All right, boys, let me see you sharing, okay?

[Screaming] say bye-bye, jo.

Toni, remember, compromise between the pair of you.

Okay, follow through with the discipline.

Encouragement, okay? All right, then.

And I will see you in awhile. Take care.

Take care. See you soon.

Be strong, all right? I will.

All right, take care. Bye!


Bye-bye. Thank you. Bye!

While I'm away, let's hope that toni and tim work together,

And the boys, they start listening to their mother.

Coming up on...

With jo gone... Just sit down. I urge you to sit down.

Dad ends up on his own naughty step.

And at dinner time...

You didn't even try the broccoli or the rice.no.

Mom looses her cool.

In your mouth, all of it.

Just stick it in your mouth and eat it.

When "supernanny" returns.

But first, a tip from supernanny.

Parents, do you feel like a clown,

Juggling between preparing meals and looking after little ones?

If so, here's a tip for you.

Find a cupboard, fill it up with plastic cups and bowls

So that your children can play by themselves

While you get dinner on the go.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good ♪

[Jo] now that I've left them new tricks,

Let's just see how they get on.

[Toni] you guys can help me make pretzels.

All of it? Pour it in. All of it. Pour it in.

[Jo] so nice to see you spending time with the boys. Good job. Keep it up.

Give him a couple more minutes,

And then it'll be your turn, bryce.

[Jo] toni, this is great. You're so relaxed.

You break the rest of those pretzels.

There's three more left.

[Jo] all right, that looks like fun.

Let mommy do the rest of the mixing now. We're done.

Now go downstairs.

Alec, why don't you do me a favor?

Get one small fork out, and this is one,

And then get two big forks for mommy and daddy.

I asked you--no. I said no to using those.

You don't need a knife.

You know what? We don't even need a spoon.

All I asked was please get two small forks and two big forks.

Hold on...

You know what, guys? This is my last time I'm gonna say it.

[Jo] mom, you already gave him a warning.

Why are you negotiating?

Why don't we do a sorting game? We can sort the colors.

[Jo] sorting game? Dad, what are you doing?

Mom just said put those away.

Can we pour them into the bag, please?

One quart, one bag. Do you have it all?

One fork, one knife. Good job.

[Jo] tim, you're undermining toni,

And you're giving the boys mixed messages.

I will get it for you.

Iwill get it.

I asked you to sit down.

[Jo] good, this is great to see you disciplining alec.

Can I tell you something? Listen. Listen to me.

[Jo] dad, you're being too soft.

Where's your authoritative voice? Five minutes. Thank you.

You understand?

[Jo] tim, you're rewarding him with communication.

Put him back and walk away.

Find this. I'll let you know.

Just sit there. Where'd everybody go?

All right, I'll see where he is.

[Jo] alec put you on the naughty step.

Bryce, do you want to try some fish?

You have rice and broccoli. [Jo] fantastic.

You're all sitting down for dinner.

Hey, look, toni, you only cooked one meal.

Alec, I wanna see some broccoli eaten with some rice.

I want you to eat one broccoli. No.

A baby bite.

[Jo] dad's trying to make it fun.

One bite, alec. Come on. [Jo] what about you, mom?

Alec, just... Come on.

You didn't even try the broccoli or the rice. [Tim] you try it, alec.

Come on, alec. [Jo] where's the positive reinforcement

That I saw at the last dinner?

Why can't you just take one bite of broccoli?

In your mouth. All of it.

Just stick it in your mouth and eat it.

[Jo] well, that tone definitely won't work, is it?

I'm on my way back.


Okay, let's take a look.

All the way, all the way.

Good job. Keep it up.

Give him a couple more minutes,

And then it'll be your turn, bryce.

Hey, marvelous. And praise there along the way.

See, you're allowing the boys to get involved,

Good direction, good listening, great communication.

And it creates an environment that's very peaceful.

How do you feel about that whole episode there?

It was good, because they enjoyed doing that.

And like you said, we were working together.

There weren't any arguments, so, you know what? It was fun.

Good. Dad? Yeah, it was nice to see.

Very good to see.

I said no.

All I asked was please get two small forks

And two big forks.

Why don't we do a sorting game? Who can sort the colors?

Tim, this is what happened.

You came straight in and disregarded

What toni had asked the boys to do.

