02x45 - Mark of the Spider, Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's". Aired: April 2, 2008 – March 30, 2011.*
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Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's is set in the distant future, in Neo Domino City.
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02x45 - Mark of the Spider, Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Goodwinthe time to act is now...

With every passing moment, the power of the dark signers

Is growing stronger...

You must go to the satellite sector.

All of you.

You signers are new domino city's only hope...

If you can't stop the forces of evil...

Our world will fall into the shadows...

[Thinking] I hope we're ready for this...

♪ Going fast makes me feel alive ♪

♪ My heart beats in hyper drive ♪

♪ Do you think you can win? Only if I lose ♪

♪ Just let destiny choose

♪ I can hear you breathing

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ Take a shot at me runnin' side by side ♪

♪ It's a blur as I go by

♪ I can hear you breathing

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ See the sun a-risin'

♪ Fire in the sky

♪ Greatness thrusts itself into our lives ♪

[Thinking] what did my dad do...?

You need to get to the original

Ener-d reactor in the satellite.

"Original" what now?

What's it do?

It's the source of the negative energy

That caused this dark smoke to appear.

And in a twist of fate,

It was built by yusei's father.

You seem to be in the know.

What's the whole story behind this old reactor thing?

Minathey called the incident zero reverse...

A massive energy reactor being built

By a group known as the r.r.d.

Malfunctioned and released a powerful charge

Of negative energy...

That's what separated satellite

From the mainland of domino city...

The head of the reactor research division

The one in charge of the reactor project...

Was yusei's father.

Leowoah...so if that was your dad's project,

What happened to him when it negative energied n' stuff?

Lunaunnh!... Don't be dense.

Whaddya think happened?

Leowhat, what'd I say?

Lunanothing, just-- just stop talking.

Go back a few... Why would they put

Some no one from satellite

In charge of such an important project?

Yusei and his dad were born in domino city.

So are you sayin' this satellite reject

Isn't actually a satellite reject?

I was born in the satellite, trudge!

Got a problem with that?

No, of course not...

Jackthat's right, turn around!

Say, uh...is this lightning bothering anyone else?

One strike and we're finished...

I'm thinkin' we should turn this bird around.

Our primary directive is to reach satellite!

[Thinking] she's kinda cute when she talks official-like.

Eh? Set us down near that building in the park.


Do as he says.

Blisterwho could that be?

It's yusei!

...and jack!

Ooh, look at you, jackie boy!

Hi martha... I can't believe how big you've gotten!

Well, it has been quite a while

Since I left, you know...

Do that thing you used to do...

That adorable little prince routine!


Greetings, most fairest of maidens.

May this prince kiss your hand?

[Kiss] [giggles]

You're such a sweet little boy!

[Laughing] martha, i... I can't breathe!...

Welcome back, yusei!

Wow! That's jack atlas!

I thought everyone in the satellite sector

Would be all creepy and sad...

Yeah, I know, they seem so friendly.

That's how they trick you, kids...

But they're all just liars and thieves.

Blisteryou got that right. Huh?

We're the worst kind of people imaginable.

Hey, you're--! I remember you!

Blisterheh!... How nice of you to visit

Our happy wasteland, officer.

Look--director goodwin is making me baby-sit yusei...

No way I would willingly come to this garbage dump of a--

Go away!



I cannot believe I had to come back here.

...still, if it means being near mina...

What do you want?

You're sector security, right, mister?

So what if I am?

That is so cool!

I wanna be security one day!

Do ya now?...well-- play your cards right,

N' one day you might look as good as me in this uniform.

[Both laugh]

So, martha, things sure seem quiet around here...

Marthathat's because the fog's taken everyone.

Marthayesterday, a strange black fog

Appeared out of nowhere

And descended on the downtown area of satellite,

And when it cleared, almost everyone who had been

Caught in the fog was gone...

Whaddya mean?

They vanished.

They just weren't there anymore.

Fortunately, the fog didn't come here, so we were safe,

But I'm afraid everyone else...

We haven't seen or heard from rally, t*nk,

Nervin, blitz or crow since this happened.


I'm worried that something terrible

Has happened to them.

Who are those people, yusei, are they your friends?


You're that senator's daughter, aren't you?

Yup...guilty as charged.

Yusei was telling me all about you.

You were right, yusei, she's very very pretty.

And how are you doing?

You're not still scared to fight against kalin, are you?

Not anymore.

Yuseithat earthbound immortal of his kinda scares me...

And his dark signer powers kinda scare me...

But as for me doubting whether or not

I can fight him 'cause we used to be friends...

I'm not worried anymore.

After all--my real friends are right here.

Woah, I'm not your friend.

I just came here to stop the dark signers.

Sorry, jack, but like it or not,

We have to be friends.

And our friendship is what makes us

Strong enough to take these guys on.

As for kalin... He made his choice

A long time ago.

Listen to you.

You're becoming quite a man.

So does this mean you're going to fight

The dark signers?

Well, before you head off....

You have to eat.

You can't save the world on an empty stomach.

Trudgehmmph. All that friend talk...


Who knew they had flowers on this dump of an island?

Heh!...i'll give this to mina.

Mina, my love...



Why are you staring at me?

Stop following me! Scram!

What's going on, jack? You're being grumpy...

Grumpier than usual, I mean...

Are you scared of the dark signers?

Don't be ridiculous.

Oh, I know, you're worried about that carly girl...

Um jack, I should disclose something--

I think I might have special feelings for you.

Of course you do!

But we're talking about carly right now.

Whatever happened to that girl...

It happened because of me, mina,

Carly got involved with all of this because of me.

It's my fault. I must find her.

And...about what I just said?...

Oee! Ow, ow, ow, hey!

What are you doing?!

I'm gonna start getting dinner ready.

And you're going to help.

You're putting me to work? I'm a guest!

Here, wear this...

It'll look great on you!


Alright, alright!

Oh! Ow! Don't put your finger in the soup!

What does cleaning the bathroom

Have to do with making dinner?...ouch!

Nothing! But it needed a good scrubbing.

Aaaargh... I can help you!

Huh? Oh yeah? Hey, thanks kid!

Yeah, thatta boy!

As for you, lady...

Do you treat all your guests this way?

Hasn't being active and helping someone else

Taken your mind off things, officer trudge? Eh?

The best way to deal with a broken heart

Is to stop dwelling, get outta your head,

And make yourself useful.

You see, here in satellite,

We've had to become very good at finding ways

To cope with sadness and loss.

Take taka, for example,

When he was younger he lost his home to a fire.

But he was so grateful for the security officers

Who did everything they could to help...

He never forgot their kindness.

He decided he wanted to grow up

And become a sector security officer himself...

That's how he deals with his sadness--

By trying to be helpful.

So that's why he keeps following me around...

But martha-- the rules say that

People from the satellite sector

Can't become security.

In this crazy world of ours, nothing is impossible...

Don't you think so?

Takaone down! Huh?

[Thinking] I hope she's right because we're going to need

All the security we can get.

Taka, jon, mitch, girlsthis looks great!



This is delicious, isn't it!?

Yeah, it's awesome!

The cool guy from security whipped it up for us!

Doh! Well, uh...

Thanks, mister, it's so good!

Yeah, thanks!


Eh... [Gulping]

It's too spicy!...


[Both laugh]

Hey kids, if we're able to win this next battle...

Goodwin's gonna finish the bridge

That connects the satellite to new domino city.

That bridge will bring people together.

It'll signal the beginning of a new era.

Where you guys can grow up to become anything.

I sure hope you're right! [Boys chuckling]

[Thinking] if they win this w*r and society does change,

Taka might be able to become security...

And I might be worthy of her...




What was that?

Is everyone okay?

[Roman laughs]

Who are you?

What do you want with us? [Laughs]

Sorry to interrupt your dinner...

My name is roman.

And I bear the mark of the spider.

Yuseithe mark of the spider...

Just like in the vision we saw...

I heard that we had signers visiting...

I thought I'd come welcome you.

Of course--we dark signers

Have only one way of saying "hello."

Bring it on, bub!

No!...we can't duel here,

It's not safe.

Everyone'll get swallowed up if he summons an immortal.

I'll try to lead him away.

You look after martha and the kids.

If you want a duel roman--follow me!

Lead the way, friend.

I'm coming with you.

Hey--don't lag behind.

We're coming!...

Alright, men-- that roman is a bad guy,

He took crow and everyone else.

Let's go help yusei defeat him!

Yeah! Yeah!

Come on-- it's time to begin.

Bothlet's duel!