It then allowed the boys to find the gap

Between the pair of you as parents.

And your old habit, tim,

Of coming in and diverting the situation

Instead of addressing it,

So your own behavior patterns allow each other

To not work together as a team.

And it creates... Confusion... A mixed message.

Yeah, exactly.

You did not listen.


Just wait there for a couple more minutes.

When you're done with the five minutes, I'll let you know.

I urge you to sit there.

Why is it difficult for you to be able

To adopt an authoritative voice with alec

When implementing discipline? You know, that's a good question.

I think the answer to that is I hate to be viewed

As the disciplinarian when I first embrace them.

So when I'm coming home from work, then all of a sudden,

I have to become, you know, the warden.

Millions of working dads have the same problem as you do.

When they come home, the last thing they want to do

Is to enforce discipline.

They've not seen 'em all day,

And the first thing they want to do

Is to be able to have fun with the kids. Absolutely.

But as long as you hold that subconsciously

On your shoulders, you're gonna carry on

Not enforcing discipline when necessary.

Make sense? Yeah, absolutely.

Alec, come on.

Let me see you eat one broccoli. No.

A baby bite. One bite, alec. Come on.

Just one bite. In your mouth. All of it.

Stick it in your mouth and eat it.

Ultimately, these boys are not doing what you want them to do,

And that's respect you and listen to you. Yeah, absolutely.

You tried chicken. You tried rice the other day.

And he tried vegetables.

And when you brought that food to the table,

You gave him a sense of pride.

He felt really pleased with himself.

You didn't come to the table at dinnertime

With the same enthusiasm or encouragement.

We want to encourage them. We want to set examples.

We want them to show them, "hey, this is a good thing.

It's not a bad thing just to try one." Right.

"Great--you tried."


[Toni] I think the dvd was definitely the catchall

Of this whole experience.

I really, really need to change.

My naughty step routine with alec was a bit dysfunctional.

If I was to rate myself on an eighth rest scale,

"C" minus.

So we're gonna work on tweaking

All of the stuff we've seen on this dvd.

So I need your sleeves rolled up

Because you're about to get your hands dirty.

Are you ready? I'm ready.

Coming up on...

Jo gives the parents a chance to reflect.

Carly, no biting.

Bryce takes a final stand.

Not talking to you! Well, you know what? That's not nice.

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

I had the rest of the day with the wujciks,

But there was certainly a few more things I needed to work on.

What I am gonna do with you both

Is a technique called voice tone technique. Okay.

We clearly want to be able to change our voice

When we're giving our children praise

And then when we're disciplining the children.

And the best way to do that is to look at your face.

When toni and tim talk to the boys,

They're all in one monotone,

And there's no inflection in their voice.

So I wanted to use the voice tone technique

With them so they could actually

Look at their facial expressions

And listen to the tone of their voices.

It takes a lot of good courage to look in that mirror and go,

"Hey! Because it seems really, really weird.

"What am I doing talking to a mirror?"

Very weird. But it's a reflection

Of exactly what your children are going to receive.

So you have to imagine this mirror--

That's your children's face.

Good job, alec. Way to go.

I'm really proud of you on how you ate your vegetables.

Good job.

Not only does your face look very, very pleased,

But at the same time, you've raised the pitch.

When we started that technique to look in the mirror,

I was very apprehensive.

And I was afraid to look at myself in the mirror.

But it really felt good to do it.

Tim, start off with discipline.

Alec, I asked you please remove your shoes

Before you walk in the house.

Where was that voice when I was gone?

Where was it?

Now it's been really brought to my attention.

I thought I was exercising a lot of vocal tone

And having enunciation-- clearly, I wasn't.

So what I'm gonna do is I wanna be able to watch.

I'm gonna come behind you, all right?

I'd like you to do discipline, praise,

And just pass the mirror to one another, all right?

Sweet job, bryce! Good use of color.

I'm really happy and proud.

Bryce, I said no hitting.

You got it, mom.


Carly, no biting.

I like it. That is fantastic!


[Jo] I don't think that toni and tim

Are gonna be nominated for an academy award this year,

But they're making progress.

The boys have made a huge mess with carly's toys.

And dad told the boys

To start helping put the toys away.

[Tim] here we go. This is a disaster area. [Toni] alec, come here.

[Jo] it's part of what we're gonna do before dinner.