...it's time to begin.


Oh no...

[Thinking] it looks like the only way out of this

Is if yusei can out duel this dark signer.


The duel has started.

I'm scared...

Come on, everyone, in here.

But taka's not with us...

Neither are jon and mitch.

Where are they!? [Gasp]



Trudgei'm on it!

The first move's mine-- I draw!

I summon shield wing in defense mode!

And with that I end my turn.

Interesting... My move!

I'm activating the spider web field spell!

This could get sticky.

You have no idea!

Now I activate the dark tuner spider cocoon!

And the reason I'm able to summon this monster

Is because my field is empty

And you have one monster in play!

With that done, I'm summoning dark spider!

Now until the end of my turn...

Dark spider can harness

The power of the shadows in its web

And grant the power to an insect monster on my field.

Which means spider cocoon's level grows in power...

And now spider cocoon will return the favor

By giving dark spider a tune-up!

When the shadows are devoured by even darker shadows,

The curtain pulls back and reveals...

A world without light!

Come forth!

Underground arachnid!

Oh great, another insect duel...

It's a good thing that spider's not strong enough

To crawl past my shield wing.

Who says that I want it to crawl past anything yusei?

I just plan on taking your shield wing for my own!

Go twine thread!

Does this mean shield wing's on your field?!

That's right, you see once a turn,

Underground arachnid can use

One of the monsters on your field as an equip card

To gain more power.

And now that you have nothing to protect you,

Underground arachnid can attack!

Oh no, that thing wiped out

More than half his life points.

This is bad...

I'm placing one card facedown and ending my turn.

Your move...

Let's go up here... Follow me.

It's my turn now... I draw!

I summon the tuner monster-- road synchron!

Next, I activate the one for one spell card!

So by sending one monster in my hand to the graveyard,

I can use one for one

To summon a weaker monster from my hand!

Not only that-- but when I have

A faceup tuner monster on my field...

I can instantly summon quillbolt hedgehog

From my graveyard!

So with those monsters on his field...

I bet yusei's got a plan to squash that spider.

Next I activate tuning supporter's ability!

When it's used to synchro summon...

It can act as a level monster.

That can only mean...

That I'm tuning road synchron

With my quillbolt hedgehog and tuning supporter

In order to synchro summon...road fighter!

Let's rev it up!

Duel runner computerroad fighter is a synchro monster

That lets you summon a level one or level two monster

From your deck once per turn.

, Attack points!

Now that's how we signers like t' do things!


Since I used tuning supporter

To synchro summon just now,

I can activate its special ability...

Time to brawl!

Road fighter crush his underground arachnid!

Go lightning claw!

You did it!

What just happened??

Underground arachnid used your shield wing

In order to save itself from your attack.

And now, due to the effect

Of the spider web field spell,

Road fighter is forced into defense mode...

And it's stuck that way until your next turn.

If underground arachnid manages

To weave its web around your monster on my next turn,

Then your field will be empty, yusei.

And when you take my direct attack,

You will dance the dance of doom.

Thing is?...i don't dance.

I activate road fighter's ability!

Once a turn, I can use its power

To summon a level or monster from my deck!

So I'm summoning-- turbo booster!

This one's for you, rally...

Now I activate turbo booster's ability!

By releasing this card...

I can pound underground arachnid into the dirt!

Go--twin fists of fury!

He did it.

This dark signer has nothing on yusei...

Jonover there!

Hey, yusei!


Oh dear...what are they doing here!?

Don't come any closer, don't touch that barrier...


It's too late for your friends!

I summon altar of the bound deity!

Now once a turn during my standby phase--

For every monster on the field in defense mode,

The altar gains one earthbound immortal counter.

When all of the altar's counter flames have been lit...

The bound deity will grant me the power

To summon one earthbound immortal from my deck!

Oh no!

Earthbound immortals, those are the big ones, right?

The ones that absorb the essence of anyone

That comes in contact with that purple mist?

This was a mistake!


[Thinking] jon... Mitch...taka...

Man...where are those guys?...

I totally lost 'em...

I sense a few more rats have snuck in...

That's too bad for them since

The only way to end this duel at this point...

Is for one of us to suffer defeat.

[Thinking] I can't lose this battle,

I have to figure out a way to stop him

Before he summons an earthbound immortal...

That's the only way I can save those kids.
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