Bryce is gonna help me put this stuff away.

[Screaming] no, stop. Here's what I'm expecting of you.

[Shouting indistinctly]

Listen, listen. No.

I asked for your assistance, and you're helping me.

All right, dad? Yeah?

Let's train him down, okay?

Stand up, bryce.

[Jo] dad had to give a warning and follow through.

And off bryce went to the naughty step.

Place him on the step outside and then explain why

You put him there.

You're sitting on this naughty step.

You know why you're sitting on the naughty step?

It's because you have not listened to daddy

When I asked you to come there, you got it?

I will call you when it's five minutes.

You're sitting right on the step.

Do you understand? Thank you. Let's go.

Stay five minutes.

[Jo] he did try to test those boundaries,

And he got off from the step.

Bryce, on the step. No talking, dad, to bryce.

You're communicating with him, and that's rewarding him.

Dad, for the first time, turned a corner.

He was very direct with bryce. He followed through.

He implemented the discipline correctly,

And it got the results.

Can you say you're sorry to daddy? Huh?

Can you say you're sorry?


Prior to jo's arrival, I was rationalizing

Too much with the kids and expecting too much.

My approach to discipline now is much more direct

And without compromise.

I'm giving an order. That's the end of the message.

[Toni] let's go choose what we're gonna have for dinner.

I've got shrimp, and some pasta or no pasta.

[Jo] mum did very well at reinforcing dinner tonight.

She gave them expectations at the table.

She was definitely encouraging and upbeat.

You know what I'd like to really see, though?

You using your fork--that is what I'd really like to see.

Can you use your fork? Let's see if he could.

Want more pasta.

Yeah, when you're done with the shrimp and the peas.

When you're done with the shrimp and the peas, please.

[Jo] bryce was not in a good mood,

And he continued to have that mood throughout dinnertime.

Listen, bryce. Listen. Listen, bryce.

Not talking to you! Oh, you know what? That's not nice behavior.

Bryce was backchatting dad.

Mum and dad dealt with it.

They were in control together, supporting one another,

And were able to turn out a negative situation

Into a very positive one.

That's your last warning.

You are not to talk to daddy that way.

I want you to go over there and say you're sorry.

He can't hear you.

Go say you're sorry for talking the way you did.

Tim and I were working together toward the same goal.

And it really felt pretty good.

He didn't hear you. Look how far he is.

I want you to go make eye contact. What is it, bryce?

Bryce, what are you sorry for?

For what? I didn't hear what you said.

Oh, for talking back?

Thank you for saying you're sorry, sweetie.

Tim and I were actually working together.

Honestly, I don't think it has ever happened before.

And it felt really good.

Come and give me a high five.

Another one. Give me a high five.

[Tim] the experience with jo in the house

Has been a very positive one.


What jo taught me, I will use forever.

I'm actually on my way home.

And I am leaving you guys now.

Confidence, confidence, working together,

And remember the values you're teaching here.

Thank you. You're welcome.

[Tim] the experience with jo was very enlightening.

We had a lot of fun with her. Thumbs up--thanks a lot.

[Jo] the wujcik family have made a lot of progress.

Toni and tim now work together, and the boys have discipline.

And I think, overall, the whole family

Have a better appreciation for what they have.


[Toni] I can now feel comfortable

Playing with all three kids at one time.

Oh, good job!

Aah! Ooh.

I guess I've proven to myself that I can do it.

And I really feel very optimistic.

I think you're going to like this.

I think what you need to do is just give it one try.

[Tim] the whole experience was very fun, enlightening.

I really embrace jo's comments.

You got it. Use your legs. Use your legs.

And I've learned a lot about myself in the process.

[Toni] yay!

It's clear to me

That my approach to behavior and discipline

Is going to be much more focused.

[All] yay!

[Toni] I really feel that bryce has come a long way.

I truly feel that he's starting to understand

It's not his way, that it's mom and dad's way.

[Toni] yay, bryce!

I think they work better knowing that they have boundaries.

I know over time,

It's going to help them

Feel more confident about themselves.

[Tim] it's been a tremendous amount of fun.


I just wanna thank jo for coming into our house.

I do feel she saved our family.

We're going to be a happier family.

Mom's still cooking dinner, and that's what carly saw.

She's seen mommy cooking dinner, and...

[Laughing] I've just been called out.
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